Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190439 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
Thank you very much for your review!
For all the Neville lovers, he will come back in later chapter.
Some seem to be confused about the structure of the clan. Her is a short over view.
The Ages Clan is ruled by the head alpha Ages and the head beta Severus. In big decisions the clan council comes together. The council consist of all the alphas and betas of the clan plus some high ranks and the Eldest.
The Ages Clan lives in a big factory building and consist of three pack:.
1. Ages pack:
Biggest pack
alpha: Head Alpha Ages
beta: head beta Severus
They live in the east wing of the second floor and the warriors on the whole first floor. The warriors are the biggest group in the clan and are all belonging to Ages PACK.
2. Roland's Pack:
Second biggest pack of the clan.
Alpha: Roland
Beta: Janto
They live in the west wing of the second floor.
3. Fenrir's Pack
Smallest pack of the clan.
Alpha: Fenrir
Beta: Yorik
They live in the east wing of the third floor.
The Eldest don't belong to any pack only the clan. They are a group(pack) for themselves and live in the west wing of the third floor.
Important is the different between the clan and the packs. I think that Ages is the leader of the whole clan and his own pack is what some readers confused. I hope its now cleared for you all.
If you have more questions let me know.
Characters:Fenrir, Yorik, Hermione
Sexual interactions:Fenrir/Yorik/Hermione
Warnings: threesome
Chapter 18 - New Development Part 1
The old man lifted himself out of the couch and went over to the old woman. With a last glance at Hermione, he said, “Remember to come to us if you have any questions or feel irritated again. Our door is always open for you. Do you know where to find us?”
Hermione nodded. “Will you tell Fenrir and the others to not punish me for coming down here? You said something like that, didn't you?”
The old man smiled at her. “We will speak with them. If they give you any trouble, inform us. We will make them all, including the head alpha...” He looked over at Ages with a challenging glance, “...responsible should you get into any trouble.”
“Who are you looking for?” Fenrir asked during lunch. He and Yorik had been released from Miller but they still looked quite ill. Severus wasn't looking much better.
“Nobody,” Hermione answered quickly; too quickly. Fenrir had growled at her after hearing about events that morning in the warrior wing, and Yorik had paced the room and hit the wall several times. It had been scary, and Hermione didn't want them to be reminded of it.
Fenrir growled. “Try again!”
Hermione sighed. “Darius.”
Fenrir snorted. “I would have bet you were looking for Radgar. The whole warrior wing is talking about him.”
Hermione blushed deeply. “It was that damn heat.”
“Yeah, yeah. If you say so.”
“Yes, I do.”
“So why were you looking for Darius?”
“I don't know. I was interested in which pack he is in.”
“He is a warrior, pup. I thought you knew our system well enough now. When someone is a warrior, which pack does he belong to?”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “I know that most of the warriors belong to Ages' pack, but you and Yorik are warriors as well. And even Roland.” She pulled a face by saying the name of that hated alpha. He was the main reason why Hermione still hadn't spoken with Tara. The super-sub adored the cruel alpha, and Hermione was sure she couldn't like anyone who liked Roland.
“I and Alpha Roland are alphas. And Yorik is a beta. Those are the only exceptions for warriors that live in a pack other than Ages’. And you need to start to show respect for Alpha Roland.”
“I don't respect him, so why should I show respect?”
“Because he is an alpha and I have to punish you when you are being disrespectful to him or any other alpha. The time of leniency is over, pup. You are a full part of the clan now and have to behave.”
“The Eldest said you are all stupid dominants,” Hermione mumbled.
Fenrir growled. “You are not one of them yet. You have no right to speak about us like that.”
The growling failed to produce a proper response, and Hermione whirled around, excited. “So I will become one of them?”
“Of course you will. What else will you do when you are as old as them and all your pack members are dead?”
Hermione's smile vanished.
Fenrir chuckled. “I don't plan to die for the next one hundred years. So stop looking so down.”
The heavy feeling of the realization that she would out-live all of her pack members was depressing, and the feeling wouldn’t leave her just yet.
“And I don't plan it as well,” Yorik said and leaned over to Hermione to kiss her.
Hermione's bad feelings vanished due to the distracting kiss. Her body was reacting to any stimulation her mates, and even other dominants gave her, much more quickly than before, and she didn't felt repulsed by it. That was the reason why she had been looking for Darius. She remembered him as a very kind and concerned man. She wanted to thank him for rescuing her. There was an odd feeling that urged her to get to know him better. He must be an important member of the clan and high in rank under the warriors.
“Darius isn't here by the way, because he is in charge of the warrior wing today. I can bring you down to him after lunch if you want to see him,” Yorik offered when Hermione still looked upset at the realization she would outlive them all.
“Ehm... no I wanted to talk to him more privately. He will be in the lounge, right? There are so many others there.”
Yorik whistled. “Old Darius will have a heart attack when he hears you want to see him in private.”
“Yorik,” Hermione protested and cuffed his arm. “That wasn't what I meant!”
“She has fallen for Ages, Yorik. Maybe she has a thing for old men,” Fenrir said teasingly.
“You two are horrible.” Hermione blushed even more. “I just wanted to thank him and he... he seemed to be interesting.”
“Interesting. So that's what you call it?”
Hermione gaped like a fish, but couldn't find a reply.
“Calm down, pup. I will bring you down to the first floor after lunch. I need to show up there anyway and I'm sure Darius will be happy to give you an audience in his rooms,” Fenrir said, still greatly amused.
“You won't give him any ideas. I just want to thank him and want to get to know him better.”
“Sure,” Fenrir said, but it was more a snort than a real word.
“Why couldn't Miller keep you longer?” Hermione asked, annoyed.
“Because we would have ripped him in pieces if he had kept us away from you any longer. The bond is complete now, and we don't feel well when we aren't around you, or most importantly, aren't able to keep you safe. And that is very necessary with a wayward pup like you. Running down in the warrior wing in heat,” Fenrir growled. He shook his head. The pictures of what could have happened if not Darius but one of the younger ones had been in charge were very vividly in his mind.
“I know it was stupid, Fenrir. Please stop being angry with me,” Hermione pleaded. Her annoyance was gone and was replaced by her unhappiness with Fenrir's anger about her risky run down to the warrior’s wing.
“I cannot stop being angry, pup. You have no idea what could have happened. You think you can play with them but not all of them can control themselves, and when nobody is around to hold them back, they can be very insistent on showing you how good they are. Even though they know it would be their death if they force you to have sex with them, their minds could be too clouded by their idea of being the best mate for you.”
“I know,” Hermione said miserably and leaned her head against his shoulder.
“When you have a few random mates amongst the warriors it won't be such a problem anymore because they will hold the others at bay and one of them will be around as soon as they get your scent in their noses. But until then it isn't safe. You won't go down there without one of us.”
“Yes, Fenrir, I promise,” Hermione said and made small submissive sounds with her throat that surprised even herself.
“Damn, tell her that you forgive her or she will make me come in my pants with the noises she is making,” Yorik growled.
Hermione smiled at him. She leaned over to kiss him even though his mouth was still full of chicken and rested her hand on his thigh. While she kissed him she let her hand wander higher and her heart beat faster. That was odd. She wanted to make this a tease, but now she was affected by it as much as Yorik or maybe even more, because he was able to capture her hand to stop her.
“It's not allowed in the dining room,” he said when he stopped the kiss.
Hermione wanted to lean back and pout, but before she could even take a breath she was lifted on Yorik's shoulders and was carried out unceremoniously. She saw Fenrir quickly cleaning his mouth with his napkin, throw it down on his plate and follow them.
She was wet, so wet. Their smell of arousal was making her head spin, and her position head down over Yorik's shoulder wasn't making it better. When they finally were in their quarters and she was thrown on Fenrir's bed, she had the feeling she would explode. “I... I can't... I'm so...”
Her two mates were out of their clothes more quickly then she could finish her stuttering. Then they were all over her. Her clothes quickly joined theirs on the floor, and she was touched everywhere. It was pure bliss. Never had she felt so safe, so good, so right. She didn't want it to ever stop. Yorik was kissing her feverishly and fondling her breasts. He pinched her nipples until she couldn’t think straight anymore.
Hermione squeaked when she felt Fenrir's tongue sneak into her entrance while he pushed a lubed finger into her rectum. It was the blue lube, the one with the painkiller in it. Maybe Miller had given advice to use it as long as she still was sore. She didn't care at the moment. She thrust herself on Fenrir's finger, and as soon as Yorik let go of her mouth she screamed for more.
Fenrir happily obeyed and shoved a second finger in her tight hole and increased his ministrations with his tongue. He flicked it over her clit and then licked all over her sex. Then he started the same treatment all over again. She climaxed hard.
Before she even could calm her racing heart, Fenrir ordered Yorik to lie down on his back. His beta willingly obeyed, his member painfully hard. Then Fenrir rolled the still dazed Hermione over his beta and helped to get Yorik into her wet heat. Fenrir positioned himself over her rear entrance and shoved in.
Hermione gasped. Her rectum was penetrated a bit too fast for her liking and it stung.
Fenrir stopped when he realized Hermione wasn't comfortable with it. He slowly slid out a bit until she relaxed again. His beta meanwhile had lost control completely. He was pumping into Hermione and used any inch he got to move. Fenrir had problems holding himself still while his beta fucked the pup, but Hermione seemed to start to forget his member in her rectum and started to moan and wriggle. Yorik had managed to distract her, and Fenrir dared to press in again.
This time he didn't hear any protest from his pup, and he soon found his rhythm. It was pure bliss. It was even better than before her first changing. Fenrir felt like the king. He was her soul mate, and he always would be number one.
Her back passage was so tight and firm around his cock, her fleshy globes jiggling deliciously as he pounded in faster and faster.
Yorik’s face was screwed up into a rictus of pleasure that bordered on pain. His large cock was covered in Hermione’s slick juices and he wanted nothing more than to stay joined with her for all time. He could feel the pressure from his alpha’s cock through the thin membrane separating their pricks. When Hermione stuck her tongue in his mouth, tangling for dominance with his own, she simultaneously clenched down hard on him as she climaxed with a soft cry. He swallowed her sounds of release as rapture overtook her quivering body.
Her tight twat milked his own orgasm from within, forcing his hot seed to sear through his rock hard member, shooting deep inside of the exhilarating pup spasming around him.
Fenrir rocked frantically against her backside, hunched over her back, sweating and muttering his pleasure into her shoulder blade. The feel and sounds of his beta and pup underneath him climaxing made his balls draw up tight. With a deep roar he pistoned his cock like a jackhammer into her arsehole and slammed one last time for good measure, his hips snapping so hard against Hermione’s arse the crack sounded like one of Apparition. His come flooded the dark passage his cock inhabited and he grunted his final release, a few shallow thrusts completing their exhaustive mating dance.
Hermione was in heaven. It felt so good. Even when they all had found release it was still so good. She was sandwiched between their sweating bodies. She felt so warm, so safe, so perfectly loved. Deep, deep down there was a very, very small voice that told her that these people once had stood on the other side of the war, but the voice faded and Hermione just wanted peace. She was loved here; she was totally certain about it and she loved her pack, and even many others from the whole clan. “I love you two,” she whispered, half asleep.
Fenrir grunted in return and pulled her closer to his chest, spooning her closely. Yorik also snuggled closer but he was already asleep. He had only felt his pup move away with Fenrir's actions and closed the gap between them without waking up. Hermione was happy and snuggled against the two most important people in her life now.
When she woke up, her mates were still lying beside her, but they were awake. Yorik had lazily played with her breast which was most certainly the reason she had woken up at all. She looked at Fenrir and saw him watching Yorik with a lustful look. She had never seen it before and it made her all horny again. Maybe she was still affected by the heat. It was time to speak with Tara, no matter if she liked Roland or not.
Maybe not exactly right now, because Yorik started to lick her right breast exactly at that moment and she was busy moaning in response. She grabbed for his hair and made him stop. “Wait.”
Yorik looked to her, puzzled. His hair was wet and sweaty, and his skin was still shining from sweat as well. She couldn't have been asleep for long. Even Fenrir's eyes were now on her.
“I... I would like to ask you two for something.”
“What?” Fenrir asked, puzzled.
Hermione bit her bottom lip and insecurely looked at Yorik. “I would like to try something new.”
“New?” Yorik asked, confused, and looked from Hermione to Fenrir and back.
Hermione cupped his cheek. “Please don't be angry with me, but... I... I would like to see Fenrir fucking you while you do me.”
Yorik's mouth dropped open. “But I'm a beta. I can't...”
Fenrir was on his knees in one swift motion. One hand sneaked around Yorik's chest to hold him tightly against his own chest and the other trapped his waist. “You cannot do what, Yorik?”
Yorik looked panicked. “Fenrir, please, I...”
“I know that you never had real sex like that, but our pup wants it and I must say I couldn't get that idea out of my head since I pushed my finger into your hot arse during the bathing. I want you, Yorik. I want to dominate you completely and I will make it good. Not like in our werewolf forms or when I fucked you into submission when you joined our pack or disobeyed me. It will be good, Yorik. I saw you looking at me differently since the bath, too. You want me to do it, I can smell it. You just think I will think you are weak by letting me do it, right?”
Yorik let his head hang. “It's not right.”
Hermione cupped his cheeks. “Since when do we do anything that others think to be right? You will look lovely when Fenrir is balls-deep into you; I'm sure of that. And I know you want it. I saw you while he was fingering you. You like it when he dominates you. It won't change anything. You two will still fight your stupid battles from time to time and you are not less of a man.”
Yorik whimpered because Fenrir was not as sensible as his pup and didn't wait for Yorik's decision. He had already pushed one well lubed finger into his beta. The hand around Yorik's waist checked for his cock and was rewarded with a hard on. So his beta was enjoying it. He had interpreted the smell and the looks right. Yorik wanted him to dominate him completely. Who would have ever thought? Now all the provocation and teasing made sense. Yorik had not only enjoyed the fights between them but also the fact that he always lost and was dominated by Fenrir.
“Kiss her you fool and relax,” Fenrir whispered into Yorik's ear while he nibbled at his earlobe. When Fenrir thrust a second finger in, Yorik jerked his head up and buckled against his alpha weakly. “Please, oh damn, it's not right. They will laugh at me.”
“Then you will show them that you are still worthy to be my beta and show them their place.” Fenrir enhanced his statement with a deep thrust with his fingers and kept them deep inside Yorik, directly over his prostate. This time Yorik didn't buckle to get Fenrir off of him, he buckled because the pleasure was too much.
“Don't forget your duties as a beta. Take care of our pup while I take care of you.” Fenrir started to thrust his fingers rhythmically.
Yorik leaned down and was glad when Hermione took over and pulled him closer to her. She did almost all the work. She kissed him and reached down to his cock to bat Fenrir's hand away and stroke him herself. Soon Yorik wasn't able to worry about anything other than his alpha and his pup. He didn't care what the others would say when they smelled his alpha all over him as he had smelled like this many times before, but he knew they would know that this time it was done willingly. But it felt so good. Never in his life had he felt more at peace than right now. His alpha over him, dominating him completely and his pup under him submissively. It made him so hard, and he felt so good physically and emotionally, he knew in his heart this is exactly where he was meant to be.
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