A World Not Fit To Live In | By : snowblind12 & Lissa Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 78552 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: These characters and the Harry Potter world belong to J K Rowling and her publishers. I make nothing from this story and I own none of it. It is based off the work of JK Rowling. |
AN: Same legal disclaimer as before.
Big shout out to our BETA, Raynephoenix2! Love you!
Chapter Eighteen
Saturday, July 5th
Hermione pulled on her beloved jeans and sweater. Lucius had conceded to her wearing denim only on Saturdays and when doing any physical activity. Today qualified for both. She was heading to her first wandless magic lesson with her former professor. A large piece of her never wanted to see him again. It was the part of her that hated him for his betrayal and loathed him and wished he would die one thousand deaths for inventing the blasted bonding potion. Only a truly horrid person would create such a thing.
Yet, despite all that, there was a small part of her that still had a smidgen of faith in the dark wizard. A sliver of her that believed, despite all signs to the contrary, he was still on her side. Ginny was happy and well cared for by the man and there was no denying he was a brilliant wizard. He had also agreed to tutor her for her NEWTs if Voldemort allowed it. It would be in her best interest not to provoke him.
Upon entering Lucius' study, Hermione shrieked when a bolt of purple light blasted her right shoulder and knocked her back into the door frame. What the fuck! Rubbing her now aching arm she cautiously righted herself, staring in disbelief at her supposed teacher, whose wand was still pointed at her. When another bolt of light from its tip came towards her, she ducked her head and darted behind a chair. The curse just missed her and blasted a lamp to pieces. What the hell was he playing at? Was he simply planning to curse her? To kill her?
She stayed hidden behind the chair until she heard him start to walk towards her. She dashed back towards the door and just missed a flash of white that whizzed towards her. She grabbed the door handle, only to find it wouldn't open. Panicked, Hermione peeked back over her shoulder to find the dark wizard less than six feet away. Her eyes darted to his wand when at least ten huge snakes, king cobras by the look of them, slithered out of its tip. She watched in horror as they began slithering towards her, some not taking a direct route, so as to block her from running. She squealed and hopped on her feet as the snakes slowly drew closer. Instinct had her off the floor and standing on the closest chair. She then jumped onto the coffee table and onto another chair, only to find three snakes closing in on her.
Hermione barely registered a flash of red light from the wizard and realized that, if she moved, she would land on a snake. Having no other choice, she simply crouched and threw her hands over her head. So, when she heard the sound of the curse rebounding and looked up, she was stunned to find herself unharmed. She could just make out the glimmer of a Protego shield surrounding her. What? She watched in amazement as the snakes circled the shield, unable to penetrate it.
Her eyes flew to her teacher's, who was now standing a few feet away and looking at her without expression. "Interesting," he said simply. With a flick of his wrist, the snakes vanished into wisps of vapor.
Cutting her off, Snape asked, "Tell me Miss Granger, how does it feel to have failed. Failed to save Potter, failed to graduate, failed to actually…accomplish anything?"
Her jaw fell open as she stared at him in stunned silence. She wanted to yell at him, defend herself. But what could she say? He was right. She was an utter failure at everything.
"Well, with the exception of…your carnal talents," his eyes raked up and down her form. "I've seen several pensieve projections of your…abilities." He started to pace around her. "You play the innocent victim very well. However, in truth, everyone knows why Potter and Weasley kept you around. Perhaps if you had spent less time rutting the two boys, the three of you could have actually prepared for and defeated the Dark Lord."
The shock of his accusation caused a rush of fire to seep through her veins. "What?! That never happened! I – "
His gaze was piercing, his words snarled with venom and disgust. "As a student, we coddled you. You know that, don't you? Dumbledore insisted the teachers treat you like you were…" he looked down at her disdainfully, "…special and give you high marks on everything. He claimed it was important to the cause to have a Muggle-born be the top of the class."
The obvious loathing in his coal black stare caused her to shrink away from him as her mind spun with the implication of his words.
When Snape saw the flash of surprise and self-doubt caress her features, he sneered as he went in for the kill. "You were simply chosen because you were friends with Potter." He looked at her with contempt. "You were never special, never particularly talented at anything. Yet you strutted around, high and mighty with your supposed achievements, making ridiculous study guides for your friends. You thought they ignored them because they were lazy, but in truth they ignored them because they were worthless!"
Her mouth opened, her retaliatory retort on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't stop the hurt his cruel words inflicted and her voice left her. It wasn't true. It wasn't.
He smiled mockingly. "Tell me, is the rumor true that instead of studying in the library, you were giving out sexual favors to Ravenclaws who did your homework for you?"
"That is a lie!" She shrieked. Little puffs of magical energy sparked from her hair and her fingers as Hermione began to rage. Rapid words flew out of her mouth with conviction. "I never touched Harry or Ron or any other Hogwarts boy for that matter. My marks were earned and were my own! Dumbledore would never instruct his teachers to give out unearned grades. I worked hard and studied constantly and every…" She suddenly stopped when she noticed he had what looked like tar over his mouth, rendering him unable to speak.
Severus tipped his head lightly and whispered an incantation that caused the tar to disappear. His expression immediately changed to one of polite interest. "So, it seems your wandless and non-verbal magic is manifested by extreme agitation or by perceived physical threat. That gives us an excellent starting point. It's quite impressive, Miss Granger. Particularly the non-verbal part in addition to being wandless. It's very rare."
"What?" she asked, hearing the obvious exasperation, surprise, and exhaustion in her own voice.
"Come, there is no time to lose. We must harness and fine tune the untamed magic in your core. I must teach you to control it and teach you to summon it consciously when you are in a calm state of mind." He gestured towards the tray on the sideboard table. "Tea?"
After a couple seconds Hermione finally found her voice. "Tea?"
His right eyebrow cocked up at her in response.
"You just tried to kill me, and you are now offering me tea?"
He looked at her innocently. "Well, it is four o'clock is it not?" he asked as though it was a perfectly reasonable thing to cease a wand fight to break for tea time. Hermione could see a slight twitch to his right upper lip. The realization that Severus Snape was making a joke was almost as shocking as the fact he had tried to bodily maim her.
"Splash of milk, one sugar," she responded as she crossed her arms and met his mirthful gaze with a steely one.
Hermione watched in surprise as the man in black – Severus Snape – prepared her a cup of tea. She had not expected him to actually do it and she didn't say anything when he handed it to her. Instead she watched him closely as he prepared his own.
When he passed her the tea, she felt on guard and cautious. Would he suddenly turn on her and throw another hex? What was he playing at? Was his intention to train her or to torment her? She remembered the hell Harry had gone through trying to learn Occlumency under this wizard's tutelage. She suddenly felt she should have been a little more understanding of Harry's plight. Thinking of her dead best friend caused her knees to go weak. She quickly sat on the sofa as her trembling hands set her tea and its saucer on the coffee table before her.
When her mercurial professor sat across from her in one of the wingback chairs and took a sip from his cup, he caught her eyes with his. She began to feel a slight sense of unease when his onyx orbs held her chocolate ones intensely. When she felt a gentle nudge, she realized he was in her mind. A bolt of panic shot through her at the thought of him seeing what was private.
Seeing her abuse.
Seeing her weakness.
Seeing her with Lucius.
"No! You bastard!" she snapped as she quickly looked away. "Stay out of my mind!"
When Severus' only reaction was to simply keep watching her, she became extremely irritated. "Look, I don't know what you are playing at but…"
Severus interrupted without the slightest concern as he gently placed his cup on the coffee table between them. "Did you realize, Miss Granger, that you are also a natural Occlumens?"
"Well, how would I know that?! It's not every day that some jerk comes along and sticks his huge…" Her gaze shot up to his and her eyes grew wide. "What did you say?"
"Your talents are most surprising. Wandless casting, non-verbal spells, and now Occlumency? Is there anything else you are hiding? Are you also a Seer? The Dark Lord is quite interested in locating a reliable one," he added conversationally.
"I'm sure he and Trelawney would make a wonderful pair. Tell him I highly recommend her," she deadpanned in response.
When she saw not only the right side but the left side of his mouth twitch in mirth, she couldn't help her own small smile from emerging before almost instantly feeling more than a touch overwhelmed. She ran her hands through her hair before rubbing her forehead. "So…this has all been a test? The hexes and those awful things you said to me?"
"Miss Granger, I'm not going to coddle you and I'm not going to mislead you. You have natural and instinctual defensive non-verbal and wandless abilities. You also have the ability to throw an accomplished Legilimens out of your head, but only after you felt threatened by my presence. These are useful abilities and have probably saved your life more times than you realize. However, without the skill to consciously control them, without the mental focus to use the gifts in a more discreet and subtle way, they are hardly going to come to any real use for you."
"This can't be right. Lucius…I mean – that is to say, Mr. Malfoy – he saw into my mind when Draco was hurt. And then there was the time Dolohov cursed me, I almost died. Where was my magic then?"
"I can only speculate, Miss Granger, but when I looked into your mind just now, I was able to peek around a bit before you caught me. It wasn't until you became panicked about what I might find that you ejected me. Tell me. When Lucius cast the Legilimens, did you object? Did you want him out?"
Hermione stared at the man across from her without actually seeing him. She was trying to remember. No. She did not want him out. It had been twice. The first time she had wanted him to see what Draco had done. What had caused her to react. But he had not looked back far enough. The second time she actually asked him to do it.
After a moment, Severus continued, "As far as the rest of it… Tell me, before that first night – before you were able to unlock the door and run out – had you ever manifested wandless magic before?"
Hermione focused on him and considered. "No. That was the first time."
"And how many times has it happened since then?"
She swallowed. "Just now was the third since that first night; for a total of four."
"Hmm. It will likely continue to happen as time progresses. Particularly if you are provoked. However, I imagine it will come easier and easier and with less provocation needed as you become more acquainted with your newly tapped ability. That is just a theory, though, I can't be sure."
He studied her for a moment before continuing. "As far as the Ministry is concerned, perhaps you weren't magically strong enough at that time. That was over two years ago, after all. You've matured a great deal since then; physically, psychologically, and – most assuredly – magically. There is also the chance that your magic did save you that day. After all, as far as I know, you are the only living recipient of Dolohov's signature curse."
Hermione didn't respond, she just watched the man. This was all too much.
Severus cleared his throat lightly. "The Dark Lord wishes for you to gain control of your wandless abilities, Miss Granger, and that is what we shall work on. The Occlumency is not likely a talent he will wish for you to become proficient in. Therefore, it is something…I…cannot help you learn to wield."
Hermione did not miss the inflection in his voice. She looked up. "No, I imagine that Occlumency is a skill he wouldn't want anyone under his control to utilize."
He didn't respond to her observation, just merely watched her with that frustrating gaze that gave nothing away.
She wanted to hope.
She wanted to have faith.
Could he still be on her side? She had to know, but how?
"Professor, why does he want me to learn this? What exactly does he want me to do for him?"
Severus didn't answer right away. For the first time she thought she saw a flicker of concern on the man's face. It was fleeting, however, and she might have imagined it.
"I have learned never to make assumptions or predictions when it comes to the Dark Lord. Consider yourself fortunate to be alive, Miss Granger. You are the only Muggle-born he has ever spared a thought for. As for his desire to harness your ability… Well, only he knows. But whatever it is, Miss Granger, rest assured, it won't be for your benefit."
Snape shifted in his chair and his voice fell to just above a whisper, his words spoken slowly. "Regardless, I anticipate a girl such as yourself – young …emotional … confused… and with the fear of death coursing through her veins on a daily basis – would have a very hard time harnessing and controlling such an ability." He took on a slightly arrogant air, peering down his nose as he continued, "After your erratic and emotional behavior today, as well as your obvious disdain for my person, I am even more convinced that this will be a very long, drawn out process indeed."
Hermione stared at the wizard, a rush of anger and a swell of confusion overcoming her. Erratic and emotional? Disdain for his person? What was he talking about? She could certainly show him erratic and emotional, because she had been anything but in her opinion. Just as she was about to snap in retaliation, it hit her.
Her heart began to race.
Excitement thrummed through her.
He wasn't taunting her, he was advising her.
She gave him a very slight nod. "Well you could hardly blame my disdain, Professor. You lied to us. You made us all believe you were on our side! Harry hated you, but Dumbledore…he believed in you and therefore I believed in you. I scolded Harry and Ron for their disrespect of you. I stood up for you!" She felt her voice start to quiver. It was easy to become emotional as all the pent-up frustration and disappointment she held for this man came bursting through her lips.
She stood and began to pace. "And this bonding potion!" She turned a steely gaze on him, the venom in her voice unmistakable. "How could you create such a disgusting thing. And to have it tied to sexual acts is just…despicable. No honorable person would create such an elixir!" As the words that spilled held more truth, she found her fury became sincerer. "You were our teacher! You were supposed to protect us, guide us. Instead Ginny, I, and countless others have been raped and forced into sexual servitude." Tears began to spill.
"Because of you, Draco beats me and rapes me…repeatedly and for show!" She closed her eyes with dread. "And the pensieve memories, the ones you confess to having seen yourself… Tell me, do you feel proud when you get your jollies watching me and who knows how many others being raped? Proud of the entertainment your invention provides?" She had stopped her pacing and was staring down at him, wanting a truthful answer.
He swallowed, and his eyes darted away from hers. Standing abruptly, he let out a breath. "The plights of Mudbloods and Blood-traitors are hardly my concern. I provide instruction and guidance to students whom are of Pureblood and whom are deemed worthy by our Lord and Master." He shook out his sleeves and straightened first one cuff and then the other as he continued, "And you are mistaken, Miss Granger. Draco's behavior is not because of my invention. If you think his hatred and violence would be different towards you were you not bonded to him, you are very much mistaken." He paused before adding, "I do as I am instructed, Miss Granger. What you think of me hardly matters."
Hermione suddenly felt a rush of guilt. He wasn't looking at her – he couldn't face her. It was the most telling display of the day. He was ashamed. If he was truly on her side, as she so wanted to believe, then she knew he had not created the potion willingly. If he was the man she hoped him to be, he was still putting on a show. He was still someone she could believe in. Someone she could put a little faith in. And right now, that meant he was possibly her only true ally. For even though she believed Lucius cared for her well-being, Lucius believed in blood purity. He would never turn against Voldemort. Not for himself and certainly not for her.
When Severus finally looked back at her, his sharp gaze and all tells of guilt gone, she offered him the barest of smiles. An expression only he would be able to discern, for the portraits were too far away. She saw him deflate ever so slightly.
It was then that Lucius entered the study. He looked from the reserved and expressionless face of his friend to the contemplative face of his charge. "Everything alright in here?"
Hermione rubbed her palms along her jeans. "Yes, it's been quite a lesson."
Lucius eyes glanced appraisingly down her form and back up. "It's almost five and we dine at six. Perhaps you would like to bathe and dress for dinner?"
Hermione internally rolled her eyes at his haughty tone, knowing he was playing the part for Snape's benefit. At least he didn't order her outright.
"Yes, that is a good idea," she conceded. She stood, looking at Snape, nodding in farewell. "Professor."
Severus met her eye but didn't say anything, He merely tipped his head in acknowledgment. Just as she turned to walk out, she peeked back at him. "Oh, umm. How is…Ginny?"
"Miss Weasley is quite well, Miss Granger. I shall let her know you enquired after her."
She nodded lightly, her voice just above a whisper. "Thank you, sir."
Lucius watched her leave before approaching the sideboard, his thoughts wandering to the young ginger girl as he poured them each a whisky. He walked back towards his friend, who was now sitting in the wingback chair again, and handed him his glass. He was quite certain Severus cared for his charge, he just didn't know how much.
"And how did Miss Weasley test on her MPS?" he asked in a conversational manner.
Severus took a small swallow. "A respectable small, light red center with a large, bright orange ring."
Lucius nodded. "Hmm. Above average with a bit of high potency as well." He sat in the wingback chair across from his friend. "That is impressive…for a Weasley. I never took them to be anything above average in their magical prowess."
Severus' gaze was penetrating. "On the contrary, my dear Lucius. While the youngest boy never exhibited anything above mediocre ability, four of the other five boys demonstrated much more. The twins were… creative and successful with their inventions. The oldest was a curse breaker with Gringotts, the second oldest – a dragon tamer. All of them worked in competitive and stressful occupations."
Lucius watched his friend with an assessing eye. "Pity they are all dead."
Lucius could feel the measuring gaze of his closest friend as he swirled his glass tumbler, watching the amber liquid coat the cubes of ice. Finally, the silence was broken. "Miss Granger is…powerful."
Lucius' attention immediately shot from the ice in his glass to the onyx eyes of his closest friend. After a flicker of thought, he responded, "Yes, she is."
"Are you aware she is able to cast her wandless talents non-verbally?"
Of course, I know! He had seen it first hand in the pool. His son hadn't stood a chance. She had cast the spell forcing Draco away while underwater, no less! Lucius contemplated his response, taking a page out of his friend's tome and not displaying any tells of emotion or concern. "Really? I hadn't realized."
"How did she test?"
Lucius felt a flush of panic. Did Severus already know? Had he peeked in her mind? Probably. It's what he would have done if the tables had been turned. Damn it! He should have foreseen this possibility and prepared for it. Still, he couldn't tell the truth. He couldn't admit his deceit to their Master. "She tested very strong. A solid red sphere. I sent it off to Dolohov first thing the morning after testing her."
Severus didn't respond. He simply stared at his lying friend. How interesting. Severus had done just as Lucius suspected. He had peeked in the girl's mind. He had been quite surprised by her display and his curiosity would not be denied. Before she had caught his intrusion and ejected him, he had seen it. A bright white marble surrounded by a ring of red. Very strong, indeed. Severus continued to ponder his friend's motive.
Why would Lucius lie?
Why does anyone lie?
To hide the truth.
Why would Lucius hide the truth?
Because he is afraid.
And what would make Lucius afraid?
"Does her MPS concern you? A solid red sphere is very powerful. Possibly more powerful than yourself, and most assuredly, Draco."
Lucius stared at him but didn't answer. This was a slippery slope. "Why should I be concerned?"
Severus smiled lightly. "Come, come Lucius. Don't play dumb. If the girl bests you and somehow gets away…our Lord's wrath might know no limits."
Lucius internally scoffed. If that was his only fear, he would consider himself lucky.
Severus watched his friend for a reaction. "Of course, our Lord might also decide she needs to be… watched more closely. Especially as her training continues. He might…for instance… take her on himself."
Ahhh. There it was. The flash of fire in Lucius' eyes, the slight shift in his chair. Severus had his answer. Lucius didn't want to lose his prize. Which could only mean he cared for her. His suspicions were confirmed.
"What matter is that to me?" Lucius snapped as he sipped his drink. "I have commanded her not to leave. She can not escape. Her bond to myself and Draco is very strong. She was a virgin at the time of her bonding you might remember."
Severus swallowed. He did remember. It had been horrifying to watch the strong and brave young woman that was Hermione Granger be treated and abused as Draco had done. Had he not been surrounded by other members of the Dark Lords inner circle he would have turned away and not watched. But he had a role to play. An act to put on. An act very much like the blond in front of him was portraying right now.
"Well, you know best, I'm sure," Severus conceded. It didn't matter what Lucius had said; the gig was up. His friend cared for Hermione. The question was – how much? Enough to lie to the strongest, most powerful wizard and Legilimens the world has ever known. Severus would dare to venture that Lucius was in love with the girl.
Lucius swallowed the last of his drink. Severus knew. He was certain his friend knew he had lied. However, he also knew Severus cared or at least held concern for Hermione. Not to mention his suspicions that Severus held affection for his own charge. Lucius could only hope that his friend would not betray him and inform the Dark Lord of his deceit, just as he would return the favor and keep quiet about Severus' feelings for Miss Weasley.
He internally sighed with exhaustion. How much easier it would be if he could simply talk openly with his friend, but those conversations were long gone. A thing of the past. For knowledge was power and power was something no Death Eater handed over easily to another. Not even his best friend.
"Did you realize Miss Granger is also a natural Occlumens?"
Lucius tried not to react as his heart began to pound. How could that be? He had seen in her mind. "I think you are mistaken, my friend. I have been in her head and met no resistance."
"How peculiar. Miss Granger told me as such. However, when I took a peek, I was able to only take a quick look into the past few days before she sensed my presence and evicted me."
There it was. Severus was admitting he had seen. He was admitting he knew her true MP. Lucius would think on that later. Right now, he had to wonder - could she be an Occlumens? Was Severus correct?
"I hypothesized with Miss Granger that perhaps you were able to accomplish what I could not simply because she welcomed your presence. Whereas I…was most assuredly not welcome."
Could that be it? He had been in her mind twice. The first time he was rough and harsh, quickly trying to see what had happened to Draco. But he had not looked back far enough and the second time she had asked him to peek into her mind. He had rendered her unable to speak from his abuse of her in the dungeon. Two rounds of crucio. He swallowed his self-hate and disgust. How could you have done that to her! In her desperation to make him understand, she had invited him to look.
Lucius took a sip of some of the melted ice in his glass. "Well, there is a simple way to find out."
Dinner was a more formal affair as they were back in the main dining room for tonight's meal. Tender steak medallions and roasted Brussel sprouts were served alongside a creamy parmesan crusted risotto. Despite being hungry and the food appearing most appetizing, she found her nerves rendered her unable to take a bite.
The possibility that Snape was still fighting for the Light…the thought that he was trying to guide her…it was a hope she had not dared to feel in many weeks. But it was also a possibility he was very much Voldemort's wizard and was merely testing her. Perhaps Voldemort wanted to know if she was truly resigned and broken. Perhaps Snape had been sent as a test and she had failed miserably.
It was all just so confusing. The truth was she was exhausted. What she would give to not have to question the motives of every person around her. Ironically, Draco was the only one she was in consistent contact with whom she felt she could trust in what he presented. He was sadistic and cruel and hated her. She had no reason to question it. But Lucius? She had to conceive it was entirely possible he was playing her. Even though she doubted it and prayed it was not true, she would be a fool to not recognize the possibility.
When she glanced at him, she was surprised to see that his meal was untouched as well. This was a first, Lucius held a robust appetite. She watched as he caught her eyes on him and then looked about the room. She followed his gaze to see Abraxas sleeping in a portrait across the room, out of ear shot if they spoke quietly.
"How did your lesson go?" Lucius asked as he took a swallow from his wine goblet.
"He's impossible and contrary. He hexed me! Or at least he tried to. He spouted incendiary comments which he knew would upset me just to torment me. I don't see how I can learn from him." She sipped her wine. "It won't be easy. That's for certain," she added with a huff.
Lucius smiled with a touch too much condescension for her liking. "My dear, this is Severus Snape you are talking about. Did you honestly expect any different?"
She spoke loudly so that Abraxas would hear if listening. "While I concede to have lost this war and admit I have no desire to fight against it, it would be really nice to simply be left alone. I can only imagine the Dark Lord has a task in mind for me and I dread to ponder what it might be. I wish I didn't haven't this…ability. Maybe then I would hold no interest to him. Maybe then I wouldn't be bonded to men who…" She met his concerned gaze and flicked a look at Abraxas before continuing, "…men who take such joy in their use of me."
Lucius felt a sting of pain at her words, but then he saw it. He saw her attention on his father and then back to him. She was acting a part. This was not something she had done so enthusiastically before. Why the change?
He delicately kept his eyes on hers as he internally whispered, "Legilimens." He tried to be as subtle as possible, not wanting to alert her to his presence. He would like to see for himself what had transpired in their lesson that day. He was disappointed and thrilled at the same time when her irises flashed with anger and he was shut out of her thoughts, a door slamming in his face.
What was he doing? She felt it! She felt him poke in her head. Why? Was he testing her? Had Severus told him of her Occlumency? Regardless, she didn't like it. Was invading her body not enough? Must these men invade her mind as well?
She watched in undeniable curiosity as Lucius visibly relaxed in front of her. He picked up his fork, scooping up some risotto and then slicing into one of his medallions. When his fork was laden with the harmonizing flavors, he took his first bite and then a quick second. It seemed his appetite had returned. He offered her a small smile as he lifted his wine glass. "Eat some of your dinner, Hermione. We are heading to the stables after dessert."
What? He was pleased. It was obvious. Pleased she had Occluded him. And then it hit her. Severus was right. She was an Occlumens. She had done it again. She had controlled it as well. This meant she could keep secrets. And Lucius was pleased?
Dessert could not come fast enough. Hermione was desperate to know what he had to say.
Hermione watched with a smile as Lucius was once again greeted by the large, white dog, Jupiter. She laughed as Lucius fell to the ground, despite still wearing his formal dinner robes, and allowed the dog to pounce on top of him, kissing the wizard's face with big, sloppy, wet kisses. "Yes, yes. I've missed you as well. I won't wait so long to come see you again. Perhaps tomorrow would be a good day for a ride?"
Lucius pushed himself up and brushed off his trousers with a huge, warm smile on his face. "Do you ride Miss Granger? Horseback?"
Hermione shook her head. "No, I never have. I did ride on the back of a thestral once. He was invisible to me at the time."
He shrugged. "Not quite the same, but a start. Would you like to learn? The grounds are beautiful. There are trails along the lake and into the woods. That part of the property ends at a small river about ten miles from the house. It's a very enjoyable and scenic ride."
"Well, yes, of course. But Lucius…please tell me. Is there a reason you have brought me out here tonight? Has something happened?"
His smile was radiant, and she felt her knees go weak at the beauty of it.
"I'll say." He replied, his smile unwavering. "You, my darling, brilliant, and exquisite little witch, are an Occlumens. Which means you can keep the Dark Lord out of your head. Which means I am much better able to protect you from him. There can be less…secrets between us."
Hermione smiled in return, unable to not respond to his enthusiasm. She still did not grasp why this made him so very happy. What did he wish to tell her that she did not know?
Holding his hand out to her, he led her into an empty stall and sat on a bale of hay, gesturing for her to join him. She smoothed out the back of her dress and smiled lightly. When she sat, he let out a small exhale of air. "I did something very foolish, Hermione. It was a gamble that could have cost us both our lives."
She stilled completely, a bit of horror creeping over her. "What did you do?" she whispered.
"The night of your magic testing, after you fell asleep, I sent my results to Dolohov and labeled them as yours."
Hermione's jaw fell in stunned surprise. "Why? Why would you do such a thing?"
"Because, Hermione. You tested on par with the Dark Lord! The coloring is slightly different, but there is no question your results are very similar."
"That's not…that can't be! How is that possible?" She paused. "I mean, I knew my results were strong, but you didn't tell me they were that strong!"
Lucius' expression had become tense, the look of concern in his eyes indisputable. "I didn't know what to think. I… don't know what he would do if he knew you were so powerful. I wasn't willing to find out. He might…he might have wanted to bond with you… mate with you…sire a son with you… or maybe… simply Avada you."
She watched his Adams apple bobble as his focus moved from the tackle hanging on the wall to her face. "I couldn't risk…that. I couldn't – " He broke himself off to seemingly collect his thoughts. "So, I sent my results and labeled them as yours. I was afraid to tell you because if he looked into your mind, he would see my betrayal and I would be dead." He stood and began to pace. "I didn't take Severus into consideration, however. I… I think he knows. I think he saw it in your mind before you tossed him out." He thought for a moment. "I don't think he'll betray me. I don't believe he'll tell our Lord. But I can't be sure."
Hermione's mind was spinning. If she held any doubt that Lucius genuinely cared for her, it was obliterated in this moment. Standing slowly, she walked towards him. He paused as she approached and when she wrapped her arms around him, he only hesitated a second before returning her embrace.
After a minute Hermione spoke, having hesitated because she wasn't sure. "Lucius, I think…I think Severus is trying to protect me." She pulled back from him and looked up into his stormy grey eyes. "I want you to look in my mind and see the conversation he and I had today. See for yourself. You know him so much better than I. It's not that I think he is betraying you or…your psychopathic Lord," Lucius chuckled, "but I think he might actually hold some concern for me."
"Alright, show me."
Hermione kept her irises on his as he gently probed. This time, because she had something to show him, she was able to see it as well. He stopped watching when he saw himself enter into the memory at the end of the lesson. His arms slid up to hers, rubbing up and down. "I think you are correct, Hermione. I think he was advising you a course of action and your little explosion at the end there will give him something to show our Lord. He'll see your rage and distrust of Severus and will understand if your training…takes time."
"Would he send someone else to teach me?"
"No, I don't think so. Severus is very powerful, and his wandless magic is almost as strong as the Dark Lord's. It's not a common ability and most are erratic in their skill to wield it. Severus is really the best option to teach you. Unless he decides to teach you himself."
Hermione cringed at the thought. When Lucius felt her shiver, he pulled her closer. "Are you cold? We should probably head back."
Hermione tilted her head back from his chest and met his gaze once again; he froze when she pressed onto her toes and peppered two soft kisses onto his mouth. It was like a match was thrown into an oil well. One hand grabbed the back of her head and the other splayed across her back, pushing her closer as his mouth claimed hers dominantly. Their tongues wrestled as their hands groped, prodded, and stroked.
His voice was breathless, and his pupils dilated with desire. "I want you, but only if you want me. It's not for the bond. It's for me…it's for you. I want you, Hermione."
"Yes, Lucius. Yes!"
Hands worked fast as clothing was quickly off and tossed aside.
"Well, well, well. What have we here?"
Both Hermione and Lucius froze at the sound of Draco's taunting voice. Hermione closed her eyes in foreboding. She felt Lucius' hands slide down to her naked bum, where he gave her a quick slap. "What do you want, Draco. Can't you see I'm busy?" He then grabbed Hermione's hair and forced her to her knees. It didn't hurt her, he wasn't being rough. He looked down at her. "You know what to do." His face was marred with a sneer, but the look in his eyes was apologetic. "Do it."
Hermione knew he was doing this for Draco's benefit. Draco couldn't know that Lucius cared for her. Lucius needed her to help him convince Draco that this was just him using her. She swallowed as she looked at his thick cock before her. She had never done this with Lucius before – only Draco. When she saw his length softening, she quickly slipped her lips around him and began to work him with the same techniques Draco preferred.
"Father, you've had her for days. It's my turn. The bond is making me jittery. Hurry up already."
Lucius' tone became abrupt and authoritative. "Draco, go to the house. I will deliver Miss Granger to you when we are finished."
Draco sighed with irritation. "Fine. But hurry. After I fuck her, we are going to see the Dark Lord. My mission was successful and little miss cock sucker is in for a mighty big surprise."
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