Yuletide Blessing in Disguise | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 123887 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 10 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any related properties--all rights belong to Rowling. Nor do I make any money from the production of this work. |
In the Serpent's Wake Part 1
“Bloody hell!” Ron moaned when an hour and twenty minutes had gone by and there was still no sign of Harry. “What’s taking so bloody long?”
Neville shrugged, looking extremely anxious; Ginny and Luna were both highly agitated, fidgeting as they perched on the edge of their seats. Parvati would have no doubt been squirming with alarm too, but she was currently with Lavender and Viktor Krum in a tent near the stands.
Krum was the only one who had returned with his hostage within the time limit. After another ten minutes passed, when no one else had returned, Dumbledore dove into the lake and reappeared ten minutes later with Cedric under one arm. But there was still no sign of either Harry or Fleur. Dumbledore looked like he was about to dive back into the lake and Madame Maxime looked like she was preparing to join him.
“Looks like your loser pal snuffed it, Weasleby,” Draco gloated.
“Shut your mouth, Malfoy,” Ron snarled. “Or I’ll shut it for you.”
“Probably got eaten by a Sea Serpent,” said Draco, laughing. Crabbe and Goyle both sniggered sycophantically.
Ron leapt to his feet, ready to punch that smarmy bastard, but Neville grabbed him.
“Look,” said Neville, pointing out at the lake, “That’s him isn’t it? ... and Fleur too. Looks like they’ve got all the rest of the hostages too.”
Malfoy looked disappointed.
“Hah!” said Ron. “Looks like you’re the loser if you bet on Harry’s death, Malfoy!”
“We’ll see,” Malfoy sneered. “It’s not over yet, Weasleby.”
The entire stands went quiet as the crowd watched the lake, waiting with bated breath while the last two Champions drew nearer to the shore. When Harry and Fleur finally arrived at the platform and Madame Maxime and Dumbledore had started hauling hostages from their arms the throng let out a collective sigh of relief... mostly.
The Slytherin contingent remained relatively unconcerned either way, and Malfoy openly scowled when Harry and Hermione clambered onto the platform. Ron was about to let out a cheer, but as Harry began talking to Dumbledore, blood started pouring from Harry’s middle, puddling on the platform, and he keeled over.
Malfoy let out a loud whoop as they watched Dumbledore carrying a limp Harry to the medical tent.
“I told you, Weasleby!” Malfoy gleefully crowed. “He’s a goner!”
“Potter’s dead... Potter’s dead... Potter’s dead...” Malfoy began hollering, as if he was trying to coax the rest of the Slytherins into a chant, but only Crabbe and Goyle and a smattering of Slytherins were idiotic enough to join in.
The fourth chant of “Potter’s dead...” were the last words out of Malfoy’s mouth when he was bowled over by Neville.
“Harry’s not dead!” Neville shouted, punching Malfoy on the nose. “You take that back!”
Ron was taken by surprise, having thought that he would be the first one to get a punch in, but his momentary hesitation ended when Crabbe and Goyle entered the fray. Ron launched himself into their midst, pummeling anyone in reach.
At least three older Slytherins joined the melee, and when Fred and George managed to push their way through the throng of onlookers they furiously piled on top, pounding away while Ginny and Luna both yelled at everyone to stop.
Finally, Professors McGonagall and Flitwick managed to make their way through the crowd - who were mostly cheering on the outnumbered Gryffindors - to put a stop to the brawl.
“THAT IS ENOUGH!” McGonagall bellowed, amplifying her voice with a Sonorus Charm.
All the fighters immediately came to a halt.
“Right then,” she yelled, “I know who started this ruckus, but who threw the first punch?”
“Erm... That would be me,” Neville moaned miserably, waving a hand from under Crabbe who was still sitting on top of him.
“I am very disappointed in you, Mr Longbottom,” said Professor McGonagall severely, but the barest hint of a twinkle in her eye and the slightest upward curve at the corners of her pursed lips suggested otherwise. “But it was very brave of you to own up to it. Very well, I am afraid that will be twenty points from Gryffindor...”
Then McGonagall turned her hardened gaze and sharp tongue on the rest of the combatants.
“For the rest of you, that will be ten points lost apiece. Seven Slytherins, and four Gryffindors - you do the math!” she snapped “There will also be five detentions for every participant... and fifty points from Slytherin for Mr Malfoy’s deliberate provocation...”
Cries of “But that’s not fair,” rose from the Slytherins involved in the altercation.
“Care to make that a hundred points, lads?” shouted Flitwick just as Snape managed to break through the crowd.
“Now, now, Filius,” Snape hissed, his eyes narrowed at the diminutive Charms professor, “let us not be hasty until we determine the true cause of this mess. Surely you and Minerva wouldn’t want to be accused of favouritism...”
“Oh, that’s rich, coming from you of all people!” said Flitwick, bristling angrily.
“And I think I will make it a hundred points from Slytherin for Mr Malfoy’s disgusting behaviour!” said McGonagall, drawing herself up haughtily. “Never, in all my years... And perhaps you should check yourself into the hospital wing to have your hearing and eyesight checked, Severus!
“There are well over two hundred witnesses in the immediate vicinity who will attest to Mr Malfoy’s appalling lack of respect for a possibly fatally wounded student - including me! Everyone saw and heard him attempt to instigate a chant gloating over the fate of Mr Potter. ... I am the deputy headmistress of this school, and I’m not having it!” McGonagall thundered. “... Is that clear, Severus?”
“Crystal!” Snape snapped before spinning around in a furious whirl of robes and stalking away through the crowd, which quickly parted to allow the angry professor passage.
Everyone had been so distracted that nobody had noticed Dumbledore and a pink haired girl diving into the lake, joined by a tall Auror with a shaved head. So they were very surprised to have to wait for another hour and a half to find out what on earth was going on.
Ludo Bagman tugged at his collar nervously when a very soggy Dumbledore approached the judge’s bench, leaving a trail of puddles in his wake. Percy Weasley frowned in puzzlement at the headmaster.
“What’s going on, Professor?” asked Percy, in an officious tone. “Why can’t we just get this over with? Krum is clearly the winner of this round, isn’t he?”
“Ah, well, that is a very interesting question indeed, Mr Weasley,” said Dumbledore gravely. “All is not quite as clear as it seems. And perhaps Ludo can help provide some answers...”
Dumbledore raised his bushy white eyebrows at Bagman and Ludo gulped.
“What on earth do you mean?” asked Percy. “What does Ludo have to do with it?”
“Well, for one thing, perhaps Ludo can give us a reason for the presence of a Sea Serpent and Water-Sprites in the Black Lake. None were scheduled for this task...”
“Oh, that’s easy!” said Percy, ignoring Bagman’s frantic waving at him to get his attention. “Either Ludo or I can answer that. The Senior Undersecretary suggested that we add them to this task...”
Bagman cringed and Dumbledore looked shocked.
“After how easily the Champions handled the Dragons, the Senior Undersecretary thought that we should up the stakes a bit - make the Champions actually work for it,” Percy continued, looking very pleased with himself. “And she thought we ought to make them last minute additions to discourage cheating.”
“Indeed!” said Dumbledore, his gaze growing icier by the minute. “And if a Champion had died, after we had made so much effort to minimise the risk of fatalities, what then?”
“Well, Britain is indemnified in that case. All contestants were informed that there were still some risks,” said Percy, who was starting to become annoyed.
“Mr Potter was neither informed, nor was he a willing participant,” Dumbledore pointed out coldly.
“Well that’s hardly the Ministry’s fault,” Percy snapped. “I don’t see how that changes the outcome of this task.”
Bagman slunk back, as if trying to make himself as invisible as possible, his eyes darting around shiftily.
“Well, then perhaps you or Ludo can tell me why Harry Potter was the only contestant targeted by the Sea Serpent and the Water-Sprites.”
“Er...” Percy was briefly taken aback, but it didn’t last very long. “Now look here, Dumbledore,” he responded indignantly, “you can’t seriously be insinuating that the Ministry had anything to do with that! That’s preposterous! ... They’re just beasts - subject to their own natural instincts! How would the Ministry have any control over that?”
“How indeed, Mr Weasley... How indeed? That is the first sensible point you have raised,” said Dumbledore sadly. “Of that, Madame Maxime has agreed to invite the French authorities to conduct an independent investigation as a third party without any conflicts of interest. I have no doubt that Amelia will consent to the arrangement.
“In any case, the Sea Serpent and the Water-Sprites were hardly the only obstacles targeted specifically at Harry which he was forced to contend with. But on this next question, I doubt the Ministry had any involvement. However, I expect Ludo could offer his counsel, given his acquaintance with a certain... unsavoury element of the Goblin Nation.”
“G-g-goblins?” Bagman stammered, managing to look both surprised and guilty at the same time. “Wh-why would you say that, Dumbledore?”
“Ah, you were witnessed at both the World Cup and in Hogsmeade consorting with known goblin bookmakers... whom are believed to have associations with elements of the goblin criminal underworld.”
“Oh! Th-them,” said Bagman, a bit too brightly. “Just a bit of harmless wagering - all perfectly legal and aboveboard, I can assure you. But what does that have to do with the Second Task?”
“That is another mystery which I intend to solve,” said Dumbledore, “And I have no doubt that Madam Bones will insist on heading up the investigation. ... You see, Auror Shacklebolt and I discovered some evidence of a goblin kill-team - no doubt associated with some of the criminal elements to which I was referring - which attempted to assassinate Harry before he reached the Mer-village...”
“I had nothing to do with that!” Bagman blurted out, looking honestly shocked.
“Hmm,” said Dumbledore, his expression pensive, “We shall see. If, however, your bookie associates are connected to the criminals responsible for the attempt on Harry Potter’s life, you may still be facing an inquiry to determine the extent of your involvement...”
“Come on!” Percy sputtered in outrage. “This is getting ridiculous! You’re seeing conspiracies everywhere now, Dumbledore. Ludo’s reputation is unassailable!”
“You really have no idea, do you?” said Dumbledore, smiling for the first time, albeit somewhat wryly. “Well, I’m sure it will all come out in the wash, Mr Weasley. Now, to discuss how this all affects the Second Task...”
“Look,” said Percy sharply, “the decision is clear! Viktor Krum won fair and square.”
“I concur wholeheartedly!” said Karkaroff, his eyes narrowing at Dumbledore.
“No doubt!” Dumbledore retorted. “Though, I fail to see how any of this is fair and square, and I am sorely tempted to call upon the Triwizard Committee for a nullification of all scores for the Second Task and call it a draw...”
“You can’t do that Dumbledore!” Percy barked. Bagman looked like he thought it best to stay out of this entirely.
“Can’t I?” Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. “The rule-book gives any headmaster the right to challenge the results of any event. However, just because I am tempted, does not mean I shall. ... Mr Krum did indeed fulfill all requirements of the Task, and it would be unfair to deprive him of his well earned victory....”
Karkaroff immediately relaxed, though Percy still looked wary.
“So all that remains is to determine how to score the remaining contestants...”
“But they didn’t return within the time limit!” Percy burst out. “They should all be disqualified!”
“And yet, of your own admission Mr Weasley, the Ministry saw fit to introduce dangerous elements to the tournament without notifying the headmasters of any changes - a matter which I will be taking up with Cornelius and the Triwizard Committee by the way - which were clearly directed at a single target. So you are hardly in any position to be adhering to previously established rules.
“Not to mention the additional factor of outside forces arrayed against Harry Potter. So at the least, in regards to Harry, the time limit should not be considered a factor. ... However, as it would be unfair to disregard the time factor for a single contestant, I propose the time constraint should be dismissed altogether...”
“Yes... yes! Of course, Dumbledore,” said Bagman, dabbing at his sweaty brow with a hanky. “I quite agree.”
Percy goggled at Bagman in surprise; then he turned towards Dumbledore and opened his mouth as if to object, then shut it again and scowled, apparently thinking better of disagreeing with his colleague.
“Very good!” said Dumbledore, “Olympe, who will be here momentarily, has already indicated her approval of my suggestion... Ah, yes - there she is now...” Dumbledore nodded gratefully at Madame Maxime as she took her seat. “Now, all that remains is for Igor to offer his thoughts on the matter...”
“By all means, Dumbledore,” said Karkaroff magnanimously. “You have my consent.”
“Excellent! Then let’s get down to it, shall we?” said Dumbledore. “Olympe was willing to cede the second place position to Mr Potter, given that he was the second to arrive at the hostage site and waited until Miss Delacour also arrived safely - at great risk to his own safety I might add - and was preparing to conduct a search for Mr Diggory until Miss Delacour persuaded him to return with her.
“However, Harry would hear none of it, stating that he might have never made it back with all three hostages without Miss Delacour’s assistance. Therefore, if everyone agrees, I propose that we award both Mr Potter and Miss Delacour a tie for second place, and Mr Diggory third place as he was not able to complete the task.”
Dumbledore paused for everyone to murmur or nod to indicate their assent. Percy didn’t look very happy about it, and he was the last to agree after Bagman enthusiastically offered his support. Which was no doubt an attempt by Bagman to deflect any possible criticism of his role in the turn of affairs.
“Very well then,” said Dumbledore, “Ludo, if you would be so kind as to announce the score.”
Still wiping his brow, Ludo Bagman sighed with relief and picked up his bullhorn. At least he hadn’t lost his shirt on this round...
Hermione felt much better now that she knew Harry was out of the woods, but she was still very concerned.
“Are you sure you can manage this, Harry?” she asked.
“Yeah... it’s not like I really care about who won - but I ought to make an appearance with the others.”
“Alright then,” said Hermione dubiously.
Harry groaned dizzily as he sat up in the cot. Hermione put an arm around him to help him up while Madam Pomfrey looked on in disapproval. Pomfrey wasn’t pleased about it, but she had agreed that Harry could join the other Champions when the scores were announced.
Hermione helped Harry stagger outside to be assailed by a roar of cheers and applause from the stands. He blinked in the bright sunlight as he and Hermione stood next to Fleur, Cedric, and Viktor while Bagman’s voice echoed across the grounds of Hogwarts with the results of the Second Task.
“Well done, Harry!” Cedric smiled wanly at Harry when the second place winners were announced and looked very embarrassed.
Viktor, with Lavender in tow, shook Harry’s hand. “I hear vot happened - I am thinking zat you deserve first place - to defeat a Sea Serpent, zat alone is most deserving...”
Hermione, still practically holding Harry up, smiled proudly at him. Fleur beamed radiantly at them both. Numerous cameras in the stands were flashing.
“Bien joué, ‘Arry,” said Fleur, giving Harry a kiss on the lips. “Zat ees for being so brave and waiting for me.” And then, much to Hermione’s surprise, Fleur gave her a kiss on the lips as well. “And zat is for being my friend, bon ami.”
Hermione blushed furiously, turning redder than Harry. She gave Dora an apologetic look, hoping she wouldn’t be cross, but Dora was just laughing.
“You two oughta see the expressions on your faces - Priceless!” Dora chortled. “Mind you, there’ll probably be loads of pictures...”
Grimnut was trembling badly while he waited in his office for Chief Bloodaxe to arrive. He briefly wondered if he should make a break for it, but he was dead for sure if he tried to do a bunk. It was better to take his lumps, even if it did mean being demoted from a top lieutenant to a foot soldier in the Kruella Syndicate.
He didn’t know how it had all gone so wrong. Potter had gone up against one of the best Kill Teams the Syndicate had. He had fought harder and more skillfully than most wizards twice his age. Potter had clearly been trained by a Master highly skilled in non-magical fighting techniques and tactics.
That was the only logical explanation. Grimnut just hoped that Chief Bloodaxe would see it the same way.
One Executioner dead, three badly injured - one of which was now missing a hand. The other two had been lucky to escape with their lives, and if Potter had been more ruthless and finished the job properly, they would be.
Thankfully their survival gave them the opportunity to clean up most of the evidence. It would be nearly impossible to link the attack to the Kruella Syndicate in particular - whatever evidence was found could just as easily be attributed the Magmatok Gang or the Ragnagorok Clan, or any of a dozen minor gangs even if the National Inquiry Unit assigned a team of investigators to the task.
And at least Potter hadn’t come in first. The Syndicate had at least recouped their losses from the the First Task, even if they hadn’t come out ahead by making sure Potter came in last - if at all. So it wasn’t a dead loss, Grimnut reassured himself.
Upon flooing back to the Ministry, Ludo Bagman made his way through the labyrinthine passages to the Senior Undersecretary’s office after a rickety elevator ride, still wiping sweat from his forehead. He waved off everyone who tried to stop him and ask about the tournament.
“I’m sure there’ll be something in the Prophet tomorrow, Bentley,” he muttered to a Ministry accountant, hoping that Dumbledore would maintain his propensity for keeping things close to his vest. It wouldn’t do to have all of his accusations spread across the front page of every newspaper.
“Afternoon Margaret,” Bagman said with a nod to the Senior Undersecretary’s secretary upon reaching her office.
“She’s already waiting for you sir,” the secretary beamed.
“Yes, thank you,” he said, forcing his face into something approximating the grin he was known for.
Bagman swallowed nervously, and halted briefly in front of the Senior Undersecretary’s door. He took a deep breath to steel himself and pushed it open, marching boldly into the lion’s den. Bagman nodded in greeting at the platinum haired Warlock seated in front of the Senior Undersecretary’s desk.
“Afternoon, Lucius, Dolores,” Bagman took another deep breath. “I think we’ve got a problem...”
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