Carefully Tangled Webs of Darkness | By : Ladygreychaton Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 37535 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: Do not own Harry Potter, characters, rights to, any books, movies, songs, poems or references made. Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling, this is just for fun, with no intentions of profit. |
[[Do not own Harry Potter, characters, rights to, any books, movies, songs, poems or references made. Several hints to Harry Potter books, but again belong to J.K. Rowling. Any further things belong to their original owners, aside from original characters. Used with no intention of profit!
Quotes from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Pottermore, Wikia, hints at other books, or other things I may have forgotten, none of them belong to me! ]]
Harry's heartbeat was doing a strange staccato, and he found himself afraid. There were spiders crawling up his body, under his skin, and he could feel the bulges moving towards Kali in his mental domain. Throwing nets, casting webs and beginning to artfully draw runes. Runes for safety, runes for protection. Runes against seeing, runes against intrusion. Anything they could remember at all, they haphazardly tried to throw up, weaving like the good spinners they were.
But he stood frozen, staring at the hat on the stool in fear. He didn't want to have it look inside him. That felt wrong in a way he couldn't explain. All he could think to himself was a simple... don't. Don't touch him. Don't look at him, don't control him. Not again...
How was this okay? Why would anyone allow someone inside a child's mind? Never. Never, he vowed. Harry felt wild, like a scared and feral creature thrashing, wounded and trapped in a corner. His eyes were mentally rolling, nostrils flaring, spittle flying from his mouth as he swiped claws at the approaching danger. Never.
The room seemed to be responding to his mental panic attack, for the shadows at his feet began to twist and writhe. Each length of darkness cast by the many hanging candles lit from above began to grow in jagged awareness, stretching in horrid shapes, crawling across the walls. But they didn't stop there. The shadows began to spread out into the air, becoming dense like thick black fog, and trying to devour anything with light or radiance in the room. It was a choking blackness, the kind that made it hard to see your hand in front of your face. Candles were being snuffed out. One. By. One.
Students in the Great Hall began to shift, and several began to scream in terror. They huddled against one another, though some had the foresight to light their wands against the growing darkness. Teachers tried to speak over the growing chatter and din, only to be met with a shout from the Headmaster himself.
"SILENCE!" Boomed the wizard at the front, who stood on the dias and held his wand aloft, wielding a rather bright spell of unknown origin. It began to chase some of the shadows back, but they stubbornly fought for ground against the light.
In a flash of bright orange fire, a sudden sound of song filled the Great Hall. A pheonix with brilliant plummage had appeared, and was giving a trillling song of courage and light, causing all the lit wands to burn hotter and brighter. It was the end for the shadows, and they bled away, shivering back whence they came, shrivelled and wispy.
When it was over, the firebird circled the Great Hall, and as it did the candles caught fire once more from it's tail feathers. Everyone began to nervously cheer, watching until it came to rest upon the back of Headmaster Dumbledore's chair. The man, dressed in rather garish robes of purple and blue, swept his hands wide, as though proud of his school, his students, humble. His eyes were shining as he appluaded and nodded to the room regally.
While everyone was cheering for whatever had just went on, no one seemed to notice that Harry was having a minor panic attack. Well, Blaise did. But then, he noticed far too much. The dark boy nudged at the green-eyed child and grasped his gloved hand, squeezing it hard and whispering out of the corner of his mouth, "Calm down, damnit. Do you want to get found out? Just... just breathe... in through your nose, out through your mouth. Clear your thoughts, think of good things. Everything will be alright..."
Zabini's voice was distant, incredibly so. Like words whispered beyond several walls. But gradually they began to make it through, and Harry followed his instructions. As he calmed, so did his heart, and the shadows at his feet as well. Harry smiled tiredly, sheepishly. Blaise gave him a cocky look that seemed to ask what the other would do without him.
After a moment, the Heads of Houses made rounds throughout the tables, checking and counting students. The Nurse herself made a quiet perusal of the first years, wandering through the crowd and offering any of them chocolate or pepper-ups, saying they could visit her in the Hospital Ward after the Sorting if they liked. She also introduced herself as Madame Pomfrey.
When everyone had been checked, Professor McGonagall returned to the head of the dias and nodded to the Headmaster. She cleared her throat and began again.
"When I call your name, you will come forward, sit on the stool, put on the Sorting Hat and be sorted into your house," She repeated.
She then opened her mouth and clearly stated, "Abbot, Hannah!"
Harry's eyes glazed, watching a small girl wander nervously from their lines. She sat down on the stool, while McGonagall placed the hat on her head. She and the Hat seemed to be having a quiet conversation, and occasionally, she'd shake her head, causing the lemon amber droplet hanging in her left ear to bounce and sway about. Harry's eyebrows rose, surprised as always that another pureblood tradition was being followed. Somehow, he didn't think they would have been. He was exceedingly glad he knew about them now. He wouldn't have wanted to be in the dark.
She ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff, and looked rather happy with it. And so the sorting went, more and more names being called. Most of them, Harry ignored unless a child caught his interest. He felt older, more advanced than many of them.
"Granger, Hermione!" McGonagall announced.
Harry looked up as the bushy-haired girl from the train walked out from the group. She moved to the stool, and just before the hat dropped over her eyes, his own met her's. Brown eyes blinked slowly, and he curiously wondered where she would end up, or if she could change.
There was a muttering from the crowd, as apparently she was taking quite a while. Granger was taking quite a while, and the hat was tipping forward, almost looking like it was frowning. Hermione looked like she was gripping the stool with white knuckles, her lips moving with determination, but they seemed to neither of them be ready to sort her.
McGonagall cleared her throat as several more minutes passed. Finally, the hat said, "...If you're sure, better be... Ravenclaw!"
The girl stood, handed the hat back to the stern witch and marched with dignity to her cheering table. It went on till more names were called. Crabbe and Goyle had gone to Slytherin already, no surprise there. Draco hadn't seemed worried.
Sue Li was called, and the gang waved encouragingly to her. The pretty and shy Asian flower nervously smiled and made her way to the stool, sitting gently. The hat was lowered, and after some quiet whispers, in which the two seemed to be having a talk that made poor Sue sad, it was quietly announced, "Ravenclaw!" The house of blue and bronze cheered, and she shyly waved goodbye to Draco, Harry and Blaise, appearing a bit disappointed.
The black-haired child did note that the Longbottom child was wearing a buttermilk or clouded amber droplet as he hurried past them to the Gryffindor table during his Sorting. This was a bit of a surprise, to be seeking an alliance at such a young age, but Harry could hardly argue against it. Perhaps he'd look into it when they shared a class together, make proper introductions rather then looking down on him.
Eventually, it was the blond's turn. "Malfoy, Draco!"
"Actually, it's Draco Malfoy scion of the House of Black... or Draco Malfoy Black if it's shorter," He'd corrected, marching up to the stool with his head held high.
McGonagall had huffed a little, but Draco had only darted a glance at Harry. He'd nodded, and the hat had barely brushed his head before announcing loudly, "SLYTHERIN!"
Several more names were called before his own was finally called after a girl, Parkinson, Pansy had been sorted into Slytherin.
"Potter-Black, Harry!"
He moved to the front, walking towards the stool as expected, however, there was an instant chatter.
"Did she say 'Potter-Black'? Does she mean Harry Potter?"
"I didn't know he was coming to school!"
"Oh, he looks just like I imagined!"
"What's with this Potter-Black stuff?!"
It continued, the noise getting louder and louder that the Headmaster was forced to call for 'Silence' once more. However, he didn't leave it at that.
"Minerva," twinkled the old man. "Did you... perhaps read young Potter's name wrong?" He was smiling sweetly, as though gently reminding someone to fix a mistake.
However, Professor McGonagall held firm, her lips pulled tightly and stared down her nose at her own boss, her colleague. "I did not, Headmaster. His name is Harry Potter-Black as of visiting Gringotts with his family and Guardian. He claimed several titles that I'm not at liberty to discuss, but we are not going to discuss Mr. Potter-Black's legality at the moment, we are here to Sort the children, as I intend to do with Mr. Potter-Black."
The Headmaster smiled benignly, but there was a sharper edge to it, less of a twinkle present. He waved grandly for her to continue, and Harry turned to sit on the stool, nervously feeling the hat fall down over his eyes.
'Ah, I had been wondering when I'd get to meet you, Mr. Potter-Black,' Began the Hat.
Harry jumped, and the feeling of Kali snarling and hissing with mandibles clacking menacingly was very prevalent at the moment.
'Oh my, I had better be wary of your defenses, hadn't I?' The Hat seemed to wince a little, and it felt like it was brushing gently, whispering quietly. 'I do not intend to hurt you, nor share anything we talk about, Harry. I just want to find out what house will best suit your needs. Which will best help you grow so that you can find yourself a proper mentor and learn as much as you can.'
Harry debated this slowly, and it felt like something was close to snapping, be gradually he breathed out and internally responded, "I don't know how to let you in. I don't like you in at all."
It was a grudging reply, and the Hat seemed to roar with laughter, even out loud. The Great Hall had been listening, desperate to find out where he would end up, and now they jumped at the sound of the Hat's laughter.
'Aren't you guarded? That is a good start, actually. Intelligent as well. Blunt, guarded and intelligent. You are powerful to be sure, oh yes... I could feel that from the beginning... and you don't trust easily. I think you might have plenty of loyalty, but it's not easily won and kept, is it? No, that won't do. Brave, but not foolhardy, and you don't value nerve and overall recklessness. There's only two houses that will do for you, I think. Where to put you?' The Hat seemed to muse to itself.
Harry paused, feeling his eyelashes flutter beneath the hat as he fought not to open his eyes and simply rip the hat off.
'No, I think I know the perfect house for you, on second thought,' The Hat admitted. Outloud and internally it finished, "Really, there's only one option for young Potter-Black, and that's... SLYTHERIN!"
The Great Hall was silent, then suddenly the Slytherin table burst into startled clapping, trying to appear supportive. Harry stood, handing the Hat back to McGonagall and offering her a smile before making her way to the end, where the new first years sat.
Draco was waving excitedly to him, sitting with Crabbe, Goyle, the Parkinson girl, and two others he didn't recognize. Harry rolled his eyes, grinning slightly as he moved to sit next to the blond, who leaned in to whisper that he would make 'introductions' later. The green-eyed boy nodded, keeping his eyes away from the unknowns for now, since although their names had been spoken, it was still rude. To make eye contact with someone you had not been introduced to was considered a way of saying, 'I think myself above you, or that you are lowly and dirt-like. Therefore, I am very conceited, and ill-mannered.' Harry did not want to start out on the wrong foot, and so avoided glancing at anyone with which he didn't know.
The rest of the Sorting seemed to pass without much incident. The redhead boy who had been boasting about a troll in the Chamber before the Great Hall was Sorted into Gryffindor, moving excitedly to join a bunch of rowdy boys. Zabini was sorted into Slytherin, and Draco imperiously informed the others that they ought to, "Budge over!" for him. Harry nearly snorted, but kept it in, his shoulders shaking. He was surrounded by the two again, and calming down. It felt strangely like the start of a pattern, settling into normality. He could get used to this, he decided.
The Headmaster made a small speech about what was forbidden and what wasn't, and then used a string of odd, misplaced words, but the three were already tuning him out. Zabini was entertaining them with mocking quips and mumbled whispers about students, teachers and staff, and Harry was doing his best to keep his face as straight as possible in the quiet of the Hall. It wasn't fair, he decided, to have to listen to such a comedy while the others appeared to fight against sleep.
When he had finished, the illustrious Headmaster sat and the golden plates were suddenly pressed back as platters filled the table. Overflowing with food, pitchers with pumpkin juice, water, anything you could imagine or want. Harry glanced around him curiously, wondering what he could find that might appeal to him. His stomach gave a growl at the smells, but to his left was a sampling of brussel sprouts browned in a rich sweet brown sugar, taking the bitter out of the vegetable. The thought of tasting them made his stomach twist and he turned away, looking around for something... palatable.
Blaise seemed to notice his difficulty, for he passed him a platter of juicy and rich lamb, roasted to perfection with rosemary spices. His mouth watered and he smiled at the other, taking a serving and then heaping scalloped potatoes onto his plate. Afterwards he searched desperately, hoping he would find his favorite, the thing he liked to use best as 'gravy'.... really, he could do without but it was so much better with----
"Looking for this?" The golden eyed boy queried with a smirk, holding up a bowl of thick, slightly congealed pudding. Black pudding, to be exact. Sometimes he got lucky, and he could get it thinner than it's sausage-like counter-part.
Harry nearly moaned, eagerly taking it from Blaise with a whispered, "Ohhh, thanks!"
Zabini chuckled, shaking his head. He appeared to understand exactly what was going on, for when Harry began to dribble it like clotted melted butter over his meal, staring like a starving man, Blaise only smiled fondly. Draco wrinkled his nose at his new friend's eating habits, forking himself a carrot and beginning to remark on how unusual some of the sorting had been. How long some of it had taken, etc.
Harry was on his second plate, eating a rare steak that was so juicy he thought it would coat most of his plate in it's bright red dribblings, when the Headmaster moved to clear his throat. The green-eyed child growled, wanting to bear his teeth, fold himself over his meal and lap at the blood-covered juices until he was satisfied. Why was Dumbledore interrupting?
Zabini seemed to sense that he needed something, and once more came to his rescue, whispering covertly in his ear. "Take a drink of your pumpkin juice, Harry. We have bloodpops to take with us to our rooms, just calm down. In through your nose, remember?" Came the half-Italian's smooth voice, without his usual sarcasm.
Draco nervously placed a hand on Harry's wrist, and he realized that he was clutching his fork and knife so hard that he could feel his bones grinding and threatening to bend the silverware or break. Why was he so tense here? Why couldn't he just relax? Hogwarts was a difficult place to be, he decided, setting his fork and knife down.
Harry flashed a reassuring smile to Draco, and a thankful one to Blaise. His leaned down over his plate, trying to breathe and simply not fall apart. It was there that he missed the exchange of worried looks behind him between his two new friends.
The Headmaster continued his speech, dismissing the food as he did so. The newest Slytherin looked forlornly at his plate, watching as it faded to nothing. He had been enjoying that. As the words carried on, and finally ended, a Prefect came to escort them down to the Dungeons, which was to be their home.
The Prefect introduced herself as Gemma Farley, offering an informal dip of her head and slight curtsy that looked more like her knees had folded and bent than anything. But the bob was respectful, and so the new first years curtsied or bowed back, keeping their eyes averted as they followed after her. She lead them through various hallways and portraits, hidden passages through tapestries and various pannels.
Deep within the castle, where it was dark and dank, with only the torch lights to guide them, they came upon a stone wall with a high arch. Gemma turned imperiously to them and instructed them to pay attention as she clearly spoke the password. "Pure-Blood."
The stones began to melt away, bending back and folding in on themselves, leaving only the archway. Inside was the Common Room, filled with green-lit lamps and dark expensive chairs, either covered in leather or plush velvet. The furniture, all in ebony or dark wood, was arranged around various points in the room, with several thick baroque rugs to ward against the stone floors. There was a roaring fire, made it feel elegant and comfortable, if a bit forboding. The few glimpses of light, were more reflections of dark, murky green. A further glance revealed arrow-loop windows, like long slits in castle walls, and they offered a view of thick green waters. Occasionally, one might think something moved outside them.
Curiously, Harry wanted to sway, to climb high and make himself a home in the dark, the shadows and the quiet. It was warm, but cool. This atmosphere felt very much like a place he belonged and somehow he wanted to... hiss in delight. He could feel tickling sensations as several of his Kin seemed to feel it as well, curiously peeking about at the change in temperature and brightness. Eager to inspect the difference in scenery.
There was a sudden bang off to the side, and the first years jumped, jerking to attention as they focused on the noise. Harry, whose senses were calming and beginning to claim this as a sanctuary, very nearly lashed out. Blaise and Draco caught the end of his robe sleeves, keeping him still as a man dressed in all-black came fluttering into the room with a curious stiff and drawn expression on his face.
"Welcome to Slytherin," he drawled slowly, carefully. Each word seemed weighted, and he waved dismissively to the Prefect who seemed only too eager to leave his sight. His eyes were dark, but sharp as he looked over them. "From this day forward, this will be your House, your Home."
Each pause seemed deliberate, as though he were thinking of what to say next before saying it. Perhaps he had once had a short temper, or still did, and had learned to control himself, Harry wondered. Or perhaps he had learned the power of words. Either way, he was very, very careful.
"Slytherin, you will learn, is frowned upon by other Houses. They look down upon Us. They will look for a weakness, and they will target it." He was careful as he said this, showing no inflection of emotion. "If you show a united front, you stand a better chance. Don't let them get to you. If they bully you, laugh it off. Other teachers... are less than sympathetic to your plight. Seek myself, or the Nurse if it becomes an issue. Learn to stand on your own, but never be alone. Travel in groups."
He paused once more, and the children were silent. "If you have problems within the House, they stay here. Slytherins will deal with it personally, with myself, the Prefects, or amongst yourself. But out there? Put your differences aside, and show them only unity. Show them your strengths. Walk together in groups of three or more, never less. They could be someone you hate, but never allow them alone in a hallway, or you will face my wrath." Here his face darkened into something unpleasant. "And I will not be kind."
The dark man, which they could only assume was their Head of House, straightened his robes and folded his arms across his chest. "If you have questions, ask now."
No one spoke. But there was a burning question in Harry that he wanted to voice, and he hoped the man answered. His green eyes sought out black, begging him for one thing. The fierceness of his stare reminded him of Hecate, right before she flew down and latched her talons onto a small rodent that was to become her meal. It was also exceedingly hollow and held a certain sorrow that he couldn't put his finger on. The feeling chilled the green-eyed boy, but didn't quench his desire, didn't offer any respute to what he longed for. Please, he wanted to ask.
Finally, when the silence had seemed to drag, but had only been moments, the other spoke again. "I am your Head of House, as you may have guessed. I have a reputation for being strict, and unfair to other Houses. Lenient to my own, they say. But what they don't see outside is that I am harsh to you. I will offer you guidance, I will give you a headstart. I will be there for you, I will shelter you. My office door is always open during Office Hours, and should it be important, you can wake me at night. I will do my best to make the most of you... in return, I expect your loyalty." His stare was fierce and hard as stone. "Do. Not. Make. A. Fool. Out. Of. Me."
He moved to sweep away, his robes flaring behind him dramatically. "Slytherin is your home, and I expect you to treat it well. Girls to the left, boys to the right." The black haired man with the broken hook-nose seemed to pause half-a-step before the handle for the door. "My name is Severus Snape. I wish you well, on your journey to learning magic." With that, the door from whence he'd came jerked open and slammed shut behind his retreating back. It seemed rather sudden, an abrupt ending to a very important person.
Everyone let out a sigh a moment later, and carefully they began to glance nervously around. Gemma Farley was back, and she began to make introductions, helping with social etiquette. In Harry's year, there was : Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, Gregory Goyle, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter-Black, and Blaise Zabini.
Awkward or shy smiles were exchanged as soon as the introductions were made, as soon as propriety allowed eyes to meet. Small chatter picked up for a few minutes before Prefect Farley gently cut it off, regretfully. "Alright, alright. There'll be time to get to know one another later. Right now we need to worry about rooms. As it stands, there are four girls, and six boys. That means that there'll be two boy's dorms and one for the girls. The rooms have likely been arranged as soon as the sorting was set up, so it's up to you to fix it. If you don't like it, I suggest you rearrange your trunks now, for Professor Snape won't allow students out of bed squabbling over dorms. This will also be permanent after tonight, unless something unforseeable happens, so please choose wisely boys."
The girls didn't seem to mind that they would all be rooming together, and marched off to the left together as they'd been instructed. They were wished well by the boys and bid goodnight, to which they responded favorably in turn.
Prefect Farley instructed them to head up to their dorms, and the boys shuffled two-by-two down the right entry hallway. Inwardly, Blaise, Draco and Harry were all hoping to be placed together, unable to contain the childish wish for their newfound friends to be rooming together. For Harry, it was also the matter of safety--- he didn't think others would understand, relate, or come close to his secrets safely. With these two crazies, he felt... he felt better. That alone was dangerous, something unfamiliar, but it was the best he had.
Cautiously, Harry opened the first door to the left. It had a roman numeral with the sign for one, so it was obviously for the first years, and there were zig zagging hallways and stairs further down, not to be confused. Poking their heads in, the boys crowded into the room. There were three beds inside, four posters with lovely black velvet curtains and silken green sheets. The duvets were plush and warm looking, and trunks were gathered at the foot of each bed, with scarves and ties in the accompanying colors of their house. They were Slytherins now, after all.
Slowly, Harry surveyed each trunk, checking for the HJPB that he should have found if his trunk was there. However, in the end, his trunk was lacking. Harry shook his head. "Mine's not here," he said softly, his eyes troubled as he glanced at the others.
Draco was shaking his head as well. "Neither is mine," he admitted, looking around. His face broke into a smile as he realized that obviously, they must be roommates in the next dormroom.
Cautiously they glanced at Blaise and found him frowning with his lips pursed at the furthest trunk on the right. After a moment, he nodded. "That's it, I'll trade with someone," the dark boy announced, moving to gather his trunk and things without another thought. The blond rolled his eyes at the darker boy, but he was smiling as he did so.
Crabbe and the Nott boy moved in the room as they exited, though Goyle seemed a bit confused and cautiously waited between rooms. Harry and Draco moved to the next door, finding the next roman numeral for one, finding their trunks at the foot of their beds. Harry's was closest to the ensuite bathroom, then Goyl's trunk, and then Draco's. Blaise gestured grandly, flicking his wrist in a shooing motion for the hulking boy to grab his trunk and go. Greg looked at Draco, then Harry who were both nodding, then grunted. Ambling over, he hefted his trunk and walked out the door without looking back.
Blaise settled his trunk in the middle, at the foot of his bed as though it had been there the whole time, then flopped dramatically onto his bed with a sigh. "Unimaginable! As if we wouldn't room together," the boy with the slanted, golden eyes scoffed.
Harry grinned, amused. Draco was already opening his trunk and moving items from within, arranging robes into the armoire next to his bed, while complaining about wrinkles. Blaise began to snark about the impossibility of such due to the spells built in, but the pale blond refused to hear it, his sharp gray eyes sending daggers at the other.
The last member of their group was sitting quietly and staring with misty eyes at his own trunk. He really wanted to open it, so he could start to feel at home again, too. Surely this place was lovely, but some things were needed for it to really... settle.
Blaise seemed to notice his silence, for he offered him a bloodpop, unwrapping the treat and waving it under his nose. "Oi, what is it?" He asked, arching a slim brow.
Harry looked up, his eyes burning with fervor as he asked slowly, "Can I trust you both?"
Draco paused, his hands going still as he pulled out yards of folded silk. The Malfoy child turned, giving the other his full attention, climbing across his bed and sitting down, giving a nod. "You can, myself at least," he agreed.
The Zabini heir seemed to realize that now was a time for seriousness and not joking, for he straightened from his lazing pose across the bed. Propping his cheek up with his hand, his eyes met Harry's and he nodded with a look of sincerity. "No matter what you tell me, I don't plan on sharing it, Harry. As long as you do no harm to me or mine, you have my loyalty," he offered.
Biting his lip, the black-haired wizard child looked to his friends then to his trunk. "I would like to feel like I can trust you... I would like to feel like this is a sanctuary, like this is home... for all of us, here. No one will be judged," He added. "No matter what we decide, I don't want any of us to be judged for who or what we are or do in life."
Draco's eyes were clouded, and he nodded, agreeing instantly. Blaise seemed to smile whimsically, but he nodded as well. Both of them seemed to find the idea of this room being a neutral ground, a sanctuary, to be something they wanted.
"Alright, but no more stalling, just spit it out," Blaise said, to which Draco cheered in response.
Harry laughed nervously, but agreed, getting up from his bed. Circling around, he crossed to his trunk, eyes roving over to the two beds once more. He couldn't help but worry as he moved towards the lock. Chattering could heard from within, and his heart began to thump as he worried.
"Are we there yet, Harry-kin?" Came the quiet rumblings.
"My lord, it's been so quiet, are you able to speak to us?" Offered the lisping of many mandibles, begging for his attention.
His heart ached. He wanted to answer, he had been so very desperate all day. Today had been the hardest by far, in all his long years. So many voices, so many tempting Kin, but unable to make a single whisper. The fear coursing through his veins as thick as syrup, warning him of being different. Unnatural.
Harry stared at his friends, as though he was hoping to fill their images away for later. If they rebelled, if they changed their mind, he wanted to remember them like this. Not coerced, but peaceful, content. Completely trusting.
He refused to let his hands shake as he opened the trunk, and his eyes didn't move to the lid as the latch clicked. Sliding it open, he trained his gaze on the two, keeping them in his sights. He wanted to remember this always.
It was dark within the trunk, and the torchlight of the dorm cast away the shadows with dim a dim glow, causing a small scurry within, not that it could be seen from the angle of the beds. However, the noise could be heard.
"Master! We were worried about you! Oh, so worried! Is this to be our new home? May we build our nests here and search out others?" Chattered the mandibles of many spiders, many squeaking and hissing voices carrying on at once. Greeting him eagerly, lovingly.
Harry kept his eyes trained on the two as his mouth opened, feeling a stirring in his clothes and hair, beneath his skin, and in the very corners of the room as he responded. His mouth was forming words that human mouths weren't meant to, but did just the same. "This is our home now, yes. I'd prefer if you stayed close to me for now, we can search out others another time. I wouldn't like my kin to get hurt when we just got settled... I've lost so many of you, to lose more would be painful." It was an open admission, and the shards in his gaze was reflected towards the two who were moving cautiously, slowly into seated positions.
After he had spoken, spiders slowly began to pour from within the trunk, sliding down from within and crawling over the edge. Harry watched calmly as they climbed walls, moved into nooks, corners, and cupboards. Some moved high up and rallied on the ceiling, others hid beneath his bed or in his armoire. Several more stayed in the trunk, and a few trickled beneath the frame of the door. Hundreds must have been inside the trunk, of all shapes, sizes and race.
At the end of it, Draco's eyes were blown wide, and he was quite pale. He hadn't said a word, but he hadn't screamed, nor rejected him outright. Harry took that as a good thing. Blaise was watching with his head tilted to one side, looking curious with his eyes half-lidded, a glint in his eyes implying that he was interested.
When the spiders had all found their designated spots, Harry cleared his throat. "...I keep a lot of secrets," He began, not really sure what to say, or how. "Some of which..." The green eyed boy gestured around the room. "Are not easily explained. I'd really rather you didn't hurt them, if they bother you, let me know."
Blaise was watching him when a grin broke out across his face. He leaned back against his pillows, and shrugged. "You'll tell us your secrets, and we'll tell you ours. I have no reason to pry... hopefully your... friends don't bite." He left it at that, as though it were really that simple.
Draco was pale, but glanced from the Zabini boy to Harry, then down at his bedspread. He was dragging his nails over the threads, picking at it. After a moment, he wet his lips and spoke. "I knew you were different, I really did. From the first day in that robe shop. I didn't judge you then, nor did mother. And not just because of family ties, at least... not for me. Everyone has secrets, everyone feels like they're different. But you?" Gray eyes looked up, and they were sharp, jagged in a way Harry hadn't expected. "You are different. I knew you would be. I wanted you to be. So it's okay if you don't fit in, it's alright if you're unusual or frightening. Because you're Harry Potter-Black, my friend, my family. And I don't intend to abandon you.. not now, not ever."
Harry was surprised, and his chest felt warm that had nothing to do with the temperature with the dungeon. A smile was curling his lips, and he nodded. "Thanks, then. I'm... I'm glad you're both okay with this... with me," he added.
Zabini's golden eyes seemed a bit shuttered after Draco's speech, but he nodded, giving a shrug. "No big deal, you great oaf. Now let's all get settled for bed, yeah? Save the sentiments for the women," was his snarky reply.
They laughed, and Harry moved some of his clothing to his armoire, enough that he could get to his bedclothes. He set out his robes for tomorrow while he was at it, and his toiletries for the lavatory in the morning. It was when he was taking off his outer robes, chattering away to the boys as he unlaced his leather shoes that he paused.
Harry stared down at his gloved hands, his white pure-blend shirt, imagining the second secret that they hid. His throat felt like it was closing tightly and he swallowed hard, standing frozen. Why was it always so hard? Why couldn't it be easy? He never regretted his decision, not even now. But he didn't think they'd understand.
He could feel a pair of eyes burning hotly on his frozen body, and he glanced up, finding the intelligent and shrewd gaze of his new friend on him. The Zabini boy was looking at his shaking his hands, levering himself off the bed and walking towards him. His eyes were so intense, they seemed to pin Harry to the spot. Harry's mouth moved, but no words came out. He wanted to beg him, to whisper, "Please don't find out!" But no sound seemed capable of passing his dry lips, no matter how much he tried. He was far too exposed already, and he didn't like it.
Blaise felt too close, to intimate as he placed a hand on his. The fabric of his gloves were separating their skin, but it was as close as he had been to having someone comfort him. Albert had often tried, but it had left him feeling vague and confused. Human affection was beyond the green-eyed child, and his eyes were full of confusion as the other moved closer to him, invading his space.
No pain, no words, no demands flowed from his lips at first. Draco had paused what he was doing, watching carefully but making no sudden movements. With the utmost care, Blaise began to move his hand over Harry's, plucking the fingertips of each glovetip, loosening them. Sliding it off, his eyes glued to the black-haired boy's face in order to look for signs of resistance, for discomfort.
Harry's breathing was shallow, and his pupils were blown wide with fear, but he had yet to stop Blaise. When the glove began to slide from his palm he bit down on his bottom lip, nerves jangling in his belly. Gold eyes roved eagerly, absorbing the emotions and reactions of the other boy, as the barrier was finally removed. Slowly, he looked down, pulling Harry's hand upwards, bringing it closer to his own face.
"It's alright, you know," he said slowly, as though soothing an injured animal.
Harry felt like a giant ball of nerves, and couldn't agree at the moment. His hand was mostly fine, mostly bare. But the closer you got to his wrist, the more likely you were to find rough edges. Black and brown, bits of red or sometimes white. Leathered layers of plated armor, the skin was the proof that he had protected, he had conquered. Racing up his arm, the bits of chitin-like exoskeleton pieces were fused like armored bracers. And they didn't stop there. To Harry, they were a sense of pride, a sense of belonging, but they were personal. He didn't want to have to feel ashamed of them. For being different.
Blaise's fingers began to push back his long sleeves, and nervously Harry's eyes widened, trying to tug his hand free. He felt trapped, caged. Don't look, don't see. Don't judge me! His heart was pounding again, and he wanted to shake his head in denial, but his fear of losing the both of them left him paralyzed.
"Shhh," the dark boy whispered, once more crooning and soothing the damaged child before him. He seemed to realize how very tumultuous Harry's emotions could be, and was trying his best to appear non-threatening.
Harry's sleeve slipped back, and his eyes slid closed. He couldn't bear it. They would hate him, he'd have to... oh, it ached.
Zabini made a humming sound, his fingers exploring his hand, the inside of his wrist. Turning Harry's hand this way and that, he seemed intent to explore the smooth skin and the differences between the plated spider-fusions. There were soft hums, most he didn't know what to make of, but after a moment, Harry felt a kiss on the back of his hand.
Startled, his eyes burst open to blink at the other. Draco had come to stand with them and was staring in fascination at his wrist, and Zabini was smirking. Wide-eyed and confused, Harry's brow furrowed, looking between them. Were they not... disgusted? Afraid?
"So quick to think so little of us," Blaise mused, patting his hand and giving him a wink. He let Harry's hand drop to his side, looking almost regretful for a moment.
Draco nodded. "You've got to trust us, Harry, we meant what we said, really." Here the blond paused. "So you're a little different... so what? I think it's interesting." The gray-eyed boy smiled brilliantly and Harry hesitantly offered a smile back.
Blaise turned with a huff, making his way back to his bed, shrugging his shirt off as he went. "I imagine that's why you're having trouble changing in front of us? You have more?" He asked conversationally.
The green-eyed boy paused, then nodded, embarrassed. "I... yeah. Not much, but... yeah, I do."
Draco laughed, shaking his head as he patted Harry's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. It's pretty brilliant, Harry. Really. We don't think your odd, so just get changed and get some rest before we have to get up for class, hm?"
The blond moved to his side of the room, and Harry blushed. He wasn't used to... he just wasn't sure how to react to all this. For someone who had virtually been 'handled' and then raised with the dark, and the spiders... humans, even Wizardkind were foreign to him. Would he ever adjust?
Slowly, Harry unbuttoned his shirt, removing his other glove as well. He placed the matching pair on top his trunk for the morning, then slid out of his slacks, leaning over to pull off his socks. Straightening, he noted that both boys seemed to be peeking at his chest, trying desperately to look for more of the plated spider-armor across the left side of his body.
Harry was self-conscious, and slightly embarrassed, but stood tall. These were his, his family, his friends, many of them. His kin were spread across his body with a story to tell. He had earned the right to bear them. With this in mind, he lifted his chin, standing straight as he waited a moment before pulling his pajamas on. He may be afraid of being cast aside, of being different, but he was not ashamed of them. No, of that he was not.
Kali whispered assurances to him, loving murmurs of pride and the gentle brushings of many legs across his mindscape.
Harry held firm, waiting till they smiled and went back to their business. They each slipped beneath the sheets, whispering goodnight to each other. Tomorrow he'd write to his family, to Dudley at least. Tomorrow he'd begin with his studies, and see what life for a student of Hogwarts was like. For now, the land of nod called to him, and his sheets were soft, his pillow deep.
The spiders were whispering quietly, setting up traps and hanging runes about the room. Harry was beginning to feel like this was home. The quiet breathing of the two others didn't even bother him. His lips twitched into a small smile, and he let himself... fall.
Tesgura : Exactly, Harry doesn't know that! He's a bit nervous at the thought of what that hat *could* do. He's a bit lost and confused. As for other houses, though I love love love other houses, and I even have a soft spot for some... I can't see him going anywhere but those two. In the end, one won out for reasons.
moodysavage : I hope you continue to enjoy it and I can live up to your expectations!
CDGaymer : Ahh yes, Sue Li went exactly where she did canonically. I did alter one in the hopes of changing destiny, though... well, two, technically. We'll see, no? Glad you like ~
starr : Waiting is hard, but pacing is important, I'm sorry! This should help! I try to get to it once a week, so you'll hear from me often. ;3
Anon : Oh my, you're making me blush! I'm glad you like it.
Sera21 : ... I love Spiderman, I really do. I hate spiders, but I love Spiderman. x3 I loved your comment!
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