The Domino Effect | By : jameschick Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28991 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Part 20
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you are far away and dreaming. I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever. Where a moment spent with you is a moment I treasure - Aerosmith
Draco woke feeling stiff, sore, sweaty and trapped. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down to see that Harry was sprawled on top of him, his head resting on his chest, both arms wrapped tightly around him and his legs entwined with his own. It was clear now, the reason he couldn't move.
He closed his eyes, knowing that Harry needed the sleep and somewhat enjoying the restrictive feeling of being completely surrounded by Harry Potter. He wondered why his lover was clinging to him so tightly, perhaps he'd had another nightmare, or in his sleep he was afraid Draco would try to get up, to leave him. Harry needn't worry about that, Draco had already decided that he wasn't going anywhere. As long as Harry wanted him, he would stay by his side. He had big plans for their future, and not just the political kind.
Yes, he wanted to change the world as they knew it, but he had his own personal agenda as well. With no betrothal hanging over his head, the threat of Voldemort all but extinguished, and his father in prison, he was free to do as he pleaser por possibly the first time in his life. He had his entire future ahead of him and he planned to spend it with Harry Potter. He wanted Harry more than anyone he'd ever known, and not Harry Potter boy-hero, no, he wanted the young man who was currently sleeping wrapped around him. The young man with the brilliant smile, the blushing cheeks, the insecurities and fears of inadequacy. It was the innocence of the boy that called to him on a personal level. Yes the power of the man was intoxicating and appealed to him greatly, but that was on a whole other level. Potter's power and thirst for revenge got him hot, he would admit that whole heartedly, but it was his soft heart and the way he smiled so shyly at times that made Draco care for him. Possibly even love him.
"Do I love you?" Draco whispered as he looked at the sleeping face of his lover. "Have I fallen that far so soon? I think I may have, Harry, and it scares me to death. I'm a Malfoy after all. Love is a weakness to be avoided at all costs - at least, that was what my father taught me. Theain,ain, he always said you were a weak-minded fool and the Dark Lord would kill you." Draco chuckled softly, "I wonder what he'd say if he knew we were here together? Would he disown me for loving you, or would he realize he had chosen wrongly, that Voldemort was not the power he claimed to be?ld hld he be proud of me for allying myself with such a strong wizard or would he see through that ruse and know what I know; that I love you for the man you are, and not the power you hold. That's right, Harry. I figured it out, I do love you."
With a soft smile, o bro brushed his lips across Harry's forehead and petted his hair softly as he closed his eyes and just enjoyed holding Harry as he slept.
Slipping quietly from her room, Ginny Weasley made her way up to the owlery. It was very early, far too early for any of the students to be awake and perhaps even too early for the staff. But Ginny was on a mission, a mission to get Draco Malfoy out of Harry's life and leave the path clear for them to be together. She would be Mrs. Ginevra Potter, no matter what it took.
When she got to the owlery, she slid the note from her pocket and smiled to herself. It was perfect. She would send it to Mrs. Malfoy anonymously, filling her in on her son's relationship with Harry and let her deal with it as she saw fit. No doubt Draco would be threatened with being disowned, and Ginny knew that given the choice between the Malfoy millions and Harry Potter, Draco would take the money.
Harry would be hurt, possibly heartbroken over it, and that's when Ginny would step in to offer him comfort. A shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear to listen. And if, during this time, she managed to get Harry into bed - and take the fertility potion - she just knew that Harry would do right by her. It was almost too easy.
With a malicious grin on her face, Ginny attached the note to one of the school owls and told it where to go. She watched as it flew away until it was no more than a speck in the distance of the early morning light before heading back to Gryffindor. By this time next year, she would have everything she ever wanted.
"Harry," a gentle voice whispered in his ear and Harry stirred lightly. "Harry, it's time to wake up," the voice repeated.
Harry mumbled incoherently and blinked. "Draco?" he asked sleepily.
"You were expecting someone else?" the Slytherin inquired. Harry just shook his head and snuggled back into the arms still holding him.
"Don't wanna move," he muttered. "M'comfy."
Draco chuckled softly. "As much as I enjoy cuddling with you - and if you tell anyone I said that I'll deny it and then hex you - we do need to be getting out of here. It's an hour until breakfast and we both need to shower and change clothes."
Harry groaned but sat up. "I hate this. I don't even know why I'm still attending classes. I could pass my NEWTS today if I took them, hell, I could have passed them last year. I just want to stay down here, with you, and never see anyone else ever again."
As flattered as Draco was to be included in Harry's plans, he wasn't one to shy away from the public eye. "As nice as all that alone time with you would be, we need to go to class. We need to be seen in the school, carrying on as usual, and keeping suspicions down." Draco gently kissed Harry on the mouth and then smiled at him. "Once Voldemort is gone, we can do whatever we bloody well please. We'll graduate from Hogwarts and lock ourselves away for a month somewhere and never leave the bedroom, but right now, we need to go."
Harry smiled. "In that case, I might just skip classes today and go hunt the fucker down and be done with it. I mean, a whole month in bed with you? Quite the incentive there."
"If I'd known was was all it would take, I'd have offered sooner." Draco replied. "Seriously, Harry, we have to go. I refuse to go to class without bathing." Draco wrinkled his nose.
Harry nodded and together they made their way out of the chamber and up to Myrtle's bathroom.
Stumbling through the front do Sev Severus was glad that it was still early enough that he wouldn't run the risk of any of the students seeing him in this condition.
His summoning had gone pretty much as he'd expected. The Dark Lord was beyond livid at the Zabini situation; he had demanded answers from him. Answers he didn't have. And so he'd paid the price for his ignorance, with pain.
Oh, he had his suspicions; after all, it only made e toe to assume Potter was behind Zabini's suicide. For all of his ieranerance concerning the boy, Snape knew that he was a force to be reckoned with. It was lucky for him, in a way, that Potter pretty much expected him to treat him like crap, otherwise he might have to worry about retribution as well. He would much rather go ten rounds of Crucio with Voldemort than be at the tender mercies of a vengeful Harry Potter.
He had almost made it to the staircase leading to the dungeons when he heard footsteps. He sighed, knowing that he was going to be the subject of gossip and rumours for the next few days.
"Professor Snape?"
He recognised the voice immediately as Draco Malfoy's and relief washed through him. If nothing else, he knew Draco would not spread this around. "Yes, Mister Malfoy, can I help you?"
"No," Draco answered, "But perhaps I could help you? You look as though you could use some assistance in getting back to your quarters."
Snape sighed and reluctantly nodded his acceptance. "Thank you, Mister Malfoy. It would be most... appreciated."
Draco didn't say another word, just stepped up beside his Head of House, put the older man's arm over his shoulders and helped him down the stairs and along the hall. When they reached his doors, he waited for Snape to give the password and assisted him inside.
"Ginny?" Harry asked as he stepped inside the common room just as the aforementioned girl was heading up the stairs to her dorm. "What are you doing up so early?"
"H-Harry!" Ginny exclaimed. "Um, I was just..." Ginny trailed off and then scowled, "Wait a minute, what are you doing sneaking in at this hour?"
"Probably the same thing you were," Harry said lightly with a slight grin. "Tell you what, you keep my secret and I'll keep yours. But Gin? Be more careful, if Ron caught you sneaking in after being out all night, you'd never hear the end of it."
Ginny plastered a fake smile on her face and nodded her head. "Okay. Thanks, Harry."
"Your welcome, Gin. See you at breakfast, then," Harry said as he made his way up the stairs to his own room. He figured he had just enough time to grab some clothes and get a shower before his dorm mates started waking up.
"Harry, wait up!"
Harry turned around on his way down to breakfast to see Neville hurrying to catch up to him. "Hey, Nev. What's up?"
"Um, well you see, I..." Neville shrugged his shoulders and gave Harry a sheepish grin. "I was kinda wondering if you had any ideas yet on how to help Pansy. It's just, graduation is coming up soon and I can't help but worry."
"Oh shit! Nev, I'm so sorry. I have something for Pansy, it's a port-key. It'll take her to a safe-house. Actually, it's kind of my house, so I know for sure that it's safe. Can you maybe get her to meet me in the Charms room about half an hour before first period?"
Neville grinned widely and nodded his head. "Thanks a lot, Harry! I owe you big time for this!"
Harry shook his head. "No you don't, Nev. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you and Pansy?"
"Not many people would go out of their way to help a Slytherin, Harry. Not even for a friend," Neville answered sadly.
"Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. Not many people know this, but I was almost sorted into Slytherin. So you see, I know they can't be all bad," Harry said with a wink. "Besides, as one Gryffindor dating a Slytherin to another, I know that when you get past the icy cool facade, they have more passion in themselves than any of the people from other Houses."
Neville laughed. "It still blows me away, you and Malfoy. Not the guy thing, but that it's Draco Malfoy. I mean, seven years of... whatever the hell you two had going on, and then suddenly you're dating? It boggles the mind, Harry."
For just a second, something in Harry's eyes darkened and Neville thought he could see a world of pain and anguish just hovering beneath the surface. But then it was gone again, as though it had never happened.
"Look, Harry, I know things haven't been right with you for some time now, and if Malfoy makes you happy, then my hat's off to him. You'll always have my support, no matter what. If... If there's something, I mean, if there's anything I can ever do for you and I mean anything, you just let me know, all right?"
"Thanks, Nev." Harry replied. "You're a good friend and I appreciate the offer, but I just can't talk about it, any of it, it's too raw right now."
"Alright, but I'm here if you ever change your mind. Come on, we'd best get down to breakfast before Ron gets there and eats everything."
Laughing loudly, Harry followed Neville down to breakfast, his heart just a little bit lighter knowing that Neville, at least, understood when to back off.
Harry sat with Neville at the Gryffindor table and piled his plate with scrambled eggs and toast. He didn’t look up when Ron and Hermione came in, he was still quite pissed with them and they obviously knew it as they didn’t attempt to sit with him; instead heading for their regular seats further down the table.
Harry waited for a few minutes after he’d finished eating, then with a nod to Neville, he got up and headed for the Charms claom. om. He could have simply given the port-key to Neville but he wasn’t taking any chances with Pansy’s safety and planned to key the device to activate on a spoken word by her mouth only.
Within minutes of his arrival, a nervous Pansy entered the room and looked at him questioningly. “Neville said you wanted me to meet you here, why?”
Harry tried to smile at her in a comforting way but gave up when he saw it wasn’t working. Like any true Slytherin, she was not going to swayed by a charming grin. “I promised Nev I’d find a way to help you; I have.”
Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a small silver band with a green stone in the centre, he held it out to the girl who looked at it appraisingly. “Is that Jade, Potter?”
“Yes,” Harry answered. “Highest quality as well, I wouldn’t expect you to accept anything less.”
Pansy grinned. “Draco is obviously a good influence on you, Potter. Did he help you with this?”
Harry shook his head. “No, I do have some taste contrary to the way I dress,” Harry answered with a smirk. “But that’s not the point here. Put this on, then I’ll activate it to accept only your voice and activation word or words. Make sure you choose something you wouldn’t normally say.”
Pansy slid the ring on her finger, and gasped as it tingled. “What…”
“Oh, yeah. I spelled so that it can’t be removed by anyone but me. It’s a safety precaution as the port-key will take you to my home. I wouldn’t want anyone getting a hold of it by accident.”
Pansy crossed her arms over her chest. “Very sneaky move, Potter. I can almost see why Draco would be taken with you. You not the little-goody-two-shoes I thought you were.”
“I’m nothing like what anyone thinks I am, Pansy. Pick something, we need to do this quickly.”
Pansy thought for a moment and then grinned. “Hufflepuffs rule.”
After leaving Pansy, Harry met up with Hermione on the way to Potions. When they classroom door opened, Harry followed Hermione to their seats and then looked across the room to see Draco watching Snape with veiled concern in his eyes. Harry wondered why and without thought read the morning's activities from his lover's mind.
Concern for Snape built up inside of Harry as he watched the events through Draco's eyes. Draco had helped the older man back to his rooms, tended him with potions and summoned a house elf to bring him food and bandages. Snape had put up with Draco's fussing for only so long before rather politely kicking him out of his quarters.
Wanting to know exactly how bad the Professor's injuries were, and what had caused them, Harry switched his focus from Draco to Snape himself. He wasn't surprised to learn that the man had been summoned last night, nor that he had been questioned. In truth, he had expected it after the discovery of Zabini's body; Snape had to have expected it as well.
He sifted through Snape's mind, seeing the entire meeting - if one could call a torture session a meeting - and sighed in frustration. He didn't like Snape. He would probably never like Snape, but he hated the fact that the man was tortured on a regular basis because of him.
There was nothing to be done about it now though. Harry needed to speak with Draco, soon, as he still needed his help in his plans against his two nosy friends. He focused on Draco for a second and implanted the thought to meet him before lunch, then tuned in to the lesson going on around him.
After morning classes as everyone went to lunch, Harry snuck off to meet Draco in Myrtle's loo. When he got there, he found his lover waiting for him, a somewhat confused look on his face. "What am I doing here, Harry? Did you put the idea in my head?"
"Yeah, sorry," Harry replied. "I needed to talk to you and I didn't want to risk the wrath of Snape today by sending you a note in class."
"Oh, alright then. So what is it?"
Harry grinned. "I have an idea to teach Ron and 'Mione not to spy on me, but I'll need your help to pull it off."
"Will it be painful? For them I mean," Draco asked with barely suppressed glee.
Harry chuckled softly. "Only if Ron actually gouges his own eyes out after what he's going to see. So, you gonna help me?"
"What could the Weasel possibly see that would make him rip his own eyes out of their sockets?" Draco asked with a scowl. Harry leaned in and whispered in his ear. As Harry explained his idea, the scowl on Draco's face faded away to be replaced with an ever widening grin. By the end of Harry's explanation, he was nodding his head and laughing out loud.
"I'm in," Draco said as he looked at Harry in awe. "I am definitely in."
Narcissa Malfoy was a very beautiful woman. Anyone who had laid eyes on the woman would attest to that fact. Her beauty had been said to rival that of a Veela, but what most people didn't know was that she had the temper to match as well.
Her morning had started off quite pleasant. She had soaked leisurely in the bath, had a scrumptious breakfast followed by coffee in the sunroom as she read the paper and caught up on her correspondence. She was, after all, the Lady of the Manor and while Lucius was away it fell to her to keep the Malfoy name from falling to ruin.
She was interrupted in the midst of writing her RSVP to a dinner party next month by an ugly brown owl tapping on the pane of glass to her right. Flicking her wand toward the window she opened it to allow the bird entrance. When it landed, she removed the small roll of parchment from its leg and it flew off immediately.
Having already been disrupted in her reply, she opened the scroll and read what it contained. As the words seared themselves into her brain, her face became an ugly shade of red. Her fists clenched as the letter fell to the floor and she reared her head back and screamed.
If what she had read was true, then she needed to take drastic measures. Draco would ruin the name of Malfoy if anyone ever found out he'd taken up with Harry Potter. Not only that, but her Lord would not be pleased and she had no desire to feel the Cruciatus curse ever again.
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