Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
Thank you very much for your review and rates! You always make me so happy and I often write some chapters after reading you encouraging reviews.
No Longer Surprised Fan XD: I don't think Remus will show up. Until now I imagined him to be dead. Maybe in the end when I'm out of plot he could be an addition but then he will be a dominants not a sub I think, but you never know what will come up in my mind later. As for Darius you will find out in the next chapters!
Thestralhorse: Radgar will come back in chapter 21!
Circe: Darius isn't that old and werewolves age much slower than humans!!! He is still yummy, but there won't be any sex between him and Hermione. In later chapters there will come more Ages/Hermione scenes but as long as I know that you are still reading, I will write an extra warning for you in front of those chapters! Radgar will be back in chapter 21.
Characters:Yorik, Fenrir, Hermione, Amaris, Morgan, Severus, Ages, Miller, Roland, Darius...
Sexual interactions:Fenrir/Yorik; Fenrir/Yorik/Hermione
Warnings:het, slash, threesome
Chapter 19 – New Development Part 2
Yorik leaned down and was glad when Hermione took over and pulled him closer to her. She did almost all the work. She kissed him and reached down to his cock to bat Fenrir's hand away and stroke him herself. Soon Yorik wasn't able to worry about anything other than his alpha and his pup. He didn't care what the others would say when they smelled his alpha all over him as he had smelled like this many times before, but he knew they would know that this time it was done willingly. But it felt so good. Never in his life had he felt more at peace than right now. His alpha over him, dominating him completely and his pup under him submissively. It made him so hard, and he felt so good physically and emotionally, he knew in his heart this is exactly where he was meant to be.
Yorik panicked a little when Fenrir removed his fingers and he felt the thick head of his alpha's cock at his entrance, but Hermione sped up with her hand over his cock and his mind fogged up again.
Fenrir was in bliss. He had fantasized about this quite often lately; his rebellious beta, submissive under him in pleasure. This was even better than fucking him brutally into submission. It was the highest bliss to have someone willingly submit to you, especially when it was someone as strong as Yorik. When he pushed his member inch by inch in, he was in heaven. His beta panted but his pup did a great job distracting him from any pain he would feel. The soreness of their full moon encounter was healed by Miller’s skillful hands which had applied the healing salve each hour the day after. Not before he had cast a Petrificus Totalus on Yorik and Severus, of course. Miller knew them well enough to know that he would be dead if he tried anything like that without petrifying them beforehand. Fenrir hadn't had to worry about the soreness, only about the unfamiliarity of penetration of the rectum he was buried almost completely in now.
When Fenrir was in him balls deep, Yorik let out short gasps. It was an odd feeling. He had thought his wolf would rebel but it seemed his wolf side was even more in heaven than his human side. He made submissive sounds and was rewarded with praising and encouraging words from his alpha for it. Fenrir wanted him like this right now and wasn't thinking badly of him. When Fenrir tightened his grip and started to thrust in and out slowly, Yorik bit his bottom lip from not moaning shamelessly because his skilled alpha was aiming at his prostate with each thrust.
Fenrir growled and bit Yorik's earlobe. “Stop biting your lip and let me hear your moans, Yorik. I want to hear them loud. I want anyone within ear shot to hear you!”
Yorik stiffened, again worried about the opinion of the others.
“You are mine, so stop worrying about what the others think and obey me!” Fenrir swatted his arse, strictly enforcing his beta’s submission.
Yorik let go of his bottom lip and started to moan loudly. His eyes were fixed on their pup and she smiled happily at him, which made him lose it completely. He just let them both hear what they were doing to him.
“Now before you come too soon, get some action in with the pup, Yorik.” Fenrir pushed his beta harshly down on Hermione which got him an angry glare from his pup. He didn't care and just grabbed Yorik's member and positioned him at Hermione's entrance. His beta didn't need any more help and pushed in. Fenrir followed the move and now pinned Yorik inside of her without any opportunity to move. That caused his beta to growl at him, and Fenrir laughed loud and deep. “You two are at my mercy, whether you like it or not, Yorik.” He emphasized this with a hard sharp thrust before he pinned his beta, immobilizing him again. Then he grabbed for Hermione's legs and lifted them to her shoulders. The pup squeaked because Yorik automatically slipped in deeper.
“Yes, those are the sounds I want to hear from you two. Let me hear your pleasure.” With that he started to pound into Yorik, and his beta was too overrun with pleasure to protest or try to move. He just let Fenrir fuck him and meanwhile Hermione as well.
Yorik was the first who came and took Hermione with him over the peak. She just needed to see his face while he came to come as well. Fenrir thrust three more times into Yorik and then came with a howl so loud that it must have been heard into the forest around the big house.
Hermione was panting and just watched when Fenrir pulled Yorik out of her and placed him on his side beside her. Then she watched, fascinated how Fenrir grabbed for Yorik's softened cock and ignored the weak protest of his beta. Fenrir's hips still moved, and Hermione knew that he was already hard again, never having left Yorik's rear. Yorik whimpered but quickly got hard again. That was the final step in submission. Fenrir knew that his beta only agreed to the act before because he still could feel dominant by being over Hermione, but now he wanted Yorik's full submission and just submit to him. He fondled the oversensitive member until Yorik was hard again and then started to thrust harder and fondle Yorik's balls. “Show me your neck and let me hear your moans, Yorik,” Fenrir demanded.
Yorik felt ashamed but still he wanted to satisfy his alpha. Now he was only submissive. Never in his life before had he been submissive. That was what brought him into this pack. That made him special. What would happen afterward? His thoughts were interrupted by Fenrir driving him crazy by pushing against his prostrate with each thrust and the pumping of his cock. He broke down, no longer being able to fight it and moaned wantonly before he spilled his seed all over Fenrir's hand and Hermione's body. If Fenrir now would pull out of him without coming, he would be humiliated completely. That was what he feared from the beginning. That now Fenrir would pull out and look down at him disgusted and tell him he didn't want a weakling like that as his beta. He didn't realize that he was crying before Fenrir growled in his ear.
“I can hear your thoughts now as if you speak them out aloud, you stupid beta. We are connected now. Stop crying, arsehole, and let me end this. I can't come while you are crying and smell like fear.”
Yorik looked up at his alpha who still was thrusting lazily into him. His tears stopped but his heart still beat fast out of fear.
“Damn, I'm still fucking you, aren't I? Isn't that answer enough? My promise at the start of this all should have been promise enough for you. I will punish you for not believing me later but now I want to come.” He smacked Yorik on the back of his head. For anyone outside of this small circle it would look cruel but those three knew that this was the right thing to do and say right now. That showed Yorik that he still was as respected as before and that he still was wanted as a beta.
“Then god damn end it, alpha, I'm sore,” Yorik growled teasingly.
“Oh, I'll whack you for it thoroughly, moron.” Fenrir pushed Yorik down harshly and pumped into him two more times and then released his seed into his beta. When he collapsed on him, he said, “You are even better to fuck then fight and I know how our fights will end from now on.” He pushed his limp cock in again.
Yorik pushed his alpha away by his hip. “I'm fucking sore, Fenrir. You will not fuck me for a long time from now on.” He heard Hermione giggle and that distracted him one second too long and he was head down in the mattress again with his alpha on his back, two fingers deep into his rectum, pressing on his prostrate.
Yorik moaned. “Oh god, no.”
Fenrir laughed and pulled out, knowing that Yorik really was too sore now.
“I could apply the healing salve,” Hermione said cheekily.
Yorik whirled around. “Most likely not.”
Fenrir laughed again. “Yes, pup, this lovely hole is just made for me. You have to be satisfied with his cock and hands and lips.”
Hermione smiled happily and jumped out of the bed to throw a blanket around her and go up the stairs to the bathroom. When she came into the living room, Amaris and Morgan looked wide-eyed at her. “We could hear you three even from the dining room. Did he really...” Morgan didn't even dare to ask it.
“Of course they did. Can't you smell it? Oh, it will be so wonderful to tease Yorik about it,” Amaris said, grinning.
“No, Amaris, please. You can't,” Hermione said and walked over to them. “It wasn't easy for Yorik to... you know. Please don't tease him.”
“But it will be so much fun.”
“No, please. He... he was scared that Fenrir would... please don't destroy this. It was so good, so perfect. He will feel bad if you tease him and then this won't happen again.”
Amaris laughed. “Hermione, we could hear you all outside the quarters. Yorik, the one to not submit to anyone, let his alpha fuck him and enjoyed it. I will be his last worry. And for your worry about this not happening again, if Fenrir got him to make those sounds once, nothing can stop him from doing it again and often.” Seeing Hermione’s white and scared face, Amaris added, “Pup, in there happened something you can't understand completely yet. Yorik will survive the teasing and will make them shut their mouths again. Any beta gets fucked by his alpha from time to time. Only a few let it happen willingly or at least partly willingly, but they are not any less powerful. The bond between those who bond willingly by sex is even larger and more powerful. They can read their thoughts. Both can do it, pup, not only the alpha. The alpha has power over how much the beta can read of his thoughts, but they are now able to communicate with their minds. Do you understand? It is something powerful. Of course some will mock Yorik because he especially always stated that he would never submit and often fought with Fenrir, but that bond is worth it and he will feel it. So don't worry about him. Our Yorik is strong enough to survive a few teases.”
“Of course he is, and if you start opening your mouth, I will stuff it with my cock, omega,” Yorik growled while he emerged from the stairs.
Amaris laughed. “I would bite your cock off, beta. Even though I could smell my alpha all over you.”
Yorik made a jump at her. Hermione squeaked and quickly was pulled out of the fighting zone by Morgan.
Amaris laughed while Yorik pinned her down with his hand on her neck. His face was red and he breathed hard. Then he started to change, and Amaris stopped laughing, knowing she had overdone it. Before Yorik could sink his teeth into Amaris, Fenrir grabbed him by his neck and held him. Yorik bucked and fought hard, but Fenrir had a death grip on him and growled at Amaris who immediately bared her throat.
Morgan pushed Hermione behind him protectively and backed away until Fenrir's icy glare was directed at him. “Bring her to Ages. Now! He shall keep an eye on her until I fetch her.”
“No! You can't always send me away like a child. I want to stay. I need to know what will happen,” Hermione protested.
“That's none of your concern, pup. Behave and go with Morgan!”
“No, I—” she squeaked when Morgan lifted her over his shoulders. Never had he behaved that dominant. Why did he have to grow a backbone right now when she wanted to stay to see what Fenrir would be doing? Why did Amaris have to destroy all of this? Why had Hermione even ask this sexual situation of Yorik and Fenrir? Back then it felt like the right thing to do and she had sensed that both had wanted it. Now she wasn't sure if it had been the right thing to do.
Hermione screamed and bombarded Morgan's back with her fists. It was embarrassing. She could feel come drip out of her and the good senses of the werewolves would smell it all over her. Hermione's head was flaming, and she didn't dare looking up while they passed many clan members in the hall.
“Give her over to me, Morgan. I think you are needed in your pack now.” It was Miller. Hermione could differentiate many men by their voices now and most importantly, by their smell.
“But Fenrir—”
“Fenrir ordered you to bring her to Ages, right? You are expected back, and you know your alpha is trusting me. You won't be in trouble for giving her to me.”
“I'm part of the pack as well. I want to go back as well. Let me down and you go away, Miller!” Hermione said furiously. She could hear the dominant’s chuckle around her and that even got louder when she growled, frustrated.
Morgan sat her down and immediately got a hard slap on his cheek from Hermione. Now the dominants laughed and before Hermione could react, Miller had thrown her over his shoulder and carried her down to Ages' quarters. Oh, she screamed and hit him hard. She hated him right now. No, she hated all dominants and their damn chuckles and laughs. She wanted to be back with Fenrir and the rest of her pack. “I hate you. Let me down!”
A hard smack on her bum made her stop her hysteria.
“Your dominants have to clear up a situation without you. A pup has no place at that sort of meeting.”
“But I belong to them!”
“You are a submissive. They need to do this alone. They need to be just among dominants. Stop struggling now or you will get a thrashing by the head alpha you won't forget.”
“For what? For not wanting to be separated from my pack?” She hit him again on his back.
“No, for not obeying your alpha,” a deep voice replied, and she got three hard smacks on her bum while Miller tried to remain standing. Then she was taken from Miller and was thrown over Severus' shoulder. “One more word and you will be very sorry, pup.”
Hermione didn't dare scream and wriggle or, god forbid, hit her dark mate. She tried to be as still as possible. She had no intention of pissing Severus off, not more than he already was.
When Severus placed her on her feet again in Ages' living room, she didn't dare to look up. She could smell Ages and three other high dominants in the room.
“Lie down on the cot, pup. We will talk when my meeting is over,” Ages said sternly, and Hermione wondered if Severus and Ages were an alpha-beta team which were able to read each other’s minds like Amaris had explained it. That would mean Severus was letting Ages fuck him willingly. Oh god, Hermione couldn't imagine it. But damn it would be so sexy to watch.
“I can still hear your thoughts and the head alpha can as well, just for your information,” Severus said, a bit grumpy while he pushed her in the direction of the small cot she had slept on with Neville back when Fenrir and Yorik had fought.
Hermione blushed deeper. “Can't I go and shower?”
“I wouldn't annoy the head alpha longer by disobeying him, pup. Go and lay down until the meeting is over!”
Grumpily and a bit scared, Hermione went over to the cot and lay down. She hugged her blanket tightly around her to prevent the dominants from seeing too much. She didn't need to worry about it because the moment she had settled down, a big blanket appeared over her and floated down until it covered her completely. She snuggled into it, facing away from the men.
After a while she had calmed down and dared to turn around because her curiosity won and she wanted to see who was in the room. The men were arguing about some security matters and the word pup fell from time to time. It seemed they planned to extend their border and wanted to increase the scouts in the forest. Hermione gasped when she realized Darius was among the men. The others were Severus, Ages, Roland and two men Hermione had hardly seen until now. She noticed Darius’ eyes wander over to her from time to time in a concerned way. The two unknown men were obviously aware of her observation because they started to speak more deeply and tried to sound more important and dominant than the other.
“It would be nice if you could concentrate on the conversation and not on our pup, gentlemen,” Ages reprimanded them, and they all ducked their heads; all except Darius who looked serious. Ages waved his hand at Hermione to gesture her to turn around.
She glared at him, but obeyed. Then she noticed just silence, as the old werewolf had placed a silencing charm over the group of men. Bored, Hermione finally fell asleep and only woke when Ages touched her shoulder.
She groggily turned to him and realized that she was alone with the head alpha. “Head alpha?”
“What was that about, pup? You need to learn to behave. The Eldest can't get you out of everything and you need to learn to obey the dominants.” He still seemed to be angry, and Hermione shrank back a bit.
“Pup,” Ages said warningly and grabbed her chin. “I could smell what happened in your quarters even though I was far away and a change like this is a big deal. You don't understand this right now. Your dominants have to talk about this without you. When your alpha tells you to leave them alone, you have to obey and not fight him. I could smell your anger and your fighting down here when Morgan tried to bring you to me and then you even attacked Miller, and I had to send Severus to get you.”
Hermione looked down. She was in trouble. “But... Why can't I be with my pack when they discuss important things about our pack?”
“Because they have dominant problems and a submissive has no place in discussions like that. They must be able to talk and act freely and they wouldn't do it when you were around. That's exactly why my chief warriors couldn't concentrate on our important meeting topic as soon as you turned around and showed them your interest. I fear the Eldest gave you some ideas, pup, but you aren't like them. You are a young submissive and you have to behave like one. Otherwise you will be punished.”
“No,” Hermione said and tried to pull away. “Miller and Severus already spanked me.”
Ages growled until she stopped trying to wriggle out of his grip. “I won't punish you, but I want you to think about your behavior, pup. You are very interesting for the dominants as you are, but you need to learn to live with the counteraction as well. If you behave like you did today, every dominant will be happy to discipline you and they will all have a right to it.”
“But... but... that can't be. They just can't...”
“Yes, they can. You belong to the clan and you are a secure part of our clan now. Any dominant has the right to punish you if there isn't someone higher in rank and closer to you around to do it.”
Hermione pouted. She didn't like that information. That meant she had to be careful when she protested and when it was better to shut her mouth. It was one thing when her mates punished her, or even Miller, but when they would all be allowed to do so, even Roland; Hermione shuddered.
Someone knocked at the door and when Ages called them in, a big woman stepped into the room. She pushed Tara into the room by her neck.
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