The Prisoner | By : Nerys Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Hermione/Voldemort Views: 63563 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 13 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A/N: Sorry for the long wait in updates to this story. *hides*
Warning: Bondage.
The Prisoner
Work obviously had been set up to be a nightmare for her. All they had her do were menial tasks, lots of dull administrative duties, and grunt work. Not completely unexpected, since she had after all taken off the gloves herself as well. It felt petty, silly, and was utterly futile in Hermione’s opinion. She still got to see Tom even though it was no longer during work hours. She still got paid. And she didn’t mind the boring tasks for a while. It was actually a relief from the constant stress she’d been under. Alphabetising, ordering, and fact-checking the Unspeakable Files felt somewhat healing. No real responsibility and lots of interesting information to go through.
The joke was on them.
Hermione looked up from the stack of files on her desk. ‘Hi, Neville. What are you doing here?’
‘I was told to bring the results on the plant to you.’
‘Oh, that touchy feely thing you had in the hallway a while back?’
‘That’s the one. I’ve named it Snuggles,’ Neville said, holding out the file to her.
Hermione burst out in laughter. ‘So do I get to whack you over the head now?’
Neville smiled. ‘I couldn’t resist the name after our last convo. But I have to say this was such an interesting investigation. The crossbreed has some aspects not seen before in other plants we have. That touchy feely thing, as you described it, turned out to be a feeding on magical energy.’
‘Yeah, the more magic the plant got in contact with, the more it flourished. It actually is quite desperate for it because it can’t go a week without before starting to wilt, no matter how much water or nutrients you supply it with.’
‘I knew you’d think so. The noises it makes are also distinctly different depending on the magical source, and it doesn’t have to touch the person to feed off his or her energy, but it wants to get closer if it is either more starved for magic or perceives a large source of it.’
‘Does it drain the person of magic or is it a symbiotic relationship?’
‘We believe symbiotic because it doesn’t exhaust the person it’s in contact with. Also we’ve seen no impact on individuals’ ability to do magic after sustained contact. Symbiosis also makes more sense in terms of survival. If the plant was draining a person, they’d run out of food quickly.’
‘Yeah, I still wonder if this plant is a failed weapon,’ Hermione pondered. ‘Send it as a gift to someone you want dead or magicless?’
‘Could be.’
‘Why else create a crossbreed that feeds on magic?’
‘I have no idea, but this one is not a weapon. I’m taking it home. It’s a lovely plant.’
‘You’re taking it home?’ Hermione asked, amused.
‘Of course, it fits perfectly in my collection. And well, we’re done testing, and otherwise, it might be destroyed.’
‘Or further developed by this department. Hmmm… Did you state in your file you’re taking it home?’
‘I’ll change that to the plant having been destroyed then,’ Hermione said, opening the file and handing it back to Neville.
‘Do you want someone to come to your house and take your plant to turn it from the failed weapon it is to something that might actually do what the original creator, whoever that may be, meant for it to do?’
‘You’re just assuming someone had evil intentions with it.’
‘I know it is an assumption, as is my assumption that this department will want to use it for just that, but it’s not a big leap, Neville. You’ve found it to be a peaceful plant. Do you want to take the risk of it being hurt to become a weapon?’
‘No, of course not. I just never falsified a report before,’ Neville said, waving his wand at his document and erasing the words.
‘Don’t worry. I’ll just file it away in a category nobody will ever look in.’
‘What category would that be?’ Neville asked, his eyes scanning her desk.
‘The less you know …’
‘Hermione, don’t you have a quill anywhere?’
‘Er … no, I use pens. Oh, you used a quill for your writing. Better Summon yours then.’
After Neville had done just that and changed his file, he handed it back to her. ‘Feels like old times,’ he said, smiling. ‘Next we’re going to be sneaking around this department.’
Hermione laughed. ‘As long as we don’t have to go camping, count me in.’
‘No camping, I promise,’ he said. His smile faded, and he wiggled on his feet, fidgeting with his hands.
‘Is something wrong?’ Hermione asked.
‘I—I …’ He swallowed, taking a deep breath before continuing in a surer tone of voice. ‘I heard about you and Ron, and I’m so sorry. I just wanted to ask if you’re okay.’
Hermione rubbed her neck. ‘I am fine. Thank you for asking. You’re a good friend.’
‘If there’s anything I can do, just holler.’
‘I really don’t deserve such great friends,’ Hermione said, smiling at him gratefully.
‘Oh yes, you do. You always were there for me at Hogwarts. I’m just returning the favour.’
‘Am I going to get Petrified next?’
Neville looked confused for a brief moment until the Knut dropped. ‘Ah, yeah, I’ve it all planned,’ he taunted.
‘You’re going to need to,’ Hermione warned. ‘I’ll be ready.’ She patted on her pocket where her wand lie.
Neville held up his hands in surrender. ‘I’m sure you are. See you soon, I hope.’ He turned around and walked to the door.
He looked over his shoulder. ‘Yes?’
‘I’m having Harry and Ginny over for dinner tonight. If you have time, I’d love it if you’d come, too.’
‘I’d love to come.’
‘Great,’ Hermione said, smiling. ‘I’ll see you tonight then.’
‘Until tonight.’
‘How may I help you, Katie?’ Kingsley Shacklebolt boomed through his office as the Head of the Department of Mysteries entered.
‘I want to discuss this ongoing situation concerning my employee, Hermione.’
‘Ah, how is she doing now?’ Kingsley said, folding his hands in front of him on his desk. ‘Do sit, Katie, you’re never this shy.’
‘Thanks,’ Katie said, sitting down. ‘As for how Hermione is doing—well, bored, I would assume. She’s been double-checking and filing away every single file for months now. It’s a lot of wasted potential, Kingsley. I really want to send her back out into the field.’
‘As in to Riddle,’ Kingsley replied. ‘I don’t think so.’
‘She’s going there anyway, and—’
Kingsley interrupted her abruptly. ‘What Hermione does in her private time is beyond my control, but I believe she needs the rest after spending …. How long again has she been going to Riddle?’
‘Almost a year now,’ Katie said begrudgingly.
‘Almost a year without my knowledge,’ Kingsley shook his head. ‘You’re unbelievable, Katie. The nerve you have of coming here and requesting this, be glad you still have a job.’
‘You weren’t this unhappy with the results she produced.’
‘Hermione always does her best to get results. You don’t have to tell me that, but she needs protecting against herself. This is me, protecting her now when I should’ve looked more closely into what you were doing sooner. She needs some distance; she needs some rest in her every day life; and the time she spends around Riddle needs to be as limited as possible, or do you disagree?’
Katie sighed. ‘No, not really, but it’s such a waste of talent, Kingsley. Why not put her in charge of one of our ongoing experiments then? Anything is better than have her be a glorified, overpaid administrative employee.’
Kingsley had to hand it to McGregor, she wasn’t stupid. Clearly, she had an inkling as to why he wanted Hermione to have read every document in the Department of Mysteries.
‘If she burns out, it’s an even bigger waste. The professional opinion of Healer Oliver was that she needs rest in one area of her life, so for now, work has to be the place where that happens. It’s fitting, given that her work is the reason she needs it, wouldn’t you say?’
‘I suppose.’
‘I’m so glad we’re in agreement.’
Katie stood up at that clear dismissal. Before leaving his office, she turned around, hand on the doorknob. ‘If you plan to remove me as head of the department, Minister, I should warn you that you’re lacking sufficient cause.’
Kingsley raised his eyebrows in surprise. ‘Katie, if I wanted you removed, I’d have done it already. You know full well there is always something to be found if need be.’
Katie released the doorknob and leaned with her back against the door instead, crossing her arms and scrutinising him. ‘Of course. I suppose Hermione is getting herself familiarised with everything regarding my department just for kicks then?’
‘I’ve never seen you as the insecure type. Gotta say it’s surprising.’
‘I’m not insecure, just cautious and not blind, Kingsley.’
Kingsley cracked his neck. ‘Katie, I’m very aware of your competence. I have no plans to remove you. I’d be a fool to do so since the Department of Mysteries has never run smoother than since you took over.’
Katie huffed in disbelief.
‘However, I also need to take into consideration that this department is notorious for shifting in leadership. Ever since Shilling ran it in 1877, we never had anyone stay as head for longer than five years. You’re almost there, and I’m sure you’re getting lots of far more lucrative offers from various corporations.’
‘None I’m interested in.’
‘I’m glad to hear that, but you must understand that if that interesting offer does come, I can’t have the Department of Mysteries fall in disarray as has happened before.’
Katie uncrossed her arms, her stance relaxing. ‘I suppose … that makes perfect sense.’
‘So what do you think of my desired choice to replace you if you leave?’
Katie took a moment, looking upwards before approaching his desk again and sitting down. ‘Hermione is clever, tough as nails, sneaky enough for this department and very conscientious about her work. A bit too much of a perfectionist and she may have difficulties interacting with her staff due to her sometimes abrasive nature, but I’m sure she will have plenty of goodwill due to her actions during the war and her own work ethos for that to be overlooked by the department staff. All in all, I believe she would do a good job once she’s grown into the role. The Riddle angle, however, will have to be kept under surveillance. We can’t have him run the facility.’
‘Naturally,’ said Kingsley. ‘Any suggestions on how we could safeguard against that?’
‘Hmmm… I need to think and do some research about that some more before being able to give a valid statement to this.’
‘Of course, I wouldn’t want it any other way, but what is your personal opinion right now?’
‘Well, from what I’ve seen of Hermione, she’s very much her own person. Her stubbornness, determination, and morale will be a significant problem for Riddle to overcome. We could already see this in the psychological reports Healer Oliver is supplying us with about her condition now, and it is made clear that Riddle’s influence is in no way even remotely close to the situation that arose with Cutler and company. However, there is some influence, and thinking of the long term, which I’m sure Riddle is doing as well, I do believe she will need psychological assistance in remaining who she is.’
‘Okay, thank you, Katie. I’ll take that under advisement.’
‘I’ll look into what else could be done. However, I have no intentions of leaving, Kingsley, just so you know.’
‘I’m glad to hear that,’ Kingsley said, smiling. ‘It would be a great loss to this Ministry if you left.’
He stood up and reached out for Katie’s hand. She took his and shook it. ‘I’m glad we were able to clear the air,’ Katie said. ‘I was pretty sure you were unhappy with how I handled the situation between Riddle and Hermione.’
‘I never kept that a secret from you,’ Kingsley replied.
As Katie McGregor closed the door behind her, Kingsley sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. McGregor really was good at sniffing out the truth. He’d really meant it when he said that he found her a great and competent department head, but the trouble was that he couldn’t overlook the Riddle debacle either. It was personal to him. Alas, McGregor had her department fully under control. The incident with Hermione and Riddle had been out of the ordinary, not a pattern of misconduct. An Orator had looked into the matter and basically told him firing McGregor would be costly because she had made only one major error and was one of the most efficient department heads of the Ministry. Still, she had to slip up some time. One more error, the Orator had told him, and he could fire her. He wanted to be ready when that happened. He wanted his desired replacement for that position to be ready when that happened, too.
Excited, Hermione entered Tom’s cell that evening. They had so much to discuss. She’d finally finished that blasted book. It had been an overall nightmare, the longest she’d ever taken, but she’d finished and understood it now. She felt on top of the world.
‘I finished!’ she yelled, tossing the book on the table.
Tom stood hunched over by the facet, splashing water against his face. He grabbed a towel and turned around, drying himself while looking at her mischievously.
‘All done now. Never to open again. Ever,’ she said, bouncing on her feet.
Tom snorted, putting the towel back on the hanger. ‘Are you certain you comprehend all the intricacies? Because otherwise it is going to be opened again. By you. Forever.’
‘Ooooh, horrible threat. You’re losing your touch, honey. Ask me anything.’
‘Anything …’ After a barrage of book-related questions she all answered to his satisfaction, he ended with, ‘How was your day at work?’
‘Fine. I’ve reorganised the cabinets and created an easier guideline for determining how to classify a document. The one they had pretty much made everything top secret if you followed all the steps.’
Tom frowned. ‘They still have you going through all the files?’
‘Oh, I’ve went through them, edited, reread, and done whatever else is possible to them by now. You wouldn’t believe some of the nonsense that was kept. So much pointless information obscured the actual valuable documents. I made sure that stopped.’
‘So you’ve read everything about everything about the Department of Mysteries. Does that include employee records, operational and budgetary ones?’
‘Yeah, those were actually the biggest mess to organise. Some files have to be submitted threefold, which makes zero sense since they’re classified as hell.’
‘As in “For McGregor’s eyes only”,’ Tom said.
‘Yeah, well, she doesn’t have the time to organise this crap, and I can’t talk about it anyway.’
Shrugging, he said, ‘You’re missing my point. All of these files you’re reading and organising, or whatever excuse is used to grant you access, are meant for the Head of the Department of Mysteries.’
‘Yeah, so?’
‘I’m beginning to think this isn’t coming from McGregor at all. This isn’t her way to try to get you to quit. If it were, she’d give you lousier jobs to do. Something you wouldn’t like, something that wouldn’t entail reading. Maybe some physical labour.’
‘Har har.’
‘Think about it, Hermione. You now know everything there is to know about running the Department of Mysteries. That’s not McGregor’s idea. Why on Earth would she make it this easy for someone to take over her position, especially someone as qualified as you?’
‘Nobody in their right mind is going to offer a leadership job at the Ministry to your wife,’ Hermione countered. ‘Conspiracy theorist.’
‘Hah! Call me that if you want, but I’m right and you know it. They may not give it to my wife, but they sure as hell will give it to Hermione Granger, war hero.’
‘Same person, darling.’
‘Tell that to your Minister for Magic.’
‘You think Kingsley is behind this?’ Hermione shook her head. ‘He wouldn’t do that. He hired Katie, and I may have had my differences with her, but she is very effective at her job. It would be foolish to replace her.’
‘But I bet he doesn’t like how she tried to screw you over.’
‘Even so, as Minister, he has a bigger responsibility than protecting me. Making decisions based on the personal would be highly unethical.’
Tom groaned, pinching his brow. ‘Of course he has a bigger responsibility. That also includes having a functioning Department of Mysteries after its current head has to resign. So what will you do when he offers you the job on McGregor’s next screwup?’
‘Haven’t you listened to a word I said? Katie isn’t prone to fuck things up.’
His eyes flickered. For a brief moment, there was a knowing amusement visible in his otherwise blank features.
‘Are you planning something to overthrow Katie?’ Hermione asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
Tom overdramatically pressed his hands to his chest. ‘Who, moi?’
‘Yeah, tu.’
‘I don’t have to overthrow McGregor. She’s doing that all by herself.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?”
‘It means I’m betting on Shacklebolt. McGregor will make the serious error he’s waiting for, and then, he will have the excuse he needs to get rid of her. So, answer my question, Hermione. What will you do when he offers you the job?’
‘How would I know? I haven’t thought about this. I had more pressing issues to deal with than my stagnant career.’
‘I suggest you start thinking about it, darling, because Shacklebolt clearly is.’
‘You’re mad,’ she said, but she didn’t sound like she meant it. There was doubt in her voice.
Tom closed the distance between them, his fingers playing with a curl of her hair. There was no need to continue the argument; he’d planted the seed. Now he wished to move onto more entertaining prospects.
‘Did you bring the items your mad husband asked for?’ he asked teasingly.
Her heart skipped a beat. Oh yes, she had.
‘Of course,’ Hermione replied, pulling out the sachet containing everything he’d asked for, ‘though you better explain that huge ass knife to me.’
‘Do I now?’ He shrugged, accepting it from her. ‘Perhaps I want to do some wood carving in my spare time.’
Clearly because there were so many pieces of wood in his cell.
‘Perhaps you should’ve let me bring you some tree trunks then.’
‘Perhaps …’
Silence filled the room as Tom placed everything on the table: a long thick piece of nylon rope, a rectangular box of considerable size, a flogger, the huge ass knife she’d been complaining about, and several silk scarves.
‘Good, you’ve brought everything.’
‘You’re not using that knife on me,’ Hermione stated, determinedly folding her arms over each other.
‘Hmm…’ Tom mumbled, pondering, glancing down at her black leather, high-heeled boots that he loved watching her wear. He picked up the rope and unwinded it to about 3 meters. Then he took the knife and slashed that piece of the rope off. It went through like butter, making Hermione swallow at the ease. Placing the knife and rope back on the table, he turned towards her, ‘Do you trust me, Hermione?’
Not that question again.
‘I suppose.’
‘You suppose.’
‘Fine, fine. I do trust you not to go over my limits.’
‘Then the knife shouldn’t concern you.’
‘You know that would make more of a trustworthy impact if you removed that mischievous twinkle in your eyes and weren’t smirking.’
His smirk turned wider, and the playfulness of his eyes increased. She couldn’t help but scowl at that display. ‘You’re an arse.’
‘That’s why you love me,’ he said, closing the distance between them.
‘Correction: arrogant arse.’
‘And you love me for it,’ he said, pulling her into his embrace and kissing her thoroughly. His hands slowly caressed her back before unzipping her skirt and sliding it down her legs. She stepped to the side and kicked her discarded skirt away, while Tom had moved on to pulling her jumper over her head. Her hands were fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. He let her unbutton several before slapping her hands away playfully.
‘My turn to please you,’ he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
‘Well, then that shirt needs to go,’ Hermione countered, mimicking his eyebrow wiggle.
‘Seeing how you won’t be able to see anything soon that would be pointless.’
‘Sit down on the bed, darling, put the pillow behind your back and your legs on the mattress.’
‘Er….I’m still wearing my boots.’
‘They’re not in the way,’ he said, winking, ‘I can restrain you and reach what needs to be reached with them on.’
Her heart skipped a beat. Finally. She loved that feeling of restraint, but he’d only allowed her to hold onto a rope before, not actually tied her up. Some bullshit about novices freaking out, as if she would ever. It had been nice, but she wanted more and had pretty vocally expressed that opinion. Perhaps now he’d do just that? Excited, she sat down on his bed, placing the pillow behind her back.
Tom turned to grab the piece of rope he’d cut off earlier, and he folded it in half, holding on to both of the edges. He sat down on the bed, too, having her bend her knees to make room for him before pulling her legs in his lap, her ankles positioned just over his legs.
‘Cross your legs at the ankles,’ Tom ordered.
Curious, Hermione did just that and watched him loop the double-folded rope around her ankles and slide the edges through the end to snare it shut. Then he passed it between her legs, looping it underneath her heels, before passing it between her legs yet again, but this time over the ropes tying her ankles together. Finally, he wrapped the loose ends in opposite directions around her ankles again and finished with a knot of some sort. She furrowed her brow.
‘How are you going to reach anything with my legs tied together like this?’
Tom laughed. ‘Allow me to demonstrate,’ he said, grabbing her heels and pushing her legs closer to her body.
‘Oh,’ she said when her legs automatically spread upon that movement. ‘My bad.’
He got up, shifting through everything on the table before picking up one of the silk scarves. He sat down next to her upper body. ‘I wish to blindfold you, but if it’s too much, you can say so at any time.’
‘I’m fine with it.’
‘If during play you’re not, use your safeword.’
‘Of course.’
‘Repeat to me what your safeword is again.’
‘Spew,’ she said, narrowing her eyes at him for that choice. She hadn’t forgotten.
The scarf felt soft as it wrapped around her face. Not seeing anything after that was an odd sensation, slightly thrilling.
‘Hold out your left hand,’ Tom ordered.
Hermione held it out and felt a soft caress around her wrist that suddenly tightened as she felt him pulling it into a knot. He was really going to restrain her now. Excitement pooled in her nether regions. This was what she always wanted. The bed moved as his weight disappeared from it. She focused on listening, hearing him take two steps and feeling him grab the rope around her ankles.
‘Eep!’ she yelped when he suddenly yanked her farther down the bed while lifting her legs, forcing her into a lying position. Her head landed partly on the pillow and the mattress. His hands were under her head next, pulling the pillow in a more comfortable position under her. Next the rope around her left hand pulled her arm upwards, and a clang of metal sounded.
The bars behind his bed?
‘Put your other arm above your head, too,’ Tom said smoothly.
Hermione immediately complied, feeling a piece of soft fabric being pressed into her hand.
‘Grab it tightly.’
Hermione groaned. Not again. ‘Just tie me up already.’
‘You’re blindfolded for the first time, and I’ve tied your legs. That’s already more than enough progress for one go. This way if you do feel you can’t handle it anymore or panic at some point, you can let go easily and pull off your blindfold.’
‘Isn’t that what the safeword is for?’
‘Just in case you forget it.’
‘How could I possibly?’
‘You’d be surprised how many do.’
‘But you could untie me if I feel bad or panic. I trust you.’
‘I’m pleased you do, and a full-blown panic is pretty obvious to observe, but just a feeling isn’t always that clear, and I don’t have magic here, so I prefer erring on the safe side with you.’
She couldn’t really bring in any argument against that. What he said made perfect sense, yet she so wanted more.
He seemed to realise that because suddenly he said, ‘Give me a second.’
He pulled the soft fabric from her hand. She assumed he was doing something to the fabric from the noises she heard and the occasional pull she felt on her other arm. Then he grabbed her wrist and placed the fabric back in her hand. Right against her hand she felt a thick knot, so she couldn’t slide her hand downwards. It actually simulated the feeling of being tied up quite well.
The mattress dipped on both sides of her head, his breath a wisp against her face, causing her to hold hers. ‘Better now, Ms High-Maintenance?’
Hermione screwed up her face. ‘Depends,’ she teased.
Her whole body jolted when his lips brushed along the side of her neck at the junction with her shoulder. She was really ticklish there. His soft laughter vibrated against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. He slowly moved his way down her body, leaving butterfly kisses everywhere. As he got lower, she held her breath, waiting for him to kiss her right where she really wanted. When he stopped just short of her clit and clearly got off the bed, she groaned.
‘Takes one to know one,’ he replied.
She heard him handling the stuff she had brought, a soft click indicating he’d opened that box she hadn’t been allowed to look into. What was he doing? Did he just pick up that knife? Her heart rate increased in anticipation. She felt herself get wet even though he wasn’t doing anything. A shocked yelp left her lips and her body jolted when something soft caressed over the inside of her arm.
‘I don’t recall giving you permission to move,’ Tom taunted, stopping the touch.
She immediately lay utterly still, her hands clutching onto the silk fabric. It had been a nice feeling after all.
‘That’s better,’ he said, continuing the caress.
What was that? Not some cloth, it took too little space when touching her arm. Oh, god, that tickled. Hermione groaned, forcing herself to stay still. It took all the tension in her muscles to succeed, but he wasn’t done. Soon, her brain couldn’t keep up with the different sensations she felt: hot, cold, soft, harsh, vibrating, smooth, and so forth. Without knowing what it was and not seeing when and where it would touch her, the impact was unlike she’d ever experienced before. She couldn’t keep still.
‘Such a bad, unruly girl,’ Tom smoothly said, ‘you really need to learn your place.’
Next she heard him speak Parseltongue, after which she felt something slither over her belly. Were those snakes? That was impossible, wasn’t it? They couldn’t be down here. The ‘snake’ slid from her belly to her neck to her arms back to her belly and down her leg. How would they get here? Did she bring some in that box? What if they were venomous? He wouldn’t do that, would he? Then again, he was speaking Parseltongue, so why would he if they weren’t there?
His voice came closer and closer to her heated face. His lips touched her and he deepened the kiss when she opened her mouth. The snake slid away, no longer touching her and a buzzing noise reached her ears. Her hips bucked when a thrumming, smooth item got pressed against her clit. She moaned into his kiss, causing him to devour her mouth even more, while the vibrator settings went faster and faster. She could feel it coming. Her body perspired, her legs jerked and she felt the electrifying sensations all the way to the tips of her toes. He muffled her screams with his mouth as she fell over the edge.
Again, and again, and again, and again.
Her whole body was on fire. She needed it to end, and she needed it to never ever stop. It was too much and not enough. Her hands clutched to the fabric, needing something to support her, to hold onto. Tom broke their kiss, but kept her clit stimulated. She couldn’t take this anymore. She felt so empty, so unfulfilled; she needed more. So much more.
‘Please,’ she breathed.
He removed the vibrator. She let out a long breath, trying to catch her composure somewhat. Next the bed dipped near the footrest. He grabbed her ankles and bent her legs until her knees were near her shoulders. She felt him crawl between her legs and her heart skipped a beat.
Oh yes, that was what she needed. Him inside of her.
She heard his zipper come undone, and his hands slid under her hips as he lifted her high up in the air. His tongue slid over her clit in circles, again and again and again, changing the pressure and speed he was touching her with, so she couldn’t keep up, couldn’t anticipate what was coming next. It blew her mind, and she thrashed, and thrashed, and thrashed. This was too much, and too little.
‘Please, please, please, please,’ she kept repeating.
Abruptly, he accommodated her and entered her in one smooth stroke. Hermione threw her head back, enjoying the feeling of having him buried deep inside of her. Then he started moving, back and forth, back and forth, faster and faster, his fingers digging deep into her hips.
‘Oh God,’ Hermione breathed as the pressure kept building inside of her. More and more and more and more, until finally, her walls clenched around his cock and she went over that precipice, while he came deep inside of her. When they slowly came down from their high, Tom removed himself from her and rested himself on top of her before sliding sideways and bringing her into his embrace. For a long time, they just lay there, utterly spent. Hermione had never felt so comfortable, so safe, in her life, while her head rested against his chest, their legs still entwined, and her arms crossed above her head, still holding onto the rope. She wanted to stay here forever and sleep. Relaxation settled in, and before she knew it, sleep had caught her in his arms.
When she woke, she was lying on top of Tom, her arms free, the blindfold gone, and her legs untied. She nuzzled his chest, giving him a kiss before looking up at his face.
‘That was amazing.’
‘I couldn’t agree more,’ he said, smiling down at her.
‘How did you manage to untie me?’
‘You were very fast asleep. I don’t think anything could’ve woken you,’ he said softly, holding her tight. ‘Are you okay?’
‘More than okay.’
‘You want to get up or not?’
‘I’m quite comfortable here,’ she said, placing her head on his chest.
His hand stroked through her hair, making her sigh. ‘Then we can just lie here.’
‘Sounds good to me.’
They just lay there silently, enjoying each other’s embrace, until Hermione felt that ever building pressure inside of her.
‘I hate to do this,’ she said, looking up, ‘but I need to pee.’
Tom laughed, letting go off her. ‘I suggest you do that elsewhere. I’m not into watersport.’
They both got up. Hermione relieved herself while Tom began cleaning himself. He made room for her, and they tidied up everything together.
‘Where is that snake?’ Hermione asked, looking around confused.
His snigger told her enough. There hadn’t been any snakes here. She watched him hold up a thick rope and took it from him.
‘This was it? But that doesn’t feel like what I felt.’
‘Put some of that liquid soap around it,’ Tom suggested, pointing to the bottle.
She did and … ‘Oh, sneaky.’
He winked at her. ‘Not being able to see does strange things to the human brain, especially to people who have an overactive imagination.’
Hermione stuck out her tongue. ‘As if anyone would think of anything else with you spitting that Parseltongue around them.’
Tom laughed. ‘Well, you gotta keep up the show.’
They put everything back in her sachet, and Tom held out her notebook. Hermione raised her eyebrows. When had he gotten to that? She really had to have been fast asleep.
‘I need you to read what I wrote as soon as you get home,’ he ordered.
She nodded her head, pocketing the notebook in her coat. ‘Okay.’
‘I’m serious, Hermione. No waiting.’
A frown appeared on her brow. The urgency in his voice was something she hadn’t heard before when he’d given her something new to study. Usually it was more ‘look at it, don’t look at it, your loss’. Apparently, this was important.
‘I’ll open it immediately when I get home.’
‘Good,’ he said, stepping towards her and embracing her with his arms before giving her a long, devouring kiss. She leaned into him, returning his kiss with equal vigour. Then he let go.
‘See you soon, darling,’ he said, slapping her behind as she left for the door.
‘Yeah,’ she replied, looking back at him with a somewhat worried frown. What was with him all of a sudden?
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