A new beginning | By : ladyiceberg Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 6308 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling. I am making absolutely no money from this piece of fictional writing. Snarry and Ron x Draco |
Chapter 2
Rain. Harry hated the rain and everything that came with it. He hated the darkness of the sky and he hated thunder and lightning, but most of all he hated getting wet. Usually he avoided getting out in such weather, but today was an exception, he and Ron were going to Hogwarts to talk with Snape.
“Remind me again why am I going with you?” Harry groaned as he tried to cover himself better with the thin jacket he was wearing. He and Ron were walking from Hogsmeade to the school on foot through a drizzle and they were already wet to the skin. It was almost summer, and the weather had been fine when they had left London so none of them was prepared for this. Ron smiled a little at his friend’s words and began to walk faster since the rain was beginning to annoy him too.
“Because Dolohov told you to give Snape the news that he had his godson. Plus I heard some rumors about Snape and I want to have help with me just in case.” Ron’s last words made Harry curious so he caught up with his friend and asked innocently:
“What do you mean?” Harry eyes widened when he saw that Ron had turned extremely serious. The red haired boy took a deep breath he began to tell his friend the story he had heard in the auror locker room.
“Apparently Snape turned younger by 10 years. Some of the potions that were given to him in combination with Nagini’s venom had created an extremely powerful deaging potion so when he woke up he was 28 years old instead of 38. And what’s unbelievable is that the process is irreversible, the healers had tried everything, but apparently Snape is cursed to relive his thirties. The guy who told us said that he saw Snape with his own eyes since he was one of the aurors in charge of his moving from St. Mungo to Hogwarts so the story must be true.” Harry was left speechless. The news that his former teacher had deaged by ten years did strange things to his heart. He knew that the man was alive and out of prison since he had been at the man’s trial to make sure that he stayed a free man, but he had no idea how the man was physically because Snape hadn’t shown himself at the trial being still at St. Mungo at that time. Feeling somehow betrayed by his friend, Harry stopped walking and screamed angrily at him.
“How long did you know about this?” Ron was taken aback by his friend’s reaction. He knew that Harry was sensitive about things related to their former potions professor, but he had never imagined that Harry would react this way.
“Since six months ago. I really wanted to tell you mate, but you expressly said that you didn’t want to know anything about Snape so I thought it was best to keep my mouth shut.” Remembering he had indeed said that, Harry calmed down. He looked at Ron apologetically and began to walk again. Ron said nothing more to Harry, but the boy felt ashamed of his behavior.
Harry had no idea why he was reacting strangely every time Snape was mentioned. It was true that he and Snape had loathed each other from the day Harry set foot in Hogwarts, but that was no excuse for his behavior. Yes, Snape had treated him viciously, both in class and out. The man had frequently derided his abilities, had bullied him in class and had punished him whenever possible, but he had also protected Harry in his own twisted way. Harry couldn’t decipher anymore the emotions he felt regarding Snape. He felt hatred, but he also felt gratitude. He felt anger, but he also felt compassion. Harry couldn’t deny that Snape had been a bastard during his years at Hogwarts, but after what he had seen in the pensive his opinion about the man had changed completely. Quite often Harry found himself feeling jealous of his mother for having someone who loved her so much. He craved for someone like that, someone to love him unconditionally, but he knew that he would never have that because before being ‘Harry’ he was the Boy-who-lived. People around him didn’t see him for who he was, but for what he had done. He was a trophy for show that was why he found it hard to get close to anyone.
The remaining walk to the school was silent. None of the boys talked being too deeply immersed in their own thoughts. Soon they had in full view the school. Hogwarts looked like the battle from a year ago had never happened. Harry remembered clearly that the school had been extensively damaged during the battle, multiple areas of the main building and adjacent areas had been set on fire or blown up, and the Quidditch pitch had been almost destroyed by fire so it came as a surprise to see it rebuilt so quickly.
“Magnificent, isn’t it?” Harry moved his gaze from the school to look at Ron and smiled when he saw the silly expression on his friend’s face. Ron looked at the school with the same amazement of a first year student and Harry couldn’t help but laugh since they had seen that castle for seven years day after day.
“It is, now let’s hurry we’re almost there and I really want to get out of this rain.” The boys ran to the main entrance of the castle and Ron used a spell on the wards to alert the headmistress of their arrival. As they waited, Harry charmed himself and Ron dry, and he also performed a warming charm on himself wanting to warm his cold body.
“Step inside gentlemen, it’s quite cold outside.” Harry and Ron smiled at their former transfiguration professor who had charmed the door open as she walked from the Great Hall. Minerva McGonagall was now the new headmistress of the school and the boys noticed nostalgically that she hadn’t changed at all since they had last seen her. She was just as tall and severe-looking as they remembered her. And she was still wearing her emerald green robes with the pointed hat cocked to one side and the square spectacles that gave her a very stern expression.
“Thank you for receiving us on such a short notice headmistress.” Ron said as they made their way inside. The old woman looked worriedly at them and then hugged them both. The boys were taken aback by the strange behavior of the woman. It was out of character for their former Head of House to express her emotions in such a way.
“Oh boys… Just when things were finally getting back on track this happened…” Harry sighed deeply as he remembered that Andromeda’s funeral was the next day. He hadn’t known the woman for long, but he liked her and he was sad that she had died. Ron saw his friend’s sad expression and sighed as well. He knew that Harry had seen many people he cared about die and he knew that the boy suffered deeply each time so he decided that he would do everything in his power to bring Teddy back home safe.
“Where could we find Snape?” Ron asked managing to get the woman’s attention and at the same time wake Harry from his self-pity state.
“It is Professor Snape to you Mr. Weasley, and I’m right here.” Harry unconsciously shivered at the sound of the man’s powerful deep voice. He and Ron turned to look at the man behind them and both their jaws dropped on the floor. Before them stood a completely different Snape.
During their school years, Severus Snape had been tall and thin, with a sallow complexion, a large hook nose, shoulder length oily black hair, curling lips and dark, penetrating eyes, but the man before them was nothing like that. The Snape now was still tall but with a muscular body, his hair was still black, but it wasn’t oily anymore and it was cut short, his nose, lips and eyes were unchanged, and the wrinkles on his face were fewer. Harry couldn’t help but admire the man’s powerful built, his well sculptured chest, his broad shoulders and well defined arms and legs. If Harry hadn’t known Severus before, he would think that the man is simply gorgeous.
“Close your mouth Mr. Potter I don’t want to be responsible for you choking on a fly.” Severus walked past Harry and the boy closed his eyes breathing in the man’s scent. The man smelled of potion ingredients and something musky, something that was just his. Harry felt weak in his knees and was about to collapse when a gentle hand on his back brought him back to reality.
“Don’t worry Harry I reacted the same when I saw him after he was released from St. Mungo. Severus may have changed physically, but he is still the same man you knew from school.” The headmistress words reminded Harry that the man before him was Severus Snape, the man he hated, so he pulled himself together and followed the others towards the headmistress’s office.
“What is this all about Minerva? My time is precious and I still need to brew a few potions for the hospital wing.” Snape said as they entered the headmistress’s office. Minerva frowned at the man’s words and conjured some chairs so they could sit comfortably. Ron and Harry sat down at once, but Snape kept on standing.
“This is important Severus, it’s about young Mr. Malfoy.” After hearing Draco’s name, Severus sat down on his high chair and raised an eyebrow waiting for an explication. Harry did not intend to speak with the man so he moved his gaze to the floor ignoring the man’s heated stare. Seeing that Harry was uncomfortable, Ron decided to get it over with so they could leave.
“We had a little meeting with Dolohov yesterday at Malfoy Manor. He killed Andromeda Tonks and kidnapped Teddy Lupin before going there to get Malfoy. He told us to tell you that it would be his pleasure to kill him. We come to tell you that, and to ask you if you have any idea where he might have taken them.” Ron waited for an answer, but Severus kept quiet, as he was too deep in thought. Feeling that Snape’s gaze was no longer on him, Harry looked up and his heart skipped a bit what he saw that the man had removed his robe and had opened a few buttons of his white shirt.
“Professor…?” Ron asked, impatiently waiting for an answer that was yet to come. Snape snapped out of his thoughts and cleared his throat a little before speaking.
“Even if I knew I wouldn’t tell the aurors. They are all a bunch of good for nothing.” Harry felt his blood boil as he heard the man’s words. Apparently Snape hadn’t changed all that much after all, and he also hadn’t learned much from his previous experiences. Contrary to Harry, Ron was extremely calm even if the man had deliberately insulted him.
“I was removed from the case and I have no intention of helping the aurors with this task. I’m only interested in saving Teddy so if you might know something I would really appreciate it if you would tell me sir.” Snape smirked at the boy’s straightforwardness and decided that he could trust Ron to help him save both Draco and Teddy.
“I might have an idea of where they are, but I’m not going to tell you. If you want, you could come with me because I’m going to get Draco back.” Ron thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement. Harry caught the motion of his friend’s head and frowned deeply.
“Ron, he can’t be trusted. Plus, you are an auror, you have the duty to tell your colleagues about what you might find regarding the case.” Ron turned to Harry and gave him a sad smile.
“The aurors are not what they once were mate. For once in my life, I agree with Snape. The aurors are just a bunch of kids who know nothing about battle. Harry, they had only managed to arrest six Death Eaters in a year, and I counted the one that we caught yesterday too. If I want to excel in this job I might as well learn from this experience so I’m going with him.” Snape was pleased to hear that, he needed all the help he could get since he knew that Dolohov was not in this alone. Harry was still in shock, he couldn’t believe that Ron had accepted Snape’s proposition. He recovered fast though, since he saw the two men getting on their feet ready to leave.
“I’ll come too, just to keep an eye on you, professor.” Harry got up as well and moved in front of Snape to make his point clear. Snape smirked, took his robe from the chair and ignoring Harry he walked out of the office, but not before giving a last warning to his former student.
“Suite yourself Potter, but keep in mind that I’m not going to save you if you get yourself caught.” Harry wanted to say something back, but the man was already gone.
“That went well.” Hearing a woman’s voice Harry turned and saw the headmistress smiling gently at him. He had totally forgotten that the woman was in the room as his thoughts regarding Snape had distracted him all that time.
“Yes it did. Can we use your floo, we need to get ready because we are meeting professor Snape in an hour.” The woman shook her head affirmatively at Ron’s words and the boy pushed Harry towards the fireplace and they both disappeared.
An hour later, Ron and Harry were outside Hogwarts prepared to go on the rescue mission. It was still raining, but now they both had proper clothes on so they were fine. Snape joined them at once and they all walked to the apparition spot. During their walk, Harry noticed that Snape was wearing muggle clothes under his robe. At first, he was surprised by his discovery, but decided to ignore it since the thought that Snape was extremely hot in muggle clothes was threatening to take over his mind.
“Take my hand.” Snape said as they reached the apparition spot. Ron grabbed the man’s forearm at once, but Harry just froze looking at the man’s outstretched hand. Snape lost his patience and garbed the boy apparating away.
Harry pulled himself forcefully from the man’s grip as their feet touched solid ground. Snape frowned at the boy and once again grabbed him, but this time he didn’t take hold of the boy’s hand, his hand went around Harry’s waist keeping him in place.
“Do you have a death wish Potter?” Snape hissed as the pulled the boy into his arms. Harry frowned and looked behind him to find out that they were standing on the edge of a cliff.
“Sorry.” Harry whispered and the man let him go gently. After letting Harry go, Snape turned his back at the boy and began to walk rapidly into the forest nearby. Ron followed the man without a problem, but Harry had to run a bit to catch up.
“Where are we sir?” Snape stopped suddenly and turned to Ron. The boy saw that the man was looking behind him so when the man pulled out his wand he jumped on the side allowing Snape to hit whatever was there. Harry looked with wide eyes in the direction Snape had pointed his wand and saw a dead snake just a few feet away from Ron.
“Deadly poisonous. Be careful the forest in filled with them.” Ron got up from the ground and after thanking the man, he took a moment to catch his breath. He had been really scared for a moment and he needed a few seconds to recover. Harry went to examine the snake and saw a few feet away something shining on the ground. He went there and saw that it was the Malfoy’s family ring.
“Professor…” Harry got the man’s attention and then pointed at the ring. He didn’t want to take it since he was afraid that it could be cursed. Snape just leaned down, took it, and then scanned him carefully. It was authentic so Severus knew that Draco had dropped it to leave him a clue.
“I was right. They are here.” Snape began to run and Harry and Ron followed.
They ran for a few hours through the forest stopping only for a few minutes at a time to drink water. As they kept running, Harry noticed that his magic was turning weaker so he took his wand and tried to do some magic. He was stopped though by Snape who looked angrily at him.
“Do you want to blow our cover Potter? Do you think that we are running for the like of it? The forest is charmed and we can’t do magic or use magical creatures here without alerting the Death Eaters.” Harry frowned angrily and stopped running forcing the other two men to do the same.
“You should have told me that before. You think you are so smart and cool with your superior behavior, well think again, you are nothing but a malicious, bitter and sarcastic old man.” Harry had had enough of the man’s behavior and he was determined to give the man a piece of his mind.
“Thank you Potter for your kind words, but this isn’t the time to…” Ron rolled his eyes as he looked at the two men fighting. He could feel the sexual tension between them clearly and finally understood why Harry had asked him not to mention Snape during all that time.
Feeling fed up with them both arguing like children, Ron walked forward and soon reached the edge of the forest. He looked to see if anyone was there, but when he saw no one he walked out from the protection of the trees. He managed to take only a few steps before darkness took over.
Somewhere in the forest, Snape and Harry were still fighting and none of them realized that Ron was gone.
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