Momentum | By : JustAWhat Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 23391 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: The author does not own Harry Potter, nor make any money off this story. This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual events is coincidental. It is fantasy only; the author does not condone any illegal/immoral actions in real life. |
Part II: Borrowed
Chapter Warnings: Heterosexual Sex, Public Sex, Infidelity
Chapter Summary: Her borrowed time went by too quickly and she found that she was dreading having to return to her seat without him by her side.
Paring: [Ginny/Dean]
I wanna hold out, but gotta hold on
Even though I know it's wrong
I don't want to give you back
I don't want to give you back
You're the best I'll never have
So I don't want to give you back
But you're borrowed
“Borrowed” / Leann Rimes
Ginny Weasley was living a lie and it was starting to wear her down. How anyone could easily get away with having an affair was beyond her. She felt as though every time Harry looked at her, he would see straight through her dishonesty. She feared that each time he touched her; he would sense that another man had been there, too. One lie led to another, which led to another. It was a never-ending dance of torture and deception.
More memories returned almost instantaneously following her departure from Dean's hotel that day. At first they were vague and dreamlike, almost as though she were watching them from someone else's eyes. Then, as the days passed by, they became more detailed and realistic. Ginny woke up numerous nights, her body doused in sweat, as she relived the intimate details of her and Dean's night of passion. She could clearly remember the welcoming smell of his breath and the earthy taste of his tongue the first time he kissed her passionately, pushing her up against the door of his hotel room, making up her mind that there was no going back from there. She could still feel the way his hands felt when they touched every last inch of her body, the body that has only ever been touched so intimately by one other man. She tried to push the recollections aside, tried to concentrate on her upcoming wedding to the man she once thought meant everything to her, but it was no use. Dean was still very present in her mind, weighing down on her conscience, and forcing her to start rethinking everything she once thought to be true.
Romilda was the only person that knew about her affair. Of course, the lies all began with Ginny telling Harry she had stayed at Romi’s house the night he couldn't get a hold of her. Therefore, she had to ask Romilda to go along with the lie, which ultimately caused her to question her true whereabouts. Romi was truly a female version of a playboy, but Ginny couldn't help but love her.
"Commitment phobia," Romilda would say to justify her actions, her long, black hair framing her face perfectly, as she would grin back at her through her thick-rimmed, trendy glasses.
"Commitment phobia," Harry would say when Ginny brought her up in our conversations, his piercing green eyes dancing with amusement. Then, he'd run his fingers through his tousled black hair and follow with, "You know I love her, but you just better not let her influence you too much, babe."
Romilda was shocked by her news at first, but then assured Ginny that everything would be just fine. She convinced her not to tell Harry the truth, saying it was selfish to hurt him just so she wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore.
The weeks passed, the lies grew, and her façade slowly began to falter.
"If George ever shagged someone else, I’d curse his bollocks off," Angelina quipped, a devious grin lighting up her flawless beauty. She was walking hand-in hand with George as the four of them were making their way to the quidditch stadium.
"Yeah right, like I’d even think to look at anyone else after having you to come home to every night," George replied through a boisterous chuckle. Harry just shook his head and rolled his eyes before tightening his grip on Ginny’s hand and glancing down at her.
"You okay, luv?" he asked quietly, for only her ears to hear as they followed behind her brother and sister-in-law. Of course, George and Angelina had to talk about the latest Witch Weekly gossip news their entire walk, joking around about celebrity affairs as if they were no big deal. Ginny tried not to show her discomfort, but she knew she was tense. She couldn't help but to be silent most of the way, and she could feel that her face was turning white.
The four of them, Harry and she along with her brother and his wife, decided to spend their Sunday afternoon at the Cannons’ match against the Arrows. She wasn't much of a Cannons fan, but the games were always nice and relaxing, and free, since Ron, as an assistant coach for the Cannons, could always get them tickets.
"Yeah, I’m fine," she lied, removing her hand from his and welcoming the distraction of having to search her purse for their tickets.
They continued on with their bantering while they approached the main entrance of the stadium. They handed in their tickets before they were finally free to make their way to their seats.
"Section 128," Angelina said looking at the large signs floating above, "is this way."
She hooked her arm into George's and pulled him to the right as Harry took Ginny’s hand again and they followed. They weaved their way in and out of passing bodies, trying to keep up with the others.
"Do you want anything to eat?" Harry asked her as they passed several vendors and food stands.
"Nah, I’m not really hungry," she said honestly, her stomach protesting to just the thought of food.
"I kind of want some crisps," he said, stopping in front of a stand that sells them and yelling for George and Angelina to wait.
Angelina and she waited next to one of the rubbish bins while the guys stood in line to get their game day eats. The stadium was packed; people pushing passed them and hurrying off to their intended destinations.
"Bloody arrogant bastards," Angelina hissed, after a group of Hogwarts-aged boys in particular walked passed, one of them rubbing up against her more than what was necessary.
"That's disgusting," Ginny said, wrinkling her nose and narrowing her eyes toward their retreating forms.
"Boys will be boys," Angelina said waving them off. "Besides, can't really say I blame them. We are pretty sexy…"
She continued to speak, but Ginny failed to listen. Something else caught her attention, a familiar stride, a familiar face, a familiar body. Her breath caught in her throat as she stood completely frozen, unable to tear her eyes away as he slowly walked in their direction, completely oblivious to her while laughing with one of his friends. Time seemed to stand still as her eyes scanned over his features, the features that she haven't seen in over four weeks--the thick, black hair, the mocha-colored skin, and the full lips. The closer Dean got, the more of his features she could make out, and the more anxious she felt. She noticed the way his eyes lit up when he smiled, his perfect teeth, and his muscled body beneath the white shirt he was wearing that fit snugly, accentuating his thick biceps. She watched like a voyeur for a second, her mouth parting on its own accord, before he turned his head from his friend, his eyes unintentionally searching the crowd and eventually locking directly on Ginny’s. She swallowed hard and tried to tear her gaze away, but she couldn't. His eyes widened slightly, his stare questioning hers as they shared a silent exchange across the crowd, people crossing in between them, but never fully breaking their connection.
"Hello, Earth to Ginny," Angelina said, waving her hand in front of her face and bringing her out of her daze. She jumped slightly, quickly turning her body away from Dean, and focusing her attention back to her sister-in-law. "Merlin, you look like you want to eat that guy – hey isn’t that Dean Thomas?"
"I um…I mean, what? No! Of course not, why would I--"
"He's coming over here," she said, crossing her arms in front of her chest and smiling in amusement.
"What? Are you serious? Oh my Merlin, no! We have to go!" Ginny shouted as quietly as possible, grabbing on to Angelina’s arm and looking around for a place to hide. It was too late, though. She could feel his presence behind her long before she heard him speak.
"Ginny?" his voice questioned, her eyes automatically closing and her posture tensing. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again to find that Angelina was extending a questioning glance between them. Slowly, she turned around to face him, expecting to be assaulted with the memories of their last encounter. What she wasn't expecting, however, was the intense way her body automatically responded to him--her mouth watered, her pelvis heated, and her mind clouded over.
"D-Dean…hello," she managed to say, reflexively shooting a glance toward the concession stand to find that Harry was at the front of the line, distracted with ordering.
"Fancy seeing you here," he said, smiling wryly, before darting an inconspicuous glance in Angelina's direction.
"Yeah, you know, just a nice day out with my fiancé and our friends," she said, careful to add emphasis to the word fiancé.
Angelina held out her hand to him, taking it upon herself to provide her own introduction. "Hey there, I’m Angelina Weasley. You’re Dean Thomas, right? I was a couple of years ahead you in Hogwarts – Go Gryffindor!"
Dean shook her hand, unable to stop himself from looking her over appreciatively. And, suddenly Ginny was jealous, jealous over a man that she held no ties over, jealous that he would look at any other witch besides her.
"Yeah, I’m Dean Thomas, and I remember you. Though my memories don’t do justice to your beauty," he said, winking, as she realized that was the first time she heard his last name. How classy. Then he added, "Ginny and I are…well um, we're very much acquainted, I guess you could say. Isn't that right, Ginny?"
She felt her cheeks turn hot and cleared her throat, glaring at him. "Yes, we dated during my fifth year at Hogwarts," she replied, recovering immediately. He quirked an eyebrow at her while Angelina intently watched their little exchange.
"Those bastards were completely out of salt and vinegar," George huffed, as he and Harry returned with their hands full of butterbeers and food.
“Oh, hey, Dean. Long time no see, mate,” Harry smiled at his old dorm mate.
She stared at Dean a beat too long before glancing over at Harry and providing him a weak and flustered smile. Harry darted his eyes between Dean and Ginny and his brow furrowed for a moment before he smiled down at her. "I got you a butterbeer and some jelly slugs," he said, her heart breaking because he was off buying her favourite candy while she was thinking dirty thoughts about another man.
"Thanks," she said, glancing over at Dean again to find him studying Harry while he took a sip of his own butterbeer. "Well, Dean, it was nice seeing you again, but we should be heading to their seats," she said to him, trying to get his attention away from her fiancé.
"Let's go," Angelina said, pulling George away before looking back to smile at Dean. "Nice seeing you again, Dean."
Dean laughed lightly and then focused his attention back to Harry and her. Harry put his free arm protectively around her lower back, pulling her impossibly closer to him. "Well I guess that's our cue to leave. Nice seeing you, Dean. Owl me and we’ll get together. Ron, Seamus and Neville, too," he said, before nodding and guiding her away.
Once they were a safe distance from him, Harry let go of her and readjusted their food and drinks. "I didn't like the way he was looking at you."
"Yeah, me either," Ginny replied. Another lie.
Because the truth was, she never wanted Dean to take his eyes off her. Not then. Not now. Not ever again.
It was two hours into the match and the snitch hadn’t been spotted in at least forty minutes. The Cannons were losing, of course, but they weren’t anywhere near a mercy call to end the game. The sun was burning high the in sky, causing Angelina and Ginny to roll the sleeves of their shirts up and cast light cooling charms. Harry and George were sitting in between them, occasionally yelling out obscenities toward the ref and chanting along with the crowd. As much as she loved quidditch, she enjoyed playing it more than watching it. To put it plainly, Ginny was getting bored, tired, and hot.
Suddenly a bird-shaped paper fluttered to her and landed in her lap. She recognized the spelled memo like that which Hogwarts use to pass notes. It unfolded to reveal a distinctive handwriting she hadn’t seen since her fifth year. Glancing around quickly, she realized the memo must have a notice-me-not spell keyed to her, as no one else seemed to be aware of anything out of the ordinary.
I can't take my eyes off of you.
I can't stop thinking about you.
Meet me by the same stand where we met earlier. I'll see you there.
It wasn’t signed, but she knew who it was from. She sucked in a breath and swallowed thickly, quickly closing the note and glancing up at Harry. His attention was on the match as he leaned back in his seat, his arm draped lazily across the back of hers. She turned her attention away from him and darted her eyes anxiously through the thousands of heads in the crowd. Where is he? Dean was obviously watching her even though she couldn't see him.
Harry glanced over at her and squeezed her upper arm. He leaned over, giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek. His nose slid back and lingered in the crook of her neck as he breathed her in. "You smell good, babe. New perfume?"
"New shampoo," she clarified, trying to ignore the fact that his proximity no longer made her body cover in goosebumps the same way that Dean's did.
She frowned as she considered the note she had received. The truth was, she didn't have the strength to stay away.
"I have to use the loo," she said, inwardly pleading that Angelina wouldn't go all "girl" on her and decide she suddenly had to go too.
"Want me to come with you?" Harry asked, as she stood up and picked up her purse. She tried to hide the fact that her hands were trembling.
"No!" she said a little too loudly, earning her raised eyebrows from him.
"Okay, okay," he said, laughing lightly. "Can you throw these away?"
She nodded and picked up their empty food and drink containers before quickly walking away. Thank Merlin for Angelina Weasley. She didn't follow.
Ginny felt like she was going to throw up as she entered into the corridor, her legs feeling like rubber as she walked toward the nearest rubbish bin and disposed of their junk. She stopped for a second and tried to convince myself to turn around and go back to her seat, to return to the man that I’m supposed to be marrying, the man that loved her unconditionally. She didn't know what Dean had in mind, but somehow she knew that this meeting would change everything. It was almost as if she was at a crossroads. Choose to return to seat and put Dean behind her or choose to meet up with him and continue on with their twisted affair.
Her legs made the decision for her as they started carrying her in the direction of the concession stand. Her heart was pounding ferociously in her chest as she tried to steady her breathing. What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?
She turned a corner and saw him standing there waiting for her, his hands comfortably resting in the pockets of his light-washed, low-rise jeans. Ginny bit down on her bottom lip, stopping in her tracks and taking in his appearance. Merlin, he is sexy. His eyes were scanning through the crowd, and it warmed her heart knowing he was looking for her. Me. It made her feel desirable. It made her feel wanted.
His eyes finally met hers, his face instantly lighting up into the smile she loved to see. He held up his hand and motioned her over with his index finger. She crossed the distance between them, weaving in and out of the crowd, before finally finding herself inches in front of him. Without saying a word, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back in a small hallway between the concession stands. She noticed that the hallway housed what appeared to be a door to a large, unisex loo.
Before she could speak, he pushed her up against the wall beside the lonely door, his lips crashing on hers a moment later. Ginny gasped into his mouth, roughly throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him closer against her, her pent up passion for him finally breaking free. If I had any doubts about this—about him—they just flew right out the window.
Dean’s tongue flooded her mouth, the taste of him filling her entirely and intoxicating her senses. It was better than she remembered, her dreams not doing him justice. His hands slide down her body and underneath the sides of her shirt, his mouth leaving hers and trailing kisses along her jaw as he pressed himself against her, his arousal connecting with her pelvis.
"People can see," she breathed, no longer able to bring herself to care. If Harry walked passed them at that very moment, she doubted she’d be able to stop herself from devouring Dean completely.
"Let them watch me fuck you then," he said against her skin, causing a slight whimper to escape her hold.
Ginny arched herself further into him and slid her hands down the definitions of his back, bringing them under his thin shirt. She could feel his hot flesh beneath her fingertips, and she knew she was too far gone to be aware of any of their surroundings anymore. He was the only thing that mattered. That moment was the only thing that counted.
Dean's hands slid down between them as his fingers began working on the button of her shorts. She felt herself moving, felt Dean shift, one of his hands releasing her. The next thing she knew, she was being backed into a loo, the door closing behind them, his lips meeting hers and never leaving. He was the one pressed up against the door now, while she attacked him from the front. He quickly unfastened her button, tugged the zipper down, and slid his hand down the front of her shorts and inside her knickers. She gasped when she felt his fingers caress her sensitive flesh, moisture pouring out and responding.
She pressed her pussy firmly against his hand and moaned into his mouth as he began to move his fingers in circles where she needed him most.
"Oh Merlin, Dean, please," Ginny begged, urging him on, her body arching and grinding out of her control.
"Tell me what you want," he said huskily, as he spontaneously spun them around and pressed her back to the door instead.
"You, I want you," she whimpered, her fingers shakily reaching down and trying to unfasten his trousers. "Only you."
He stopped his movements inside of her pants and pulled his hands out, before gripping onto her wrists and halting her movements. She watched in confusion as he brought her left hand up between them and slowly removed the diamond from her fourth finger.
"What are you--" she started to protest, but he interrupted her.
"You can have it back when I’m finished with you," he said, his voice dark and dripping with lust.
Before, Ginny could say another word, Dean flung her engagement ring into his pocket and brought his mouth to hers again. He yanked her shorts down over her hips, her knickers following suit. Both of their hands reached between them, fumbling with his trousers until they were unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled slightly down his waist. She reached into his pants as her tongue danced with his. The moment she wrapped her fingers around his cock completely, he groaned into her mouth, only urging her to move faster. Their kisses grew hungrier and more demanding and there was nothing soft and gentle about their motions. She began to slide her hand up and down the length of his hard cock, but he stopped her.
"No, I want to be inside you."
Ginny nodded as he pulled back and looked back at her with hooded eyes. She helped him slide his pants down, felt his hands slide up the back of her thighs before cupping her bare arse. In one swift motion, her legs wrapped around Dean’s waist as he lifted her up until they were directly in line, the head of him rubbing teasingly against her entrance.
"Please," she begged, just before he lowered her pussy onto his cock. She knew neither of them could have waited another second. She also knew that if this was considered wrong, then she never wanted to be right again.
She moaned embarrassingly loud as her eyes rolled back and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip.
"Fuck, Ginny," Dean cursed, after he entered her cunt completely. "You feel so good."
He began moving inside of her, his mouth meeting hers before sliding hot and sporadic kisses down her throat.
"I’m not usually this kind of girl," she gasped, suddenly needing him to know just how innocent she truly was, to understand that this meant more to her than a one-night-stand. "You're the only other…you're the only other one besides Harry."
Dean halted his movements and pulled back to rest his forehead on hers. They were both silent for a moment, both panting heavily as their lungs tried to gain back some oxygen they had been deprived. Her mind tried to catch up with their actions, tried to justify why every last cell of body was screaming at her to never let the man that was currently inside of her leave.
"You’re mine now, Ginny. You’ll see it soon," he said a moment later, his eyes practically burning into hers. “And maybe we’ll make him ours too.”
He took a deep breath but didn’t explain that confusing statement further. He began thrusting inside of her again and Ginny lost all coherent thought. The angle was indescribable, hitting her pussy in the all the right places while causing ripples of pleasure to shoot through every last nerve ending of her entire body. "Don't stop," she pleaded, her hands desperately tightening their grip on his back and trying to pull him impossibly closer. "I can't…you're just…please just…harder..."
It didn't take long for Dean to respond, his thrusts becoming harder and faster, causing Ginny’s back to hit roughly against the loo door. Their moans and whimpers escalated in volume, both of them shouting out their need for each other. Their bodies connected perfectly, their tongues danced rhythmically, and their hands caressed steadily. It didn't take long for the familiar fire to begin to build within her, her body filling with a pleasurable pressure, a pressure that was begging to be released. She knew she’d much rather die than stop now.
Everything happened so fast, the room was practically spinning, and Ginny felt like she was drowning in her need for him. She came fast and hard, her body writhing and shaking against him as she continuously cried out his name in ecstasy. A second later, she felt Dean tense, his hands tightening their grip on her arse just before he pounded deep inside of her one last time. She felt his cum explode inside her, his body quivering as she rested her head on his shoulder and planted kisses through the thin fabric of his shirt. She felt connected to him, her body and her heart attacked with confliction. Her body was realizing that this was where it belonged, while her heart was trying to convince her that it was a mistake, a costly one that should never be made again.
"Holy fuck," he said, when he was through as he gently lowered her to the ground. They both began pulling on their clothes while trying to steady their erratic breathing, a charged silence extending in the air between them.
So many emotions were running through her, so many things she wanted to say but didn't know how. What is he thinking? Was it as amazing for him as it was for me? More importantly, how am I going to marry Harry when the thought of never seeing Dean again is too much for me to handle?
"I know," she managed to say, turning away from him to look in the loo mirror, trying to smooth down some of her tangled hair. She saw his reflection as he approached behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and turning her around to face him. She wanted to look at everything else in the room but him, suddenly feeling extremely embarrassed for her behavior. All of this was so unlike her, making her barely recognizable anymore.
"You have never looked sexier," he said, stopping her from fixing her hair. "Leave it."
His fingers slid up Ginny’s neck, grazing gently against the side of her flushed cheeks and causing her to shiver. "I want to see you again."
"Dean, I can't--"
"Stop," he said, interrupting her, before leaning down and planting a soft kiss to the tip of her nose, then one to her forehead, before finally bringing his lips to hers.
"I'll see you soon," he said, both of them realizing their stolen time had come to an end.
"Yeah," she agreed barely above a whisper, "I'll see you soon." Dean took her hand in his as he led her out of the loo and they parted ways. It ended faster than it began. Her borrowed time went by too quickly and she found that she was dreading having to return to her seat without him by her side.
She sat back down next to Harry just as he looked over at her and grinned. "What happened to you?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" Suddenly she was feeling self-conscious, her fingers automatically reaching up to smooth her hair. She knew her lips were probably swollen, her face most likely flushed and glowing.
"You were gone a long time, are you okay?" he asked as she expelled a breath of air she hadn't even realized she was holding in.
"Oh yeah," she said, swallowing nervously. "I’m fine, she just um…I found a girl that lost her parents and needed to help her find them." Oh, great! Good one, git!
Harry chuckled, his eyes wrinkling the way she loved, as he shook his head back and forth. "Leave it to my girl to save the world on her way back from the loo."
Ginny forced a smile and felt her heart sink. Yeah, saving the world, alright. That's when she noticed it out of the corner of her eye.
Left hand.
Fourth finger.
Bare flesh.
No ring.
Her eyes widened and she quickly pushed it behind her and out of view. She'd definitely be seeing Dean Thomas again.
And soon.
-To Be Continued-
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