Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 291248 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
Monsters and Demons
Serpents vs Snakes
Quirrell had made it past Fluffy and the Devil’s Snare; he had caught the key with blue wings and played through the giant wizard’s chess game, and he had solved the Potions riddle. It had been so ridiculously simple that he reckoned a reasonably intelligent first year could have made it all the way through.
If Quirrell hadn’t known any better, he would have thought that Dumbledore wanted the Philosopher’s Stone to be found. But he did know better. Dumbledore was simply an arrogant old fool, believing that the Dark Lord was dead and gone and that all he had to contend with were students and lesser wizards.
To be sure, there had been moments when Quirrell had worried that Dumbledore or Snape suspected that something was amiss, but nothing had come of them. In retrospect it had been a mistake to break into Gringotts and arouse suspicions. He should have known that Dumbledore would never leave the Stone in anyone else’s care for too long.
Still, no harm had come from the event, and now here he was in the very last chamber, somewhere deep under the castle, possibly deeper than the dungeons; and there, before him on a marble plinth lay a ruby-red gemstone, glittering in the flickering torch-light.
“It is here,” said Quirrell, his eyes gleaming with avarice.
“Finally,” hissed a high, cold voice, “At long last the Philosopher’s Stone is within my grasp.”
But that cold voice wasn’t escaping Quirrell’s lips, it was emanating from within his turban.
“Do you have the replacement?” asked the eerie serpentine voice.
“I do, my lord,” Quirrell replied, retrieving from his pocket the crystal he had brought along for this very purpose. “I need but a moment to transfigure it to resemble the Philosopher’s Stone. None shall know it was switched until it is returned to Flamel and he attempts to use it.”
“Very good,” the voice responded, “Now be quick about it. We must return to the quidditch pitch soon lest we give anyone reason to doubt you. ... In any case, I wish to witness more of Potter’s debasement. It is only a small measure of vengeance, but it pleases me, and you may use the Granger girl as your reward.”
“Thank you Master,” said Quirrell, “You are most gracious.”
Quirrell brandished his wand, uttering a series of incantations; the clear crystal in his hand grew red as if filling with blood and reshaped itself until it was the spitting image of the gemstone on the plinth. He swapped it out and placed the real Philosopher’s Stone in a mokeskin pouch which dangled like a pendant from a slender gold chain around his neck.
His task complete, Quirrell passed back through the black flames guarding the entrance of the chamber and returned the way he had come.
In one of her lucid moments, Harriet wondered how much time had passed. It was difficult to tell in this weather. She could just make out the stands through the flurries of snow swirling around her, and they looked nearly empty now save for a hundred or so people in the Visitors section. They appeared to be eating now, suggesting that it was lunchtime.
Harriet just hoped that Hagrid was right about Dumbledore’s special Impervious spell and that Hermione wasn’t freezing to death.
For her part, the snow wasn’t bothering Harriet in the least. It was a welcome balm as it melted on her burning skin, overheated as she was from the incessant orgasms. Harriet had often wondered if she could die from shame and humiliation, but she hadn’t yet, and now she wondered if it was possible to die from feeling too good. She seriously wasn’t sure how much more she could take.
At least she wasn’t upside down at the moment. Every so often the behemoth would reposition Harriet, sometimes in almost but not quite painful contortions, as if it delighted in playing with her roughly; like she had once seen the neighbour’s boy playing almost sadistically with one of his sister’s dolls when she had peered through the fence in the backyard one day.
Of course, as bendy as she was now, Harriet knew she wasn’t going to break - at least not as long as the monster wasn’t inclined to rip her limb from limb. She only felt some discomfort if she resisted the convolutions it was putting her through.
At the moment Harriet had both arms bound together behind her back and yanked away from her body, putting pressure on her shoulders, and her ankles were now stretched above head, her legs still widely splayed. And every orifice was still being occupied by powerful, sinewy tentacles of course.
Harriet was thus surprised when the tentacles currently fucking her retreated, wetly pulling out of her passages. As the long pink cock slid out of her throat it pulsed, filling her mouth with semen before drenching her entire head with copious jets of cum. Harriet gasped and sputtered, at once relieved to have her throat clear of blackages, but briefly flashing back to the terror of being nearly drowned.
She managed to open one eye to see what was going on, the other being too coated in semen. The one eye widened in alarm when she saw six pink cock shaped tentacles - all several inches thicker than the one which had been plugging her throat, about as fat as the Centaur penises - heading for her vagina and anus.
No way, Harriet thought. Impossible! There was no way they were all going to fit inside her and Harriet screamed, her initial panic renewed. The first two demon penises powered their way into her two lower entrances simultaneously, driving into her depths.
Harriet’s breath was taken away as they pummeled her vagina and rectum, the sudden pain jarring after the unceasing ecstasy. She gasped and groaned, sweating profusely when the next two tentacles forced their way inside her to join the first pair, stretching her channels wider than she thought possible.
The third pair gave her no time to adjust, spiraling into her cunt and arsehole beside the others. Harriet was panting heavily now as the three in front and the three in the back thrashed about inside her like angry snakes wrestling one another.
Almost in tears, it felt to Harriet like they were twining around each other as if braiding themselves together. After about ten minutes the serpentine cocks finally seemed to have arranged themselves into a tolerable formation and slowly began fucking her in a twirling motion, her lower abdomen bulging with every thrust.
Gradually the pain of the violent intrusion began to subside as they settled into a steady rhythm, and the pleasurable sensations of the tendril tugging her fleshy pearl and the somewhat thicker tendrils milking her nipples became discernible once more. To Harriet’s surprise and relief, as the tentacles picked up the pace, quite literally screwing her, a rush of euphoria began sweeping through her again despite her bottom-hole and cunt being stuffed beyond all reason.
Apparently sensing Harriet’s more relaxed state, the mile-long penis hovering near her head approached her face once more, rubbing its bulbous, leaking knob against her cheeks and lips. Harriet opened her lips, allowing it to reenter her mouth and slide across her tongue before snaking down her throat again.
As the intensity of the violation of all her wet, heated passages increased, the surges of euphoria reached a crescendo and Harriet started squirming wildly, climaxing again and again. Her cascading orgasms triggered an even more powerful response from the Shokushu, and every single tentacle-penis erupted; she felt them spasming convulsively, releasing voluminous salvos of cum into her stomach and flooding her womb and colon with every pulse.
Harriet suddenly found herself being drenched from head to toe as she was blasted with torrents of semen jetting from several even more massive pink tentacles as great in girth as tree-trunks, gallons of spunk spraying all over her with the force of a firehose. Lost as she was in the throes of ecstasy, Harriet wasn’t worried in the least, knowing that for all its ferocity the mountainous Japanese Demon wouldn’t let her drown in sperm.
Hermione was distracted from her persistent shivering as the relentless gusts of wind blew snow all over her nude figure when she heard the shuffling sound of footsteps approaching from the castle.
Professor Quirrell came into view and he stopped again, this time looking immensely pleased with himself. His smile broadened as he eyed her.
“Well, Miss Granger, I don’t believe I have yet had the pleasure,” said Quirrell, drawing nearer. “And it seems a shame to let such an opportunity go to waste, does it not?”
Hermione scowled as she watched him unzipping his trousers, and wondered when he had overcome his stutter.
“Why not?” she muttered angrily. “Nearly everyone else has except for Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore.”
Professor Quirrell chuckled.
“I’m not at all surprised,” he said casually. “Flitwick is far too honourable to take advantage of the benefits of the current political climate, and I have it on good authority that Dumbledore’s preference is for those of his own gender. According to the reports which have reached my ears, he has been known to have selected boys to be Receptacles at least twice.”
“Oh,” said Hermione, unable to help expressing her surprise at that bit of information despite her aggravation, “I didn’t know.”
“Heh!” Quirrell exclaimed mirthfully. “Probably because Professor Snape beat him to Potter. I expect Dumbledore was quite annoyed that he missed his chance to make Potter a Receptacle while the boy was... well, still a boy.”
“Oh!” said Hermione again, this time with more understanding and less surprise.
Dumbledore’s attitude in regard to speaking to Harriet as if she were still a boy suddenly made much more sense. The only other person who still called her Harry was Hagrid, but in his case Hermione was fairly certain that was only because Hagrid was a bit stuck in regards to Harriet’s name; Hagrid otherwise seemed to respect Harriet’s new gender-identity in all other regards.
“Well, this has been quite a lovely chat,” said Quirrell, beaming, “But I think it’s time to put that little mouth of yours to much better use. Speech is more for sentient beings, such as real humans and House-Elves, after all, not Beasts!”
Hermione’s expression reverted to her former glare, her anger bubbling up again at Qurrell’s horrid insinuation.
Quirrell’s erection was protruding through the gap in his trousers now, and she had no choice but to obey. She opened her mouth and felt a sudden chill up her spine which had nothing to do with the freezing weather when she tasted the crown of his penis. She would have chalked it up to Quirrell being just another creepy grown-up wizard if it weren’t for the fact that the only other adult men who had made her feel quite the same way were Snape and Mr Malfoy.
Quirrell didn’t seem to notice and patiently waited for Hermione to begin her odious task; apparently, he wanted to make her work for his sperm. Hermione swirled her tongue around Quirrell’s knob and licked the very tip, paying extra attention to the little slit which was already oozing pre-cum; then she began sucking vigorously, hoping to get it over with quickly.
The Defence Professor let out a groan of pleasure after several minutes of Hermione slurping his bell-end, and he finally began to take charge, clutching her head with both hands and jabbing his cock into her esophagus. Hermione gagged slightly at his forceful entrance and resigned herself to the customary rape of her throat.
Quirrell fucked Hermione’s face, pistoning in and out for nearly ten minutes. He drew back when his panting grew heavier, the head of his penis just inside her lips. Quirrell’s cock began twitching, releasing powerful jets of semen, filling Hermione’s mouth.
Hermione had to swallow quickly to keep up with the steady volleys of cum. It seemed to go on and on and on - five minutes - ten minutes - fifteen minutes - Hermione gulped down mouthful after mouthful of Quirrell’s endless supply of sticky seed, realising that he had obviously charmed his balls simply for the satisfaction of humiliating her in this fashion.
Finally, the relentless flow of cum began to slow, and like nearly every other boy and man Quirrell withdrew his penis from Hermione’s mouth and fisted it, pumping the last loads onto her countenance. In Quirrel’s case, due to the voluminous amounts of sperm generated by the spell on his balls, that meant at least another dozen shots of semen all over her face.
Finished, Professor Quirrell chuckled smugly as he zipped himself up and made his way back to the stands. Hermione sighed, her eyes tightly shut to keep out the cum coating her eyelids, waiting for the semen to freeze over.
Quirrell took his seat, feeling exceedingly satiated, almost giddy with glee. His session with Granger had been a long time coming, and he had the Stone. It had all gone according to plan and he had been rewarded; all that remained was to finish the job and be gone by morning.
He glanced across the Visitor section, pleased to see Dumbledore chatting animatedly with the Japanese Minister of Magic and the head of the Japanese Ministry’s Department of Magical Creatures. Dumbledore didn’t suspect a thing.
Another storm of ecstasy transported Harriet to new pinnacles of pleasure. She didn’t even realise that yet another pair of tentacles had entered her lower channels while the first sets of continued twisting and thrusting until she felt them slithering even deeper into her innermost regions.
The fourth tentacle to join the first three in Harriet’s vagina had slipped through her cervix into her womb without a hint of pain and was now writhing inside her belly while the fourth to join the others plundering her rectum was now snaking into her lower intestines.
And every time Harriet peaked, each of her vessels were deluged with torrents of semen which squirted explosively from her widely stretched openings; cum bubbled up from her sperm-swollen stomach and flooded throat, gushing from her mouth and spilling down her front.
All concept of time fell away as Harriet bobbed along on an ocean of bliss, riding the cresting tidal waves of rapturous delight. In Harriet’s brief moments of lucidity, it became apparent that the multiple tentacles fucking her pussy had been replaced by a single massive, sinuous appendage as wide around as the largest baby imaginable, her elastic belly protruding with every herculean lunge.
It was apparent now that the previous violent and briefly painful insertions had been a necessary preparation for this overpoweringly intoxicating phase of the Shokushu’s mating ritual.
The weirdest, but no less pleasure inducing incursion, was the sensation of something wriggling through her entire insides from one end to the other. In that momentary instant of clarity, Harriet’s eyes boggled at the strange sight of a tentacle extending from her mouth. Her throat was no longer being fucked from her mouth end, but from her rear-end.
That odd realisation was swept away by yet another hurricane of ecstasy and the serpentine penis protruding from Harriet’s mouth flailed madly, showering her with semen...
It wasn’t until the sky the darkened as dusk fell over Hogwarts that Harriet realised how much time had passed. She suddenly noticed the waterfall of semen draining from her rapidly shrinking cunt and how empty her belly felt. The gigantic tentacle-penis was gone, and a new appendage was approaching her vagina.
This newest tentacle was of a sort she hadn’t seen before. It was the width of an average sized cock, and even in the twilight she could see that it was pale green and semi-translucent as it entered her once again tight pussy. The texture of the tentacle felt very different inside her slick sheath, almost like plastic. It passed through Harriet’s relaxed cervix and into her uterus with ease.
Harriet couldn’t help being utterly fascinated when she saw a series of bulges the size of ostrich eggs advancing along the tentacle. She grunted when the first large bulge stretched her narrow aperture as it proceeded into her furnace-hot channel. As the tentacle deposited the first of the gelatinous globular objects in her womb, Harriet didn’t need a course in reproductive biology to know that they were indeed Shokushu eggs.
Despite the degradation and humiliation of being publicly raped by a gargantuan demon, there was no question that the experience was also riveting and bizarrely educational. Detached from her utterly shamed self, Harriet intellectually understood the process almost as well as any expert on the subject.
The Japanese monster had the sexual capacity to provide both the sperm and the egg, but it had no womb of its own. Somehow the creatures must have historically developed in a sort of one-sided symbiosis with adolescent human females.
The second bulge progressed through Harriet’s vagina, and then the third, and then the one after that... With each new egg passing through her fleshy channel, Harriet once again felt the arousal building, coursing through her veins, her head spinning. Harriet lost count of the number of eggs accumulating in her womb as her abdomen protruded again, looking bumpy, much like it had with the nearly fully gestated Burrowing Carrots.
Harriet’s thoughts became more and more disjointed and incoherent as her belly ballooned, growing bigger and bigger. The surges of ardour rippling through her from head to toe waxed with increasing intensity, and finally reached a crescendo. The cascade of climaxes exploded into Harriet’s most epic orgasm yet and she passed into oblivion...
It was long past nightfall and most of the visitors, and most of the students who had returned to watch Harriet’s impregnation, were gone. Only a few stragglers remained in the stands to watch the birthing.
Violently shivering though she was, Hermione was extremely grateful to have been released from the pillory by Hagrid at nine thirty when the Shokushu set Harriet down gently on the snowy lawn. The tenderness with which the Japanese monster seemed to be regarding Harriet was amazing.
Hermione gaped in surprise, the frozen cum on her face cracking; she almost couldn’t believe it when she saw the demon gingerly stroking Harriet’s unconscious, semen drenched form with its tentacles. A low throbbing rumble echoed through the quidditch stadium and Hermione could swear it was purring.
Hermione’s heartache for Harriet vanished along with her fear of the monumental beast. Despite the apparent violence of the assault to all who were watching, Hermione was overtaken with a sudden conviction that the monster had tried to make the experience as pleasant as possible for Harriet, and she pelted across the snowy lawn.
“Hermione, wait!” Hagrid called out, alarm in his voice.
“It won’t hurt me,” Hermione yelled back. “I’m sure of it.”
Hermione fell to her knees by Harriet’s side; she kissed her forehead and stroked her sticky, matted hair. One of the Shokushu’s tentacles reached out to caress Hermione; at its gentle touch, an almost electrical charge of pleasure shot through her.
As the beast continued stroking Hermione’s back, her pent-up emotion and the sudden joy was too overwhelming, and she burst into tears, peppering Harriet’s face with kisses, not caring that it was more semen soaked than her own.
Hagrid finally reached Hermione and Harriet, gawking at the pair as the gentle giant petted them both.
“Well I’ll be buggered!” he said with astonishment. “I knew it weren’ goin’ ter do Harry any harm, but I never ‘spected this.”
“The Shokushu is a most misunderstood creature.” The Japanese wizard who had arrived just behind Hagrid beamed at the young witches.
“Looks like! I c’n certainly relate ter tha’,” said Hagrid, nodding. “But it c’n be dangerous too, right?” he added, sounding almost eager.
“Oh, most certainly to any who would present danger to its mates or its young,” the Japanese Chief magical creature handler agreed as he kneeled between Harriet’s splayed thighs.
Hermione listened with great interest, keen to learn as much as possible as the Japanese wizard continued
“...And it cannot be denied that they will take any girl between puberty and late adolescence without their consent - the sentience of such a creature is quite limited, and they act largely on instinct, so that is to be expected. ... But they have the intelligence of the average canine. Most exist in the wild, but some we have domesticated.
“This one I call Taiki.... He is most well behaved. Very good demon, and it is not so difficult to find young Japanese witches to sate his appetite to share his love. We have many adolescent witches in school, and some are very naughty and must be punished. These we give a choice to mate with pet demons or face more harsh measures - extended detentions in confinement and canings, or to perform menial tasks for a lengthy period of time. It is all depending on severity of infractions...”
As she continued to listen to the Japanese wizard explain more about the demons and their place in the Japanese wizard world, Hermione was a bit dubious about the ethics of Japanese wizard society, but she silently conceded to herself that their system was a good deal more advanced than Britain’s current state of affairs.
Nearly half an hour passed that way, she and Hagrid asking questions at intervals. Finally, Harriet began to stir.
“Harriet!” squealed Hermione when she that Harriet was awake. “How are you feeling?’
“Honestly? I feel pretty good. Bloody knackered, and kind of pregnant, but not too bad really,” said Harriet, grinning up at Hermione. “There was only one bit that actually hurt, but it didn’t last too long. ... You’re never going to believe it Hermione - I mean, yeah, I still hated being raped and getting off in front of everyone, but the demon was pretty nice about it really. It tried to make it feel as good as possible under the circumstances...”
“I know,” said Hermione, beaming down at Harriet. “I’ve been terrified all day for you, but Mr Nakamura - he’s the head of the Japanese Department for the Control of Magical Creatures - has been telling me and Hagrid all about them - and they’re not so bad really, considering they’re more like wild animals than anything - I mean yes, stealing girls and raping them is awful - but at least they don’t eat them or kill them like a wild tiger or lion might - and they actually try to look after the girls and make them feel good - And anyway, I felt it when it was all finished with you - it was purring and stroking you - and...”
The hot rush of words tumbling out of Hermione’s mouth was suddenly cut off when Harriet pulled herself up a bit and kissed her steamily on the lips. Being used to kissing and licking each other’s spermy faces anyway, Hermione melted into the kiss, tasting the demon cum still in Harriet’s mouth, not caring that her own naked front was now smeared with the oozy semen thickly bathing Harriet’s torso.
Hermione came up for air after kissing for a bit when Harriet let out a groan.
“Are you alright?” she asked Harriet with concern.
“Er, yeah, I think so,” Harriet replied, frowning a bit. “I can feel loads of them squirming inside me now - Shokushu babies.”
“Ah, they are almost ready,” said Mr Nakamura, “Yes, you may feel some discomfort at this stage - Just try to relax, and when they come out, they will make you feel good again.”
Everyone waited with bated breath and Hermione squeezed Harriet’s hand comfortingly when Harriet groaned a few more times. After about five more minutes, Mr Nakamura conjured up a see-through container which was a bit larger than Harriet’s belly.
“It is time,” he said. “Remember - just relax.”
Harriet nodded and breathed deeply a few times while Hermione continued holding her hand. Hermione peered between Harriet’s naked thighs in curiosity, wondering if it would be like birthing the Burrowing Carrots.
Harriet let out a gasp and a flood of amniotic fluid gushed from her vagina. She panted and closed her eyes, looking almost blissful. As Hermione continued watching, Harriet’s vulva parted and grew wider and something began slithering out - a greyish slug-like creature with a hundred little legs which would no doubt grow into tentacles as it grew up.
It looked more like a centipede than anything, and it was about the size of a two-month old kitten. Mr Nakamura caught it with both hands and gently lay it in the container. Quickly he turned back to Harriet just in time to catch the next large centipede wriggling out of Harriet’s vagina.
As several more popped out, Harriet began gasping and moaning. Hermione looked around to see Harriet biting her lip, her breasts heaving rapidly, her nipples erect. Hermione smiled and turned back to watch the birthing. Gradually Harriet’s abdomen began deflating as dozens of the squirmy infant Shokushu exited her womb and fell into Mr Nakamura’s hands.
Harriet quivered and arched her back, letting out an “Aaaaaah!” as she climaxed when the last one emerged from her pussy. Then Harriet slumped, utterly exhausted, and passed out once more. Hermione kissed her forehead again.
Mr Nakamura clambered to his feet, catching Hermione’s attention. He gave her and the unconscious Harriet a little bow.
“Forty-six little ones, and all healthy! Please thank your friend,” said Mr Nakamura graciously. “I am well aware that this was not of her choosing – nonetheless, Taiki and I are most honoured by her bravery and sacrifice. If it is any consolation, a bond is formed between Shokushu and mates, and Shokushu always remember, always protect their mates if they can.”
Hermione nodded. “I will. And, er... thanks for being kind to Harriet.”
“It was my pleasure.” Mr Nakamura gave another little bow and walked off to give Taiki a pat. One of the enormous eyeballs slid down the side of its body and blinked as it peered at his babies and purred.
Hagrid bent down and picked up Harriet in his arms; Hermione followed them back to the castle, trudging through the snow in her bare feet, shivering again. Now that the birthing was over, the bitter cold hit her again with full force. At least the wind had died down shortly after dusk fell, and that was something.
Once back in the cage again, shackled and lying on top of the still cum-covered Harriet to share body heat, Hermione had never been more grateful to be back in the Great Hall. It was always cold at night but compared to the freezing weather outside it was positively balmy.
Shortly after dusk and a discussion, Sirius and Remus had headed back through the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack, not willing to risk even the chance of Dementors on school grounds in the dead of night. It would be easier to get into the castle from the Honeyduke’s tunnel anyway.
The trek was fairly long and took them a little over an hour and a half. Finally, they reached the entrance behind the statue of the one-eyed witch and settled in to wait. Remus checked his wind-up pocket watch.
“Just a few more hours now,” he said quietly, giving Sirius a wan smile.
Sirius nodded, smiling wryly in return. “Yes, well, you know me - patience was never my strong suit.”
Dumbledore waited patiently, smiling wryly when Snape finally reached one of the hidden antechambers with a secret entrance into the Great Hall near the staff-table. Glancing at the clock he saw it was eleven thirty.
“Ah, Severus, I was wondering if you would show after such a long day.”
“Yes, well, I daresay it was longer for Potter than for me.” Snape returned the smile with a cruel smirk. “So, you are certain then.”
Dumbledore nodded. “I am. There can be no doubt that Quirrell has stolen what he believes to be the Philosopher’s Stone. He set off my Alert Charm when he entered the last chamber. The magical signature of the Charm was masked and went undetected by him...”
“Wait, when you say ‘what he believes’...”
“I mean it was a fake. The real Philosopher’s Stone is hidden in a much safer place. Quirrell stole a fake and replaced it with a fraudulent Stone of his own.” Dumbledore chuckled. “It was one of my more ingenious moves if I may say so myself.”
Snape lifted his eyebrows, his expression sardonic. “Indeed! And so now...”
“Now we disillusion ourselves and slip into the Great Hall. My pet Dementor already awaits us, hidden in shadow - undetectable by magic or the senses. I have no doubt at all, that having attained the ‘Philosopher’s Stone,’ Voldemort will take the opportunity to kill Harry Potter once and for all this very night...”
Quirrell crept quietly through hidden passages in the castle which the Dark Lord had discovered during his time at Hogwarts. Emerging from behind a tapestry near the entrance of the Great Hall, he glanced at the enormous clock just above the sturdy oak front doors.
Ten to twelve. Perfect! Potter was sure to be exhausted, out like a light! An easy target!
Silently, Quirrell cast a door unlocking spell of the Dark Lord’s own creation, far more advanced than the Alohomora Charm. He slipped into the Great Hall and shut the door behind him.
“Who’s there?” Granger’s voice called out.
Surprised to see the bushy haired Receptacle and Potter both awake and leaning against the back of the cage, Quirrell stepped out of the shadows. Potter glared at him. No doubt Granger had informed her of their encounter.
“Professor Quirrell.” Granger squeaked, scowling at him. “Couldn’t get enough of me today, I suppose. So, what - you want me to suck you off through the bars?”
Potter levered herself up to her feet surprisingly quickly. Quirrell supposed she’d had lots of practice after weeks in chains and spreader bars.
“No! I’ll do it Hermione!” said Potter earnestly.
The Dark Lord, listening with Quirrell’s ears, had to admit that the girl was spirited. Foolish, like her mother, but spirited nonetheless.
“But Harriet, you’re worn out...”
“I’ll be fine,” said Potter, “It’s just sucking him off.”
“Why are you both awake, anyway?” asked Quirrell, his curiosity getting the better of him. “I thought you’d both be dead to the world after the day you’ve had.”
“I’m not sure, actually,” Potter admitted. “I’m bloody knackered. It could’ve been one of my nightmares I suppose. I woke up and then Hermione woke up when I moved.”
“Ah!” Quirrell nodded. “I see.” That actually made sense. No doubt the girl’s nightmares were frequent given all she had endured at Hogwarts.
“Actually, I didn’t come here for sexual favours,” said Quirrell. “There is someone who would like to say hello to you, Potter - someone who hasn’t seen you in many years.”
“What?” Potter looked bewildered. “Who? I didn’t know any wizards when I lived at the Dursleys.”
Granger paled. Something had clicked in her brain.
“It’s you! It really is you!” she gasped. “You’re possessed by the wizard who killed Harriet’s parents and tried to kill her as a baby. You’re possessed by Voldemort - aren’t you?”
How on earth did she know that, Quirrell wondered. She couldn’t possibly be a Legilimens at her age - and there were none powerful enough to break his master’s Occlumency. Not even Snape or Dumbledore.
“What? You’re joking!” said Potter, looking even more perplexed than ever. “How’d you reckon that, Hermione?”
“That’s a very good question,” said Quirrell quietly.
“That day in Defence - when you first mentioned the Shokushu - Harriet got a pain in her scar when she looked at you. Seeing as you - Voldemort I mean - gave her that scar, I thought it might have something to do with you being possessed. Then just now, when you said someone from Harriet’s past wanted to say hello - I just put two and two together.”
Potter’s jaw dropped in shock and she stared at Quirrell, clearly taking Granger’s deduction seriously.
“My goodness Granger! You really are a bright little Mudblood, aren’t you?” said Quirrell as he unwrapped his turban and took out his wand. “Fortunately for you, the Dark Lord really doesn’t care enough about you to waste his breath on you. It’s Potter he wants.”
“NO!” Granger squealed. “Please! Don’t! ... She can’t hurt you. Look at us - shackled in a cage - sex-slaves! There’s nothing...”
“There is something,” hissed a high, cold voice emanating from the back of Quirrell’s head, “...A Prophecy - I cannot take the chance that Potter will live to see it fulfilled. Quirrell, we have wasted enough time - kill Potter now - then kill the Mudblood - I have changed my mind!”
“NO!” bellowed Potter, clutching at her scar, agony in her green eyes. “Take me but leave her alone!”
“You heard the Dark Lord, Potter!” said Quirrell matter-of-factly. “This is good-bye for both of you! ... AVADA KEDAVRA!”
“NOOOOOOO!” Potter screamed at the same time that Quirrell said, “This is good-bye.”
“YOU CAN’T HAVE HER! I WON’T LET YOU!” Potter shrieked at the same time as Quirrell completed his sentence.
Two things happened both at once. A green bolt of lightning leapt from the end of Quirrell’s wand and hit Potter in the chest, and a dazzling flare of silver-white light burst from Potter, blazing brighter than the sun, filling the entire Great Hall and burning away every shadow in every corner!
Then several more things happened all at once.
All of the stained-glass windows behind the staff-table shattered, blowing outwards into the courtyard.
Quirrell’s eyes widened in shock and the back of his head exploded, spraying blood and brain-matter across the Great Hall behind him. He collapsed in a heap on the marble floor - dead.
There were more screams in the Great Hall. A Dark Wraith which had been hovering nearby, hiding in the shadows, burst into silver flames and turned to ash.
Two figures which had apparently been invisible came into view - one which looked like the headmaster flying backwards over the House tables and crashing to the floor - the other which looked like Snape, his left forearm blown away completely leaving naught but an upper arm ending with a bloody stump at the elbow, bleeding from his eyes, ears, and nostrils. Snape keeled over and hit the floor, the life fading from his eyes.
The bars at the front and left side of the cage nearly completely melted away, leaving nothing but a few mangled ends at the top and the bottom of the cage near the back left corner and the front right corner.
Harriet slammed against the back of the cage and crumpled to the floor, her chains and shackles blasted away, her spreader bar splintered into a million tiny pieces, and her Compulsion Collar disintegrated.
Hermione, who had still been sitting on the floor, leaning against the rear of the cage, bonked her head on the bars. Her own chains and shackles sparked and shattered, her own spreader bar fragmented into a scattered pile of wood shavings, and her own Compulsion Collar crumbled into dust.
Dazed and confused, Hermione scrambled to her feet and darted over to Harriet.
“Please don’t be dead! Please don’t be dead!” she sobbed, wiping away the blood and some strange black goo which had burst from Harriet’s lightning bolt shaped scar. “Please don’t be dead!”
Harriet stirred and clutched her forehead as she regained consciousness.
“Bloody hell! That hurt!” she groaned. “What happened?”
Hermione laughed and sobbed at the same time, flinging her arms around Harriet.
“Oh thank God! You’re alive! You’re alive!” she squealed.
The doors of the Great Hall were flung open with a bang. A wizard with greying brown hair and a moustache peered around the Great Hall in shock, a huge, shaggy black dog at his side.
“Good lord!” sputtered the wizard. “What the hell happened in here?”
Harriet shoved Hermione behind her and stared down the wizard.
“Have you come to murder us too?” she demanded coldly.
“Good Heavens, no!” The wizard looked horrified at the very thought. “We’ve come to rescue you two.”
“Er, what?” Harriet’s guard dropped and now she was staring at the man in befuddlement.
Padfoot quickly took in the scene while Remus and Harriet squared off, both of them in speechless shock. His sharp canine nostrils picked up the very faint smell of someone familiar. He looked around, trying to place the location of the scent. Then Padfoot stared at the bushy haired girl, his eyes bulging in horror.
Wormtail! He was there! He was inside the poor girl’s vagina - no doubt for the amusement of that bloody Weasley kid!
Padfoot bounded across the marble floor, ignoring Remus when he yelled, “NO! Sirius, stop!”
Padfoot skidded to a halt, shoving his cold wet nose into the screaming, bushy haired girl’s crotch, snarling and snuffling as Harriet yelled at him and vainly struggled to pull him away. The bushy haired girl’s vulva parted as his cold wet nose pressed in deeper and his long wet tongue snaked into her burning entrance.
Padfoot could taste the rat with the tip of his tongue - felt it trembling with fright as it scrabbled at its nest in a vain attempt to burrow through the bushy haired girl’s cervix and escape into her womb.
There was nothing else for it! Padfoot clamped his jaw shut and jammed his snout into the shrieking girl’s stretching vagina, shoving her bum against the bars at the back of the cage as Remus tried to pull him off her too. Padfoot thrust his long snout into the girl’s depths and opened his jaw again, seizing the squealing rat with his teeth and dragging it out of her cunt.
Padfoot violently shook the rodent in his mouth then bit down hard, crushing its neck before spitting it out on the floor. The rat gave one last squeak as it twitched and died, bleeding from numerous puncture wounds.
The bushy haired girl stopped screaming and sobbing and stared at Padfoot with mixed emotions. Then, to his great surprise, the bushy haired girl flung her arms around him, sobbing again.
“Thank you! Thank you!” she wailed, kissing him on the head several times as Harriet and Remus looked on, both speechless with shock again.
“Good dog! You’re such a good dog!” she sobbed, clutching him tightly. “I hated that rat so much! I hated him! ... Good dog! Good dog!”
The bushy haired girl finally stopped crying and released Padfoot from her embrace, giving him a wan smile; then she looked over at the rodent and gasped with horror. Padfoot turned around to see what had surprised her and was surprised himself to see Peter Pettigrew where Wormtail had been. Padfoot glanced at Remus who had his wand out.
Remus shrugged at him. “I just thought - it seemed for the best. The girls both have a right to know who that foul creature really was.”
Suddenly feeling deeply ashamed of himself, Padfoot let out a very un-dog-like sigh and stood on his hind legs as he transformed back into Sirius Black.
“I’m so sorry!” he said, his face on fire as he peered earnestly at the stunned looking girls. “Please believe me! I didn’t mean to frighten you both like that. ... And I certainly didn’t have any, er... sexual intentions towards you, er....”
“Hermione!” the bushy haired girl managed to squeak, her own cheeks turning pink. “It’s Hermione! And... and it’s alright! Really! ... I’ve had loads worse done to me these past months, and I couldn’t be happier to be rid of Scabbers! ... Especially now that I know that I’ve actually had a creepy wizard living in my vagina for weeks. I don’t really care that you’re really a man!”
“And, er... I’m sorry I called you Good Dog!” she added, her blush growing deeper.
Sirius grinned, and peered at Remus who was smirking at him. “To be perfectly honest Hermione, I’m always tickled pink when I’m called ‘Good Dog’...”
Remus couldn’t help letting out a snort of laughter and shaking his head.
“Well, I think introductions are to be expected at this point,” he said. “And then we’d better depart as quickly as possible before the rest of the castle wakes up and finds us in the middle of this mess. I’m Remus Lupin, and this is Sirius Black. ... Harriet, Sirius is your godfather...”
“I have a godfather?” said Harriet quietly. “Really?”
“Yes! And I’m him!” Sirius beamed. “And that vicious little traitor there on the floor - that’s Peter Pettigrew! ... At one time we were all friends - the three of us, and your parents, Harry-er-et. ... I’m sorry Harriet. It’s still taking me some getting used to. I did know you as a baby boy after all.”
“I have a godfather,” Harriet repeated, looking more excited by the minute. “And you and Remus were my parents’ friends! But what about...?”
“Peter Pettigrew is the one who betrayed your parents to Voldemort,” said Remus. “For a long time, many people thought it was Sirius who was the traitor - and I’m ashamed to admit I was one of them...”
“Voldemort!” said Harriet, her eyes widening as everything which had happened in the last five minutes or so began to tumble into place. “He’s dead - I think forever this time!”
Harriet pointed at the man on the floor between the cage and the doors of the Great Hall. “It was him - Professor Quirrell - he was possessed by Voldemort. He just tried to kill me and Hermione a few minutes ago - again! That’s when I did accidental magic and... erm, er... that’s when I caused all of this.”
“Ah! That explains it!” Sirius nodded. “That’s probably how you blew Voldemort up as a baby. Took out half of the roof of your house at the same time from the looks of it. So that’s how you got Snivellus too then?”
“Sorry! You probably know him better as Snape,” Sirius explained. “He went to school with all of us. He was a real piece of work - hung out with a gang of little Slytherin thugs, all of them wannabe Death Eaters! They bullied muggleborns and harassed Gryffindor girls.”
“D’you think that’s why Snape’s arm exploded and he died then?” asked Harriet.
“Probably! As a Death Eater, he would’ve had Voldemort’s mark on his forearm - the Dark Mark! As far as I know, it’s how he summoned his Death Eaters, so it forged a connection of sorts between them. ... So, Snape either died because he had enough of Voldemort in him to be killed by your accidental magic, or it was just because he was too Dark to survive contact with your magic. ... Either way, Snape’s arm definitely exploded because of the Dark Mark...”
“I think that’s enough of a lesson, Sirius,” said Remus nervously. “We really should be getting the girls out of here.”
“What about Dumbledore?”
“I think he’s still alive! Just out cold!”
“Then I’m going to kill him,” snarled Sirius, retrieving his wand from his coat pocket. “He’s as bad of a traitor as Wormtail.”
“I can’t disagree,” Remus conceded, directing his own wand at Dumbledore.
“Halt!” A familiar sharp voice cracked like a whip, reverberating throughout the Great Hall. “What the devil is going on in here?”
Everyone groaned and turned to look at McGonagall who was standing in the doorway with Flitwick, Filch, and four miserable looking girls.
“Murder!” screeched Filch as he peered at the bodies and gore strewn across the marble floor. “I knew it! I knew something fishy was goin’ on tonight! Murdering scum the lot o’ yeh!”
“That’s enough Argus!” snapped McGonagall. “Now, Remus, Sirius, will someone please tell me why Professors Quirrell and Snape are dead? ... And Dumbledore...”
“Still alive,” growled Remus, “But not for long after what he did to Harriet and Hermione!”
“Well, as much as you may have a point, I’m afraid that I won’t allow anymore killing tonight. I presume as Peter Pettigrew is also dead on the floor that he, and not you, was the traitor, Sirius...?”
“NO!” Filch shrieked. “Black can’t get away with this! Quirrell, Snape... Black’s a MURDERER!”
“Er... erm, that was actually me,” said Harriet in a small voice, looking rather sheepish and guilty.
“What?” gasped Flitwick, speaking for the first time. “Impossible! You have no wand... not to mention no training - unfortunately.”
“It was accidental magic,” said Harriet defensively. “Like when I blew up Voldemort the first time as a baby. That’s why Quirrell and Snape are dead. ... Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort, and Snape apparently used to be one of his Death Eaters...”
“LIAR!” Filch screamed.
“Shut up, Argus!” yelled Flitwick. “Potter’s explanation... well, it explains a lot of things that didn’t quite add up about Quirrell, or about Severus for that matter! Or have you forgotten how Severus used to torment muggleborns when he was a student?”
“Well SOMEONE needs to be punished!” Filch bellowed. “Like these four - out of bed after hours - traipsing around the castle. I caught them heading towards the Great Hall! Why d’yeh think I woke you both up? They were obviously trying to help the Receptacles escape...”
All four girls - Lavender and Parvati, and Padma and Penelope - gave Harriet and Hermione apologetic looks for being caught.
“Yes!” Flitwick nodded proudly. “And that is precisely why they won’t be punished!”
“I’ll tell Dumbledore! You lot can’t get away with this!” Filch furiously barked at Flitwick.
McGonagall had apparently had enough of this. She pointed her wand at Filch and muttered, “Obliviate.”
“There, that solves one problem!” said McGonagall haughtily, peering at Remus, Sirius, Harriet, and Hermione. “As to you four, you’d best be getting on with the rescue plan while I sort this mess out, don’t you think?”
“Er... Dumbledore?” said Sirius hopefully.
“I’m sorry, Sirius. There will be no more killing tonight. ... Think what would happen if you murdered Dumbledore at this juncture. You would be hounded as a fugitive for the rest of your years. As things stand, Dumbledore has no idea that you have been in the castle tonight, and I am certain I can make the case to Fudge and the DMLE to pardon you, given the body of Peter Pettigrew proving your innocence.
“It shouldn’t be much trouble to convince everyone that Pettigrew is the one responsible for the deaths of Quirrell and Snape, and that Potter’s outburst of accidental magic facilitated her and Granger’s escape. Just think how much more you could do for Potter and Granger as a free man, Sirius.”
Remus frowned, then gave Sirius a look. “Sirius, you know I would prefer Dumbledore dead as much as you for what he has done to Harriet, but perhaps Minerva is right.”
“Gaah!” Sirius groaned. He didn’t want to wait another ten years for a shot at Dumbledore - he wanted to finish this now. And judging from the mutinous look on Harriet’s face, she wanted him dead too.
But McGonagall’s logic was unassailable and if Remus thought it best too...
“Fine!” Sirius growled, lowering his wand. “We’ll do things your way for now, Minerva. But mark my words, a day will come for Dumbledore’s reckoning!” He turned to face James Potter’s daughter. “I’m sorry Harriet, but Professor McGonagall is right. For now, you’ll simply have to be satisfied that Snape and Voldemort and Pettigrew are dead.”
“Yeah, alright then,” Harriet grumbled. “It does make more sense.”
“Okay, good,” Sirius nodded, returning to McGonagall. “So, what about some clothes for these two?”
“They can have our nightgowns,” Parvati said eagerly, looking much happier now that Harriet and Hermione were going to escape after all, and that Filch wouldn’t be able to get anyone in trouble.
“And we have wands for them too,” Lavender added.
“Hmm... Do you now?” McGonagall arched an eyebrow.
“They’re Ron Weasley’s and Seamus Finnegan’s wands,” said Lavender defensively. “Of all the boys in our year, they’ve been the most horrible to Harriet and Hermione. They deserve it more than Neville or Dean do.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” McGonagall agreed, coldly eyeing the monstrous dead wizard who had been living as Weasley’s rat inside Hermione’s vagina. “Very well, you may give Potter and Granger the wands as well.”
Harriet and Hermione eagerly clutched the wands in their hands. They weren’t the wands which had chosen them, but they would do for now.
“Oh,” said Harriet, her face falling as she took Parvati’s nightgown, “What about my owl, Hedwig? I haven’t seen her for almost two months...”
“I’ll tell Hedwig to find you,” McGonagall promised. “Magical owls have their ways of finding their humans.”
“Thank you, Professor,” Harriet heaved a sigh of relief as she pulled on Parvati’s nightgown. But the nightgown hadn’t been on for even a second before it crumbled into a cloud of dust. “What the...?”
Hermione had no sooner slipped her arms into the sleeves of Lavender’s nightgown only to see it too vanish in a puff of smoke. Everyone gaped at Harriet and Hermione, dumbstruck.
“Here, try mine,” said Penelope, passing it to Hermione. “I want to test out a theory.”
“Oh, of course,” said Padma, tugging off her nightgown and giving it to Harriet. “You have mine too.”
Harriet and Hermione tugged on the respective nightgowns only to see them vaporise as well.
“Bloody Fuck! Shit! Bollocks!” swore Sirius angrily. “I’d bet a thousand galleons that’s Snape’s Curse.”
Remus sighed, rubbing his forehead. “That is - that was his style,” he admitted ruefully. “And if so, it’s likely a permanent curse as well.”
“What?” Hermione squealed in horror. “You mean we’re going to have to be naked forever?”
“Unfortunately, if it is indeed Snape’s curse, then that is more than likely,” said Remus. “Snape had a penchant for curses which caused permanent damage. Harriet’s father had a number of permanent scars caused by a certain speciality of Snape’s.”
“Of course it’s Snape’s spell,” Harriet muttered, her features furious. “He’d love the idea of me being naked forever! He’s the one who permanently turned me into a girl...” Harriet shot a quick look at Hermione. “...not that I mind anymore. I never want to be a guy again.”
“Well dear,” said McGonagall sadly, “not all men are horrible. Many are quite kind, to which your godfather and Remus are a testament. But admittedly, the way things currently stand in the wizard world, I can hardly fault you your feelings.”
“What the hell are we going to do?” Sirius moaned.
“For now, we’re going to get them back to your place and hunker down,” said Remus resignedly. “We’ll keep testing the theory of the spell’s permanence, and if it doesn’t wear off, we’ll try to figure something out.”
“Okay!” Sirius felt defeated. “It’s late! With a bit of luck no one will notice us. Alright Harriet, Hermione, let’s be off.”
The pair of young witches both nodded, looking torn as they followed Remus and Sirius out of the Great Hall. They halted briefly and gave Lavender and Parvati big hugs and beamed at Padma and Penelope.
“Thanks loads for everything,” said Harriet. “And tell Hagrid we said goodbye. We’ll try to get in touch if we can.”
“Bye,” said Hermione, giving Lavender and Parvati each one last kiss on the cheek. “I’m really going to miss you both.”
“You’ll be alright,” said Parvati, smiling, “You’ve got Harriet.”
Arriving out of thin air on a patch of soggy unkempt grass in the middle of London, Harriet tumbled from Sirius’s arms and promptly threw up, heaving several times before clambering to her feet.
“Bloody hell!” she gasped, wiping her lips on her forearm, quickly becoming drenched in the pouring rain. “That was like being sucked through a straw!”
Hermione, who had traveled with Remus, was still doubled over and retching. Finally her stomach settled and she clutched Harriet’s hand tightly, her other hand covering her bare mound and slit like the proverbial fig leaf. She peered around the dimly lit rundown road, looking extremely wet and anxious.
“I hope nobody sees us,” she moaned when one of the flickering streetlamps nearby steadied and brightened.
“It’s nearly two A.M. now. You’ll be fine,” Sirius reassured the young nude witches. “Come on, let’s get you in out of the rain and dried off. And maybe some food - have you eaten yet today?”
“Just sperm, like nearly every day,” Harriet muttered. “That’s all they let us eat at Hogwarts except when Madam Pomfrey looked after us a couple of times.”
Sirius’s face darkened, looking like he wished he had murdered Dumbledore now.
“Right! Well there’ll be none of that nonsense anymore,” he growled as they all crossed the street toward the row of terrace houses. “From now on it’ll only be the best for my goddaughter and her...” he glanced at Hermione.
“Her girlfriend,” said Hermione resolutely, giving Harriet a quick kiss on the lips to prove her point.
“Very good.” Sirius’s features softened and broke into a wry smile, glancing at Remus. “Okay, we’re at Number Twelve, but you can’t see it until you get really close because its Unplottable.
Harriet and Hermione both gaped in wonderment as they approached what appeared to be a brick wall between Number Eleven and Number Thirteen. As soon as they were within a few feet of the wall it seemed to expand and a door with a brass “Number 12” above it came into view.
“Now, fair warning you two,” said Sirius as he unlocked the door. “This place is a bit dark and creepy, and it probably hasn’t been cleaned in over ten years. I doubt my House-Elf has been keeping it up, and number two, be very quiet in the downstairs hall. My mother was as racist as any Death Eater and her portrait is just the same - she’ll scream bloody murder and throw a wobbly when she finds out Hermione is muggleborn.
“So it’s best not to wake her up if we can help it - at least until I work out how to get her portrait off the wall. Lastly, I want to apologise ahead of time for how horrible Kreacher - my House-Elf - is probably going to be towards you both as well. He always tended to parrot my family’s Pureblood Supremacist views.”
The door swung open and Harriet and Hermione, feeling a bit anxious now about entering Number Twelve, stepped over the threshold, hand in hand...
@ ClaireR89: Lol! :D .... That would have been awesome, but that's the sort of thing the Compulsion Collars prevent.
@ Petunia-D: Well, the boys are by and large what their culture made them. As they've all grown up in it for 10 years, even the 17 and 18 year old seventh years are too young to have known anything else--it all seems pretty normal to them, even those which might have grown up in households where the parents try to raise them differently. In some ways, it's an exaggerated look at how patriarchal values affect our own societies when we live in a day and age where such terms as Rape Culture are very apt and have much validity.
In regards to feeling sorry for Harriet and Hermione and getting hot and horny at the same time, that is the dichotomy most of us face when juxtaposing fantasy kinks and fetishes against reality. i.e. Guilty Pleasure... Lol! :D
As to Ginny, I'm planning on eventually writing a Weasley family scene or two, so we'll get a chance to see Molly and Arthur blowing their stacks when they find out what their boys have been getting up to at school. And I'm as interested as anyone to find out what Ginny has to say about this all.
I'm really not sure how Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will fit into this story. I'll just have to see what the characters want to do.
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