The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96906 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Formative Connections
The Headmaster could not believe what was happening. The vision, or whatever it was, felt so wrong, and yet at the same time―if he could be a man for a moment―it felt strangely natural. That said, he was shocked that he could visualise her masturbating whilst thinking about him and that she actually wanted to think about him. What didn't shock him was that he had another raging erection. But right now, all he wanted to think about was a cold shower.
He Apparated to his chambers and, stripping off, strode through his living room and bedroom towards the bathroom. Once in the shower, his erection regained its ferocity, but he was determined to pay it no heed. He didn't want to encourage himself to think about her, and rather hoped that the shock of the cold water on his skin would bring him to his senses. It seemed to be working until, without warning, he doubled over in pain.
The realisation that what had happened in his office was a vision rather than a dream was confirmed as he became aware that somehow Miss Granger was projecting a vision towards him. He knew he was fully awake―the freezing water saw to that―and his waking mind was once again filled with images of her pleasuring herself, but this time he was in agony, and he couldn't understand why.
Then it struck him. In his office, he had been the object of her desire; she called out his name. Now, however, the object― or rather objects―of her desire appeared to be the majority of the Bulgarian Quidditch team. Her thoughts were absolutely depraved, and that seemed to be what was making Severus' discomfort so palpable. The torture was intensifying as Viktor Krum approached Hermione. Her mouth and hands were already busying themselves around his team mates. Krum positioned himself between her thighs, and the pain became so unbearable that Severus slid down the white tiled wall until he was seated on the floor.
Moving away from the stream of cold water, trying desperately to banish the images from his mind as three thoughts occurred to him:
Firstly, Miss Granger was insatiable. I'll certainly have to maintain my fitness to keep up with her. Severus stop it!
Secondly, the vision was triggered when Hermione intimately touched herself rather than by thought alone. When she needed a break; when she removed her fingers, the images faded. So logically, he concluded, if he touched himself then she would have a similar experience. The question was: would he be thinking about her or someone else. His internal monologue answered that one. Sev, snap out of it. You cannot have a wank over a student, let alone allowing said student to know that's what you are doing whilst thinking about her.
And thirdly, even though he was in agony, a wicked smirk appeared on the usually dour man's face. Thank Merlin she's a dirty bitch. Oh fuck, I'm going to hell, aren't I?
The pain―both physical and emotional―continued to sear through him, but just as he thought he was about to pass out, he saw Hermione turn her head towards a door, and he found his breathing had become easier. As the door opened, bright sunlight burst into the room, framing the figure of what looked like a man. And it was. In fact, it was the silhouette of a tall man in billowing robes who, without the aid of any foolish wand waving, dismissed everyone in the room before walking over to the bed and standing before her naked form.
Severus felt the pain begin to melt away as the figure scooped Hermione up into his arms, and carried her into another room which contained a rather luxurious four-poster bed. The man was dressed in black, and the headmaster watched as he lay her on the bed, and covered her body in gentle kisses. He could hear her moaning, and could sense that she was touching herself more languidly as she relaxed thinking of this new lover. Soon she was writhing on the bed, as long, slender fingers that the raven-haired wizard recognised, began pumping into her soaking wet core whilst her sensitive bundle of nerves was being encircled by a skilful tongue. It was then that Severus realised that he was no longer in pain because the object of her desire―the man who was lavishing so much attention on her―was him.
He looked down at his erection, desperate to touch himself, but knew that he couldn't. Closing his eyes, he tried to block the vision, but it was as vivid as ever. Even his trusted Occlumency had failed him.
What Voldemort would have given for this kind of power. He felt nauseous at very idea of the Dark Lord being able to invade and torture minds so lucidly.
Realising that he couldn't block the visions―and that the chances were they would not go until Hermione reached completion―Severus decided that he might as well be selfish and enjoy the show.
He had to admit that her orgasm looked spectacular, and with an uncharacteristic tenderness, he thought, I promise I will give you orgasms like that.
The vision started to fade, and Severus hung his head, relieved that this embarrassing, but enjoyable, situation was over until Hermione turned her head and looked straight into his eyes.
Touch yourself, Severus. Come for me, she purred seductively in his head.
"Oh shit!" Severus exclaimed. Slightly flustered, he ran his fingers through his hair as the vision finally faded. He realised she had been trying to make a two-way connection with him, and there was no way he could allow that to happen.
Jumping up, and out of the shower, he cast a drying spell before quickly dressing and headed back to his office. Reaching his desk, he called, "Are you there, Albus? There has been a development."
Albus Dumbledore sat down in his portrait and observed the young headmaster carefully. "Severus, you look troubled, my friend. I will call Minerva."
"No!" Severus protested before adding calmly, “Not yet.”
Severus took a deep breath as he became aware of Hermione gently touching herself again whilst bathing in the afterglow of her orgasm.
I wish I was holding you, he found himself thinking to her; a sense of calm washing over him as she turned her head to smile at him.
The inappropriateness of his thoughts twisted in his chest and brought him back to reality. Severus told the portrait urgently, "I don't want Minerva to hear what I am about to say. You can pass on any pertinent information, but I can't say these things in front of her, especially when they concern her favoured daughter."
Dumbledore's eyes were sparkling. "I understand this is hard for you, if you'll pardon the expression, Severus."
"Well, for starters, we can cut all the double entendres. I will not have this turned into some sordid conversation. Hermione deserves better than that," Severus spat at Dumbledore.
"As do you, dear boy," Dumbledore told him sincerely, his eyes softening at Severus' unwitting defence of the witch in question. "Do continue."
"I don't know where to begin," Severus admitted sheepishly.
The former headmaster contained his amusement and suggested helpfully. "Shall we start with your little nap and swift departure from this office?"
"How do you know about...oh, never mind. Whilst I was asleep I thought I was dreaming about Hermione being familiar with herself; her muse being...well, it was myself." Severus couldn't believe that he was having this conversation.
Dumbledore chuckled. "Such a delicate way to describe masturbation, but do go on."
Severus glared at the portrait, but realised that what he'd just said had sounded rather ridiculous. He wasn't normally this circumspect. "Anyway, upon waking, I could still see the vision, and I had...well―”
"An erection?" Dumbledore ventured. "Severus, this will be a very long conversation if you insist on beating around the bush."
"Don't say 'as it were,' Albus, please," Severus implored to pre-empt the elder wizard's train of thought. "Well, yes, but it would have been inappropriate for me to have relieved the tension while thinking of a student, so I went for a cold shower.”
Dumbledore smirked, cocking his head to the side in amusement.
“Please don't look at me like that.” Severus snarled before continuing, “Whilst having said shower, I felt a searing pain in my stomach, which appeared to be related to Hermione's thoughts. She was...she was masturbating over...well, it doesn't matter what she was thinking about, except that it wasn't me.
"This was not a dream,” the headmaster stated, “it was a waking vision. I could see her; I could see her desires. The pain increased until her attention turned towards another figure; a figure that happened to be me, and we engaged in...oh fuck!”
There was a desperation in Severus' voice. He slumped down into his chair, massaging his temples as he felt a headache coming on. He inhaled deeply through his nose, exhaling through his parted lips, no longer having the strength to phrase the situation delicately.
"I tried to block the images using Occlumency, but it failed. It seems that I can only see what she's thinking when she touches herself, and, in truth, I wanted to be the one touching her,” he said, his tone now laced with something akin to shame. “I thought it would be over after she climaxed, but then she turned to me, looked me straight in the eye, and told me to touch myself. Do you think Miss Granger is trying to communicate? Do you think she is even aware of the connection?"
Severus didn't know what would be worse; Hermione being aware that he could see her thoughts or that she was oblivious. He found the idea that she was aware that her thoughts were being shared mortifying enough, but at least he didn't feel that she was being violated. He knew he wasn't forcing himself into her mind, but the thought that she was unaware disturbed him immensely.
As a Legilimens Severus knew the power of entering another person's mind, and it wasn't a power that he took lightly. He had been tasked with mind-raping so many people for their thoughts and memories in both the service of Voldemort and Dumbledore, and it sickened him when he had to do it. Sometimes he thought that his forced intrusions were nearly as despicable as the only time he had ever had to participate in the rape a young Muggle girl during his Death Eater initiation.
However, he could not deny that whatever the rights or wrongs, his desire for her was so strong now that he was struggling to control his emotions, and, dragging his hands down over his face, he growled out, "Why is this happening to me? I thought I was past all this fucking torment."
Dumbledore watched Severus' struggle intently and sighed. The man before him had suffered so much in his thirty-eight years, and the former headmaster had to admit that his orders and decisions had often caused much of it. Yet he also knew that if anyone could bear the weight of so much suffering it was Severus Snape.
Many years ago, Dumbledore had concluded that the dark-haired wizard before him was an extraordinary man. Despite his hardened, surly exterior, Severus was capable of being an unselfish man with a huge capacity for love who had never had a true outlet for it. All the elderly wizard had ever wanted for the new headmaster was for him to find the happiness that he deserved. The former headmaster recalled seeing Severus walking towards the Black Lake whenever he needed to think. And it had always been one of his sincerest wishes that one day his trusted spy would be free of his obligations and be able to walk to the lake with a companion. But she had to be capable of challenging him emotionally, intellectually, and physically, and more importantly, she would have to be strong enough to put up with his moods.
He would like to say that he was shocked by Severus' current predicament, but he remembered the way his Potions professor had taken a second glance at Hermione at the Yule Ball. He knew it had been just a tiny spark, and he had trusted that the younger wizard professor would never act inappropriately, but he had always hoped that when the war was over―and Severus had hopefully survived―that Miss Granger might be that witch.
But one thing he knew―and perhaps only the Malfoys knew as well―was that if Hermione did take Severus on, she would be in for one hell of a ride. He'd never had a proper relationship, but the headmaster was not without experience, and his mind was as broad as it was intelligent. Dumbledore chuckled to himself because he also knew that Hermione, despite appearances and a lack of experience which only time would rectify, would be more than capable―and willing―to cope with all aspects of Severus and his proclivities.
The portrait observed Severus carefully as he stared into space, lost in his thoughts. “Severus, a wise man once said that we are only dealt in life what we can handle."
"He sounds like a masochist rather than wise," Severus drawled, batting the comment away with his hand.
"This situation is very curious, but there is one thing for sure, my boy, you can no longer deny that she is attracted to you," Albus told him thoughtfully.
Severus snorted. “Do not give me false hope,” he snarled, only realising that he had thumped his fist on the desk when he felt his skin stinging.
Dumbledore knew now was not the time to push Severus, so he decided to summarise the situation. "So, if I have understood you correctly, you can sense and see Hermione masturbating. When you are the object of her desire you feel no pain except for your erection. Now, there is a possibility that your physical reactions are being controlled by the experience itself, or they are simply a physiological response to what you are witnessing. We wizards are not very good at controlling our wands, after all. Well, now that I'm dead there is nothing to control, but in my youth―"
Severus groaned as a wave of nausea washed over him. The headmaster remembered how when, in his teenage years, he feared that he'd a slight crush on Sirius Black, and asked Dumbledore for advice. After hearing about some of the older wizard's exploits, Severus had left the headmaster's office in the sure and certain knowledge that he was most certainly not attracted to men.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, the surly wizard snapped, "Yes, yes we all know about your youth, thank you. Can you just continue without going misty eyed on me, please?"
Dumbledore laughed before continuing in a serious tone, “Tell me, Severus, what is the pain like when Hermione masturbates, but you are not the object of her desire? Is it a physical pain only or is there emotional pain too? Did it feel as if she were betraying you?"
"I've never known betrayal feel like a Cruciatus before. There was an ache in my chest, and the only time I have ever felt something like that was when I carried out your final order, and I saw―" His voice trailed off as his thoughts turned toward Lily.
Dumbledore saw the raven-haired wizard's his eyes soften and moisten. How he wished that he could have embraced the younger man at that moment. With a voice full of compassion, he enquired, "Are you alright to continue with this discussion, Severus?"
"For Hermione's sake, I have to," he replied stoically.
It was then that Dumbledore saw the unmistakable look of a man awakening to a woman. As Severus uttered her name that was a spark in his eyes, but the former headmaster had to push that to the back of his mind, and press on with his line of questioning.
"You also said that she was able to command you? Do you think that it was simply part of the vision?”
“It's possible,” Severus mused, huffing out a breath.
“In which case your eyes may not, in fact, have met, but her eyes were just directed to where you happened to be,” Dumbledore continued.
"Possibly," Severus conceded dejectedly.
"I am not suggesting that she wasn't commanding you, but perhaps you were seeking a little reassurance. If you thought Miss Granger was able to see you, then you wouldn't feel guilty about seeing her. Am I right?"
Severus shifted awkwardly in his chair. "Possibly."
"It is certainly very intriguing either way. Tell me, Severus, do you own any tomes on Dark Sex Magic?" Dumbledore asked.
Severus raised an eyebrow. "You know full well that I do. But this is unlike any dark bonding that I have studied."
"Trust you to devote your private study to such things," Dumbledore teased.
"Yes, well I was...lonely," Severus muttered, "and when you are a spy it is useful to acquaint yourself with the Dark Arts surrounding one of the commonest forms of coercion and information gathering in a political war. However, I may have missed something, so I will release the tomes into Minerva's care for further appraisal. I do not think it wise that I look into such books, given my current predicament."
"A wise decision, my dear boy," Dumbledore agreed. "Leave it to us. We will get to the bottom of this. It is obvious you care for the girl, even if you are not prepared to admit it to yourself."
Severus sneered, knowing full well that he had admitted it to himself, but he couldn't understand why. He was about to speak when he felt another shot of arousal rip through him.
"Oh gods, she's at it again," he groaned. "Albus, I have a school to run. I can't keep running off for cold showers every time she decides to frig herself stupid. What do I do?"
"Severus, I have known you since you were a young boy stepping over the threshold into manhood," Dumbledore told him, ignoring the fact that the headmaster had just rolled his eyes as he awaited the older wizard's next utterance. "You never had any qualms about taking matters into your own hands then, and I suggest you do so now. At least you will feel better."
"But I can't. If the connection forms for me when she touches herself, then we have to assume that when I touch myself, that the connection will form for her, and believe me: I can't risk her seeing some of the things I think about when I have a wank," Severus growled, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in his trousers.
Dumbledore smirked. "Does it matter what you think about, as long as you think about her? You never used to be this coy, Severus.”
"Oh don't worry, she'll be left in no doubt that I want fuck her into next week, but―"
"Really?" Dumbledore said, surprised by Severus' candid but emotional statement.
Severus sighed, noting the expression on his mentor's face. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he knew, even then, that he could never just fuck her. He lowered and shook his head. "No. No, I won't let her know that, but, then again, I won't let her know that I want to make love to her until I'm drowning in her."
Dumbledore smiled and said softly, "Off you go."
Severus nodded before looking up at the portrait before him. "I can't believe I've just been given permission to wank.”
Dumbledore chuckled as the headmaster Apparated to his rooms.
Severus sat at the foot of his bed and lowered his head; the hardness in his trousers becoming almost unbearably uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath, he quietly asked Hermione to forgive him for what he was about to do, and slowly stripped down to the waist. Flopping backwards onto the bed, he covered his eyes with his arm as he tried to rein in his emotions. Part of him wanted to believe that this was all real and that she really wanted him as her thoughts seemed to suggest, but he couldn't accept that it was possible.
However, if, by some miracle, this were real, he didn't want it to be like this. He wanted to court her; he wanted her to fall in love with him, and then, if luck were finally on his side, he might be able to keep her. He just didn't want debase whatever this was by doing what he was about to do.
Fuck, I need answers.
Undoing his trousers, he knew that as he was initiating whatever it was that was going on between them, that he would be controlling what Hermione saw, and the thought both thrilled and terrified him. He took a moment, trying to push the feelings of disgust and guilt to the back of his mind, before he took himself in hand.
Breathing heavily, he stared up at the ceiling, and a vision of Hermione lying on a bed wearing a tiny pair of black, lace knickers with a matching balconette bra floated into his mind. Without a word, Hermione turned towards him, smiling as if welcoming him to her bed. Kneeling up, she moved to the edge of the bed, holding her hand out to him as he walked towards her. He took her hand and slowly brought it up to his lips, pressing a soft, gallant kiss to her knuckles.
Nice start, Sev. Well done! He thought to himself; his hand now languidly pumping his length.
Their eyes met, and, before he knew it, she was leaning into him and brushing her lips against his. Without thinking, he snaked his arm around her back and sought to deepen the kiss by swiping his tongue along her slightly parted mouth. They sank onto the bed, their tongues rolling and caressing as Severus' hand tentatively explored Hermione's exposed skin. She was soft and warm, and her appreciative moans encouraged him on until his hand was cupping a bra-clad breast.
As he tweaked her taut nipple through its lacy confines, Hermione let out an almost feral growl, and before Severus knew it, he was on his back, with the object of his desire straddling his legs, trailing kisses down over his chest and stomach towards where he needed her most.
Hang on! I wanted to―
It was then that Severus realised that they did indeed have a two-way connection as Hermione had just taken over the vision.
He hissed at the feel of soft, small hands encompassing his shaft. Her warm breath against his skin made him shiver, and he gasped as her tongue lashed and swirled around the swollen tip. His fingers found their way into her riotous curls as pleasure pulsed through his body. Lifting his head, a deep moan escaped his lips as he watched her bob up and down over the engorged head of his cock. Pressing his head back against the pillow, he flexed his hips, gently encouraging her to take him deeper.
Hermione rose to the challenge and engulfed his length in her willing mouth. She began alternating between teasing the tip and accepting his length, but each time she took him a little deeper than before until Severus felt her throat relax around him. Where the hell did you learn to deep throat? Severus wondered, hoping more than ever that he might experience her in the flesh, one day.
The vision seemed to be enhancing the feel of his hand, and he couldn't remember ever having a more satisfying wank. But this knowledge was tainted by the fact that the surly wizard knew that he wouldn't last much longer. His breathing became more laboured as he continued to watch Hermione's attentions, and he felt the familiar tightening in his balls and muscles as he anticipated his release. And when it came, it came thick and fast with a deep, guttural growl ripping from his chest, and Hermione's name on his lips.
Closing his eyes, Severus' body began to relax as he basked in the afterglow and aftershocks from one of the strongest orgasms he'd ever had. He was still panting lightly; his pale skin slightly damp from his exertion when he wandlessly removed the evidence of his recent activity from his hand and stomach.
However, as the pleasant sensations faded, Severus began to feel his usual self-loathing nibbling at the periphery of his conscience. However, before it could take hold, he heard her voice in his head.
In answer to your question, I've never done that before, but promise you'll let me practice on you? I could come and see you tomorrow if you'd like, she teased.
Hermione? Where are you? Severus thought in a state of confusion.
I'm at Grimmauld Place,” she said before asking sheepishly, Umm, any idea why I can hear and see you in my head?
Severus sighed deeply. I'm afraid not, and I apologise if I have offended you in any way.
Don't be like that, Hermione chided, I've thought about you like this for years.
Severus was taken aback. So she does want me?
He smirked before responding playfully, Oh? Well, feel free to elucidate one day, and I must say you're going to be occupying my thoughts quite frequently if that's what you wear under your robes.
He saw her blush but also caught the flash of lust which ignited in her eyes. His breath hitched, knowing that the sight would haunt him; knowing that he wanted it to haunt him.
He was broken from his reverie by a warm glow that suddenly filled the room. It seemed to hover over him for a moment before it shrank into a tiny ball and shot into his chest. Unbeknownst to him, Hermione was also experiencing the same phenomenon as she laid on her bed.
All at once, both felt their sexual tension ease, but they realised that they were still able to communicate telepathically despite the distance between them.
Did you see that, Severus? Did you feel it? Hermione asked urgently.
I did, Severus asserted, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
Hermione's thoughts then seemed in a panic. Can you see me now―because I can't see you any more?
No, not now, Severus informed her regretfully. If I were a betting man―which I'm not―I would say that whatever is happening between us has been establishing itself for a while. Today has either been an awakening or the next stage of a bonding process. It would appear that a mental connection has now been fully formed.
Hermione's mind was suddenly flooded with questions. What kind of bond is it? What sort of magic is it? Do you think the mental connection can be turned on and off? Can you not use Occlumency to block it?
I forgot that you would drown me with incessant questions, the headmaster sneered, but somehow Hermione could sense that there was no menace behind his words. I have already tried to block this out, but I cannot. However, you should know that the situation is under investigation. It is the reason Dumbledore wants to join us for afternoon tea.
Oh. Is that the only reason you wanted to see me?
Severus' chest tightened as heard her dejection. Closing his eyes, he prepared to be the voice of reason, but before that, he had to give her some kind of reassurance. No, that's not the only reason, but Miss Granger...Hermione, it would be prudent to raise the issue of a possible bond now. Neither of us can be sure if our words and emotions are our own or if they are being influenced by some binding force. We need to consider that should a bond exist, once it is broken, everything may change, and we may want to disassociate ourselves from each other.
As such, and as much as I greatly desire to see you tomorrow, we cannot be alone together. I will, therefore, ask Professor McGonagall to accompany us at all times. You must understand the need to exercise extreme caution. I hope that this is genuine, but we cannot assume that it is. This is an unknown entity, and I would hate for you―for either of us―to be hurt should this prove to be unreal. Therefore, we must avoid any situations where impropriety may occur. I do not expect this to be easy, but we must fight any urge to be more familiar with each other than is necessary.
Her crestfallen thoughts echoed in his mind as she whispered, I understand...Sir.
Hermione seemed so despondent now, and Severus wished he could offer her some hope. Perhaps their feelings were real. If she had been thinking about him for a while, and he had been thinking about her, then maybe this could develop into something once she became the Potions professor.
But, for now, whether these emotions were real or not was irrelevant. Hermione was still a student, and he was the headmaster. She was also his apprentice, which meant working in such close proximity with her would be torture. He was sure there would be calls for his head if he allowed a relationship to develop between them. On the other hand, she was of age, and returning as a student voluntarily, so did he actually care about the possible consequences? Unfortunately, he did, and if he told himself that often enough, he might actually believe it.
Miss Gra...Hermione, please know that I truly hope that our emotions are not purely derived from an unknown bond. I admire you greatly, both as a witch and as a young woman, but I hope you realise that it is imperative that we discover whatever this bond is―and its secrets―so that we will know where we stand, Severus stated softly.
There was an uncomfortable silence until Hermione thought, I can withdraw as your apprentice if it would make it easier for you.
That will not be necessary, Severus informed her reassuringly. We will get through this, Hermione. I will see you tomorrow afternoon, but, in the meantime, try and keep yourself busy. However, I will make myself available via this connection, should you wish to talk.
Hermione sighed deeply, saddened by the fact that he was dismissing her. I'll see you to tomorrow then, and thank you, Se...Headmaster.
Until tomorrow, Miss Granger.
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