A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Hey again guys, Thanks for all your reviews and I’m sorry I left you for so long. I won’t make excuses because they waste everyone’s time so here’s another chapter I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter Nineteen
The glass dropped to the floor shattering immediately as Harry leapt forward wrapping himself around Snape. His mouth was attacking any spot of bare skin he found.
Snape sighed and turned to the notebook beside him ignoring the leech of a boy trying to gnaw at this neck. They had been testing various forms of his potion for a few weeks now and all he’d seemed to have created was a very potent aphrodisiac.
“Hey,” Harry demanded angrily and Snape turned to him allowing the boy to thoroughly kiss him. As Harry wasn’t being held up because Snape was writing notes, even as he was kissed, eventually gravity forced him to detangle himself from the man. Snape turned full to his notes as Harry moulded himself to the man sighing softly. He felt so hot and itchy, it only stopped where Snape was touching him and he wasn’t doing enough of it.
“Hurry up,” Harry whined.
Snape turned and grabbed him tightly hauling him up onto an empty desk. Harry squealed in delight as Snape stood between his legs and kissed him. Harry arched into the man’s touch hungrily. It was all too much and not enough at the same time. It was too fast and too slow. Harry wrapped his legs around Snape’s waist keeping him trapped close as he desperately moved against him trying to find his release as quickly as possible to end his torture. He gasped into Snape’s mouth; the man’s long tongue was through in its exploration leaving no space of Harry’s mouth untouched. Harry couldn’t understand how a utensil used to cause such sharp pain with its acidic words could bring him so much pleasure. Snape pulled his mouth away leaving Harry moaning loudly as he thrust against him desperate to keep going to keep kissing to keep spiralling higher and higher.
Harry cried out suddenly as he was sprayed in the face sharply with what felt like cool water. All the arousal was zapped out of him so suddenly he shivered and stared accusingly as Snape who was holding a water spray bottle filled with blue liquid and an evil smirk on his face.
Harry wiped the anti-aphrodisiac potion from his face glaring at the bottle the man now kept handy after the first three tries of the potion had resulted in a similar way.
“Can we ever work it off the fun way?” Harry asked spluttering slightly.
“No,” Snape said not looking up from his notes frowning.
Harry rolled his eyes and crouched down to collect his book bag from the floor.
“I have to get to class,” he sighed and left heading off upstairs leaving the man to tweak the potion.
Harry had been drinking Snape’s glittery potion every day for weeks now. Harry didn’t feel any different but he wasn’t sure if he should. The one and only time he asked Snape exactly what the effects of the potion were meant to be he left more confused than before he’d asked. Harry insisted it wasn’t working; Snape would just smirk at him and write things down in his notebook.
Harry met Ron at the base of the North Tower of Hogwarts waiting with the rest of his class for Divination to start. They didn’t have long to wait, less than a moment after Harry arrived the trap door above them opened up and a rope ladder was lowered down. Pavarti Patil and Lavender Brown eagerly scrambled up it, Divination being their favourite class, the rest of the Gryffindors followed at a more sedate pace. The class quickly settled, Harry choosing to sit close to a window, and Professor Trelawney launched into a quick spiel about what they would be doing today before waving her hands indicating they should begin.
The Divination classroom always made him woozy, the Divination Professor, Professor Trelawney insisted it helped clear their ‘inner eye’. All it did was make Harry feel nauseous and Ron very sleepy. In fact it was affecting Harry more then it usually would. He frowned hard at a small shiny beetle on the windowsill. It slipped in and out of focus, and then there were suddenly four beetles. Harry blinked rapidly trying to clear his vision. It was no use. The world was tilting on its side and Harry gasped. He grabbed Ron’s arm startling the taller boy into letting out a sharp yelp. That had every eye turning toward him and Professor Trelawney hurrying over to them.
“What do you see Mr Potter?” she asked excitedly. Harry shook his head. He couldn’t talk, if he opened his mouth he’d vomit.
“He’s not seeing anything!” Ron snapped, “He’s ill,”
As if to sell Ron’s story more Harry threw up all over the tea cups in front of them they were meant to be reading from.
“Harry?” Ron prodded gently and Harry put a hand over his mouth to stop himself throwing up again.
“Right, hospital wing,” Ron said and hauled him up, Harry nodded gratefully and let the red head drag him down to the hospital wing. Harry wasn’t quite sure how Ron managed to get him down the hanging ladder that was the entrance to the Divination classroom but he did. He blinked in and out as Ron helped him along.
“Is it... You-know-who?” Ron whispered quietly.
“No, I think I’m actually sick,” Harry replied, his words slightly slurred.
“Well that’s a nice change isn’t it?” Ron joked and Harry managed a weak smile.
When they entered the hospital wing the school nurse Madam Pomfrey took one look at them and jerked her head toward one of the beds. Ron helped Harry to one furthest from the door. Madam Pomfrey bustled over and quickly began ordering Ron about, telling him to fetch a glass of water and then assist Harry in changing into some hospital pyjamas. They were white with blue stripes. Harry closed his eyes as the stripes began to squiggle.
“Tell me what you’re feeling,” the woman ordered. Harry explained his nausea and swimming vision. Pomfrey nodded and then began to question him about everything he’d done that day and exactly what he’d eaten. Harry wasn’t sure whether or not to tell her about the potion – the potion! Ugh!
Harry grabbed onto Ron’s arm startling the poor boy again.
“Get Snape!” Harry demanded.
“He’s probably teaching-”
“Please!” Harry gasped and Ron glanced at Madam Pomfrey who nodded.
Ron quickly hurried off and Harry was left with the frowning mediwitch. She waved her wand at him a few times, performing some basic diagnostic spells. The results wrote themself out on a sheet of parchment before her. She frowned at them and waved her wand once more, a single eyebrow rose as she read the results from that test. Whatever she’d read she didn’t comment so Harry was left to himself. The bell rang and Harry could hear the school moving downstairs to the Great Hall for dinner. Harry hoped Ron had gotten to the potions classroom after the bell rang. He didn’t want poor Ron to suffer unnecessarily at the hands of his cranky husband.
Harry had a quick visit from Lavender Brown which surprised him. She had kindly brought his and Ron’s things from the Divination classroom which, Harry noted absentmindedly, was very kind of her considering he hadn’t spoken more than a few words to her in their entire schooling life.
As she was leaving she was nearly bowled over by one Severus Snape who swept into the room in flurry of black robes.
Lavender went crashing into Ron and Hermione who had been following behind Snape.
Snape glided past Madam Pomfrey who glared at him disapprovingly for his treatment of the three students struggling to right themselves by the door.
Snape leant down beside Harry letting the boy wrap his arms around his shoulders. He took the chance to whisper in Harry’s ear,
“Told you it was working,” he said, before pulling away. Harry glared but he was ignored in favour of Madam Pomfrey.
“I can’t seem to find what’s wrong,” she admitted and Snape frowned for a moment.
“Have you tried a pregnancy test?” Snape asked and Pomfrey stared at him a moment before her eyes narrowed.
“Why would I need to do that?”
It was Snape’s turn to stare at her. She puffed up glaring at him, her mouth open in shocked anger.
“Severus Snape, you didn’t!”
“Have intercourse with my spouse? Yes how outrageous!”
“Your spouse he may be but he is also a fourteen year old boy. I don’t care what drove you together or how ‘emotionally mature’ you claim him to be, I don’t care about any such nonsense. His body physically isn’t ready for that,”
“Please just run the test,” Snape said and Pomfrey sighed turned to Harry. She waved her wand quickly and parchment appeared before her.
“Negative,” she read aloud and Snape slumped a little but didn’t let his disappointment show other than that.
“I hope this little scare will teach you both to be more careful in future,” she said and glared at Snape. “The best birth control is abstinence,”
“Yes, it’s nearly always effective except for that one instance-”
“Harry,” Pomfrey said turning to him and ignoring Snape. “I know whatever it is you and Severus are doing seems so new and exciting but I really want you to think very long and hard about this. You were very lucky today. If I had gotten a different result your life would be forever changed. You’re not ready for that change yet, let your body catch up to your brain and heart first all right?”
“Yes Madame Pomfrey,” Harry said and she smiled.
“Good, I’m going to keep you for a few more hours and run some more tests. It was probably just a combination of some odd food and stress, I’m sure it’s nothing but I like to be cautious,” she said and Harry nodded.
She turned, gave one last glare to Snape, and stalked off to her office. Harry watched her go before his gaze snapped to Snape who had disappeared, Ron and Hermione were standing in his place.
“We heard the end of that,” Hermione said
“Nothing to worry about, that’s good,” Ron said and Harry nodded.
“Yeah, I just wish I wasn’t in here so often” he sighed
“You should see about setting up your own bed in here, you are really in here nearly every other week,” Ron joked and Harry laughed.
The bell rang and they had to leave to get to their next class,
“I’ll get your homework for you,” Hermione offered
“Like he hasn’t suffered enough today,” Ron said and Hermione just shook her head before leading him away.
True to her word Madame Pomfrey only kept him a few more hours before deeming him fit enough to leave her care. He made it to the Great Hall to join the second half of dinner. He sat with Ron and Hermione and Hermione handed him his homework and gave a brief overview of what he’d missed with Ron rolling his eyes all through her talking. She wasn’t amused and hit him with the book she’d been reading making Harry laugh.
He separated from them in the entrance hall heading down to his rooms, there was no sign of Snape so Harry sat and tried to do some homework. His brain was still feeling woozy from the Divination room and then laying down for too long so he gave up and went to bed.
The next morning he packed his bag as usual and headed to the great hall for breakfast. Most of the hall was full, the teachers all already there quietly chatting amongst themselves.
Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table where Ron and Hermione joined him ten minutes later.
Harry began to ask Hermione about borrowing her notes for help on their homework when they were interrupted by the arrival of the post. Harry wasn’t expecting anything but he knew Hermione got the Daily Prophet. The owl landed in front of her and handed her the newspaper. She paid him promptly and unravelled it, briskly shaking it out to read the front page headline.
Chatter immediately broke out around the hall and Harry caught the words ‘Potter’ and ‘Snape’. Harry sighed, what was the paper saying about him now.
He looked to Hermione whose mouth was ajar in shock. Her eyes were wide staring unseeing at the paper in front of her. It reminded Harry of when she’d been petrified and it made him very uncomfortable.
“Harry,” she said softly.
Harry caught sight of the headline.
A hush fell over the Great Hall, everyone turning almost simultaneously to the teachers table where Snape had stood trying to make a stealthy exit. That was when they all heard it, a deep low growl. It made Harry’s hair stand on edge; it was a terrifying sound, so low it seemed to be vibrating. It was such a primal sound of anger no one could quite work out where it was coming from.
Harry seemed to realise a split second before anything happened. He was halfway to his feet, his body reacting before his brain had even caught up, when it happened.
Lupin had leapt up, clear across the staff table and landed on Snape. He was snarling viciously tearing into the man. They rolled down the steps each hitting at one another, Snape grunting and Lupin howling and spitting in his face.
The Hufflepuff students nearest to the fit were scrambling away in fear hurrying backwards into one another trying to get away.
Harry was sprinting forward before he could stop himself. He pushed past the students and stood just on the edge of the fight watching in horror. There was blood everywhere; he couldn’t tell who it belonged to as each man seemed to be bruised and bloody.
Harry glanced at the teachers who were all watching silently. Where was Dumbledore? He would surely put a stop to this. He wasn’t there; it would have to be Harry as none of the teachers seemed to know what to do. Lupin was a werewolf, Harry didn’t know if he was infectious in his human form and he wasn’t all the keen to find out and neither were the teachers it seemed. Snape was in there though, Harry had to do something.
“Professor Lupin!” Harry called sharply but nothing happened.
“MOONY!” Harry yelled and Lupin froze, his head snapped toward Harry so sharply Harry heard it crack. That was all the opportunity Snape needed to blast the man off him. There was a flash of red and Lupin went flying backward, landing with a sick thud several feet away completely still.
Snape carefully sat himself up and Harry scurried forward crouching beside him ready to help him stand up.
“Get away idiot boy!” Snape growled, “That is werewolf blood, don’t touch it!”
Harry backed away quickly and quietly. The staff had moved now, coming forward to usher the students away, Madame Pomfrey vanished the blood from the floor and hurried over to Snape.
“Don’t!” Snape barked at her holding his wand warning her away. She stopped where she stood and stared at him.
“Call St. Mungo’s,” Snape ordered
“Are you deaf? GO NOW,”
Madame Pomfrey turned and sprinted from the hall, the students leapt out of her way knowing how serious this was.
Dumbledore strode in through the clear path of Pomfrey’s exit. He didn’t speak; he headed straight for Snape and crouched beside him, his wand waving back and forth slowly. The spell he was using was sung softly and carefully. Harry had never heard a healing spell like it ever before.
There were hands on his shoulders pulling him away. Harry turned and saw Ron behind him; the hall was nearly empty now. Professor McGonagall was there helping Ron pull Harry back with him.
“No,” Harry said and shook his head. He was fighting to get back to Snape; he had to know if the man was all right. He had to know Lupin was all right.
What had he said?
If he attacked a human he would be put down.
Harry began to struggle. Ron couldn’t hold him. He made it three steps forward before a large arm was wrapped around his waist pulling him back. Hagrid.
Harry had no hope fighting off Hagrid. He still struggled though, desperate to run forward to plead, to beg.
“NO!” Harry yelled as he was pulled further away.
Healers were rushing past him into the hall. He was in the entrance hall and the doors were being closed to the great hall.
“NO!” Harry cried, struggling in earnest.
The last thing he saw before the doors closed completely was Snape’s bloody bruised face and black eyes staring at him. Then there was nothing.
Snape had been taken to St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Harry didn’t know what happened to Lupin but he hoped he was there as well.
He sat silently on the couch in his rooms staring at the fire ignoring every person who came to knock on the door. The only one he hadn’t ignored had been Professor Dumbledore’s but that was because the headmaster hadn’t knocked. He had the password so he had simply walked in. He had updated Harry on Snape’s whereabouts assuring him they would have their potions master back very soon. Harry had opened his mouth to ask about Lupin when he caught sight of a fleck of blood on Dumbledore’s pale hand. His mouth had snapped shut and he sat in silence until Dumbledore had sighed and left.
He felt restless and jittery. He hoped Lupin was all right. He really hoped nothing happened but he knew he was being foolish. A room full of people had seen him leap up and attack Snape. All Harry could be thankful for was that no one from the Ministry had been there or Lupin would have been killed on the spot.
Harry stood suddenly and headed into the bedroom. His body seemed to be working on its own again.
I guess my mind and body will never be quite in sync, Harry thought idly thinking back on Madame Pomfrey’s words of letting his body catch up with his mind.
He grabbed his invisibility cloak and the Marauders Map. The whole castle was in lockdown while the Ministry investigated what happened this morning. Harry couldn’t stay here though.
He threw the cloak over himself and activated the map. Immediately ink began spreading in every direction like a spider’s web, creating pathways, rooms and staircases. It was a map of Hogwarts but it didn’t just show the rooms within it, it also showed all the secret passageways in and out of the castle and every single person wandering within it. Harry quickly found his name on the map and checked the corridor outside his room. It was clear so Harry carefully slipped out of the room and made his way up to the entrance hall. It was being patrolled by two men but Harry carefully and quietly walked past them making his way upstairs to the third floor. He encountered four more people on patrol but simply stood still and waited for them to walk past him. He made his way down the deserted third floor corridor and found a statue of an old humpbacked witch. He tapped his wand on her back and spoke the correct password. The hump opened revealing a tunnel and Harry quickly climbed in. He didn’t feel safe removing his cloak even in the concealed tunnel. He lit the tip of his wand and followed along the path keeping an eye on the map. He already knew where the tunnel wound up but as soon as he disappeared off the map he knew he had left Hogwarts grounds. It was a half hour walk through the tunnel before he met a set of stairs. He climbed them and pushed open the trap door, quickly climbing out. He was in the cellar of Honeydukes sweetshop. It was an unfortunate place to be in the middle of the night especially if one were without an invisibility cloak but that was not the case for Harry.
Harry carefully climbed the stairs into the main shop arriving behind the counter. He didn’t bother going out the front door knowing there was a bell above it that chimed when the door opened so the store owner would know when there were customers. Harry instead headed into the back room where there was a window. He pushed it open and carefully hoisted himself out into the alley behind landing gracefully and silently. He turned ready to head toward the street when he heard a noise. He turned sharply his wand out ready to attack.
“We must stop meeting like this Mr Potter,” Sirius said dryly very quickly his cloak was snatched off him and he was slapped over the back of the head.
“How did you know it was me?”
“The window opened by itself and I saw where you left some dust as you landed. There are only two people I know who are able to turn invisible and only one of them is stupid enough to sneak out of the castle through the secret passage that comes up beneath a shop. Why didn’t you use the Willow? At least then you’d have wound up in the shack. What if someone caught you here?”
“The school is in lockdown so I couldn’t get out to the willow,” Harry said
“Why is the school locked down? I didn’t attack it again did I?” Sirius asked and Harry stared at him.
“No, it wasn’t you... have you read the paper today?”
“What do you think I was looking for in the trash cans?” Sirius asked indicating behind himself.
“Food,” Harry muttered and Sirius shrugged.
“If I take food too often it gets suspicious, I usually only do it twice a week,” Sirius said and Harry nodded.
“What was in the paper that made the school lock down?” Sirius asked.
“It was an article about me, I didn’t read it though,” Harry said and Sirius frowned. “It’s a long story; will you come back with me?”
“Back? Into the castle? Harry, you do remember I am an accused mass murderer on the run right?”
“Please I just don’t want to be alone tonight,”
“Where’s Snape?”
“That’s part of the long story, we can’t talk here,”
“Well your right about that but Harry I can’t come into the castle with you,”
“Please, as Padfoot, you can hide in Snape’s rooms; no one will know you’re there but me, just for tonight please.”
“Oh the things I do for you kid,” Sirius sighed and Harry beamed. “Come on then and for fucks sake be quiet you stomp around like a Hippogriff.”
They carefully climbed back into the shop through the window, pausing to throw the cloak over themselves and made their way silently back down into the cellar and through the trapdoor.
An hour later had Harry back sitting on the couch in his room’s right where he’d started but feeling a lot better with Sirius beside him. Sirius was now clean and fresh from a shower wearing one of Snape’s sleep shirts. Harry was curled up leaning against him comforted by Sirius steady heartbeat beneath his ear.
“You have no idea how much I needed that shower,” Sirius said with a pleased sigh.
“Er, yeah I did,” Harry said and Sirius laughed.
“Now will you tell me how I am not going to be murdered when Snape waltzes in and catches me with you?”
Harry sighed and rolled over to face the man keeping his head on his chest.
“The paper this morning said I was pregnant,” Harry said.
Sirius went rigid beneath him.
“It’s not true of course!” Harry gushed and everything came pouring out.
Marrying Snape to get out of the tournament, getting dragged into the tournament anyway because of Voldemort, the Ministry and its incessant meddling in everything. How the Daily Prophet had been flip flopping between loving him and dragging him down with spiteful articles about Snape and himself. About how Fudge had given them marriage counselling and not so subtly hinted that they should be starting a family. Harry’s observation that the Minister was only pushing so hard for this to use it to force the perception of peace and how everyone adamantly refused to talk about Voldemort from Snape to Dumbledore to the press. How Snape had been working on a fake potion to trick everyone into thinking he was pregnant and then someone how that vile Rita Skeeter had found out and written about it making it front page news. Lupin had seen it and gone completely berserk attacking Snape in front of the whole school. Now Harry didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want Lupin to be killed or punished at all but the man had done something wrong and he was worried about Snape. Would he be a werewolf now?
“Shh, Harry, it’s okay,” Sirius said soothingly.
“How is this okay?”
“First off stop worrying so much. You have absolutely no control over the Ministry. They’re always going to be blind to whatever takes too much effort. You don’t have to fake a pregnancy, if you love Snape then that’s all you need. I don’t like it but I love you and I’ll support you, if you want to shout it from the roof tops I’ll boost you up. Secondly fuck Voldemort all right? Just fuck him for right now. He’s already gotten what he needs from you for now he won’t be coming after you for a while so you can relax a little on that front. Thirdly Snape won’t be a werewolf. Remus was in his human form. This doesn’t mean he’ll be the same he was. Lycanthropy is a disease and Snape will be affected by it, how exactly is hard to tell because I don’t know how many times he got scratched or bitten. Worst case scenario he half transforms with some paws or something but most likely it’ll be he’ll just become a lot more partial to rarer meats and a lot more irritable around the full moon. There’s nothing wrong with any of this though I know Snape doesn’t see it that way, you have to convince him you still care about him no matter what. Fourth I want to know how that bitch Skeeter found out you might be pregnant, obviously she can’t hear in here or she’d have heard about me and a whole lot of other juicy things. So she must have eyes and ears somewhere else in the school, any ideas?”
“Well she’s quoted Draco Malfoy a few times in her articles so he’s in contact with her but he wasn’t in the infirmary yesterday. That’s the only time Snape and I have discussed it outside these rooms.”
Sirius frowned in thought staring at the fire and Harry shuffled against him, snuggling closer.
“I wish I could just get her to stop,” Harry muttered, “I don’t understand why she has such a vendetta against me.”
“It’s not you Harry, unfortunately your life is just so different from any other fourteen year olds out there it makes good gossip and gossip is what apparently counts for news these days,” Sirius said.
Harry sighed closing his eyes.
“I’m just so tired of it Sirius, I’m so tired of everything,” Harry said and Sirius began to gently run his fingers through Harry’s hair. Harry sighed again relaxing deeper against the other man.
“Then go to sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up I promise,” Sirius said and Harry gave a soft smile.
“Tell me a story,” Harry whispered and Sirius frowned.
“I don’t know any,”
“Please, to help me fall asleep,” Harry begged and Sirius nodded. He couldn’t resist that request.
“Okay, this is the story of a boy and a girl,” Sirius said, “They met on a train heading to a magic castle where they would both learn magic. The boy loved her immediately but she didn’t feel the same way. He wouldn’t let that stop him though. He knew they were meant to get married. She was very stubborn though. He kept thinking of ways to win her heart, each attempt far crazier than the last. He had to get her to notice him, so he would sing her songs at breakfast, he would declare his love to her from the roof tops of the castle by throwing hundreds of notes all signed with his love from the tallest towers, he would dedicate every sporting victory to her name. He didn’t realise she already had noticed him but not in a good way. He had wanted so desperately to impress her that he would often be mean to any other boy that tried to be her friend, he wanted her all for himself, he would bully people and be mean to them and the girl noticed and she didn’t like it. So one day after he was particularly mean to some very undeserving people the girl came to him with a deal. If he could go an entire year without being mean to anybody, anybody at all she would go on one date with him. Well it was the hardest year of the boy’s life, sometimes he couldn’t help himself but he always stopped just in time because he had wonderful friends who stepped in to help. When the year was up the girl agreed to his proposed date when he told her he had done as she’d asked. On that date he told her he would always do everything she asked because he loved her. And she realised she might just love him too, sure he was an idiot and never really thought before he spoke but this past year he had really tried and he had learned a lot. Most importantly was to consider what he was saying to other people and how it might hurt them. Seeing that the boy truly had changed his ways the girl agreed to go on many more dates with boy. They fell madly and deeply in love and as is always the way with such things they got married. Two years later they had a wonderful little baby boy and their family was complete and they lived happily ever after.”
Harry was now fast asleep and Sirius gave him a small smile. He leant back on the couch letting his head fall back.
There was so much more that happened after that happily ever after but Sirius preferred the version where it ended there. He didn’t like to think about how the boy and the girl had been betrayed by a close friend or how an innocent man had been sent to prison or that the boy and the girl didn’t live to see their sons second birthday. But there were no happily-ever-afters in real life. No, real life was full of murders, lies and broken promises.
Wishing never solved anything but Sirius knew if he could just have only one wish it would be that Harry got his happily ever after, even if that happily-ever-after meant him staying with Snape.
Because, according, to one very wise and sufferer of great injustices Sirius Black, no one deserved a happily-ever-after more than Harry James Potter.
Happy Australia Day to my fellow Australians here and a happy Monday or Sunday to everyone else
I hope you like this chapter. I’m in the oddest mood so you get the oddest chapter. Well I think it’s odd anyway. Not much to say about it, tell me what you think.
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