Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 288818 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
Dark Water
For a while after Firenze and Eleanor had gone to bed Harriet and Hermione cuddled under a blanket by the fireplace listening to the rain coming down outside, just beyond the curtain of pelts covering the entrance of the cave. The fire was down to glowing orange embers now, but the thick leathery curtain kept the heat trapped inside.
It was a new feeling for Harriet and Hermione, being able to lie peacefully and comfortably on something soft with their arms around one another at night. Not even their nights together in the hospital wing after the Trolls could compare. They were away from the castle; never had they felt so free.
At the moment, Harriet was leaning back against a cushion propped against the roughly hewn wall of the cave with her arms encircling Hermione, who was more less on Harriet’s lap, leaning up against her front and squashing her breasts. When Harriet was reasonably sure that their hosts were asleep she gave Hermione a little kiss on the top of her bushy head.
“Hermione,” she whispered, “you awake?”
“Mm, yes,” Hermione murmured back, sounding happy and relaxed, “It just feels nice, lying here like this with you holding me. If you’re not comfortable I can move.”
“No, you don’t have to,” said Harriet quickly. “It’s just, erm... I was wondering if I, er... if I could breastfeed you?”
Hermione let out a nervous little giggle and took a brief moment to think about it. It was true, she had yet to experience it for herself from the “baby’s” side of things, and just the idea of it made her feel tingly all over.
“Yes, of course Harriet,” she replied with a grin. “That would be lovely.”
“Brilliant!” said Harriet, grinning in return.
There was a bit of shuffling and shifting, and then Hermione was lying sideways on Harriet’s lap with Harriet’s arm cradling her bushy head and Harriet’s breast pressed against her face. Hermione took Harriet’s perky pink peak between her lips, first swirling her tongue around the nipple, and then she began to suck.
Harriet’s warm milk filled her mouth, tasting almost sweet, then she swallowed it down. Hermione felt a heady rush of pleasure as she drank from Harriet’s teat, and wriggled a bit in Harriet’s lap as she grew wetter.
It was impossible to forget that a fat rat was currently nested in her vagina, but Scabbers seemed to be leaving her alone today, probably still frightened that he might have been stomped to death by an angry Centaur along with his unwilling host. Hermione decided to just go with it, momentarily putting aside her hate for the little vermin and pretending that he was a furry warm dildo filling her vessel.
Continuing to feed at Harriet’s breast, Hermione reached her hand down between her thighs, her fingers stroking the humid inner folds of her labia, finding her hard little pearl. Hermione twirled her clitoris as she thirstily gulped down the milk squirting from Harriet’s nipple.
The soaring sensations combined with the deepening swell of affection for Harriet overwhelmed Hermione’s faculties, sweeping her away with strong gusts of bliss. She was lost in rapturous communion, not knowing where she ended and Harriet began. The last shuddering gale of ecstasy tipped her over the edge and she fell into oblivion.
Harriet was rocked by Hermione’s orgasm, and felt herself being swept along for the ride, gasping as she too climaxed. When Harriet came out of her daze, she realised that Hermione was now asleep, her nipple still in Hermione’s mouth.
Harriet grinned, and not wanting to disturb Hermione she remained in position, still cradling Hermione’s head as she herself drifted into slumber.
The next thing Harriet knew, a kettle was whistling and she smelled frying bacon. Blearily, her eyelids fluttered open and she blushed profusely to see Eleanor at the wood-stove making breakfast while Firenze stood nearby, rocking their baby in his arms and smiling.
Harriet groaned. Bloody Hell! Hermione was still asleep, her lips still wrapped around Harriet’s nipple. She started to extricate herself from Hermione when Eleanor beamed at them and said, “Don’t wake her on our account. I think it’s really sweet how much you love each other.”
“Er... well, erm... okay,” Harriet squeaked, her face growing even hotter.
Harriet wasn’t even really sure why she felt so embarrassed; she and Hermione had been forced to perform even more intimate activities in front of countless students, among others including House-Elves and the Centaurs themselves, whether slurping down semen from each other’s vaginas, or licking each other’s anuses clean after pooping in their litter box.
The embarrassment felt quite different though from the sense of humiliation and violation she felt when being forced to perform the degrading acts in front of an audience simply for the sake of their entertainment. Harriet grinned nervously at Eleanor and the embarrassment faded.
After about ten minutes, Hermione’s nose twitched and she began to stir.
Hermione smelled bacon, but she was on something soft, not the hard marble floor of the Great Hall, and she had a nipple in her mouth. Why was she smelling bacon? Was she dreaming? Her eyes snapped open when the implications hit her.
Hermione fell off Harriet’s lap, her cheeks ablaze with mortification.
“Oh my God!” she squeaked. “It’s morning.”
“Yep! Right in one, Hermione,” said Harriet in a cheeky tone of voice, grinning.
“Shut up!” said Hermione, giving Harriet’s shoulder a little swat.
“It’s okay,” said Harriet, still grinning. “That’s exactly how I felt when I woke up too.”
“Oh, right! Of course! Sorry Harriet.” Hermione shook her head, half-smiling, wondering how long poor Harriet had been awake with her nipple in her girlfriend’s mouth.
Embarrassment was soon forgotten as she and Harriet hungrily dug into the rare treat of a proper breakfast: bacon, scrambled eggs, sausages, and even buttery crumpets. Eleanor watched them with a bemused expression as the pair ate with great gusto, going back for seconds from the huge piles of food on the table, nearly matching Firenze in appetite.
“Don’t they feed you properly then?” asked Eleanor when they finally began to slow down.
“Erm... not really.” Harriet turned pink. “Usually it’s just, er... sperm. They make us suck loads of penises at mealtimes - that’s it - that’s all we’re allowed to eat.”
“Oh!” Eleanor frowned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know Hogwarts treated their slaves that badly.”
Harriet was once again reminded that in some ways, the Centaurs treated their slaves much better. The joy of the night she had spent with Hermione in relative freedom faded as Firenze returned them to the forest glade after breakfast, replaced with resignation, having a feeling that Dumbledore and Snape had even more horrible things planned for her. They probably wouldn’t ease off until after the Shokushu.
Hagrid was already waiting, and he seemed surprised to see Harriet and Hermione looking so well rested. He kept glancing at them both as he led them back through the forest to Hogwarts, paying particular attention to the fact that Harriet wasn’t walking bow legged or looking in an inordinate amount of pain.
“That Firenze, he’s alright then, isn’ he,” he said cannily as they drew nearer to the edge of the woods. “He’s the friendliest of the lot really. Wouldn’ be surprised if he didn’ try ter convince the others t’go easy on yeh Harry.”
Harriet was speechless, stunned that Hagrid had more or less guessed close to the truth of the matter.
“Er... It was Ronan actually,” Hermione chimed in when Harriet didn’t say anything. “He put a stop to it yesterday afternoon some time around five or five thirty because he thought it was too much and unfair for Harriet to have to sex with so many Centaurs.”
“Huh!” said Hagrid, looking even more astonished. “Well I’ll be...! Never woulda ‘spected that! Ronan ain’ so bad really, bu’ he’s never been exactly the mos’ agreeable sort either.”
“Well,” said Hermione, half-smiling, “he’s actually more on your side than he lets on. He said, ‘Though he shall never hear it from my lips, Hagrid was quite correct...’”
Hagrid continued to look amazed and he shook his wild-haired head.
“Jus’ goes ter show, sometimes yeh jus’ can’ tell who yer friends are,” he said, averting his eyes and turning a bit pink, looking slightly ashamed and muttering something under his breath which sounded suspiciously like, “Dumbledore.”
“You’re telling me,” said Harriet darkly, finally finding her voice again. “I still can’t believe what a rotten creep Ron turned out to be.”
“Yeah!” Hagrid sighed, nodding, “Kinda weird really, him bein’ a Weasley an’ all. Can’t say that his parents would approve o’ the way them Weasley lads’ve bin treatin’ you and Hermione. ... Can’ really say they woulda’ really approved o’ me goin’ along wi’ Dumbledore fer so long, fer that matter.
“Y’see, Arthur an’ Molly, they sorta had a fallin’ out with Dumbledore after tha’ whole Grand Bargain business. They’ve always bin muggle an’ muggleborn supporters, an’ thought th’compromise to end the war was rubbish - I reckoned they woulda raised their boys t’be the same.
“But I s’pose bein’ at Hogwarts an’ influencin’ each other rubbed off on the younger ones from Percy on down,” he sighed. “...Bit too young ter really remember how it was before. ... An’ once yeh get a taste o’ havin’ folk yeh c’n use fer sex any time yeh like and bein’ tol’ that it’s all good by ev’ryone else, it’s hard not ter go along with it, no matter how yeh’ve bin raised.”
Harriet fell silent again as she considered Hagrid’s words. She still felt like murdering Ron, but her innate sense of fairness was whispering at her again, telling her that Ron was just an idiot who didn’t know any better. She sighed, not knowing what she’d do eventually about Ron. When it came right down to it, Ron and the other Weasley boys were all being egged on by Dumbledore, and in Ron’s case, being egged on by Snape as well.
Dumbledore and Snape were the ones who really needed to die - and by all accounts Malfoy’s father too. They were the ones who seemed most responsible for the way things were.
“Anyway,” said Hagrid, breaking the silence a few minutes later, “it’s real good that yeh got some rest an’ all, though I reckon yer still a bi’ sore after the las’ couple of days...”
“Just a bit,” Harriet agreed, her trepidation growing as she waited for the other shoe to drop.
“...Righ’.” said Hagrid, a hint of anger in voice. “Dumbledore’s already got yer third task lined up fer yeh. An’ unfortunately it’s gonna be startin’ as soon’s we get back...”
Harriet groaned.
“What!” shrieked Hermione. “That’s absolutely abominable! If Dumbledore had had his way, then Harriet would’ve only just finished being raped by the Centaurs about four or five this morning, and it’s barely eight o’clock now.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty sickening if yeh ask me,” Hagrid agreed. “I tried ter talk ‘im out of it, but he’s dead set on makin’ this as rough as possible fer Harry. I’m not sure he really wan’ed ter take it this far - almost seems like he’s doin’ it ter please someone else...”
“Snape!” Harriet hissed angrily. “He’s doing it for Snape. ... Snape thinks I’m behind what happened to him somehow!”
“What? How would yeh know that?” Hagrid looked a bit skeptical. “Did Dumbledore tell yeh tha’?”
“No!” Harriet shook her head. “I just know it! Snape hates me - that’s why he hates Hermione too, because she and I sort of had a moment together in our first Potions lesson.”
“Well, s’pose yeh got a point there.” Hagrid shrugged. “Still, I dunno how Snape c’n think yeh had anything ter do with wha’ happened ter him. ... He may be a lotta things, bu’ he’s no idiot - he’s gotta know yeh never had a chance, bein’ locked up in yer cage an’ all - even if yeh did know enough magic ter pull off summat like that, which yeh obviously don’t.”
“That wouldn’t matter to Snape,” Hermione sniffed haughtily. “It’s obvious that he’s got some sort of vendetta against Harriet for some reason. I think he’s the most likely suspect and that he’s blaming Harriet just because he can.”
“Huh! ... Mebbe yer right,” said Hagrid as they exited the woods and veered towards the Black Lake. “That does make the mos’ sense when yeh put it like tha’. ... Mighta had sump’n ter do with Harry’s dad - they were always at each other’s throats when they were at Hogwarts.”
“Snape and my dad were at Hogwarts together?” asked Harriet, taken aback. Somehow she had thought of Snape as being older than her parents.
“Yeah!” said Hagrid, nodding. “Snape an’ his little gang o’ junior Death Eaters... followers of You-Know-who,” he added when he saw that Harriet had no idea what Death Eaters were.
“Anyhow, Snape an’ his gang used ter get inter it with yer dad an’ his mates - they hated Slytherins.”
“Hmm...Wonder why?” Harriet muttered sarcastically.
“Yeh got a point,” said Hagrid. “Mos’ o’ the Slytherins were always pickin’ on muggleborn’s - callin’ them Mudblood an’ such - especially Snape an’ his chums - prob’ly used Dark magic on ‘em too, though nobody ever caught ‘em at it. ... An’ as far as I know, tha’ bunch all joined up with You-Know-Who after Hogwarts.”
“Well there you go then,” said Hermione. “I bet Harriet’s father was just standing up for muggleborns.”
“Prob’ly had somethin’ ter do with it,” Hagrid agreed. “Bu’ Harry’s dad an’ his mates also used ter get up ter a bit o’ mischief on their own - nothin’ too bad mind you - jus’ a few pranks here an’ there.”
Harriet was listening intently, keen to hear more about her parents, then she noticed that they had changed direction.
“Er... Why are we going to the lake?” asked Harriet.
“‘Cause tha’s where yer next task is takin’ place,” Hagrid muttered, looking a bit cross. “The Giant Squid is gonna have its way with yeh all day - apparently it’s a pretty good stand-in fer that Shoku-whatsit...”
“The Giant Squid? You’re joking!” Harriet gasped in horror.
“‘Fraid not!” said Hagrid. “An’ ter make it abou’ as rotten fer yeh as ‘e can, Dumbledore’s given the school th’day off so’s anyone c’n come’n watch at anytime they please...”
Snape peered at the numerous photos from Saturday of Harriet being shagged in all holes by hundreds of house-elves - taken from various angles and distances - with a measure of satisfaction. Like all magical photographs, the images were moving and Snape felt a tingling in his groin as he watched the voluminous amount of spunk drooling from Harriet’s ravaged orifices every time a new set of house-elves took the place of the previous set.
“Well?” said Dumbledore, raising his bushy white eyebrows after several minutes passed in silence. Snape reluctantly tore his eyes away from the pictures.
“Yes, yes!” Snape nodded his head, sounding impatient. “This is most gratifying indeed. But what of the Centaurs? No pictures at all from yesterday?”
“The Centaurs would never allow such a thing,” Dumbledore pointed out. “They are, as you know, a private and proud people. I can assure you though, Magorian agreed to my request for a solid sixteen hour session with Harry.”
“Hmph!” Snape snorted, scowling. “I suppose that is something.”
“In any case, Severus, today’s task is about to begin, and there are certain to be many photographs of this event as well.”
Snape brightened up considerably. “The Giant Squid, yes! ... And how long did you allow for Potter to undergo its assault?”
“Well,” said Dumbledore, “if it were strictly up to me, Harry would only be enduring an eight hour session, but I gave you my word that I would double his sessions, and so it shall be.”
“Good!” Snape nodded. “Very well, I shall make do with these photographs for now.”
“Quite!” said Dumbledore wryly, his eyes twinkling. “I shall leave you to it then. ... And if you don’t want to give Poppy a heart-attack while you peruse them at your leisure, don’t forget to charm your curtains.”
Snape waited until Dumbledore was gone and took his advice, closing the curtain around his hospital bed with his wand, and then spelling it with silencing and impenetrable charms.
With another wave of his wand the photos hovered in the air, close enough for him to see everything clearly. Then he reached a hand under the crisp linen sheet, tugged his hospital gown up to his navel, and conjured up a disembodied pair of pouting lips. The magical lips wrapped themselves around his erect cock, taking it inside what amounted to an invisible mouth and throat...
As they approached the lake with Hagrid, Harriet and Hermione both glared at the headmaster, whose silvery beard caught a few rays of the morning sunlight peeking through breaks in the grey clouds.
A large crowd of students were eagerly awaiting the show, many of them sitting in stands which had apparently been conjured up for the occasion. The presence of a purple tent right by the shore of the lake was puzzling though. Hagrid shook his head and lumbered off, heading back to his hut and muttering under his breath.
“Ah, Harry, none the worse for wear I see,” said Dumbledore, his eyes merrily twinkling. “No doubt you are quite exhausted after your lengthy bout with the Centaurs, and were probably hoping for a nap. Nonetheless, I must insist that we continue your training without delay. If you would please approach the shore and stand right at the edge, the Giant Squid will be along momentarily.”
Harriet silently fumed at Dumbledore’s utter disregard for her; the headmaster’s only real concern seemed to be to keep her from being damaged, no doubt because he didn’t want anyone to break his favourite sex-toy.
“What’s the tent for?” asked Hermione, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“Ah, that! I almost forgot to mention - that is for you, Miss Granger,” said Dumbledore cheerily. “You see, as you are currently hosting a certain resident in your... vessel, you cannot really participate in this task in any meaningful way. The chance of Ronald Weasley’s rat meeting a watery death is too great, should you become submerged.
“Instead, you shall be servicing the students who have come to watch the event. I have provided a tent because I have had a number of complaints from some of the female students that they have not felt comfortable enough to join in feeding you and Harry at mealtimes.
“Apparently, girls seem to prefer a bit of privacy, not being willing to expose themselves, or to be subject to potential humiliation at the hands of other students for succumbing to the sublime delights of passion in such a public setting. ... Never having been a member of the fairer sex myself, I was unaware that such might be an issue. Teenage boys on the other hand are readily able to overcome such inhibitions with the right stimuli.”
“Really?” Hermione squeaked skeptically. “That doesn’t make much sense to me. How could you not know that girls tend to be more unwilling to be labeled sluts than boys are? Surely some girls in prior years complained that they didn’t feel comfortable being serviced by sex-slaves at the dinner table.”
“Sex-slaves is such an ugly term,” said Dumbledore, his tone growing chillier. “I believe I have already explained the exalted position of the Receptacles...”
Harriet snorted. Dumbledore continued as if he hadn’t heard.
“...In any case, this was news to me, because in prior years, it would seem that the girls who had expressed an interest were not comfortable speaking to me directly, and directed their concerns to Professor McGonagall, who is, after all, the deputy headmistress. And apparently Professor McGonagall had not seen fit to convey their complaints to me - for which I have already admonished her.
“This year, several girls were bold enough to approach me, and this seemed an ideal opportunity to give them a chance to interact with you in some privacy. And of course many boys will no doubt seek to provide you sustenance, so the tent has been enchanted to allow only a single entrant at a time.”
“And I should mention that I did provide a little one-way window with a direct view of the lake to provide you the opportunity to witness Harry’s training,” he added with a tone of voice which suggested that he was being magnanimous and that Hermione should be grateful.
A burbling, rushing sound came from the lake; Harriet and Hermione and Dumbledore all turned to see the enormous head of the Giant Squid emerging with a great amount of splashing from the shimmering surface, sending a surge of water which washed up over the shore line.
A flock of ducks took flight and the students who were near the edge of the lake, excitedly waiting for the spectacle to begin, hastily scrambled out of the way.
“Ah, Harry, it would appear to be time. Don’t keep the Giant Squid waiting. And Miss Granger, if you would please enter the tent...”
Both scowling, having no choice but to follow Dumbledore’s commands, Harriet and Hermione headed for their respective destinations.
Harriet started trembling as she nervously picked her way across the pebbly shore and began wading into the lake as the Giant Squid drew nearer. She had no idea what to expect from the gargantuan beast from the murky depths of the lake, and she had never been swimming before - not even in a pool.
Harriet didn’t have go out very far, and she couldn’t help letting out a little scream when several tentacles surfaced and snaked around her waist, lofting her high into the air. There was a smattering of applause from the grinning and laughing students on the shore.
The slimy tentacles held her firm as the Giant Squid drew her closer to its massive head. It lifted Harriet even higher and several more tentacles emerged from the rippling lake. Two gripped her arms, tugging them away from her body and for a moment she dangled, frightened, her legs kicking out before they too were grasped and pulled widely apart.
Held above the surface of the lake, spread-eagle, Harriet was tilted so that everyone on dry land would have a good view of everything between her legs. Harriet was quaking now, her heart racing.
The next thing Harriet knew, two tentacles were reaching towards her quivering breasts. Her eyes widened with fear when the suction cups drew closer and closer and she saw that they were ringed with tiny little teeth.
Harriet let out an “Aaaaaargh!” when a suction cup near the tip of each tentacle clamped down painfully on the peaks of her boobs, engulfing her nipples. She panted, her chest heaving rapidly as the suction cups tugged on her breasts, contracting around her nipples, and began milking them.
Her teeth gritted, eyes squeezed shut with pain, she didn’t see the others coming. Another scream escaped Harriet’s lips when she felt the tips of two tentacles driving forcefully into her vagina and rectum. The appendages penetrated her deeply, squirming inside her like slimy serpents.
Gasping and squealing now, Harriet’s wide open mouth was an easy target, and before she had time to realise what was happening, another tentacle wriggled into her throat. Once all of her orifices were well and truly plugged, the tentacles began to writhe and pump, fucking Harriet with wild abandon...
Tears filled Hermione’s eyes as she peered out through the one-way window, watching the Giant Squid assaulting and violating Harriet, but she didn’t have much time to lament Harriet’s misfortune. The flap in the side of the tent opened, and an older Slytherin girl with dark hair - probably in her sixth or seventh year - entered, a nasty smirk on her lips. She was the one who had milked Hermione the other day, filling an entire large creamer to take back to the Slytherin table.
“Nice to see you again, Granger,” said the Slytherin girl in a slightly husky voice as she lifted her skirt and tugged her knickers off, exposing a well trimmed dark thatch on her mound and a bare slit beneath.
“Finally, a moment alone with you - I’ve been looking forward to this. Now get over here bitch and eat my twat!”
Glumly, Hermione knelt before the older witch and followed orders. Wishing she was licking out Harriet instead, Hermione’s tongue delved into the inner-folds of the girl’s heated labia. Her appendage probed deeper into the Slytherin’s wet passage before moving on to her clitoris.
Hermione swirled her tongue around the fleshy pearl; she gently nibbled and sucked. She began alternating between tonguing the girl’s slick sheath and toggling her nubbin. The Slytherin let out a moan of pleasure and roughly grasped Hermione’s bushy head with both hands.
“Aaaah... Granger,” she panted with wanton delight, “You really know what you’re doing! Been practicing on Potter have you?”
Hermione flushed, not answering, continuing her task. The Slytherin squashed Hermione’s head into her crotch and began grinding Hermione’s face with her pussy, her moans growing louder. Then the girl quivered, peaking, and flooded Hermione’s face with her dewiness.
Finished, the older girl pulled her knickers back on and straightened out her skirt. Surprisingly, her smirk seemed a lot friendlier now, considering that she was a Slytherin and Hermione was a “Mudblood.”
“See you round, Granger. Hope we get a chance to do this again.”
Then the girl was gone, and in her place was one of the older Ravenclaw boys, leering at Hermione and unzipping his fly.
“Looks like it’s breakfast time for you, Granger!” he sneered. “And this time there’s no Patil or Clearwater to protect you!”
Hermione’s face paled. She’d rather lick a hundred Slytherin pussies than deal with what she knew was coming next.
The older Ravenclaw boy yanked Hermione’s hair painfully and shoved his cock into her mouth, plummeting into her gullet. He brutally raped Hermione’s throat for nearly ten minutes before spewing his hot semen into her stomach; then he pulled out and jerked the last few spurts of cum onto her face.
Following the Ravenclaw boy, another girl entered the tent, a shy looking red-headed Hufflepuff who looked like she was in first year. Then Hermione remembered her name from the sorting ceremony, Susan Bones.
Susan peered at Hermione a moment then took out her wand and uttered the cleaning spell. The Hufflepuff began to hesitantly lift her skirt and blushed, letting it fall again and taking a deep breath.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, before quickly turning back towards the flap of the tent.
Bewildered, Hermione couldn’t just let her go, curious as to what Susan had really wanted.
“Wait, Susan,” Hermione called out. Susan turned around, looking a bit tearful and puzzled.
“Erm... Did you really want me to, er... you know?” asked Hermione, not sure what word to use, given the girl’s apparent anxiety. “Was it just for fun, or did someone dare you? ... Or was it something else?”
Susan’s cheeks grew even redder and she stuck her finger in her mouth, sucking on it nervously.
“I... I’m not sure,” said Susan. “It’s just... I... I think I might like girls, and I wanted to see what it would be like to... er... mess about a bit with one. I was just too afraid to ask anyone so I thought maybe - with you. ... B-but I hate the way everyone is so mean to you, and I don’t want to be mean to you.”
Hermione bit her lip, feeling a little tug in her chest, and gave Susan a sympathetic look.
“It’s alright,” said Hermione earnestly. “If you want me to do it, I don’t mind.”
“Really?” Susan looked surprised. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Hermione nodded, smiling. “You seem nice, and I don’t mind doing it for someone nice.”
Susan let out a sigh of relief and smiled back.
“Thank you Hermione,” she said, kneeling beside her. “Er... can I try kissing you first?”
Hermione nodded again. Susan tentatively leaned forward, taking Hermione’s lips with her own. Hermione closed her eyes, pretending she was with Harriet, and returned Susan’s kiss affectionately, tasting strawberry lip gloss. After a few moments of kissing, Susan pulled back, looking sort of giggly, her cheeks a rosy pink.
“That was really nice,” said Susan bashfully. “I really liked it. Your lips are so soft.”
“Did you want to try something else?”
Susan hesitated. “Can I... erm, suck your nipples? I wanted to the other day but was too embarrassed to.”
“Sure! Of course,” said Hermione kindly.
Susan was bolder this time, holding Hermione’s sides when she encircled Hermione’s pink rosebuds with her lips. She began to suck slowly at first, and then a bit more vigorously, drinking down Hermione’s milk; Hermione felt little tingles of arousal rippling through her. When Susan was finished she wiped her lips and giggled nervously again.
“It tasted kind of sweet. Will my breasts have milk too when they get bigger?”
“It doesn’t work like that,” Hermione replied, half-smiling at Susan’s innocence. “Normally it only happens when women have babies. The House-Elves used magic on me and Harriet.”
“Oh,” said Susan, looking disappointed.
“But I’m sure there’s a wizard magic spell for that if you really wanted to,” said Hermione encouragingly.
“Oh,” said Susan again, her features brightening. “I’ll have to look that up then.”
Susan began to get up and straighten her skirt.
“Is that all you wanted?” Hermione asked. “I really don’t mind su... I mean licking your, er...”
Susan seemed so young and naive, that Hermione still wasn‘t sure what term to use. It instantly struck Hermione how weird it was that someone of a similar age could seem so young to her now, then realised that her and Harriet’s many experiences - as awful as they were - had forced them both to grow up rapidly in such a short amount of time.
Hermione took a deep breath and decided to just be blunt. Susan had apparently been considering it at first before she had been overcome with embarrassment after all.
“If you want, Susan, I’ll lick your vagina. It’s really nice actually when you’re doing it with someone you like.”
Susan’s cheeks turned scarlet, then, before she could talk herself out of it, Susan tugged off her knickers and sat on the ground. She drew her skirt up around her waist, leaned back on her elbows and spread her thighs, blushing all over again to be exposing herself to someone else for the first time.
Already kneeling, Hermione got down on her hands and crawled between Susan’s legs, eyeing her hairless little slit. Hermione busily got underway, lavishing the Hufflepuff’s vulva with extra care and attention, slipping her tongue inside Susan’s heated and already dripping entrance, licking the length of her labia, twirling her swollen little pearl.
After a few minute’s of Hermione’s ministrations, Susan began quivering and squeaking, her hips bucking. Susan’s thighs suddenly clamped around Hermione’s head and the next thing Hermione knew, her face was bathed with Susan’s nectar.
Hermione sat up and grinned as she looked at the dazed young girl who was still panting on the ground.
“That was amazing!” said Susan breathlessly when she had recovered. “Thanks loads Hermione.”
Susan pulled on her knickers and beamed at Hermione; she waved her wand and Hermione’s face was clean again. Then, taking Hermione by surprise, Susan leaned in and gave her another kiss on the lips.
“Bye Hermione,” said Susan fondly as she headed towards the entrance of the tent. “You’re really sweet. I hope you and Harriet manage to escape sooner or later. If I can do anything for you, just let me know.”
Hermione let the momentary satisfaction of Susan’s affection wash over her, knowing the moment couldn’t last. She sighed as the glow faded when the flap opened again and another red-head entered the tent, grinning at her.
“Hey Granger,” said Ron, “Just thought I’d bring you and Scabbers some breakfast...”
Hermione spread her legs and grit her teeth as Ron poked pieces of greasy sausage and bacon, and scratchy bits of toast, into her vagina. She felt Scabbers scrabbling around inside her to get the food and return to his nest to eat.
“Now it’s your turn.” Ron unzipped his trousers, still grinning, and thrust his magically enhanced cock to the hilt into Hermione’s esophagus all in one go...
It went on like that for hours, about twenty five or so girls taking advantage of the privacy to make Hermione eat them out, and at least five times as many boys ravaging her throat, alternately making her swallow their sperm and spraying it across her countenance.
In between, Hermione got a few chances to peek through the window to see how Harriet was getting on...
The tentacle slithering so far down her throat that it reached her stomach briefly retreated; Harriet gasped, panting heavily, gulping in fresh air, knowing she didn’t have long to breathe freely without impedance.
“Glrrk... Gahk...” she choked again when the tentacle plunged back into her gullet, rejoining the tentacles fucking her raw vagina and bottom-hole while the tentacles attached firmly to her tits continued to suction her sore nipples.
Breathing shallowly now through her nose, Harriet prepared herself for the terrifying moment she knew was coming next. For the umpteenth time the Giant Squid dunked Harriet into the freezing lake and held her under for nearly two minutes while she helplessly struggled to break free, frightened that this would be the time that she drowned.
But the Giant Squid seemed to know just how long to safely keep her submerged and the next thing Harriet knew, she was back in the air, high above the surface of the lake, icy cold water sluicing from her squirming body. Harriet gagged around the long tendril sliding in and out of her throat, spitting up lake-water.
For hours and hours it went on, the slimy tentacles reaching into her depths without end. Harriet felt the one in her rectum wriggling in and out and in and out of her lower colon. She felt the other one widely stretching the inner-walls of her vagina, powering through her cervix and coiling several feet of it inside her womb, repeatedly and relentlessly invading and retreating in rapid succession.
She felt the one in her throat thrusting again and again to her stomach - and half an hour later she was plunged beneath the surface of the lake once more.
There were no orgasms to be had that day, and as humiliating as it was being brought to climax by some of her rapists, at least they alleviated some of the monotony and the pain of it all.
When the clouds grew darker, the edges of the breaks tinged with pink, Harriet knew the sun was going down and she wondered how many more hours she was going to be forced to endure the nonstop pillaging of her body by the Giant Squid.
Eventually, many hours later, long after nightfall, the wind whipping around her wet, shivering figure, the clouds parted to reveal a thousand stars sparkling like diamonds against the black sky and a silvery moon while the Giant Squid continued plundering every vessel...
And then it was finished and Harriet was on the shore, doubled over and throwing up lake-water, not quite sure how she had got there. All she knew was that Hermione was stroking her back and sobbing while Harriet kept retching and heaving up water.
At long last, there was nothing left to throw up; Harriet’s stomach settled and she sprawled on her back on the pebbles, panting, utterly exhausted and freezing, every part of her body aching and sore. The only parts of her which weren’t frozen were her burning passages. Then she felt Hermione’s arms wrapped tightly around her and Hermione’s cold skin pressed against her own.
After a while, the warmth of Hermione’s core radiated through Harriet’s body, heating up her own chilled core, and she began feeling a bit less frozen inside. Then she felt Hermione’s hands gently massaging her breasts for a span of time, attempting to soothe the large, painful bruises and the ring of tiny sharp teeth indentations surrounding her nipples.
Then Hermione lay atop Harriet again, planting little kisses all over her face, and finally Harriet had enough energy to speak.
“How long?” she asked.
Hermione sighed sadly. “At least sixteen hours. It’s well after midnight.”
“Of course!” Harriet muttered. “Why would it be any less than the time I was supposed to be fucked by the Centaurs?”
Then Harriet peered at Hermione with concern. “What about you Hermione? Are you alright?”
“Most of the girls weren’t so bad actually - there were only a couple of really mean ones,” said Hermione. “The boys were about as horrid as usual though...”
Hermione gave a start, her eyes widening, and fell silent when she and Harriet heard a noise.
They both stiffened and warily peered into the darkness, hearing footsteps and rustling bushes. Hagrid’s enormous frame was easily recognisable despite being all in shadow as he emerged from the darkness with another shadowy figure which looked like Madam Pomfrey, both silhouetted against the silvery moonlight.
“I wen’ an got Pomfrey,” Hagrid told the two surprised girls. “She’s the only one who’d listen ter me, an’ the only one who was able ter talk some sense inter Dumbledore.”
“Not at all Rubeus,” said Madam Pomfrey kindly. “If it weren’t for you, the headmaster wouldn’t have given me half as much credence.”
“Yeah, well, he didn’ pay much attention ter me this morning.”
“Hmm... I think we both have a very good idea why that might have been.” Then Pomfrey addressed Harriet and Hermione directly.
“You’re both coming with me to the infirmary, and there you will stay until Saturday,” she insisted. “I’m afraid that I can do nothing to prevent that event. But in the meantime, there will be no more of this ridiculousness while I have you under my care.”
“What about Snape,” Harriet growled. “I don’t want to be anywhere Snape is.”
“I sent him back to his quarters where the House-Elves will see to his needs,” said Pomfrey reassuringly. “Now come on you two, you must both be half-frozen.”
“You can say that again,” said Harriet as she struggled to haul herself to her feet, only to discover that her lower muscles were still too weak to support her.
Hagrid swept Harriet into his arms, lifting her from the pebbly shore, and carried her all the way back to the castle and up to the hospital-wing, setting her down in one of the beds. Hermione clambered into the bed beside her, both of them still shivering from the cold.
“Righ’ then, ‘night you two,” said Hagrid before he turned to leave. “Pomfrey’s got yeh both well looked after the nex’ few days.”
Once he had gone, Pomfrey covered Harriet and Hermione with a thick, magically warmed blanket, dosed them both with calming draughts and pain potions - the strong kind - and called for a House-Elf to bring them a proper meal. Then she gave them an apologetic look.
“I’m afraid that I am not able to give you nighties again. That was the one demand that Professor Dumbledore insisted upon before he would allow me to bring you here, but he can’t stop me from feeding you up.”
“Honestly, as long as we’re here with you, that’s not a big deal,” said Harriet. “I feel loads better just being on a nice soft bed with a blanket.”
“Me too,” Hermione agreed.
“Very well then,” said Madam Pomfrey with a smile. “I’ll leave you both to it then. Dinner shall be with you shortly and there are sleeping draughts beside the bed if you need them.”
Full of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and Yorkshire puddings after their late supper, Hermione and Harriet snuggled together happily. Hermione stroked Harriet’s messy hair and clutched Harriet to her breast. Harriet got the message and began sucking on Hermione’s nipple before passing out...
@ Bwinx32: I hear you! To be sure, many passages in my stories are as emotionally devastating to write as they are to read. And I just can't write an explicit rape scene, or a post rape scene, without dealing at least semi-realistically with the emotional toll it takes on the victims.
@ ClaireR89: I was just waiting until the story naturally led to an opportunity which girls would be more inclined to take advantage of. As I told Pixel, it seemed highly unlikely to me that any teenage girls would leave themselves open to ridicule from the other students. Teenage boys on the other hand.., their raging hormones can readily lead to lowered inhibitions, especially when egging each other on.
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