I Am Wolf | By : LadyFreak Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 13952 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor to I make any money from this story. These characters are JKR's, I just play with them. |
A/N: Sorry for the lacking in updates. The story's almost done, but i'm at the end of my semester and have finals coming up. I'll try to update weekly, possibly more often if i get this one finished soon. Thanks for sticking with me! And i'm sorry the trials aren't too detailed. I hope you enjoy the chapter!
Hermione sat with tears in her eyes, thankful for Severus’ freedom. She smiled at Harry as he squeezed her hand.
No one left the courtroom after Severus was led out, everyone present knew the next person to be brought in. Hermione tensed as she sensed her mate walking into the room. She closed her eyes and could feel his energy coming towards her…there…if she could only reach out to him…
Harry must have sensed her movement because he put his arm across her shoulders tightly. She growled low in her chest, causing the people around her to look over in fright. “Hermione” Harry started.
She opened her eyes and looked into his green ones. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do here. I don’t bloody well love Malfoy, but I can feel his need to have me near and I need him near. I don’t understand any of this. I don’t have anyone to tell me what to do.” She choked out the last sentence and closed her eyes again, causing tears to cascade down her cheeks.
“I’m so sorry Hermione. I can’t imagine how hard this all must be for you, but you have to stay strong.” She nodded. Feeling Draco’s gaze around the room, Hermione dropped the hood of her cloak. His grey eyes met hers and she could see the relief in them.
Draco was led in as Severus had been, chains and all. But there was no shout in opposition this time.
Hermione sat in her seat shaking. Her emotions were overwhelming her and if it were the full moon she would have shifted right there. Harry kept his arm around her shoulder and was whispering calming words in her ear.
Hermione listened as the charges were brought against her mate… Malfoy… Draco. Damnit! As in the case of Severus the list was fairly long. Again, Harry stood for a former Death Eater. The Wizengamot glared at him as he stood, but Harry stared right back, daring them to keep him from speaking for someone.
“Ah, Mr. Potter. You would like to speak for another death eater?” a plump graying wizard spoke.
“No.” he said. “I would like to speak for a spy for the Order of the Phoenix.” Gasps of surprise sounded out around the room. Harry ignored them and told of the missions Draco had undertaken, the way he risked his life daily. Again he made sure the room knew of his role in saving Hermione.
The brunette’s eyes were closed the entire time. She knew if her emotions got away from her, her amber eyes would glow wolfishly. She could feel her mate in the room. The wolf in her was fighting the chains held on it by the curse. They will not harm my mate! She growled. Hermione fought to calm Loba, but she was losing the battle.
She opened her eyes once and her eyes immediately met Draco’s. Her wolf howled in agitation and Hermione saw the shadow of the wolf pass behind the blonde’s eyes as well. She fought herself again… and blacked out with the effort.
Harry was in the middle of his testimony on behalf of Draco Malfoy, when he heard the shout. He saw people jumping from there seats near where Hermione sat. What the hell? he thought, running towards his best friend.
Harry pushed the hovering witches and wizards out of the way. He kneeled besides Hermione and put his hand on her neck. He let out a breath when he felt he pulse beat against his palm. “Hermione?” he tried to rouse her. No response. Suddenly a mediwizard came by with smelling salts and passed them under the girl’s nose. Still no response.
Harry looked at Draco sitting in the chair. He could see the man and wolf battling for dominance and battling to get up and help his mate. The spectacled man approached the blonde. “She won’t wake. Any ideas? They don’t know about your problem, by the way…”
Draco looked into green eyes with a tired look “I don’t care about that. Actually I should tell them. I think Hermione is battling the wolf in her mind. She didn’t like seeing her mate chained up.”
Harry looked at the blonde pensively. “Alright. Me or you.”
“You can tell them or lead to the discover. If they ask the story, I will tell it.” Harry nodded. He turned to the confused members of the Wizengamot and spoke. “Hermione Granger will not wake. Her mate being bound, chained, and abused was enough to put her wolf on alert. As the wolf fought dominance, Hermione blacked out.”
“Who is her mate Mr. Potter?” A young, auburn haired witch asked from beside Hermione.
“Draco Malfoy.” There was a hush across the room before an uproar of voices took over.
Sparks flew from the wands of the Wizengamot. “Mr. Malfoy” they began, looking at Draco as if for the first time. “Is what Mr. Potter says true?” the blonde nodded his head. “Are you a werewolf Mr. Malfoy?”
“Although one does not need to be a wolf to be mated to one, yes. I am wolf, sir” He answered in an even tone
“Draco Malfoy a werewolf? … How?... For how long?” the voices mixed and mingled in the room.
Draco looked at the wizards who were to be his judges. “It was a punishment bestowed on me by my father, Lucius Malfoy. He told me if I couldn’t be a good death eater then I would become a mindless weapon of the Dark Lord.” Murmurs broke across the watching audience. “When the torture and rape still would not convince me to follow orders, I was bitten on the full moon.” He closed his eyes as he felt the wolf stir within. When he opened his eyes he continued, “I had been dreaming of my mate since the night Hermione Granger was attacked by Greyback and the others. We didn’t know of each other officially until the battle.” Here he paused and looked at Hermione’s form on the ground. “I watched her run at him, unable to do anything.” He looked back at the wizards. “I couldn’t do anything. I watched her burning and ran after her, only able to give her comfort of presence. Professor Snape had followed me to where she lay and brought her to the castle. There are plenty of people who watched us walk in who will give memories to that fact.”
“The Wizengamot will break for 6 hours and reconvene to give the verdict on the case of Draco Malfoy.” The head wizard said.
Before they could leave, Harry asked the wizards for a favor. “If I may, could we place Miss Granger near Mr. Malfoy and see if she will wake? I don’t want her unconscious for six hours or more.” The wizards quickly conversed amongst each other and then nodded at the black haired boy.
Harry walked towards Hermione and lifted her in his arms. She began to unconsciously fight him before he began speaking softly to her. Loud enough so that people around would know he wasn’t telling secrets or plotting something. “Shhh. Hermione. It’s Harry, green-eyes.” He fighting lessened some, but did not abate completely.
Draco watched Harry approach him with worry in his eyes. The walk seemed to take hours, but when they two were finally in front of the blonde, his breath hitched. Harry watched him try to lift a hand to her face, but unable to do so because of the chains. Instead, he lowered to his knees and placed her cheek near Draco’s hand.
At the slightest brush, Hermione’s eyes began to flutter and her fighting stopped completely. Gasps let out through the room like a strong wind. People were looking at Draco with interest and curiosity. After all, he purposely touched a muggle-born and admitted to being a creature that was shunned in most of wizarding society.
A moan from the girl in Harry’s arms brought everyone back to their senses. Amber eyes opened slowly and saw grey in her line of sight. “Rubio” she whispered hoarsely, eyes painful. Suddenly she shook her head and looked up into green eyes. “Harry?” She began looking around the room. “Umm what happened?”
The lead wizard from the wizengamot approached the three teens. “You fainted Miss Granger.” He said in a bored voice. “When you could not be roused, we were told the reason was because you had been from your mate.” He looked at her inquisitively before sneering at her. “Who is your mate, wolf?”
Hermione bristled at the obvious disdain behind the word and anger flashed within Draco. She narrowed her eyes at the wizard before glancing at the blonde. “Draco Malfoy” she answered, proud to be able to keep the growl out of her throat. The wizards of the Wizengamot nodded amongst themselves before turning and leaving the room. Draco was next, flanked by aurors after they removed his chains. He tried to touch Hermione again but was dragged away from her.
The Aurors paled when the two wolves growled, but did not let up any. Harry had to grab onto Hermione’s arms to keep her from lunging at the offenders. “Let it go, Hermione.” She let out another low growl. “Hermione.” He said firmly. The brunette closed her eyes and breathed in slowly trying to calm down. She nodded once to show she understood.
Harry led Hermione to eat some food. After picking at their food for ten minutes, Hermione’s patience ran out. “Now what? What happened while I was out?”
“Session will reconvene in 6 hours. While you were out Malfoy told the story of how he was changed. After the Wizengamot was told he was your mate, they asked if he was a wolf and he answered truthfully.”
Hermione looked surprised. “Bloody hell” she said as she put her head in her hands. "A Malfoy who is a wolf …he just shunned himself from wizarding society…for what purpose?”
It was Harry’s turn for confusion. “What do you mean shunned himself? You mean because he’s admitted to being wolf?” Hermione nodded. “That doesn’t make sense. No one has changed towards you, why would it have an effect on him?”
Hermione lifted her head and stared at her friend. He really could be quite dense. “No one has changed towards me?” she asked unbelievingly. Harry nodded at her. “Okay Harry. I want you to do me a favor, okay?” another nod. “As we walk through the ministry I want you to pay attention to those who look at me.” She glanced around the place they were eating. “You can even start looking now, but in a way that it's not obvious, okay?”
Green eyes began to sweep the room from beneath his fringes. He watched as people would glance at their table and whisper furiously amongst the other people at their tables. He watched others looking at Hermione interestedly, then away in fear when her head would turn in their direction. “How long?” he asked solemnly, upset that he didn’t notice sooner.
“Since I got out of the hospital.” She told him. She grimaced at the memory of the stares and whispers. “I’m worried about Draco, Harry. That head wizard does not think highly about wolves at all. I want you to think back to when I woke and how he spoke with me.” She watched the black hair dip as Harry’s head bowed.
“Who is your mate, wolf?” he muttered then looked up at Hermione. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice.” Hermione nodded, but still looked worried. “His prejudices will not go unnoticed.” Her face changed to one of doubt, but she didn’t say anything.
The two spent the rest of the afternoon talking and joking. It had been so long since she was able to smile that it actually hurt Hermione’s face. That made her smile even more.
They returned to the trial an hour early to be sure they didn’t miss out. It was a good thing they did. The Wizengamot was just sitting down when the two war heroes entered the room. The head wizard looked sour, and narrowed his eyes at the new entrants. Hermione glanced at Harry and saw the green eyes glaring.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy, rise” Draco stood with the clink of chains. “Due to submitted evidence of your becoming a death eater by way of duress, as well as memories and verbal evidence given by Harry Potter, the Wizengamot finds you not guilty of being a servant and death eater of You-Know-Who. However, you are not completely innocent. You are guilty of allowing Death Eaters entrance into your school, although also under duress. You shall be responsible for paying a fine of 30,000 galleons to the ministry. You shall perform 100 hours of community service of which will be determined by the Ministry and assigned to you within a week’s time. You shall assist with the rebuilding of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You are also expected to return to the school for completion, without liberties and under house arrest. As the school year approaches, the Ministry will provide you with more details.”
Draco wavered, nearly falling down. The Aurors flanked him again, removing his chains. The wizad continued. “You and Severus Snape are now free to go. I believe Mister Snape is waiting for you.” The blonde nodded and left the room.
Hermione saw Tonks gesturing to her near the door. She grabbed Harry’s hand and dragged him from the room, ignoring his protests of pulling arms from sockets. “Wotcher ‘Mione, Harry.”
“Hey Tonks,” they both greeted.
“Come on you two. I suspect you want to accompany Malfoy and Snape from the Ministry?”
“Yes”, “No” came their simultaneous responses. Hermione looked at Harry for an explanation. “They hate me ‘Mione. I don’t want to be one of the first faces they see on their day of freedom. Besides, I think they need you, and just you, right now.”
“Alright Harry” She turned to Tonks. “I would like to see them and accompany them. Could you have an Auror get Harry to the floo? I don’t trust the reporters…”
“Already on it” the older witch said with a smile.
As soon as Harry was chatting and walking with the Auror, Tonks turned to Hermione, who was raising the hood of her cloak. “So what’s the story here ‘Mione?”
“What do you mean?” she asked, honestly confused.
“You and Draco Malfoy. Add Severus Snape into the equation and I’m all confused.”
Hermione chuckled. “Draco Malfoy and I are mates. Severus saved my life from Voldemort.”
Tonks looked at her closely. “There’s something you’re not saying.”
“Its not my story to tell, Tonks.”
The purple haired witch looked thoughtful. “Fair enough” and she led them to the holding rooms.
Hermione saw Severus and Draco stand as she entered and forgetting their frailness, jumped at the two men. All three went crashing to the ground laughing hysterically.
“Hermione!” The two yelled out, tears in their eyes.
She finally stood up and put a hand out to each wizard. “Come on boys, lets get out of here.” She easily pulled them up, shrugging at the looks from the aurors. “Oh come now, you know what I am and who I am. Don’t look so shocked.” She said, causing them to grin.
She waited for the boys to get their wands and clothing and adjusted her hood. A hand came to her shoulder “I hate that you cover up that way.” Came the voice of Severus on her right.
“It’s to avoid the media. Burns are healed and the scarring is minimal, but they know my face and they know what I am. Who I am won’t matter anymore.” She glanced at Draco. “The head of the Wizengamot has already made it clear that I stand below him.” She patted Severus hand on her shoulder, which had tightened in grip at her declaration. “No worries, let’s go.”
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