To Be Alive | By : Snapeoutofit Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 10439 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: All characters and settings are the creation of JK Rowling. I own nothing of Harry Potter and make no money from this story. |
Hermione sat at the desk at the back of the house typing a final report on the trial results of her dream extracting draught. It was a cozy spot to set up her laptop and look out over the back garden. When she probed Severus to have a wireless internet connection installed in the house he immediately refused, but after arguing her points regarding why it was essential, he ultimately caved to her will. Several weeks had passed since the first round of clinical trials were completed for her dream harvesting potion and apothecaries all over Wizarding London were getting requests for the potion. As expected, all of the people who piloted her creation reported positive results, with most people harvesting their dreams to later view and discuss in a therapeutic setting.
Hermione was both surprised and overjoyed when Harry began taking the potion. She never thought he’d use it, a glutton for punishment as he was, but she knew he’d been plagued by nightmares for a long time. Ginny told her that he often woke in the night, full of panic. Knowing that her potion was helping so many, including her dearest friend, brought her more joy than she had ever hoped. She kicked herself for not making it a point to take her lab work seriously years ago, rather than wasting so much time at the ministry. Shortly after confirmation that the potion would go to market she resigned from her post to work with Severus full time.
This paper was the last box she needed to check before publishing their results and making the potion available for any and all therapeutic practitioners to prescribe and use. As she made her final edits she was hoping Severus could give it one final review that evening prior to its submission.
She took a sip of her tea and made a few final edits to the draft. She heard the latch on the front door disengage and Severus entered the sitting room. He turned to place his cloak on the peg by the door.
“Hermione,” he called, “are you here?”
“I’m at my desk,” she called back, “just finishing a few edits before we submit this paper.”
He walked through the house to find her and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Have you had a nice day thus far?”
She nodded. “Productive. I’m about done here. Will you read it one last time tonight?” She asked.
“Certainly,” he smiled at her. “I’m so proud of you, Hermione.”
She blushed and stood up from the chair. “Thank you” she stated simply. She leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around her.
“I might be starting to feel a little excited about tonight, too,” she said quickly into his chest. Clearly she felt rushed and embarrassed to convey the sentiment out loud.
Severus stumbled back in a fit of laughter; holding her at arms length as he chuckled. “You? Excited? After weeks that felt like an eternity of you asking me to come up with excuses to get us out of going to this party and now you actually admit you want to go?!” He laughed again, “I told you from the start that there is no way to get out of a party that is being thrown for you, so it’s not worth it to resist.”
She batted him on the arm. “You know I don’t like being the center of attention. And now I’m just thinking...a celebration sounds nice. That’s all.”
He chuckled again as she circumvented him and made her way to the kitchen. He followed closely behind, picking up an apple from the fruit basket on the counter as she opened a cupboard to get a glass for water.
“It’ll be fine, sweetheart. Better than fine. If nothing else, just remember that once the night is done I’ll be peeling off every article of clothing you’ve deemed necessary to wear and will be ravishing you until dawn,” he said, taking a bite from the apple.
“Until dawn, is that right?” She filled he glass from the tap and turned around with a small smirk. “You know if I didn’t know any better I’d think these plans sound remarkably similar to your plans for last night... and the night before... come to think about it you’ve been making the same plan each night for weeks.” She kissed the corner of his mouth before walking past him to head upstairs.
“I need to shower. The party begins at seven and we shouldn’t be late.” Hermione gestured to her laptop, “and if you don’t mind giving it one more read, I’d like to submit it before we leave.”
He closed the gap between them and kissed her. “Of course.” She smiled back at him and he gave her a quick swat on the arse as she turned to leave. “And don’t forget that perfume I like,” he called after her. Once she had disappeared, however, he attuned to the paper on her laptop. He sat in her chair and began to read it.
He wasn’t very far into his reading when an incessant thought kept slapping him in the face and forcing him to refocus her attention. Here he was, reading on a godforsaken laptop, a paper he was publishing with Hermione Granger. She was in his shower, right now, preparing for a party in which he was her escort. Some of her books had found a home on his bookshelf, her favorite mug now lived in his kitchen, and snacks he had never purchased before were in his pantry. Her clothing now took up space in his closet, and two dresser drawers now housed her belonging. His bathroom now had a second toothbrush on the counter and their was a hairdryer and products for taming curls under his sink. His wards had been changed to admit her freely. The washing machine buzzed to indicate that a load had finished. Severus rose to rotate the laundry and found her things inside. He moved the damp clothes to the dryer and started the cycle.
Returning to the desk, he thought about how she was entangled in every aspect of his life. Her flat in London was sublet as neither could see a good reason for her continuing to pay rent while she www living in his sunny home on the outskirts of the city. He never had imagined living with anyone before he took the liberty of changing the wards to admit her freely, but now, he couldn’t imagine life without her.
When he finished reading the paper he decided it was certainly ready for submission and made his way upstairs. He found Hermione in the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, and dragging a comb through her hair.
“It’s perfect; ready to be sent off whenever you’re ready,” he stated as he walked into the bathroom.
“Thank you. I’d like to send it before we go. One more reason to celebrate,” she chided. Severus acknowledged her with a small nod.
“I should be getting ready myself.” He gave her a small kiss on the cheek as he started undressing for a shower. Hermione watched in the mirror as he removed his clothing and stepped into a stream of hot water.
The pair apparated to the edge of the Weasley property. In the distance they could see white lights twinkling in the sky above a white tent. They could hear faint music, laughter, and the din of conversation carrying through the air. Hermione nervously tightened her grip around Severus’ arm and he placed his other hand atop hers.
“I know, Hermione,” he whispered. “Don’t let nerves get the best of you. This is a celebration.”
“I know,” she said on a sigh. “It’s just so uncomfortable to be the center of attention.”
Severus nodded and encouraged her to continue walking with him. When they approached the tent, Harry was the first to notice them. He whistled loudly and began clapping. Others soon joined in and the guests of honor were welcomed with applause and hugs. Hermione blushed slightly, but soon let her nerves give way to pride as they were congratulated.
The moon was high in the sky when Harry asked Hermione if they could speak privately. She placed her glass of champagne on the table and followed him to sit on a bench away from the noise of the party.
“Hermione, I wanted to tell you, sincerely, how proud of you I am and how much I appreciate this potion. It has changed my life,” Harry said.
Hermione smiled at him. “Thank you. I’m so happy to hear it Harry, truthfully. How come you never told me that the nightmares had gotten so bad?”
Harry shrugged. “I just tried to deal with it, I guess. But obviously I couldn’t.”
Hermione patted his arm reassuringly. She saw Severus moving along the edge of the tent. He had a glass of champagne in his hand and was talking with Arthur, who was flailing his arms about as he animated the story he was telling. Severus laughed and took another sip from his glass. The smile that crept across Hermione’s face as she watched him was not lost on Harry.
“Staying with him is going well I take it?” Harry asked.
Hermione brought her attention back to the conversation. “Hm? Oh yes. Marvelously, actually. I’m not sure what it is but there is something about this, this relationship, that just feels...”
“Easy?” Harry offered.
“Yes. Easy. And...comfortable. I never could have predicted it, Harry, but it just feels right.” She watched him again. “And I feel happy.”
Harry wrapped his arm around her and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “He’s a good man.”
Severus turned his attention away from Arthur and saw Harry and Hermione sitting on the bench. He smiled at them and raised his glass at to gesture a toast in their direction. Harry nodded at his former professor and Severus returned his attention back to Arthur who was still in the midst of his storytelling.
Hermione nodded. “He is; and I can’t believe he has let me into his life. Not too long ago I could have never imagined Snape to love anyone, and yet here we are.”
“That man has the capacity to love more deeply than any of us will ever truly know,” Harry explained.
Hermione looked at him quizzically. “What makes you say that?”
Harry smiled. “He has always been there, protecting others and making sacrifices, and I think he always will.”
Hermione smiled at that notion and realized that she knew Harry was right. Severus had a big heart, and she felt fortunate to hold a piece of it.
The end.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story. I must express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has read, favorited, or commented on this story. This is the first story I have written and the support I’ve received has been most encouraging! I’d love to know what you think about this story as a whole, the ending, the characters, and anything else as I begin my next WIP. ♥️
Please check out my new multi-chapter story staring my favorite paring entitled The Reckoning. Once I post the first chapter I will link it here.
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