Learning to Live Again | By : GryffindorToy Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 6891 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: I don’t anything Harry Potter related. It all
belongs to a wonderful woman by the name of J.K. Rowling and the Warner Bros.
Company and… whoever else. Basically it’s owned by a bunch of people who are
NOT me.
A/N: Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed
chapter one! I’d like to give a big thank you to everybody who reviewed! For
all of you, I have eternal gratitude and cyber-cookies!! ^_^
“Harry!” Luna said when walked
into The Quibble office building, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m taking Dennis out to lunch,”
he replied enveloping her in a brotherly hug, “But I’m also here for you, y’know. Since you just don’t have the time for me anymore…”
She laughed, returning the
embrace. “I just saw you less than a week ago, you brute. Now let go of me
before you make my employees lose what little respect for me they have left.”
He obliged, chuckling, and found himself to be the target of quite a few curious and confused
stares. “So, where is Dennis?”
“Before I answer, may I ask why
you’re taking him to lunch?” Luna said.
“We ran into each other yesterday
and decided we should hang out and do some catching up,” Harry replied,
“I see. So…” she looked nervous
and hesitant about what to say next.
“Luna, if there’s something you
want to ask me, just ask,” he said.
“I know you don’t usually do this,
but I was wondering… do you think my magazine could interview you? It’s been a while since everything happened and people
are still so curious about you and…” she paused, “I meant to ask you last week,
but I chickened out.”
He smiled. “Normally, I’d say no
on the spot. However, since you’re a friend, I’ll think about it. You’ll have
my answer after lunch.”
She grinned. “Dennis is over with
Rick, working on something or other.”
“Thanks,” he said, walking in the
direction of the desk she gestured to.
He stopped in front of it and
stood for a moment before it became clear that the pair were too immersed in
their work to notice. He rapped his knuckles against the desk loudly, startling
them. Dennis looked up and grinned.
“Harry! Is it lunchtime already?”
he stated.
“I’m actually about forty-five minutes
late,” Harry said, smirking.
His eyes strayed to Rick, who was
staring at him with a mixture of shock, curiosity, and amusement. Rick was much
more attractive than Harry had though he would be. He was broad shouldered with
thick, chestnut hair and dark smoldering eyes. When he stood up to shake
Harry’s hand, he also noticed how tall he was. He gripped the man’s hand firmly
and smiled brightly.
“Rick, I’m assuming,” Harry said,
“Dennis speaks very highly of you.”
When Rick smiled, he was taken
aback by how warm and sincere it was. “Same goes for you,” he said in a silky
baritone voice.
Dennis looked anxiously between
the two of them when released their hands, and Harry grinned approvingly at
him. “Where do you want to go for lunch?”
“There’s a good sandwich bar not
too far from here,” Dennis suggested.
“Sounds fine to me,” Harry
consented, “Would you like to come along, Rick? I’m sure Luna wouldn’t mind.”
“Not at all,” she said, coming up
behind Harry, “You two have been working hard all day.”
“Thanks, boss,” Rick said, “I’d
love to join you.”
“Perfect,” Harry said, giving Luna
a grateful look, “Shall we go, then?”
He stepped around the desk,
offering them a more complete look, and from the way Rick sized him up with his
eyes, he didn’t think the man was at all adverse to same-sex relationships.
Smirking, he draped his arm around Dennis’ shoulders.
“Lead the way, maestro,” he said.
As they sat down to eat, Harry
decided to strike up some conversation. “Luna asked me to give an interview for
The Quibbler.”
Dennis said excitedly, “What did you say?”
“That she’d have my answer after
lunch,” Harry said.
“Why after lunch?” Rick asked,
taking a bite of his sandwich.
Harry grinned. “I wanted to ask if
two would consider being the ones to do the article and the interview.”
His grin turned into a smirk when
both Rick and Dennis began to choke. He took a large bite of his own sandwich.
“Why? I’m still just a rookie. I’ve only been with the magazine for
a year!” Rick said, when he’d calmed himself.
He help
up a finger as he finished chewing and swallowed. “That’s actually part of the
reason. As a relatively new reporter, you’re less biased in your opinions of me,
and less likely to be looking for publicity to further your own name. The other
reason is that you’re probably the only one who’d let Dennis
be your photographer. And he’s the only one I’ll allow to photograph me.”
“Why is that?” Rick asked,
narrowing his eyes.
“It’s more personal with Dennis. I
believe that the photographer’s feelings for their subject are clearly shown in
the pictures they take. The more of a personal interest they have, the better
the pictures turn out,” Harry said, “Plus it’s my own sneaky way of helping to
advance his career.”
Rick suddenly stood up. “Can I
speak with you for a moment, Mr. Potter?”
“Sure, and call me Harry, please,”
he said, following the man out to the street, giving Dennis a small smile as he
did so, “What did you want to speak about?”
“What’s your relationship with
Dennis?” Rick asked.
For a moment, he simply blinked.
“You heard me,” Rick replied.
“Why do you ask?” Harry said,
“Because… I’m curious,” Rick said,
“So? The answer?”
“I see no reason to answer simply
to appease your curiosity,” Harry said, “So, unless you have a better reason…”
Rick was silent, a slight pink
tinge rising to his cheeks that had nothing to do with the weather.
“Do you have feelings for him?”
Harry asked.
Rick sighed. “Yes, I do.”
“Then, you should know that Dennis
and I are old friends. Nothing more,” he said, smiling.
“Good,” Rick said, breathing a
sigh of relief.
“Are you going to tell him any
time soon?” Harry asked.
Rick looked startled. “No! I
Harry laughed at how similar that
was to Dennis’ reaction. “Well, you should. You definitely should. Don’t tell
him I said anything, but he’s crazy about you.”
Rick said.
Harry nodded, chuckling at the
man. He looked pretty hardcore, but apparently he was a big squishy teddy bear.
“Let’s go back in before Dennis has a panic attack, thinking I’ve killed you.”
Rick laughed.
“So, what did you two talk about?”
Dennis asked nervously.
“Nothing much.
Just the interview and of my ulterior motives,” Harry said, winking.
Dennis blushed, knowing- or having
an idea of- what they’d actually
They finished lunch with amicable
talk about the interview- possible dates, lines of questioning, and such- as
well as Quidditch, of which Rick was an avid fan.
When Harry parted with them at The Quibbler building, it was with confidence
that the two would be getting together soon, if not that day. Luna was thrilled
that he’s said yes to her proposition and immediately agreed to his conditions,
understanding that he wanted people he knew and liked. He hugged her once more,
promising to get together soon, and left.
He checked his watch and, seeing
that it was nearly three o’clock,
swore loudly. He hoped that George wouldn’t be angry that he was late. He
rushed to the WWW shop and up to the apartment, entering with not problem.
“George? You here?” he called.
The man in question came stumbling
out of the kitchen, clutching a nearly empty bottle of scotch. “I didn’t think
you were g-gonna show.”
Harry sighed. “Obviously…”
George grinned, drunkenly throwing
an arm around him. “But you did, din’t you? You’re late, you know…”
“Yes, I’m aware of this. I got
caught up with Dennis and Rick,” Harry said, leading George into the sitting
“Who the fuck’s Rick?” George asked, stopping short.
“He’s a reporter for The Quibbler.
I’ve agreed to let him interview me for the magazine,” Harry said.
“You haven’t g-gave an interview
in… forever. What’s so- special about Rick?”
George asked.
Harry gave him a strange look.
“Well, he is dead sexy…” he said
Unfortunately, George didn’t get
the joke. He let go of Harry and stormed- as much as one can storm in an inebriated state- into the room, sitting heavily by
the fire. Harry was severely confused by his apparent anger as he sat down next
to him.
“What’s you issue?” Harry asked,
“I was just kidding, you know. He’s a friend of Dennis. Plus he works for
“I’m sure…” George said, finishing off the scotch.
George! What’s your damage? I’m sorry I was late, but there’s no reason
for you to be acting like this,” Harry said.
George was silent, refusing to
look at Harry as he summoned another bottle from the kitchen.
“George? Could you answer me?
Please?” Harry said gently, “Honestly, mate, you’re confusing the hell out of
“I don’t know. I’m being selfish…”
George said, taking a long drink.
“How are you being selfish?” Harry
“I- don’t wanna
share you…” George stated, catching Harry off guard. He certainly hadn’t
expected that. However, he said nothing, merely waited for the man to continue.
“I know that sounds weird, but I really don’t. For the first time in over two
years, I don’t feel totally alone… and- and I don’t wanna
lose that. I can’t… I just…”
Harry smiled warmly at him, prying
the scotch from his fingers and setting it aside. “You won’t lose me, George.
We’ll always be friends, no matter how many people you have to share me with.”
“Well, what if…” George trailed
“What if what?”
Harry asked.
There was a moment of silence and
then, “I’m drunk.”
Harry almost laughed. “I know.”
“I’d like to not be…” George said,
“Drunk, that is…”
“Where’d you put the rest of those
potions I brought you?” Harry asked.
“Kitchen counter,” George replied.
“Do you sleep in there, as well?” Harry said, chuckling.
“Nah… don’t really sleep much,
but- the bed’s at least more comfortable,” George stated.
Harry returned and handed him the
potion, which he drank gratefully.
“So… ‘what if’
what?” Harry asked again.
George met his gaze and Harry saw
something akin to fear in the ocean blue eyes. “What if- I want to be more… more than friends?”
Harry sat back abruptly. “What?”
George looked away. “Forget I said
“No. Just- that kind of came out
of left field, didn’t it?” Harry said, his head still reeling, “I didn’t even
know you were gay.”
“I- pretty much always have been. But… Fred liked girls, so- I… you know? I just didn’t ant to
acknowledge that difference between us,” George said, “And it may have come out
of left field for you, but I’ve had feelings for you for quite a while. I was
just starting to come to terms with my lonely, loveless existence until you-
literally- broke in to my life again yesterday.”
Harry smiled. “I don’t know
whether to say I’m sorry or you’re welcome.”
“That depends on your response,”
George said seriously.
“I don’t exactly know what to say.
I can’t say that I fell nothing for you… after you left last night, it was
clear to me just empty my life really is and how much more… alive everything is
when I’m with you… but- I don’t know,” Harry said.
“If you feel something more than
friendship for me, then what more do you need to know?” George said, his eyes
pleading, “What can I do to convince you to be mine?”
The look on George’s face made him
breathless, but those words nearly made his heart stop. Nobody had ever so
desperately needed him or been as sincere as he was being.
“What’s wrong?” George asked.
“I was happy,” Harry replied,
raking a hand through his already messy hair, “At this time yesterday, I was
perfectly happy with my life. And then you waltz in and suddenly it seems empty
and boring and lonely… and now- what are you doing to me? I had no feelings for
you before, so why now? Why so suddenly?”
“Maybe there was a spark before,
but you just didn’t recognize it for what it was,” George said, “After all, you
were the only person who cared enough to help start our business. The only one
who could ever tell us apart.”
It made sense, looking back on it.
He’d always sensed something in George that he hadn’t in Fred. Maybe it was a spark of attraction. But if that
was true, then why wouldn’t he have known? He sighed. Because he was busy
convincing himself that he liked girls, that’s why.
“Why are you thinking so much?”
George said, grinning, “A relationship isn’t something you can analyze. It’s
based upon emotions and chemistry. There’s no rhyme or reason to the way you
feel. It just is, because it is.”
Harry smiled. “That was awfully
“I’ve got two years on you, young
man. I’m bound to have more life experience than you,” George smirked.
“Okay… if you say so…” Harry said,
rolling his eyes.
“Don’t sass me,” George said
“So- if I said yes and agreed to
try this with you… what would you do?” Harry asked.
“Kiss you,” George replied.
Harry smiled. “Well, then I have to say yes, don’t I?”
“You do…” George said, capturing
his lips in a tender kiss that seemed, to Harry, to last an eternity.
When they pulled apart, George
rested his forehead against Harry’s, keeping his eyes closed. Harry smiled,
silently wondering why they hadn’t done this ages ago.
Damn them and their foolishness.
“How shall I break the news to
your brother?” Harry whispered, fearing that if he spoke too loudly, he’d wake
himself from the dream he’d surely fallen into.
“You could tell him at the Burrow
next Friday,” George said, “Or we could wait until Christmas. It would be a
nice surprise, don’t you think?” He opened his eyes and Harry saw the familiar
laughter shining in them.
“I like the way you think,” Harry
said, grinning, “Christmas, it is!”
“So, are you going to invite me
back to your place again?” George asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Harry gasped in mock indignity.
“Why, George!” he exclaimed in a girly falsetto, “What kind of girl do you
think I am?!” George laughed and told him never to talk like that again. “But
yes, I was going to, actually.”
“Going to cook for me some more?”
George said.
“Yes. Stew this time, and baked
potatoes,” Harry replied, “The stew shouldn’t be done for a couple of hours,
though. So, we’ve got time to kill.”
“Whatever can we do for two
hours?” George said, advancing on him.
Just as Harry felt himself being
pushed to the floor, his cell phone began to ring. “Hello?” he answered, making
shushing motions to George, “Hey, ‘Mione.
What? Oh… yeah, I talked to George. Yeah… it was good… uh-huh. You went to my
flat earlier? Oh, I was to lunch with Dennis and his friend Rick. Long story. Where am I now?
I’m- er… actually over at George’s. Yeah, we’re-
talking.” He grinned at George, who snickered. “Hm? Oh, sorry. What did you say? Oh… can you and Ron
come over? Er… no, I don’t think that’d be a good
idea today. Well, I just got him to
open up to me and he’s still in a pretty sensitive state, y’know?”
George was fighting back the laughter. “Uh-huh. I might be able to convince
him. Honestly, tell Ron that patience is a virtue!” He laughed when he heard
Ron’s response in the background. “Yeah. I will. Dinner? I have- plans. Yeah… you could call it that. You
won’t be meeting him until Christmas. No, no exceptions. Yes, you’re both still
my best friends… Hermione Jane Granger! No! I have to go, now. No- no, I have
to go. George and I were talking when you called… bye. Good bye!”
He hung up the phone and sighed.
“She’s a bit of a pain, eh?”
George said.
“She hates it when she doesn’t know something,” Harry said, grinning.
George laughed. “Obviously.”
“Didn’t I say we were going to
talk some more?” Harry stated.
“What would you like to talk
about, Dr. Potter?” George said.
“You talk. I listen. That’s how this works,” he said, smirking.
“Then why don’t you ask questions
and I’ll answer?” George suggested, drawing Harry’s smaller form back against
his chest.
“Hmm… why did you get rid of
everything in here?” Harry asked.
George sighed. “Couldn’t you have
started with something easier?” He took a deep, fortifying breath. “It all
reminded me of Freddy. We picked everything out and decorated this place
together. Having it all around me just seemed like a
constant reminder of how I failed him.”
“You didn’t fail him. There was
nothing you could’ve done. I hope, with time, you’ll come to accept that,”
Harry said.
“Maybe…” George replied, “So- next
“Why do you drink so much?” he
“For the obvious
reasons. It helps me forget, for a time. It makes me stop feeling,”
George said.
“Is it Fred that you’re trying to
“Fred, and the pain, and the
loneliness… everything, really,” George said, “It just feels like so much
pressure is on me to be strong and continue life as if nothing has changed. But
I can’t do that.”
“Nobody is asking you to act like
it never happened. Your family loves you and they want you to be happy,” Harry
said, turning in his arms to meet his gaze, “None of us could stand watching
you slowly drink yourself to death. They just wanted to help you. They went
about it in a bad way, but they did mean well.”
“I know…” George sighed, “Maybe I
was a little hard of them…”
“You can start making it up to
them by coming to dinner at the Burrow next Friday,” Harry said, kissing him on
the nose, “They miss you.”
George tried to smile. “Alright. You’ve convinced me.”
“You know… there’s no pressure to
be strong when you’re with me, right? If you feel like crying or just having an
emotional breakdown, it’s okay. You don’t have to always be smiling,” Harry
said seriously.
“Thanks…” George said, hiding his
face in the crook of Harry’s neck.
He put his arms around the man’s
neck, stroking his hair gently. “You don’t ever have to pretend with me. You
don’t have to force yourself to smile. I can tell when you’re faking, you
know…” George nodded against his shoulder. “I know it’ll be hard for you to see
them all, but they love you and miss you. They don’t blame you. They never
will. They just want you to be happy.”
They sat like that for a few more
moments, George silently crying and Harry holding him and whispering comforting
words, before George sat up and gave a shaky smile. “I feel like such a girl…”
Harry laughed. “Everybody cries
“Even you?” George said.
“More than you’d imagine,” he
George kissed him, letting it
linger for a moment before moving away. “Then you can’t ever be afraid to cry
all over me, either.”
“I won’t. Don’t worry,” Harry
“Have we talked enough yet?”
George asked, grinning, “I can definitely think of a few better uses for our
“I think we can call it a day.
We’ve made some excellent progress,” he replied, adjusting his glasses in a
scholarly manner, “Where should I send your bill?”
George smirked, attacking Harry’s
mouth with his own as he pinned him to the floor. It was a deep, open-mouthed
kiss, full of fire and passion. It was like no kiss Harry had ever experienced
before. It made his body thrum with heat and sent his mind into a frenzied haze
of sensation. Everything was centered around taste and
touch, all other senses forgotten as his eyes fell shut and all he could hear
was his own rapid heartbeat in his ears. His hands found their way up George’s
back to tangle in his hair. Vaguely, he heard the other man moan deep in his
When the need for oxygen became a
problem, they pulled apart, gasping for a moment before they returned with
renewed vigor. Harry allowed his hands to roam George’s back, arms, and chest
freely, moving on pure animal instinct, which was a good thing if the sounds
George made were any indication.
Just as George relocated his mouth
to Harry’s neck, the cell began to go off again. Harry groaned and fought to
pull the damnable thing from his pocket. He pressed the silence button- or
thought he did- and tossed it aside. George pulled back for a moment.
“Who was it?” he breathed.
“Who cares? Don’t stop…” Harry
answered just as breathlessly, pulling him in for a kiss.
“Hello?!” came a voice.
“Shit!” Harry exclaimed, pushing
George away as gently as he could and scrambling for the phone. He snatched it
up and flipped it open. “Hello?” he said, trying to calm his raging hormones.
“Harry? Is that you?”
“Yeah… Dennis? How’d you get my
cell number?” Harry asked.
George was snickering in the
background. “Leave it like that… I want to hear this…” he whispered.
Harry rolled his eyes.
“I got it from Luna…” Dennis
replied, “What the hell were you doing?”
“I- that was… er-
nothing?” he said, unconvincingly.
“Didn’t sound like nothing. Who are you with?” Dennis asked.
“Nobody,” he lied.
“Found yourself a man, did you?”
Dennis said, his amusement clear in his tone.
“I- it- that’s… why did you call?”
Harry asked, trying to change the subject.
“Just wanted to ask if we could d
the interview next Saturday instead of Tuesday,” Dennis stated, “Rick didn’t
check his schedule very thoroughly.”
“Yeah… that’s fine. Whatever works
for you two,” he said.
“So- are you going to tell me who
you didn’t want to stop?” Dennis asked innocently.
George roared with laughter at
“I’m glad you find this so funny!”
Harry said, glaring at him, “Twit…”
“Well?” Dennis said, “If you tell
me, I’ll tell you my big news.”
“You and Rick got together,” Harry
said knowingly.
“Bloody- come on, Harry! Please
tell me?” Dennis pleaded.
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake…” George
grabbed the phone, “Hello?”
“Who’s this?” Dennis asked.
“Give me back my phone!” Harry
exclaimed, making a grab for it which George easily dodged.
“You’re not the only one with
quick reflexes, Seeker-boy,” George laughed, “So… Creevey, eh? I’m hurt that
you don’t recognize my voice.”
“It’s not Malfoy,
is it?” Dennis said.
George smirked. “Well…”
“Don’t you dare!”
Harry hissed, making another dash for the phone. George grabbed him around the
middle, pinning his arms to the side. “Don’t you even think about pretending to
be Draco!”
“Pretending? How would I be pretending?”
George drawled in a good imitation of the blonde aristocrat, “I am…”
“George Artemius
Weasley!” Harry exclaimed.
“Enough of an
answer for you, little Dennis?” George laughed.
“George Weasley?” Dennis said.
“The one and only,” he replied,
grinning, “Harry’s going to have to call you back later, though. He and I have
some unfinished business, once I convince him not to kill me.”
Dennis laughed. “Alright.
It was nice talking to you.”
Oh, and Dennis? Would you mind not telling anybody? We’re keeping it as a
Christmas surprise,” George said.
“No problem. Bye, Harry!” Dennis
“Goodbye, Dennis,” he growled.
They could hear Dennis laugh as he
hung up.
“Will you let go of me now?” Harry
“Will you let me live?” George
“I can’t make any promises,” he
“Then I’m afraid I can’t let you
go,” George said, chuckling, “After all, I can’t let you kill me after you’ve
just given me my will to live back. We’ve made such progress, you know…”
Harry looked up at him and smiled.
“I suppose I won’t kill you, then. This time…”
“Fair enough,” George said,
releasing his hold.
“Besides, I know I can trust
Dennis,” Harry said, stretching his arms over his head, “He’s a good kid.”
“Hmm… is he?” George said.
“Yeah,” Harry said, raising an
eyebrow at him.
“That’s good,” George stated
“Is something wrong?” Harry asked.
“Not really,” George said.
“Are you sure?” Harry said, reaching up to cradle his face in his hands.
George suddenly grinned and kissed
him fiercely. “Had you goin’, didn’t I?”
Harry laughed. “You jerk!”
“I’m starving! Do you think the
food is ready?” George said.
“It should be. Shall we head to my
place?” Harry said, grinning at George’s enthusiastic nod.
Dinner was spent talking mostly
about what their various friends were doing since graduating. Ron becoming an auror, Hermione working in the Department of Mysteries,
Neville apprenticing with Professor Sprout and taking over her job… And, of
course, the discussion eventually switched to Quidditch-
always a popular subject- as well as the book that Harry had given him.
Afterwards, Harry told George he could wait for him in the sitting room while
he cleaned up. When he was done with that, he found George sleeping on the sofa
and smiled to himself. He shook the man lightly, whispering his name.
George just groaned and swatted at
“Come on, George. You need to wake
up,” Harry tried again, shaking him a bit more forcefully, “You can’t sleep on
the sofa. You’ll get a crick in your neck.”
He cracked an eye open. “I don’t want
to go home. I can’t sleep there…”
“You can sleep here, if you want
to. Just not on the sofa,” Harry said.
“Alright,” George said, sitting up
and stretching, “How many bedrooms you got?”
“Three… but one of them is
Teddy’s,” Harry replied, “And before you have another fit, I’m talking about
Teddy Lupin, my Godson, who is two years old.”
George grinned. “Ah, yes… Teddy Lupin… I have so much to teach him…”
“I’m not letting you spend any
time with him. That kid gets into enough trouble as it is,” Harry laughed, “And
I kind of thought you’d want to sleep in my room…” He blushed.
“You wouldn’t mind?” George said.
“As long as it’s- just sleeping…
and you don’t try anything funny,” Harry said, his blush darkening.
George’s eyebrows rose practically
to his hairline. “Harry… you’re a virgin, aren’t you?”
Harry grew defensive at the
question, crossing his arms over his chest and standing up from his crouching
position. “So what if I am?”
George laughed and pulled him down
onto his lap. “It’s not a bad thing and I wasn’t trying to insult you. I think
it just makes you even more attractive.”
Harry was still bristling a bit so
he kissed him reassuringly.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how
far have you gone?”
“Just kissing…” he replied.
“So how do you know you’re even gay?”
George asked.
“I like kissing guys a lot more
than I ever liked kissing Ginny or Cho,” he replied.
“And what boys have you kissed?”
George said, teasingly poking him in the side.
Harry mumbled something under his
“I didn’t quite catch that…”
“Draco Malfoy and Oliver Wood…” he repeated.
“Really? How’d that work out for
you?” George said.
“Oliver and I were together for a
few months before his job took him elsewhere. I realized that we never would’ve
lasted when I wasn’t even sad to see him go,” Harry said, “And then… Draco and I kissed at the Ministry party last May and… well, the attraction was there, but no real feelings. We had
a good laugh and have become good friends since.”
“Why did he kiss you?” George
“I don’t know! It was a random,
drunken, spur-of-the-moment thing! How far have you gone?” Harry shot back.
“As far as one can go,” George replied.
“How many?”
Harry asked, feeling a rush of jealousy.
“I don’t know… a lot? And don’t
give me that look! I’ve been in a shitty place for two and a half years and…
sex was another handy way to forget my problems…” George said.
“How many were you serious about?”
Harry asked.
You’re the first to tame the beast,” George replied, grinning.
Harry smiled. “Good.”
George kissed him sweetly. “I don’t
get to be your first anything, do I?”
“You’re the first person to give
me a bloody hickey…” Harry grumbled teasingly, “And you’ll be the first person
I’ve shared a bed with.”
“Sounds like a good start. What
other firsts can I be?” George said, giving him a lecherous grin.
Harry exclaimed, laughing, “I think you’ve violated me enough for one day.”
“It’ll never be enough for me…”
George whispered into his ear, taking the sensitive lobe between his teeth.
Harry hissed in a breath.
“Careful… I might think you’re just in this for the sex…”
“What sex?” George growled.
Harry shivered at the low, husky
“I love how responsive you are…”
George said softly, running his hands up the length of Harry’s sides, “You have
absolutely no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”
Harry turned to protest that he
wasn’t at all attractive, but found
his mouth captured by a deep, hungry kiss. He moaned loudly, arching his back
when George’s hands found their way under his shirt. George answered with a
moan of his own at the friction he created every time he shifted.
“God! We
have to stop…” Surprisingly, it was George who tore his mouth away to speak.
“Why?” Harry mewled in his
George took his hands back and
brought them up to Harry’s face. “Because if we don’t stop
now, I won’t be able to at all. And you won’t be able to deny me.”
“Who says I want to deny you?”
Harry said.
George sighed, kissing his
forehead. “Look, we’re both pretty much new to this. You’ve never done anything
this intense before and I’ve never been with anybody that I felt strongly for.
So… let’s just take it slow. I want to do this the right way, Harry. And I
don’t want you to regret anything.”
“When did you get so sweet?” Harry
said, smiling.
“I’ve always been sweet, I’ll have
you know,” George stated.
“I think Ron would disagree…”
Harry laughed.
George grinned. “I think you’re
Harry sighed contentedly, leaning
back against George’s strong chest and resting his head against his shoulder.
“Do you have any plans for
tomorrow?” George asked.
“I’m supposed to be going shopping
with Hermion, Ginny, and Fleur at eleven,” he
replied, chuckling, “Fleur’s going to be having that
baby any day now, I swear. And now Ginny, too… there’re going to be a lot of
new little Weasleys running around.”
be happy about that,” George said.
“She’ll be happier when Ron
finally asks Hermione to marry him…” Harry said.
“He’s so dense sometimes,” George
laughed, “I can’t believe he still
hasn’t popped the question!”
“Anyway, after that I have no definite
plans. Why?” Harry said.
“Would you like to go out to dinner?” George asked, “Like… a
real date?”
“I’d love to… but only you really
want to,” he replied.
“I do. But… do you mind if we go
somewhere in muggle London?
I don’t want to run into anybody I know,” George said.
“Wherever you choose is fine with
me,” Harry stated, “As long as we can go to bed soon…”
“Is somebody sleepy?” George said,
speaking as though to a small child.
“It’s been a long day,” he said,
George chuckled, standing and picking
him up. “Then we should get you to bed.”
“George! Put me down! I can walk!” Harry exclaimed.
“I don’t want to let you down,”
George said, holding him more tightly, “Which room is yours?”
“First door on the left…” Harry
said, blushing.
George opened the door and stepped
into the room, kicking it shut behind them, and deposited Harry on the bed.
“What exactly was the point of
carrying me in here?” Harry asked, sitting up.
“It was worth it to see that cure
expression on your face,” George said.
Harry walked into the bathroom,
grabbing a pair of pajama pants, and shut the door, muttering about ‘silly gits’ and ‘freaking embarrassing’.
George stripped down to his boxers
and crawled into large bed, burrowing into the warmth of the soft blankets.
Harry returned a moment later dressed only in the black, drawstring pants and
George practically drank in the sight of him. He had a lithe, toned body, no
bulky but not quite feminine, rather like a dancer’s build. It was pure
perfection in George’s eyes.
“Quit staring. You’re making me
nervous…” Harry said, getting into bed next to the red-haired man.
George immediately pulled him
close and wrapped his arms around him. “I can’t help it that you’re so
Harry couldn’t find the words to
respond as his mind was currently on overload from all of the skin-to-skin
contact. “George?” he whispered.
“Are you- not wearing any
clothes?” he asked.
“I kept my boxers on for your
sake,” George said, smirking.
“Oh… okay then,” he said.
George laughed. “Come on, now! Neither
of us are going to get any sleep with you lying there
all tense. It’s just me… I won’t do anything ‘funny’ as you put it. Relax,
He sighed and willed himself to
calm down. However, his mind kept coming back to the feel of George’s bare
chest against his back, his arms wrapped around his
own naked torso, and couldn’t settle down.
“I’ll go sleep in another room…”
George said, sighing.
Harry turned quickly and forced
him back down, landing half on top of him. “Don’t… I’m sorry. I don’t know why
I’m so nervous.”
“You’re not the only one who’s
nervous…” George said, “But if me being here is going to make you lose sleep, I
can go to the spare room.”
“No… just- let me get used to it,”
Harry said, resting his cheek against his chest, allowing the sound of the
other man’s heart fill him. His hand was splayed against hard, muscular abs and
he found himself tracing the lines of those muscles, carding through the light
dusting of hair that led into the waistband of his boxers. It was a
subconscious motion on his part, but it was affecting George in a rather
extreme way.
“Harry…” he said huskily, grabbing
his wrist, “You probably should stop that.”
“Sorry,” he said, blushing, and
moved his hand up to a safer location.
“Are you calm now?” George asked.
Harry nodded.
“That’s good. However, I find that
I am the antithesis of calm at the moment…”
He chuckled. “I said I was sorry.
I didn’t even know I was doing it.”
“It’s fine. I’ll just think of
something really gross…” George said, “Like breast…”
Harry burst into laughter at that,
rolling away and clutching his stomach. “B-breats? That’s how you- get rid of your erection?! By thinking about- breasts?!”
“Oh, shut up!” George said,
“They’re gross! Just flabby lumps of shapeless fat…” He shuddered.
Harry only laughed harder.
George grumbled.
Harry got himself under control
and turned back to him. “I’m sorry… that was just hilarious. I haven’t laughed
like that in ages…”
“I’m glad I could provide you with
some amusement,” George said, pulling him closer, “Now could we possibly get
some sleep?”
Harry kissed his cheek and smiled.
“At least now I’m totally relaxed.”
George grinned. “Good night,
“Mm… night…” Harry said, the sound
of George’s pulse in his ears already lulling him to sleep.
George soon followed and they
slipped into peaceful slumber, wrapped securely in each other’s embrace.
Huzzah! Chapter Two! Long as SHIT!
Longer than One, if I’m not mistaken. Crazy! This
story is such fun to write! Sorry if it seems like they moved kinda fast. I promise that they really are going to take it
slow. Unless you all WANT them to jump into the sexings!
(Of course, even then… I have too much fun drawing it out… [insert
evil cackle] ^_^) PLEASE review! I was pleased with the feedback of Chapter
One! I LOVE reviews!!!!!!
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