Rise of the Cannonites | By : KusanoSaku Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 12651 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or it's characters. I am just having fun with them and I don't make money that way. |
Rise of the Cannonites
Pairings: GideonxArthur, BreccxGeorge, ViktorxCharlie and BillxFleur ect.
Summary: a spin of story of 'I did not Sleep with that wizard!' focusing on the Weasley-Prewett family. Tracks the family's rise to fame.
Chapter 1
Septimus owled Sanctus for an appointment first thing on Monday July the 3rd…
He received a reply over breakfast inviting him to meet with him at ten.
Septimus handed the missive to his godson; "we have an appointment with Sanctus at ten."
"Does he know the substance of this meeting?" Gideon asked.
"I asked him to see if the Cannons would agree to meet with us. He confirmed that Ragmar Dorkins their manager and Robert Leigh, their owner would be willing to meet with us." Septimus smirked.
"I'll floo Little Ridge to ask George and Brecc to accompany us." Gideon nodded.
The five: Septimus, Gideon, Percy, Brecc and George portkeyed to Sanctus Malfoy's offices in Malloy Square.
They were escorted in immediately.
Sanctus nodded and gestured for them to take their seats at the table.
Robert Leigh frowned, "Why were we invited so abruptly.
George spoke first, "My name is George Montague, formerly Weasley and I am the senior partner in the business Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. My brother and I are both rabid Cannons fans. It was my Bonded's idea that we become permanent sponsors of the team."
"I was under the impression that Montagues were Arrows supporters." Ragmar Dorkins sneered.
Brecc shrugged, "So we are. However, I am willing to accede to my Bonded's taste. It gets his business more attention and opens it's customer base to more than just precocious adolescents."
"Why would a member of the Minister for Magic's office be here?" Leigh asked.
Percy raised an eyebrow, "He is my brother and I wanted to be sure that he wasn't cheated. I worked for Lord Crouch before he passed and I did hear rumours when I visited the Department of Magical Games. I was part of the work that brought Britain the 1994 Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament."
"Well what do you want to know?" Leigh swallowed.
"Current ticket prices, how many families still own box seats, what the yearly average income is for the team, how much the players are paid and how much you pay your manager who clearly knows less about Quidditch then I do." Percy said in a voice that had a sharp blade-like edge.
Ragmar sniffed, "What would a Ministry flunky know about Quidditch?"
Percy sneered, "You try dating someone who eats, sleeps and breathes Quidditch so much that if his favourite team went bankrupt he'd probably die of shock."
George snickered, that sound like Oliver alright…
Leigh reluctantly passed the requested documents to Percy who peered at them through his horn-rimmed glasses.
Percy skimmed them and glared, "Rubbish. Whoever gave you this is scamming you." he reached into his briefcase, "I have here the last three reports given to the Department of Magickal Sports and Games from Gringotts. They don't match this at all."
Percy held out a report to Gideon, "This is the projected value of the location formerly known as Castle Leigh that is currently home to the Chudley stadium. The stadium lies between Chudley and Dawlish in Devonshire. The stadium is approximately 140 metres above sea level. The team according to their tax filings are paid this many galleons a year. a shockingly high amount for players as daft as Seeker Galvin Gudgeon who hasn't caught a snitch in his life. He's always running up bills in taverns like Hogshead and is notorious for not paying. Their Beater Joey Jenkins has a record with the Aurors a mile long and is always being brought in for assault. Chaser Dragomir Gorgovitch is a Durmstrang dropout, he couldn't get a job flying for a reputable team in Europe and came here. The reason the Cannons can't win is because this man here Ragmar hires fools who can't play. He defrauds the fans and other spectators who pay to actually see a Quidditch match."
The Cannons' owner Leigh looked shaken, "How do we…avoid getting in trouble."
Percy pushed his glasses more firmly on his nose, "Well to start with you will agree to sell then entire Chudley Franchise for only 1 million Galleons. At the present state of affairs you'll end up in trouble with the Goblins inside a year. I do know Dirk Creswell quite well."
Ragmar gaped, "You can't be serious."
Percy frowned, "I assure you that goblin prison is no laughing matter. Sell it to Lord Prewett and this will all go away."
Leigh held out a shaking hand, "I'll sign."
Sanctus held out the contract.
Leigh signed it and swallowed, "Now what?"
Gideon smirked, "We're going to fire the entire franchise and start from scratch."
"The season starts in October, would you even have a team by then?" the former manager glared.
"We'll see. As long as we have a team ready to play the first match who cares."
Sanctus smirked, "By the way Leigh the contact has a non-disclosure clause."
"What about me?" Ragmar glared.
"You get nothing, you ran this team into the ground." Percy glared, "You better hope that when the new owner finishes his review of the franchise he doesn't see fit to turn you over to the Aurors. You were paid far more than you are worth."
"Who would agree to manage such a team?"
Percy chuckled, "We have some ideas. Now you better leave before we change our mind about those Aurors or even the goblins."
The two former staff of the Cannons fled.
Sanctus chuckled, "Tell me Gideon why in the world you didn't just start your own team?"
Gideon smirked, "Are you kidding? It's cheaper to buy the worst team in the league and rebuild it."
Septimus frowned at his grandson, "Just whom did you have in mind to manage this team?"
"Well Gideon is the owner, I'm the manager of the fan club." Percy paused to scribble a note; "I must remember to visit Dean Thomas this week to have him design a new logo. Colin will need to take pictures of the team once they are all signed. I was hoping we could talk Maximus Brankovitch III into it. He captains the Fitchburg Finches and he also played for the American National Quidditch team in 1986 and 1990. I met him during the last few months before the World Cup two summers ago while working for Crouch."
"Who do I need to write contracts for?" Sanctus asked.
"Marcus Flint of Tornadoes, Viktor Krum of the Vratsa Vultures, Oliver Wood of Puddlemere United, Davies formerly of Ravenclaw, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet both formerly of Gryffindor. Flint, Davies, Johnson and Spinnet are Chasers, Krum is a world famous Seeker and Oliver was signed to Puddlemere after Graduation." Percy listed them off smugly, "Since Johnson and Spinnet are currently pregnant they can't sign but Oliver whom we'd like to sign as captain is interested in asking Katie Bell of Gryffindor to fly."
"Would you have a reserve Seeker just in case?"
"Charles Hector Krum, formerly Weasley once offered places by four Quidditch teams. One of which were the Cannons."
Brecc had watched Percy take on the gits from the Cannons with glee and now decided to speak, "George Montague and Fred Weasley. Perhaps, Adrian or Caden Warrington might agree to fly as Chasers if they were asked. I know Adrian is looking forward to being a spell creator but perhaps he'd agree to a season or two. Miles Bletchley is a decent keeper but we should keep an eye on his sister Kevyn she filled in once or twice. Page isn't bad either."
"Bill's a good Keeper too." George offered, "If he hadn't been forced to quit the Quidditch team his Seventh Year because he was Head Boy he may have had a shot at being offered a place on Quidditch teams. You can't try out if you don't play your last year."
Percy nodded, "I remember Mum and Bill having a huge fight about whether or not Bill should be allowed to captain the team much less play. She forced him to resign both his position as Captain and Keeper."
"Well I was Captain last year and managing a team and revising for your NEWTS is difficult. I don't know how Johnson managed NEWTS, her Head Girl duties and Quidditch Captain." Brecc frowned.
"I'll put together those contracts. Send them to me so that I can sign them."
"How much would it cost to buy Flint?" Gideon asked Brecc.
"He's only third string, so 250 Galleons? You can probably steal Oliver for 500. Viktor will cost more. I'd offer 2,000 to start and go as high as 5." Brecc advised.
"You want to work for us? You know a lot." Percy chuckled.
Brecc smirked, "We'll start with an investment of say 5,000 Galleon into the Cannons. The shop's logo is clearly printed on each game poster, you order fireworks from us from every home game, and we are granted billboard time before a match. After each win we are allowed to shower the stadium with discount coupons for attendees. Also Fan club members receive 5% off all purchases. We get a full page ad in every fan newsletter."
George blinked at his bonded before blushing, "I knew giving you my shares in the shop would be brilliant."
"We'll throw in goal side seats for the owners." Gideon chuckled.
Brecc held out his hand, "Done."
Percy raised an eyebrow at Sanctus, "I'm sure this is all suitable."
Sanctus chuckled, "I have it all written down. That is an initial payment of 5,000. Is that 5,000 per season?"
Brecc nodded, "For now."
"I shall send copies of the contracts to both parties. The Montagues at Little Ridge and Gideon at?"
"Currently I am residing at Weasley Hall but I am going to be moving to Eerie." Gideon shrugged.
"So all franchise merchandise is under my jurisdiction as the fan club manger correct?" Percy asked.
Gideon nodded, "Sure."
"Even more reason to meet with Thomas." Percy muttered. "I will need proof that I can speak with Quality Quidditch Limited. They have cornered the market on Uniforms and uniform replicas. It might be wise to purchase Firebolts for the team, it would give us a bit of an edge."
Brecc chuckled, "Why don't we take the cost of the Firebolts out of our investment? I think George would quite enjoy one. Perhaps, his next invention should be a broom that is specifically meant for Beaters."
George grinned, "That's a great idea. I think that the Cannons need all new equipment. With Ginny bonded to the Corner family, perhaps until we have our own publishing we could talk them into printing our newsletter. They could hire Andret for it."
"Sounds like you're turning this down its luck team into a family dynasty." Sanctus observed.
Gideon smirked, "You may have a point."
Gideon Apparated to the River Piddle in Dorset.
He had a sack of galleons in his pocket and made his way to the franchise headquarters.
He flashed a smile at the secretary in the reception, "My name is Gideon Prewett and I'm the new owner of the Cannons. I would like to speak to Philbert Deverill."
She scribbled on a bit of parchment and tapped it.
The parchment folded itself into a bird and flew towards what presumably was the office of the Puddlemere United manager.
The man who appeared was younger than Gideon expected and he suspected that he graduated sometime after Sirius and James of Gryffindor.
"Mr. Prewett? I'm Phil." The blond man with a moustache grinned holding out his hand, "How might I help you?"
"Actually," Gideon corrected, "I'm Lord Prewett."
"My apologies, how can I help you?"
Gideon smirked, "Well my nephew went to school with a reserve Keeper of yours and recommended him. I have one problem; upon acquiring the team I realized that not even alcohol rehab would safe the players. I find myself quite without a Keeper and I'm willing to offer 500 Galleons for Wood."
"Wood? Oh yes, we signed him right out of Hogwarts. He's not received much Pitch time but he's fairly skilled. Why do you want him?"
Gideon shrugged, "He came recommended and he's not well-known or part of an established and close-knit team. It's not like I'm poaching him from say the Harpies. If he has pitch time, proves himself and you want to buy him back we'll take."
"500 Galleons and first shot at him if he wants to change teams? I'll shake on it."
Gideon tapped his pocket, "I'll trade the galleons for his contract and dossier."
Phil grinned, "Follow me."
Percy hadn't quit the Ministry yet but he had taken the day off. It didn't take much nudging to get Dean Thomas' address from his best mate Seamus. After all, Seamus was betrothed to his half brother Colin.
The idea of being related to the camera obsessed kid who had been formerly petrified was a shock. It was curious how his ex-girlfriend Penelope and Colin were both purebloods and had been attacked by his own sister who erroneously thought they were Muggleborns. Only Granger and Finch-Fletchley actually .
Percy arrived and found Thomas playing with a little girl.
The tall boy frowned, "What do you want Percy?"
Percy sighed, "A Business opportunity. Colin is our official photographer and we're looking for a resident artist."
"Doing what?"
"I am need of a new team logo. My stepfather bought the Chudley Cannons and we're rebuilding it from the ground up. It's turning into a family affair. Due to your connection to Seamus and my recollection of your drawing skills I want to hire you. we owe the Twins' joke shop a full page ad in our fan club newsletter and I'd like to sign you on as staff. Since you'll probably want some income, you're welcome to take on other products but I would appreciate you come aboard."
"Who are you signing to fly?"
Percy blushed,. "Oliver…"
"How many Gryffindors are you signing?" Dean asked.
"We're waiting for Angelina and Alicia to give birth so we can sign them but we' taking Davies and Flint as well." Percy shrugged.
"Cannons? Those orange-clad flying disasters that Ron had stuck to the wall of our dorm with sticking charms?" Dean asked wearily.
"Yes, because rebuilding an established team is easier then negotiating a new one with the Department."
"Colour choices?"
"Orange and maroon but preferably less obnoxious shade that won't make us look ill, half of the team are Weasleys. We're signing the twins, Charlie and Bill.' Percy warned.
Dean nodded, "I'll try to come up with something decent. You want me to owl it to you when?"
"You have three days. I'm sure that is doable. I have to discuss ordering new Quidditch robes from Quality Quidditch and I'll need the mock ups." Percy replied.
"You know," Dean smiled, "You're not so bad."
"Glad you think so. I'm looking forward to your design submission." Percy nodded leaving the younger Gryffindor.
Gideon's next stop after Puddlemere was Tutshill, England
Roderick Plumpton a former seeker, who was famous for his Plumpton Pass having ended a match in a record 3.43 seconds, was now their manager.
The meeting was short and Roderick who barely even knew Flint's name agreed to sell him having never seen him play outside tryouts he didn't seem to care whether Flint flew for him or not.
It only cost Gideon 100 galleons to buy him.
A pity if he was believed to be so worthy…
Well once his Cannons were winning games, maybe they'd stop being laughed at.
Charlie had delivered a portkey over breakfast to the Vratsa Vultures' franchise headquarters.
He'd agreed to meet Septimus there with Viktor.
Septimus was a bit out of his element here but he'd do just about anything for his godson.
Charlie hugged him upon his arrival, "Hullo grandfather."
Septimus allowed his grandson to cast a spell that would give him the ability to understand Bulgarian.
Charlie tugged him into the office of the Vulture's manager Vladimir Ivanovski.
Viktor was 'arguing' with him.
"I said I do not wish to quit! I wish to fly for the Cannons for a short time."
"Who are you?"
Septimus sighed, "The grandfather of Viktor's bonded. You have been good to Viktor. We do not discount that. Rather than 'steal' perhaps we can agree to… 'rent' Viktor for a time."
"Perhaps," Vladimir said stiffly. "how long do you wish to 'rent' Viktor?"
"Five years with the condition that if the Vultures or Bulgaria qualify for the World Cup Viktor flies for you and not any team associated with the British Ministry." Septimus offered.
"Settle we shall rent him for say 500 galleons a year?"
"Rather steep." Septimus frowned. "I would have paid 5,000 galleons to keep him."
"350 a year then."
"So a sum of 1750 Galleons?" Septimus asked.
Vladimir nodded.
"Very well. I will have a contract sent to you by our solicitor Sanctus Malfoy. Upon your signature he shall pay you." Septimus agreed.
The two older gentlemen shook on it.
Viktor led Septimus and Charlie to a local pub, the Black Griffin to celebrate.
After leaving the meeting at the solicitor's office, George and Brecc chose to head for Gringotts to withdraw enough money to purchase a few Firebolts.
George wrapped his arm around Brecc and Apparated them both to the steps of Gringotts. Since the accident, Brecc wasn't comfortable Apparating himself. Quite understandable considering he'd been splinched.
While the broomsticks would be considered part their investment into the team, the brooms were to be used as signing bonus for the prospective players.
Cannons or no Cannons who wouldn't sign a contract just to own a Firebolt?
George and Brecc both wanted a Firebolt; Brecc removed enough Galleons from his personal vault to buy one for both of them.
They made their way to Quality Quidditch.
A clerk recognized Brecc and approached.
"Young Master Montague how might I assist you?" the man bowed.
"We're interested in knowing the cost of 12 Firebolts." Brecc asked boredly.
"Twelve? Each Firebolt costs 400 Galleons. 12 would be 4,800 Galleons." The man gasped.
"With a business discount?" George frowned; he really was shocked at the price.
"What purpose would 12 serve you?" the man snipped.
"This is my bonded, we are purchasing on behalf of our company Weasley Wizard Wheezes that is about to open its doors. If you would prefer not to deal with us we could approach the company directly." Brecc snapped.
"My apologies young Master. Why would such a young company need international standard brooms?"
"We are sponsoring in a Quidditch team and are including 12 Firebolts in our donation." Brecc sniffed.
"We can offer a 25 percent business discount and a 15 percent discount for purchasing in excess of ten Firebolts. The total would be 3,600 Galleons."
Brecc smirked, "If you would write up a receipt I am sure that we can stamp it to be sent to Gringotts for payment. I am sure that my word is good that it shall be paid."
"Yes of course." The man bowed and scraped.
"Also a private order for two brooms for ourselves. My bonded and I are quite partial to the game." Brecc said trying not to appear to be leaning as heavily on his cane as he was.
The man frowned but left to write the receipts.
George fussed over Brecc asking softly if the cane was helping. He also stood close enough that Brecc could put some of his weight on him.
George was still quite angry with Fred for what his Brecc has suffered due to his twin's temper.
If Brecc ran the business end of WWW, Fred ran the floor and George focused on the investing side then perhaps, the company could flourish beyond their expectations.
The clerk returned with their receipts.
George stamped the receipt with the seal that the Goblins had granted the shop when they opened a business vault.
"We will sent this for payment. Where should we ship the brooms?"
"To the Chudley Cannons' offices care of Gideon Prewett." Brecc ordered.
"Who is that?" the clerk wrinkled his nose in confusion.
George grinned, "My father and the new owner of the Cannons."
The clerk was dumbfounded at first and then held out the second receipt. "It will be 800 galleons for the personal broomsticks."
Brecc happily paid for them and the clerk handed them to George who summoned a Montague elf to take them home to Little Ridge.
"Where to next?" George asked glowing.
"Why don't you show me our shop?" Brecc smirked.
George grinned, "Of course."
After purchasing Wood and Flint, Gideon Apparated to the nearest Public Apparation Point to the headquarters of the Chudley Cannons.
"Yes?" the secretary frowned at him.
"I am Gideon Prewett the new owner of the Cannons. I would like to call a staff meeting in ten minutes." Gideon said smugly.
"Security!" she called.
Gideon removed the contract selling the franchise to him and shoved it in her face. "Consider yourself first to be fired after the manager."
The woman tried to beg him to change his mind.
Gideon ignored her and turned to the guards, "since she won't follow my instructions I how you will. I want a meeting of the entire staff in ten minutes."
The guards glanced at the contract bearing Leigh's signature and left.
Gideon found the conference room and waited.
Clearly they spent a look of money trying to appear as if they weren't on the brink of collapse. Morons…
There were very few employees; three secretaries, four security guards, the president of the fan club and the janitor. A total of nine…
Gideon looked at them sternly, "My name is Lord Gideon Prewett and I am now the new owner of the Chudley Cannons. You are all to clean out your desks, offices and lockers. If you leave without complaint or hostility I shall inform Sanctus to have a severance check made out to you for retrieval. One of you is already fired."
"Who will take our places?" one of the security guard from before asked.
Gideon shrugged, "That isn't your concern."
The disheartened employees left.
Gideon smirked to himself, Owner of the Chudley Cannons and leader of a new Quidditch Dynasty…
After meeting with Dean Thomas, Percy Apparated to the International Floo Centre of London where he flooed to the International American Floo Port in Boston.
He was able to floo to a communal floo in Fitchburg, at the Singing Kettle.
Of course it cost nine Knuts to leave the hearth.
Luck must be with him for he spotted Maximus Brankovitch at once.
He made his way over to the Finches' captain grinning. "Brankovitch."
The man blinked at him, "Weasley?"
Percy nodded, "Are you terribly busy? I hate to intrude but I am on a schedule."
Maximus shook his head, "No I just popped in for a breakfast."
Percy chuckled, "If you'll allow me to join you my stomach thinks it's lunch."
"So you just hopped across the pond then?"
Percy nodded, "that would be the gist of it."
"What are you doing here? Ministry business? I heard that you were transferred to the Minister's office." Maximus sipped his coffee.
"I was but I'm here on Quidditch business of all things."
Maximus gaped at him, "Quidditch? Why?"
Percy smirked, "You know the dismal record of the Cannons I'm sure."
Maximus frowned, "Of course who doesn't."
"They were just bought and the entire franchise is being replaced. They wanted a manager to replace the fool that Leigh had. Ragmar was scamming him and hiring players who could hardly fly much less play." Percy paused to order a coffee, a roast beef sandwich and a bowl of clam chowder.
"I heard they were dreadful but were the players really that bad?"
"Drunks with records." Percy nodded.
"Why do you want me?"
"Well you have captained the Finches to glory and the American National team as well. The Cannons on my recommendation are willing to hire you as their manager." Percy replied casually as he added sugar and cream to his coffee.
"What? How much are they offering?" Maximus stammered.
"What's the going rate for managers here?"
"The highest I know of is 120,000 galleons and the average is 50,000." Maximus frowned.
"How much do the Finches pay you?"
"Only 24,000. I get a bonus from them or the National Quidditch team if I qualify for any of the Cups we play for."
"So since you're a rookie manager why don't we start you at say 48,000 a year? Its twice what you make already but less then anyone else receives. You whip our team into shape and we'll talk about a raise."
"Any word on who I'll be managing?"
"Reserve Keeper for Puddlemere United and former Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team Oliver Wood. Marcus Flint, former Captain of Hogwarts' Slytherin Team and third string Chaser for the Tuthill Tornados. Both of whom had won at least one Hogwarts cup. I believe Flint had two. While the Tornados did well last year, Flint didn't get a pitch time. Your primary Seeker is on loan from the Vratsa Vultures." Percy added smugly before he nodded at the waitress who delivered his meal.
Maximus gasped, "Krum? You want me to manage Krum?"
Percy vaguely remembered that Maximus was a revered Seeker in his own right. "Yes, is that a problem? He is my brother in law."
Maximus blinked, "Are you serious?"
"Yes and my brother will be reserve Seeker in November approximately." Percy added.
"Who else am I acquiring?"
"At least two Chasers aiming at the Harpies. One possibly aiming at the Arrows."
"What sort of team are we going for?" Maximus gasped.
"One worthy of the motto 'We shall conquer'." Percy smirked.
"Have these people played together before?"
"Charlie, my brother and Viktor's bonded once captained Gryffindor. Oliver was his Keeper, trained by our eldest brother. Your reserve Seeker was once offered contracts by four teams. Oliver was signed immediately to Puddlemere upon our mutual graduation. Bill was Oliver's equal but due to his sitting out his Seventh Year he was ineligible to attend any teams' open try out. We're hoping to sign Gryffindor's three most talented Chasers, Slytherin's previous captain and Ravenclaw's as well. Unfortunately as great at these players were they were school rivals and may take work to get them to work together. There will be five former captains." Percy warned.
"I'll take it. Once you attain enough fame in Quidditch like flying in a handful of Cups you've got to think about the future. Seeker is the most dangerous position." Maximus grinned.
"With you on board I'm sure we'll do well." Percy smirked.
They finished their meals and caught up on each other's lives since the 1994 Quidditch World Cup.
George let Brecc into the shop.
There were more shelving units and other forms of display arranged.
In fact it really did look almost ready to open.
"Who…never mind." Came Fred's sullen voice.
George smiled at him, "It really looks great."
"No thanks to you abandoning me to put it together myself you know." Fred grumbled.
Brecc examined all the ways that the idiot twin had arranged the products and was annoyed to find himself impressed. He shrugged, "It will do I suppose."
"As if you could do any better." Fred grumbled.
Brecc smirked, "I'd watch how you talk to the person who just donated 12 Firebolts to the Cannons. After all I am the primary share holder, I think the best division is George is Vice President of development, Fred can be vice president of Sales and I'll handle the business end paying the bills and whatnot."
"Who deals with Mundungus?" Fred sneered.
"Don't be childish Gred!" George snapped, "As far as I care you can. He gives me the creeps and he likes you better."
"I'm fine with it. I ran into former prefect Verity King, she's looking for a change in careers. She's bored at the Ministry. Thought maybe we could hire her. Of course that is up to Montague."
George groaned, "Couldn't you two at least pretend to get along? At this rate Fred you won't be my witness."
"Rather not be. I can't stand him." Fred sniffed.
"I'm afraid George it's mutual." Brecc gave him an apologetic look.
"I'm going to ask Charlie." George warned.
"Since I'm getting roped into Bonding to Angelina I'll have to ask Lee then." Fred tossed back.
"It will be quite difficult to open soon if you insist on this." George glared.
Fred turned his back, "You invent, I sell and Brecc and do as he likes. We'll cross paths as little as possible."
George sighed. "If that's how you want it fine." He turned to Brecc, "the office is in the apartment at present which is were Fred is staying. There are stairs but there is a floo."
"I can floo in every day. This Verity can deliver the receipts at the end of a day. I'll do the books and handle our investments." Brecc shifted more weight on his cane.
George noticed at once, "You've been on your feet too long. We're going straight home and that's that."
Fred didn't even glance at them when they left.
There was a wall growing up between them and George wasn't really sure what started it or how to knock it down.
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