Blindsided by Affection | By : bibliobibuli17 Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 41821 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't have any claim, monetary or otherwise, on anything HP related. Actually...I don't really have a claim on anything, period, except my dudefriend. That's sad. |
A/N: Wow, I got 9 reviews! 9!! I'm so excited! Plus 2 ratings! I never expected any response - hoped, yes, but didn't dare to expect. And over 1000 hits! It's been less than 2 days since I posted that first Just, wow. Thank you all for your interest! And those of you that took the time to review/rate, THANK YOU. I truly appreciate it, so very much. I'm a new writer, this is the first thing I've ever posted, and I never realized how motivational reviews could be. In the short time since I posted last chapter, I've written two and a half chapters, over 7000 words so far. I'm working on the fifth chapter now. I saw my reviews and it just was like boom! Write! Yay! Write! lol.
Thank you, you guys. Sincerely. Remember, I'm always looking for constructive criticism along with encouragement (encouragement! YAY). Even flames are welcome, for they'll at least make me think :p. I don't have a beta - or anyone really that is looking over these before I post them. Just me. So all critique/comments/suggestions/etc are always welcome. Review reponses at the end of the chapter, along with a couple little comments of my own ^^.
Hermione had whipped through the halls, long curly hair streaming behind her and bag knocking into her legs on every other step. Her blouse had fanned out on either side of her, still open from her little escapade into insanity. It was certainly fortunate that the time had been nearly two in the morning on a Friday night - everyone in their right minds were sleeping off whatever they'd had to drink, or doing some heavy snogging within their beds. 'Right minds' being a relative term. A term she herself had disregarded, then proceeded to merrily dance naked around.
Hermione was now safely ensconced in her bed, curtains drawn tight around it so she felt less exposed. Her hair was wet from her quick and furious scrubbing in the shower, and her pillowcases had the damp spots to prove it. Curled tight into the fetal position and buried deep in her blankets, she was attempting to distract herself from a shocking reality.
What. The. Bloody. Hell.
It wasn't working.
Flashes of long black hair cascading over the light swell of breasts, tangling in his white blond...a dark nipple the color of chocolate, stark against a white uniform shirt, being twisted between strong fingers...the sharp, deep curve of her arching back...the line of her jaw and curve of her ample lips, open in a silent scream...the lines of his muscles working beneath his trousers, driving himself in over and over...the moans from deep within his chest...the faint smirk in his eyes as he watched her orgasm the first time...
The indecipherable, fiercely burning look in his eyes when he looked into Hermione's.
Hermione rubbed her eyes hard with the heels of her hands, then hit her head a few times against her pillow for good measure. She halfheartedly hoped that would knock the images out of her retinas, but they were apparently etched in because there was no discernible difference. Eyes open, eyes closed, she saw the scene replay.
And she wanted it. She wanted it with an ache so deep and strong it was a black hole in her lower belly. The need was so tempting that she felt she might lose herself in it. How long would she be able to hold back from such a monstrous thing?
There was no need to stress over Malfoy or Parkinson wanting her. They quite evidently had each other, and pleased each other to no end. But...that didn't take into account her own possible actions. She'd never do something so foolish as to approach one of them in complete desperation, would she? No, no, definitely not. She still seemed to be mostly sane.
Mostly. Except for when she did things like undress and masturbate two bloody meters from two sex fiends. What in Merlin's pants was wrong with her? Did she truly do that? Could she have imagined it? Oh how she hoped she had...
Whether or not Draco and/or Pansy would blackmail her...well. Now. That was a whole different aspect to this joke of Fate's. Malfoy had obviously known she was there. Everyone knows that Malfoy and Parkinson have a 'mutually satisfying' relationship going on, too, so it's not like outing my voyeuristic tendencies to the whole of Hogwarts would hurt either of them much. Hermione offered a derisive snort to the world in general, sending a whispy curl fluttering above her head for a moment before it landed gently on her cheek. But for how long? How long did he know I was there? I don't have to wonder HOW he knew, that's for certain! Gods. I wasn't exactly quiet, even in the beginning.
She was still swollen between her legs, still aroused, but she refused to give in. As much as she had thoroughly enjoyed herself - and being honest with herself once again, she knew she had, immensely (and would do it again, but she ignored that admission for now) - she refused to give in to that. Not yet. She had some control in this situation, and she would exercise it, dammit.
But how long had he known?! And Pansy! Did she know? She had never looked, never given any sign she'd known Hermione was there...but she had seemed to be wholly lost in an incredibly intense orgasm. And speaking of those orgasms! I knew female ejaculation existed, but like that? That powerful, that many times, that much liquid? Does Malfoy do that to her, or is this all her? Is it all ejaculation or is some of it urine? But she did it multiple times, her bladder couldn't have held all that as, it looked clear. Urine's not clear, unless you drink all water all the time, and I know she had pumpkin juice at dinner! Wait, how do I know that?
Hermione paused in her mental questioning. That was. Unexpected?
Hmm. Well. That can be analyzed later. There's bigger things than female ejaculation and my knowledge of Pansy's drinking habits to be considered.
Certainly she could keep herself from pouncing on either Malfoy or Parkinson and ravishing them to death...certainly. Certainly the pull wasn't that strong.
Perhaps she should avoid them in the future just in case.
Who was she kidding. Fear of the inevitable rejection that would follow would be more than enough of a deterrent, not to mention it getting around the school. Sleeping with Malfoy and Parkinson? No one, not a soul, even knew that she found males and females equally attractive. That would be shocking enough. Tack on to that that she was sleeping with both Malfoy and Parkinson, mudblood Granger with DEs To Be, the perfect Gryffindor Princess with Slytherin's (and all of Hogwart's) Sex King and Queen...
It was pointless to worry about those things, though, because it was never going to happen. Ever. Even if deep inside she thought it might be nice to feel wanted for something other than her brain, even if deep inside she felt neglected and unappreciated. Even if deep inside she wanted what she saw.
Ack, getting distracted again!
It would be nice if they were random strangers, and she could count on never seeing them again...but no. If she didn't see them at mealtimes - which she figured she'd be going to the kitchen for the rest of this weekend at least, so that wasn't likely for now - she'd see them for sure on Monday in classes. Hermione wasn't sure how she was going to handle the swamp of feelings she was navigating now in their presence. The lust, the need, the wistfulness; the humiliation, the shame, the curiosity. Something told her she wasn't going to rest very well this night, as little as there was of it left. For a fair amount of reasons.
...Oh Merlin! I left my panties!!
No. No, she had most unfortunately not imagined this debacle. Unless Dobby snatched her panties off her body to act as his new tea-cozy-turned-hat, which she highly doubted, the absence of said panties was quite compelling evidence. Hermione groaned in despair, burying her face deep into her pillow.
Draco stood, tucking himself back into his trousers as he watched Pansy slowly compose herself. Sex was usually a very intense experience for her, and it generally took a few moments for Pansy to pull herself together. Not that I mind, he thought to himself, observing her deliciously disheveled form from behind lowered eyelids.
"Don't think I can't feel you staring at me, Draco," Pansy chose that moment to say, standing and turning toward him with a smirk. "If you don't stop, I might need another good fuck, and I don't know that you can get it up again so soon," she added, eyeing his now-deflated crotch pointedly. Draco leered at her in response.
"You never know, Pans, you're quite the temptation. And this exhibition play has certainly stirred things up now...I never would have guessed that we might snare Granger in our net."
"Nor would I have," Pansy responded, sauntering over to him to press a lingering kiss to his lips. "That was quite the display you put on there for her, too, Draco. I would feel inadequate, if I were to actually care. As it is, I was far from neglected. Such wonderful techniques you have at your disposal, love."
"It's fortunate you wanted to try this exhibition play, which you evidently get off on to astronomical proportions," Draco insinuated.
Pansy affected a demure demeanor. "But you're the one who is always up for anything, Dray, and you know you got off on it nearly as much as I did. If we'd had more time, I'm sure you would've had just as much fun."
Draco and Pansy had been together since Fifth Year, more because the arrangement allowed them mutual satiation rather than any sense of affection. That's not to say that neither of them cared for the other; simply, they'd never allowed the chance for any feelings other than attraction to form between them. There were the stereotypical reasons, of course, such as growing up in loveless families, or Slytherins in general being too manipulative and self-centered to know love for anything but themselves.
However, it seemed as though the main cause for the lack in Pansy and Draco's 'relationship' was that they just hadn't ever explored the possibilities. They were destined to be together forever, from birth to death, according to their pureblood families, and there was no more thought needed. They were more than sexually compatible, and to them, that mattered most. At least, for now. The both of them were ready and willing to try anything, any cravings or urgings, and were eager to explore those wants with each other.
One of those desires, among such things as handcuffs and exhibitionism, happened to be Hogwart's Virgin Queen. Hermione Granger was practically innocence personified, and that drew both Pansy and Draco like nothing but each other had ever done. They'd both wanted Granger for a while now, since they'd all returned for Seventh Year and the two of them had seen exactly what the Head Girl had transformed into. Both had had more than a few fantasies of 'spoiling' Miss Perfect. She was a Mudblood, yes, but this was just sex. Draco was marrying Pansy, not Granger...they just wanted to fuck Granger in the meantime. And in Pansy's mind, Granger was just begging to be 'desecrated'.
And speaking of...
Drawing his wand, Draco spelled the area clean of the remains of their activities before making his way over to the corner Granger had been peeking around. Pansy, not bothering to put her clothing to rights quite yet, followed him.
"Oh would seem our little voyeur left something of importance behind in her haste to escape," Draco drawled, bending over to pick up a pure white scrap of clothing. He held the panties up, noticing as he did that the crotch was more than a little damp, and he felt himself growing hard at the realization.
"What a lovely gift our Miss Prim and Proper left us. Wouldn't you agree, Pans?" he asked, rubbing the wet patch between the thumb and forefinger of his other hand, before wadding the panties up and moving to shove them in his pocket. Pansy snatched them from him before he could, though, a wicked light in her pale blue eyes. She covered her hand in the panties, making sure the damp crotch was in her palm, and rubbed her hand against the hardness she could now see in Draco's trousers. Draco groaned, pressing himself into her.
"Not so fast, earned something for your little performance earlier, don't you think? You did so well, with such elaborate dirty talk. I think you might have earned your own talking to." She pressed her chest into his, gripping him through his clothing with her panty gloved hand. "Oh yes, Dray, you did indeed. She was wet, Draco, very wet. Would you like to feel how wet?" Pansy purred at him, looking up into his eyes knowingly. Draco brought his hands up to grip her hips, grinding his erection into her hand in response.
Smirking once again at him, she used her free hand to open his trousers and slipped her gloved hand down to cup his dick. Draco swore, his cock jumping at the touch of the damp cloth. He was steel in her grasp, pulsing against her through the panties. As she began to stroke her hand up and down his length, her slippery palm and the wet cloth gliding against him with every pump, Pansy spoke.
"My my, Draco, such lust you hold for these panties - or should I say, for the girl that soaked these panties.The girl whose juices drenched these panties as she watched us, as she imagined the picture you painted for all of us. I heard her moans just as you did...I saw those big honey-brown eyes and the mass of curls snooping around the corner. And you know what, Dray?" Pansy paused for a moment to savor the feel of Draco rubbing the tip of his cock, wet with precum, up and down her bare stomach with every grind. "If she left her panties here, drenched in her juices...why, our 'Miss Prim and Proper' must have been touching herself while she watched us, Dray. She must have been getting herself off as she watched you make me come four times. She must have been rubbing her clit, imagining us fucking her...imagining us coming on her, in her. And you want it, don't you Dray."
Draco was breathing heavily now, eyes closed and flushed as he imagined what she described. His cock was purple beneath her fingers and his balls were tight and hard. She knew it wasn't going to take much more of both her touch and Granger's image to finish him off.
"You want to see her dripping with my come, see yours sliding out of her. You want to see her face in my pussy, see her licking my cunt as I squirt in her mouth...and you want me to teach her to come like that, don't you Draco? You want her to come like that all over your cock, like I do, don't you Draco?"
All it took were the implications of that double picture and Draco was coming, his cock jumping in her hand with stream after stream of come into Granger's wet panties. Pansy reached up to pull Draco's head down, kissing him hard and swallowing his groans. She couldn't help but think of the things to come as feminine pride and satisfaction turned her lips up in a smug grin.
A/N: Yes, yes, I talk too much, I know. I just wanted to give you all an idea of how I see these three in my head. They're all gorgeous, of course, tee hee. Hermione and Draco I kind of see like they are here, except Hermione has longer hair and eyes of a more gold/honey color:
Pansy I see as a kind of Roselyn Sanchez figure, except with pale blue eye color. Roselyn Sanchez is the hispanic actress on Without A Trace. I saw her on a commercial and was like...0.0.
Hmmm, was that all I wanted to say...? Hm. Oh, nope! One reviewer commented on how bold Hermione seemed to be, and that they liked how Hermione may have been inexperienced, but not naive. GOOD. I personally don't believe being inexperienced necessarily correlates to being naive, and I don't think being inexperienced means that you have to be skittish/uncertain/insecure/prudish. Hermione is a very passionate, fiery person. I feel that that would translate to most areas of her life.
Now, on to responses!
Hermione Snape & FireWolf: lol, why, certainly! I actually planned to have some, and am laying the ground work as we speak ;]. I'll have to warn you, though, I know plenty of theory behind the whole bdsm/bondage concept, but have very limited experience - so any input the two of you have (and anyone else) is more than welcome! THANK YOU for reviewing!!
WesleyY7: I thought it was interesting in a slam!-in-your-face way too ^^. I'm not really one for dragging things out, generally, unless it has benefits ;]. I didn't know much about female ejaculation until about a year ago, either, and it's totally caught my interest since. And I'm so glad there's someone out there that doesn't mind the PP/HG!! I was really hoping I wouldn't lose people once they found that out...though, that'll be very much tested in chapters 3 and 4 *wince*. As for the rest of your review...well, like I said above, I don't think inexperienced means you have to be naive. I certainly wasn't, lol. I was bad. Thank you so very much for your detailed review! *squees*
Hannah Banana: I have a writing style? Really?? That's awesome! I'm really glad you like it, truly. It's not nearly so much fun to write this stuff without people to enjoy it. Continue I shall! Is this update soon enough for you? *looks innocent*
Jenn: I think I'm going to. Yayness for all. Here's a new chapter for you!
anncee: LOL I know. Writing this stuff always riles me up, and I end up dearly missing my boyfriend. Haha :p.
Love_4_Draco_always: You really think so? Thank you ^^! I know, I wanted them to eventually have a relationship, though at the beginning it truly is all about the sex. As for my ideas...well, I think I have enough of those to write at least 30 chapters. Truly. lol.
HermioneMalfoyFan: I know, it has a way of getting to you. I'm very much grateful that you think so! Hope this chapter helped to feed your need ;].
kj: I hope this is soon enough, seeing as how you just reviewed last night. ^^ *dances*. Enjoy!
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