Masculum Graviditate | By : ChibiAyane Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Voldemort Views: 62630 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 19 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters. This work of fiction is for fun only, not for profit. |
This chapter is a bit slow, but there are some important parts. The rest is Christmas fluff to enjoy.
Spells and potions.
+Chapter 2: Christmas+
--Hogwarts Express, speeding towards London. Next day, Saturday 23 December 1995.--
Harry had fallen asleep in his compartment on the train, his head resting on the cold window. Hermione sat beside Harry, reading yet another potions journal, and Ron was across from her eating Chocolate Frogs. Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood had joined them. Luna sat directly across from Harry, silently watching him as if he was one of the most interesting things in the world. Neville was talking to Ron about Quidditch, trying every now and then to change the subject to plants and Herbology, and failing every time.
Harry whimpered in his sleep, dreaming a bizarre dream that wasn't quite a nightmare, but it definitely wasn't a happy dream either. Hermione gently shook him awake. "Harry, you're having another nightmare," she told him quietly. He slowly woke up, opening his eyes and trying to focus his vision. When he did, he jumped out of his skin because suddenly Luna Lovegood was right in front of his face, their noses a mere inch apart. Her eyes were big and curious, watching him like he was some new creature she could write about in the Quibbler.
"Luna!" he shouted, holding a hand to his racing heart. "Don't do that!" He attempted to glare at her, but she just stared and examined him, her brow furrowing a little. "What?" he asked.
"Your dreams have changed," Luna stated. She stared at Harry for another moment, Harry staring right back and not knowing how to respond to that. Sure that last dream was different from usual but that didn't mean they would all be changed. "Someone has changed their mind...," she said, then sat back and turned to look out the window. "...almost."
Harry frowned at her. "Huh?" Harry stared at Luna, as she stared singing a song. Harry absently noted that Luna was a very good singer as he tried to remember his dream; it was about him and Voldemort, he knew that much, and there was a sense of something... earth-shattering. He turned his gaze to stare out the window; it was snowing outside. He sat listening to Luna sing a song that was like a fairytale, his mind wandering to other things.
They all turned to stare at Ginny when she came into the compartment, slammed the door, locked it, and drew the blinds. "Ginny?" Harry asked, as she just stood there, back to the door as if she was waiting for something. Their unasked questions were answered when Dean Thomas was heard running past their door, shouting Ginny's name. After he'd gone, Ginny relaxed, then sidled over to wiggle her way between Hermione and Harry. She sat quietly and used Harry as a head rest. Harry didn't mind, obviously there was something bothering his honorary sister and she needed comfort that wasn't one of her annoying blood brothers. "You alright?", he asked her.
"Yeah," she said easily, then snuggled into his arm and closed her eyes, appearing as though she was going to take a nap for the next couple of hours until they arrived at King's Cross.
"Okay," Harry said, not pushing the subject and turning back to stare out the lightly frosted window.
By the time they made it into London, they were mostly all asleep, Luna's singing lulling them into a restful slumber. Only she and Hermione were still awake.
As the train started to slow down, Hermione begrudgingly put her reading material away and began waking her friends. Luna finished singing and stood to take off her outer Wizarding robes. Ron and Neville woke slowly, both of them grumbling, as Ginny and Harry woke easily but groggily.
Harry had another odd dream about him and Voldemort again, only this time it was so messed up he was sure someone must have spiked his pumpkin juice before he'd left the school. How else would you explain having a dream about him and Voldemort sitting outside in a garden, watching a bunch of dark-haired, green-eyed children running around? It was a nice dream, but Harry would have appreciated it more if it had been someone, anyone, else sitting next to him in that garden.
Harry shook off the the dream and grogginess, standing up to take off his outer robes and stuff them into his trunk, as the train pulled into the station. He grabbed his trunk and dragged it off the train, rushing a bit in his eagerness to see his godfather. He knew full well that the Order wouldn't have been able to keep him from coming to get him. He was proven right when he stepped onto the platform and was tackled to the ground by a giant black dog. Over the sound of his own laughter, he heard several people giggle at the scene, as his face was thoroughly licked. "Let the poor boy up, won't you, Snuffles!" he heard Remus Lupin's voice say.
Harry laughed as he sat up, hugging the mass of shaggy black fur with a big smile on his face. He pulled away just in time to hear, "Nice mutt, Potter!" Harry turned and saw Draco Malfoy sneering at him and Snuffles. Harry scowled at him for a moment, then glanced at Snuffles and turned a mischievous grin towards Malfoy, who furrowed his brow in apprehension.
"Why, thank you, Malfoy! He is a beauty, isn't he?" Harry told him loudly, catching several peoples' attention. Malfoy grimaced as Harry continued. "He has such soft fur, big shiny eyes, a tail that never stops wagging and...," he paused long enough for Snuffles to lick his face again. "Really sharp teeth!" Harry finished, grinning wolfishly, as Snuffles didn't miss a beat and bared his teeth at Malfoy, growling and advancing on him. Malfoy shrieked and hid behind his mother, who was scowling at Harry and the dog. Harry burst out laughing and Snuffles turned back to Harry and licked him again. Harry's laughter was joined by the laughter of the Weasleys and several other Order members. Harry turned and smiled at them all, noticing that Remus was just shaking his head at them, a small grin twitching at the corners of his mouth. Harry and Snuffles grinned up at him sheepishly, as Remus reached to help Harry up off the ground.
"Come along, you two!" Remus said, conjuring a leash that he put around Snuffles' neck. Snuffles glared up at Remus, literally managing to make his canine face fall into a frown. Harry stifled a laugh, before he turned to say goodbye to Hermione, Luna and Neville. After saying hi s goodbyes, Harry and the others - Snuffles, Remus, the Weasleys and the Order members - took the Knight Bus to Number 11 Grimmauld Place and waited until the Bus left before moving on to Number 12.
--Number 12 Grimmauld Place, London. Same Day.--
As soon as they got through the door, Sirius changed back into his human form and engulfed his godson in a huge hug, making Harry smile and hug him back.
"I've missed you, Siri!" Harry said, relaxing into his godfather's arms.
"I've missed you too, pup!" Sirius answered, holding his godson in an almost crushing embrace.
"Sirius, he still needs to breathe!" Remus told his best friend.
Sirius looked at Remus and then reluctantly let go of Harry. "Right!" Sirius said, making Harry chuckle. "Well, I bet you're starving! Let's go make dinner!" he exclaimed and grabbed Harry and Remus' hands and started tugging them toward the kitchen.
"But I need to put my stuff away!" Harry told him.
"It can wait 'til later!"
"...Okay," Harry replied, and went with Sirius.
Molly Weasley followed them as the others went about settling in. "Sirius, please let me make dinner. I don't want to clean up another one of your messes!" she said as they stepped into the kitchen.
Sirius pouted and mumbled, "It's my kitchen, I can make a mess if I want to."
"Be that as it may, we would do better to allow those who know what they're doing to cook tonight. The children need to be fed something edible!" Molly argued. Sirius went to open his mouth to argue back when Harry spoke up.
"How about we just work together? That way we can get it done faster and make sure the kitchen doesn't get destroyed," he suggested. Molly and Sirius looked at him sheepishly and nodded, Remus smiling knowingly. Harry smiled and went about the kitchen like he owned the place, looking to see what there was for ingredients.
"We should have everything for a nice beef stew," Molly supplied, pulling out ingredients and charming the vegetables to cut themselves up.
Harry smiled and kept looking, finding a cupboard full of confectionery supplies and ingredients. "I'll make dessert then!" he said.
"Oh, Harry, don't be silly," Molly said, not even turning away from the stove to look at him. "You go sit and relax, you're a teenage boy, you shouldn't even be in the kitchen!" Harry frowned and Sirius scowled at Molly.
"If he wants to make dessert, then let him make dessert!" Sirius barked, startling Molly.
Molly looked to Harry and gave him a soft smile. "Do you even know how to make a dessert?"
"Yes," Harry said seriously. "I do all the cooking at the Dursley's." Molly frowned. "And I like baking," Harry added with a smile. He looked back into the cupboard and smiled wider. "There's everything I need for a chocolate cream pie."
Sirius and Remus both perked up. "Chocolate?" Remus asked hopefully.
"Pie!" Sirius cheered. "Harry knows how to make pie!" and he grabbed his godson in another bone crushing hug. "I love pie and I love you!"
"I can tell!" Harry giggled. And with that Molly conceded to let Harry make dessert. Soon thereafter, dinner was finished. When everyone came down, the kitchen was quickly filled to the breaking point; Harry, Remus and Sirius, all of the Weasleys (minus Bill, Charlie and Percy), Tonks, Kingsley and a few other Order members. They ate and talked loudly, several people exclaiming over the delicious dessert pies, before Molly ordered everyone to bed.
Harry was about to follow Ron into the room they shared, when Sirius spoke up behind him. "Pup, there's something I want to show you. Will you come?" Harry turned and saw Sirius standing there fidgeting next to Remus at the top of the steps. He nodded and told Ron that he'd be back soon, and then followed his godfather and honorary godfather up another flight of stairs. They stopped at a closed door that was just down the hall from Sirius' room. "Open it," Sirius said, gesturing to the door. Harry did as told and opened the door into a dark room, but as soon as the door was opened, candles lit themselves all over the room, to illuminate a rather plain and simple but fairly large bedroom. There was a big four poster bed, a small writing desk with a chair, and a wardrobe. The big bay window had a window seat. There was also a door leading off to a small en suite bathroom. Everything was in muted colors and light tan wood. Harry turned to look at his godfather with a questioning face. Sirius smiled. "When I was younger, this is one of the rooms my cousins would always use whenever they came to visit. Remus and I spent a good deal of time cleaning and fixing it up so it was livable. For you, your own bedroom whenever you're here. We left it plain so you could decorate it yourself. I know you might not spend a lot of time here but I was hoping you'd come and live with me once you're seventeen and free to live wherever you want, since I can't seem to get Dumbledore to let you come and live here before then." Sirius trailed off uncertainly, fidgeting again when Harry just stared at him with a blank face. Then all of sudden he had an armload of Harry when his godson threw himself into his arms.
"Thank you, Siri!" Harry exclaimed with a slightly hoarse voice, trying not to cry. "And of course I will come live with you!" Sirius laughed happily, hugging Harry and picking him up and spinning around, making Harry laugh too. When Sirius put him down, Harry kept his hold on him while he reached with one arm to grab Remus and pull him into the hug as well, Remus happily embracing the both of them. They stood like that for a few moments, just holding each other before Sirius pulled away and smiled at Harry.
"Now, we can either wait until tomorrow to move your stuff up here, or we can do it now. We can bring Ron and his stuff up as well, if you want. You two are only sleeping on cots downstairs anyway. We can easily move one," Sirius suggested excitedly.
Harry smiled again, his eyes still shiny from unshed tears. "I think we can wait until morning, Ron's probably asleep by now anyway."
--Number 12 Grimmauld Place, London. Sunday 24 December 1995. Christmas Eve.--
The next day, they all woke to the smell of breakfast. Once everyone was up, dressed and downstairs sitting around the table, Arthur Weasley spoke up. "If any of you have any last minute shopping to do, we will be taking a trip to Diagon Alley today. I know my children need a few things for school anyway," he finished giving a knowing look to all of his red-headed brood. Sirius looked like he was trying not to pout.
"I need to get a few things," Harry put in. "Couldn't get everything in Hogsmeade. Can Snuffles come with?" Arthur sighed and nodded. After Sirius did a little jig in his seat, breakfast passed fairly quietly, since the Weasley boys were all still groggy with sleep.
When they finished, they all bundled up and flooed to the Leaky Cauldron. After a quick stop at Gringott's they went about their shopping, the Weasley children being allowed to wander on their own, while Harry seemed to have an unwanted entourage consisting of Snuffles, Remus, Arthur, Mad-Eye, Kingsley, and Tonks. The other Order members mostly spread out to blend in with the crowd while still keeping an eye on everything. Harry was trying not to show his irritation. SIrius was having a little more trouble concealing his own, as his ears were drooped and the tip of his tail was flicking in annoyance. Harry couldn't help thinking that it would be more practical to have him accompanied by fewer people, as he wouldn't stand out as much then, but there really wasn't anything he could do about it. Unfortunately, his entourage also had people gawking at him, making him wish he had his invisibility cloak. Instead he focused on where he was going and absently petting Snuffles' head, making his drooping ears perk up a bit and his tail wag.
Harry made a few stops in various shops, spending the most time in Flourish and Blotts picking out a few books for Hermione and one or two for Remus and Sirius - who thankfully stayed outside at the entrance during that particular stop. He was feeling exceedingly generous this Christmas, which was saying something because he's always generous. He'd bought Ron his own Firebolt since he was still able to play Quidditch, and a couple gift certificates from Madam Malkin's for Molly and Ginny - hoping they'd enjoy some time together buying themselves new clothes. (He made a mental note to include a message with their gifts to tell them why he gave it to them, so they didn't think he thought there was anything wrong with the clothes they already had!) He was going to give Fred and George their gift in private (a fat sack of galleons), so their mother wouldn't know where they were getting all the money for their Weasley's Wizard Wheezes endeavor - in the spirit of investment, of course. He'd bought a few simple gifts for his other friends, classmates and professors in Hogsmeade on their last trip there, and he stopped at the owl post office to send them off because he couldn't send them all with Hedwig. When they were done in Diagon Alley, they ate lunch at the Leaky Cauldron.
After some begging, Harry was allowed to venture into Muggle London with Remus, Snuffles (with another leash that he was not happy about), Mad-Eye (with his crooked bowler hat), and Tonks, to get what he needed for Arthur (though he didn't tell them that was what he needed). While the others went back to Grimmauld Place. Harry and his entourage walked out of the Leaky Cauldron and down the street leading to the Muggle shopping district. He was made to hold Remus' hand as they walked in Muggle London, so no one could just apparate in and kidnap him before anyone could react, but he really didn't have a problem holding Remus' hand. He held onto Snuffles' leash with his other hand.
While they were walking, Harry felt a shiver go through him, making him feel like he was being watched. He faltered a step and turned to look behind him but he didn't see anyone out of the ordinary; then again, anyone who might be following him would be disguised. He turned back to look at Mad-Eye who was ahead of him.
"Hey, Mad-Eye, are there other Order members walking around out here keeping an eye on us?" he asked the old Auror.
"So, you noticed that we're being followed too," Mad-Eye said nonchalantly. "No other Order members, we're in the Muggle world, didn't think Death Eaters would follow us out here, especially in so small of a group. There are three of them, can't tell who they are. Let's make this trip quick, Potter, and get you back to safety before something ugly happens." Harry nodded and did make his shopping go as quickly as possible. Luckily in the part of London they were in, he was able to find shops that had what he needed all on the same shopping strip.
He bought Arthur a few books on electronics and mechanics, as well as some Muggle electrician's tools and even stopped in a pawn shop and grabbed some old small electronics; a hand held radio, a set of walkie talkies, a mini travel television - things he knew Arthur could use without having to subscribe to some kind of service provider. In the process, he also got prepaid Muggle credit cards for Molly and Ginny, so they could do some shopping out in the Muggle world too. By the time he was done he'd spent several thousand galleons on the Weasleys alone. Yeah, he was spoiling them rotten this Christmas, but for everything they'd done for him, they deserved everything he could give them and more. And it wasn't like he didn't have the money to spend on them, he hadn't even made a dent in his bank account and that was just his trust vault. He didn't know how much was in the Potter family vaults but the goblins had told him his trust vault was pocket change compared to his family vaults. Considering how much he'd spent, he was mentally preparing himself for the inevitable backlash of the Weasleys trying to give their presents back. 'Well, too bad, either they take them or I throw them away!' he told himself mentally. Well, he only intended to tell them that, he wouldn't really throw them away but he was NOT taking anything back.
As he was shopping, he'd still felt that he was being watched the whole time, sending chills up his spine. Remus and Mad-Eye never left his side, while Snuffles and Tonks kept their eyes on the entrances of the stores Harry went into. That same feeling of being watched followed them all the way to Grimmauld Place. Harry thanked whatever gods were out there for the Fidelius Charm over Number 12.
When they got back and up into Harry's new bedroom, Remus pulled all of Harry's shrunken packages out of his pocket and resized them. Harry and Sirius went about wrapping Ron's present and stowed it under the bed before they moved all of Harry's and Ron's things up into the new room. Instead of the cot from downstairs, Sirius had Remus buy a single bed in Diagon Alley that they set up in Harry's room and pushed up against the wall. Ron was going to stay downstairs in the room he and Harry had shared but his mother decided it would be better if he moved up there too, to make room for other people to stay if they needed to. Harry didn't mind sharing his new room, it was plenty big enough and he was used to sharing a living space with Ron anyway.
Ron and Harry helped each other wrap their gifts, and after they'd wrapped the majority, Ron was looking at Harry suspiciously. He'd noticed how much money Harry had spent on the rest of his family and he knew Harry well enough to know that Harry would have bought him something expensive too.
"What is it?" Ron blurted out after he'd watched Harry put Molly and Ginny's gifts into envelopes with short notes attached to them.
Harry looked up and smiled innocently. "What is what?"
"What did you get me?"
Harry smirked. "You'll just have to wait and see!"
Ron frowned and sighed. "Now, I'm not going to get any sleep tonight, from wondering what it is," he grumped. Harry laughed.
After they'd all decorated the Christmas tree and had dinner, they all went to bed. Ron was asleep before his head hit the pillow.
--Slytherin Castle, somewhere in Ireland. Monday 25 December 1995. 00:45 a.m.--
It was getting late in the evening, so late that it was morning, and Lord Voldemort was in his personal lounge, sitting in a wingback armchair in front of the fire, nursing a glass of Firewhiskey. The fact that it was Christmas never even occurred to him. He was waiting for a certain few Death Eaters to check in. After receiving word earlier in the day stating that Potter was seen in Diagon Alley, he'd sent these three Death Eaters out to follow him.
'Potter's probably at home in bed by now, what is taking them so long to get back to me?' he thought, imagining all the things he was going to do to said Death Eaters once they got there. "Luffy!" he called.
A second later a house elf popped up right in front of him. "What can Luffy be doing for Master?" Luffy the elf asked.
"How is Wormtail doing with those potions? He better not have messed them up!" the Dark Lord warned.
"The potions are doing good, Master. Luffy is watching Mister Wormtail closely and making sure he follows the instructions, Master!"
The Dark Lord narrowed his eyes. "I will check your work later. If I am satisfied with this setup, I will have you and Wormtail tend to those potions until they are completed."
"Yes, Master! Can Luffy be getting anything for you?" the elf asked enthusiastically.
"No, you go and focus on those potions with Wormtail. In fact, I don't want you doing anything else, unless I say otherwise. Go now," he commanded and the elf popped away after bowing very low.
It wasn't long after Luffy had left that another house elf popped in and announced the arrival of three of his Death Eaters; the ones he'd been waiting on. When the three Lestranges - fresh out of Azkaban - walked through the door, the Dark Lord already had his wand out and aimed at them. He sent the Cruciatus Curse at them, holding all three of them under it at the same time. He listened to them scream for a little over a minute before he released them.
"I do not like waiting on other people! It's past midnight, what has delayed you?!" he demanded, his eyes blood red in his anger.
Bellatrix was the first to get back on her feet and regain her voice. "We're sorry, My Lord. We followed Potter and the Weasleys back to their dwelling, but the Order hindered us from leaving as quickly as we would have liked. Killed two of them before we were able to get away. They somehow managed to corner us. The place is under the Fidelius Charm, so we couldn't see it but I know the address! It's one of the old houses in London that belongs to the Black family. I visited there many times as a child. It lies in a complex called Grimmauld Place, where the buildings appear as though they are misnumbered. There's one missing between Number 11 and Number 13," she finished with a wicked smile, showing her blackened teeth. "So, we know where he and the Order are, we just can't get at him while he's inside," she added with a slight pout.
The Dark Lord watched as Rodolphus and Rabastan finally composed themselves. "Is that all?" he asked.
"Yes, My Lord," Rodolphus answered. "It was just a simple shopping trip to Diagon Alley and Muggle London. Potter was heavily guarded the whole time, so we had a hard time keeping the Order from spotting us. We followed them more closely once they went into the Muggle World, when most of their number split away from Potter. Moody saw us with that eye of his, and the werewolf Lupin smelled us, but aside from them, Potter was the only one to notice we were there. He didn't see us, but he could sense us. Potter is a very powerful young man to be able to feel us even with all the ambient magic around London and the magic that was radiating from the wards around Diagon Alley."
This made the Dark Lord smile (well, more like a smirk. Lord Voldemort does not smile!), scaring his followers. That observation from Rodolphus only cemented Voldemort's choice to use Harry Potter as a breeding partner and, hopefully, a future Consort... with a little coaxing of course, maybe a love potion or two and a few well placed spells. He would definitely put up a fight at first but the Dark Lord could handle that, might even enjoy 'handling' that. "Yes, his magic is quite extraordinary, isn't it?" he admitted, changing the subject in his mind before it could get anywhere closer to something that would put him in a 'hard' situation in front of his Death Eaters.
It had been bothering him a little that since his resurrection he'd been more easily distracted by things like the needs of the flesh. He was focused on finding his way to immortality but couldn't help but want to make plans to continue his line should he fail. And, now that it was possible to use him as the other parent, Potter seemed like the perfect choice for that, with his powerful and wealthy bloodlines and a few world famous ancestors. Ancestors famous for their powerful magic and fierceness in battle; the Potter family just seemed to be bred for battle and strength. So, it only stood to reason that future generations would be blessed with that power as well, they'd just need the right nurturing. It only made sense for him to want to produce an heir, since he was no closer to achieving actual immortality; short of getting a vampire to bite him (something he'd not ruled out yet, disturbingly enough). He had the secret to eternal youth, but he wanted to be truly immortal; invincible; undying. He could look twenty years old for the next millennia, but what good was that if he could die as easily as someone stabbing him in the back with a knife?
The Lestranges weren't sure if they were supposed to answer their Lord. "My Lord, should we stake out the location? Wait for him to come out again and kidnap him? Kill him?" Bellatrix suggested.
Voldemort looked at them sharply, a deadly glint in his eyes. "What have I said about Potter?" He pulled out his wand again and started twirling it in his fingers threateningly.
"That he's yours, My Lord," she answered in a small voice.
"And you'd do well to remember that!" The Dark Lord snarled. "No one touches him, unless it is to bring him to me, unharmed!" After composing himself once more, he returned his wand to its holster and continued. "Besides, my plans concerning Potter have changed ...somewhat." Bellatrix looked like she wanted to ask what changed, but she didn't want to upset her Lord again. "You may go," he dismissed them, waving his hand and opening the door behind them, wandlessly. They bowed and left.
The Dark Lord sat for a few more minutes, ruminating and finishing his drink. He wondered if he should get the goblins at Gringott's to perform the spell that reveals hidden bloodlines; on himself and Potter. After all, he only knew he was Slytherin's heir through word of mouth and his Parselmouth abilities, he had no idea who else he might be related to, besides the Peverells. And Potter's mother was a Mudblood. No one knew why or how they came about. Some said they might be descended from Squibs and, if so, perhaps there were other bloodlines there that might have been forgotten. He'd have to test that theory. Maybe he should order his people to bring him some Mudbloods to do a few experiments on? Also, he thought he should have Lucius Malfoy bring him all of his books on Wizarding genealogy and, perhaps get someone to bring him what the Department of Mysteries had on it as well.
The Dark Lord allowed himself to snort. The Department of Mysteries. Dumbledore was still under the impression that he was after the prophecy about himself and Potter.
'Let the old man think that. I've already gotten the prophecy and heard it; it pays to have a few Ministry people in my service simply with the offer of a few extra galleons in their pockets. The Ministry really should pay their employees better, then they wouldn't be so easy to bribe for information,' he thought to himself.
As far as he was concerned, that prophecy was fulfilled the night he tried to kill Harry Potter in his crib. Another factor in his decision not to kill Potter right away. And, if he was honest with himself, he'd been mesmerized by those Avada Kedavra green eyes, when they'd watched him rise from the cauldron, filled with terror and pain and dread.
With that thought, he was reminded of what he planned on doing to Potter once he got hold of him. Smirking, he downed the last of his drink and went to bed, intent on allowing himself a few fantasies before he went to sleep.
--Number 12 Grimmauld Place, London. Monday 25 December 1995. Christmas Day.--
Harry awoke with a start early Christmas morning. He sighed and lifted his blankets to look at the mess in his pants and on his bedding. But that didn't bother him so much as the dreams that caused it! How?! How could he have a wet dream about Voldemort fucking him into the mattress?! How could he dream about sucking the Dark Lord off?! Why would he dream that? WHY?! There must be something seriously wrong with him, if he kept having these... not-so-nightmarish dreams about a man who wanted to kill him. A man around seventy years old who looked like a snake!
'Wait... but he looked like he did in his diary, not snake face,' he realized.
Harry pondered that for a minute before shaking himself and wondering what to do about the mess in his bed. He wasn't at school, so he couldn't just vanish it or leave it for the house elves to clean up; and at the Dursley's, he's the one who did all the washing anyway. But here, he'd either have to get Kreacher to clean his sheets or clean them himself. The other option was telling one of the adults about it. He cringed. If he washed them himself, they'd ask why he was doing laundry anyway. Could he trust Sirius to help him and not to make fun of him for it? No. Then he'd ask who he dreamt about, too. Remus? Arthur? He didn't want to ask Molly, even though she'd probably seen her share of crusty sheets with all the sons she'd had but... Ew! No, he couldn't tell her! Could the Ministry detect underage wandless magic? He could try that... but then if they could detect it, they'd cart him off to court again. Imagine having to explain to the Wizengamot that he'd used underage magic because he was too embarrassed to ask an adult for help cleaning up his messy sheets! He could see it now! Front page news! "Boy-Who-Lived? Boy-Who-Orgasmed!: Harry Potter in court today for using underage magic to clean up the remnants of an erotic dream!" Harry put his face in his palms and shook his head, dragging his hands down his face as he sighed. He grabbed his glasses, put them on and glanced at the clock, which read 04:44 a.m. Then he looked at Ron who was out cold and snoring very loudly. He sighed again and resolved to just go find Remus; the early riser and the one who was most likely to help him quietly, without making fun of him or trying to give him 'the talk'.
After cleaning himself up and getting dressed in comfortable baggy clothes, he went down and found Remus in the kitchen. "Hey, Remmy!" he said as he came into the room.
Remus looked up at him and smiled. "Morning, Harry. You're up early."
Harry blushed furiously. "Yeah, about that... can I ask for your help with something?" he mumbled.
Remus frowned. "Of course. What do you need help with?" Harry's blush deepened. "You alright, Harry?"
"Yeah, it's just... this dream," he trailed off and swallowed. "I had this dream... and it was... and I'm not at school so I can't...," he kept trying to say it, his hands waving around, trying to articulate what he needed help with but it just wasn't happening in a coherent way.
Remus just smiled at him a little sadly, taking pity on him and guessing what he was going on about by his deep blush and the 'dream' mentioned. Also, with his werewolf senses, he could smell the pheromones coming off of him. "You had a wet dream and you can't clean it up yourself and you don't want anyone else to know about it." Harry nodded quickly, not able to look Remus in the eye, his face bright red. Remus shook his head in exasperation, remembering James acting the same way in the mornings sometimes at school. Even though he could clean it up himself at the time, he still blushed all the way up to his ears all morning. "Okay, Cub, I'll go freshen up your bed. Why don't you get yourself some tea?"
Harry nodded. "Thank you. Is anyone else up?"
"No, just you and I," Remus answered as he stood up.
"Okay," Harry said absently, still blushing red as a beet. "I'm gonna start making breakfast, everyone will be waking up soon anyway."
"Okay," Remus said from the doorway. "I'll be right back."
Harry nodded and turned to start making breakfast for everyone. Remus returned five minutes later and helped him cook, making massive amounts of everything, just like Molly did every morning. Twenty minutes after Harry and Remus started cooking, Molly came rushing into the room spewing apologies for not waking up in time to make them breakfast, then tried to finish the cooking. But Harry shushed her and sat her down at the table with a cup of tea. "It's Christmas, you take a break this morning. Think of it as another Christmas present from Remus and I." She reluctantly complied with a small smile and a thank you. Remus even took a moment to conjure a couple cushions to put behind Molly and Harry coaxed her to put her feet up, putting another cushion under her feet. She looked to be close to tears just from this little gesture from the both of them.
It didn't take long for sleepy faces to start appearing in the doorway and trudging over to the table to sit down. Almost everyone was in the room and had started eating before anyone was awake enough to notice who was doing the cooking. Harry smiled innocently at all the faces of his friends and surrogate family members, as he put another plate of bacon in front of the Twins. Remus chuckled at all their faces as they all watched the two of them and looked at Molly oddly, who was trying not to chuckle at the look on her husband's and children's faces.
"Have we grown extra heads?" Harry asked them all, pouring Sirius another cup of coffee. Harry turned to Remus. "No, you look normal. Have I grown an extra head?"
"No, you look the same as always," Remus laughed. "I don't know what they're staring at. You'd think they'd never seen men cooking at a stove before." Harry and Remus laughed together and finished up, sitting down to eat their own breakfast.
They all finished eating and Molly insisted on cleaning up. Then they all went up to the sitting room where the Christmas tree and all the presents were. They were barely all in the room before the brightly colored wrapping paper started flying in every direction.
Before opening his presents, Harry spoke up. "I would just like to say to a few of you before hand that, no, I will not take any presents back! Either you accept them, or they go in the rubbish bin!" With that said, he sat down and started opening his presents. The first thing was a new Weasley sweater and package of homemade fudge. The sweater he put on immediately, with a big smile on his face, then stuffed a big chunk of fudge in his mouth. Harry wasn't sure Molly would ever understand how much he loved and appreciated the homemade gifts she always gave him. After a minute he could FEEL the eyes staring at him from all sides. He smirked and continued to open his presents; a book on grey defensive magic from Remus, a box of pranks from the Twins, another book on quidditch from Ron, a book about runes from Hermione with a note that told him he HAD to learn about them because they were too useful and fascinating for him not to, a leather necklace with a snitch pendant from Ginny which he also put on immediately, a new photo album from Sirius filled with pictures of the Marauders, and there were a few other things from his classmates. Finally he looked up and noticed he was still being stared at by all the redheads, save for the Twins who were watching him suspiciously while holding the card he'd given them that told them he'd give them their present in private. "What?" he asked. Then he noticed Ron was looking a little grey, he almost looked like he was going to faint as he stared at his new Firebolt. A second later, Ron did just that; he fainted and crumpled sideways on the sofa he was occupying beside Tonks, and Harry couldn't hold back the laugh. They left him there to wake up on his own but Tonks started to fan Ron with some folded up wrapping paper, hoping to sooth him enough to wake up.
"Harry, dear, are you sure about these gifts?" Molly asked. "Weren't they expensive?"
"It's nothing you guys don't deserve," he told her simply, making Molly go misty-eyed for the second time that day. Then Ginny flew into his arms and hugged him, squeezing him so tight that he felt a few joints pop - he was surprised she was that strong.
"THANK YOU!" she yelled, then let go and skipped over to her mother to compare their gifts, leaving Harry to sway a little at the sudden loss.
"No problem," he answered.
Molly smiled a little uncertainly and looked at her daughter's present to see it was the same as her own. Arthur nodded and then couldn't stop himself from immediately starting to flip through the books and tinkering with the electronic devices. The Twins, however, stood up and walked over to Harry and grabbed him by the arms, then started dragging him from the room.
"Couldn't you two wait just a few more minutes?" Harry asked them.
"No," was the unison response he got. Remus watched Harry get dragged from the room bemusedly.
After a moment, Harry turned and told Remus and Sirius that he'd be right back, then started leading the Twins from the room. He quickly went up the stairs and to his bedroom, where he retrieved the bag of gold galleons from his trunk. He turned and kept it hidden behind his back for a moment. "Just think of it as an investment," he told them with a smirk and handed it to them. The bag had featherlight, expansion and silencing spells on it, so the Twins didn't know what it was until they opened it. When they did, their jaws dropped and they just stared at the shiny gold in the bag. Harry bit his lip to stifle another laugh, but ended up snorting anyway.
"Is it real?" Fred asked.
"Yes, Fred, it's real," Harry answered.
"How much is there?" George asked.
"George, there are 10,000 galleons in that bag," Harry stated simply. "All of it is yours." The Twins looked up at him in disbelief, then Harry let out a yelp as they both tackled him backward onto the bed. The Twins then proceeded to pepper his face with kisses as they squeezed him between the two of them. "Oy! Knock it off!" The Twins backed off and let Harry sit up, but then George grabbed Harry's face in his hands and planted a big, long, wet kiss to his lips. When he pulled away, Harry's eyes were the size saucers and his jaw dropped. "George, why did you-?" he started, but then Fred grabbed his face and did the same thing, only he one-upped his brother and flicked his tongue into Harry's agape mouth for a few seconds. When Fred pulled away, Harry was as red as a cherry. "Why do you two keep kissing me?!"
"Oh, come on, Harry!" George said.
"You really think-" Fred started.
"-we didn't notice-"
"-that you're just a tiny bit-"
"-bent!" they finished together.
Harry's blush deepened and his brow furrowed. "How can you know that, when I'm not even sure about it myself?" he asked petulantly.
"So, you're going to tell us that kiss with Cho Chang went well?" George asked.
"How do you-?" Harry started.
"Saw the whole thing!" Fred told him.
Harry put his face in his palms as it burned even more. At this rate, Harry was sure his face would be red for the rest of his life.
"So, what do you say, Harry?" George asked.
"As a thank you for this more than generous loan," Fred continued, tossing the bag up and down.
"Want to do a bit of experimenting to confirm your bentness?" George finished.
Harry glowered at them. "First of all, it's not a loan. It's a gift. And second, we can't do that here, in the same house as your parents! And my godparents!" he hissed the last part.
Fred and George each put a hand on Harry's shoulders. "But you see, Harry, we can." Fred said.
"See, Fred and I have our own room here," George continued.
"And we're seventeen," Fred added.
"Which means we can use magic,"
"And any silencing or locking charms you so desire,"
"And any other 'bedroom' spells you might want to try!" George proclaimed. Now Harry was just bright red all over.
"I think we broke him," Fred told his brother.
George nodded. "You know, Harry, we could always wait until we're back at school,"
"And find one of those handy hidden rooms to use,"
"So that Fred and I may have our wicked way with you!" George finished. Harry stared at them, his jaw slack.
"Well, you think about!" Fred relented, as he and his brother stood up and walked over to the door.
"You know where to find us whenever you're ready!" They said in unison and left Harry there to boil in embarrassment.
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