Twice in a Blue Moon | By : UnseenLibrarian Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Hermione/Bill Views: 19773 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters from it. I make no money from this story. |
Friday night, December 10, 2000
Moon phase: one night before full
Hermione turned abruptly as he spoke, standing upright. The top of her head just reached his nose as she simply gazed at him for a moment, eyes wide with surprise. Then a smile lit up her face.
Without further hesitation, Hermione threw her arms around his neck, pressing herself to him and hugging him tightly. He staggered back a bit but quickly wrapped his own arms around her, holding her close and burying his face and nose in her hair. His prominent arousal pushed against her belly, but she seemed either not to notice or not to care as she embraced him. Her red dress, which was beaded and fitted in the bodice, had only one shoulder strap, leaving a lot of flesh bare to the world. Bill, spurred on by his inner wolf, took advantage of this and nuzzled closely into her throat, breathing in her scent and enjoying the warmth of her naked skin. Hermione seemed comfortable enough with what Bill was doing, as she simply clung to him and laughed delightedly.
Finally, Hermione slackened her grip, but before stepping back, she turned her face to his and kissed him soundly on his scarred cheek, just a hair's breadth away from his lips.
Meeting his blue eyes with her warm, brown ones, Hermione smiled winsomely and said, "Oh, Bill, I've missed you! I amso glad you came tonight! I wasn't sure you would, with the moon and all..."
We're in luck, your mate's already into you, Red! His wolf was panting. Look at her: eyes are wide, she's open and receptive...
Bill, his senses swimming, smiled back at her with the first genuine happiness he'd felt in months. He swallowed, drinking in her essence. He chuckled disbelievingly. "I've only been gone since January, 'Mione. You couldn't have missed me that much..."
"I beg to differ, my friend," retorted Hermione, her arms still loose around his neck. "As soon as Gringotts asked for volunteers to return to Egypt, you scarpered, with hardly an owl back home for all this time. I... we were worried about you, you know."
Bill raised an eyebrow. He smirked down at her. "We?" A blushing Hermione cocked an eyebrow back at him, silently waiting. He sighed, tugging on one of her errant curls much as he had little Ella's, watching its bouncy springiness as he let go.
"Hermione, Egypt... was an escape. My marriage had disintegrated, Mum was driving me spare, Rita Skeeter kept snooping around..." His lip curled in an unconscious sneer as he spoke. "I had to get away or I would have-" He caught her eye and shook his head, banishing the darker thoughts. He slide his hands down her sides. "But now I'm back." He winked down at her, a sly smile slowly spreading across his scarred face. "Truth is, the pyramids really didn't have the same appeal they once did. It seems other things are more appealing now." Hermione blushed again, returning his smile, as Bill settled his hands firmly on her waist, rolling his thumbs in circles over her hipbones. He wondered if she was wearing traditional knickers or a Muggle thong... He looked into her bright, cinnamon-colored eyes and sucked in his breath, inhaling her fragrance. His cock twitched in his jeans.
Wolf, how do you know Hermione's my... mate?
Just trust me.
Bill snorted inwardly.
Hey, have I ever steered you wrong? She smells right, she is our match! Stay right where you are, Red. She's digging on you hard! Smell her warmth, her bravery, her fertility? I can. She's the right one for you...for us! Strong, intelligent, fierce, loyal... grip those hips, feel her heat...
Panting ever-so-slightly, enveloped in her feminine aroma and tasting the air around her, Bill leaned forward to inhale her scent again. "You... gods, 'Mione, you look and smell fucking fantastic." He nuzzled her bare neck with his nose. Hermione chuckled softly at the sensation but tilted her head, allowing Bill better access to her throat.
"Whatever you are smelling, Bill, it is just me. I'm not wearing any scent or perfume..." she gasped as Bill tongued her right earlobe. "Oh!" Bill stopped and pulled back, looking chagrined. The tiny gold hoop earring she wore glistened wetly with his saliva.
"I'm... Hermione, I'm sorry!" Bill started, but then he took in her dilated pupils and her flushed appearance.
I'll be damned, she liked that...
What are you apologizing for, you git? Of course she liked it. Do it again!
Hermione grinned, color still high in her cheeks, and put a shushing finger against his mouth. Though both sides of his face bore heavy scars, his lips were unscathed by Fenrir Greyback's attack three and a half years before. They were whole and sensitive, and practically burned at her touch. "Shhhh, no worries, Bill! I didn't mind." She slid her fingers along his jawline and gently tweaked the dragon fang earring that still dangled from his own right lobe. A chuckle rumbled up from his chest and he rubbed his cheek against her hand, closing his eyes in pleasure.
At that moment, there was another explosion of Missile Toe fireworks from the main floor below as someone had a juicy snog under the mistletoe - three sharp pops in a row. Hermione started slightly, but Bill was immediately on his guard, eyes wide, nostrils flared, pulling Hermione towards him and hunching over her protectively, teeth bared against danger.
Damn it, that brother of yours deserves a good... started the wolf.
"Bill," Hermione's soft hand on his cheek brought his attention back to their secluded corner of the world. He glanced down wildly. She looked into his eyes, cupping his face in her hands. "You came upstairs to get away from all the noise and ruckus, didn't you?" His aggravated, feral stare was answer enough, but he nodded too, glaring back over his shoulder in the direction of the balcony stairway.
With gentle but insistent pressure, she turned his focus back towards her. His eyes, which had once again morphed to amber with the onset of the explosions, darted all over her face, finding solace in the calm curves of her lips and cheeks. He then leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together, locking his gaze with hers, his eyes changing to blue again as he relaxed in her arms.
"Sorry, 'Mione," he shuddered. "My nerves are shot already, and there's a while to go before the midnight toast for Mum and Dad. A drink would help, but there's no alcohol to be had except weak-arse butterbeer. Those fucking Missile Toes of George's..." he growled low in his throat.
Hermione considered this, then with a saucy grin asked, "Do you think you could conjure some seating for us? I have something with me that should take your mind off the madding crowd below." She winked at him as his eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement. He watched her, admiring her arse again as she turned around and stooped to retrieve a beaded handbag from the floor, where it had been resting near the window as she watched the owls play. Opening it, she withdrew her wand and, after rummaging a moment, also pulled out a fairly large, rectangular package wrapped in cheerful birthday paper and tied with ribbons, bearing a colorful gift tag that read, "Happy 30th Birthday, Bill!" in neat, feminine handwriting.
Would you look at that! She's thoughtful as well as beautiful! I knew I liked this female, the wolf muttered in Bill's inner ear.
The package was much larger than the outer dimensions of the small bag, and its sudden appearance banished all remaining thoughts of the party below from Bill's mind. Instead, he gaped at the smiling young woman in front of him, then threw back his head and laughed. "An Undetectable Extension Charm! That's prodigious magic use, 'Mione! Brilliant!" He shook his head, still grinning. Drawing his wand, he made a show of flexing his arms. "Okay. Stand back, sweetness. It's my turn to show off a little of what I know."
Hermione stepped back as she gestured to the open floor before them. After thinking for a moment or two, Bill cast about for a convenient object to transform and found an empty Nosebleed Nougat box. Placing it on the floor in front of the window, he transfigured it into an exact replica of one of the soft, plushy sofas from the Gryffindor common room, complete with red crushed-velvet upholstery and overstuffed pillows. The moonlight from the window cast a pleasing, silvery glow over everything. He added a dust bunny-turned-low-coffee-table, then gestured at the resulting scene with a flourish and a bow. "Does this suit the young lady's tastes for the evening?"
Hermione's eyes sparkled as she took in the sight. "Oh, lovely! It's perfect, Bill!" She tossed her bag and wand onto the table and sat down on the couch with the gift on her lap, patting the cushion beside her. He had purposely made the sofajust big enough for two adults, and as he sat next to her his thigh rubbed suggestively against hers.
Smooth, remarked the wolf within.
Thanks, replied Bill with a mental shrug, distracted by the heavenly scent wafting towards him from both the box and the young woman beside him.
"So," he began, rubbing his hands together, "judging from the tag, I gather this is a belated birthday gift for me?"
Hermione nodded, depositing the gift in his lap. "Of course, if you'd been home on your birthday, Bill, it wouldn't have been belated." She winked, and smiled slyly at him. "But all things considered, I think it is better that you have it tonight, instead of twelve days ago."
Bill picked up the box, shaking it very gently and hearing a titillating crinkle from within. Holding it to his nose and inhaling deeply, his mouth began to water as he smelled chocolate and the unmistakable biting odor of...
"Firewhiskey?" he laughed in slight disbelief, but with hope blossoming in his chest. He ripped off the paper, revealing an extra-large box of his favorite sweets.
"Yes!" Hermione clasped her hands together and laughed. "Happy birthday, Bill! Chocolate Cauldrons, filled with Firewhiskey! Delish!" Unable to wait any longer, Hermione removed the lid of the box for him and popped a Cauldron out of its paper cup, holding it out to Bill. Immediately, he leaned forward and wrapped his lips around it, sucking the entire chocolate from her fingers. He noticed the pink tip of her tongue licking her own lips as he did this. The confection tasted heavenly, and the small amount of Firewhiskey contained within burned his throat as it went down, warming him throughout, stoking his courage, and smoothing away the stresses of the outside forces around him.
Lifting the box of chocolates, Bill deftly popped another Cauldron into his mouth. Plucking out a third, he held it out to Hermione as she had for him. "Thank you, sweetness! These are just what I needed. Care to try?" he offered, a sensual smirk on his face.
She hesitated just a second or two, then slowly leaned forward and took it from his fingers with her lips, mimicking his actions from mere moments before. She hummed in pleasure as she slowly sucked the chocolate from his fingertips, her eyes locked with his as she did so.
Ohhh, yeah. That's right... she's yours! Take her!
No! You idiot... not yet.
Bill leered as he slowly withdrew his fingers from her mouth. He ran his forefinger over her lower lip as he did so. "Tasty, aren't they?" he rumbled. Hermione nodded her assent, licking her lips, swiping his finger with her tongue.
"Yum," she said.
Bill growled with increased desire, then took another Cauldron from the box and fed it to her as he had the first. For each that he gave her, Hermione fed one to him in return, being sure to tease him with her fingers each time. They soon were playfully nipping at each other's fingertips, trying to catch one another in the act of withholding a Cauldron.
After they'd eaten five or six Cauldrons each, Hermione lay her hand on Bill's wrist, stopping him in mid-Cauldron grab. "Why don't we play a game?" she hiccuped, daintily.
"A game? Do tell," he stretched his left arm across the sofa back behind her, turning his long torso to face her more fully. His fingers drew light circles on her shoulder, playing with the strap of her dress, sliding underneath it and tickling her skin. He felt warm, comfortable, and extremely horny.
Batting at his hand, Hermione replied, "We could play Top Trumps!"
"And what, dare I ask, is Top Trumps?" Bill asked, continuing to tease her shoulder. Hermione shuddered involuntarily and scooted closer to him in an effort to escape his tickling fingers.
"Stop that!" she giggled, then mused, "I guess Top Trumps is strictly a Muggle game, then? I should have known that, I never saw it played during school. I should talk to George and Ron..." her voice trailed off for a moment but then she shook herself and clapped her right hand over his ever-teasing left, halting his wandering fingers. Thwarted in his tickling attempts, Bill cuddled closer and began to nose her hair away from the shoulder nearest him, nibbling at her heated skin with his lips. He was rewarded with several shivers from Hermione that he knew weren't due to the cold. She did her best to explain the game, however, despite his ardent attempts to distract her.
"Top Trumps is played with cards that all focus on a similar theme, such as animals, weapons, or fictional characters. Players compare statistics on their cards, hoping to have the best value. The player with the highest score keeps both cards and moves on to the next card. The normal objective is to win the entire pack." She grinned. "But since we don't have cards for our little game here, we will try to outdo each other instead with 'stats' about ourselves," here she made quotes in the air, "and each round the winner receives a Chocolate Cauldron."
Bill sat up. "All right, sweetness, but when the final Cauldron is gone, the one who has won the most rounds overall will be declared the Top Trump-er." Leaning into her, he brought his lips close to her ear, nipping at her lobe, and murmured, "...and the loser must give the winner a kiss. Not just a peck on the cheek either, but a proper snog. Deal?"
A blush crept into Hermione's already-flushed cheeks that had little to do with the Firewhiskey. "Deal," she agreed, running her hand up his chest to the top button of his shirt and playfully flicking it open.
She's delicious, this one. Don't let her go, Red, remarked the wolf. She's going to be so much fun to shag...
She's certainly fun to wind up. Let the game begin, thought Bill.
Bill hugged Hermione with the arm he still had slung around her shoulders. "Prepare to be bested, fair maiden! I'll go first, as it is my birthday gift we are eating, after all."
"Fair enough," Hermione conceded, removing the box of Cauldrons from his lap and moving it to the coffee table. She kicked off her black high-heeled shoes and sat back into the corner of the sofa, facing him, one leg curled under her. "What's your first stat, Mister Weasley?"
"An easy win for me, Miss Granger. My first statistic: Age. I'm thirty years old." He grinned, reaching for a Cauldron. "Whileyou are a mere...?"
"Twenty-one, at least according to the calendar," Hermione sniffed, with a toss of her chocolate-brown curls. She watched him pop the Cauldron into his smirking mouth and chew slowly, savoring it. "Fine! You won the first round, old man. Go again."
He stretched leisurely, his long legs extended way out in front of them, his arms above his head. Then, scratching his ribs, he slumped back into the cushions and leaned against Hermione, smiling up at her with exaggerated adoration. She mock-scowled down at him, trying not to smile, her lips pursed but a slight dimple showing in one cheek belying her sternness.
"Okay, little girl. My next stat - OWLs earned: Twelve."
Hermione's mouth opened, then shut, several times like a goldfish. Slowly, a blush rose up her neck to her cheeks and she clenched her teeth in growing aggravation. Bill's grin grew broader as watched her.
Fuck, she's cute. Stick your paw up her skirt.
Finesse, wolf. Ever heard of finesse? Bill's hand slid onto Hermione's knee and began to massage her lower thigh with covert caresses.
Finally, Hermione responded. "Eleven," she muttered.
"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that, bookworm," Bill cheeked, as he leaned forward and snagged another chocolate from the box with his free hand.
"I earned only eleven OWLs. Okay? Eleven! … I dropped Divination. It's a rubbish subject!" Hermione scowled and crossed her arms over her chest.
Uh oh, she's a bit tetchy now, Red. You won't be getting into those delectable knickers if you keep this up, growled the wolf. Bill quietly agreed, thoughtfully munching the Cauldron he'd just won.
"Why is it rubbish?" he asked, after finishing his mouthful. Hermione's eyebrows shot skyward.
"Don't you think it is? You're an intelligent wizard," she asked, incredulously. "It is all conjecture! Why, it's almost like being a meteorologist in the Muggle world."
"Excuse me? A what?" Bill asked.
"Someone who predicts the weather – a weatherman, or weatherperson I suppose. They study cloud patterns and wind trajectories and all sorts of other atmospheric phenomena and then make a wild guess as to whether it is going to rain or not the next day. Often they are wrong, but they keep their jobs and just keep on guessing."
"Soooo, maybe they should actually be called 'whether-people', eh?" Bill quipped.
Hermione groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Sorry, sweetness. That was terrible. Here, let me make it up to you." Bill retrieved a Cauldron for Hermione and fed it to her, rubbing the pad of his thumb over her lip as he did so. She caught his thumb between her teeth briefly with a little growl, then let go and ate her chocolate. He chuckled.
She's got good teeth. I like that in a female. And if you don't watch yourself your thumb is the only thing she'll ever nibble!
I know, I know. Bill frowned at his wolf. Just trust me.
"So, how shall I beat you next...?" He pondered a moment. "Ah, I have one. I've flown on a Thestral and on an Abraxan." He slid down on the couch, legs crossed at the ankle under the table, head tilted towards Hermione, waiting, expectantly.
"An Abraxan? When? Where?" Hermione gaped at him, taken aback.
Bill tensed, but answered her question. "Ah... just after the war ended, Fleur and I went to France to visit her family and to have a belated honeymoon." He shifted on the couch uncomfortably, wondering how she'd react. "She took me on a tour of Beauxbatons, and Madame Maxime let us ride on one of her winged horses. Marvelous things they are, so spirited. Stunning animals."
Hermione laid a hand on his thigh. "That must have really been something! Those horses are huge. Only Hagrid was able to handle them when they were at Hogwarts!" Her eyes were shining. Bill relaxed, glad that his mention of Fleur hadn't affected Hermione negatively in any discernible way. It bothered him to even think superficially about his ex-wife, but all dour thoughts of the blonde were quickly chased away, surrounded as he was by the lively brunette's positive warmth and scent.
"Does this mean I win again?" he queried, eying the dwindling supply of Chocolate Cauldrons.
Hermione shook her head, hair bouncing. "Not this time, my rugged rough rider!" She held up a hand and started counting off on her fingers. "I've ridden on two Thestrals, a hippogriff, and on the Gringotts dragon while helping it escape from captivity!" She stood up, dropped a little curtsey, and nabbed a Cauldron from the box as she retook her seat, popping it into her mouth triumphantly. Bill stared at her, then shook his head in admiration.
"The Gringotts dragon, gods, how could I have forgotten? Okay, my sweet 'Mione, you won that round by far." He smirked. "But can you win again?"
Hermione lifted her chin. "Most definitely. I can conjure a full Patronus."
Bill laughed. "Nice try, sweetness. So can I!"
"Oh yes? Together, then!" challenged Hermione, and retrieving their wands from the table, as one they shouted, "Expecto Patronum!"
Bill flourished his wand as he spoke the spell, and a great silver wolf erupted from the end of it. At the same time, from Hermione's wand a beautiful white she-wolf emerged, which began to frisk and gambol about with Bill's huge alpha male. Hermione gasped when she saw the lovely female, and flushed red from head to toe. Bill was taken aback.
"I thought... your Patronus was an otter? I remember Ron saying so once..."
"Yes. Well, they do change on occasion, don't they? Tonks' did, for one..." Hermione's voice trailed off and she chewed her lip, watching the two shining beasts begin to nuzzle one another. The male wolf was getting rather friendly with Hermione's female, who didn't seem to mind the attention a bit.
Oh, yeah, would you look at that! Look at the size of his...
"They rather like each other, don't they," she commented, a lopsided grin on her lips. Bill nodded, tearing his eyes away from the scene. His blue eyes raked over Hermione's flushed face instead.
"They certainly do, there's no question of it," he replied. Clearing his throat, he continued, "Okay, so, it looks like that's a draw; here's a tie-breaker for you. I lost my virginity when I was sixteen years old." He waggled his eyebrows at her, grinning.
Hermione's Patronus winked out of existence as she gawked at him with a disbelieving expression on her face. "Sixteen? Were you at school when this happened?"
"No, being a prefect kind of put the kibosh on those sorts of activities," Bill said. "It was the summer after I turned sixteen. I met a Muggle girl in the village. We had a good time, but she moved away just before I returned to school. I had to find ways to slake my teenage libido's thirst back at Hogwarts."
He moved closer to her on the sofa, slipping an arm around her and cuddling her close. His own Patronus faded away as he quietly asked her, "What about you? Did you ever take advantage of any of the hidden alcoves of Hogwarts to dally in the pleasures of the flesh?" Hermione blushed.
"Not really. I spent all my free time in the library, dallying in the pleasures of the mind instead. The closest I ever got to using an alcove at Hogwarts was during the Tri-Wizard Tournament Yule Ball, when Viktor Krum and I did some heavy snogging behind a suit of armor before calling it a night." She paused. "Actually, I was a virgin until my nineteenth birthday."
Bill reached over and took one of her small hands in his large, freckled one, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. "So, Ron was your first, I gather?"
Hermione sighed. "Yes, he was. We thought my birthday would be such a romantic time to finally show how deep our love was for each other." She stuck out her tongue in exasperation, rolling her eyes. "In reality it was a big, fumbling mess, with rather a lot of pain and very little pleasure, at least on my end. Literally!" She chuckled ruefully. "Poor Ron. We tried again, several times, but it just never worked between us. We really were not compatible in our... appetites." She cleared her throat, cheeks bright pink. Bill watched her with genuine confusion.
What the fuck is she talking about? asked his wolf. She's hotter than hell, and she's so enthusiastic about life! Is your brother a tree stump not to get all of that he could?
"Did... Ron ask too much of you?" he asked, carefully.
"What? No!" She countered, with just a hint of regret. "No, quite the opposite, actually. After our first encounter, he just... went passive. He was content to be the usual, typical Ron, hanging back and letting me do all the work. That's why we broke up two years ago. We are better as friends."
She lifted her eyes to his, a small smile on her face. "Lavender and Ron make a much better couple. She's happy to be the aggressive one, which is what he wants. I, on the other hand, would like very much for someone to take the lead and show me who's boss in the bedroom." With that she leaned forward, picked up a Cauldron, and slowly sucked it into her own mouth. She winked at him.
Gulping back his lust at such a blatantly erotic display, he spluttered with mock indignation, "Hey! Who says you won that round?" He reached out and took two of the confections, just to be contrary, and stuck them both in his mouth at once. The dual explosion of Firewhiskey made him giddy and he went slightly cross-eyed. Hermione giggled.
"Well, It all depends on how you look at it, doesn't it, Bill? I remained pure and innocent a heck of a lot longer than you did!"
"Ah, but teenaged males want to get laid as soon they can't sing the high notes anymore, sweetness. Or sooner. I think I won that round, based on that fact of life alone."
Hermione sniffed. "Fine. It's your little birthday celebration, I'll humor you. Next statistic, please?" She sat up primly, but with twinkling eyes. Bill grinned.
"All right. How about social decorum? Take that inane Snogging Intensity Quotient Scoreboard downstairs. I'm only on it once, because some underage tart threw herself at me earlier. You, sweet lady, are all over the board, however. I think it was three times at last count? Is publicly snogging any man that comes along a new pastime of yours?" his voice trailed off, looking at her from beneath lowered lashes.
Hermione stared at him for a moment, mouth agape, then, kneeling on the couch cushions, she steadied herself with one hand on Bill's shoulder, raising her other hand to make a point, her brown eyes snapping. Bill grinned up at her, watching her splutter, as his hands crept to her waist and slowly began to edge their way down her hips.
"Bill Weasley! Social decorum indeed! I've done nothing unseemly. I'll have you know that my first kiss under the mistletoe tonight was with my good friend Seamus Finnegan, who was working up the courage to kiss his longtime best friend Dean Thomas and finally reveal his feelings for him. It was a good luck kiss that I gave him, and apparently it was friendly enough to register on the board!" She puffed some air upwards to blow a stray lock of hair out of her eyes. It didn't help much, so Bill helpfully smoothed the curl back behind her ear for her.
"Thank you. Where was I? Oh yes. For my second Missile Toe kiss, which scored a four I think, it was with Cormac McLaggen, another fellow Gryffindor. He's fairly attractive in a vapid, vain sort of way, but he thinks he's a real lady-killer. Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to avoid him so I had to endure his tentacle-like hands!" She continued to huff, unaware that Bill was quite enjoying the sight of her reddened cheeks and her chest conveniently heaving right at his eye level.
He decided to stir the pot a little. "But what about kiss number three, 'Mione? You scored a six with Draco Malfoy, of all people! What was that all about?"
His wolf was growling. What the fuck's your mate doing with other males? Show her she's yours!
Stop it, I'm enjoying this!
Hermione hesitated. "Oh that. Well. Um..." She became quite interested in picking lint off his shoulder.
"Yes? Do go on, 'Mione. You've piqued my interest!" Bill pulled her closer and ran the tip of his nose along the skin where the top of her dress ended, inhaling her aroma. She quivered under his feathery-light touch.
"That... that one was your sister's fault."
Bill stopped and looked up. "Ginny? What did she have to do with it?"
Hermione squirmed. "She saw Malfoy here with Pansy Parkinson and a couple of the other Slytherins from my year, all ganged up together as usual. Ginny also noticed that Malfoy was standing under some mistletoe but no one else seemed to have realized. She dared me to go up to him and say, 'Hey, Draco, let's try for some real House Unity!' and then snog him. So, I did."
Bill was nonplussed. "And that earned you a six?"
Hermione was scarlet now. "Well, I just meant to give him a quick smoocharoo, but he surprised me and got right into it! Tongue and all, grabbed my bum, dipped me backwards over his arm..." She covered her blushing cheeks with her hands and started to laugh, then she snorted as she tried to stifle the giggles. Bill watched her, one eyebrow raised, his lips quirked in a bemused smile.
"Oh, Bill, I'm sorry, it really isn't that funny! I was just so flummoxed at the time! It makes me laugh now, I thought I was being so smooth..." she chortled again.
Bill's mouth twitched; her laugh was very cute. However, he was more disgruntled than he wanted to admit. The idea of another male manhandling his female that way really bothered him...
Your female, eh? remarked his wolf.
Bill grumbled back, yes, my female! Damn it.
"I hope you gave him the what-for when you escaped his clutches," he growled, a little sullenly.
"Absolutely. I hit him with a Stinging Hex after he let go of me. Right in the naughty bits." Her giggles had left her breathless, with tears in her eyes. He smirked at the image she'd painted with her words, his anxiety lessening.
Atta girl... the wolf said, smugly.
"Good on you. He deserved it," Bill said with satisfaction, curling one arm around her waist, tugging her close to his chest. She nestled against him, sighing happily.
With his free hand, he reached for the almost-empty box of chocolates and, resting it on his thigh, separated the two remaining Cauldrons from each other. "So let's see... toting up the score, eliminating the ties... it looks like I'm the winner, sweetness," he decided.
She scoffed. "Your age gave you a leg up, Bill. That's the only reason you've won." Hermione's smile belied her grumpy tone. They each selected a chocolate, touched them together in an imitation of clinking glasses, and settled back into the cushions to savor their treats.
Time passed as they finished the chocolates, sitting entwined with each other. The moonlight cast a peaceful glow over them. Hermione was humming again as she rested her head on Bill's shoulder, the same tune she'd been singing when he first found her. Bill didn't think she even realized she was doing it. He wondered what the tune was; it was unfamiliar to him. He didn't want to interrupt her to ask, so he was happy burying his nose in her hair, listening to her and smelling her unique scent.
He stiffened, though, when her song stopped and he felt her fingers feather along his jawline, coming to a halt right above the spot where Greyback had bitten him. He knew she was examining him, and his skin tingled as she lightly drew one finger down to trace the outline of the vivid bite mark. He sat still, holding his breath, thinking this was the end of the friendly flirting and any possibility of physical companionship; any moment now, being this close and personal, Hermione would decide she couldn't stomach looking at him one minute more and she'd leave. The idea made his stomach clench painfully.
Easy, Red, she just seems curious, the wolf snuffled.
She did not leave. Instead, she asked, softly, "Bill, did anyone ever thank you, for what you did the night of Dumbledore's death? You saved so many lives by facing down Greyback." She glanced upwards at him. Leaning back a little, she cautiously placed her right hand on his left cheek. Her fingers covered the four long gouges in his skin, left there by Greyback's claws. Slowly, she raised her left hand and did the same on the right side of his face, where the werewolf had left three long scars running from temple to jaw. He began shaking. He tightened his arms around her and gathered her close, his breath hitching.
They sat curled together for long intense minutes, studying one another.
"I thought I was going to die that night," Bill finally broke the silence. Hermione said nothing, just caressed his face gently, kindly.
"I was guarding the corridor that led to the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Towers. He jumped out and made a run for it, trying to get past me to get to the students. I barred his way, tried to hold him, and he came at me, slashing my face with his right hand, leaving these four scars. Then he swiped with his left hand immediately after, and fell on me, sinking his teeth into my neck." Bill swallowed hard.
"Gods he stank, of blood, sweat, dirt, and more blood. If I'd lost hold of my wand, I'd be dead now. He was snarling, growling, and biting so hard, I knew he wanted to tear my throat out." His eyes were haunted, his hands clenched against her back as he relived the attack.
"I managed to raise my wand, and by the grace of all that is good and light, I was able to cast a nonverbal Impedimenta. It blew him off me; in hindsight, I was damned lucky he didn't take my throat with him when he was blasted away. I just managed to see him hightail it in the direction of the Astronomy Tower before I collapsed. If he'd hung around, he'd have been able to make a meal of me; I passed out completely."
He covered Hermione's hands with his and he rubbed his face into her touch, closing his eyes and breathing in her delicate, feminine scent, trying to rid his nose of the memory of the sweaty, bloody stench of Greyback. He shuddered once, then opened his eyes again and looked deeply into hers.
Hermione's eyes were full of tears. She blinked rapidly, and one escaped, trickling down the side of her nose. "You are so brave, Bill." She gulped, and took a deep breath before speaking again.
"Greyback is horrid. He was the leader of the Snatchers who captured Ron, Harry and me the night we showed up at Shell Cottage. The night Dobby died rescuing us."
Now it was Bill's turn to offer comfort. His large, freckled hands cupped her cheeks, his thumbs wiping the tears away from her eyes as he gazed into them. "Tell me, Hermione. Did he hurt you?"
Slowly she nodded. "He... was desperate to bite me. He seemed ravenous, I don't know how he managed to restrain himself. He kept teasing Ron about how much he liked the soft skin of girls, while he... fondled me in front of him. He kept squeezing my breasts, running his hand over my throat, down my sides, he even shoved a hand down my jeans at one point. Ron was absolutely beside himself. We were all tied up together and could do nothing to stop the Snatchers from doing anything they wanted to us." She took another deep, steadying breath. "Ron couldn't quite see everything they were doing to me. Harry... I'd cast a Stinging Hex on him to make him unrecognizable and he could barely see at all; he didn't know what was going on. Greyback kept licking me and touching me." She shivered. "Then, they Apparated us to the Manor."
Bill's ears pricked at the change in her voice. She'd tensed up, unconsciously, and he was aware of her quickened heart rate and her breathing was fast and shallow. "Bellatrix... when she started torturing me, it was obvious she enjoyed her work. It was absolutely terrifying. I thought at any moment I'd be killed. She had that small silver knife and she kept poking me, cutting me with it." She pointed to a light, white scar on her throat that he had not noticed before. "See this? I have other scars, but she did this too, threatening to slit my throat if the boys didn't drop the wands they'd grabbed. If Dobby hadn't come along..." She gulped.
"Anyway. Ron and Harry had been dragged down to the cellar, so they didn't know what was happening to me, exactly. I've never told them. Greyback... he..." she gulped again. Bill's hands ran through her hair, down her neck, soothing her. She started again. "Bellatrix had Greyback hold me while she did her work. At some point I must have bitten through my lip, because I was bleeding badly, and he was suddenly kissing me. Sucking my lip, sucking the blood from it, forcing his tongue into my mouth, licking my face and neck. Oh, it was awful, I couldn't breathe!" Hermione gasped, eyes wide with remembered terror. "It hurt, Bill! He hurt almost as much as her Cruciatus curse did... he licked every cut, scrape, and wound that Bellatrix had inflicted, but he kept coming back to my lip, which just wouldn't stop bleeding. I struggled, but I couldn't get away from him. Bellatrix kept laughing that awful, maniacal laugh of hers," Hermione's voice faltered. "He didn't bite me, but he came as close to it as possible without actually using his teeth, I'd say," she finished. She closed her eyes for a moment. "Ron and Harry arrived soon after that, and thank Merlin for Dobby. He saved us all." She opened her eyes, now brimming with tears. "I kept thinking of you. You'd fought him, Bill. I held onto that memory the entire time. I knew he could be beaten, if one just fought hard enough."
Bill's eyebrows knitted together as Hermione gave in to the emotions the memories had brought back. He pulled Hermione against him, holding her tightly. "You did beat him, sweetness. You survived that terrifying ordeal."
Red... if that Greyback arsehole had that much contact with her, she could have been-
Not now, wolf.
But Red, I think this means something! the wolf insisted.
He'd never known before that she'd even come near Greyback, much less had such a close encounter with the fiend. He thought the only experience she'd had with the werewolf was when she'd hexed him to rescue Lavender from his attack during the Battle of Hogwarts. This new revelation sent his mind reeling.
She understands, wolf. She knows what facing him was like...
He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent and whispering calming nonsense words to her. Hermione clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck. Her tears abated quickly and her breathing calmed, snuggled safely against him as she was. A few moments later, he felt her lips against his jawline; soft little pecks, one after the other, starting at his ear and leading towards his chin, marching right over the bite mark scar as she went.
"Bill," she whispered between kisses. "We've forgotten; the winner of the game gets snogged by the loser."
He pulled back very slightly, just enough to look into her eyes and see the hopeful passion shining there.
"I haven't forgotten, sweetness," he murmured. "Do I get my prize now?"
"I have it right here," she breathed. He could smell the arousal on her, feel it in her pulse, taste it in the air around them. A smile slowly spread across his face and he ducked towards her as she moved to meet his mouth with hers.
She was so soft, so sweet, so willing. He growled against her lips as he had his first true taste of her mouth, wet and warm and alive with desire. She made little mewling noises, clutching at his shoulders, as he deepened the kiss. He felt her hands slide into his hair, loosening his ponytail's leather thong even as her lips moved firmly against his, returning his kiss with equal ardor. He parted his own lips slightly, teasing her with the tip of his tongue, coaxing her to open up to him. With a whimper, Hermione answered him with a tickling of her own tongue, eliciting another growl from Bill. Their tongues met, stroking, swirling, diving in and exploring each other's tastes and textures.
He broke momentarily for air, then pressed his lips to her mouth, her chin, kissing slowly down along her throat to her larynx. He could feel her excited moans fluttering against his mouth.
The vibrations of her vocal enjoyment against his lips undid the last of Bill's self-control. The next thing he knew, he had pushed Hermione back against the overstuffed arm of the sofa and covered her with his large, muscled body, half-kneeling, half-lying across her, claiming her mouth again with his own and driving his hands into her hair, dislodging her hair combs as he increased the urgency of his kisses.
Yes... take her! She's yours... the wolf was panting with excitement within his mind. Bill spared no more thoughts for his wolf, however, as his senses were focused only on the warm, pliant woman in his arms.
Hermione's body was writhing beneath him, her belly rubbing against his still-clothed erection. Hermione slid her own hands down his chest, unbuttoning his dark green shirt as she went. Once she'd finished she quickly grabbed the cotton fabric and pulled it out of his waistband. Her hands darted inside, fingernails lightly raking through the ginger chest hair he sported. As she ran her exploratory fingers around his body, over his bared abdomen and back, feeling his muscles, his skin shivered and twitched involuntarily where she brushed against him, unused to such light caresses. Her eyes were shimmering with desire. His own eyes reflected that lust, he knew. He watched her lick her lips as she hesitated for just a fraction of a second, then leaned forward to flick her tongue over one of his nipples. His eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared, and his lusty growl burst forth from him at the sensation.
Bill knelt up then and shrugged his shoulders, causing his shirt to fall down his arms and onto the floor. He hovered over her, gauging her reaction. Hermione gasped as she took in the sight of his scarred, muscled torso for the first time, but he saw no fear in her face, just fascination and longing. Her fingers mapped every outline of the many scars crisscrossing his chest, then traced their way down his defined abs and fluttered their way through his gingery treasure trail until they came to rest on his belt buckle. Her eyes had followed her fingers' path all the way down his body, but they jumped back to his face as she gripped the leather strap of his belt, searching his countenance for … what? Anger? Approval? He didn't know. Looking into her brave, beautiful face, flushed with arousal, he was sure of just one thing in this moment: he wanted this lovely witch, wanted Hermione as his own, wanted to claim her and make her his.
Tell her, show her... she wants you, too. Can you smell it? She's wanted you for years, Red, and it's meant to be.
He placed his hand over hers, pressing her fingers against the fly of his jeans, knowing she could feel the heat of his throbbing arousal radiating outwards. "Go ahead, sweetness. Unzip me."
Hermione's breath hitched as she closed the fingers of both hands over his belt, slowly pulling the black leather strap free of the brass buckle and loosening it. He kept his eyes locked onto her brown ones, feeling her fingers tug his belt free, and then sucked in his breath as she found his zipper. With a coquettish smile, she slowly began to draw down the tab of his zip. The only sounds to be heard were those of Bill's ragged panting and the unmistakable opening of his fly.
When the zipper was fully released, Hermione paused, her smile turning impish as she gazed into Bill's scarred face. The pure desire and friskiness in her expression caused his cock to twitch and drew a groan from his throat. The movement made his erection rub against Hermione's fingers, which were holding his fly open. She looked down at his bulging black cotton briefs, clearly visible through the opening in his jeans, and licked her lips. Bill moaned again as she slid one hand over his hidden shaft and squeezed gently. Her eyes widened as her hand explored his straining length and girth, then she found the opening in the front of his briefs and slipped her fingers inside, humming in appreciation. He growled as her cool fingers attempted to close around his hardness and she stroked him up and down firmly three, four, five times. She watched his face intently as she did this, her lips moist and slightly parted, eyes dark with need.
"Bill, I want to see you, to feel you, to taste you," she panted. Bill's lip curled in a snarl of pleasure and his biceps bunched as his large, strong hands cradled her head, tipping it back. Crushing his mouth to hers again, he kissed her deeply.
"Later," he growled against her lips, barely breaking contact. "Later, you can touch me." He nibbled at and then ran the tip of his tongue along her lower lip. "Right now, I want to smell you," -nuzzle- "taste you," -lick- "eat you," -nibble- "andmake you come all over me. I am going to show you how delectable I think you are, sweetness, how desirable I find you, how much I want you."
He then pushed her more firmly into the Gryffindor sofa, tasting and nipping his way down her right shoulder. His hand found the zipper on her right side and slowly released it, as he tasted and kissed the flesh over her collarbones. Hermione's breathy little gasps egged him on, and he tugged at the zipper until it was fully open. He then lowered the bodice of the dress, finally revealing her breasts to his gaze.
They were beautiful, round and firm and begging to be sucked. Her large beige nipples were already erect, ready for his attentions. His heart pounding, he immediately took one into his mouth, Hermione rewarding him with a cry of pleasure as he did so. He began to suckle it as he growled against her flesh. His long, hot fingers sought out the tip of her other breast, pulling the nipple out from her body slightly and rolling it between his fingertips. The tugging sensation he caused with both his lips and fingers caused Hermione to squirm against him as she moaned with delight. She drew her fingers through his long, silken hair.
The lustful sounds she was making made his cock pulse with need. Bill moved his free hand down to the hem of her red dress and slowly slid it up her thigh, raising the skirt as he did so. He released her nipple from his lips and teeth, despite a whimper of protest from Hermione, and began to kiss and lick his way down her abdomen. He pushed the dress up to reveal an expanse of smooth creamy stomach and proceeded to nibble and caress her skin with his lips as he knelt between her legs. His exploring hands discovered she was wearing thigh-high, black lace-trimmed stockings, much to his delight. He reveled in the gasps and giggles that escaped her as he found her ticklish spots and erogenous zones, a thrilled, thrumming growl once again emanating from within his bare chest.
When he had kissed his way down to her navel, he was also pleased to encounter a pair of red jacquard satin, bikini-style knickers. They were sexy and fun, extremely damp, and smelled exquisitely of Hermione's healthy, aroused, fertile state. Bill slid his fingers slowly under each side and drew them carefully down Hermione's strong and shapely legs to her ankles, finally sliding them off her stockinged feet. Stuffing them into his back pocket, he gently parted her legs with firm nudges of his hands and inhaled her unimpeded female scent for the first time.
It was absolute heaven.
Looking at her feminine center, Bill whined softly with desire. She was not shaven, just lightly trimmed. She was all natural, with soft brown curly hair, damp from her own need, surrounding dark pink moist lips. There was no other word to describe Hermione's womanhood: it was pretty. Dewy, with nice, neat folds, and a little pink button of clitoris just peeking out, begging for someone to pay attention to it. He ran one long finger gently up and down her center slit.
Hermione gasped, hands buried in his hair. She was shaking. His mouth watering, he looked up into her face. He sensed that she'd never had the chance to experience this particular earthly pleasure before. She was looking down at him nestled between her knees, her most secret self open to him, her eyes wide with both lust and fear. Her breath was coming in sharp pants and she appeared half-ready to bolt.
"Has no one eaten you out before, sweet love?" he asked in a low purr. She shook her head, blushing furiously. "This won't hurt, sweetness. You smell glorious; I can't wait to taste you. I promise I won't bite." He licked his lips. "That is... unless you want me to." He flashed a wolfish grin back up at her, gripped her raised thighs with his large hands, kneading the flesh, and buried his mouth in her quim.
Hermione cried out as his tongue lapped at her labia, running the length of her outer and inner folds before thrusting inside. As he tasted her, he growled with growing passion, deepening his reach. One hand splayed against her inner thigh, holding her open, while the other came up and pressed against her lower belly, keeping her firmly in place. His thumb found her clitoris and circled it, gently but insistently, while his tongue kept drawing greater levels of pleasure from her body.
Clutching at his scalp, Hermione was mewling and shaking as he continued his ministrations. "Bill, oh... Oh, Bill!" Bill's hot mouth and hands were coaxing her higher and higher, closer to her peak, faster than she'd dreamed possible. He could feel her, smell her approaching her goal, and he slid first one, then two long, strong fingers up inside her hot, dripping vagina. He growled in appreciation as her tight, clasping muscles reacted to him, drawing in his fingers. Stroking firmly in a "come here" gesture against the special spot along her inner front wall, he moved his hot, wet mouth over her clit and lapped steadily with his broad, wet tongue.
Hermione exploded like a Missile Toe firework. Calling out his name, holding his head to her with both hands, he heard her practically sobbing as she crested the wave, her legs shaking, her breasts, neck and face flushed, her aroma scenting the air around them. He grinned broadly against her mound as he held her, his inner wolf pacing and growling, knowing that he'd been the lucky one to bring her off in this manner for the first time in her life.
Now? Can we shag her now? whined his wolf.
As she began to come down from the initial high, Bill lowered her legs back to the sofa seat and, capturing her lips in a searing kiss, cradled her to him. Hermione murmured in surprise at their combined flavors on his mouth, but she did not pull away; rather, she embraced him and returned his kiss fervently, licking and tasting.
Just as they broke for air, they were both startled back to reality as more fireworks exploded in the distance and a booming voice, aided by a Sonorus charm, echoed throughout the building:
"Happy Christmas, Bill! I don't know where you are, but stop pawing at Hermione and get your randy arse down to the front of the shop pronto! It's midnight and it's time to toast Mum and Dad! Ron's coming to find you!"
George's voice faded away as the rising laughter of the crowd downstairs reached their ears.
I fucking hate your brothers, Red. I really do, his wolf griped.
Bill groaned in actual physical pain, hiding his face against Hermione's neck. "The buggering toast! I forgot all about it..." He kissed her throat. "How the hell did he know we're hiding away, together?"
Hermione stroked his hair as she gazed upwards, then she sighed. "I think we've been Missile Toe'd, Bill." She nudged him and indicated the overhead beams. There, dangling above them, were bunches and bunches of mistletoe. "Our names must have appeared on the S.I.Q. Board together." She flushed with color.
"Sodding arseholes..." muttered Bill. He pulled her into a tight embrace, cocked his head, then sniffed the air. "Ron's coming."
Dimly, they could hear footsteps climbing the stairway leading to the balcony.
Quickly, Bill helped Hermione back into the bodice on her dress, zipping her up neatly. She located her hair combs and popped her shoes back on her feet. She used the window as a mirror to put her hair back to some semblance of order, while Bill grabbed his discarded shirt and stood, turning his back respectfully before pulling it on, tucking it in, and attempting to make his rigid self somewhat comfortable within his jeans.
He was still buttoning his shirt when Ron appeared around the corner.
"There you are!" he exclaimed in relief. Ron's eyes flicked rapidly between the still-dressing Bill and Hermione, who had turned from the window and was scooping up her beaded handbag and wand. He frowned and crossed his arms.
"It's twelve past midnight, mate; we've been waiting on you."
Bill scowled at his youngest brother, but the evening's events just prior had set him off-kilter, his senses whirling, and the Firewhiskey was keeping him from blowing his top. He pulled his hair back roughly into its usual long ponytail, quickly tying the thong. His entire being was centered on what he had just experienced with Hermione and his still-prominent erection, now hidden from view but not from mind.
Hermione spoke up. "Bill and I were avoiding the hubbub of the party, Ron, and I gave him his birthday present. I guess we lost track of time!" She smiled, picking up the empty Chocolate Cauldrons box and its discarded wrappings.
Ron laughed. "Must have been some present, Hermione, to score a ten on the S.I.Q. Board!"
"A ten?" Hermione's voice was faint.
"Yeah, a ten, and that was just your latest score. You've been setting off fireworks all night, or were you too busy to notice?" Ron smiled. "I'm sorry, 'Mione. Thought you should know before you get down there."
Hermione managed a small smile in return, then turned to Bill. "I'm going to nip downstairs and find the loo now, I need to … freshen up."
He took her hand and squeezed it, then pulled her close. "'Til later, then, 'Mione." His eyes bore into hers. "Okay?"
With a smile full of promise, she headed off for the stairs. Bill watched her go, her hips swaying, until she was out of sight. Bill growled low with sexual frustration. Feeling a lump in his back pocket, he reached in and pulled out Hermione's red satin knickers. Remembering she now wore nothing beneath the little red dress did nothing to dampen his arousal.
Ron raised his eyebrows when he saw them and looked questioningly at his older brother. Bill, unblinking, held them up to his own nose, took a deep whiff, then shoved them deep in his front pocket instead.
Gods, I want her.
Then mark her as your mate! Make her yours forever. His wolf paced back and forth in his mind.
Glaring at Ron, he made to brush past him, but was stopped by an arm across his path.
"Don't hurt her, Bill. She's special."
Bill turned to his brother to snarl a pithy retort, but then his gaze fell on Ron's throat. A deep, round bite mark stood out prominently on his brother's skin, near the collar of his jumper. He reached out a hand and touched it, causing Ron to flinch.
Tracing the scar with a finger, he said, "Lavender left this on you, when she chose you as her mate."
"Yes. It's our bond mark."
"Did it hurt?"
"Well," Ron shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, it did, though she was riding me hard and fast when she bit me, so it all blended in, pain and pleasure." He blushed. "It was really intense."
Bill was quiet for a moment, then, "It still pains you?"
Ron shook his head. "No, your touch startled me, is all. Come on, let's get downstairs." He led the way to the main floor.
As they walked, Bill shuddered. If he were to pursue Hermione, take her as his life-mate, he would have to mark her in the same fashion. He would have to hold her down, dominate her, and bite her. He was horrified that, on some level, he wanted to do this, though hadn't she enjoyed his domination earlier? But there had been fear in her eyes too.
To mar her lovely body... he would be no better than Greyback. He had had enough rejection when he had tried with Fleur; he couldn't stand it if sweet Hermione pushed him away too.
No, it would be better not to try. He would stay away.
His stomach clenched in longing, and his wolf howled in his ear.
Author's Notes: Sooo, will Bill be able to restrain himself? Will Hermione let him? Let me know, please leave me a review and tell me your thoughts!
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