Cannot Save You Now | By : tigrelilje Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Slash - Male/Male Views: 15778 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter fandom nor do I make any money from writing this story. |
Chapter 1
Harry gazed at his reflection in the mirror as he finished getting ready for the ball his Father was hosting. He lightly brushed his fingers over his scar-free forehead as he rearranged some wayward strands of his hair. After three weeks, it still took him by surprise to see his reflection sans lightning bolt scar. It wasn’t even the most significant difference to occur in his appearance since his death, but considering all the trouble the blasted scar has caused in his life, it was the most important one to Harry.
Harry Potter. That had been his name in life, but in death he was known as Henry Renard. With the complete reconstruction of his appearance after death and the new name, there was nothing left to connect him to one Harry Potter. And he found he was quite pleased with this. Though, he did let those closest to him use the nickname Harry instead of Henry. Afterall, Harry had been his name his whole life thus far and he found that he still identified with it, at least as long as his humanity was still hovering in his mind. Tristan claimed it would be for the best in the long run; it was good to remember one’s beginning.
He went back to studying himself in the mirror for a moment. Where before, Harry had been a slight 5’6” teen, he was now a 6’1” young man with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His hair had previously been a black rat’s nest but now it was more of a silky black waterfall that fell to his shoulders. It was still a bit messy, but now it looked like he meant it to be that way and not as if he didn’t know what a comb was. It was just long enough that he could tie it back at the nape of his neck if he so desired. He was also happy that he had kept his bright green eyes. Now they almost glowed in an ethereal manner, the only window from the outside to the vast power now contained within him. Although, they did bleed into a dark red whenever he let his vampire out to play in full. Another unfortunate resemblance between himself and Voldemort, as if there weren’t enough already.
He had kept a slight tan to his skin even in death. Even though he still had all his scars from childhood, they were greatly reduced in appearance. It was almost like having flawless skin. His face was very different overall now, though. He had the high cheekbones that so many of the purebloods seemed to possess and a straight nose. He no longer had his round baby fat cheeks that screamed innocence and his lips had become rather sensual. Between his black eyebrows, high cheekbones and vivid green eyes, he actually looked rather dangerous. The change appealed to the predator that now resided within him.
His brand new appearance had caused Tristan some confusion at first when he and Harry had both noticed the change. Eventually Tristan figured out the answer and Harry still wasn’t quite sure what his emotions on the subject were, dulled as they were now-a-days.
In the end, someone had been keeping secrets about his human life and as usual, he was the last to know.
Tristan explained that he had felt the release of Harry’s magic as he lost consciousness. It had been his magic’s last attempt to save him from his murderous uncle. His uncle, aunt, and cousin had all been knocked out in the resulting pulse of raw magic and Tristan had been instantly drawn to the sheer power of said magic. Along with many of the other vampires he kept company with. As a result, his human relatives were now dead, having provided a tasty snack for the vampires, and Harry was faced with another mystery of his cursed life.
When his magic had lashed out, the blood glamour that had been affecting his appearance (that Harry had never even known about!) had been severely damaged. With his death, they had been utterly destroyed when there was no life for them to bind to. And so, Harry had learned the truth; never had he truly been one Harry Potter, but a Harry Somebody.
He had a fairly good idea of who his father actually was but, at the moment, he didn’t quite feel like facing that truth. The betrayal he felt with this revelation needed to stay buried for a while longer before he could face it and deal with it accordingly.
It hardly mattered anymore in the grand scheme of things. Tristan was his Father, his Sire, now. He had no need of his human father.
Another infuriating detail that had come to light with his death was the previous state of his magic. He had never found himself to be particularly powerful and constantly wondered why he was expected to defeat an all-powerful Dark Lord with decades of experience over him. It made no sense. As a vampire, however, Harry noticed that his magic was exponentially more potent than it had been in his life. He had wondered if becoming a vampire strengthened one’s magic. Tristan had sadly informed him that his magic would only have grown if it had previously been blocked in some way.
Which led to the conclusion that someone had blocked a significant portion of his magic intentionally. To what end, Harry could only guess at this point but knew that it was nothing good. Someone was going to pay dearly.
A soft knock on his bedroom door startled Harry’s increasingly furious thoughts.
“Come in,” he called in a soft voice. A moment later, Blaise Zabini slipped into his room and gently closed the door behind him before turning around to offer Harry a smile.
It had been quite a shock the first time Harry had come across the attractive boy in his Sire’s manor. Many vampires lived at his Father’s manor and apparently Blaise’s father had become one of these vampires sometime after Blaise had been conceived. As a result, Blaise spent a good deal of time with his father and the other vampires within the manor. He knew a great deal about the vampiric race and kept his familial connections a secret from everyone he knew, except his mother. Harry knew he was no longer recognizable as a Potter and had introduced himself without fear of discovery.
Over time, however, Harry came to trust Blaise and see him as a very close friend. He had to wonder that he found it so much easier to be close friends with a Slytherin than he ever did with his Gryffindor friends. He was reminded that the Sorting Hat had wanted to put him in Slytherin and he was forced to admit that he was been a naïve fool as a human. So many manipulations and he had never caught on. It made him rage on the inside.
Recently, Harry had decided to confide in his new friend about who he used to be only a few short weeks ago. At first, Blaise had understandably been shocked speechless, but he had recovered quickly and accepted Harry while promising to keep his secret. Harry knew he could trust him. One of a vampire’s powers: mild empathy. Of course Harry had to be abnormal and develop full blown empathy, but that was another issue altogether.
“Were you planning on hiding up here until the party was over?” Blaise questioned with amusement. He knew Harry was reluctant to be the center of attention, something that had not changed when he died. Though the reasons for this desire had changed. Before, he had been shy and embarrassed when people focused on him. Now, it was because he was having trouble overriding his new instincts that insisted that he needed to stay hidden to hunt his human prey and not draw attention to himself. He was slowly winning that battle against himself and he was happy that he was confident enough that crowds of people did not intimidate him. That didn’t mean he was in the mood to interact with them, though.
“You know I would not do such a thing, mon ami,” Harry replied with a light smile. “I was merely lost in thoughts of the past.” His expression turned to slight annoyance with this statement.
“You know I will help you in this, Harry,” Blaise reassured with a now sober expression. “What was done to you was not right. You deserve your revenge.” He paused before trying to lighten the mood, “I’m glad you have finally let the Slytherin out to play.”
“Yes, it was about time, wasn’t it?” Harry smiled, and it was slightly malicious. Blaise stepped the last few feet between them and brushed a kiss across Harry’s lips. Before he could pull away completely, Harry wrapped a hand around the back of Blaise’s head to give him a real kiss that quickly deepened into a more heated embrace.
It had been quite a shock to Harry just how sexual vampires were, including himself. He had never been particularly concerned with such trivial interactions but now it was his instinct. Vampires were very casual in their sexual interactions with others, unless a vampire found their mate and decided to settle down with them. Harry had questioned Tristan about why a vampire would even have a mate if they were not able to reproduce. Tristan had merely shrugged and provided some flippant response about how he had not created the vampire race and therefore could not explain any of their defective qualities.
Luckily for Harry, Blaise had spent so much time around vampires throughout his life that he almost acted like one himself. He understood Harry’s new instincts and also that he and Harry were just friends, with some benefits.
As Harry began to maneuver Blaise backwards towards his bed, the attractive human gently pushed him away.
“I will not suffer your Father’s displeasure if you are late because you could not control yourself,” Blaise explained with a seductive smile. Harry merely growled at him before mentally pulling himself together.
“Fine,” Harry held his arm out to Blaise before adding, “let’s go join the party shall we?”
After much thought, Harry had decided that the best way to carry out his revenge against all those who had wronged him in his life was to return to Hogwarts as a transfer student. He also knew that there were a great many betrayals that he had yet to uncover, which was another reason to return to the scene of his former life. He had a lot of digging to do.
This ball his Father was throwing was meant to be a farewell party for him, but really Harry suspected that Tristan was in a mood to celebrate for the hell of it and was only using his departure as an excuse. When one lived for eternity, life could become dull sometimes.
And for someone like Tristan Renard, who was well over 1000 years of age and the current undisputed leader of the vampire race, Harry was sure life could become dull quite easily when you’ve probably seen just about everything. But at least Tristan had him now for an heir. His Father had never given much thought to creating an heir, but when he had felt the amount of power within Harry, he knew it was an opportunity he could not pass up. And Harry was thankful that he was given another chance at a life and a chance to get revenge.
So Harry entered the grand ballroom where at least five hundred vampires and about half as many humans were conversing, dancing, and socializing. Unlike popular belief, most vampires were completely in control of their bloodlust and found it easy to interact with humans. The ones who didn’t were the ones that had completely forsaken every scrap of their humanity. Another reason Tristan thought calling Harry by his given name was a good idea.
Harry bid Blaise goodbye and strolled over to where his Father was holding court with a few of his more trusted vampires. Tristan saw him coming and held out his arm with a welcoming smile. Harry stepped into his embrace easily and brushed a respectful kiss to his Father’s lips before murmuring a greeting. Once again, the sexual nature of vampires extended to the interactions of family. He called Tristan his Father, but really he was his Sire. They were “family”, but that was really a loose term to describe their relationship. Harry respected Tristan and obeyed him absolutely as if he were Harry’s master, though he was allowed to question him and add his own opinion. They loved each other as friends would and were unwaveringly loyal to each other. Though Harry was more loyal, as would be proper as the subordinate member of their “family”. In any case, it was not wrong or incestuous in the vampire realm to be sexual within one’s bloodline, and was actually expected. It had caught Harry by surprise at first but he reasoned that Tristan and himself were not actually biologically related in any way.
If Harry ever found his mate and accepted them (something Harry was currently hoping would not happen) then his mate would be the only individual that he would interact with on any sexual level.
Shaking himself out of his wandering thoughts, Harry tuned into his Father’s conversation with friends.
“… the nerve of them. Have you been contacted by any more of those infernal wizards, my Lord?” Damien Covu questioned Tristan. Damien had been around for centuries, and loathed wizards and any other human as inferior beings. (Harry wondered if this was because Damien had been a Muggle before his change and therefore only had the basic vampire abilities without magic. Seemed like a case of jealousy.) He flicked a contemptuous glance in Harry’s direction as he asked this. Harry may be Tristan’s heir, but he was newly turned and would have to prove to many of the older vampires that he could be just an ruthless and cold-hearted as the worst of them. He looked forward to such a day, if truth be told. For now, he plastered a bland smile on his face as he listened.
“Not recently, no,” his Father answered, with slight amusement as his witnessed the interaction. Tristan was also looking forward to watching his Son instill some fear into the other vampires, even if some were his friends. “I have not heard from any since that last messenger from the… Order, I believe.” Harry’s ears perked up at the sure reference to the Order of the Phoenix. “They seem to be under the delusion that we actually care about the restrictions that their foolish Ministries place upon our people. As if we follow them in the first place. We have no place in their silly war and I will continue to deny any wizarding messengers that arrive to plead their side.”
“How arrogant of them to think that we are inferior!” Damien sneered in disgust. Harry fought the urge to roll his eyes at the insufferable man. He wasn’t quite sure why his Father even spoke to him, and he noticed that the other vampires in the circle also seemed to be holding back similar reactions.
“Really, Damien,” interjected a fair haired vampire named Zeke, “their arrogance should be taken as a satisfying sign that we have thoroughly hidden our true nature from them for so long that they would have no idea what to expect if we were ever to try to challenge them. Stealth and deceit are our weapons of choice, friend. I would not complain that we have been so successful,” he finished with a slightly condescending tone.
Damien looked as though he wanted to fight but Tristan interjected with, “Enough! It is time to enjoy the party and attempt to relax for a bit,” he gave Damien a pointed look. The others all bowed their heads in respect before breaking apart.
“Father?” Harry questioned. When he had Tristan’s attention, he asked, “Have any wizards come from the Dark Lord Voldemort yet?”
“No,” Tristan answered with the shake of his head. “Why do you ask?”
Harry was struck with a potential idea to instill some fear into the monster that had made his life so awful. “I would like to personally respond to them if they do call. I think that Voldemort is enough of an arrogant bastard that he will simply send a message and expect us to come to him for a meeting. If this is the case, may I go alone?”
“Of course, Son,” Tristan replied with a mischievous smirk when he saw the dark thoughts floating around in Harry’s head. He wasn’t worried about his Son’s safety. He knew Harry was far more powerful than any of the wizards he had seen in recent years. “I think it would do him good to learn his place, and who better to teach it to him other than yourself?” Harry laughed with his Father and went to enjoy the rest of his party. After all, he only had a week left before his inevitable return to Hogwarts, and the subsequent and slow destruction of all those who had made his life a living hell.
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