The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
You're in my blood
Severus placed his forehead against Hermione's and took a deep breath before looking deep into her eyes. He stroked her hair and smiled.
"I didn't hurt you did I?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, as he lay deep inside her. He wouldn't move again until he knew she was comfortable.
Hermione returned his smile. There had been no searing pain and she suspected, as in Ginny's case, there was nothing left to cause it. After his initial thrust he'd kissed her so deeply that she was lost in his mouth and him entering her seemed the most natural thing in the world. Well it was but she couldn't deny the sensation of him filling her completely took a bit of getting used to.
"I'm fine. Actually I'm better than that. You...this...feels amazing," she said leaning up to kiss him.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered as he gently nipped at her earlobe.
Hermione pushed her fingers through his hair as his mouth moved down her neck teasing her pulse point before licking up her throat until eventually finding her lips again. As their languid kisses deepened, Hermione instinctively moved her hips up against his. Severus smiled against her mouth and slowly pulled back, almost withdrawing completely, before pushing back in deeply. He groaned as he was enveloped by her again and began moving slowly until they established gentle but intense rhythm. Their lovemaking may have been tender but it was underpinned by a passion and desire that neither had felt before.
Hermione suddenly realised that every magazine article she'd ever read about sex was either a lie or she felt sorry for the journalist who had obviously never had a lover like Severus. She never wanted this to end. They felt completely together and if she died now...not that she wanted to because frankly missing out on a lifetime of Severus being inside her would be a waste...then she would have such a huge smile on her face they would ask her what she'd been up to when she got to heaven.
Severus was also having his own epiphany. He was astounded by her warmth and tightness as he entered her. If he was honest he'd never even stopped to think how warm or tight a witch was. Sex was an act in every sense of the word...nothing more, nothing less. He used to scoff at those who said there was a difference between sex and making love. And now realising he was in the wrong he'd issue a public apology to those he'd ridiculed.
He couldn't believe this same act with Hermione was so much more than just a physical need. It was the need to feel complete with her. He wanted to give her his body, mind and soul. She already had his body and with every thrust he felt closer to her. He felt safe inside her and as her walls caressed him he was lost. He never wanted to leave her body because she was magnificent and he felt humbled by the way her body responded to him. It was as if they were made for each other. She fitted him...or rather he fitted her perfectly allowing him to give her as much pleasure as she could take.
Their fingers intertwined as Severus thrust deeply into her rotating his hips and changing the angle. Hermione gasped as he stroked against her sweet spot and commanded him not to stop. Severus may have grown weary of accepting orders in his life but for her he would follow her litany of commands to the letter and with added embellishment as well.
She was on fire as his lips and tongue caressed her and she arched up into him begging for release. Driven on by her encouragement, he slipped his arm under her and steadying himself with the other lifted her hips off the bed thrusting relentlessly into her. He tossed his head back as she dragged her nails down his back and grabbed hold of his arse pushing him in deeper.
His head was spinning as she kissed his chest and flicked her tongue over his nipples. No woman had ever made him feel so alive or caused such fire with her touch. He twisted in her again and she immediately clamped against him but this time he realised she wasn't doing it deliberately. He looked down as her head pushed into the pillow, her hand grabbing a handful of sheet and he knew her first orgasm in this brave new world of lovemaking was building.
Hermione's skin was flushed and damp as was Severus'. He didn't care that by his standards this wasn't exactly athletic because it was the most intense, mind blowing sex he'd ever had. As pleasure pulsed through them, he couldn't stop telling her how much he loved and needed her. This wasn't just sex. It was an affirmation of everything he felt.
But when Hermione told him that she would never let him go, he noticed the pure white glow caressing their skin. It was then he suddenly found himself inside her mind.
He wasn't communicating with her like he could with the Founders Bond and it wasn't Legilimency because he couldn't reach her memories.
A sense of panic engulfed him. He shouldn't be there. But then a sense of calm washed over him as Hermione soothed him from inside his own mind. How did she get in there? She stroked his internal wards, whispering that he needn't be afraid. As her warm caresses calmed his mind, he realised that this wasn't the first time he'd felt this with her. This was like the waking visions they'd had just as their relationship started. He was feeling and visualising her thoughts.
Being in her mind was like standing in the middle of a huge couldn't be anything else with her...and it was beautiful. She walked up behind him and put her arms around his waist. It was a weird sensation to be in each other's minds whilst physically making love but it didn't diminish the pleasure even if it was disconcerting.
I love you Severus, he felt her say. Her voice seemed ethereal.
I love you too, he whispered turning round in her arms to hold her.
It's OK. Come with me, he felt her say playfully as she walked backwards still holding his hands. She led him to one of the bookshelves and taking a book from the shelf, gave it to him. Go on open it, Sev.
Severus hesitated. Your mind is so beautiful Hermione. So organised. I've never seen this level of detail with Legilimency. It's so intimate. I don't understand how this is happening.
The great Legilimens is at a loss, she giggled.
Don't mock me, he snapped at her but suddenly felt her soothing him again.
I would never mock you. I'm sorry. He could feel a pang of sadness shoot through her at the thought that she'd upset him.
In her mind he squeezed her hand and she felt him say, I know and I'm the one who should apologise. I can be a grouchy bastard at times...I thought you knew
Hermione giggled Oh I know, and then looking at the book in his hand he felt her say, they say this is what can happen when soul mates make love. You have to admit it's sexy.
You're telling me, Severus sighed as his body felt a wave of pleasure when she tightened her walls around him again.
You like that don't you? she cooed softly.
Oh fuck yes, he gasped both in her mind and out loud.
Open the book Severus, she purred.
He opened and flicked through the pages. It was empty. He looked at her and noticing his bemused look she said simply, That's our future. Start writing in our book Severus. Complete me.
Physically this made him stop moving and look deep into her eyes. They were both panting heavily and suddenly inside her head he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her into him. His whole demeanour had changed and now he was full of lust. I'm going to make love to you inside and out. Do you understand me?
Perfectly, she moaned as in her mind and physically he kissed her before pulling her into his own mind.
Oh Sev, Hermione gasped as she stood in the middle of his mind, just as he had done in hers. His mind had 19 years on hers and yes it was a library too. It was less neatly laid out, with books crammed into every conceivable space, but he felt her say, Your mind is just as beautiful as you are.
What she said took him aback. No one had ever called him beautiful. There was nothing beautiful about him. Except with her he felt beautiful; he felt invincible.
Steeled by her words Severus' voice glided silkily through her. It felt like he was under her skin. So glad you approve, she felt him say with a deep chuckle.
Being in each other's minds had heightened the physical sensation as they made love cerebrally. Feeling each other's desires physically and mentally was driving them closer to the edge. Their sweat slicked skin glistened in the candle light and they were completely lost in each other; not just in body but in mind as well.
Severus knew they wouldn't be able to sustain this level of sensation for much longer. He looked deeply into Hermione's eyes as he brushed her hair away from her face and she felt him say I want to make you come...come for me. Come with me.
Her body quivered as his words hit her. She suddenly realised he would come inside her and the thought made her head spin.
Their soft moans and utterances had become louder and more intense for the last twenty minutes. They had moved from the gentle, encouraging stage, through the incoherent stage into the demanding stage and now they had reached that stage of stating the bleeding obvious. And although Severus had already proven to a certain extent that she was, he could now categorically confirm that Hermione was indeed, a screamer.
"I'm so close. Don't you dare fucking stop,"Hermione snarled as the speed and force of Severus' thrusts changed up a gear and then he felt her words in his mind, I want to feel you come. Come for me baby.
“You're incredible," Severus groaned as he buried himself in her neck before she felt him say, I can't stop now. I need this. I need you. I can't hold on much longer.
"Oh shit...harder...," Hermione practically barked at him in amongst her other more vocal litanies. Severus changed up another gear and felt Hermione go quiet inside his mind. The last thing he felt her say was, this is...amazing...and you're all mine...
He could see her eyes un-focus; her breathing becoming more erratic; her body tightening and even though he didn't think it was possible he could feel her heat and arousal increasing. She was incoherent again but he loved making her scream.
"Oh fuck you're so tight," Severus grunted as Hermione began to clamp down on him harder; her fingers digging into his scalp and shoulder. He knew by her moaning and the way she was bucking and squeezing him with her thighs she was on the precipice and so was he. He just had to hold on a few minutes longer.
Hermione's eyes suddenly flew open. She looked at Severus and knew he was close. His eyes were half closed and un-focused and then she noticed the silvery white glow surrounding them. Suddenly there was clarity.
She was back in his mind standing in front of him. His eyes focused on hers and he reached out his hand to her. She took it and his intense black eyes burned into her. With his voice dripping pure sex he sent her over the edge by saying both physically and in her mind, "Come for"
That was it. Hermione screamed out his name as her body trembled and spasmed as her orgasm broke. Her magic began to crackle around her and she started to cry as the emotion overtook her. She clung on to Severus desperately. Somehow crying seemed to heighten her orgasm and as the feeling of blissful oblivion flowed over her, Severus shuddered against her.
He growled out her name as he came, spilling his seed deep inside her. Her walls milked him as her orgasm continued, drawing him in deeper. Trembling, he couldn't remember enjoying the act of release so much. It was then his magic began to crackle too.
They'd been feeling each other's magic since they began making love and it's power had been building throughout. They knew that as they soul bonded it would discharge but accounts of what happened varied. Severus had just pressed his forehead to hers and kissed her nose when the silvery glow that had been growing around them burst into a blinding white light, his magic joined with hers in a mind numbing and violent display of power.
But apart from the light they were both oblivious to what had actually happened. They were too wrapped up in each other to notice anything but each other and as their souls bonded, their orbs burst and a familiar orange glow penetrated them as well.
Severus collapsed onto his side taking Hermione with him. He wrapped her in his arms and held her tight.
She couldn't find any words and all he could say came out as a whisper, "I'm never letting you go. It's only ever been you," and pushing his fingers through her hair, he pulled her to is chest.
Finally Hermione regained enough breath and composure to say "That was..."
"Yes it was," Severus agreed panting lightly still. He kissed her forehead and asked her cheekily, "Want to do it again?"
"Can you give me a few minutes? I can't feel anything from the waist down," Hermione said giggling.
"Well if you insist...luckily for you I'm feeling generous," he said chuckling deeply as he realised he actually needed longer to recover than he used to. And then pulling her closer he said "For you I would wait an eternity" and smiled as she softly said "thanks" against his chest.
As Severus and Hermione lay in each other's arms luxuriating in the afterglow of their lovemaking two scenes were unfolding elsewhere.
At Malfoy Manor
Lucius was sat on his bed. If anyone had asked he would have said he had something in his eye. He wasn't crying but he suddenly felt at a loss and his thoughts fell on two of the people, apart from his son, that he loved more than anything. He'd lost one of his loves months before and suddenly felt that unless a miracle happened, he was destined to be on his own or at least not be with those he truly wanted.
And really he wouldn't wish that kind of miracle on Severus, Hermione or...because that would cause them pain and he couldn't bear that. But as an overly ambitious and proud man he could not simply resign himself to being everyone's favourite blonde hanger on. Sometimes in business and life doing something a little unethical reaped the greatest rewards. He decided to test that theory again and summoned some parchment and a quill.
At Hogwarts
Minerva was running towards Severus' office at Hogwarts. Minutes earlier the castle had shaken violently and the walls glowed. Parts of the castle, other than the staircases, seemed to be moving. Bursting in through the door, in an almost Snape like fashion, and out of breath, she immediately called for Dumbledore.
"Minerva, my dear, whatever is the matter?" Dumbledore asked.
"The castle...," Minerva gasped, as she put her hands on her knees, fighting for breath, "it started shaking and moving"
"Was it dancing?" Dumbledore giggled.
"This is serious Albus. Do you have any idea what could have caused this?" Minerva asked as her breathing began to ease.
"I have an idea," Albus replied.
Minerva huffed incredulously. "Is that it? You have an idea. Well that's no good to man nor beast unless you can elaborate."
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "I don't feel it is my place to elaborate."
"Well Severus will want to hear about this," Minerva said walking to the fireplace.
"Minerva, now would not be a good time to contact Severus," Dumbledore warned.
"Oh don't be ridiculous. You know he will want to know," Minerva snapped.
"Undoubtedly but just not now," Dumbledore warned her again.
"Tough," Minerva said and then called, "Severus are you there? It's urgent."
"Oh for fuck's sake," Severus muttered into Hermione's hair.
"Minerva now really isn't a good time."
"I'm sorry Severus but something's just happened to the castle," Minerva said exasperated.
"Is anyone dead? Because if not can I call you back later?" Severus asked.
Minerva sighed. "Not that I know of but it's important. And look at the state of that room! Your dorm was tidier than that and that's saying something!"
Hermione giggled. She could imagine him as a messy teenager.
Severus was about to give an acerbic response when Hermione gasped as she looked at the room. It looked like a bomb had gone off. Severus arched an eyebrow and looking at Hermione mouthed, "Did we do this?"
Hermione just shrugged and with a flick of her wrist the room was set back to normal.
"Hermione dear, I didn't realise you were there," Minerva said with a growing realisation as to why this may not be such a good time. "I hope I haven't interrupted anything?"
"Yes actually you have," Severus said pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Oh I am so sorry but really you need to hear about this," Minerva said embarrassed but with a level of insistence in her voice.
Severus sighed deeply and closed his eyes. "Give me a minute to sort myself out and get dressed and I'll floo back," he said reluctantly and looked into Hermione's eyes. "Actually...make that ten"
"Thank you, Severus. Sorry for the disruption. Goodnight Hermione dear," Minerva said withdrawing from the call.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart," Severus said pressing his forehead to Hermione's and sighed as he felt her mind soothing him.
"You're the headmaster, Sev. I know what I'm signing up for as far as the school is concerned. I'll always be here when you get home," she said smiling broadly at him and kissed his nose.
"And coming home has never been more enjoyable," Severus said kissing her softly as he stroked his thumb against her cheek.
"It's going to be even more enjoyable now," Hermione giggled. "Now the sooner you go, the sooner you can come home," Hermione said brushing a stray hair from his face.
"True and I can't manage a quickie in under ten minutes so I better get dressed," he said chuckling deeply, nipping her earlobe before moving to get out of bed.
"Care to test that theory?" Hermione said grabbing hold of his arm to pull him back. It was then she noticed it or rather noticed the absence of it.
"Sev, look at your arm," she said sitting up on the bed.
"What?" he asked distractedly.
"Your Dark Mark. It's faded," she said not quite believing what she wasn't seeing.
Severus stared at his arm in disbelief. "It faded before but it took years and it left a red mark. It didn't go like this.”
It could still be seen if you held it up to the light but it was just a pale silvery outline. Severus swallowed hard and managed to croak out, "How?"
"What was it Voldemort could never understand?" Hermione asked wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Love," Severus said quietly wrapping his right arm tightly around Hermione's naked waist. Suddenly he grabbed Hermione's arm to look at Bella's artwork and smiled. Hermione was slightly startled but then he indicated that she should look at her arm.
"It's...well it's not gone but it's better," Hermione said thoughtfully.
And then her brain went into overdrive.
"I'll need to look at the runic properties of extreme emotions like love and hate when I do my research. The fact us making love has caused your mark and my scar to fade means Bella must have used the same kind of magic as Voldemort. There should be enough of a trace in my arm and on your Mark that we could investigate on Monday and do you think..."
She stopped mid sentence as Severus chuckled softly. "At least you don't feel the need to raise your hand anymore before you start spouting off," Severus teased as he kissed her neck.
Hermione was a little put out but smirked and said quietly, "we consummated our soul bond didn't we? I can't imagine any other explanation for all of this."
Severus laid her down on the bed kissing her deeply. "I believe we did. They say when you accept your soul mate you will always experience the perfect love. I don't know if I believe there is such a thing but I can feel you inside me. It's like a ripple. Feels a bit disconcerting to be honest but I have a lifetime to get used to it," and with that he brushed his lips against hers again.
Hermione smiled softly. "I can feel you too but go to Minerva now because I want to feel you inside me again...and I don't mean in the soul mates way either."
"Gods you're sexy witch," a fully clothed Severus drawled silkily. "I'll be back as soon as I can. If you want anything call Missy or Winky. Bye gorgeous," and kissed her on the nose before heading for the fireplace.
Minerva had pulled out of the call and stood at the fireplace for several minutes trying to avoid Dumbledore's 'I told you so'.
Eventually she turned to face him and he said, "I told you so. If my summation is correct I believe when this all happened they had just joined the happy ranks of the lucky few who are soul bonded".
"Oh Merlin. No wonder he was so...," Minerva started
"Well this better be worth it Minerva," Severus snarked as he stepped out of the fireplace.
"I must say I have always enjoyed you in Muggle clothing Severus," Albus said, his eyes twinkling especially when Severus walked behind his desk.
"Stop it Albus. I'm not in the mood," Severus said as he sat down in his chair. He felt like asserting some authority.
"My apologies dear boy," Dumbledore giggled.
"Can we get on with it?" Severus snapped.
As Minerva explained the events concerning the castle Severus pondered.
"This happened about twenty five minutes ago?" Severus asked.
Minerva nodded.
"What were you doing twenty five minutes ago, Severus?" Dumbledore asked.
"I hope you don't want me to spell it out," Severus snipped.
"I assume it was an contemporaneous conclusion to the act?" Dumbledore said grinning.
"And you had the cheek to accuse me of flowering up descriptions," Severus smirked.
"Severus, I'm sure we don't need to discuss something so...private," Minerva said as her voice trailed to a whisper.
"You're quite right but you're the one who wants to know what's going on" Severus drawled.
Minerva looked aghast "Yes but..."
"Well that is the long and short of it. Our magic exploded and as we suspected we are indeed soul mates. So by consummating our relationship, we consummated the soul bond but I cannot see how this would affect the...oh wait," Severus' thoughts stopped him in his tracks.
"Your bond with the castle has altered its signature Severus," Dumbledore stated.
It was all becoming clear. Was this the reason for the Founder's bond? Severus looked at Dumbledore as if he was coming out of a dream and reality was slowly creeping in. "Of course. She's joined to me now. She's in my blood. Her power is in my blood."
"What are you two blathering about?" Minerva asked.
Severus looked at Dumbledore to indicate he needed to explain.
"A little known fact," Albus said quietly. "When becoming head of this school we take a blood oath. No one is made aware of this until the day they take office and it is administered by an Unspeakable. I can tell you this because I am dead. Severus on the other hand, for as long as he is alive, cannot mention the act".
"We promise to protect the school and its students until our dying breath," Dumbledore continued. "Our position cannot be abandoned without just cause"
Minerva snorted. "He abandoned it"
Rage suddenly flashed through Severus eyes.
"No you relieved me of my position. The castle understood what was going on. It still still recognises me as Headmaster."
"Yes but when you left the wards fell. How was that protecting the school?" Minerva spat angrily.
Dumbledore jumped in before this became a full blown row. "Even with Severus' wards up nothing would have stopped Voldemort's attack. Look what he did to your protective wards."
Severus was looking at the floor. It still hurt that despite being fully exonerated he was still being castigated for his role in the war. He knew it would always be the case but it hurt more when Minerva said it.
Minerva saw the look on his face and instantly regretted her words. "Sorry Severus. I spoke out of turn," Minerva said softly.
Severus' inability to forgive was legendary but since the war ended he realised that to rebuild his life he had to do it. He also knew that being with Hermione meant his little Gryffindor would pull him up on his snarkiness and his Slytherin pride wouldn't stand for that too often. Much better to be one step ahead of the game.
"It was a difficult time for all of us Minerva," Severus said standing up. He looked up at Dumbledore, who nodded to him and looked at Minerva. Severus put his arm around her and said, "Now come and show me what's been going on," and gently removed their discussion of the blood oath from her memory, as they walked out of the office.
Sweetheart. Sorry I'll be about half an hour. Something very interesting has happened and I need to investigate. Keep that bed warm, Severus thought to Hermione.
I'll get myself warmed up as well shall I? Hermione thought back.
Severus groaned. Oh fuck if that's the first thing I see when I get back I won't be able to control myself.
I'll make sure it's the first thing you see then, she purred.
You sexy minx. Now behave I'm trying to be responsible, Severus said trying to banish all thoughts of Hermione lying naked on the bed.
Is it difficult? Hermione asked cheekily.
Severus chuckled, You have no idea!
As Minerva showed Severus some examples of what had changed in the castle, he called for his restoration notes. As he looked through them and over Hermione's suggestions, it seemed that most of her ideas had happened. The only exception was the Great Hall, which was entirely as Severus wanted it to be.
"I will look at this in more detail on Monday with Hermione," Severus said running his hand down one of the newly repaired walls.
"Why is the castle so responsive to Hermione?" he muttered to himself.
"Hermione has a very special form of magic and I'm sure it's not just the castle that's responding," Minerva said quietly and smiled as Severus chuckled lightly.
"No it's not just the castle," he muttered to himself.
"But Hermione's worried about all of this new found power she has," he said turning to Minerva.
'What has she said?" Hermione's head of house enquired.
Severus seemed perturbed. "She's having trouble accepting it. I can understand that but she is so unbelieving of her abilities. All she does is spout old cliches about her being Muggleborn and too young."
"That will change," Minerva said knowingly.
Severus looked at Minerva pensively. "I hope so. I just hope that's all she's worried about"
Minerva looked at him quizzically. "If you're that worried why not just look?"
Severus turned away from her. "I can't. I know I will forever be known as Voldemort's mind bender but it was not a role I relished," he said ruefully.
"I do have morals but when you're a double agent and faced with a choice between an Unforgivable or looking into someone's mind, you tend to take the path of least resistance...not that it ever spared my punishments. I withheld more than I gave. Sometimes he didn't find out. Other times...," Severus' voice trailed off.
"I should never have called you a coward," Minerva said putting her hand on Severus' shoulder.
"Dumbledore kept everyone in the dark and I wasn't at liberty to reveal my true allegiance. But I can now," Severus said his voice suddenly stiffening. "And so help me I will show the doubting bastards."
"Spoken like the boyfriend of a Gryffindor," Minerva chuckled.
"Oh shut up. And speaking of said Gryffindor I must get back to her," he said allowing himself a small smile.
"You're happy aren't you?" Minerva asked him.
"That would be a scurrilous accusation if it wasn't true," Severus smirked and indicated they should head back.
As they walked back to his office Minerva could be heard laughing as Severus told her how they were going to Harry's for dinner on Tuesday and asked what he had done so wrong in his life to deserve that.
"Make sure you eat something before you go," Minerva warned "I've heard Ginny hasn't inherited Molly's cooking genes."
"'Mione did mention. I'm going straight from the Ministry but I'm sure I'll be able to persuade Pius down to the pub for something to eat there first," Severus snarked.
"And then Ginny will surprise everyone with a perfectly cooked meal," Minerva giggled.
They reached the gargoyle and recognising Severus' presence, it automatically moved aside. "You know me. These days I could eat all day."
"And yet annoyingly you still never put weight on," Minerva snarked.
Severus tried to look offended. "Actually I've put on two stone since the end of the war but it's all muscle."
Minerva sighed, "I wish you wouldn't say things like that. You'll do my blood pressure no good."
Severus just laughed as he walked over to the fireplace. "I'll see you on Monday and...," as he stepped into the flames she heard him say, "don't have any naughty dreams about me"
"Since when did Severus Snape become an interminable flirt?" Minerva asked Dumbledore.
"He always was been in his head," Dumbledore smirked.
Severus stepped out into the bedroom and looked in awe at the sight before him. Hermione was lying back in the middle of the bed waiting for him...very naked.
Severus swallowed as she parted her legs slightly for him. He wasn't sure why he didn't just wandlessly remove his clothes but it seemed more fun to do it manually. It didn't actually take that long and seeing Hermione biting her lip in anticipation made it all worth it. He crawled up the bed, slowly parting her legs further and gently trailing kisses up her thighs before his tongue did a little magic of its own.
Hermione lay there gasping for air as her orgasm broke. But if there is no rest for the wicked then she must have been very wicked indeed because suddenly Severus was nuzzling her neck, kissing and teasing her pulse point. Fingers entwined; hands either side of her head; their lips crashed against each other. Their tongues played together languidly as Hermione arched up against him and Severus sank home once again.
This time Hermione experienced something completely new...Severus' passion unleashed. He explored her relentlessly and all she could do was push her head into the pillow, arch her back and moan out his name. His thrusts were deeper, harder and faster and yet she still felt his love for her. She still felt she was the centre of his universe. And he after he gave her another three orgasms, which left her both incoherent and boneless, he eventually succumbed himself.
Severus wasn't sure when they fell asleep but was very aware of when he woke up. He loved waking up with Hermione. She always curled up into him and he wrapped her up protectively. The only thing he had to watch out for was a hair attack. His own hair was bad enough at attacking him in the mornings without hers joining in as well. But then she looked so adorable with frizzy, untamed hair. He'd never tell her that...especially when she had a wand on the bedside table and he was naked.
He woke up more sleepily than usual and was trying not to laugh as Hermione licked his ear. Except as his world became more orientated he realised Hermione was in her usual position in front of him and, unless her tongue had miraculously grown in her sleep, there was no way it was her. And her tongue was certainly not that rough.
"Leo...for fuck's sake," Severus grouched as he turned slightly to see his new found pain in the arse lying behind his head on the pillow.
"Can I help you with something?"
Leo just meowed and batted Severus' head with his paw.
Severus glared at him.
"Are you hungry? Because when you're here you can just go to the kitchens you know."
And with that Leo licked Severus' nose, jumped off the bed and walked out of the bedroom.
"Oh well at least he had the manners to ask," Severus grumbled as he buried his face into Hermione's inviting neck.
"What's the matter?" Hermione mumbled sleepily.
"Nothing...just your bloody cat wanted feeding," Severus said as he began kissing her neck and running his hand over her hip. "I sent him down to the kitchens"
"Was he happy with that?" Hermione asked hurriedly.
"Delirious no doubt," Severus snarked. "Now come here. Someone wants to say good morning properly"
"Oh good morning," Hermione said giggling as that someone made their presence felt against her bum.
Severus rolled on top of her and as he trailed kisses down her body he said, "somehow I think it will be".
They spent the rest of the day in bed either lost in each other or conversation. Hermione couldn't believe it when Severus said he couldn't remember that last time he stayed in bed all day unless it was because he was recovering from a punishment.
"Perhaps you should introduce a new school rule," Hermione offered, planting soft kisses up his neck.
Severus arched an eyebrow, "Oh? And what do you suggest?"
"Well," Hermione said teasingly, "I know it's really selfish but you could say that no student or member of staff should kill each other or do anything else that would require the Headmaster's attention on a Sunday so that he can make love to his girlfriend all day."
"Hmmm," Severus said smirking. "Well it certainly has merit but alas as you, of all people know, rules are meant to be broken and that would be like waving a red rag to a bull.
“But I'm sure we'll manage at least a few lie ins. And we can always come here and leave Minerva in charge when we want some time alone. Just not too often I'm afraid."
"It's going to be hard spending time together isn't it?" Hermione said ruefully.
"Not as hard as you think. We'll manage. I need you too much to not spend time like this with you," Severus said as he stroked her hair. "You are far too important to me".
Hermione looked deep into his eyes "Have I told you today that I love you?" she said smiling.
"Only a couple of times. I've been starting to think you're going off me," Severus chuckled as she buried herself into his neck.
Hermione giggled, "Well in that case, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I..."
"Alright, alright. I get the message and for the record," Severus said as he pulled her on top of him, "I love you too."
Severus was lying on his back with one hand under his head and the other absent mindedly playing with Hermione's hair. She was tracing one of his scars with her finger and occasionally making Severus shudder as he let his guard down enough for her to discover that he was actually ticklish.
"I suppose we better get going soon," Hermione said looking at the clock.
"Hmmm?" was the only response Severus could manage.
"We're having tea with Draco and Adrian," she said lying on her side and looking at him as she stroked his chest.
"Why did I agree to that?" Severus sighed.
"Because you were practicing being nice," Hermione giggled pushing herself up to kiss him.
"Oh yes I forgot. I did quite well I thought," he said smirking.
"I would give you an A," Hermione said practicing her teaching voice.
"An A? A fucking A. I've never had an A in my life," Severus said pretending to be hurt.
"Well there are a few things you can do for extra credit," Hermione said running her finger down his stomach to the edge of the sheet that was now just covering his rapidly hardening cock.
"Are you insinuating that I will get extra credit in return for sexual favours Miss Granger," Severus said arching an eyebrow at her.
"Actually yes I am," Hermione said earnestly.
"Oh good," Severus smirked as he rolled Hermione onto her back whilst he kissed her.
Hermione gasped as Severus reached down between her legs skillfully making her squirm beneath him and bringing her to the point of orgasm as he entered her. She was screaming his name after only a few thrusts when she came, soaking him with a rush of juices. As he rode out her orgasm, he gently stroked her overly sensitive nub working on her next one. Hermione was twisting and gripping hold of the sheets as Severus ploughed into her relentlessly.
"Fuck I love you," Severus panted out as he felt his own orgasm build. "And I always will," he said as he began to tremble and with one final thrust he came deep inside her. Hermione wrapped her arms around him tightly as he once again whispered into her neck, "I always will."
After a moment of holding each other in a comfortable silence Hermione giggled softly.
"What's so funny?" Severus asked confused at her giggling.
Hermione looked at him sternly and said, "Well I don't know if that performance was good enough to gain any extra credit young man."
Severus raised his eyebrows. "Oh really?"
"I think we might need to repeat the process so I can make a proper assessment," she said laughing softly.
"I have always been appreciative of an apprentice who works methodically," Severus smirked as he kissed her thoroughly.
Hermione smiled against his mouth, "Well there is one thing for sure...we're late! We'll send Leo back with Winky and Missy and we'll send Draco a message and tell him we'll be there soon."
Severus just nodded. He was too drained to send his Patronus, so Hermione offered to do it.
With the message at the ready and Expecto Patronum intoned, Hermione looked at her Patronus in shock. Severus didn't notice it at first but suddenly looked up as the fox danced around the room and out of the window.
"Sweetheart," Severus said trying to maintain his calm demeanour, "I thought your Patronus was an otter"
"It was. Has your Patronus always been a doe?" she asked turning to look at him.
"No" he said quietly.
"What was it before?" Hermione asked kneeling up on the bed.
Severus sat up and wrapped his arms around her before whispering in her ear.
"Seriously?" she asked, her eyes wide open in amazement.
Severus just nodded.
Hermione leaned over and picked up Severus' wand. "Please sweetheart show me your Patronus."
Severus sighed and chuckled "Alright but it's bad enough having a doe...if it's a bloody otter I will be less than amused"
With a sweep of his wand a fox appeared in front of them. It was bigger than Hermione's and as it faded she looked at him and noticed he was fighting back his emotions.
"Oh sweetheart," she said softly as she ran her fingers through his hair an pulled him into her.
They clung onto each other for several minutes as the significance of what had just happened sunk in. Severus Snape for the first time since he was 16 was just him again and it was because of Hermione. He didn't need to be someone he wasn't anymore. He could now be who he wanted to be; do what he wanted to do and as he looked into Hermione's eyes, he knew exactly how he wanted to live his life and with whom.
Draco and Adrian were sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen when Draco's godfather and his girlfriend arrived.
Adrian looked at him disapprovingly. "Look it's not her fault what's in the paper and I don't know what one of those Patronus things is, but if it's changed because she's in love you can't tease her."
"Just you watch me," Draco giggled.
"Where are you?" Severus called.
"In the kitchen," Draco replied.
"Good weekend?" Severus asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Yes thanks. Gods you look shagged out," Draco said giggling. "What have you been doing all weekend?"
"A gentleman never tells," Severus smirked.
"But of course my Lord Snape," Draco said inclining his head graciously.
"Where's her royal Gryffindorness?" Draco asked desperately.
"Bathroom," Severus said going over to the wine rack "What's for dinner?"
"I've done Coq au Vin," Adrian proudly stated.
"A man after my own heart," Severus said approvingly and pulled out a couple of bottles of red wine just as Hermione walked into the kitchen.
"So Foxy, you just walk in here after you've broken my heart with my own father. You should be ashamed of yourself," Draco said trying not to giggle.
"Oh Gods what have they said?" Hermione asked as she looked at the front page of The Daily Prophet.
"Oh the usual. And what a lovely Slytherin style patronus you have now. Tell me. How much Slytherin do you have in you now?"
"Enough," Severus snapped at him.
"Sorry Uncle", Draco said quietly.
"You're apologising to the wrong person Draco," Severus warned him.
"Sorry sweetheart. I was only joking. I was quite worried when I saw it because I didn't recognise it. I was just really surprised when I heard your dulcet tone," Draco said putting his arm around her.
"Well it was a bit of a surprise for us I must admit," Hermione said wrapping her arms around her friend.
"For future reference Draco my patronus has changed as well," Severus said opening the wine.
Severus nodded "It's a fox too"
"That's so romantic," Adrian said recalling what Draco had told him.
Severus chuckled "Draco have you been filling this boy's head with romantic notions about patronus forms? Actually I suppose if I had a romantic bone in my body I would say it could be construed as romantic".
Hermione giggled "Yeah because you're not romantic at all are you Severus?" she smirked as she wrapped her arms around him. Severus arched an eyebrow and gave her a smile that only she could see before kissing her.
"Absolutely not," he said with mock sincerity before kissing her again. Draco and Adrian looked awkwardly at each other. Once again Severus and Hermione had seemed to forget the rest of the world.
"When you two have finished," Draco drawled sounding just like his father again, 'Mione come and see my new dress robes. I picked them up yesterday."
And grabbing her wrist, he dragged her to the bedroom.
Adrian looked at the ground and then said with a certain amount of trepidation, "Draco's told me about what you're all planning for that Ron bloke"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Severus said as he got four wine glasses out of the cupboard.
"He said you'd say that. I know what my role will be but I've got some questions about the potion I've got to take. Seemingly you're the best person to ask,” Adrian said looking apprehensive.
"Potion?" Severus asked in an aloof fashion.
"Yes, poly something," Adrian said trying to remember its name. "Look I know Hermione's not meant to know about this but Draco made it sound really simple. I'd just like to know more about what I'm taking"
"Very wise. It is called Polyjuice Potion. It changes a person's appearance to that of another. You would balk if you knew the ingredients but when brewed correctly it is perfectly safe. It is now restricted due to its obviously useful properties to our enemies. It can now only be brewed under licence. Our Department of Magical Law Enforcement uses it to track down Voldemort's followers who are still at large. Luckily I am the Potions Master currently under licence and Pius can easily lose a batch.
"I believe you will transforming into your sister?" Severus asked.
"Yes. Draco said I should take ten hairs from her hairbrush," Adrian said.
"I would get as many as you can to be honest," Severus said as he explained he was brewing stronger, longer lasting batches for the Ministry at the moment.
"Once you take the potion you will experience nausea and muscle spasms and don't stand near a mirror when you transform. It is not a walk in the park. But if I can ask Adrian...why are you doing this? I find myself surprised. Draco informed us of your desire to undertake this task but youhardly know Hermione."
Adrian looked at Severus and said sincerely, "Because I love Draco and he adores her. I wish he felt the same way as I do but I guess not everyone is as lucky as you and Hermione."
Severus considered what Adrian had just said. "You really love him don't you? I will be honest when Draco told me about you I was sceptical of your motives...Draco is after all a powerful and rich young man. I was concerned by your flirting with Hermione also but I think this was a ruse to make Draco take more notice"
"Am I that transparent?" Adrian asked embarrassed.
"I think we've all done it with varying degrees of success...or failure in my case," Severus chuckled. "Draco told me he loves you and that you are special to him. He is very enthusiastic about your relationship but I have known him since he was one minute old and I would say he is in love with the idea of you. Forgive me."
"No I agree with you. I doubt we have a future but I'm having fun and I like Hermione," Adrian said thoughtfully before adding quickly, "not like that...unlike Draco I only like guys. It must be difficult for you not to be able to publicly defend her."
"I will admit that not being able to formally announce our relationship and put Weasley in his place has proved trying," Severus said underplaying his true feelings somewhat.
Meanwhile, whilst Adrian and Severus were chatting, Hermione was looking over Draco's new dark blue dress robes.
"So is Sev going in black?" Draco asked.
"I don't know but I expect so," Hermione said starting to wonder what he was going to wear.
"I'm surprised you've gone for a green lining," Hermione said playfully. "You know blue and green should never be seen!"
"But it looks good doesn't it baby?" Draco said giving her a twirl and then Hermione noticed the green silk was shot with blue.
"Yes it does. You'll be the Belle of the Ball," she giggled. "So are going with Adrian?"
"No Father's found me some distant cousin to go with," Draco said dismissively.
"Oh," Hermione said surprised but then said, "Sev bought me a new dress yesterday. I'm going with Ginny to pick the robes on Wednesday if you want to come"
"What was wrong with your other dress?" Draco asked feeling slightly hurt as he'd help choose it.
"Nothing but Sev offered to buy me a new one after he found out about Lucius' and his leering. You want details?"
Draco inclined his head and gave her an exasperated look, "Well yeah and not just about your new dress"
Hermione blushed. "Well I'll tell you about the dress first."
She began to describe the dress and shoes in detail but when Draco asked about jewellery she said, "Well I don't know. Sev says he's taking care of that which reminds me. Can you keep a secret?"
"I'm hurt you even asked," Draco said sticking out his bottom lip, pretending to be upset.
"You know the bracelet he gave me?" she asked as a sudden pang of excitement washed over her.
Draco nodded.
"Well it turns out it's more than just a family heirloom. It's the first of..."
Draco gasped "It's not a pre-engagement piece is it?"
Hermione nodded. She had the broadest grin on her face before she said, "I'm not sure if he wants too many people to know so please keep it quiet"
"My lips are sealed," Draco said hugging her excitedly.
"Thank you. And as for the other it was so beautiful. He's amazing. And we discovered that we are soul mates," Hermione said realising for the first time what that really meant.
Draco became positively animated. "You're my Auntie!" he exclaimed.
"Oh shut up...although when I become your Aunt does that mean I can tell you off?" Hermione asked.
"You do that anyway," Draco giggled.
"And how was your first time dear nephew?" Hermione said taking an authoritatively concerned but playful tone.
Draco looked at the floor dejectedly. "I'll tell you if it happens"
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