Voice of Reason | By : Ace1984 Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 66274 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I do not make any money or profit from this story |
Potter Manor (fifth week of Summer Term)
Harry lounged on the sofa, surrounded by his girls. He reflected on their summer so far. They had all enjoyed their vacation in France. Harry had discovered that Potter Villa, was only a few minutes walk from Fleur and her family. Harry and Hermione had to do this best to make out it was their first meeting. Fleur had then invited them to meet her parents, and they had all sat down to dinner. Harry discovered that his parents were good friends with the Delacour , and he and his girls vowed that they would continue their friendship.
After they had returned back, Harry found that a certain young blonde would just not leave him alone. He had cursed himself, agreeing to Astoria staying with them at Potter Manor for the rest of the summer, it all started the week they got back.
Flash Back
Harry stood in the shower, washing all the grim and sweat off his body, from the previous day. He stood under the shower head, and allowed the warm water to wash all over him. Suddenly he heard the bathroom door unlock. He smiled thinking it was Daphne or Hermione wanting to surprise him, he looked through the steamed glass, and could see, a head of blonde hair, but the rest of the body was distorted due to the shower glass. He watched as pieces of clothing were thrown to the floor. He came to the conclusion that it was Daphne, getting ready to come in. Harry sighed and leaned back against the wall. It wasn't uncommon for him to share a shower with Daphne or Hermione, so he just relaxed. However as the door opened, a huge cloud of steam obstructed him, from seeing anyone. It was then he felt someone grab him downstairs. Harry stiffened a bit, as a small hand wrapped around is now rising cock. Harry tried to see through the steam, but all he could see was a head of blonde hair kneeling. He hissed as his cock, was slowly inserted into a warm opening. He could feel Daphne tongue swirling around the tip of his head, as he was engulfed that much deeper. Harry reached down and held her head in place, as she sucked him off. Harry could feel himself ready to explode. He hissed through gritted teeth. "Daph i'm about to cum." obviously Daphne was ignoring him, as he felt her suck harder, she also started to play with his balls, increasing Harry's pleasure ten times over. Suddenly he exploded into her mouth. He heard the sound of swallowing before his eyes widened at the voice.
"That was really nice Harry."
Turning off the shower Harry looked down into the smiling face of Astoria, not Daphne. He froze, before gathering himself, he knew Astoria had turned fourteen only a few days ago. He looked down at her small form, her breast was a nice b cup like her sister, his eyes tracked downwards, until he saw her little wet pussy, hairless just the way he like it.
"Astoria, we talked about this. You're not ready for stuff like this."
That was the wrong think to say, has Harry discovered that the Greengrass temper ran in the family. Astoria stood up naked in front of Harry who gulped as he looked into the once sweet innocent face, now though he was worried, as her sapphire eyes glared at him, Her arms across her chest. Harry gulped and prepared for the outburst.
"Listen here Harry! You don't tell me when I'm ready. It#s my choice. I want you so badly, that I don't care what you think. I'm ready. Or didn't I prove that when you thought I was Daphne. You said when I turned fourteen we would get more physical, well here's a news flash Harry. I turned fourteen three days ago, so now I want my reward. You!"
Harry sighed, "Fine I will try to be a bit more hands on with you in the future, but I don't want to cross the boundary of full sex until your in at least your fourth year. We can do other stuff, but nothing involving this in there understood."
Astoria huffed, the nodded defeated. Harry feel sorry for her, he so badly wanted to do stuff with her, but then he thought that he was eighteen trapped in a fourteen years old body. Astoria was fourteen in real life, and he was scared he would cause serious damage. In the end he decided he would cheer her up. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.
To say Astoria was shocked was an understatement, however she returned the kiss with passion. You gasped into Harry mouth, as she felt his fingers trail down her back, and gently cupped her to small bum cheeks, pulling her further into his embrace. Astoria moaned as she felt Harry run his hands up and down her smooth body. She felt his hand go lower, until she pulled from the kiss and moved to his ear, she bit it gently as for the first time in her life, she felt someone other then herself run small circle over her little nib. She instantly parted her legs a little, giving Harry permission to explore further, she wasn't disappointed, as she felt her pussy lips parted, as he slipped a finger into her now wet pussy.
Harry slowly worked his finger inside her. It was clear, she was very tight, and could take no more then two fingers. He was right to hold off from anything serious, as he would more then likely split her in two. He curled his finger upwards, and felt a small bump, he smiled as he heard Astoria moan even more, and knew he had found her g spot. While his finger was inside, his thumb was on the outside rubbing her nib, causing her pussy to contract around his finger. He knew she had cum, by her back arching, as well as the sticky nectar now covering his finger. He pulled it out and put in his mouth. He wasn't surprised that she tasted like Daphne. He leaned down into her ear.
"How was that?"
Astoria was still very sensitive and huffed and moaned as she slowly opened her eyes, and looked into the emerald eyes of her husband to be. "It was the best Harry. Thank you."
After that, it seems she thought she could have him, when ever she wanted. Harry sighed, he was just thankful that he had only three girls, however it could have been five, had he not turned down Lord Declaour. Harry thought back to that conversation.
Flash back
Harry sat in a seat in Lord Delacoure study. He had been asked to wait here, as Lord Delacour wanted to have a word with him, about something of great importance. He turned to the door and saw Lord Delacour walk in and close the door behind him. Harry stood up only to be gestured to seat down again. Harry sat patiently as Lord Delacour took a seat opposite him.
"Thank you for waiting Harry."
Harry bowed his head in acknowledgement. "No Problem Lord Delacour, can i ask why though you wish to see me, especially on my own."
Lord Delacour smiled. "Just as curious as your mother Harry, and please none of this lord rubbish, were friends after all. My name is Edgard. The reason I asked you to stay beyond was to get your opinion on being married to two witches and contracted to a third."
Harry was surprised at this question, but decided to answer It anyway. "I enjoy my wives company very much, plus as we are all part of a soul-bond then there is no jealousy involved. Both girls of course have there faults, but we all do. Daphne especially as helped me greatly in integrating into the pure-blood society. As you are know doubt aware being a Lord of Three Most Noble Ancient houses means I am extremely powerful in our Ministry, not only that but being the Heir of the Peverell line, who were the original founders of the Ministry of Magic, gives me a huge say in how it is ran. If it hadn't been for Daphne then I wouldn't have a clue how my titles could influence the British Ministry.
We have already cleared out the followers of the late Dark Lord, most of his followers were sent through the veil. As for Hermione, well we have been best friends since our first year at Hogwarts. Where Daphne is Politically in tuned, Hermione, is more academically in tuned and has been a great help in keeping me on top of all my studies, as well as my other duties. Astoria is a recent addition. It was only cause my God father stepped down from his mantle as Lord black, that I had to take another wife for the Line of the Black family."
Edgard eyes widened, he didn't envy the young Lord, in fact he felt sorry for him, he was hoping that Harry could find it in his heart to take on his two daughter, true he had no other lines to head, so if anything his two daughters would become consorts. Edgard worried deeply about his two daughter, knowing that both were quarter Veela. He knew that most of the magical community saw them as nothing but creatures, and a good shag due to their nature. He didn't want that for his daughter, he regretted not sorting this out when the Potter were alive.
"Harry do you know what a Veela is?"
Harry nodded. "Yes Veela's are a species who search for their true mate and are highly sexual in their ways about doing it. They are looked down upon as many as they see them as a dark creature. Personally I have no problem with other species." Harry could sense where this was heading and he didn't like it one bit."
Edgard carried on. "Well both my daughters are a Quarter Veela and as such, both will be a huge target for those who just want to take advantage of their nature. I was wondering if you was willing to create a contract taking both as your Consorts. At least I would know that they were save and in a loving family, something I have always wanted for my two daughters."
Harry shook his head, he had guessed correctly. He felt sorry for Edgard but knew that Bill would make a fine companion for Fleur, as Gabrielle was concerned, Harry was going to make sure this time, that no human hostages were going to be taken beneath the lake. He had learned recently, how close he had become to being involved in a Veela life-debt. It wasn't a pleasant experience especially for the Veela involved. "Edgard I am honoured you feel that I could provide your daughters with the love they need. But I must decline. Three are more then enough for me, and I couldn't imagine taking on fourth, let a known a fifth."
Edgard smiled. "Well there was no harm in asking, but my offer will remain open, if you decide to change your mind in the future."
End of flash back
Harry looked up at the clock, they were all waiting for Sirius and Remus, as they were all going to attend the Qudditch world cup final. Harry had a terrible feeling that history was going to repeat itself. Even if most of his follower had been sent through the veil, he knew he still had support, and the Qudditch world cup would be a perfect staging ground for them to make an appearance and put the fear back into the wizarding world. Harry looked to the fire place as it glowed green and his God father and Remus stepped out looking rather tanned and a hell a lot more healthier then they had been after Hogwarts had finished. He got off the sofa, disturbing a sleeping Astoria on his lap. Once free from Astoria's head, he moved to embrace his God father in a huge hug. He stepped back and smiled. "Looking good Sirius, I see your holiday as had a positive effect on you."
Sirius nodded. "Indeed, Remus and I had a lovely time with Narcissa in one of the many black villa's. Thanks again for that." Harry waved it off. "Please you were the last Lord Black, so I am pleased you enjoyed the villa, and hope you have many more good holidays there. I take you have your tent ready for the world cup, the minister had sent us a port-key, that would take us all straight there."
Remus stepped forward, pulling a small package from his pocket. "All here Harry, got this little baby at a good deal." Due to Remus condition he had to have his own tent. Which contained a suitable cage for him to be held in as, the full moon was due the next day. Sirius had agreed to share it with him, like they had done when James had been alive.
Harry nodded then led them over to his girls. Once everyone had hugged and chatted a little, Harry noticed the piece of robe glow. "Its time." Everyone gathered around the piece of rope and touched it. Suddenly the all vanished.
Unknown Location
Harry and his girls, fell in a huge heap. He stood up and shook the cob webs from his head. "That's it, if it is the last thing I do on this earth, I will create a different way to travel then apparating and bloody Port-key."
The girls stood up and all nodded in agreement. Sirius and Remus were laughing their heads off, which just infuriated Harry more. "Its not bloody funny. Port-keys are a death trap waiting to happen."
He looked down at his robes and groaned as they were covered in mud. Snapping his wand into his hand he waved it over himself, and used a simple cleaning spell, to get rid of the mud. He then waved his wand over his three girls and watched as the mud vanished from their robes as well. Harry was to busy sorting out his girls, when he heard Sirius growl under his breath. Wondering what had bought it on, he turned to see two figures walking towards them. One had slick black hair, and a tiny moustache under his nose, Harry groaned at meeting this idiot again. After all Crouch Snr was the one who put Sirius within Azkaban, without even a trial. He looked to the other figure and groaned. His day just got worse, as another one of Harry least favourite people was walking beside Crouch. Ludo Bagman, Harry shuddered as he remember the man from his fourth year, for some reason he had shown an un-healthy interest in him. Harry was going to make sure that didn't happen again. He was pulled from his thoughts by a deep voice.
Harry was groaning. Surely he couldn't be serious, the amount time they had crossed path in the Ministry. Harry tried to hold is anger in cheek, at the basic disrespect this moron was showing to his Houses and Vessels. "The name Crouch is Lord Harry James Peverell-Black-Potter and heir to the four founders."
Crouch looked up, and nodded before looking down his list. "Pitch two right next to Minister Fudge's tent."
Harry was doing his best to stop himself from shredding the arse from limb to limb. Who the hell did he think he was dismissing him like that. Harry was planning to save Crouch from losing his life this time, but screw that now.
"That all well and good Mr Crouch, but what of my Godfather and Remus Lupin. Where are they staying?"
Crouch again looked down the list, "Lupin, Lupin ah here we are, Oh I see. According to this, because of your condition you have to be kept separate from the rest of the camp. You have been assigned Patch of land a mile away from the rest of the camp."
Harry eyes Flashed. "Now listen here, he will be pitched next to us, he has brought his own tent with a specially designed cage in it, so that he can change in a controlled environment. If you have a problem with that Crouch, then send the Minister my way. Or are you forgetting I carry the Peverell name, who were the founders of the Ministry in the first place."
Crouch face, went red, he didn't care who this kid was, after all that's what he was a kid, and a kid should show some respect to their elders. "Now listen here Mi Lord." The sarcasm in the tone of voice was evident. "I am in charge of safety at this event, so what I say goes." Harry smirked "Safety, well you did a fine job of imprisoning an innocent man and allowing a murderer to live 12 years as a rat, you didn't even offer him a trial, you judged on what you saw, just like your judging Mr lupin now cause of his condition. So I will say it again. He pitches next to us, got it."
Crouch looked at the young Lord, before shouting. "Fine, but if anything happens, then its on your head. Come on Bagman, I see some more guest arriving."
Crouch and Bagman, left Harry to find his own way to his pitch, he guessed It would be right near the stadium. They past rows and rows of tents, and saw many Witches and Wizards, Harry could see the camp was arranged by nationality, personally Harry didn't like this as it was implying, that no one should mix. Harry thought back to what Crouch had said, regarding Safety. He laughed to himself, well that explained how so many death eaters were able to slip under the radar in the last time-line. They arrived at the first rows and noticed Switcher/Fudge standing out side on of the tents, talking to a lot of Reporter and other ministers. They turned down the row and spotted pitch two. He looked at the tent next to them and frowned, removing his wand, he waved across the other tent and moved it along a little, allowing a perfect spot for Lupin to set up his tent.
Remus shook is head. "Harry you didn't need to do that, but I am grateful all the same." Harry turned to his Uncle Lupin. "Your family, family should be together."
With those last words he walked into his tent with his three girls following just behind him. Or he thought it was a tent, until he walked into a huge room. It was ten times the size of the tent they used for the Horcrux hunt. He took a quick look around, before spotting one of the rooms labelled 'Master Bedroom'. He opened the door to find a huge room, with a huge king size four poster bed. Harry could see all four of them would be nice a comfy in it. Astoria had taken to sharing their bed since what happened between the two of them. He un-shrunk their trunks and turned to hear a soft pop. Harry drew his wand, but soon placed it in his holster, as he spotted a small elf, dressed in clean pillowcase.
"Is there anything ,master be needing. Humpty is honoured to serve the great Harry Potter, and his Ladies."
Harry smiled at the manners of the little elf. "That's very kind of you to ask Humpty, but we seems to be ok at present."
Humpty bowed before popping away. Harry sighed thanking his lucky stars that Hermione had not seen that, although she was beginning to understand more about house elves, she still didn't like that they were slaves. He turned to shoved on the bed, by a giggling Astoria. Harry tried to sit up, but found his chest pinned as Astoria had her legs, either side of his chest, holding him down.
"Astoria, we have just got here, besides where's Hermione and Daphne." He was trying to figure out an excuse to get out of this situation.
Astoria smirked, then removed his wand and waved it, levitating his arms onto the head board, and using a simple sticking charm,to make them stay there. "They have gone to see mum and dad, who are few rows over, so we have all the time in the world." Harry was trying to find a way out, when he heard a female voice, that he had not heard for nearly six months.
"Go with it Harry. The fates have decided to speed up her development a lot faster, so that she won't feel left out and get jealous of Hermione and Daphne.
Harry gritted his teeth, then sighed. "Ok Astoria, but you know the rule, Harry Jnr, doesn't go inside of you until at least fourth year understand?"
He hoped by being a bit firmer, then she would calm down a little, however he was stunned to have his mouth covered by hers. The kiss started slow at first, but soon grew more heated. Astoria pulled away then got off the bed. She stood at the bottom of the bed and made sure Harry could see her clearly. She smirked and slowly started to remove her clothes piece by piece.
Harry laid there mesmerized at Astoria slowly doing a striptease for him. He had never seen anything so sexy in his life. Watching her discard clothes piece by piece, was beginning to cause a certain part of his body to grow and swell in size. Astoria smirked at his reaction, before giving the innocent shock look, by raising her eyebrows and using her hand to cover her open mouth.
"Oh may, did I do that, is Harry Jnr, excited to see my small firm body."
Harry hissed as he felt his boxers getting tighter by every second. He prayed that Astoria would release him soon, before be burst through his trousers. "Tory please, release me?"
Astoria walked up to the bed swaying her hips a little, she crawled onto the bed, just in her bra and thong. She hovered her head over the now raising bulge appearing in Harry's trousers, and licked her lips. She used her hands to undo his trouser button, and pulled his trouser down and off, revealing a pair of black silk boxers with a green basilisk coiled on either side. Astoria grinned even more, she had had a set of underwear made and designed to represent each of the four founders, these pairs were her favourite, as the basilisk yellow eyes flashed while slivering all over the fabric. She rubbed her hand over his covered cock, and grinned at the hissing she was hearing from Harry. Deciding he had suffered enough, she pulled them right off, releasing his trapped erection, which sprung up right in front of her face. She wrapped her small hands around his cock. And poked her tongue out, so just the tip brushed up and down his shaft.
Harry hissed, he wished he could use his arms and to rip of the rest of Astoria's clothes and have his way with her, cause what she was doing to him, was frustrating but pleasurable at the same time. He closed his eyes as he felt his cock, enveloped by something warm and wet. He could feel Astoria swirling her tongue over the head of his now engulfed cock. He opened his eyes to see a head of blonde hair, bob up and down on his cock. He laid his back and closed his eyes again. After a five minutes or so, he felt his cock, getting bigger and began to swell, signalling he was ready to explode. He hissed through gritted teeth. "Tory, I'm about to cum..." Is words were cut off as he felt his cock being sucked harder and faster, soon he groaned as he cum deep inside her mouth. He looked down to see Astoria, pulling his cock out of her mouth, a stray dribble of Cum glazed her bottom lip.
"Hmm you taste good Harry. Look you made my thong all wet." She pulled off her underwear and crawled up on to Harry, dragging her cum glazed pussy all the way up his body, leaving a trial of glistening cum. She straddled his face and sat up hovering her pussy lips over his now wet lips.
"Does my Harry want to suck my little pussy? Does he want to poke his big tongue inside of me, and stretch me to the Max?"
Harry nodded his head, as at the moment his mouth was watering. Astoria lower herself onto his mouth. He smiled and began to lick and suck, causing Astoria to pull off her bra and hold onto her breast as he carried on eating her sweet pussy. He used his tongue to part her lips before poking his tongue inside of her for the first time. He licked and slurped as her sweet nectar glazed his tongue. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He hissed, sending the vibration up her cum filled centre. He felt her squirm and she was soon exploding all over his tongue again and again. As soon as he had taken every last drop of her cum, he noticed the sticking charm was no longer in effect. He reached up and lifted her pussy of his mouth.
Astoria moaned as she could no longer feel Harry's tongue inside of her, she climbed off him, and laid down next to him. She rolled into his arms and kissed him passionately, before resting her head on his chest and drifting off to sleep. Harry sighed and wrapped his arm further around her, he then used his wand to cause the covers to float up and cover both them. Harry then drifted off to sleep.
At the bedroom door two witches were facing each other, one dropped a few coins into the other ones hand.
"Ok Daphne you won. Astoria did pounce on him." Daphne grinned at her sister wife.
"Astoria always gets her way, and I mean always."
Following Day
Harry woke up to being covered left, right and centre by his three girls. Daphne had decided to occupy his left arm, while Hermione laid in the other, little Astoria was laid on top of him, with her resting on his bare chest, he sighed and was about to close his eyes again, when he heard the minister voice echo through the camp.
"Good Morning to all, hope you all had a pleasant sleep, just to remind everyone, the Qudditch cup final between Ireland and Belgium will start at 2pm sharp. So please everyone with tickets, could you be in your seats or the stands by no later then 1:45pm."
Harry groaned as the message was then replayed in all the other languages. He tried to get out of bed to use the bathroom, but suddenly found himself face to face with a pair of sapphire blue eyes and cheeky grin.
"Going somewhere on future husband of mine." Harry smiled back.
"I would like to use the bathroom, so could you please jump off." Astoria shook her head.
"No you have to kiss me first."
Harry sighed then sat up and pulled Astoria onto his lap. He then kissed her tenderly on the lips.
"There happy?" Astoria grinned then got off, however before he could climb out of bed he his arms was grabbed by Hermione and Daphne.
"What about us Harry, don't we get a morning kiss?" Harry groaned then kissed Hermione and Daphne before legging it to the bathroom.
The rest of the day went smoothly. Harry did a quick tempus spell and saw it was 1:20. "Come on girls we have to get going, were in the Minister box remember, so we have to make a good impression."
Harry turned to see all three of his girls dressed and ready. They were each wearing their house robes, while he wear his heads robe, with all three family crests showing. As they walked towards the stadium, they noticed they were all getting weird looks from some of the other witches and wizards, the looks continued right up to having their tickets checked. Harry climbed the stairs like he did in the last time-line towards the centre red box. As he entered several aurors intercepting him.
"Sorry this box is reserved for Minister guests only."
Harry raised his eyebrows "If I was you I would step aside, I was invited by the Minister personally, or don't you know who I am."
The auror looked down at the robes the young Lord was wearing and paled, there above is left side was the Potter, Black and Peverell crest gleaming. The auror quickly lowered there heads.
"Our apologies Lord Peverell-Black-Potter. Please go right ahead."
Harry nodded and brushed past the aurors, he looked to the seats he saw the house elf Winky, guarding a chair. Harry grinned and thought to himself.
"You wait till I see you later, I'm going to leave a nice mark. For you to remember me by."
He had been working on a sort of branding spell, to mark his enemy. He got the idea from watching a muggle movie called Zorro. He had crafted the spell to leave a lightning bolt scar. That was permanent and could not be hidden by glamour, however he wasn't sure about poly-juice potion, so that's why he thought that Barty Crouch Jnr would be his first victim. He was pulled from his thoughts by the Minister.
"Lord Peverell-Black-Potter, ladies. I welcome you to the Quidditch world cup. Please take your seats and enjoy the opening ceremony."
Harry and his girls took there seats, the match was just as exciting as before, Harry again admired Krum seeking skills, he missed Qudditch deeply, but knew it was not right for him to fly for the school team, as he was Lord Hogwarts and should remain neutral, setting an example for all the other houses to follow. The match ended with Krum catching the snitch, like before. However Ireland still one 170-160.
Later that night
Harry was pacing back and fourth, he didn't know why but he had a funny feeling the fates were going to bitches to him tonight. He dressed in his Basilisk armour that he had harvested with his God father earlier in the summer. He had arranged for four sets to be made. One for him, and one for each of his girls. They like him was ready just in case his feeling were correct. An hour later the screams began, Harry and his girls raced out to see hooded figures bunched in a group setting tents on fire and torturing other witches and wizards. Harry gritted his teeth, withdrawing the elder wand he raced forward, trying to avoid the panicking crowd, trying to get away from the robed masses. Finally he came face to face with two of them. He noticed the two masked figures stopped and looked rather nervous to face him. Harry smirked.
"So Tommy boy lovers decided to crash the party after all." The figures looked at each other puzzled at who this boy was talking about. Harry sighed and flicking the elder wand he had both tied and stunned in seconds. He looked around and saw Hermione and Daphne duelling against two other robed figures. Suddenly he smiled as Sirius and Remus joined the fight. However he turned to hear a oh so familiar voice.
Harry turned and smirked. "Crouch, I'm impressed how you survived your walk through the veil. Oh wait it wasn't you was it. That's right it was your mother under poly-juice."
Crouch eyes widened, how could he know that. No one knew about his escape except him and his mother, let alone how he had done it, the brief distraction was all Harry needed, before swishing his wand through the air. "Fulmer Infligo Inflixi Inflictum." (Lightning bolt to strike in Latin)
Crouched snapped to his senses just before he heard the last word come out of the brats mouth, he tried to raise a shield but found it was too late. He screamed as the lightning streak beam hit his mask, cutting into it. He stumbled before pointing his wand to the air "Morsmordre." Just as before the dark mark appeared in the sky, Harry smirked. "Nice buts here mine Morsmordre!" Crouch eyes widened as a bolt of lightning split the dark mark in two before leaving a gold lightning bolt in the night sky.
"Tell Tommy boy, I know of his return and I'm ready to finish what I started twelve years ago."
Crouch gritted his teeth then shouted "Retreat"
Those figures who were not stunned or tied up, apparated away, quickly in a streams of black smoke. Harry placed his wand back into his holster, and surveyed the carnage left. Several tents were still ablaze he looked to see the minister walking towards him.
"Lord Peverell-Black-Potter on behalf of the Ministry I thank you for your help. Auror arrest this filth tied up, and all the others injured or stunned. Lord Peverell-Black-Potter if I could have a private word."
Riddle Manor
Crouch stumbled into his master chamber, clutching his face. "He knows Mi lord, the Potter brat knows of your plans to return."
Voldemort turned red, he then grinned. "Change of plan Crouch, come let me tell you what to do now."
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