Yuletide Blessing in Disguise | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 123887 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 10 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any related properties--all rights belong to Rowling. Nor do I make any money from the production of this work. |
Private People
The final push was on the last few weeks leading up to the Second Task, and Harry was enormously busy. But when Harry received a brief missive from Sirius just after the beginning of February to be prepared for another Fireside chat at midnight in two days he didn’t care how late it was going to be, even though Hermione had warned him that he really ought to be getting plenty of sleep so that he would be able to keep his focus during the day.
Harry had received the note from the barn owl which tapped on the window of his dormitory just after dinner; he had briefly considered not telling Hermione, then remembered that he was telling her everything these days, no matter how much he was reticent to talk about certain things or give her a reason to be upset, so he had headed back down to the common room where she was still looking up Runes to help him in the Second Task.
Feeling slightly guilty, He was glad now that he had decided not to hold anything back. Harry set his ink bottle, brush, and quill on the coffee table next to his parchment on which he was going to be working on the Rune Sequences which Hermione was working out for him, and tentatively broached the subject.
“Erm... Hermione?”
“Yes Harry?” said Hermione, looking up from her notes.
Harry peered furtively around the common room to make sure no one was listening, then lowered his voice.
“Erm, well... I just received a note from Sirius,” he said quietly, “He wants to talk the night after tomorrow - in the fireplace at midnight.”
“Oh,” said Hermione, in an equally soft voice and strangely looking very interested. “Well, that’s nice, isn’t it? I mean - it’s been months since you last chatted and he is your godfather after all...”
“Er... So you don’t think it’s too late then?”
“Don’t be silly,” whispered Hermione, rolling her eyes. “Of course you should talk to him, no matter how late it is - he’s family...”
“Cool!” Harry responded, feeling very relieved. Now it was Hermione who looked a bit shy, biting her lip.
“So, er, anyway, do you mind if I join you?” she asked hopefully. “I mean, I expect you’d like a bit of privacy - but it’s a very interesting way of communicating - using the Floo system. It seems a bit odd, doesn’t it? I can’t imagine one’s head spinning round and round while one’s body is stationary at the other end. Though, I suppose you could just ask Sirius how that works and tell me later, but it would be nice to say hello too...”
“Yeah, of course you can join me Hermione,” said Harry, grinning, cutting off Hermione’s rushing flow of words; he suddenly realised how cute she was when she talked a mile a minute when she was nervous. “And I bet Sirius would like to say hello to you too. He hasn’t seen you since last year.”
Hermione beamed at Harry and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Alright,” she said, shifting gears, “now that we’ve sorted that out, we really should be getting on with this - there’s only three weeks left...”
Harry and Hermione both studied late the night that Sirius’s head was due in the fireplace, but they both grew anxious when it was after eleven and there was still a sixth year couple snogging in the corner of the common room. Harry and Hermione both tried reading a bit more, but gave up as they couldn’t concentrate anymore. Putting their books down, they both fidgeted, wondering if they should pick up their quills and pretend that they were going to write some notes.
The sixth year couple finally roused from the well-cushioned armchair they had both been occupying at eleven thirty and smirked a bit at Harry and Hermione.
“Night, Potter, Granger,” said the older boy. “Don’t stay up too late doing... homework!” he added with a wink; the sixth year girl tittered.
Harry and Hermione both reddened, then breathed a sigh of relief when the two sixth years headed up their respective stairs to their respective dormitories. Then Hermione bit her lip, grinning shyly and moved in for a kiss.
“I thought we might as well put the next half hour to good use,” she said when they both came up for air, “now that we’ve got the common room to ourselves.”
“No argument here!” Harry grinned.
Arms wrapped around one another, hands roaming, they re-engaged their lips, the kisses growing increasingly impassioned. When they heard the first ding of the clock striking twelve, they quickly pulled apart, gasping, and straightened their rumpled clothes; Hermione tried to pat down her bushy hair which looked wilder than ever after Harry’s fingers had been entangled in her curls.
Not a moment too soon; on the twelfth ding something was happening in the fireplace. The crackling flames flared and turned green; as the green flames died down they saw a head spinning in the hearth. When it came to a stop, Sirius’s head peered at them both. His eyebrows rose as he gave them a canny look.
“Been busy, eh? So it seems that Skeeter’s article was right on the mark after all! That’s a first! I suppose she’s got to get something right once in a while.”
Harry and Hermione’s cheeks took on a rosy tinge.
“H...how did you know?” Harry sputtered. “I mean, I was going to tell you, but...”
“I have my sources,” said Sirius, grinning. “...Actually, it was Mad Eye, if you must know - Dora told me to bugger off and mind my own business when I asked her if it was true. By the way, well done for rumbling the imposter you two. ... And it’s really nice to see you again Hermione - I must say, I thought you and Harry seemed quite well suited for one another the last time I saw you.”
“Erm...” said Harry, his face growing even hotter.
“Okay, I know when to leave well enough alone,” said Sirius, growing more serious. “Anyway, I wanted to touch base with you again before the Second Task now that I’ve taken up more permanent residence. I know you’ve been concerned about my return to Britain, and we never really got to finish our conversation before the First Task.”
“Oh, did you find a safe place then?” asked Harry, feeling some relief; he had been feeling guilty for a while now since inadvertently luring Sirius back to Britain with his paining scar.
“You could say that,” said Sirius dryly. “It’s home anyway - my childhood home. It was never my favourite place, but it’s well protected - not even the Ministry can find me here, nor Voldemort for that matter. And as long as I’m careful, I’ll still be able to get out a bit in dog form.
“In any case, speaking about being safe, that’s really what I wanted to talk to you about - your safety at Hogwarts, Harry! Now that we know it wasn’t Karkaroff, and that it was one of Voldemort’s people who put your name in the Goblet, Mad Eye and I got to chatting and he told me about his suspicions that someone at the Ministry is also targeting you.
“I don’t like it, and neither does Mad Eye. It was too easy for me to get into Gryffindor tower last year once I got the passwords, and if Voldemort managed to slip someone else who’s been polyjuiced into Hogwarts, perhaps even posing as one of your house-mates ... Well, I don’t even like to think what could happen...”
Harry gulped and he shared an anxious look with Hermione. He hadn’t even considered that possibility. Harry knew that Dumbledore was checking all visitors and doing regular checks of the staff now for signs of being polyjuiced or imperiused - but if it was someone posing as a student, possibly a Gryffindor even... Harry didn’t need Hermione to tell him that it would be a logistical nightmare to check hundreds of students.
“Anyway, I’m not trying to worry you too much Harry,” Sirius continued, taking note of Harry’s anxiety, “but I’d really like for you to have private quarters with its own special protections, and Mad Eye agrees...”
“Wait, is that even possible?” Harry gasped, shooting another look at Hermione, this one surprised.
“Certainly,” said Sirius, “I don’t know if it’s been done before, but you’re a special case Harry, for very obvious reasons. Mad Eye and I thought we might have a bit of trouble convincing Dumbledore - but once we got McGonagall on our side too before making our case... Well, Dumbledore could hardly disagree with all three of us...”
The more he thought about, Harry could hardly disagree either. There was only one real issue as far as Harry could see, and it almost made Harry more anxious than thinking about all the potential people out to get him...
“Er... well, erm... I suppose that makes sense,” Harry muttered, “but people already think I get special treatment as it is...”
“Your friend Ron - not to mention all the others who think you cheated to get into the tournament,” Sirius sighed. “Believe me Harry, I understand all too well! ... But your safety is far more important than some hurt feelings or the uninformed opinions of the other students.”
Harry knew Sirius was right, but he still wasn’t very keen to put up with all the scrutiny he had faced earlier that year - it had been like Second Year all over again. His stomach tied up in knots.
Hermione had grown increasingly troubled as she listened to Sirius and when she saw Harry’s expression, she knew she had to say something to persuade him.
“Harry, you really ought to do this!” she implored him. “If Professor Moody and McGonagall and Dumbledore all agree, then this has to be the best option for you. I know you’re worried most about Ron’s feelings, but after everything... I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Yeah, I know I have to do this Hermione,” said Harry, finally convinced. “I just hope you’re right.”
Sirius looked very relieved; he shot Hermione a grateful smile.
“Excellent!” said Sirius. “That’s a load off my mind. And I know Dora will keep her eye on you too. ... Anyway, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to keep up your training - it’s not just for the tournament after all.”
“Yeah,” said Harry, nodding vigorously and brightening right up, “of course! It was a bit rough with Professor Moody at first, but I think it’s brilliant!”
“Right, I had a feeling you’d say that,” Sirius beamed. “Now, I should probably let you get some sleep, but one last thing, I’ll be sending you something else by Owl post when I’ve found it here at home. You should be getting an unmarked package in the next few days or so. It’s a communication device - we’ll be able to talk anytime you need. It’s much easier than Floo calling, let me tell you!”
“Speaking of which,” Harry grinned at his girlfriend, “Hermione had a question she wanted to ask you.”
“Shut up!” said Hermione, turning as red as a fire engine and giving Harry a little swat on the shoulder. “You know I really just wanted to see Sirius with you and say hi. It’s not that important.”
“Well, regardless, Hermione,” said Sirius, a huge grin on his face, “I’m here right now. Fire away!”
“Erm... Well, I was really curious!” Hermione admitted, “How do you manage to Floo-call? I mean, with your head spinning at one end and the rest of you stationary at the other end?”
“I’m not quite sure how it all works to be perfectly honest,” said Sirius. “But I can say that it feels bloody weird and uncomfortable! I’m really not fond of Floo calling and I’ll be much happier when Harry gets the parcel I’m sending him. We’ll be able to chat more often.”
“Got it,” said Harry, determined to make life easier for his godfather...
Ron stirred when he heard Harry finally coming to bed, and when Harry saw Ron grinning at him again, Harry considered whacking him with a pillow a few times again. As Harry lay his head back down on his pillow, he felt a bit sad; he was going to miss living in Gryffindor tower and sleeping in the dormitory.
But as certain potential benefits of having his own private space began to sink in, a smile crept to Harry’s face. He could still hang out and do homework in the common room after all. Harry fell asleep dreaming happy thoughts about snogging Hermione in perfect privacy...
Ron was stunned the next morning when Harry told him everything over breakfast. First he just gaped at Harry, breakfast forgotten. Then he frowned. Then Ron looked confused. Then he frowned again. Ron opened his mouth as if he were about yell at Harry, then he shut it and looked confused again. Neville rolled his eyes.
Harry swallowed nervously and glanced at Hermione as he watched Ron trying to sort out his feelings right before his very eyes. Hermione gave Harry a look somewhere between an apologetic one and a just-wait-and-see look.
Finally Ron slumped and sighed, glumly forking a sausage. For the first time in his life Ron chewed very slowly. Then he quietly ate a pile of scrambled egg, several pieces of bacon and a piece of toast and drained his glass of pumpkin juice in several gulps. He pushed back his chair slightly, looking like he felt a bit better with a full stomach.
“Er... okay then. Right...” said Ron, nodding slowly. “I get it Harry, I really do. ... I mean, bloody hell, after all these nutters sneaking into Hogwarts and trying to murder you last year and this year, it just makes loads of sense really!”
Neville nodded.
“Yeah, it really does make sense, Harry,” he muttered, turning pink, clearly remembering how he’d left a list of passwords lying around in third year.
“Er... Wow! So we’re really cool then Ron? ...and you too Neville?” Harry asked, deciding not to remind Ron and Neville that the mass murdering maniac in third year had really been Ron’s pet rat Scabbers, who had had access to Harry at any time since first year.
“Yeah, we’re cool Harry,” said Ron. “I just hope you’ll have a bit more time to hang out after the Second Task.”
“What Ron said,” said Neville, nodding again.
“Cool!” said Harry, feeling very relieved. “Anyway, yeah - there’ll be four months between the Second Task and the Third Task - I’ll still be a bit busy, but I should have loads more time.”
After breakfast, on their way to class, Hermione smiled at Harry. “Well, all things considered, I think that went rather well.”
“Yeah - way better than I thought it would,” Harry agreed, grinning at her; Hermione had admirably managed to keep her I-told-you-so tone of voice to a bare minimum.
Hermione also had a spark of naughtiness in her eye which suggested that the possible benefits of Harry having his own private quarters had occurred to her as well.
The rest of the day went by in a blur. Harry suddenly came out of it after classes, wondering how he’d got from the morning to the end of lessons already, almost as if he’d had a time-turner. Hermione helped Harry pack all his things in his trunk and lug them downstairs to the common room. Harry had thought of getting Ron and Neville to help, but reckoned that might be pushing it a bit.
Lavender could hardly contain herself; she looked like she was bursting to pounce and get Hermione to tell her everything. Parvati smirked a bit at Lavender and rolled her eyes.
Harry hefted his trunk through the portrait hole while Hermione puffed on the other side, trying to to help him lift it through. Dora appeared in the nick of time to help Hermione catch the trunk and carefully lower it to the floor while Harry clambered through the portrait hole.
“Thanks Dora,” said Hermione, still trying to catch her breath. “Even after all of Professor Moody’s workouts and swimming every day, that still felt a bit heavier than I thought it would. It’s loads heavier than mine.”
“No worries, Hermione,” said Dora cheerily. “I got the other end from here, alright?”
Hermione followed Harry and Dora as they carried his trunk to his new quarters, which were spare teachers’ quarters at the end of a corridor very near to Gryffindor tower. Dora pointed at another sturdy oak door in the stone wall of the passage on the right.
“I’ll be movin’ into that one right there, Harry. So I’ll still be real close.”
Harry nodded as they passed through the threshold of his new private chambers, and grunted when they set the trunk down in his new bedroom.
“Thanks Dora,” said Harry, wiping the sweat from his brow, wondering how he had ever managed to stow his heavy, old fashioned oak-wood trunk with iron bracings on the Hogwarts Express, even with Ron’s help.
He’d never really given it much thought. Hermione’s was much more sensible - it wasn’t even a trunk. Rather, Hermione’s luggage was a thoroughly modern large suitcase which had little wheels on the bottom and a backpack. He’d always managed to lift them onto the luggage racks by himself with no problem.
“Right, I’ll leave you to unpack then, Harry. I’m gonna go get my own stuff now,” said Dora.
“I can help if you need it, Dora,” Hermione offered, thinking she could manage now after having given her arms a bit of a rest.
“Nah! I got it Hermione.” Dora gave her and Harry a little knowing smile. “My stuff is loads lighter, and I can make a couple o’ trips.”
After Dora had left, Harry and Hermione took a little tour around the private chambers. As well as a sitting room with a cozy looking sofa and a fireplace, there was a tiny little kitchen with a few wooden cupboards and a kettle on the stove. The bathroom was more luxurious than Harry had imagined it would be, containing an enormous marble tub with numerous gold and silver spigots and faucets.
“Huh! ... Wonder what all those are for?” said Harry.
Then Harry returned to his new bedroom with Hermione in tow. It wasn’t all that different than the dormitory really, carpeted, with a large four-poster bed and a brick fireplace, except there was also an ornate mahogany cupboard and an equally ornate mahogany dresser, and a large bookcase.
“Wow! This really is amazing Harry,” said Hermione, peering around the room, ogling the enormous bookcase which already had a row of ancient looking tomes sitting on one of the shelves. Harry grinned.
“I suppose I ought to get unpacking,” Harry opined, “so we can get back to studying and practicing stuff for the Triwiz.”
“What’s the rush?” Hermione said breezily, grabbing Harry by the hand and pulling him into the sitting room. “Finally, a bit of privacy!”
Harry suddenly found himself pinned to the sofa while Hermione snogged him silly, more than pleased that his earlier suspicion that she had been on the same wavelength had turned out to be true. They were after all, both fairly private people, not given to excessive public displays of affection...
AN: Yes, I know you're all dying to get to the Second Task. It's coming up very soon now - like next chapter soon - I promise!
For those of you who have read some of my other stories, I can assure you that though there are some common themes and a few common scenes, this story will be taking a decidedly different direction plot-wise. For the moment though, as it is still the Triwiz, there will of course be some points of commonality, but the Tasks will play out differently.
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