Lost and Damned | By : danniperson Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 24117 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the characters or the world or anything, and I make absolutely no profit from this. |
Lost and Damned
Behind It All There’s a Price to Be Paid
Albus Dumbledore wore a grim look as he silently walked down the corridors, somehow seeming so powerful and intimidating, even in his mismatched glow in the dark socks and his nightclothes. On the way they only passed Filch and Mrs. Norris, but Dumbledore didn‘t seem concerned that the Squib would go running his mouth to Umbridge. The boy beside him glanced towards the caretaker and his cat warily…Both seemed to glare after the walking pair and Filch turned to mutter to his cat. The boy didn‘t catch what was said and if the headmaster did, he made no sign that he had.
He felt more comfort as they entered the dungeons and was able to relax further as they walked into Professor Snape‘s office. Dumbledore easily led the way into the professor‘s private chambers where an exhausted Severus Snape sat in his chair, sipping at a glass of firewhiskey. “I apologize for bothering you this way, Severus, but he was insistent,” Dumbledore said kindly, nodding to the potions master and then the boy. “I shall leave you two alone for now, but you should return to your dormitories before long, Draco.”
“Yes, headmaster,” Draco muttered, his arms loosening their hold around himself as he hesitantly looked up at his godfather. Black eyes were wide in shock and Severus slowly nodded. “I’ll make sure that he gets to bed soon. Thank you, Albus.”
Draco stood there awkwardly, feeling nothing like himself as he waited for Dumbledore to leave. This wasn’t the Malfoy way. He hardly even knew who he was right now. His entire confidence had fallen…No more arrogant smiles, no more smooth words, no Malfoy grace, no nothing. He felt weak and pathetic and desperate for…for something. Draco didn’t even know what it was he needed.
The moment the door closed, Severus was on his feet. “Draco, what happened?”
“I asked Mother if I could come back to school early…I didn’t know what to tell her but…She begged Dumbledore to let me return early…” Draco muttered, too embarrassed to meet the man’s eyes.
“What happened?” Severus demanded, struggling to keep his voice even.
“I just…I couldn’t take it anymore…” Draco mumbled.
How pathetic was this? He had been dealing with this since the end of his third year. It hadn’t bothered him this much before…Having that conversation with Severus earlier this year, though, put too much in his head. He tried to get through it. He tried hard to be okay with what happened at night. Malfoy pride made it okay. Malfoy men couldn‘t be raped. Lucius loved his son…All he was doing was pleasing his father. How wrong could that be? His stomach churned as he recalled all of the things his father whispered to him in the dark of the night, his face buried in pillows while his father pinned him to the bed, grunting and moaning as he moved on top of him, careful to kiss his back and neck and shoulders, always murmuring how beautiful Draco was. Thinking about it made him feel sick and all he wanted to do was scream out in agony.
Everything hurt, Draco thought to himself. His hair, where Lucius had gotten a bit too wild with hair-pulling. His arse, where his father had been a bit too rough. His hips and his sides and his thighs, everywhere skilled fingers gripped him too tightly, marring his pale flesh with nasty purple and black bruises. His head throbbed and his heart ached and everything within him was screaming, though his own voice was as quiet as ever.
“It‘s okay, Draco. You‘re safe now,” Severus muttered, hesitantly reaching out his arms and Draco accepted the invitation happily, throwing himself into his godfather‘s arms. He wasn‘t afraid of his touch…Draco knew he was safe here.
Severus was furious.
He never got back to sleep that night. He spent a few minutes comforting Draco, but all the boy wanted to do was sleep and do anything but talk about it. Severus escorted him to the entrance to the Slytherin rooms and left him in the care of Daphne and Astoria Greengrass who were wide awake, playing chess. They giggled and fussed over Draco and Severus had been half tempted to tell them to back off and order them all to bed, but he decided against it…Draco could probably do with a distraction.
He returned to his own rooms to pace the floors. He was too restless to crawl back into bed. He headed towards the fireplace many times, eager to head to Malfoy Manor and inform Narcissa of what sort of monster her husband was and what Lucius had been doing to their darling son. He wanted to punch Lucius so hard he would never look the same. He wanted to rip off that man’s dick and force feed it to him. He needed someone to help him…He was sorely tempted to go to Albus or Septima, but figured both would be asleep and he definitely didn’t need to share more about Draco’s personal life than need be. He took to his old bottle of firewhiskey and drank and drank and drank. It was the only thing he could think to do to calm down at all.
At least Draco had left and returned to Hogwarts. He took some comfort in that fact. Draco knew when it was too much and he did something about it. He was realizing how wrong it was and he was doing something about it. Maybe it wasn’t much, but it was a start and Severus was glad for it.
Unable to help himself, Severus began thinking of Potter’s attempt at befriending Draco and couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he should help the two boys along. Draco wasn’t nearly as awful as he portrayed himself to be…Everything he did, he had done for his image, to make his parents proud and to make something of himself. He was a Malfoy…His reputation was important to him. Pride and greed were big flaws in the Malfoy line…In most pureblood lines, in all reality. That didn’t necessarily make Draco evil, though, and with the right guidance, perhaps Draco could really be something…Not some cowardly, selfish brat his parents were raising him to be. The boy needed friends…A real friend. Someone he could talk to about his problems. Someone would listen to him…Someone who could be for him what Lily Evans had been for Severus…As hard as his childhood had been, Severus had no idea where he would be without her kindness.
As loathe as Severus himself was to accept help from anyone, he knew his godson needed it and so Severus spent many hours of the morning thinking of people who might be suitable to befriend Draco and when he concluded his best option was the Potter boy, plotted away, trying to come up with a good scheme to get the two together.
Potter was ever the hero…He had a saving people thing. Yet Severus didn’t entertain ideas of putting his godson in danger for long. While he doubted Potter could resist saving someone, he didn’t want to risk anything serious happening to Draco before Potter could foolishly swoop in to help. Sadly, it was the only real idea Severus could come up with. The two boys were set on hating each other, and while Potter might not be entirely opposed to the idea of mending things, Severus also knew it was going to take a lot to get Draco to open up and accept help and accept friendship. The idiot boy would only claim he had plenty of friends! As if the likes of Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle and that cow Pansy Parkinson could be considered friends to anyone.
Severus was almost ashamed of the plan he settled on…Surely he could have done much better. He was a spy, for crying out loud! A Slytherin! He was brilliant and talented, and yet he had given up on any sort of grand schemes (considering most involved putting Draco in harm’s way or would certainly lead to trouble for one of the boys) and had settled on what felt like a horribly childish plan. He had owled Draco and asked him to come down to his office and that he needed to see him tonight, scheduled right around the time Potter was to show up for their lessons. Severus was really keen on the idea of locking them both in his office, but he had a feeling that would end badly for his office and one or both of them would end up with severe injuries. No…The only plan that had any hope of working was giving the boys a chance alone together and give Potter a chance to try to reach out to the Slytherin boy yet again…Hopefully he could rely on Potter to do just that. There was much that could go wrong with the plan, but after having gone over every scenario he could and admitting it would be no easy feat, he was just going to have to settle on this and hope for the best.
While Draco Malfoy entertained the Greengrass sisters and Severus Snape paced his living room, deep in thought, Harry Potter was tossing and turning in his bed, suffering from an amazing dream that turned into a horrible, embarrassing nightmare.
It all started off with what had taken place the night before. Only in his dream, when he swooped down to kiss Snape, Snape grabbed him before he could pull away and pulled him down into his lap. The man kissed him deeply and Harry clung to him eagerly and moaned loudly when the man rubbed their hips together, Harry feeling almost giddy when he felt the man‘s arousal pressing into his own. It took the course most dreams of his did, kissing and touching and Snape had just started to remove Harry‘s clothes when the man pushed him away suddenly looking angry.
“Uhhhh,” Harry had said, confused by the change.
“ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR! COME WITH ME, POTTER!” Snape had shouted, grabbing Harry by his ear and pulling him out, dragging him all the way upstairs and to the headmaster’s office. Dumbledore and McGonagall were there and so were Malfoy and Ron and Hermione. “Headmaster, I demand you expel this boy!”
Dumbledore just blinked at Snape. “Why on Earth would I do such a thing?”
Everyone gasped in dramatic shock at the same time.
“Mr. Potter!” McGonagall exclaimed. “How could you? Who‘s going to play Seeker now?”
“Oh, Harry,” Hermione sighed, sounding disappointed. “You said you would be better than this!”
“This is very serious indeed, Harry,” Dumbledore said gravely.
“How could you kiss this greasy git, Harry? You had Cho Chang all over you! I‘d rather you went with my sister than that!”
“Haha…Knew Potter had to be gay!” Malfoy exclaimed, laughing evilly.
“It…It was just a kiss!” Harry stammered, feeling very alarmed.
“Just a kiss?!” they all exclaimed in union and Harry cringed.
“Erm…Yeah…?” Harry said slowly.
“You have no idea what a kiss means in the Wizarding world, do you, Harry?” Hermione sighed.
“No! Does it mean something? Wait a minute, Cho kiss--”
“Yes, yes, but that was that and this is this!” Hermione exclaimed, as though he were being intentionally dumb and it was all very obvious.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to expel you, Harry,” Dumbledore said, frowning.
“An awful kiss, might I add,” Snape said distastefully.
“It was not!” Harry exclaimed defensively, glaring at Snape now.
“I dunno, mate, you did say Cho was crying after you kissed her…” Ron explained.
“Well Professor Snape isn’t crying,” Hermione pointed out.
“I do not cry, Miss Granger,” Snape snapped.
“Maybe he liked it,” Hermione carried on, ignoring Snape.
Everyone else sighed again, excluding Hermione who just looked confused.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to expel you now, too, Miss Granger,” Dumbledore said sadly.
“WHAT?!” she and Harry exclaimed.
“Why?” Hermione demanded tearfully.
“For implying that Professor Snape enjoyed kissing a student,” Dumbledore explained. “Haven‘t you read the school rules?”
“I thought I had!” Hermione wailed.
The dream had gone from arousing to terrifying to just plain weird. Harry awoke with a start, his heart hammering in his chest as he struggled to pull his mind into the present. For a moment he found himself still freaking out, half believing it had all actually happened for a moment before realizing it was just a dream. Harry scratched the side of his head and reached over to the bedside table for his glasses. He almost wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of the dream, but his stomach twisted up instead…Just because the dream had been a bit crazy didn‘t mean something wouldn‘t happen. Harry had been a bit daring last night in kissing Snape. It wasn‘t much…A closed-mouth kiss that lasted maybe two seconds…And Snape had already taken over a hundred points for it. But surely McGonagall would want to know what happened to those points…Maybe Snape would even want to go around telling everyone what he had done. Harry felt sick to his stomach, half expecting whispers and glares from everyone person he met today and expecting McGonagall or Dumbledore to come get him to talk to him about what happened to deliver some sort of punishment.
The day went by horribly slow. There weren’t many people around during the break, only a handful of students and the teachers. Harry played a few games of chess with a third year Gryffindor named Chelsey Smiley, nearly as good at chess as Ron and it went without saying she won all three rounds. He ate meals in the Great Hall, though he refrained from looking at the Head Table and ate quickly to avoid the chances any professor might have at cornering him about what happened. Luckily around dinnertime he accepted that nothing was going to happen…He had passed McGonagall in the corridors twice when he went out to the Quidditch pitch to fly around and when he came back in…He even ran into Umbridge who smiled sweetly made a few remarks about how she hoped Snape was teaching him a lesson or two in detention…That was the extent of things, though, and Harry was grateful for it. Harry really did not want to imagine anyone’s reaction to learning he had kissed Snape.
He honestly had no idea what he had been thinking. He had to have known Snape would refuse him…And he definitely should have known better than to kiss the man himself. It was pure madness! Sure, it was something he had dreamed about plenty of times, but to actually attempt to do something with his potions master? Maybe Snape was right…Maybe Harry was stupid.
Harry could not remember dreading his lessons more. What was Snape going to do? Would he even let him in at all? Maybe he would punish him…He wouldn’t put it past the man to give him a task too difficult just so he could have his fun tormenting Harry for a while. Maybe Snape would tease him about it…or worse yet, maybe Snape was waiting until Harry was present before going to someone about what had taken place. Even if none of that happened, Harry was sure it was going to be a very awkward experience…
He ate his dinner slowly, though even that task seemed to fly by too quickly for his liking and he was forced to head down to the dungeons. Snape was going to kill him or something…Harry‘s stomach twisted into many uncomfortable knots as he moved through the dungeons and into Snape‘s office. The man wasn‘t there and Harry didn‘t hesitate to move around his desk to mutter the password that caused the door to appear into the wall and Harry let himself in. He lit the place up and looked around the empty living room. “Professor?” Harry called out uneasily, half expecting Snape to walk out of the shadows or pop out in front of him. He waited in the doorway for a moment, feeling more and more nervous the longer he waited.
Hearing the door behind him open, Harry spun around and was surprised to see, not Snape, but Malfoy. “What are you doing, Potter?” Malfoy demanded.
Harry froze and hastily shut the door. Shit! No one was supposed to know he had access to Snape’s private rooms. “I’m…looking for Professor Snape,” he said quickly.
Malfoy raised an eyebrow. “How do you know how to get into his private rooms?”
“How do you you know they are his private rooms?”
Malfoy rolled his eyes. “No one really has access to it, but he gave us Slytherins an idea of where it was in case we ever need him. Doesn’t explain how you know about it.”
“Maybe you don‘t need to know,” Harry replied, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back against the wall, where the door had now disappeared.
“Maybe I should tell Professor Snape about this little…incident,” Malfoy said, smirking.
“Maybe you should,” Harry challenged, feeling irritated. Let him! Harry wasn’t too worried…Snape might be upset that Harry had let someone know he had access to the rooms, but Harry didn’t think it would be too much trouble.
“I will when he gets here,” Malfoy said, easily taking a seat in a chair in front of Snape‘s desk.
“What are you doing here, anyway?” Harry asked, not liking the idea of sticking around to wait with Malfoy, but Harry lessons would start any minute now and Harry was not about to give Snape another reason to be mad at him.
“Maybe you don’t need to know,” Malfoy said in a mocking tone, using Harry’s words from just moments ago.
Harry rolled his eyes and sighed, walking around the desk to sit down beside Malfoy. “He should be here soon…My lessons start soon,” Harry muttered.
“You cannot honestly be that bad at Potions to need to stay over Christmas holidays,” Malfoy laughed.
Harry sighed, his jaw tightening and his fingers folding into fists, but he said and did nothing. He figured the best he could do for Malfoy was to not push him much, even if he did sometimes feel that Malfoy deserved some of it. He kept in mind, though, what he knew about the boy. Malfoy wasn‘t having as blessed a life as everyone thought and Harry also remembered promising Snape he‘d try to continue pressing the boy about a friendship. Harry shifted awkwardly in his seat. Just bringing it up seemed so stupid, but he had done it before.
“Erm…You’re back early,” Harry stated after a moment, feeling stupid as the words left his mouth. It was true, though…Malfoy had been one to go home. Why wouldn’t he? He had parents who loved and spoiled him rotten. And rape him, his thoughts added and he tried not to cringe. If he had gone home, though, why had he come back early? Unless things were just getting worse. He frowned as he considered it. How it could get worse, Harry didn‘t even want to imagine.
“I was bored there. Figured I’d bless the castle with my presence once more, for those who were unfortunate enough to have bad Christmases,” Malfoy explained. He was doing a good job of trying to act normal, but Harry could still notice something very off about Malfoy’s whole demeanor.
“Lucky for us,” Harry muttered, scratching the side of his head as he tried to think of what to do next.
“You‘re being very odd, Potter,” Malfoy said after a few moments.
“Yeah, so are you,” Harry shot back. Harry was probably being more obviously odd than Malfoy, but he couldn‘t help it. He was starting to really regret this whole thing…He should have just insulted Malfoy at the Quidditch match and let it all go. He could live with shame and guilt more than this….Right?
“Really odd,” Malfoy added, smirking and shaking his head.
This was a REALLY bad idea, Harry thought to himself. He was full of those lately, it seemed.
“So…You kissed my father thinking it was Professor Snape?”
Harry blinked in surprise and turned to look at the blond. He was smirking, but there was a strange look in his silvery gray eyes that didn’t quite match it. Harry felt panicked for a moment before he remembered that Malfoy had walked in on one of his conversations with Snape, thus figuring out he had a crush on the man…Snape had been right that day, Harry realized. Malfoy hadn’t said anything to anyone about it. Then when Harry ran into Malfoy the other day he had confessed that little bit of information…Malfoy seemed to only just now be thinking of it. Harry slowly nodded. “Yeah…Well, I think he kissed me, really, but I kissed him back.”
Malfoy snorted. “Really, really odd,” Malfoy muttered, drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair. Harry glared at him and sighed as he turned his narrowed eyes to the wall. “So…You really do have a thing for Snape then?”
“’Fraid so.”
“I wonder why Father bothered Polyjuicing himself like that,” Malfoy muttered, a disturbed look troubling his pale, narrow face.
“I don’t think he was after you or anything…Otherwise I’m not sure why he decided to go after me…It was probably on Voldemort’s orders,” Harry explained quietly. Malfoy flinched at the name like most people did, but remained silent for a moment.
“I wasn‘t worried about it,” Malfoy said, sitting up straight and clearing his throat. His tone held a nastiness in it Harry didn‘t miss. “I‘m more worried about you and your sanity, actually.”
“Sweet of you to be concerned,” Harry said, rolling his eyes. He had no idea what he had been thinking, assuming he could help Malfoy. He had no idea what Snape was thinking, suggesting he continue to try.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Malfoy snorted.
Most of the time, Harry just wanted to punch Malfoy…But even now, even with the blond slightly aggravating Harry, he couldn’t help but just pity him. This was affecting the other boy…Harry could tell. No matter how normal Malfoy tried to act, Harry could sense that something was off about him.
Luckily both boys were spared from any further strained silences by the opening of the door behind them. “Malfoy. Potter,” Snape said as he entered, nodding his head. “Potter, wait here while I speak with Malfoy.”
Harry just nodded and watched Snape conjure the door to his rooms, leading the other boy inside. He let his head fall back against the back of the chair and sighed heavily.
The first attempt wasn’t a complete failure. Severus had cast a handy charm in the room to allow him to overhear the conversation. Potter was not cut out for this business, it seemed, but it also seemed that Draco was warming up a bit. Neither boy had looked prepared to hex the other one, so Severus thought that was a step in the right direction. Now all he needed was a quick word with Draco…The boy didn’t need to think he had arranged this for no reason, and honestly Severus was concerned.
“How are you, Draco? Really?” Severus asked his godson.
“I’m fine,” Draco replied stiffly.
“Good,” Severus said with a nod, sitting down on his chair. “My offer is still open, you know. If you wish to stay with me this summer.”
“Don’t care much for that Muggle hellhole, thanks.”
Severus’s eyes narrowed. “I was merely offering my aid, Draco, there is no need to be rude.”
“I know what you’re up to, Severus, come off it!” Draco snapped. “I’m fine! I only came back early because…because Mother was being ridiculous and she kept talking about throwing another stupid party of hers and I wanted to come back to try to hook up with Daphne Greengrass! I thought it a better way to spend my days than helping Mother with her party planning. That’s it!”
“Don’t take me for a fool, Draco,” Severus snarled. “And the way you’re going, you won’t be able to fool anyone else for long. Even Potter sees right through you’re little act!”
Draco flinched, but immediately turned his eyes into a glare. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I know plenty, Draco. If you don’t want to accept my help or Potter‘s, Draco, that‘s fine…But it‘s always there if you need it.”
Silvery gray eyes still glowered at him, but it didn‘t have quite the harshness to it it had held moments ago. His lips parted, but seemed unable to speak. “I‘m going to go. The girls probably miss me,” he muttered, turning around and swiftly walking out.
Severus sighed heavily and shook his head. He knew better than to assume this was going to be easy, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t frustrating that it wasn’t working already. Severus wished dearly he could pay Lucius a visit and give him a piece of his mind…That was probably the best solution, he couldn’t help but think. Or maybe castrate the bastard.
“Potter! Get in here!”
As predicted, lessons were harsh. They started off with Defense lessons that ended with Harry falling on his arse every few seconds and Snape snapping at him to get back up. Harry was thoroughly angry with the man midway through it, but Snape was too skilled and in better condition than Harry, easily dodging everything Harry managed to throw at him until he was too physically exhausted to continue. Then Snape pressed on with the Occlumency, something Harry had no hopes of doing any good in with his brain so tired, but that didn’t stop Snape from being a jerk about the whole thing.
“There’s a difference between me not trying and you being an arse,” Harry muttered, falling onto the couch the moment Snape put it back into place.
“This isn‘t about me, Potter. This is about you! It doesn‘t matter how nasty I am to you! Do you think the Dark Lord is going to care if you‘re tired or in pain? You have to fight through it and get the job done, Potter!”
“Lucky for us, I seem to do rather well when I‘m actually in danger,” Harry muttered.
“Is that so? Would you like to test out that theory?”
“Not really, thanks.”
“Fifty points from Gryffindor, for every bit of rudeness you‘ve succumb to since entering my room.”
Harry sighed, but said nothing. Two hundred points in two days…McGonagall was really not going to be happy about this.
“S’worth it,” Harry muttered, not sure if he was talking to himself or to Snape. It was worth being a bit rude with the way Snape had been acting…But more importantly, kissing the man last night had been worth it. At least he knew he had done it, and while it hadn’t been much, to Harry it had been perfect.
“And another fifty, I think, for shoving your delusional fantasies into my head,” Snape added after a moment, almost as if he were goading Harry. Harry clenched his jaw and glared at the dark gray of the couch. Most of his memories tonight had been of his dreams and of that night Lucius Malfoy had Polyjuiced himself as Snape and more importantly and the most frequent memory being from last night…The very kiss that caused so much trouble.
“I did not shove anything into your head, you were the one digging around in mine, you nosy prick.”
“Another fifty, then.”
“Maybe you like seeing my sick fantasies, so you have something to wank off to.”
“One hundred points, Mr. Potter,” Snape snarled and Harry saw sudden movement as Snape crossed the room suddenly. Harry watched the man warily, half expecting him to walk straight out to go get Dumbledore or McGonagall, but instead he spun around and began pacing the floor. “I think I shall contact Dolores and have you serve detention with her for a week…Maybe I’ll be sure to tell her to do so before dinner…You can serve detention with her and still have time for your lessons. How about that? Maybe we can add a few new words to your flesh, Potter. I must not act like a randy teenager in front of older men or even I must not disrespect those more skilled and dangerous than me“
“You flatter yourself,” Harry muttered, unable to stop himself. Snape had been a right prick all evening and Harry was not about to put up with it. Even if he had to put up with Umbridge a bit. Snape sneered, anger flashing in his black eyes as he turned and headed towards the door, his hand on the knob when he stopped and slowly turned to Harry.
“You need to do a better job with Draco Malfoy,” Snape said.
Harry blinked in surprise. What did Draco Malfoy have to do with this? Harry didn’t even know what he was talking about at first until his mind settled down enough to realize. “You want me to do you favors when you’re threatening to send me off to that cow?”
“What happened to that grand heroism you are raved to have?” Snape demanded.
“Doesn’t look like he needs saving to me.”
“Yes, it does.”
Harry just stared at him for a moment before settling down. “It’s not any good…I don’t know how to make Malfoy warm up to me…And I’m not so keen on him, either, you know. He’s an arse.”
“So am I, and you like me plenty. Plenty more than you should, actually.”
Harry glared at him. “Believe me, I don’t even know what I’m thinking when it comes to you,” he muttered. There was no use to denying it…With how often Snape was in his head, he knew better. “I don’t think it’ll work.”
“Keep trying,” Snape insisted.
“Don’t send me to Umbridge and stop being such a jerk.”
“I won’t send you to Umbridge…Can’t do much about my personality.”
Harry managed to crack a smile, somewhat amused, though it didn’t make him feel much better. “Fine. I’d rather you than her, anyway. And you’re going to have to give me some advice…S’not like I even know where to begin with him.”
Author’s Note: Another chapter! As I stated in an author’s note in a previous chapter somewhere, I have been planning out this entire story in a notebook…I have 73 chapters plotted out so far! I’m also starting on plans for a sequel, though that will obviously be a good ways away. If you’re reading this story, you should let me know! Reviews are great encouragement! I really hope everyone’s liking the story so far! Thank you sooooo much everyone who has replied so far! It makes me very happy and I love you lots! Chapter title lyrics from “The Hand That Feeds” by Nine Inch Nails.
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