Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Shiloe yawned, opening his eyes to find that Draco was gone. He heard water running and smiled.
He then heard screaming and ran into the bathroom, only to burst out laughing at the tableau that greeted him: Draco was covering himself frantically, staring in horror at Rowena, who was rolling her eyes. “I just wanted to tell you to be good to our heir. You’re awfully jumpy.” She was saying.Shiloe laughed. Draco glared at him. “This is NOT funny!” He hissed. Shiloe chuckled again. “I find it hilarious.” He disagreed.Draco growled and turned away from him. Shiloe couldn’t resist the temptation of that pert, slick ass being so wantonly displayed. He walked over and gave it a sharp smack. “Dammit, Shi, that- Mmph!” He was cut off as Shiloe claimed his mouth and shoved his back flush against the wall. “You’re so hot.” Shiloe said. “Of course I am, that’s no bloody reason to beat on me!” The blonde snapped.Shiloe smirked. “I think it’s a perfectly acceptable reason, actually.” He said lightly. Draco narrowed his eyes at Shiloe. “I should hex your bits off.”“Blaise and Neville would surely return the favor.” Shiloe pointed out.Draco looked down at said bits and sighed. “Never mind, I’m rather fond of my bits.” He decided.Shiloe smirked. “Mm, me too.” He said, deciding to keep the words he had heard last night to himself. After all, if Draco knew they had been heard, he might take them back, and Shiloe wanted to keep them, so that he could hold them close to his heart in case they were never uttered again.“Shi, what are doing to-” Neville’s words were cut short as he entered the bathroom and stared in shock at the sight of both Shiloe and Draco naked, with Rowena Ravenclaw standing some feet away, watching in amusement. “Bloody hell.” He whispered, staring at Draco.Draco smirked. “What?” Neville flushed and shook his head, forcing himself to look at Shiloe instead, his eyes darting back to Draco every few seconds. “Um, Shi, what are you doing today? We have a free block right now. I thought maybe we could-” Suddenly, they heard loud knocking. Shiloe sighed. “Fucking hell, now is NOT a good time!” He snarled. “Nev, I’ll talk with you in a second. I have to get the door.” He said, quickly brushing a kiss against the other teen’s lips. “Love you.” He said as he headed out the door, grabbing trousers and slipping them on as he walked, albeit rather gracelessly. He opened the door ready to tell the person off, but swayed as another bond connected with another flash of bloody BLUE! ‘I am going to be in deep shit for the, apparently, HUGE lie I told my poor, unsuspecting Host.’ He thought, blinking and focusing on the words Dumbledore was saying. “…See for himself, so I brought him here.” Shiloe frowned and looked down at the big, black dog that was grinning up at him. “Fine, come in.” He sighed, stepping aside enough to admit the dog, but not Dumbledore. “He’s allowed, YOU are NOT. This is Pack business. Good-bye.” He said shortly, shutting the door in Dumbledore’s face. Sirius shifted back to human form, his grin gone. “So it IS true.” He said softly. “You’re not Harry?” He sounded lost and utterly forlorn. Shiloe sighed. “No, sorry, I’m not. However, you will still be part of my life. You happen to be one of my anchors.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest. “But why are you here, again?” “Dumbledore sent a letter, telling me that Harry had…” He had to swallow, and Shiloe’s heart clenched at the feeling of despair rolling off of him. “Well, telling me about you, I guess. So I came to see for myself. I’m SO sorry!” He said, wrapping his arms around Shiloe, who stood still in shock for a moment before lifting his arms and wrapping them around the Animagus. He chuckled. “We’re going to need to kiss eventually to seal the bond, you know.” The teen pointed out.Sirius only held tighter to him. “Later, tonight. For now, just let me hold you. This never should have happened. I never should have gone after Peter. MERLIN, I’m SORRY!” Shiloe sighed. “This isn’t your fault, there’s no way you could have known the future. There’s a reason Lily never mentioned her family but occasionally. You were distraught, and if I had found that something like that happened to me, I’d probably have done the same, I’m sure.” *****Neville was left with nothing to stare at save Draco as Shiloe left.Draco smirked and continued washing. He finished and walked up to Neville. “So, do you like staring at me? Our own little voyeur. This Pack is going to be an interesting family, to say the least.” He said, using his thumb and forefinger to tilt Neville’s face upward. He was only a few inches taller than the sturdy Gryffindor. “I’m going to especially enjoy getting to know YOU better.” He purred, claiming Neville’s mouth gently.Neville sucked in a breath through his nose, eyes widening, then fluttering shut as he whimpered softly, his arms rising of their own volition to wind themselves around Draco’s neck. Draco moaned softly, letting himself enjoy the taste of the Gryffindor. He tasted of mint, tea, and sugar biscuits. Delicious, and yet, such innocent flavors. Draco was consumed with a sudden urge to taint that innocence, if he could. He raised his head and lifted a questioning eyebrow at the brunette. “What say you, Longbottom? Do you think you would ever let me fuck you? I promise you, I can be VERY gentle, if that’s what you need.” He purred.Neville opened and closed his mouth a few times, then blushed again. “I… Well, you’re very hot, but I’d want more than a one-night stand.” He said. “No matter WHOM it’s with.” Draco sighed, rolling his eyes. “We’re both part of Shiloe’s Pack. It would be more than a one-night stand, regardless, since now your options are limited to us, being his other anchors, or castration when he finds out you’ve been unfaithful to him AND the Pack as a whole. And he WOULD find out, make no mistake.” Draco finished. Neville bit his lip. “I’ll think about it. But unless you start calling me Neville, it will be a no. I don’t like being called by my surname. I have a name that I don’t share with my parents, and I’d like for you to use it.” He said firmly, yet softly, and left the room without a backward glance. Draco glared after the normally timid Gryffindor. How DARE he hand Draco an ultimatum! Didn’t he know better than to talk back to his betters?! Draco stopped that train of thought and calmed down. Perhaps… Perhaps it was a good idea to become more familiar with him, make him more comfortable. And he supposed he should be impressed with the nerve it must have taken Long—er, Neville—to say that so baldly, and to him, no less.He dried himself with a charm and headed out of the bathroom to dress. He froze as he heard Neville’s voice raised in agitation. “But he’s SIRIUS BLACK!” The teen shouted.Draco ran out to the common room. He stared in shock as Shiloe ran a hand through his hair, sighing heavily. He was standing next to a man that Draco knew, from pictures his mother had shown him. He spoke softly, sounding hesitant, not totally sure he was right. “Cousin Sirius?” They were really second cousins, but it was close enough. Sirius looked at him in shock. “You’re… Draco? Are you Narcissa’s boy?” He asked.Draco nodded, not sure whether to smile or sneer at the so-called blood traitor. If he was an anchor, Draco had to be nice, but if not…Sirius smiled widely. “You’re pretty.” He said bluntly, in amusement.Draco’s decision was made, anchor or no. He sneered. “And you’re filthy.” He responded, eyeing the unkempt man in disdain. He walked up to Shiloe, his mask of superiority firmly in place. “I need to get back to my common room. I still need to grab my things and then I have class.” He murmured, wrapping an arm around Shiloe’s waist. “I suppose we’ll be meeting back here at the usual time?” He asked. “Yes. And don’t talk to Sirius like that. He’s been on the run. I plan to see him washed up properly, and you’ll see him neat and tidy later.” Shiloe said, and then claimed Draco’s mouth eagerly. “I’ll see you at six.” Draco smirked. “I’ll see you first, I’m sure.” He returned, and then left through the door that had appeared. Shiloe was really starting to love his rooms. He turned back to Neville. “Yes, he’s Sirius Black. He’s also Harry’s Godfather.” Shiloe told him. Neville shook his head. “But he’s a-”“Framed felon, I know.” Shiloe said, bored. Neville frowned. “Framed?” He asked.Shiloe nodded. “Framed, yes. He didn’t kill the Potters by word or deed, and Peter Pettigrew is not, indeed, dead. He was masquerading as Ron’s rat, Scabbers, for all these years. HE got Harry’s parents killed, AND killed those Muggles.” He finished.Neville seemed to puzzle it out in his head quickly, and then he looked back at Sirius Black. “Oh. Well, then, pleased to meet you.” Sirius smiled. “Likewise-Hey!” He shouted as Shiloe began to herd him toward Salazar’s room. “Come on, Nev.” Shiloe called. “Help me get him washed and shaved, then he needs a bit of a haircut.” Neville laughed and followed Shiloe into the bathroom.*****Shiloe and Neville surveyed their work smugly. Sirius’ hair was trimmed to get rid of the split ends and he was clean and neatly shaved, though he had insisted that he wanted to retain his look from before Azkaban, facial hair and all.Shiloe nodded in satisfaction. “Good.” This was a man he’d be willing to seal the bond with, when Sirius was ready. “Oh, and also, since I don’t want you on the run anymore, you’re living here. When people come over that can’t know you’re here, I have another room you can use. I’ll make sure you’re safe. YOU will let me protect you in this way, since I need you alive and near me. Are we in agreement?” He asked. Sirius sighed. “You’re really overbearing for a Godson, you know.” “Good thing I’M not your Godson, then, hm?” Shiloe asked with a smirk, giving the man, who was dressed still in rags, however clean they now were, a thorough perusal. “You need new clothes. Neville and I should be able to get you some after lunch. We have the rest of the day free after charms. I need new clothes as well. Harry has horrible taste.” Sirius snorted. “I like his taste in clothes.” He said flatly.Shiloe sighed. “You WOULD.” He told the former Gryffindor in wry amusement. “This is why I will be buying your clothes, not YOU. You’re the last heir to the line of Black, so you’re going to dress like it.” He said firmly. “Besides that, I want you to look as hot as I KNOW you can.” Sirius sighed. “Fine, I suppose. Do we have to share a bedroom?” He asked, grinning.“No.” Shiloe chuckled. “I don’t think you’d be comfortable in Salazar Slytherin’s chambers, anyway. You can have Godric Gryffindor’s room.” Neville sighed sadly.Shiloe rolled his eyes. “Which you will apparently have to share with Neville occasionally.” He added. Neville flushed. “No, it’s fine.” “I want you happy.” Shiloe told him. “If you like his rooms, by all means, use them.” Sirius shrugged. “Well, where are they, then?” Shiloe led him to Godric’s rooms and Sirius smiled widely. “Nice.” He said, eyeing the huge bed. “REALLY nice.” Shiloe rolled his eyes. “Yes, it’s great. So, stay in these rooms, you can chat with the founders, and they may take on physical form, so don’t be alarmed. If I find that they got to fuck you before me, I will be most displeased, so if they hit on you, don’t act on it.” He warned.Sirius grinned. “Sure thing. When will I see you?”Shiloe smirked. “I’m not sure, but probably before dinner. If not, then I’ll see you by six, when the rest of my anchors will be meeting you. I’m sure one of them will be OVERJOYED to see you.” He said, thinking of Severus with glee. ‘Well, he did say get some MATURE anchors, and Sirius IS an ADULT. It’s close enough.’ Shiloe decided. Neville cast tempus. “Come on, we have to get to charms now.” *****“What were you doing during breakfast?” Hermione hissed to Shiloe once they were seated, waiting for class to start. “You can’t keep skipping meals, people are getting suspicious.” She added. “Yeah, mate. What was so important?” Ron asked.Shiloe rolled his eyes. “So tell people I take meals in my rooms. I’ve done so a few times already. And I was giving my new dog a bath.” He said with a smirk.Hermione smiled widely. “Oh, Si-Snuffles is here?” Ron snorted at the nickname, and Hermione shot him a glare. “Yeah, I got a pet.” Shiloe joked. Ron leaned in closer. “Is he an anchor?” He asked in a whisper.Shiloe nodded. Hermione giggled. “Harry’s not going to be too comfortable with that.” She noted.“Not MY problem.” Shiloe said blithely. Professor Flitwick’s arrival forestalled any further conversation. *****After lunch, Shiloe and Neville headed for Dumbledore’s office. “Ah, Shiloe, to what do I owe the pleasure?” The genial old man asked.Shiloe sneered. “Pleasure, indeed.” He drawled. “I need to go and buy suitable clothing for my new roommate. He will be staying with me. Rest assured, I can conceal his presence if I need to.” He said, carefully avoiding looking directly into the man’s twinkling blue eyes.Dumbledore smiled. “Oh, wonderful, wonderful. Yes, I’m sure you can keep him safely hidden. You’ll need a pass to go to Hogsmeade, here.” Dumbledore wrote out a pass. “Do you know his sizes?” Shiloe nodded. “I took his measurements already.” He confirmed, accepting the pass.“Good, good.” Dumbledore nodded happily. “Well, then, I will see you later, and I’m sure Sirius will be glad to get new clothes.” Shiloe hummed dismissively under his breath, leaving the office with Neville, who sighed once they were gone, the tension he had held in the office draining from him. “You’d think he’d know how much you dislike him by now.” Neville said.“Oh, he does.” Shiloe told him. “He just chooses to ignore it. He thinks we can become FRIENDS.” Neville nodded. “I see. So, what are we getting Sirius?” Shiloe smirked. “We’ll know when we see our options, I’m sure. Would YOU like some new clothes? I have plenty of money, Harry won’t even notice any missing from one single shopping trip.” He said. “I don’t really need any clothes, but… My dress robes are awful.” Neville whispered.Shiloe shook his head. “Well, that’s just not on. We’ll get you some exceptionally handsome ones that you’ll be proud to wear, then.” He decided. “I want you looking your best at all times, after all.” He said with a smirk.
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