And Another Life Begins | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 14024 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and make no money from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 2
Beta'd by the amazing Tenchi. Thanks, woman! You're the BEST!
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Sitting there staring between his father and Severus, Draco couldn't help but feel his temper start to really rise. Glancing towards that being Jay, the one he saw as an interloper, his eyes narrowed and he began to grind his teeth, hand itching to snatch up his wand then start throwing hexes. This wasn't going to end well and he knew it. Before it started, he wanted to know exactly what was going on, though. Then he would decide what to do. Making sure that his temper wasn't showing and that his voice would sound like it was calm, he said, looking at his father, “Alright, just what is going on? I know you've been staying here.” Eyes sliding back to that damned beach bum he had the confrontation with in France, he then added, keeping the vitriol out of his voice the best he could, “And it's obvious that he has been, too, since I can put things together enough to figure out that all this stuff is his.”
With an internal sigh, knowing that this probably wasn't going to remain a sedate and calm conversation for long, Lucius shot Severus a glance with an arched eyebrow, hoping to convey he needed a drink to give himself a bit of courage before they kicked off.
Catching on, Severus nodded. He, too, was going to need some liquid courage for this. Glaring at his godson, hoping that would keep him from opening his mouth, he stood and went to get drinks for all of them. Hovering them back, he passed them out then seated himself once more, sipping his brandy. Glancing at Harry, he could see the young man sipping at the beer he favored, looking as though he wanted to be anywhere but where he was right at that moment. That was something he could understand. Along with that, he thought that, maybe, things might go slightly better if Harry were to leave the room while they had this talk. At least it would keep Draco from focusing on him the whole time thus giving him and Lucius the chance to calm his godson down then not have the two of them at each others throats. Draco, he knew, could still be quick to react to something, his temper and ego demanding that he take action before he thought something through all the way. Harry had, from what he had seen, calmed down and matured enough that he was no longer as impetuous about such things. However, with the history of the two, he wasn't sure that it couldn't happen once more if Draco hit the right buttons. That he didn't want.
Before Lucius could launch into anything, he cleared his throat then said, quietly, “Jay? Perhaps it's best that you not be here for this right now. Let us sort it out then you can join us. Acceptable?”
In the past, Harry would have snarled at being asked to leave but, as awkward as this all was, he was all for getting the hell out of there right now. Nodding, he grinned then said, “Right. I'll go back on the great hunt for my ruddy clothes.” After tipping a nod to his two lovers, he made a quick exit to go find something else to do while the two sorted the mess out and got Draco to calm the hell down.
Watching Harry go, Lucius couldn't help but smirk. He didn't blame the young man in the least. Though not one to shy away from a confrontation himself, he could safely say this wasn't a talk he wanted to have and it was bound to be explosive. He could, honestly, see why Severus had gone about it the way he had. Without Harry in the room, Draco was more apt to be calmer about things, thus allowing them to get through this with a minimum of tantrums and the threats of hexing.
Sneering at the young man as he walked out, Draco then looked back at the other two still in the room. Sitting there stiffly, he folded his arms over his chest then snapped, “Alright, what is going on? And, why is he here!”
Taking a sip of his drink, Lucius set it aside then leaned back and looked at his son, “Draco, this isn't the way we wanted you to find out about things. That is something I want you to know right off. We had planned to tell you what is going on but were going to wait until school was in session to avoid such a confrontation.”
Glowering at his father, Draco hissed, “And just what is going on, father? Is he your lover? Is that why you're hiding out here with Severus?” Eyes shooting to his godfather, he then asked, “And why would you allow father to keep his catamite here?”
At the name catamite, Severus' eyes narrowed dangerously then he snapped, “Enough of the insults, Draco! If you can't keep your snark to yourself, the discussion is over and I will throw you out. Listen to your father before you jump to conclusions!”
Grinding his teeth more, Draco pressed his lips together until they were a pale, thin line in an effort to keep his mouth to himself but his furious eyes looked from Severus to his father then back again, waiting.
With a heavy sigh, Lucius launched in, “Though Jay may look young, he's actually the same age you are, son. He's also British. Like so many others, he left right after the war and, eventually, settled in France where you met him.”
“And him being my age makes this any better, father?” Draco snapped, unable to help himself. “Dear Morgana, how is having someone around the same age as your son any better than them being younger?”
Ignoring that, feeling some guilt curdling about Harry's age, Lucius just pressed on, “You need to understand that, initially, it didn't start out the way it ended up. At first, it was just talking, having some fun while we were on that sabbatical for school. I will admit that it then did become something else before we left France from the inter school meetings. Then I will also admit to Jay being the reason both of us, once we decided to go on vacation, went back to France, wanting to pick up where we left off.”
Eyes widening, the younger Malfoy looked from his father to his godfather then back again before asking, voice soft in astonishment, “You mean to tell me that you're sharing him? All three of you are lovers?”
Looking more sour than normal, Severus sighed but nodded, “Yes, that's how it is, Draco.”
“So, in other words, you brought a slut back that will service both of you?” Draco sneered, eyes hardening.
“No!” Lucius snapped, voice sharp like the crack of a whip. “Nor will you voice any such thing to him, Draco! It is a mutual thing, yes, but nothing so tawdry. A connection, of sorts, was made and the three of us have chosen to explore it from there to see where it leads. It's not just about the sex. If that were the case, we could have easily found someone here for such a thing, not having to go to the trouble of talking someone into leaving France to do it.”
Pursing his lips once more, Draco huffed then rolled his eyes. “Oh, I’m sure that's going to work out well with you two being at school all the time and the little slut running around doing what he pleases!”
Grinding out his son's name through clenched teeth, Lucius was halted by the whip crack of Severus' voice saying, “Enough, Draco! I've heard enough of you acting like a petulant child that has had his favorite toy broken!”
Folding his arms over his chest, the Potions Master snapped, “You don't know the circumstances of what is going on nor are you looking beyond the end of your nose to reason things out. Instead, you're throwing a tantrum because your father might be finding some happiness in his life when you refuse to even try to move on, preferring to dwell on all the wrongs done to you.”
Eyes widening, he looked at his godfather, stunned. Stammering, he managed to stutter out, “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that your father has suffered just as much as you have, Draco. Yet, unlike you, he's managed to move on beyond it and try to find something to make himself happy rather than dwell on the past with all the wrongs done to him being an excuse for not moving on to find happiness. That is all you have done since the war ended. Rather than trying to carve out a life for yourself, you hide in the manor, whine about how bad your life is and dwell on the past, refusing to grow up. When someone does something to upset what you want, you throw a tantrum. That is what this is. Rather than be happy that your father is finding a path in life that might bring such a thing to him, you are insulting the being that he has found to help with that. Nor are you looking at things from the other way, just seeing it in the narrow view you've created of the world. It's time you grow up, Draco, then stop acting like you did while in school and being a bully to anyone that says a cross word to you.” Stopping, Severus glared at his godson and waited.
Though slightly taken aback by the blunt manner Severus had put it in, Lucius couldn't help but applaud that someone finally said it to his son. He knew that, at some point, it needed done, he just hadn't had the heart to do it himself. Now, though, it was out there and they could work on it from this point forward.
Gaping at his godfather, face flushed, Draco didn't know what to say, or even if he should open his mouth to do so. Severus was starting to lose his temper and that never ended pretty, even for him. On top of that, what was said stung a great deal. He had never handled things like that well but knew better than to act with his godfather like he did everyone else.
Deciding to not bother letting Draco try to argue that point, Severus pressed on, “Jay moved here, Draco. As in gave up his life there, pulled up stakes and came back to a place he didn't want to be so he could be with your father and myself to see what would come of the relationship. That alone should tell you that it's more serious than a casual thing. If he wanted to be a slut, as you put it, he would have stayed right where he was. There was more than ample opportunity for him to pursue such a thing where he stayed. You know the area better than I do but even I could see what went on there. No, he didn't do that though. He, after a great deal of debate with himself, decided to give it a try here to see if we could make it work. You aren't privy to things we know about him, Draco. It was not an easy decision to make to return to this place for him. Nor, if we hadn't asked him, would he have considered such a thing. He had a life right where he was and enjoyed it. Instead, he gave it up to come back here.” Stopping, Severus just glared at his godson, waiting for him to argue.
“Severus is right,” Lucius told his son softly. “We are the ones that asked him, he didn't invite himself, Draco. And it took a great deal on his end to make this decision. At some point, you'll learn just how big of a deal it was, just not now. As for the other... we've made arrangements on it. As you can see, all his stuff is here. Tomorrow, it'll be moved, along with much of mine and Severus' to the house he bought in Hogsmeade. That's right, son, he bought a house in Hogsmeade. One doesn't do that to cat around. It should tell you he's in for the long haul. You might not like it, but we plan to give this a shot. Though I would like your approval and hope you could be happy that I have moved on from the past, it's something I can live without. Nor will it affect the relationship you and I have nor the one the three of us are trying to build together. I just hope that you can put things aside enough to step back so that you don't make this rough enough on the three of us to affect the relationship.” Stopping, Lucius looked at his son and waited.
Swallowing thickly, Draco looked from one man to the other, not sure what to say. The way both of them had put things, he was in a position that meant that if he voiced an objection then he was just going to look like a brat, well, more than he did already. Dropping his eyes to the floor, he continued to think, not liking what came to mind. It appeared that both his father and godfather were serious about giving this a shot. If this Jay character did pull up stakes and come here to pursue a relationship, then he was serious as well. With a sigh, he rubbed his eyes then finally said, “Alright, I accept it. I won't hex him on sight. Just don't expect me to like this is all!” Lifting his eyes, he glared at his father and godfather when he said that.
Figuring that was about as good as it was going to get for now, Lucius nodded. “Understood, Draco.”
On Severus' end, he sighed. This was just the first battle to come in this, he knew that. Though he could understand why Lucius was going about it this way, he still didn't agree with it. Things were going to get worse once his godson found out who Jay really was. It wasn't his place to say anything about that, however. Instead, he said, “Acceptable. How about I go get Jay and we try to have a civilized conversation.”
Grinding his teeth at that though, Draco just nodded. He didn't want to do this, not at all. It was the civilized thing to do, however, so he would.
Glancing at Lucius, Severus nodded then said, “I'll fetch him.” It was a tactical move on his end to do so. Not only would it get him out of the uncomfortable atmosphere of dealing with Draco but it would also allow Lucius time to deal with his son alone to cover anything else.
Waiting until Severus left, Lucius looked at his son then said, quietly, so that it wouldn't carry to other parts of the house, “Draco, I should have said something to you earlier so this wouldn't have happened. However, I was reluctant to do so because I knew the outcome would be something such as this.”
Giving his father a sour look, Draco nodded then said, “Yes, father, you should have. It's not a comfortable thing to be confronted with. Nor did I like feeling like I was being shoved aside. If you wanted to have a relationship, you should have been up front.” Glowering slightly, he then snapped, “And with how he reacted when we first encountered one another, it doesn't please me that you chose him to hook up with.”
“I think old prejudices got in the way on both your ends, Draco. You were wrong in how you dealt with him the first time. He, also, was dealing with a skewed point of view. Once he learned how hard things were for you, he did modify his stance. You, on the other hand, do need to realize that people who left at the end or just after the war, see things differently and not the changes that have taken place since then. Jay was not here for long after it all ended. Even he said it sounds like you had a rough time. Son, just give it a chance. For my sake. I'm not asking for you to become best friends with him, just accept it.” Lucius said, looking at his only child.
With a heavy sigh, Draco nodded. “I'll try, father.”
Smiling slightly, Lucius nodded then leaned back in the chair, taking a sip of his drink. That was one battle down but he was sure the worst was yet to come when his son learned Jay's true identity.
Walking around, Severus was looking for Harry, wondering where the young man had taken himself off to. It wasn't until he wandered by one of the small parlors on the ground floor that he heard some familiar mutterings and the shoving of boxes. Smirking, he poked his head in to look and, sure enough, there was Harry, once more digging through stacks of boxes to find his clothes. “Still no luck finding your clothes? I thought you were going to grab one of my robes and shrink it?”
Snorting, Harry pulled back and sighed then grabbed his bottle of beer, taking a swig from it. “I figured if I was persistent enough that I could stumble across them. Besides, it got me out of there and gave me something to do while you talked. Of course, I still can't find the bloody things!” He sighed, shaking his head. Turning to Severus, he asked, “You didn't end up hexing him within an inch of his life, did you?”
Leaning against the jamb, Severus shook his head then said, “We have him calm enough and no hexing needed to be involved. A compromise, of a sort anyway, had been reached when it comes to you. I do believe he will at least be civil for now.”
“Until he learns who I really am,” Harry muttered before taking another swig of his beer. Honestly, Harry wasn't looking forward to that.
With a heavy sigh, Severus nodded. “However, we'll work with this for now then move on. You know my thoughts on telling him the truth. I can see Lucius' thought process on going about it this way, though. As he is Draco's father, we need to defer to him. Be that as it may, shall we go deal with the here and now? Or would you rather wait? It is entirely your choice.”
Shaking his head, Harry took another drink off his beer then said, “Might as well get this over with. If I don't, it'll just give him something to snark about. Just... warn me if he looks like he's going to hex. I prefer not to have to go at it with him and have my magical signature give away who I am, yeah?”
Understanding, Severus nodded. Stepping forward, he placed a kiss on Harry's forehead then said, “Shall we then?”
With a sigh, Harry nodded then headed back to where they had been gathered.
Wandering back in with Severus, Harry flopped into his chair but didn't look at Draco. He could feel the blond's eyes on him, but didn't meet them.
Seeing his son glare at Harry, Lucius said, as a way to break the tension, “What in Merlin's name have you been up to, Jay?”
Giving him a cocky grin, Harry replied, “Looking for my bloody clothes!” Quickly, he gave a rundown of his running battle to find his clothing, chuckling here and there.
Smirking, Lucius shook his head then said, as way of an explanation, “House elves! I'm sure they put them somewhere odd, such as Severus' lab rather than a place that would make sense to us.”
Staying quiet, making sure not to glare at the interloper, something that would be sure to set his father and godfather off, Draco said nothing, just listening in. Looking the being up and down, he did say, keeping his tone neutral, “You don't seem to be dressed for an English summer, that's for sure.”
“Not use to the weather here anymore,” Harry replied good naturally. “Used to baking my brains out on the beach. I forgot how much it rains and how chilled it could get.” Before he could go on with an attempt to make some kind of neutral conversation, he heard a distinctive pop then called out, “Claude? Mimi? Is that you?”
Hearing her master call, Mimi stepped in. One glance told her that her master needed called by the name she had to in France. With a smile, she curtsied then said, “Yes, Master Jay?” Seeing the men that made her master happy sitting there, she curtsied to them as well then said, “Master Lucius, Master Severus!”
Smiling at her, he gestured to Draco then said, “This is Draco, Lucius' son.”
Nodding, understanding, she curtsied to him then said, “Mr. Draco, I am pleased to meet you!”
Looking at Draco, he said, “Mimi and Claude are free elves. They decided to follow me here.” Seeing the younger Malfoy give a stiff nod, Harry gave an internal sigh then turned back to Mimi, “Since you're here... where are my clothes? I've been looking all over for them!”
With a wide smile, the house elf said, “We put them in Master Severus' basement, where he stores things so you could find them!”
With a groan, Harry rubbed his face and shook his head. “Alright, thanks. When we're done talking, I'll go snag some. Is everything moved? Marie doing alright?”
Nodding enthusiastically, Mimi replied, “Oh, yes, Master Jay! Claude is bringing the last now. Marie is fine and cleaning. We also have some stuff your restaurant sent you. They said you would need it.”
“Leave it on the kitchen table and I'll look at it later,” Harry said.
Sensing that as a dismissal, Mimi curtsied again then went to go help Claude finish up.
Snorting, Severus said, dryly, “Yes, because we would have thought to look in the damp, dank basement to find your clothes, something you tend to want kept dry.”
Giving a chuckle, Harry shook his head and took a swig off his beer. “Well, at least they aren't scattered all over and are in one place!”
Sitting there stiffly, Draco took it all in then, seeing the look his father was shooting him, gave an internal sigh before deciding he was going to try to play nice. “You own a restaurant then? Where is it?”
“Oh, in France. I'll be going back once a week to handle whatever is needed. It's not much but you need to keep on top of it,” Harry replied politely.
“At least you have something going,” Draco nodded. “How did you come to own that?”
Harry leaned back then began to talk about how and why he bought it, making polite conversation without giving away too much.
A couple hours later, after some stilted talk and a meal prepared by Mimi, Draco, still looking plenty dour, took his leave. It wasn't until Harry heard the distinctive crack of Apparition that he began to relax. With a groan, he slouched in his chair then muttered, “I suppose that could have gone much worse.”
“Indeed, it could have,” Severus sighed, rubbing his face. “At least no one ended up getting hexed out of it.”
Nodding, Harry shot Lucius an askance glance then said, “No offense, Lucius, but I’m not keying him into the wards in Hogsmeade. He's going to have to wait to be let in like anyone else. That was too close of a call on our end to let it happen again.”
Nodding, Lucius gave a wave of dismissal before saying, “There is no reason he should be. It's your house and he can't automatically assume that he will be keyed in because Severus and I are staying there.” Stopping, he then inquired, “How close of a call was it?”
“Too close for my nerves,” Severus replied dryly then went onto explain it.
Sighing after he heard it, Lucius shook his head, “Quick thinking, old friend. No, I’ll make it clear he won't be keyed in.” Stretching slightly, he then said, “I say after this kind of stress we find something to do. A couple hands of cards?”
“Works for me,” Harry said, standing and stretching.
Nodding, Severus went to find the cards then to meet everyone in the dining room where they had enough room to play.
::: sends subliminal message of I want to review, I want to review, I want to review then grins ::::
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