Lucky Strike | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Sirius Views: 76316 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and make no money off this strange dance in JK Rowling's world. |
Beta'd by the most amazing Tenchi, who I can't thank enough for all the hard work she does for me!
With help from Lynn who works with me when it comes to flow, continuity and other issues.
Just a reminder of what's on my profile; reviews complaining or whinging about the lack 'o sex in stories will get deleted. If you want a smut-filled romp, you need to find another story to read.
Chapter 18
Slouched down in his bed, Harry sighed as he tried to get comfortable. That wasn't as easy as it sounded because every time he moved everything seemed to hurt, especially his chest. It was the day after the surgery, so he wasn't feeling the best. Looking at the clock by the bed, he gave another sigh. Nope, not time to take something for the pain yet either. This was bad.
Normally, he hated those pain killing draughts and wouldn't take them any longer than he had to, but this round of surgery made plenty of his bits hurt worse than they ever had before. In fact, they hurt as bad as when he got the injuries in the first place. That wasn't good either as it tended to trigger small flashbacks of what caused the scars. Shaking his head, he snagged his wand, wincing as he did, then cast the spell to ice down the small pad he had over his crotch, something that helped as that area hurt plenty.
Leaning his head back against the wall, he shut his eyes and sighed. He just wanted to go to sleep again, but everything hurt too much for that to happen. Which meant he had to wait for the pain killing draughts. After he ate something, that was. To take the one, he had to eat or he would be sick. He didn't feel like eating, but would, obviously.
After trying not to look at the clock again, he shook his head, wondering if everyone was back yet. Normally, after the surgeries, everyone stayed close. Today they had to be gone for an hour or so with something unavoidable. That he got. Lucius—obviously, as it was midweek, he was working. Severus had to get some ingredients to make up his draughts. That he understood. Sirius and Remus had to go to the Ministry about the court hearing the following week to set something up. That was mandatory. None of them would be long, they assured him of that, but they had to attend to the various things. He understood that. Miss Cissy was in the house, so he wasn't alone. It didn't bug him, he was just agitated because of the pain, nothing more. In fact, he normally liked the short times he was left alone. This time, though, it was just—he was going slightly mental from all of it. Nothing more than that.
Just as he was about to look at the clock again, there was a soft knock on his door before it opened a little. He knew it was safe, obviously, as those close were keyed into the wards on the room. Picking up Bugs, he looked at the door to see Miss Cissy poke her head in slightly. “You can come in,” he told her, assuming she was just checking on him again, something she had done a few times by now.
Opening the door completely, Narcissa came in, levitating a plate of food and something to drink. Smiling at Harry, she said, “Remus and Sirius are on their way back. They said to tell you that they should be here in fifteen minutes or so. As it's almost time for your pain draught, I brought you something to eat.” Coming over to the bed, she put the tray on the bedside table and conjured a tray for his lap.
“Thanks, Miss Cissy,” Harry said softly. He was used to Miss Cissy by now, of course, just not being alone in his bedroom with her when no one else was in the house. That had him on edge, though he knew she wouldn't do anything.
Putting the plate on the bed tray then the drink, Narcissa conjured a chair and took a seat, smoothing down her robes as she did. Looking around the room, she smiled. There were plenty of flowers and such from those that knew Harry with 'get well' wishes. Looking at the crystal roses in a vase by the bed, she said, “Oh, those are beautiful! Who sent them?”
“Remus, Severus and Sirius,” Harry told her after swallowing a bite of the roast beef. Picking up his wand, he tapped it on the clear vase then a rainbow of colors shot out from the flowers and danced along the walls. Grinning, he said, “I think it's brilliant! At night, it's awesome to watch.”
“Oh, that is wonderful,” she said, watching the colors move around. “I've not seen anything like it before.” Smiling as Bugs hopped towards her, nose twitching, she chuckled, “Yes, Bugs, I brought you some raisins. You know I wouldn't forget you.” Picking up the rabbit, she sat him on her lap then pulled the box out of her pocket before giving him one. Petting Bugs as he ate, she asked, “Aside from the pain, are you doing better?”
“The pain is the problem,” Harry admitted with a sigh, shaking his head.
“Any complications that you can tell?” She asked. That was something they needed to check on for the next several weeks, so she would ask and pass it along.
“Not that I can tell,” Harry told her as he took another bite. “It's just—it hurts.”
“I imagine,” she sighed, shaking her head as she petted Bugs. “I wrote to Draco so he knows you're fine and won't worry if he doesn't hear from you for a few days. Besides, it's something he would like to know.”
“Appreciated,” Harry nodded, looking at her.
Looking around the room, she smiled, “It's clean! Not like the last time I was in here.”
Unable to help himself, Harry grinned at that, “Yeah, the elves cleaned it up after you were in here last time. Sirius is still complaining he can't find anything.”
“He is such a slob,” she huffed, shaking her head. “Oh, that reminds me!” She added, shifting around a little and pulling a package out of her pocket. Enlarging it, she handed it over to him. “I saw that while picking up something else and thought you would like it.”
Taking it, brow furrowed, Harry opened it, being careful not to move too much or knock his food off the tray. Looking in the box, he grinned and pulled out what looked like a slightly smaller version of Bugs. “That's cool!” Putting the stuffed animal down on the bed, he watched it hop around a little, before settling on the foot of the bed. It looked almost exactly like Bugs, though it didn't have the grey on the belly and bottom of the paws.
“I thought you might like it to set on the dresser or something. Stuffed animals are generally for girls, I know, but it was too close to what Bugs looks like that I couldn't resist.” Narcissa explained with a smile.
“Yeah, he's good. I'll put him up on the dresser,” Harry chuckled, looking at the stuffed rabbit. Shaking his head as Bugs hopped back up on the bed then went over to check out the stuffed animal, he couldn't help but grin at that. It was odd to see, but funny. Petting Bugs as he came back over and curled up by him, he went back to eating.
Looking at the young man, Narcissa wasn't sure what to say to him. Harry was so hard to deal with as she knew how wary he was of her. It had taken time to get where she was now and she didn't want a setback in it either. However, she wanted him to know how much she cared, too. Sliding a bit closer, she reached out, making sure he saw her, and brushed some hair off his forehead. Looking at the tousled mop, she smiled and told him, “That hair! If Draco had the cowlicks you do, I would have gone mad trying to get it to lay down when he was younger.”
Snickering at that, looking at her, Harry said, “Nothing works as far as I know. It's always been like this.”
Shaking her head, she put a hand on his head and rubbed it, smiling. “I worry about you, especially at times like this. I know you're strong and get through anything, but I can't help it. It's just like I would for Draco.”
Stopping poking at his food, Harry looked at her, taking in what she said. He knew Severus, Remus, Sirius and Lucius felt that way, but she hadn't ever said such a thing. If it had come from another girl, he would wonder what they were up to. Miss Cissy, though—he didn't think that way. She was one he took it for what she said because of his contact with her. Smiling just a little, he said, “Thanks.”
“Nothing to thank me for,” she told him, gently cupping his cheek, pleased when he didn't pull back. “That first night—Harry, I wanted to take you in then. Despite how wary you were of me. Though we didn't, I'm still as protective of you as I am Draco and view you as a relative of sorts.” Lowering her voice, she told him, “I swear, Harry, I would never hurt you.”
“I know,” he said without thinking about it. And he did. Miss Cissy still unnerved him slightly because of his past, but she wouldn't hurt him.
Smiling at that, pleased to hear it from him for the first time, she continued, “You've brought many wonderful things into our lives and changed all of us, for the better. That, I thank you for. I know it's taken time for you to allow me close and am glad for the chance.” Not wanting to go any further into that as she didn't want to unnerve him with 'girly stuff', as he called it, she changed topics. “I was wondering if you wouldn't mind dropping the Miss Cissy bit. I think we know each other well enough by now that Cissy is just fine. I appreciate the respect with the miss title, I want that out there, but how about less formal. After all, I call you Harry. And you call Lucius by his first name. The same with everyone else you know well.”
Grinning at that, though flushing slightly at what she said, Harry nodded, “I think I can do that. Just give me some time to remember is all.”
“That isn't a problem,” she said with a dismissive wave and small smile. “Now,” she started, settling back as Harry began eating again, “I have a proposal that's a surprise for Draco. I was wondering if you'd be interested.”
“What's that?” Harry asked, curious, as he ate some more. As this was Miss Cissy, he didn't expect anything too bad, but wanted to know.
“Though it's a ways off, I was wondering if you would like to come with us to meet Draco at the station when he comes home from school,” she said. Seeing his eyes widen, knowing the issue there, she held up a hand. “Let me explain the plan.” After a wary nod from him, she pressed on, “My thought was this; we do that, but all of us go. Including Remus, Severus and Sirius. As Severus was a terror as a teacher and plenty of those on the train had him, most won't come close when he gets that intimidating look on his face.”
Knowing what Severus' former students were like when it came to him, Harry grinned. “Very true,” he admitted with a nod.
“We can enlist Molly and Arthur to stand with us as well. I know Molly isn't your favorite person in the world, but most don't want to set her off either and she has no problem telling people to back off. I thought all of us could stand together and surprise Draco. Once he's off the train, we won't be there long and you can come home. What do you think?” Stopping, she waited to see what he said.
Pondering that, Harry looked at her. While he thought it would be fun, especially to see Draco's look when he was there, the fact that so many people would be around would unnerve him. Brow furrowed, he asked, “How long do we have to be there?”
“Unless the train is late, something that never happens, about fifteen minutes. That's all. We'll all be around you so the fools stay away,” Narcissa assured him. “Lucius—many are still very wary of him, something you're aware of. Severus—we've discussed that. Sirius snarls plenty, as you well know, when it comes to people wanting to come close to you. Between all of us, they'll stay away. We'll find a place at the very end of the platform so we can be as far away as possible and we won't have people on both sides. This won't be worse than going to the Alley for something. You do that plenty.”
Not having thought of it that way, Harry nodded slowly. “Let me think about it, alright? I like the idea, I just need to think it over.”
Having expected a flat out no, Narcissa was pleased. Patting his hand, she told him, “Take all the time you want. We have plenty before the end of term comes. I thought it would be something fun for both of you. He wouldn't expect it and you would get to see him surprised. That's not something that happens much.”
“True,” Harry chuckled, nodding as he did. This idea—though it unnerved him like so many other new activities they did, he liked the idea of it. As long as they didn't have to stay long, he thought he could handle it. “We don't have to actually go into the station, do we? I mean, we can Apparate in and out so we don't have to deal with the Muggles?”
“We usually Apparate in and out,” Narcissa nodded, hoping this was a good sign as to his leanings on the idea. “You can use the Floo as well. There's no need to go out among the Muggles if you don't have to.”
“I'll think about it,” Harry said again, already tossing it back and forth in his mind.
“I think you would love to see the train. It's rather a rite of passage for most of us. You won't use it, of course, but it's rather symbolic. Even to see it is amazing and gives you a wonderful feeling,” Narcissa told him with a smile. “This would be a safe way to do that.”
“The train—yeah, that's something I would like to see,” Harry nodded. “I've heard about it from everyone and would like to see it for myself.”
“Think it over and we'll discuss it more when the time draws closer,” she told him with a smile. Changing topics again, she started telling him about how the teachers at the school were trying to figure out what happened with the unicorn.
As he ate and listened to Miss Cissy, Harry felt a bit better. The pain was still there, that was for damned sure, but he could focus on what Miss Cissy was saying, something that distracted him from it. That helped.
Holding the dozy Harry close, Sirius glanced at the clock again. Not time yet. He was going to use the spell to put the cream on where the scars were removed, but they needed to wait for the pain draught to fully kick in before he did that as it would cause plenty of pain itself. So, it was best for it to get into Harry's system and him to fall asleep before he applied it. Quietly, he explained what they did at the Ministry. “What we're going to do is this; all of us are going to go to court. As we know you don't want to attend, you're going to sit in Rufus' office with him while we do that. That good with you, Harry?”
“Yeah, I'm good with that,” Harry slurred out, rubbing his eyes with one shaking hand.
“You can come with us if you want,” Sirius told him gently. “I think it would do you good, actually.”
“No, no chance,” Harry told him with a shake of his head. “I don't want to see them.”
“Understood,” Sirius nodded. “I just wanted it out there as a choice.”
“Appreciated,” Harry sighed, leaning his head back against Sirius' shoulder and holding Bugs close with one arm.
“From what Madam Bones told us, it's a fairly open and shut bit. Nothing that's going to take long. They're pleading guilty to everything, so it's just a matter of sentencing them,” Sirius explained.
“What are they getting?” Harry asked, eyes sliding shut as the draught worked.
“Fines. Heavy ones,” Sirius sighed. “It's not enough, we all admit that, but it's all they can do. The prosecutor is going to add in that he wants the restraining order kept in place. That's only six months. We'll see about keeping it renewed when it ends. It's all they can do, Harry. Everyone, Madam Bones included, doesn't like it, but it's all they can manage.”
“I get it,” Harry sighed, giving a small shake of his head. “Arseholes.”
“An assessment I'll agree with,” Sirius snorted, grinning a little as he did. “It's nothing to worry about. Everyone has told us that. There's nothing they can really fight when it comes to the adoption and other bits. You're too close to seventeen for them to try. Anything they want to accomplish with that will end up moot when your birthday hits. Even if they make hints, our solicitor can draw it out until then. You're staying right where you are.”
“Good,” Harry breathed as he began to drift away from the effects of the draught. It was good to know that part as he floated off to sleep and eased his mind.
Giving Harry a squeeze and kissing him on top of the head, Sirius just held him, talking about some other areas, nothing he would have to remember, as he fell asleep. This was good, though. Harry was relaxed and not overly stressed. And he was sleeping. That part wouldn't fix what was going on, but it could only help Harry get a grip on whatever it was. Perfect.
Stopping when he heard his name, Draco immediately plastered a sneer on his face when he recognized the voice. Hand on his wand, he spun around to face the Potter girl, Sarah, then asked, “What do you want?”
Holding her books to her chest so Draco didn't take anything as her being aggressive, making sure her wand was tucked safely away, she asked, looking around to see if anyone was close, “I just wanted to know how Harry was. We heard he had surgery yesterday.” That was all over the common room yesterday. Those that seemed to know Harry didn't appear overly concerned, but they wouldn't talk either. And none of them knew if he was alright. Which had her curious.
“Why do you care?” Draco snapped. “It's none of your business anyway.”
“He's my brother,” Sarah sighed. “And—well—I want to make sure he's alright.”
“He's not your brother,” Draco sneered. “Your parents abandoned him on a doorstep.”
Sighing, looking down, Sarah said softly, voice quivering slightly, “I'm not Jamie, Draco. I don't act that way. Whatever you say I won't pass along to anyone. All I want to know is if Harry is alright, nothing more.”
“He's fine,” Draco told her in a cold tone. “That's all you need to know.”
Lifting her chin, Sarah looked at him then said a soft, “Thanks. That's all I really wanted to know. It's—well—I'm sorry, Draco. You can tell him that. I'm sorry for what my parents did. I'm sorry for what he went through. I'm sorry for how bad he was hurt. All of it. Mum and dad are, too. I know no one believes that, but they are. He's not my brother anymore, I understand that. And I'm glad he has parents that love and take care of him. It's just—I don't know.” Shaking her head, she didn't know what else to say.
“Understood,” Draco said, tone softer than before.
“Jamie—he's not handling this well. There's so much we weren't told about what happened. The first we heard about some of it was what you said to Jamie. Jamie—this is hard on him.” Sarah sighed.
“And it's going to keep getting worse if he continues,” Draco told her, crossing his arms over his chest. “He needs to shut his mouth on topics he knows nothing about and stop blaming Harry.”
“I'm trying, I really am,” Sarah sighed. “Just—please don't do anything to him. Let me see what I can manage to get him to shut up about Harry. It's just—all this is so different than what we're used to and were told all these years. It takes time to adjust.”
“Normally, 'adjusting' doesn't mean running your mouth and alienating everyone by spouting a bunch of codswallop that isn't true,” Draco shot right back, eyes narrowing.
“I know,” Sarah told him, shoulders slumping. “Give me time.”
“If he keeps on with me, he's going to regret it, Potter,” Draco warned truthfully. “I won't tolerate it. I'm also not going to tolerate him taking after my friend when he's not here to defend himself. Especially since he doesn't know what he's talking about.”
“Just give me time, that's all I ask,” Sarah said, clutching her books tighter to his chest. “I'll try to keep him away from you until he stops.”
“I don't see that working,” Draco snorted, shaking his head.
After another glance around to make sure no one was coming, she asked, “Can I see one picture of him? We've not seen any of Harry other than when he was a baby. I just want to see what he looks like.”
Thinking about that for a minute, Draco said, “I'll consider it. Give me time.”
Taking that answer for what it was, figuring it was the best she would get, Sarah nodded. “I understand. Thanks for letting me know he's alright.” After another nod, she headed towards the library to study for a while.
Watching the girl go, Draco shook his head, not sure what to think. He knew this Potter wasn't the loud mouth her brother was, but he sure wasn't going to let her close either. However, it took a lot to apologize for what her parents did, even if it wasn't her place to do so. He would take that for what it was and press on. Jamie, though—somehow he doubted he and that prat wouldn't have more problems before the term was over. In fact, he was sure a big blowup was coming if the idiot didn't knock it off. And he would relish imparting the lessons that fool needed to learn.
Waiting until the girl vanished when she turned, Draco then began to head back to the dorm. This was not only something he was going to have to ponder, but tell his parents about as well. He doubted it would make any difference to the mess going on, but it was best they know so they could pass it along. After all, they both did their best to protect Harry, so all the information he could give them would only help do that.
As he walked along, he reminded himself to ask about the upcoming court date. It was something he wanted to know about. In fact, he wanted to see if his father could get him out of the castle to attend. He didn't think that was possible, but he wanted him to try. Harry—he was good by him and wanted to give the idiots who pulled this stunt a piece of his mind. He wouldn't get to do that in court, of course, but he could let them know he was there and hear them get slapped over it. That he wanted, more than anything.
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