The Domino Effect | By : jameschick Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28991 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Part 18
You were everything, everything that I wanted. We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it. And all of our memories, so close to me, just fade away. All this time you were pretending. So much for my happy ending - Avril Lavigne
Coming around the corner, Ginny Weasley stopped dead in her tracks, her hand quickly covering her mouth to contain the horrified shriek that was clawing its way up from her throat.
Harry, her Harry, was kissing Draco Malfoy in the alcove just a few feet in front of her. She closed her eyes and prayed that when she opened them she wouldn't see it anymore, that it was all just some horrible hallucination left over from the potions she taken at the Ravenclaw party the weekend before.
Unfortunately, when she opened them the scenery had only gotten worse.
Whereas before Harry and Malfoy were only kissing, now Draco had his hands on Harry's arse, Harry had one of his thighs thrust between Draco's, and the two of them were grinding against one another as they continued to kiss with more and more passion.
Unable to watch any longer, Ginny turned and fled back to Gryffindor tower. All her hopes and dreams of a life with Harry, something she had been fantasizing about e she she first met him when she was only ten years old, were shattering all around her. She barely managed to close and spell the curtains on her bed before the pain became too much and she wailed out all her anger, misery and loss.
Pulling away from Draco, Harry shook his head and grinned. "Probably not the best place to be doing that," he said, his eyes full of regret.
"Gee, you think?" Draco answered, taking Harry's hand and pulling him toward the boys' bathroom.
"Er, where are we going? The Great Hall is that way," Harry said as he pointed in the opposite direction of where they were headed.
Draco shot him a scathing look. "Yes, but if you think I'm going to breakfast with a hard-on, you have another think coming, Potter. I've been wanting you since last night."
Harry chuckled. "Alright, Malfoy. But I refuse to shag you in the loo."
Draco growled and spun to glare at Harry. "Then where do you suppose we go then? We don't have a lot of time, you know."
Harry smirked at him. "Follow me," he whispered and turned the corner heading for the secret room the twins had shown him back in his fifth year.
Draco followed and snorted softly to himself as Harry placed his palm on the stone wall and a door magically appeared. "Do you know all the secrets of the school, Potter?"
"Dunno," Harry replied as he pulled Draco into the room and closed the door behind them. "But I know enough of them. Now, where were we?" he asked as he pressed his blonde lover against the wall and captured his lips.
Albus Dumbledore stood at the head table and waited as the laughter and conversation of the students died down as one by one they noticed his sorrowful expression. When at last the Hall was quiet, he spoke.
"Students, it is with a heavy heart that I stand before each of you this morning. Some may have noticed the disappearance of one of our students, some may not have. I regret to inform you that seventh year student, Blaise Zabini, was found early this morning in the lower dungeons by caretaker Argus Filch. He was dead when Mister Filch found him, and it has since been discovered that the cause of his death was the killing curse." Shocked gasps filled the room and several students had tears in their eyes; mostly the younger Slytherins.
Dumbledore shook his head sadly and raised his hands for silence. "Now, before anyone comes to the wrong conclusion, a Priori Incantatum was performed on Mister Zabini's wand that revealed the killing curse. Mister Zabini was not murdered; he took his own life." Again there was a murmur of voices and gasps from the students. A fifth year Slytherin girl burst into tears and the girl sitting next to her led her from the room. Dumbledore watched them go with sadness in his eyes.
"I cannot express to you my great sadness at this most unfortunate incident. Some of you, at one point or another, may feel as though the problems in your life are so overwhelming that death is the only alternative. I am here to tell you that that is not so. The professors here at Hogwarts, as well as myself, are always available to you should you need guidance. Please, if you need to speak with someone, if you are having problems, talk to one of us or at least one of your friends."
"The Ministry of Magic will be sending out grief counsellors to visit Hogwarts today and for the rest of the week. If anyone wishes to speak with them, please make an appointment through Madame Pomfrey. That is all."
Dumbledore resumed his seat with a heartfelt sigh. It had been many years since he'd lost a student in such a fashion and he couldn't help but think he'd failed the young man in some way. As he was pondering where he may have gone wrong, Harry Potter strolled into the Hall. He took one look into those green eyes and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that somehow, Harry was involved in what had caused young Mister Zabini to take his own life. And by the look on Harry's face, Harry now knew that he had figured it out.
For the second time in his life, for the second time in a week, Albus Dumbledore knew fear.
Joining his friends at the Slytherin table, Draco looked across the hall and watched as Potter sat with his friends but ignored them completely. He looked from where Harry was sitting to where he was looking and with a startled gasp quickly looked away lest anyone else notice what he had just seen.
Albus Dumbledore sat at the head table, his eyes glassy and his face blank. Across the hall, near the far end of the Gryffindor table, Harry Potter stared straight into the glazed-over eyes of his Headmaster as he viciously raped the man's mind.
Draco wondered what had happened to cause this, what possible information Dumbledore could have found to make Harry attack him in such a way. It was only as he looked to his own table-mates that he realized something was amiss.
"What the hell did I miss this morning?" Draco leaned over and whispered to Pansy.
"Zabini was found dead, suicide by AK." Pansy replied.
Draco blinked. "Oh," was his intelligent response.
Well, that would explain a few things, Draco thought to himself. If Dumbledore put two and two together and came up with Zabini's involvement in what happened to Harry, then he would surely assume - and rightfully so - that it was fear of retribution from Harry that scared Blaise enough to kill himself. That, he mused as he picked up his spoon and stirred absently at his porridge, or the fear of what Voldemort would do to him for failing to bring me into the fold.
It was a split-second decision on Harry's part, but not one he regretted. From the moment he walked into the Hall, he knew that Dumbledore had figured it out. How he knew, Harry wasn't sure, but he would find out.
Locking eyes with his former mentor, Harry made his way to his seat at the end of the table and as he sipped at his pumpkin juice, he slipped into the Headmaster's mind. Yes, Harry thought, there it was. The realization that Zabini had been involved in his attack, and the suspicion that Harry had doled out his own retribution. Wondering what other things the Headmaster might have figured out, Harry settled in and began going through the old man's memories.
The farther back he went, the angrier he got. Years of lies, half-truths and betrayals were hidden behind those twinkling blue eyes. Mistakes upon mistakes that had cost Harry dearly. Mistakes that had cost him his parents, his childhood, his very freedom from the Dark Lord, Voldemort.
He could see it all now, James and Lily Potter sitting in the Headmaster's office as he explained to them that they would be safe in Godric's Hollow, no matter that Lily had made plans to raise Harry in the Muggle world, in the States, where he'd be far away from Voldemort and his followers. A young Sirius Black nodding his head and believing he was doing the right thing in asking his good friend Peter to take his place in becoming the Potter's secret keeper, because after all, as Dumbledore put it, who would suspect Peter? Arthur and Molly Weasley asking him if perhaps, it wasn't better to leave Harry with a good wizarding family rather than those awful Muggles just hours after his return from leaving Harry on the Dursleys' doorstep. Almost the exact same conversation eleven years later after the Weasley twins, with Ron, had come to break him out of his bedroom. Hiring Professor Quirrel, and then Barty Crouch Jr. The Triwizard tournament, where Harry had unintentionally played right into Voldemort's hands by taking the cup. All these things, Harry now knew, were not coincidence. Each time Voldemort managed to get to him was carefully planned out, allowing Harry the chance to fulfill his destiny and kill Tom Riddle. There were no accidents, only manipulations. Every time he faced Voldemort it was a test. A test of his strength, and of the Dark Lord's. If Harry had defeated Voldemort sooner, Dumbledore would have never told him the truth about his family or his power. He would never have known that his mum wasn't a Muggle-born, or that he was descended from Merlin.
Taking a moment to make sure that Dumbledore wouldn't remember anything about his connection to Zabini, Harry slipped out of the Headmaster's mind and rose from the table. He looked back as Ron called out to him and reminded himself that he still owed him and Hermione for following him, even if they were - now that he knew - only doing what Dumbledore told them to. They were supposed to be his friends, and as his friends, they should have known not to invade his privacy that way. He had precious little of it as it was.
"Not now, Ron. I've Potions to get to and you know how Snape is," Harry replied as he left the Hall. In all reality he just wanted as far away from Dumbledore as humanly possible before he lost it completely and killed the man.
"You better go see to your boyfriend, Draco," Pansy whispered as Harry stood abruptly and left the Hall. Draco shot Pansy a look and she smiled. "Please, I'm not stupid."
Draco snorted and shook his head. "Nor am I, Pansy dear. Leaving now would only draw unwanted attention," Draco replied as his eyes flicked toward the other seventh year students.
"Not if I go with you," Pansy whispered back. Draco nodded and the two got up together and left the Hall.
Harry was halfway down to the Potions room when he heard Draco's voice calling out for him to wait. If it were anyone else he would have kept going and used one of the many secret rooms or tunnels to lose them, but he knew that he could tell Draco anything, and that the other boy was not afraid of him. Even when he was angry.
"Where's the fire?" Draco asked as he finally caught up.
Harry snorted. "No fire, but maybe there would have been if I'd stayed in the Hall any longer. Fucking bastard," Harry hissed the last two words out between clenched teeth.
"What did Dumbledore do that's got you so upset?" Draco asked.
Harry looked at him dumbfounded and Draco snorted. "Please, I saw you looking at him. Besides, he's the only person I know who could get you this angry. Tell me, Harry."
"I..." Harry started and then stopped as Snape came striding down the hallway from the opposite direction and then turned the corner. "Later, after dinner tonight."
Draco nodded and the two continued on their way to the Potions room, stopping dead in their tracks as they turned the corner and saw Professor Snape. He was... wriggling.
Harry looked at Draco and then back to Snape and then to Draco again before clapping his hand over his mouth. Draco seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same time as he snorted indelicately and then covered his mouth as well. The two slowly backed away until they were out of site of the uncomfortable Potions Master before bursting into giggles.
"Panties!" Draco gasped as he slid down the wall.
"Oh God," Harry giggled as he dropped down beside him, "I forgot about that."
"How are we ever going to make it through class!" Draco giggled again as he leaned over and rested his head on Harry's shoulder.
Harry rested his head on top of Draco's and took his glasses off so he d wid wipe the tears from his eyes. "I don't know, but that couldn't have come at a better time. I was way too close to losing it for a while there."
"Want to skive off and go talk?" Draco offered.
"Nah, I'll manage. Come on, let's go. Besides, this will probably be a very interesting lesson. I doubt we want to miss it." Harry got to his feet and helped Draco to stand, kissing him quickly before heading to class. Draco shook his head, smiled and followed him. If he'd known how much fun it could be to hang out with Harry, he'd have made more of an effort back in first year.
"Now, I understand that you have requested to remain in your present form, is that correct Mister, er, Miss Goyle?" Albus Dumbledore inquired as he looked at the young lady sitting on the bed in front of him.
"Yes, sir."
"Might I inquire as to why you have made such a request?"
Goyle nodded and licked her lips before speaking. "Well, you see, sir, my family has always been dark, and with the war coming and all, I'll be expected to join the Death Eaters. The Dark Lord doesn't care for women in his ranks and as long as I'm stuck like this, I won't be expected to join."
Dumbledore nodded and stroked a hand through his beard. "That makes a good deal of sense. However," he continued as he stepped closer to the girl, "I am at a loss as to where to put you. You can no longer go back to your own room as you are now female, and with your defection from Voldemort's side, I fear for your safety should I send you back to Slytherin at all."
Goyle simply nodded and wouldn't meet the old man's eyes. Dumbledore shook his head sadly and placed mformforting hand on her shoulder. "I think it would be best if we put you in a private room and removed you from the House structure all together. Would that be acceptable?"
Again, Goyle nodded her acceptance, but then timidly spoke up, "What about my classes, sir? I would like to graduate with the rest of my year-mates."
"We will work something out, Gregory, I promise. Now," the Headmaster clapped his hands and smiled cheerily, "Follow me, and I will show you to your new rooms."
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