The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Of Herbologists and Potioneers
Severus woke up suddenly with a sinking feeling. He had so much work to do this week that he didn't know where to start. He should have been annoyed with himself as most of the work was as a result of being distracted last week. But he couldn't bring himself to chastise himself as his distraction...his beautiful distraction...was lying next to him fast asleep.
And then he was suddenly aware of another feeling and it wasn't his usual early morning one. Looking at the clock he groaned and glared at the white cat who was happily padding on his bladder.
"I bought you for her you stupid animal. Annoy her not me," Severus hissed at Leo.
Leo just looked at him. Severus was sure he was smirking.
"Well I have to get up now, thanks to you, so move," he snapped shifting his body so that Leo would take the hint. Why the hell did he think it was a good idea to replace Crookshanks? At least Leo hadn't attacked him yet; there was still time for that pleasure Severus thought grimly.
"You OK, Sev?" Hermione asked sleepily as Severus got back into bed.
"Well that depends," Severus snarked as he lay back down staring at the ceiling.
She turned over and looked at him. "What's wrong?"
Severus sighed and turned his head towards her. "Your cat can apparently walk through the wall."
"So?" Hermione asked as she sat up. She drew her knees up to her chest, hugging them before she laid her cheek on them and faced Severus.
"Oh nothing. I just thought that once he was in your rooms he wouldn't insist on waking me up," Severus said grouchily.
Hermione laughed mirthlessly. "It's not my fault he wants to be near us. And Crooks always slept on the bed so Leo will as well."
Severus looked back up at the ceiling and exhaled forcefully as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"The point is Hermione, Crooks slept on your bed which happened to be in your room and that was before we got together. And now you seem to be sleeping in here, Leo can still sleep on the bed in your rooms with my blessing. I would just prefer it if he didn't sleep in..."
Hermione glared at Severus and cut him off. He could tell by the tone of her voice he was about to embark on something he'd not experienced very often...fighting a losing battle. "Why the bloody hell did you get me cat then?" she growled at him.
"Because you missed Crookshanks," Severus said exasperated both at her and himself. He couldn't quite believe he was arguing with Hermione over a cat at 5am. He looked at her and said more softly, "I just didn't think I'd end up sharing my bed with him as well but I suppose I'll have to get used to it when you move in"
"Yes you will," Hermione said in a huff. And then it hit her, "Hang on. You want me to move in?"
Severus groaned and looking back up at the ceiling, he ran his hand over his face. He muttered under his breath, "Oh fucking hell!"
He scowled at himself. "I appear to be less than proficient in the niceties of this relationship business. And to think I usually pride myself on engaging my brain before I open my mouth"
Hermione looked confused. "What do you mean?"
Severus sighed and put his arm out, inviting her in closer. "I was going to ask you to move in with me on your birthday."
Hermione chuckled. She felt sorry for him because she knew he was trying so hard to do things properly and knew how frustrated he was that his emotions, which were still quite alien to him, kept bubbling over.
She suddenly feigned a yawn, smiled sweetly and snuggled up on Severus' chest. "You know I'm so tired. I'm sure you said something but I didn't hear what you said. Tell me later?"
Severus chuckled and kissing her hair whispered, "I love you, you know."
"I know," she smirked and traced her favourite scar across his stomach. It might seem obtuse for her to have a favourite scar but these scars would never go away and were so much part of him that she had to love all of them. Especially when he received this one for not giving away enough information on a vital Order mission to protect Harry, Ron and herself once Voldemort had returned.
Severus smirked. "Funnily enough since you've been doing that I don't feel tired anymore"
"Strangely enough neither do I," Hermione said as she kissed his chest and climbed on top of him.
"What a shame," Severus said as he pulled her down for a kiss.
Hermione moaned softly into his mouth as she felt the increasingly familiar presence of Severus positioned at her entrance. She gasped as she seated herself onto him, relishing the feeling of him deep inside her. And his morning erections always felt so good...well in her vast experience of all of a week. Well actually it wasn't just his morning ones if she was honest.
As for Severus, if you'd told him this time last week that the prospect of regular morning sex with his soul mate was on the horizon, he'd have furnished the delusional idiot with a trademark sneer and sarcastic quip. And if that didn't work he'd have extended an invitation to reside at St Mungo's for a few weeks courtesy of particularly satisfying...well at least for him...hex. In fact, he was resolved to get used to making love in the mornings. Surely as Headmaster he owed it to his students and staff to shag Hermione senseless before the school day started thus ensuring his best mood possible. Or to put it less altruistically...he couldn't get enough of his foxy lioness.
Severus sat in his office and looked at the clock. It was 8.30am and he knew it was going to be a long day. He summoned a pot of coffee, opened his desk diary and eyed the pile of paperwork requiring his attention. It wasn't just going to be a long day. It was going to be a long week. Many of his meetings were routine but his days seemed filled with them, apart from Friday afternoon.
He groaned as he saw his 11 o'clock appointment was with Professor Sprout regarding her intended apprentice. He suspected this would be Neville Longbottom. He wasn't thrilled that he had a full board meeting in London at 4pm either. In fact he had meetings in London four times this week. He was also not looking forward to Pansy Parkinson coming in to see him on Wednesday. And this wasn't even taking into account that it was Hermione's birthday on Saturday. Given his recent track record for cocking up significant moments in their relationship, messing that up was not an option. And he had a strange desire to have unhexed balls.
He sat with his head in his hands enjoying the peace and quiet before his regular Monday morning meeting with Minerva at 9 o'clock. He was trying to clear his mind. But his mind was having none of it. Instead his thoughts slipped back to Hermione who he'd left sprawled out in bed, dozing happily, after a couple of particularly vigorous morning workouts. It was most distracting especially in the trouser department.
He looked at the clock – 8.50. He breathed a sigh of relief as he knew his trouser issue would resolve itself before Minerva arrived. Unfortunately for him she was early today.
"Good morning Headmaster," Professor McGonagall said cheerfully as she walked into Severus' office and looked at him intently.
"I suppose it is," Severus tried to drawl uninterestedly as he shifted awkwardly in his seat. Minerva's sudden appearance however had the desired deflating effect.
"Oh what's the matter with you, you miserable sod?" Minerva asked summoning another pot of coffee and another cup.
"Nothing," Severus snapped.
"Well cheer up then," she said as she walked over to Severus' desk and poured him another coffee. Of course he took it black. But he took two sugars. Hermione, ever the dentist's daughter, had started nagging about that already.
As Minerva was about to put the sugar bowl on his desk, she stopped and said, "There's something different about you. I noticed it on Saturday"
"It's amazing what a good shag will do for you," Severus muttered.
"Don't be rude," Minerva snapped.
Severus chuckled softly. "Apologies. It isn't something I should be flippant about," he admitted sombrely.
"Indeed not. No it's something else," and as Minerva leaned in she suddenly realised what was different. "I know. You've changed your aftershave. It's about time I must say"
Severus arched an eyebrow and asked snarkily, "And what pray tell was wrong with my other one?"
"Nothing," she said, "but it was time for a change. What prompted you?"
"It was a present from Hermione actually," Severus said smiling to himself as he remembered how Hermione had dragged him into the bathroom, like an excited puppy, to show him his present. It really was the last thing he expected from her but the fact he knew this was created by what she thought of him; how he made her feel, made it all the more special.
"How lovely of her," Minerva said approvingly.
"Yes I really like it," Severus said in danger of smiling.
"And the fact that Lily gave you the last one didn't influence Hermione's decision in what to buy you? Is Hermione alright about Lily?" Minerva asked inquisitively.
Severus gave an incredulous huff. "Of course she's alright about Lily. I was younger than Harry when I was with her"
"You were older than Harry when you found her that night Severus. You were older than Harry when I held you all night whilst you cried yourself to sleep," Minerva said stroking Severus' arm.
Severus looked at his coffee and sighed deeply before saying thoughtfully, "I know. I will always love Lily but more as a friend. Now I've got Hermione, what I thought I felt for her doesn't compare"
Minerva realised a change of mood was required and said cheerfully, "Well it's very you. Hermione knows you better than you think. I approve."
"And as always your approval means so much," Severus smirked.
Minerva laughed and then considered Severus further. "You look tired," she said putting her hand on his shoulder.
"I am," Severus said absentmindedly, "but it is of my own doing...well it was a joint effort actually..."
"Ah the joys of a new relationship," Minerva said wistfully.
"Hmmm...oh and by the way I thought I should warn you that we have a new male cat on the premises. He's Hermione's new familiar. He's white with black spots and answers to the name of Leo."
Severus then put his head down so his hair covered his face before saying teasingly, "I don't want to find you in any compromising positions dear...or having kittens."
"Why thank you for your concern but I hope there won't be any little ones of any nature around here anytime soon," Minerva said knowing that would shut him up.
Severus whipped his head up and flicked the hair out of his eyes. "Well not for...we've not really talked about it...we're not being irresponsible," he suddenly snapped.
"I know. Hermione told me about you tailoring her potion," Minerva smirked knowing she had well and truly got him back.
"Oh," was all Severus could manage before he said, "shall we get on?"
Minerva tried to remove the smug look from her face as she sat down. "Well we need to talk about Hermione actually and Harry and any other apprentices we take on."
"Go on," Severus said eyeing her suspiciously.
Minerva could sense the apprehension in his voice. "You don't need NEWTS to be a professor do you?"
"That is true but I would prefer a completed apprenticeship or at least a year of teaching before giving anyone a Professorship," Severus said matter of factly.
"You didn't," Minerva retorted.
"I didn't apprentice here but I was the youngest Potions Master in living memory," Severus said picking up a piece of parchment distractedly.
"Don't you believe Hermione is good enough to do the job now?" Minerva said knowing that Hermione could take her NEWTS tomorrow and get the highest marks for two decades.
Severus glared at her and snapped "Did I say that?"
"Not in as many words," Minerva snarked in defence of her Gryffindor princess.
In defence of his Gryffindor princess Severus stated, "I believe I said I would prefer a completed apprenticeship. That doesn't mean I don't consider her good enough. By her own admission she wants to become a master. She cannot become a master unless she has completed an apprenticeship. Speaking as a Master she needs to refine a few aspects of her research technique. She's academically brilliant, as was I, but even I learnt things in my apprenticeship and mastery that were of benefit to my teaching. And it goes without saying her research abilities will improve enormously.
“We have discussed this so I'm not speaking out of turn. She is still however more than capable of teaching up to fifth year potions at the moment. She could teach NEWT level but she'd be guiding students capable of becoming apprentices and masters themselves. I know in this instance she would prefer more training for her own peace of mind. Please don't think I'm doubting her abilities. I know them better than anyone."
Then arching an eyebrow and smirking he said, "Besides are you really going to deny her the chance to try and beat my NEWT scores?"
Minerva returned his smirk and said, "You and your Slytherin pride. She's just as competitive as you isn't she?"
Severus took a sip of coffee allowing a small smile to grace his lips in agreement. He continued. "We could give them the choice of doing their NEWTS whilst they teach. It would be harder for Hermione because of her apprenticeship. Professionally speaking we both know she could do all three. Personally speaking I can't let her do that"
"Professionally you only have to offer her the choice. Personally all you can do is support her decisions. You can't live her life for her Severus; you can't wrap her up in cotton wool," Minerva advised warmly.
Severus had to admit he was often grateful for Minerva's calm voice of reason. He swallowed hard. "All I want to do is protect her," he said quietly.
"I know but she can do this Severus and as for Harry he could take on the position immediately and you said you would guide him anyway," Minerva said putting forward a very reasoned argument.
"Could we make them assistant professors? It was quite common when I came into teaching and these are unusual times. Of course the board will need to approve this but you're seeing them this afternoon and they want Hermione and Harry anyway. And you can reduce Horace's teaching workload so he can concentrate more on being Head of House."
Severus thought about this and smiled. "How very Slytherin of you Professor. Here am I trying to do everything by the book for once in my life and you seem determined to rip said book up and throw it on the fire"
"There is nothing Slytherin about it. It's common sense and it certainly removes a few ethical issues for you. Hermione would be completely lifted out of the realms of the student body," Minerva said knowingly.
Severus considered this further. "I will raise this with the board. This does have merit, Minerva"
"That's what we thought," Minerva said grinning.
"Oh I should have guessed Albus had a hand in this," Severus said slightly annoyed. He respected Dumbledore and his wisdom but he just wished when it came to running the school he would let him do things his way now.
Severus then mused, "This will also be relevant for Pomona's apprentice. I consider an expanded Herbology faculty to be most advantageous"
Minerva looked surprised. "How so?" she asked.
"One of the most annoying things when brewing is using supplies with depleted essence which is common with bought in ingredients. If we expand Herbology to provide more ingredients ourselves it benefits both Herbology and Potions research. I wish to allow our 7th years to do more research. Plus it would provide significant cost savings in the long term"
"You must remember Minerva, this school has relied on pureblood money for centuries. This war has either depleted their finances, landed them in prison with loss of their estates or they are no longer alive. We need to become more self sufficient. I can fund any shortfalls personally in the meantime but I want Hogwarts to be as well regarded as Beauxbaton and Durmstrang and that way we secure more funding"
"But we are well regarded," Minerva protested.
"That's bollocks and you know it is. We've had an over zealous ministry and a maniacal psychopath on our doorstep for the last 20 years. We have no specialisms. We are full of british students whereas Beauxbaton and Durmstrang accept international students and receive more funding accordingly"
"The war has left us in need of potions masters. Too many were killed or went into hiding with no intention of resurfacing. Between Hermione and I we can ensure the subject is taught and researched to the highest standards and bring in students from anywhere. Hermione can lay the foundations and I can oversee the apprenticeships as she cannot take an apprentice until she has been a Master for five years"
"So you want Hogwarts to specialise in Potions?" Minerva snapped.
Severus looked at her intently. "Yes and by extension Herbology too. But you're more than welcome to promote your work in transfiguration, Minerva. You are seen as one of our world's most respected transfiguration experts after all"
Minerva huffed. She didn't like Severus' harsh view of Hogwarts. She thought for a moment and then blurted out "At least we accept muggleborns; Durmstrang doesn't"
"Neither did we last year. Durmstrang didn't used to but since Karkaroff's untimely demise they have appointed a half-blood Highmaster and rethought their policy. They could not ethically discriminate now."
He observed Minerva's annoyance and said, "We need closer working relationships with the other schools to promote a growing sense of unity. It also means we can keep in check any potential dark tendencies and stamp them out. Now I told you that I was going to reinstate the Yule Ball and I have been corresponding with Madame Maxine and Highmaster Poliakov about it. Now I just need the Ministry's approval to visit them respectively to finalise the details"
"That is a big undertaking Severus," Minerva said thoughtfully.
"And?" Severus snarked. "If we are to create a better future we have to stop spouting hot air and actually make things work"
"Albus said you planned to turn the world upside down," Minerva smirked proudly.
"I wouldn't go that far but we can't carry on the way we were," Severus said defiantly.
"Very true my dear, very true," Minerva conceded realising how everyone who had ever underestimated Severus, herself included, was in for a very big shock.
Minerva went over the other points of order she needed to discuss. One of which was Hermione's ideas for changing the school menus to provide lighter options as well as the more hearty, traditional meals which were currently served.
Severus, being a typical man, didn't quite understand what was wrong with the copious amounts of comfort food that the house elves prepared. But Hermione reasoned that no one could be sure what psychological effects the end of the war would bring in the coming years and there was a higher risk of esteem issues and eating disorders, Severus told her to speak to Minerva about it but was eventually persuaded on the understanding that no one tried to force feed him salad.
Minerva's final update for Severus was regarding her meeting with Luna Lovegood the previous Friday.
"Filius and I had an interesting tea appointment with Miss Lovegood," Minerva said cheerfully.
"Oh yes? What was her reason for not wishing to see me personally?" Severus enquired.
Minerva smirked, "Seemingly she thought it inappropriate to speak with you as she has been dreaming about you."
Severus arched an eyebrow.
"Not like that!" Minerva said chastising him.
Severus smirked. "What kind of dreams?"
Minerva looked bemused. "Well in true Luna style she was away with the fairies but she did say she was pleased that you're happy and that she is more special than anyone realises. However deep down in your soul you know that."
"I know," Severus conceded. Thank Merlin and anyone else who's listening I certainly know, he thought to himself.
Minerva continued. "She said her dreams were incomplete but that you are a great wizard who always has and always will work for the greater good. And the Department of Mysteries believe she is a seer and as you can imagine they are pursuing her."
"Does she want a job here? Anyone would be better than Sybil," Severus drawled.
Minerva stiffened. Professor Trelawney may not be the brightest button in the box but she was a dear friend. "She has been accurate," Minerva countered.
"Yes and it caused me a rather large 20 year old headache for being a stupid twat and not hanging around to hear the whole story," Severus said gloomily.
"Very true," Minerva said realising she now seemed to have the ability to say the wrong thing to Severus on a regular basis.
"Indeed," Severus said scowling. "But do they think Luna is about to make a prophecy? All this dreaming about me and the greater good bollocks sounds very familiar. Is this why they are hounding her to work for them?"
"She would not say but she did say that she wants to remain here with your permission," Minerva responded.
"Granted," Severus said impassively. "I will write to her this afternoon"
Minerva nodded in an acknowledgement. "Thank you Severus. Oh and another thing. In amongst her witterings she said that Draco is hurting and needs the love of The Six. Love from the two who have always been, the one who was chosen, the one whom he chose, the one who seeks to be worthy and the one yet unknown. She said the one yet unknown is aware and despite their past she can love him and that is why she has made herself available"
"She?" Severus said seeking clarification.
Minerva was bemused by this. "Yes, she. Why?"
"Oh shit. Poor...," he trailed off.
Minerva sighed. "Something wrong?"
"It isn't my place to say but what does she mean by The Six?" Severus asked curiously.
"Who knows what that girl means?" Minerva quipped.
"Too true," Severus snarked, "but this is actually very pertinent at the moment. I will talk this over with Hermione but I am worried about Draco. I've thought for a while he's not been himself and this last week has more than proved that. I'm his godfather Minerva and I find myself, for the first time in his life, unable to fathom what is bothering him"
"I'm sure the answer will present itself and with Miss Persistent on the case it will present itself very soon," Minerva said trying to lighten the mood. She knew Severus had always kept his distance from Draco over the years to avoid favouritism but she knew how much he cared for him.
"I hope so. I really do," Severus said distractedly.
After Minerva left, quibbling about having to revise the new admissions list again as they had another spate of acceptances over the weekend, Severus sat back in his chair and sighed before speaking to Hermione.
Doing anything interesting? he thought to her.
Just making some notes in the library before I start speaking to the Sorting Hat, she thought back.
Which library you in? he asked.
Mine but was thinking of taking the hat to ours either later or tomorrow, she replied cheekily. Well he had said that everything in the library at Snape Manor was hers...ergo she referred to it as 'ours'
Oh it's ours now is it? Severus snarked.
Hermione giggled in his head which sent a pulse of arousal to his groin. He looked at the clock but reluctantly decided there wasn't enough time to pop down for a quickie.
Was everything OK with Minerva?
Hermione was concerned Minerva had unwittingly upset him again. She was right but Severus was just irked and didn't really want to set Hermione off on a defensive campaign.
Yes it was fine. Have you spoken to Miss Lovegood recently? he asked trying not to get drawn into a conversation.
Hermione thought about it. Actually she hadn't seen Luna for ages. No. Why?
I'll tell you later. Pomona and Mr Longbottom are about to arrive, Severus said as he felt the wards to his staircase were vibrating. You can come and get the Sorting Hat though when you're ready. If I don't see you before I'll see you in the lab later.
OK I'll come and get the Sorting Hat soon, Hermione thought to him and decided for the sake of Professor Sprout she would pop in sooner rather than later.
Professor Sprout was her usual unfailingly cheerful self and she was not alone just as Severus had suspected.
"Ah Headmaster what a lovely day it is," the professor said flopping down on her chair.
"So everyone keeps informing me," Severus drawled.
"And of course you know Mr Neville Longbottom," Pomona said continuing in her cheery, officious tone.
Neville swallowed hard. Here was his boggart; his nemesis. And yet he was instrumental in bringing down the maniac who threatened the wizarding world and had allowed his parents to be tortured and put into St Mungos for the rest of their lives.
Snape held Neville's future in his hands but Neville wasn't sure if his future was worth anything. He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by the low, distinctive rumble of the Headmaster's voice.
"Professor Sprout, it may have escaped your notice but Mr Longbottom was in attendance at the end..albeit the premature end...of the last school year. And Mr Longbottom is forever etched into my memory as the most prolific vanquisher of cauldrons I have ever had the misfortune to teach"
"However," and addressing Neville directly he said, "you have proved beyond any doubt that you are a brave man Neville and in my eyes that is more than admirable. Please do sit down. Tea?"
"Oh yes please Headmaster," Pomona said as if she hadn't had a cup of tea for year. Severus summoned Missy.
"Thank you sir," Neville managed to croak out. Rumours that Snape had softened slightly abounded but he hadn't believed it until he witnessed it with his own eyes.
Neville still had a timid streak in him but what he also had was the ability to summon a backbone of steel when required. And yet Snape had always made Neville feel like he'd left his backbone at home. But the warmth of his words had been unexpected and the young Gryffindor managed to relax slightly.
Handing Neville his tea, Severus asked, "So Neville, how have you been? I mentioned to Miss Granger you might be coming in today and she said she hasn't heard from you."
Neville swallowed hard. He felt bad for not keeping in touch with Hermione directly but he had his reasons.
"I know," he said sheepishly. "I just felt awkward speaking to her after she became friends with Draco Malfoy, especially when she was with Ron. And now after all that stuff in the Prophet about her and Lucius Malfoy. I don't believe much of it but as my Gran says 'there's no smoke without fire'."
Severus bit his tongue physically to stop himself snapping. A few calming breaths later and he finally spoke. "You would do well not to believe it. Miss Granger and Lord Malfoy are indeed friends and proof that healing is possible after the atrocities of the war.
“Unfortunately however Mr Weasley has proved himself to be less than honourable. However the Prophet is correct in assuming that she's seeing someone else; but his surname is certainly not Malfoy.”
Neville was intrigued. "When did you speak to Hermione?"
"This morning. She is staying at the castle with her...boyfriend," Severus said sitting back down in his chair. He wasn't lying. It was still 'this morning' five minutes ago.
Professor Sprout giggled slightly but Severus' glare cut her down.
"I might go and see her before I leave," Neville said thoughtfully.
"She'll like that," Severus said with a soft smile.
Severus decided to steer the conversation away from Hermione. "I still await the answer to my question. How have you been Neville?"
Neville relaxed even more as the headmaster asked the question again. He couldn't believe Snape was actually interested but he found himself opening up and wondered for a moment if Veritaserum had been slipped into his tea...which of course it hadn't.
Hanging his head Neville said quietly, "It's been a hard few months, sir. I can't go anywhere without the press following me. I don't know how many more questions I can answer. Luna and I...well it didn't work out and Gran's now matchmaking to cheer me up. But they're not interested in me. They just want a war hero...which I'm not. I just did what I did."
"We all did what we did," Severus said softly.
Neville's eyes snapped up to look at Severus. "Yes but're a real hero. What you did for all those years was..."
Severus interrupted him. "Neville you stood before Voldemort and told him to bugger off; something which I'd wanted to do for years. You proved yourself a true Gryffindor and personally I would like to thank you for killing that bloody snake. You are a hero and that will be the end of it.
"However, I am sorry to hear about yourself and Miss Lovegood. But sometimes another witch isn't always the answer is it Mr Longbottom?"
Neville looked up at Snape and smiled. Did he actually understand? Did he know?
"No a witch isn't always the answer sir," Neville agreed quietly.
Professor Sprout was lost by now and decided to move the conversation on. "Yes well Headmaster I would like Neville to become my..."
Severus held up his hand. "I am aware of what you would like Pomona but Neville what do you want? Why do you think an apprenticeship is right for you? What will you do once it is completed?"
Neville was suddenly filled with enthusiasm and his backbone suddenly appeared. "I want to teach. I think I can really add something but if I can't then I want to link up with a potions master; do some real research. I may have been useless at brewing but I get why you used to throw fits at us for contaminating or leaving ingredients out too long to spoil. And what if we could enhance a plants potential to make it more beneficial when you guys do the brewing?"
Severus suddenly sat forward and focused completely on Neville. Finally he thought someone who understands; someone who has shown themselves not to be a complete idiot.
He listened to Neville's impassioned speech, which continued for another ten minutes, and smiled thoughtfully at his insight.
As Neville stopped to take a breath Severus said, "Mr Longbottom I have heard enough. I confess myself impressed by your vision and enthusiasm. I share your views on this matter and that is why I wish Herbology to become a specialism at Hogwarts.
“Between Herbology and Potions we can begin some interesting research. And I am also grateful for your succinct delivery. In my experience most Herbologists tend to waffle rather." Professor Sprout was not amused by this.
Neville allowed himself a smile. "I suppose I have learnt to be concise from Hermione. It was the only way to get a word in edgeways"
There are other ways to shut her up, Severus thought as his mind was slipping further into the warmth of Hermione's...Severus behave. Pay attention to Mr Longbottom
Severus arched an eyebrow at Neville's comment and then said, "Yes she does have a habit of using ten words when two will do. But we would change her would we?"
Neville smiled and shook his head before looking at Snape and a thought hit him. He knew Hermione had a hand in saving the headmaster. He now knew she was staying at Hogwarts and Snape had spoken to her this morning. He also noticed he spoke about her with a great deal of fondness. And she has a boyfriend...
Suddenly a new but familiar voice interrupted Neville's thought process.
"Sorry to interrupt Headmaster," Hermione said cheerfully as she poked her head round the door.
Neville turned round to see Hermione smiling as she greeted the headmaster. But what Neville noticed more than anything wasn't the smile on her face but the bigger smile in her eyes. He quickly looked at Snape. It was in his eyes too.
Upon seeing Neville, Hermione said "Oh hi Neville. How have you been? How's Luna?"
Neville became tongue-tied. "Well you's..."
"Miss Granger what can I do for you?" Severus interrupted before Neville could answer.
Professor Sprout giggled again. Neville looked at her curiously and then at Snape who just rolled his eyes.
Hermione's eyes sparkled. "I've come to get The Sorting Hat. I will be in the library if you need me for anything"
Which one? he thought to her.
Mine she replied.
Again Professor Sprout giggled as she thought of what Severus might need from Hermione. It was generally acknowledged in the staff room that Pomona was one of the more prurient members of staff.
"Will you be having lunch in the Great Hall Headmaster?" Hermione asked politely.
Severus tried not to smile. "No I will be working through lunch. I will see you in the lab at 2.30"
"Make sure you eat something. I will send Missy to check up on you...sir," Hermione said raising her eyebrows.
Severus just glared at her but she noticed his lips twitch as he fought to suppress a smirk.
Then Hermione turned to Neville and asked, "Fancy joining me for lunch?"
"I...that would be great. Will your boyfriend be there?" Neville asked wondering if his growing suspicions would be addressed.
Hermione giggled. "No he just said he's working through lunch. 12.30?"
Neville's mouth went slack. He tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. Severus Snape had just said he was working through lunch; Hermione said her boyfriend had just said he was working through lunch so applying all forms of logic that meant Hermione's boyfriend was...
"Ummm yes," was all Neville could manage.
Hermione smiled. "Good...floo to my rooms and we can catch up".
She then turning to leave she said cheerily, "Goodbye Professor Sprout, see you later Nev and don't work too hard Headmaster and make sure you..."
"Yes...goodbye Miss Granger," Severus drawled trying not to laugh as she stuck her tongue out at him before she disappeared.
Professor Sprout suddenly piped up to cover for Neville's sudden inability to speak. "She is a wonderful girl, Severus"
"I am aware," Severus said allowing himself a small smirk.
" long have you been together Headmaster?" Neville suddenly found the courage to ask.
"Not long but we are keeping our relationship as quiet as possible until the Ministry Ball. In particular Mr Weasley must not find out until then," Severus said hoping the sincerity of his response would lead Neville to appreciate how important keeping quiet was.
"Don't worry I'm too shocked to say anything," Neville admitted.
Severus chuckled to himself and decided now was a good time to end the meeting. "If we have finished discussing my personal life and before my personal life so rudely interrupted us, I was about to tell you that the apprenticeship is yours, Mr Longbottom. Now Pomona have you given any further thought to your future?"
"Well in fact I have," she said seriously. "Severus, I would like to slow down a little. Take fewer classes..."
"Well I'm meeting the board this afternoon and requesting that several talented students be offered assistant professorships this year. Mr Longbottom would you be interested in teaching half of Pomona's classes up to OWL level on this basis whilst completing your apprenticeship? You may study for your NEWTS if you wish at the same time. Assuming a satisfactory year you will be made a full professor with special emphasis on leading Herbology research at NEWT level. You will still carry the title of Professor this year and you will be offered accommodation at the castle. Any questions?
Neville sat there stunned and shook his head. Finally he said, "I was dreading coming here today, sir. I wasn't expecting this...I don't know what to say."
Severus was amused by Neville's reticence and drawled, "Clearly. However I do have one request of you Mr Longbottom. I believe it would be appropriate to find someone else to be your boggart. There are only a few people I want to give nightmares to and you are not one of them."
Severus' tone was cordial and Neville looked embarrassed but smiled. "Yes sir. Thank you. I accept and I will try about the boggart"
"Excellent," Severus said picking up a piece of parchment. "Will there be anything else? Do you have anything you wish to add Pomona?"
"No Headmaster," Professor Sprout said slightly nonplussed. "I've torn up my speech imploring you to reconsider rejecting Mr Longbottom."
Severus smirked. "In that case I bid you good day Professors. Professor Longbottom there is a full staff meeting next Monday at 11am but if I need to see you before then I will inform you immediately"
"Of course sir and thank you...again," Neville said nodding courteously.
Severus stood and returned the gesture as Pomona and Neville left his office but just as he was about to sit down he realised there was a white cushion that had not been there before.
"You stupid cat. I could have sat on you," Severus growled at Leo. "And how the bloody hell did you get in here?"
It was then Severus noticed Leo's eyes were fixed elsewhere and was suddenly aware of a ruffling sound above him. He looked up to see Obsidian's penetrating gaze staring down but it wasn't at him. It was at Leo. The two were eyeing each other suspiciously.
Severus chuckled and shook his head. "I can assure you Leo you've picked the wrong bird to have a staring competition with. Obsidian never loses"
Leo was about to prove Severus wrong. The battle of the familiars was about to commence.
Today had been a very interesting day. Severus had been very surprised at how focused Hermione was in the lab. Her note taking was impressive and she was on the whole very methodical. Apart from the obvious reason, academically she would be a delight to teach and watching her today gave him an idea for one of her birthday presents.
He tried not to distract her but her lip biting and the way she licked her lips when she was concentrating was hard to ignore. After many hexing threats to his advances and flirting though she finally caved in at the end of the session. He was thrilled to note the work benches in his private lab were the perfect height.
His board meeting had not been so enjoyable and he was now filled with concern. And to cap it all off he'd just had to shout at several house elves who did not quite understand the concept of 'I'll make it myself'. He may have been nicer if it wasn't for the fact that he was making this bloody chocolate cake for tomorrow night. He loved Hermione but why did she have to have teenagers for friends?
"You look tired Headmaster," were the first words Severus heard as he stepped into his living room. He hadn't seen Hermione since he left the lab and all he wanted to do was kiss her face off but he was too drained and his mind was whirring.
"I am," he said as he threw his frock coat over the chair and collapsed on the sofa next to Hermione who was curled up reading a book stroking a very contented Leo.
"Have you eaten?" Hermione asked on the verge of calling Winky.
He ran his hand over his face and sighed deeply, "Yes mother"
Hermione pretended to be put out. "Sorry for asking. Glass of wine?"
Severus smiled at her and said, "Sorry sweetheart. Yes please," as he reached over and stroked her thigh.
Hermione summoned another glass and poured the wine as Leo walked off Hermione's lap onto Severus' and snuggled into him. "Hello you soppy cat," Severus said as he scratched Leo's head absent mindedly.
"Are you alright? You seem preoccupied," Hermione noted as she handed him the glass.
"Yes and no," Severus said wearily. "Board was difficult. As I told you earlier I was putting forward the idea of you three becoming assistant professors and they like the idea but they want to meet you all so they're coming here on Thursday afternoon. But then of course I had to declare an interest in you to be fair on everyone. There were a few disparaging comments"
"Why? What did you say?" Hermione asked inquisitively.
Severus looked at her and knew she wasn't going to be happy. "I told them an announcement will be made next week about the status of our relationship."
Hermione snorted in annoyance.
"If I didn't say anything and they found out next week it will look like I was trying to deceive them," Severus said exasperated. He reached over and took her hand, stroking it with his thumb as he asked her to understand the position he was in.
"We need their support 'Mione. We need it to achieve all the changes we want to make. I'm not exactly well liked as it is and if I broke their trust now it would be disastrous for what we're trying to do here. My hands were tied. But I made them take wand oaths so we're covered with the press"
"What did Lucius say? Surely he said something?" Hermione snapped at him. She wasn't so much annoyed with Severus as she conceded he'd done the right thing. She was just frustrated. They were bonded soul mates; they were closer than most couples who had been together for years were. And yet their relationship was going to be under so much scrutiny that it just didn't seem fair.
"Well that's one of the reasons board was difficult. Lucius wasn't there," Severus told her.
"What?" she exclaimed.
"Exactly," Severus said still trying to work out exactly what kind of rat he was smelling. "When I saw him on Saturday he said he'd see me today and then seemingly an owl arrived ten minutes before we were due to start saying he'd just been called away on business to Paris.
“But when I got back I called Draco to see if all was well. He said there was a note from Lucius waiting for him when he arrived back last night saying he'd be in Paris by the time he got home. So he actually went yesterday"
"What's he up to?" Hermione asked.
"I've no idea but he's up to something," Severus said knowingly. He knew Lucius too well to think this was anything innocent and yet this felt different. This wasn't his usual method of deception.
"Perhaps he's got a witch or wizard and decided to whisk them off for a romantic break," Hermione said giggling.
"Maybe. At least that would mean he'll keep his hands off you," Severus chuckled.
"Oh that's a shame," Hermione said sarcastically.
"Shut up minx or I'll bend you over my knee," Severus said reaching over, grabbing her thigh and squeezing it.
"You keep making these promises Sev. I'm beginning to think you don't mean it," Hermione teased.
Severus' eyes narrowed and he pressed his lips together as he considered Hermione carefully. And then as he opened his eyes fully she saw a flash of desire. His black eyes sparkled as he gazed deeply into hers. She bit her lip in anticipation.
He leaned over to her and she instinctively leaned into him until his mouth was right by her ear. Gently nipped at her earlobe he then began tracing his tongue around the shell of her ear before his mellifluous voice caressed her. "I will never deny you any experience but we've got plenty of time to play sweetheart. When you're ready...when you're begging I will give you anything you want"
Hermione's eyes widened as she felt a sudden throb between her legs and squirmed as she squeezed her legs together to try and gain some friction. Severus smirked at her reaction and kissing her cheek he said "But I've got a lot on my mind tonight and I wouldn't do it justice"
Hermione smiled bashfully and kissed him softly. "What else is bothering you Sev?" she asked in a low comforting tone.
Severus put his head back on the sofa and turned to face her. "Did you think Draco was acting strangely yesterday?"
Hermione thought for a moment. "He was a bit clingy and now I think about it there was something else but I'm not sure what"
"There is definitely something wrong," Severus said quietly, "I'm worried about him 'Mione and Miss Lovegood's comments have only further peaked my concerns"
"Want to talk about it?" Hermione asked as she put her book down and knelt up next to Severus.
"I do but there is so much to process," he said draining his wine glass. "Fancy having breakfast in bed tomorrow and talking about it then? I don't have to start work until 10am and it would give me chance to sleep on it tonight"
"That sounds good. Let's do that," Hermione said resolutely.
"Good because right now all I want to do is go to bed and hold my favourite witch," Severus said as he turned to her and pulled her in for a kiss. Suddenly Leo jumped off Severus' lap allowing Hermione to replace him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and gently brushed her lips against Severus', teasing and nipping them gently. She smiled against his mouth as he wrapped his arms under her backside and sat on the edge of the sofa allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.
He nipped at her neck and collarbone which delivered pulses of pleasure through her body culminating in a delicious wet ache between her legs. Since they had first made love Hermione had started to realise that love making came in all sorts of varieties. There was the grand passion, the quick fuck, the fuck you into next week, the playful shag and she knew there were plenty of other varieties to try as well. And yet tonight all she wanted was a warm connective coupling. And so did Severus.
So when she breathed into his ear "I want you inside me", Severus couldn't refuse. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, making sure he closed the door before Leo could get in, and laid her on the bed. He loved looking down at her when her eyes were full of anticipation.
He slowly undressed her until she lay before him completely naked. She was so breathtakingly beautiful like this and this was all just for him. He needed her badly tonight. He needed her comfort and her warmth. Her love was always given implicitly. But as he undressed he kept telling himself what a lucky bastard he was. What a lucky bastard he was to be able to cherish this woman and have her cherish him in return.
As they caressed each other and their lips brushed against the other's skin, her soft whimpers brought him to lie over her, ready to come home. He looked into her eyes and he was there inside her mind, as she was in his. He growled deeply as he sunk deep inside her. Their connection was complete. As they moved together slowly and deeply, he felt her soothing his mind whilst he caressed hers gently. Their mind connection was highly erotic but the warmth and safety it provided was fierce in its gentleness.
Hermione never thought that an orgasm could be so comforting. But this one wasn't like any that she had previously experienced which had an almost frightening intensity. This one was extraordinary. It seemed to radiate from deep within her and rather than crashing she felt like she burst into a warm glow which caressed her sweat slicked skin.
Severus was always in awe when she came. It felt exquisite as she tightened around him but this time it was slow and pulsing and he groaned as her walls embraced him. This was even more gentle than their first time and he felt more connected to her now than he ever had been.
She wasn't screaming tonight. Her moaning was so low it was like her body was humming and it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. His name dripped off her tongue and sent shockwaves through him. His body was quivering as he took his final strokes and he knew this was going to be one hell of an orgasm. And as he shuddered, crying out her name he spilled deep inside her. He buried his face into her shoulder as his body spasmed drawing out the last of his pleasure. He pushed himself up to look at her. Neither of them spoke. They didn't need to. Their eyes and their minds told them everything they needed to hear.
Severus lay down and pulled Hermione into him holding her tight. The last thing he remembered was Hermione whispering "I've never felt so amazing"
He gently nuzzled and kissed her hair and then fell into a deep contented sleep. And it needed to be deep and contented because the next few nights would prove not be so comfortable.
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