Pansy's Volcano | By : Bluemidget57 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 206858 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Not mine. I have nothing of value, and my dog eats my door frames when it thunders, so my house is kinda chewed up. You wouldn’t want it.
Chapter Nineteen
Draco did not want to be here. And that fact in itself was what kept him exactly where he was. It was beyond belief; this was all he had ever wanted before - to have beaten Harry Potter and his Gryffindor teammates fairly and squarely in a manner that could draw no criticism or investigations of his methods, and now he had it and it was being ruined by a girl. A Gryffindor girl.
Oh, there had been a brief hour immediately following their victory, when the euphoria of winning and the ecstasy of the other Slytherins had kept him on a gratified high, but now that the realization had sunk in that yes, they had finally beaten Gryffindor, he was blindsided by the knowledge that all he really wanted to do was hear Granger’s reaction to the game; to know if she was actually pleased that he had won, even though it was at the expense of her House. But most of all he wanted to take her to bed and celebrate in the most basic of ways; by making love to her for hours and hours. He might even generously consider letting her get up for classes on Monday morning, he thought absently, if he absolutely couldn’t manage another erection by then. Fast on the heels of this thought came the question as to when he had stopped wanting to have sex with Granger, and started wanting to make love to her? He didn’t think he had ever regarded a single one of his other physical encounters as anything more than sex before in his life, and he hadn’t even touched Granger yet.
The Slytherins had been denied far too many opportunities to celebrate by their Gryffindor rivals in the past, and they seemed determined to make up for every single Quidditch defeat today. They had compelled Draco onto a table and demanded a speech, which he had delivered briefly and flawlessly. After this, they had gotten down to the serious business of partying, but had made it impossible for their hero to escape the confines of the common room. At any one time, Draco had at least three or four girls vying for his attention, and as soon as he managed to pry them off himself the boys were lining up to shake his hand and ask for a detailed description of how he had mastered the upwards Corkscrew Turn.
Professor Snape himself had even put in an appearance in the Slytherin Common room; something which happened so rarely that the 7th years could count on the fingers of one hand how often they had seen it since they started here. Their Head of House expected discipline to be maintained by the house prefects, and it was a measure of his control over his house that none ever challenged his expectations.
He had stayed for maybe fifteen minutes, drank a glass of pumpkin juice and turned a blind eye to the butterbeer and whiskey that Crabbe and Goyle hastily pushed under the table when he entered the room. Snape had shaken Draco’s hand solemnly and thanked him for his efforts and leadership so far this term. He had left shortly thereafter, having intimidated most of the students in the room so greatly that he ensured the celebration did not become too unruly or drunken.
Pansy, who was utterly petrified of their head of House due to a mysterious incident which dated back to the fifth year, and remained undisclosed to this day, was shaking violently all over by the time he left the room. In her relief at seeing the back of his head as he departed, she swallowed down several shots of whiskey to calm her nerves which only served to strip away all her common sense and lead her to proposition a highly unreceptive Draco.
She had spotted him standing momentarily alone beside the table they had set up for drinks, and had swayed unsteadily across to him, curving her hand through the crook of his elbow. Draco glared discouragingly at her, and when she refused to take the hint, searched the room for anyone whom he could compel to come and remove her from his person. His eyes lit on Blaise who was grinning widely at his predicament, and showed no inclination to rescue him at all, winking at him instead and mouthing ‘You’re on your own!’
Draco wondered suddenly if this might not be his opportunity to be done with Pansy and her intrusive little charm once and for all. A devious smile spread across his face, and even Blaise who was still laughing at him from across the other side of the room got a feeling of unease as he caught that sinister expression.
‘Pansy,’ he murmured silkily into her ear, ‘Let’s go to your room, shall we?’ Despite the fog of alcohol clouding her brain, Pansy managed to goggle in shock at him proving she really hadn’t expected to succeed in her clumsy seduction of the Head Boy. Blaise watched with a pensive expression as Draco led the tipsy girl up the staircase to the 7th year girls dormitory. He was not the only person interested in Draco’s destination by a long shot; many other pairs of eyes followed Pansy’s progress from the room in envy. Blaise was fairly sure however, that he was the only person who had an inkling of why Draco had chosen to leave with Pansy.
As they entered Pansy’s room she cast a sloppy locking spell at the door, which Draco knew would never withstand an attempt to breach it, she was far too sozzled to cast effective spells; that was probably just as well, for he had no intentions of taking this to its presupposed conclusion. All he wanted from Pansy was the end of her charm.
Draco looked carefully around the room for the model; Blaise had said it was in clear sight on her dresser, and there it was exactly as he had described. Since he was not supposed to know anything about it, he moved towards it and examined it from several angles, before turning to Pansy and asking casually, ‘This looks like an interesting ornament. What’s it supposed to be?’
Pansy had collapsed onto her bed and was apparently waiting for him to join her there. She levered herself up onto her elbows to see what was taking so long and giggled as she realised what he was looking at. ‘That’s my smoke alarm,’ she informed him happily. ‘It lets me know if there’s a fire I need to put out!’
Draco had to smile at her choice of metaphor. Oh, there was a fire burning all right, but she would never be the one to extinguish it! Pansy had dropped back against her pillows and was patting the space beside her in what she seemed to believe was a seductive manner. ‘Come on, Draco,’ she cooed to him. ‘I’m getting lonely over here.’
‘In a minute, Pans,’ Draco replied distractedly. ‘I’m just taking a look at this smoke thing of yours.’ He picked it up and studied it from underneath and both sides. It seemed totally benign; mauve in colour and weighing about 2lbs or so, it was smooth on all its surfaces and seemed to have no openings at all. Thanking his father for once that he had the ability to do this without using his wand and drawing her attention to himself, he muttered a couple of disarming spells at the effigy, but there was no visible sign that they had any effect whatsoever.
He was so intent on his task that he didn’t notice Pansy rising from the bed and swaying over to join him. ‘Why are you so interested in that little thing?’ she asked petulantly. ‘It’s for you, you know! But only I can turn it off. It won’t work for anyone else!’
Draco clenched his teeth, and slipped an arm around Pansy’s waist drawing her closer to him. It appeared he would have to take this seduction to the next level. She was far too drunk to intimidate effectively; the alcohol was giving her a false bravado she would never have dared demonstrate in front of Draco in one of his moods had she been completely in command of her faculties.
He bent and nibbled the skin below her left ear and she shivered in reaction, gasping his name and thrusting her breasts against him. He was aware that she was fully aroused; her nipples were like little pebbles poking into his chest and she was trying to ride one of his thighs; the whole episode made his skin crawl and he could actually feel his testicles shriveling up into his body. ‘Pansy,’ he murmured into her ear. ‘I’m not happy that you have this little toy. You’re going to need to get rid of it for me, or we won’t be able to have any fun….’
He shut his eyes and brought her lips round to his; she smelled faintly of whisky and her mouth was too wet and sloppy. He was revolted, but forced himself to move slowly as he withdrew and not spit her saliva out of his mouth. ‘Turn it off now, Pansy,’ he whispered in her ear, ‘So that we can go to bed.’
Pansy wriggled out of his arms with alacrity, and reaching for her wand where she had dropped it on the bedside table, flicked it in the general direction of the volcano and whispered ‘Finite Incantatum’ in a tipsy voice. Draco scowled, unable to believe the incantation had been that simple, but sure enough the model began to loose some of its mauve colouring until it resembled nothing more than a blob of brown modeling clay.
Throwing her wand haphazardly on the floor, Pansy caught his hands and dragged him back towards her bed; she was seeing her chance to finally get what she wanted from Draco Malfoy and nothing was going to get in her way this time. Except perhaps the amount of liquor she had consumed tonight. She unbuttoned her blouse hastily and pulled it off leaving her clad in only a pale blue bra and her skirt. Pansy didn’t have bad breasts, he mused as she beckoned him to her. They were just the wrong ones. ‘Draco, I - I don’t feel very good,’ she mumbled as he leant over the bed, and right in front of him her eyes rolled up, her mouth fell open and she began snoring like a bear.
Draco released a breath of relief that he hadn’t been aware he was holding and scrubbed his hand violently over his mouth, trying to remove the taste of her from his tongue. He cast a last glance at the effigy and briefly considered taking it with him. However, that would have been too obvious; at least this way when Pansy came round from her drunken stupor in the morning, she would just think it had failed overnight. Feeling quite pleased with himself, he left her where she had collapsed and strode purposefully out of her dormitory and back into the common room. His return was greeted with a few raised eyebrows for he had after all been gone less than thirty minutes, and most of the Slytherins had rated his stamina at considerably longer than that. He walked back to his seat by the fireplace and remarked quite generally as he passed by Greg, ‘Some people just can’t hold their drink!’
The Slytherin girls, sensing that Pansy had failed in her bid to claim the hero of the day began circling him like vultures waiting for the kill; there was no sense of feminine solidarity with them. Draco watched them as they fought for prominence before him. It might be a sensible strategic move to be clearly seen with at least one other girl tonight; it would emphasize to Pansy that she had no hold over him come the morning, when they all rushed to tell her that since she had blown her chance with him by passing out, he had moved on to someone else.
To be truthful, the whole idea sickened him, but it was expected behaviour; the notion of a Draco Malfoy who only wanted one girl was something he was sure the rest of his house would never conceive of, and he chose to play up to his role of Slytherin Prince tonight to maintain his authority over the rest of the Slytherins; he didn’t know if there might ever be an occasion where he would have to use all of that power to exert damage control if this obsession with the Head Girl got out of hand.
All he did know for certain right now was that just touching another girl gave him the distinctly uncomfortable feeling that he was being unfaithful to Hermione Granger. He imagined that she would be able to see it all over his face that he had kissed another girl; someone who wasn’t her. Merlin’s beard, it was insanity to feel this way. She belonged to the Weasel and had told him as much just this afternoon. Why should he be feeling such overwhelming guilt for kissing Pansy when it seemed there wasn’t even the ghost of a chance of their ever being in a relationship with each other?
His head was hurting with the conflicting emotions spinning around inside, and he took a speculative glance around the common room deciding that the only way to rid himself of this unwelcome guilt was to envisage how Granger was no doubt currently involved in commiserating heavily with her boyfriend over his tragic defeat. That was bound to make him angry enough to bury his feelings of guilt under a totally jealous desire to get back at her by finding some other girl to cuddle up to.
He caught Krista Reid‘s eye; she was the only girl not currently fawning over him. Instead she was glowering at him from the other side of the room; obviously still smarting over his exclusion of her from the Quidditch team. He winked at her and watched as the wheels started turning in her head; he recognised the exact moment when she decided that it would be just as good for her social standing within the House to be known as the girl Malfoy shagged after the match as it would have been to be part of the winning team.
Possibly even better; ever the opportunist, she chose to ignore any unpleasantness which had resulted from his brutal rejection of her when she tried to seduce her way onto the team, and glided over to where he sat, making her best effort to look sultry and seductive.
Draco had to bite hard onto his bottom lip to prevent the threatening laughter from spilling out. He couldn’t believe he had never noticed how obvious the girls in his House were before. Granger would - No! He was not going to let her in again. Concentrate on Krista; she was in front of him now, her eyebrows raised questioningly, and he sucked in a calming breath before catching her hand and pulling her down onto his lap.
‘Well, Krista,’ he said silkily, ‘Do you still want to know how you can help the Quidditch team?’
She shifted slowly trying to find the best position to provoke a reaction, and ran a finger down the side of his face and under his chin, lightly pushing upwards until his mouth was inches from hers. ‘Well, Draco,’ she purred, her hot breath blowing over his lips. ‘You are the Captain; I am sure you have everyone’s duties clearly defined in your head. What could a mere witch like myself do to assist the conquering heroes tonight?’
Bugger this! Draco thought; she sounds like some stupid Muggle porn movie! He shut her up by covering her mouth with his own. It wasn’t as wet as Pansy’s sloppy kisses, but it left him cold and unmoved all the same; he could feel her heart rate increasing and her skin heating up, so he supposed he wasn’t doing too bad a job of convincing her that he wanted this, but his mind couldn’t let go of that other kiss. The one underneath the Quidditch stands before the game this afternoon, which had made his bones turn to jelly and his head spin with lust.
The one which had won Slytherin the game today; he knew perfectly well that if had not been so high over the effects of that kiss and her parting words, he would probably never have managed that stupid maneuver; he had certainly not executed it correctly once over the summer despite practicing continuously - more often than not he had ended up on his arse in the mud watching his broom sailing away skywards without him. Undoubtedly the adrenalin pumping in his veins from his encounter with the Head Girl had given them the game, and he wanted to share his victory with her; nobody here could ever be a substitute for the girl he really wanted.
Krista was working very hard to arouse him; unfortunately her efforts made him feel like a eunuch choir boy. He couldn’t remember a time in his life when his genitals had been more shrunken and unresponsive than they were tonight.
Even for the sake of Slytherin pride he just couldn’t keep this up. He disentangled Krista from his lap and stood up; he was aware of her checking for any reaction in his trousers, apparently hoping that she had just been sitting at the wrong angle to feel it, and he almost smiled as he saw the realisation dawn in her eyes that she had felt nothing because there was nothing. He just wanted to go back to his room and clean his teeth for the next hour or so and wash the taste of tonight away for good.
Almost regretfully, he ran a hand over Krista’s head; she had brown hair and hazel eyes, and maybe he could have closed his own eyes and pretended she was someone else, but something new and unknown inside him refused to let him take a substitute for the real thing. Sadly he acknowledged to himself that this time, it had to be all or nothing and it really looked like the result for him would be nothing.
‘I’m going to bed Krista,’ he said gently, ‘Alone. It’s been a long day. Take care of yourself, okay?’
His exit from the Common Room was so unexpected and sudden that it was a few moments before the other Slytherins realised that the shutting of Salazar’s portrait meant that their Captain had left for the night. There were a few envious grumbles until they realised that Krista was still sitting in the chair where Draco had left her, alone.
Draco himself stopped as he entered the corridor and leant back against the wall berating himself for his foolishness. He could have had any girl he wanted tonight, sure in the knowledge that Pansy’s hex was dismantled, so what did he do? Leave them all behind in preference of a lonely night in his bed thinking about a girl who didn’t want him! He was so fucked up.
He had to move momentarily, for the swirling magic which made short work of the distance between his private room and the dungeons was not designed for people to remain stationary in. The magic fought against someone who did not move forwards with their destination in mind; a couple of moments spent ignoring the progressive motion of the magic and he was beginning to feel nauseous.
He pushed away from the wall and within seconds emerged into his bedroom heading for the bathroom to take a long drink of cold water until his stomach felt less like it was going to evacuate his supper, and brush his teeth vigorously for several minutes until he had removed the last traces of Pansy and Krista from his mouth.
A sudden noise outside the bathroom door sent him over to look out into the study area, and he saw Granger’s large ginger cat perched on the back of one of the armchairs hissing at something which Draco could not see. He was surprised to find the animal free in the study area for Granger was careful to keep it away from any place where he might encounter it. He supposed that she feared for its safety, as she had such a low opinion of his prior behaviour. In reality, Draco rather liked cats; they reminded him of himself, so supremely snobby and stuck up. Or how he had used to be before this whole insanity with Granger started, anyway.
‘Hello, fella,’ he greeted, moving slowly towards the cat. It was really rather too large to be called a cat; more like a small dog in truth. Draco wondered if it had any kneazle in its ancestry. You’re a very handsome boy, aren’t you?’ he asked as he approached, making sure to keep within the cat’s sight at all times.
He thought it might be a good idea to make friends with Granger’s cat; it could be a way to get a toe inside her life. He had a vague recollection of hearing that Weasley had a very bad relationship with Granger’s cat; maybe it was something Pansy had told him way back when - he couldn’t remember, but he was sure it was the truth.
The cat allowed him to approach and sit on one arm of the chair; it even deigned to allow him to rub it behind one ear. Draco was just persuading it to come and sit with him in the chair when Granger’s bedroom door burst open and she caught sight of the animal perched on the chair back. Since Draco had now moved off the arm and onto the seat itself, he was totally concealed from her view by the high back of the chair, and he caught his breath at the thought that he was going to see her again today after all.
‘Crookshanks, there you are,’ she hissed in a stage whisper. ‘What are you doing out here? He’ll catch us both if you don’t come back in here now! Come on!’
Draco shivered. It was unbelievable what just the sound of her voice could do to his equilibrium. The shrunken parts of his anatomy were swelling and growing just from hearing her scold her cat, for Merlin’s sake! He could feel beads of sweat break out on his palms, and his heart was racing so fast he was surprised she could not hear it even over the sound of her cat purring.
The cat, Crookshanks, chose to ignore his mistresses commands, and to Draco’s immense shock and even greater pleasure, it moved off the back of the chair and straight into his lap, where it sat purring loudly and began cleaning it’s whiskers.
‘Crooks!’ he heard Granger hiss again, and when the cat continued to ignore her blandishments her footsteps began making their way carefully over towards their seat. Draco could barely think now for the thundering of his pulse. ‘Crookshanks -’ she began again as she rounded the edge of the seat and saw who was sitting there with her cat on his knee. Her face went white then red and a strangled squeak escaped her mouth before she clapped a hand over it.
The cat gave her a contemptuous look and leapt off Draco’s knee marching back into Granger’s room with his tail sticking straight up in the air, looking as disgusted as only a cat can.
Granger found her voice, barely. ‘Malfoy,’ she squeaked. ‘I - uh, sorry about my cat. I don’t usually let him come out here. I - ah - I’m not too sure how he got out tonight actually, but it won’t happen again. I’ll keep a closer eye on him. Um - well, goodnight, then -’
She was babbling; whilst drowning in his own uncertainty earlier he had forgotten that he unnerved her, too. ‘That’s okay, Granger,’ he said, desperate to keep her there, ‘I like cats - he’s very large. Does he have some kneazel in him?’
She gave him an odd look and retreated several steps closer to her room. ‘We’re not sure,’ she answered. ‘They didn’t say so in the pet shop where I got him, but we decided he must have a bit somewhere.’ She backed up a couple more steps, and Draco leapt to his feet casting around for anything to make her stay longer; unfortunately the words which fell out of his mouth were the very ones guaranteed to put her hackles up, and he winced internally even as he heard himself speak. You dumb fuck, Malfoy! You had to ask her about the Quidditch match, didn’t you?
‘So, did you think it was a good game this afternoon Granger?’ he asked.
She bristled immediately, her spine straightening and her eyes snapping at him. ‘I imagine you would already know the answer to that, Malfoy,’ she snapped, ‘seeing as how we lost the game - to your House!’
He winced and grinned ruefully at her, ‘Okay, you’re right. That was a bit tactless, but I was just trying to make conversation. Open mouth, insert foot, you know how that goes...’
She gave him a searching look. ‘No, Malfoy, I don’t think that I do. What’s going on here? What is all this about - all this weird jolliness and odd attempts at being friendly - and the - the other thing. What are you up to?’
Draco sighed. He knew that there was no getting round the way he had behaved for the first five years she had known him, and that asking her to overlook it and put the years of taunting and nastiness behind her was a lot to expect without any evidence of improvement.
‘Nothing, Granger, really. I’m not plotting or planning anything. It’s just - you were right, okay? That night we first talked about the Halloween party, and you said we should be mature and act like adults. We should be doing that, we have to work together for the rest of the year. Snape and McGonagall have stuck us with major NEWT projects together, and we’re too old now to be constantly trying to one-up each other. It does set a bad example for the lower years. So let’s just do it, then?’
Granger continued to watch him as though she had never seen him before. ‘Who are you and what have you done with Draco Malfoy?’ she asked at last. ‘You know, I was quite prepared to be all those things you just mentioned, back in October when I suggested it to you, but you laughed at me, so you’ll have to forgive me if I’m doubtful that you mean it now!’
‘What are you talking about?’ Draco asked, confused. ‘I have never laughed at you at all this year. I certainly never laughed at you when you suggested we cooperate. I seem to remember we sat for hours that night and got a lot of planning achieved.’
‘Yes you did,’ Granger insisted. ‘At the end, when I was going to my room, you were sitting there on the sofa laughing like a hyena.’
Draco tried to remember and finally placed the incident; he was astonished that she had thought he was laughing at her, although it would have been typical of behaviour in years gone by, so he really shouldn’t be. ‘That was - I wasn’t -’ How to even explain something like this? ‘It was something personal I had thought of - nothing whatsoever to do with what we had been talking about. I didn’t realise you had heard. Shall we make another attempt to be grown ups?’
She looked at him as if searching for lies, and he fought to keep the desire from his expression. Slowly, Draco, slowly, he chanted to himself. ‘Okay,’ she agreed finally. ‘We’ll give it a try being friendlier to each other. But no more - stuff. We can’t do any of that anymore. I have - ‘
‘A boyfriend, yes I know. The Weasel.’ She nodded rapidly, and refused to look him in the eye. He was quite surprised that she didn’t immediately leap to offense at his cannibalizing of the red head’s name, but she seemed distracted. ‘And there’s a witch in Hogsmeade I’ve been seeing off and on for a while now,’ he added impulsively, and was horrified even as he heard the words coming out of his mouth; for he had absolutely no idea what had prompted such a stupid lie.
She looked at him then, and he wondered if he actually saw her wince or if it was just wishful thinking on his behalf. ‘Good, that‘s good,’ she said bracingly. ‘It’ll be nice to be on friendlier terms, Malfoy. I’ll see you tomorrow then?’ and she smiled at him before turning into her room.
This time Draco made very sure to return to his room and shut and ward the door before he allowed himself to do a little dance of triumph around his bed.
Pansy woke with an ringing headache. She was quite sure she had brought Draco back to her room last night, but she didn’t feel any different from yesterday, and despite some thorough probing with her fingers, she could find no evidence of climax or ejaculation anywhere on her body. She buried her face into her pillow and tried to force herself to remember what had happened but it was all a big blank after she pulled Draco into the bedroom.
Eventually she forced herself out of bed and dragged her complaining body over to the dresser; she needed towels and a toothbrush, the shower was calling to her. As she pulled her large fluffy towels from the top drawer of her chest, she caught sight of her piece de resistance, her lovingly constructed alarm. She picked it up and frowned at it.
‘What happened to you?’ she asked turning it over in her hands. Shaking her head she picked her wand up from the floor where she had tossed it last night, and waved it once over the top of the brown lump. ‘Alarmus reparo,’ she muttered and watched as the purple colour began to bleed back into the model. ‘There you are, all better!’ she said, placing it reverently back on her dresser and left for the bathroom.
At last, we see Draco taking some action. What a shame Pansy is so sneaky.
For those of you wondering why Hermione has not given in to helping herself out over this unfortunate lust for Draco, answers in the next chapter. Also, it’s Au revior Ron.
I hope you guys are still with me on this and not thinking it’s dragging on too long, as has been suggested.
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