Yuletide Blessing in Disguise | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 123887 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 10 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any related properties--all rights belong to Rowling. Nor do I make any money from the production of this work. |
It Could Have Been You
“Er...” Harry peered at his best mate awkwardly, not sure what to say.
He glanced at Hermione again, wishing now that they’d talked about how to break the news to their friends without creating a lot of unnecessary excitement. There were loads of people in the common room, and the last thing Harry wanted was to be the centre of attention. Hermione looked as befuddled as he did though; apparently, for once, she didn’t have all the answers.
“What’s with you Harry?” asked Ron, looking extremely puzzled, and slightly scared too. “Did McGonagall give you some sort of horrible detention or something? Did she give me detention too and you just don’t want to tell me?”
Harry’s eyes flickered nervously around the common room again; then he heaved a sigh, knowing he couldn’t really keep it a secret.
“Well, no actually,” said Harry slowly, “She wanted to tell me something about the Champions. There’s going to be a dance at the Yule Ball...”
“No duh Harry, that’s why it’s called a Ball,” Ron sniggered. “Even I know that. So what?”
Harry flushed, feeling a bit needled. Hermione narrowed her eyes at Ron, but remained silent.
“Yeah, but apparently the Champions are supposed to lead the dance,” Harry tried to explain. “We’re supposed to bring a date and start dancing in front of everyone...”
“Oh!” Ron looked appalled for Harry, and Harry started to feel a bit better.
“That’s bollocks mate,” said Ron sympathetically. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes. I figured we’d just sit it out when everyone started dancing. And we’ve got plenty of time to find girls to hook up with, right? ... It shouldn’t be too hard for you to find a date - I reckon they’ll be queuing up for you... you’ve just beaten a Hungarian Horntail.”
Harry tried his best to ignore the bitterness in Ron’s tone at that last bit, seeing that Ron was valiantly trying to restrain himself now that they were friends again. Harry swallowed nervously, hoping that Ron wouldn’t get too cross when he found out that he was on his own when it came to finding a date.
“Er... That’s the other thing, Ron,” said Harry, “I... er... I already have a date...”
“What?” Ron gaped at Harry, flabbergasted. “Already? How? Who?”
“Er... Well, you see, I sort of panicked when McGonagall sprang it on me,” Harry muttered, his eyes flicking around again to make sure no-one else was listening, reluctant as he was to admit he’d been afraid of trying to ask girls for a date.
“I tried to tell McGonagall no way,” Harry continued, “but she wouldn’t take no for an answer - said it was tradition and that I had to pick a date or else she’d pick one for me! Anyway, the long and short of it is that... erm... Hermione was there, so she agreed to go with me. Hermione’s going to be my date to the Yule Ball!”
“Oh!” Ron goggled at his friends for a moment, a number of emotions flickering across his features, then he seemed to shrug it off. “Well, that’s not so bad, is it? I mean, you and Hermione are friends at least... It’s not like McGonagall forced you to go with Millicent Bulstrode. I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and look for someone on my own.”
Harry grinned, feeling relieved that Ron was actually alright with it. “Yeah, not bad at all really. It’s brilliant in fact! Hermione said she wanted to go with me anyway, we’re...”
“Yeah, of course she did,” Ron interrupted, sounding a bit distant as he scoured the common room looking for potential dates. “It’s not like she had anyone else to go with really,” Ron added, peering at Lavender Brown thoughtfully.
Before Harry had a chance to say anything else, Ron drifted off towards the table where Neville, Seamus, and Dean were all playing a game of Exploding Snap.
“Well, that went loads better than I thought it would,” said Harry.
“What?” Puzzled by Hermione’s noncommittal tone, Harry turned and looked at her, surprised to see her scowling. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure that did go so well, Harry. For one thing, I don’t think Ron registered that we’re going as more than friends. He didn’t really give you a chance to finish...”
“Oh! Well, that’s alright. I’ll just tell him a bit later - shouldn’t be a problem. But that doesn’t explain why you’re so cross.”
Hermione hesitated, strangely managing to look embarrassed, hurt, and furious all at the same time.
“It’s the way he implied that nobody else would want to go to the Ball with me,” she said, her voice quavering slightly with anger. “And he didn’t even look at me, or say anything to me after you told him we were going to the Ball together! If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think he was jealous, but I don’t know why he would be. He’s certainly never treated me like he fancies me.”
Feeling a bit disconcerted now, Harry glanced back at Ron, who had joined in the game of Exploding Snap. Harry had to admit that Ron looked a bit out of sorts, but the idea that Ron was jealous of him being with Hermione didn’t really make sense to him.
Hermione was right; Ron was always taking the Mickey out of her for one reason or another. He’d been heckling her mercilessly for wanting to get rights for House Elves this year, and he still often called her a Know-It-All (at least twice a week), except when he needed help with his homework.
And Ron had taken pains to avoid Hermione a bit too when she had stuck by Harry after his name had come out of the Goblet. Harry had assumed that that as much as anything was why Hermione had tried to get Harry to see things from Ron’s point of view and understand why he was jealous at the time - so they could all be friends again. And Harry had got it eventually... Surely that was all it was now.
“He’s probably just jealous of the fact that I already have someone to go to the Ball with and he doesn’t,” Harry sighed. “I’ll try and talk to him about it later.”
Hermione looked pensive for a moment, then her features softened.
“You’re probably right Harry. It felt a bit personal, but maybe I’m just being overly sensitive.” A slightly worried, almost guilty look crept into her eyes. “Just be careful when you talk to him, Harry. There’s no need to upset Ron and spoil things now that you’ve patched things up with him.”
“It’ll be fine. You’ll see,” Harry said confidently. “I’m going to go and drop my books off and change. You alright now?”
Hermione gave Harry a little smile and nodded. “I’m fine. I’ll see you in a bit then...”
Hermione felt a bit fresher after a change of clothes, and she had managed to put Ron out of her mind for the most part. What Harry had said made sense; she had probably just been reading too much into things. But she felt a fresh wave of trepidation when she heard the door to her dorm open as she finished pulling on her jeans. Peeking through her curtain, Hermione spied Lavender and Parvati.
“There you are,” said Parvati, grinning. “Why are you hiding?”
She pounced on Hermione and dragged her by the arm out from her four poster bed. Lavender clutched Hermione’s other arm and jumped up and down, squealing and giggling. Hermione winced, Lavender’s gleeful shrieks piercing her eardrum.
“How did it happen?” Lavender squealed. “You have to tell us everything.”
“Er... How did what happen?” asked Hermione anxiously, having a horrible feeling that she knew exactly what Lavender was asking about.
“You and Harry of course,” said Parvati, rolling her eyes.
“Wait... how did you...?”
“That’s all everyone in the common room is talking about,” Parvati giggled. “Sally-Anne heard it from Fay who heard it from Romilda Vane who overheard Ron telling Seamus and Dean and Neville...”
“...Did Harry get down on one knee? Did he kiss you?” Lavender bounced excitedly on her toes.
“It’s just a date, not a marriage proposal, Lavender.” Parvati rolled her eyes again. “Besides,” she added with a perceptive look at Hermione, “it’s Harry we’re talking about. If anyone did any kissing, it’s Hermione.”
Blazing hotly as they were, like a furnace turned on full, Hermione presumed her cheeks must be the colour of a ripe tomato by now.
“If you must know, it might not have happened if it weren’t for McGonagall,” Hermione squeaked, utterly bewildered by Parvati and Lavender’s reaction to the news. “She sort of forced the issue - and Harry did ask me if I’d be his girlfriend after. But anyway, you mean you guys don’t mind...?”
“Mind? Why would we mind?” asked Lavender, looking perplexed. “We’ve been wondering for ages when you and Harry would finally hook up.”
“I thought... the way you two were looking at Harry today...”
“Oh! That!” Parvati giggled. “Well, I have to admit, I do fancy Harry a bit - but don’t worry, Hermione. I never thought he’d be that interested in me when he’s always had you. I reckoned Harry would probably ask you to the Ball. That’s what I whispered to Lavender in class, and that’s when we turned around and looked at Harry.”
“Oh!” said Hermione, suddenly grinning, feeling much warmer towards Parvati and Lavender than she had a short while ago. “And yes, I did kiss Harry,” she added for good measure.
“How was it?” asked Lavender eagerly. “Did sparks fly?”
Hermione briefly hesitated, having never imagined that she would be having this sort of conversation with Parvati and Lavender. But in that moment, Hermione was thrilled to have two giggly girl friends with whom to share her experience.
“It was magical,” she deadpanned before losing the battle to maintain a straight face, and the girls all fell into a fit of giggles.
Harry had expected a thorough ribbing from Fred and George, but other than a few jokes about when they should expect to be invited to the bachelor party and the wedding, they were surprisingly gentle in their teasing. And Harry had been been a bit concerned when Ginny had briefly cornered him in the common room and asked him directly if it was true, but that had turned out better than he had thought it might as well - not perfect, but better.
“Er... Yeah,” he had replied, uncomfortably recalling that she’d had a crush on him at one time. “Hermione and I are going to the Yule Ball together.”
Ginny had studied him a moment before offering her thoughts on the matter, half-smiling.
“It’s more than that though, isn’t it?” she had said quietly. “I sort of had a feeling about you two... I think you’ll be good together.”
Then Ginny had abruptly turned around and begun walking off. Harry had felt a bit guilty when it looked like she was wiping a tear away, but she had caught him looking at her and grinned back at him.
“Shut up!”
“What?” For a moment, Harry was taken aback. “I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to. Your face says it all. Now bugger off so I can figure out who’s taking me to the Ball! I don’t need another older brother putting boys off me.”
Harry had chuckled and shaken his head, reckoning Ginny would be alright after all. Ron was his biggest concern now.
When Ron managed to avoid talking to him all through dinner, choosing instead to engage with Neville - who also looked a bit glum for that matter - Harry knew something was up. They were both sitting together moodily chasing peas around their dinner plates with their forks.
At least Hermione seemed to be doing alright, though acting a bit strangely for her. She had been getting on like a house on fire with Lavender and Parvati, chatting and giggling as they pointed at pictures in fashion magazines in between bites of food. It began to make a bit of sense though when Harry caught a few snatches of their whispered conversation.
“...not unless you want to look like a frumpy old-maid,” Lavender giggled.
“How about that one, Hermione?” said Parvati. “I think it would look better on you.”
“Are you sure?” Hermione looked skeptical, glancing at Lavender.
“Parvati’s right,” Lavender reassured her. “Trust us Hermione. When we’re done with you, nobody will recognise you.”
“Oh!” Hermione frowned at that.
“But Harry will,” Parvati quickly added. “I promise. We won’t go overboard...”
Then Parvati had caught Harry looking at them. There were blushes all the way around - Harry’s face no less red than theirs - and the girls all giggled madly. Then a familiar voice further down the table was loud enough to catch Harry’s ear.
“...Barking mad! See Neville? You won’t be missing much.”
Dean, who was sitting a bit closer to Ron and Neville, shook his head and snorted mirthfully. Seamus sniggered. Harry was curious, but he wasn’t sure he really wanted to ask Dean and Seamus how the rest of Ron and Neville’s conversation was going.
Things were awkward in the fourth year dorm that night. Harry’s stomach was knotted with tension as he readied himself for bed. Neville was avoiding looking at him almost as much as Ron, and for the life of him, Harry couldn’t figure out why. One thing at a time, Harry thought to himself, steeling himself to ask Ron what was going on with him.
Ron crawled into bed and pulled his covers up without saying a word.
“Okay, spill,” said Harry to Ron after sitting on his own bed. “What’s up Ron? You haven’t said one word to me all evening. Look, I’m sorry I’ve already got a date, but maybe I can still help... or maybe Hermione can ask...”
“I don’t need your charity, Harry,” Ron said stiffly.
“Look, I just got you back as a friend...”
“Then drop it, alright? I’ll be fine.”
But Ron didn’t sound fine, and Harry was beginning to think that Hermione had been right after all. And Harry was unwilling to let things fester and get bad between him and Ron again. Surely it was better to get it all out in the open and work things out.
“Ron, please...”
“I said drop it!”
“Ron, if this is about Hermione, I had no idea...”
“Look,” Ron snapped, “Just let it go! After hearing people nattering on about it all afternoon, I finally figured out that you and Hermione were an official item...”
“That’s what I was trying to tell you, but I didn’t know you fan...”
“Just listen!”
Harry shut up.
“I get it!” said Ron angrily, “You didn’t know! How could you know? Bloody Hell! I didn’t even know until today! ... I don’t even know why - it’s not like me and Hermione ever really got on very well! She’s bloody annoying! ... But I do - I like her, alright?”
When Ron paused, Harry wondered if that was it, or if he had more to say.
“Er... So, what about you and me then?” Harry broached tentatively.
“I’m trying really hard not to be a prat, Harry!” said Ron hoarsely; he really did sound like he was struggling to control himself. “But this... it’s just a bit more than I can handle right now. I dunno! ... Just bloody leave me alone for a bit okay, and eventually I’ll get over it!”
And with that, Ron yanked his crimson and gold curtains closed.
Harry lay down, feeling more miserable than he had expected to feel the first night of being Hermione’s boyfriend. Ron seemed to be having difficulty accepting it - but he was trying, right? And even if Ron wasn’t able to be Harry’s friend right at this very moment, that didn’t mean Harry shouldn’t keep trying too, did it?
“You know, it could have been you,” Harry muttered wryly at the closed curtains. “McGonagall almost sent a House Elf to fetch you to be my date for the Yule Ball. It was either you or Hermione! ... I thought you’d prefer it this way.”
Harry heard a little snigger from the other side of the curtain; he grinned, and the knot in his stomach started to unwind. Eventually it would work out, and he and Ron would be friends again. Then he glanced over at Neville’s closed curtains and sighed...
“Are you sure you’re alright?” she asked, giving the younger girl a hug.
“I promise,” said Ginny, grinning. “It’s not like Harry ever saw me as more than Ron’s little sister. Besides you two just make sense together - everyone knows it. Luna’s been telling me forever that you and Harry are written in the stars and that I should just get over it.”
“Luna Lovegood. She’s a third year in Ravenclaw - she’s a friend of mine.”
Hermione heard clomping on the stairs coming from the boys’ dorm. She turned to look and see who was coming down for breakfast already. It was Neville. He squeaked a bit when he saw Hermione, then darted for the portrait hole, not quite meeting her eyes. Ginny peered thoughtfully at Neville’s backside as he disappeared through the entrance of the common room.
Frowning sadly, wondering if Neville was alright, Hermione brightened up again when she heard footsteps on the stairs and this time it was Harry.
“Morning Hermione,” said Harry, grinning when she gave him a peck on the cheek.
“Morning Harry. Where’s Ron?” Hermione asked cautiously, taking Harry’s arm.
“Turns out you were right. He’s jealous of me being with you. But we’ll be fine - eventually. He said he just needs a bit of time to sort himself out. It’s Neville I’m worried about. I think he must have fancied you too...”
@ BdwMedic: Thank you! :-) ...I'll be returning to my other fics when I finish this Christmas Romance short story (or at least get it past the Yule Ball. I may actually continue to develop it into another AU--at least through the end of the Tri-wiz. Not sure yet).
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