Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
CH 19 Can I hit him?
She took a deep breath, trying not to let the rising panic take a hold of her. “M …my names Lou, like I said. I’m here until I start Hogwarts, but I don’t know when that is yet.”
“September 1st.” Harry told her.
“Right. Well Sever …Professor Snape’s teaching me how to do magic so I won’t be too far behind when I do go. I didn’t know I could do magic before I came here. Other than that, I can’t really tell you anything else. I’ve been to see Hogwarts though. It’s big.”
“You’ve been, when?”
Lou looked at a boy with dark messy hair and glasses. “I’m sorry, I forgot your name.”
“Harry, Harry Potter.”
“Hiya Harry.” She said. “I went the other day. S …Professor Snape took me, he’s teaching me how to fly a broom. It was really cool, but I’m not very good at it yet.”
Harry, although he hated the recognition that went with his name, was surprised when she didn’t react to it.” “Snape’s teaching you to ride a broom, why?”
“He started teaching me to cheer me up. He’s brilliant you know, have you seen him fly? He’s like a big black bird. Anyway, he bought us both brooms and took me to Hogwarts so I could learn how to do it.” She told them excitedly.
“He bought you both brooms?” Ron asked, amazed. “What kind of brooms?”
“Flying ones.”
“Yeah obviously, but what are they called?” He asked, looking at her as though he thought she was barmy. ‘Flying ones, what other kind are there?’
“I dunno, Ebony Blazes or something. Why?”
“Ebony Blaze Elite? You have an Ebony Blaze Elite?” He asked, incredulous.
“Err yeah, I think that’s what it’s called. Why?”
“Because they’re only the fastest, sleekest most superior broom on the market right now, that’s why. He bought you one of your own? He bought two of them? Bloody Hell.” Ron said.
Lou looked at the door wide eyed. “Shh, don’t swear. You’ll get us into trouble.”
“I don’t care, where is it, can we see?”
“I don’t have it, Professor Snape looks after it. He bought me a wand too, you wanna see it?” Lou drew the wand out of her pocket to show them. “Have you got wands?”
“All witches and wizards have wands Lou.” Hermione told her. “You said you lived next door to Professor Snape, you must have known him a long time then.”
“No, I only met him once before I came here.”
“So why are you here?”
“Someone’s after me, he brought me here to be safe.”
“Who’s after you? Why are they after you?”
Lou turned to the red haired girl. “Ginny right?”
“When she nodded, Lou continued. “I don’t know how much I’m allowed to tell, I took an oath thingy, but I hurt some men, bad men. Professor Snape and the Headmaster said they would be looking for me now and it wasn’t safe to stay there any more.”
“Wait a minute.” Hermione put in, her eyes narrowed. “Who exactly were these men?”
“Somebody called Malfoy, erm …McNair I think. Another called Goyle. Why?”
“That was you? The prophet reported that Malfoy and McNair were seriously injured and left at the Ministry with Goyle and Lestrange. What did you do to them? I thought you said you couldn’t do magic until you came here?”
“I couldn’t, it’s complicated. They had wands, but I thought they were just sticks, so I clobbered one and then another. They didn’t see me in time, that’s the only reason I was able to knock them out.”
Harry leaned towards her. “Are you telling us you took down four Deatheaters on your own?”
“No, course not, Professor Snape got two of them. I’d have been dead otherwise, we both would. I didn’t know who they were then.”
What were they doing there in the first place?” Ron asked.
“I dunno. I don’t think I should say anything else, I don’t want to get into any more trouble.”
“Fair enough, so did you get hurt when you were fighting? I noticed you were limping when you came in.”
“Ron.” Ginny admonished her brother.
“It’s alright. Yeah, I did get hurt a bit. Just my leg, but it’s getting better. Professor Snape’s been giving me all kinds of potions and stuff. It‘s not nearly as bad as it was.”
The four were amazed that she would drink anything offered by the Professor, but Lou was adamant that he was a good man and wouldn’t let them say a bad word against him. “I don’t know why you’re all against him.”
“You’ll find out soon enough when you start Hogwarts.” Harry told her.
“Unless of course you get sorted into Slytherin, then you’ll be one of his little pets.” Ron added scathingly. He was already suspicious of Lou and the fact she kept sticking up for Snape didn’t help her cause.
“So what happened to your leg, it must have been bad if you’re still limping?” Ginny wanted to know.
“Professor Snape said it was a slicing hex.”
“Show us.” Harry said.
“No. It goes …personal.” She told him, her face reddening.
“We don’t mind, show us anyway.” Said Ron. Earning himself a scathing glare from his three friends.
“Take no notice Lou. Just point if you like.”
Lou looked at Hermione and pointed to her knee. Then she ran her finger up the outside of her robe, over the scar until she reached the top of her hip.
Their faces were like open books, as they followed the path her finger travelled. Hermione and Ginny looked appalled, while Ron and Harry looked curious, in the way boys did when in came to anything disgusting or gory.
“And you say Snape’s been treating you?”
She nodded at Harry.
“So he’s seen …you know …the whole thing?” Ron said.
Lou was embarrassed now, and instead of answering, she stood and left the room.
“Well done Ron. Why can’t you keep your big mouth shut for once?”
“What? I only asked.” He scowled at Hermione as the others shook their heads at him.
Lou sat on her step, twiddling with her fingers. She’d messed up again, she knew it. Now she’d have to tell Severus what happened and he wouldn’t be pleased. She made her way upstairs and asked Moon to ask the Professor if he’d talk to her.
When he arrived in her rooms a short while later, he knew something was wrong.
“What is it, have they said something to upset you?”
“No, it’s something I said. I think your’ gonna be mad at me.”
He sat on the chair facing her. “Go on.” He said, as he contemplated what she could have possibly said outside of the oath that was so terrible.
Lou told him everything that was said, then she told him what Ron asked her.
“And what bothers you most, the fact that I have seen your more intimate parts, or the fact that they know it?”
“I suppose that they know. Won’t it make it awkward for you?”
“No, why should it?”
“Because they know. You were mad when I tried to hug you. You said if someone saw us it might get misunderstood. Well isn’t this worse?”
“”Lou, I was treating you for a serious injury. The Headmaster was …is aware of it, as are most of the order. When Molly was not present, the elf was. Nothing inappropriate took place. Do not let it bother you, it certainly does not bother me.”
“So your not mad with me?”
“I have already told you I am not. Now, the Headmaster is downstairs. He is explaining circumstances to Potter as we speak.”
“Great. I don’t think they liked me that much to start with, they’ll hate me now.”
“I doubt that, they save their animosity for my Slytherin’s and me. They will not have any left to waste on you.” He told her with a smirk.
“And that’s another thing, why don’t they like you? I gave that red haired boy a right mouthful, and Harry.”
“Did you indeed?” He asked, standing and walking to the window so she wouldn’t see his smirk. “So …you defended my honour? Championed my cause?”
Lou pinked up and turned to him. Then she saw his shoulders shaking. “Now you’re just teasing me, but yeah, I suppose I did. Do you mind?”
He turned to face her, a smile on his face. “Not at all. Feel free to do so at any time, though I assure you, you will not have time for anything else if you do.”
“That bad?”
“That bad.” He said softly. “But as it does not bother me, nor should it bother you. Come on, we may as well go down and discover the repercussions of Albus’ little revelation.”
“Do I have to? Can’t I stay here until they’ve gone?”
“Considering they will be here for several weeks, I suggest you show your face. You have done nothing wrong, so why do you wish to hide?”
He held the door open to let her pass and they headed down the stairs.
“I dunno, anyway, it wouldn’t be hiding, just keeping out of the way.”
“It would be hiding.”
“Out of the way.”
“Hiding.” He told her again.
Lou gave up. “Am I ever gonna win an argument with you?”
“I find that very unlikely.” He said arrogantly.
That made her laugh and as they reached the bottom of the stairs, that was how the trio and Ginny saw them, Lou and the Potions Master, arguing and laughing.
When Severus saw them his face became stony and he glared at them.
Lou, wondering what was wrong, turned and saw the others looking at her shocked.
They waited until Lou and the Professor went into the kitchen, Lou watching them from under her lashes and wondering if they would speak to her. They didn’t, and she followed Severus into the kitchen. She heard them running up the stairs, chattering. She didn’t know what they were saying, but she had a pretty good idea what it was about.
“Louhi, there you are.”
Lou lifted her face to the Headmaster.
“I have spoken with Harry, he is quite adamant that he is not upset by his sudden lack of inheritance. All that remains is to finalise things with the Ministry of Magic and Gringott’s. I do not foresee any immediate problems since all of your documents are in order.”
He turned to Severus. “Perhaps you and I could take her first thing Thursday morning. I have made appointments with the Ministry and Gringott’s. It will be a small matter of producing those documents and signing a few more.”
Turning back to Lou, he spoke again. “Severus tells me you have consented to allow us to continue using number twelve as our headquarters, also that you have taken an oath not to reveal its whereabouts. Thank you for that.”
“It’s alright. What did they say when you told them who I am?”
“They were surprised, naturally. Lou, like you, Harry has never known his parents, he too has not had an easy home life. Sirius was his one hope for a father figure, when he was murdered, it hit him very hard.”
Lou didn’t hear any more. She knew her dad was dead, but she didn’t know he was murdered. Albus stopped speaking when he heard the thud.
Severus scowled at the Headmaster as he bent to pick her up from the floor. “Headmaster, she has only just discovered that Black is dead, she did not know he was murdered.”
Albus’ face was as white as his hair as Severus carried her through to the drawing room. Ha sat on the sofa, Lou in his arms as he held her close.
Albus followed and closed the door behind them. “I did not realise Severus, It was extremely thoughtless of me.”
The Professor Rennervated her, watching as her eyes fluttered open.
“Huh. What…? Severus, what’s happened? Why am …my dad.” She struggled to sit up a bit, realising what position she was in, but her head felt woozy and she let herself flop down again. “Is it …is it true?” She asked, looking up at Severus.
“I am afraid so, though this is not the way I would have wished you to find out.” He said, his eyes flicking to the Headmaster once more.
Lou turned into Severus and sobbed, clinging onto him.
He held her closer, unsure what else to do.
“Lou I must apologise.” Albus said. “I should not have told you like that.”
“How? How did it happen.” She wanted to know, still clinging to the Potions Master.
Before either of them could answer, Harry and Ron came running into the room. They took in the scene before them and froze.
Severus seriously wanted to hex the pair of them. “Don’t you two ever knock? Get out!” He growled.
“Err, sorry Professor, we didn’t realise anyone was in here.” Harry said, his eyes glued to Lou wrapped in the Professors arms.
“We’ll be going now.” Ron added, sotto voice. His ears were red with embarrassment and he looked like he was going to be sick.
“On the contrary, sit down, both of you.” Albus told them.
Lou had stiffened at their voices. She knew Severus was uncomfortable about her touching him in front of anyone and tried to move away. But he was angry at the pair for barging in and his grip had tightened somewhat, preventing her from moving.
The boys moved uncomfortably to the nearest chair and sat down, Harry in the chair, Ron perched on the arm.
“We really didn’t mean to interrupt Headmaster.” Harry croaked, wondering why they were told to sit down.
The fact that Professor Snape was glaring at them while holding onto the new girl, did not help the situation. It was too alien for them.
Albus enlightened them.
“I have, unfortunately, inadvertently let slip that Sirius did not die a natural death. Lou knew only that he had passed on. Harry, you were there when it happened, perhaps you would be the best person to explain the unfortunate circumstances that led to his demise.”
“What?” He almost choked. “I can’t. You know I can’t. I cant even bare to think about it myself, you know that.”
“I think Harry, that it time you could speak of it. For too long now you have hidden your feelings over Sirius’ death. Who better to reveal them to than one who shares your grief equally? Someone who deserves to know the truth Harry, you of all people should understand that.”
“Does he need to be here?” Severus asked, nodding towards Ron.
Ron gulped, but he refused to be sent away. He and Harry had been friends a long time and they’d always been there for each other. “I’m here for Harry.” He told the Professor defiantly. “She’s got you, why shouldn’t Harry have someone too?”
“Bravely spoken Mr Weasley.” Severus told him, one eyebrow rose as he looked at the boy.
“Do you wish for your friend to stay and hold your hand Potter?” He spat.
“I would like him to stay, yes.” He glowered at the Potions Master. “But I don’t want to talk about Sirius.”
Lou twisted her head round and moved her eyes from one to another now. The tension in the room was flagrant, the animosity all too obvious.
“Look, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” She told them all quietly as she struggled to right herself.
Severus helped her to sit up, but she stayed close to him. She noticed the disgusted look the Weasley boy shot her way, but she needed Severus’ closeness right now. She was hurting inside, frightened and insecure.
“If …if you don’t want to talk about it, I understand. It’s just, if you ever change your mind, I …it doesn’t matter, not if it upsets you.” She finished, lowering her eyes again.
“Harry?” Albus questioned.
“Okay, but just me and her.” He told them angrily, his eyes now locked to Lou.
Lou wasn’t sure how to react. She wanted to know what happened, but she didn’t know this Harry Potter and she wanted Severus with her, she felt safe with him.
“What? But Harry …” Ron complained.
“No Ron, not this time. Me and her, no one else.”
“Lou, do you wish to speak with Mr Potter alone?” Severus asked.
She glanced at Harry and turned back to Severus, reaching to whisper in his ear. “Can I hit him if he’s mean?”
“His lips twitched at one side as he fought to contain a smile. “No, you may not.”
“Oh. What can I do then?”
“You could always leave the room.” He told her softly, so no one else could hear.
“Is that it?” She asked a bit louder.
He merely nodded and she knew he wouldn’t give in.
“Okay, but where will you be?”
“We shall only be in the kitchen.” Albus told her, amused at the small battle going on between Lou and Severus. Albus’ hearing was excellent. “Shall we?” He offered to Severus and Ron.
Severus stood to leave and had to forcibly remove Lou’s fingers from his sleeve.
Ron grumbled but Albus put a hand on his back and led him from the room.
Ron tried to stay by the door in the hall, but at a look from the Professor, he trudged into the kitchen.
“Are you really Sirius’ daughter? He never mentioned you.” Harry told her sulkily. He resented the fact that he now had to share the memory of his last living relative. Okay, so he wasn’t a true relative, but Sirius was the nearest thing Harry had to a father before he died.
“That’s what they told me. My mum left me a letter, she said he was my dad. Papers too, I’ve got papers. He didn’t know about me. At least you got to know him, what was he like?”
“Why didn’t your mum tell you about him, why did she write a letter?”
Lou picked at her gown as she answered. “She’s dead too. I never met her.”
“I don’t remember my parents either.” Harry told her. They were killed when I was a baby.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, well you do now. I grew up with my aunt and uncle and my cousin Dudley. Who did you grow up with?”
“No one really. I was in care, they kept putting me in foster homes but …things happened and they never worked out. I’m glad you still have family. I must be great to have someo …”
“No it’s not. I hate them , and they hate me. You were better off in care, believe me.”
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