Where’s My Dragon? | By : ZooArmy Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 49574 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Salvete! I know it’s a rather long time
that I posted. But I was for about three weeks without internet. (see the gruesomeness in it?)
I thought about this story now for a while and seems like you’re loosing
interest? Am I right? At least the sinking number of reviews let me think so.
That’s a little depressing.
I think chapter twenty-three will be the end of this (plus epilogue – maybe)
I wanted to say thank you to stardragon12
for all the reviews. Tehe.
And Isinuyasha:
wirst du mir jetzt endlich mal ne antwort geben?
Ich mach mir langsam sorgen.
Is was passiert?
Thanks to my amazing Beta: IBelieveInMaryWorth (did I mention you’re amazing? Hehe)
Warnings: None. Just a little bit sad. And Harry … oh damn it, you’ll read it
anyway… I make it official now – THIS WILL TURN OUT AS CREATURE-FIC.
Note: I created the magical creature ‘Temirith’ and whose nature, which will be explained in a later chapter, for the story only.
HUGE Thanks to a wonderful friend of mine, Isi, I mean you hehe, who came up with the amazing name while watching LotR. Without her this story would have been abandoned after chapter twelve (part eleven).
Have fun and don’t forget to REVIEW!
Where’s My Dragon? |
Part Nineteen | How long is an eternity?
thought that Sunday was the best day of the week would change his mind after
seeing how Harry Potter’s went. He spent his Sunday in bed. Under
the blanket. The entire day. Without
No one had managed to get him out, or even get close to him. Harry felt lonely
and empty but the moment someone came close to him or tried to touch him, he
panicked and felt disgusted.
He knew he would need to attend class the next day or Hermione would drag him there
personally. After all, she would reason, he’d missed sixteen days already. But
for now he was safe in his snug bed that somehow didn’t feel snug at all. It
was cold and big and scary, but infinitely better than facing people. By people,
he meant a tall, blond, gorgeous Slytherin.
The Gryffindor couldn’t tell why, but half of his thoughts danced around
Malfoy. No, to be honest… all of his thoughts did.
One half longed for the blonde and roared like a lion at his earlier reaction.
One second he was scolded by his inner voice for not moving towards Draco, the
next second the same voice was sweet and seducing and trying to tempt him.
The other half of his thoughts fought against the temptation, against the pull.
And that part must have been stronger because he remained in his bed, coping
with the voices and the foreign sadness that dragged sharp glass fragments
across his heart.
“Sev, we need to talk.” Draco as he stepped into his
godfather’s office. The other students and teachers were up in the Great Hall
having lunch and Draco took advantage of the opportunity to talk to Severus in
The Potions Master looked up from his desk and ran a hand through his shoulder
long, black hair.
“I thought so too, Draco. Please sit down.” The blonde obeyed and Snape went
on. “I haven’t seen you the whole weekend and Ms Parkinson told me you didn’t
allow anyone to enter your room. What’s wrong?”
Draco sighed heavily and let his Malfoy mask fall. He took the glamour off too,
allowing Severus to see his sad, tired appearance.
“He remembers again.”
Severus was too shocked to process what Draco had said and managed a “Huh?”
“Harry remembers. The potion wore off and isn’t affecting his mind any more.”
The voice of the Prince of Slytherin was so afflicted and devoid of spirit that
Snape knew two things for sure. One, Draco’s feelings were awake again and
outright squashed because of Two…Harry didn’t remember a thing.
“I’m sorry, Draco. I shouldn’t have forced you. It was…”
“No, no, don’t be. It was good and it was right. He loved me as long he could
and I won’t forget it. Besides…the sex was amazing.” He added the last bit with
a little smirk that let his usual self flash up for a moment.
Severus’ jaw dropped open. His ears had played tricks on him, hadn’t they? Draco
couldn’t have had sex with Harry Potter, because he’d told Ms Granger to keep
an eye on him. He would even have allowed her to chain him to a wall if it was
the only way to manage it.
“Okay, Draco, did you just say you had sex with the Potter boy? If that’s true,
I want the entire story now and don’t
leave one single thing out.” He intoned with a serious voice, looking hard at
Draco. Granger and Weasley had kept significant information away from him…that
meant vengeance. Even a teacher needed his fun.
“Sev, I had no idea you’re such a pervert.” The
Slytherin voiced cheekily.
“Draconis Lucius M…”
“Yeah, yeah, I know my full name. No need to remind me.” Draco sighed and
began. “When I went back to my room after dinner last Friday, Harry was waiting
for me – Pansy let him in, she’d promised him to help him. She told me at
breakfast this morning. So, Harry waited for me, apologised and we had sex. And
that’s actually why I came here.”
Snape looked at his godson with wrinkled eyebrows and slight repugnance.
“As much as I love you, please spare me the sordid details of your sexual
escapades with Potter.”
Draco rolled his eyes and gave Snape a look that said ‘How stupid do you think
I am?’ but didn’t comment any further.
“He glowed, Sev.”
“Maybe you kindled him.” The head of Slytherin house mocked in amusement.
“You talk the same bloody shite as Harry.” Draco
retorted, pissed off. “He really glowed, and his eyes turned entirely black and
he purred and then I began glowing as well and he was so keen on sleeping with
me and then…and then…” The blonde faltered after he’d spilled the story in a
rush. The whole thing was beginning to hurt…badly.
Snape’s amusement had turned quickly into seriousness
and he tried to catch every syllable of Draco’s hurried voice. Something was
definitely going on with the Boy-Who-Lived. He compared the information Draco
supplied with things he knew about magical creatures and the only type that
fitted were Temiritha. His eyes widened when the puzzle began to fit together
in his thoughts. Everything made sense all of a sudden.
He needed to be entirely sure before he told Draco. It would be a disaster if
he told his godson that he was the mate of a Temirith and it turned out he was
Severus Snape felt almost delighted that in the end his two godsons would come
together; every sign pointed at it.
“Sev, did you hear me? Helloooo!” Draco waved a
hand in front of Snape’s face, but the dark eyes
stayed unfocused.
“Listen, Draco…” the blonde jumped and let his hand drop quickly. “I need to
look some things up before I can tell you what’s wrong with Harry, but I need
you to touch him at the end of class.” Snape’s eyes
focused on Draco, finally looking at the confused blonde.
“At the end of class” Severus sighed “you need to touch him. I don’t mind if
you kick him, as long you come in contact with him. Okay?”
Draco didn’t understand why but nodded nevertheless. If it helped to satisfy
his curiosity about Harry it couldn’t be that bad.
“Good. The other students are waiting – come on.”
Godfather and godson stood up and went into the Potions classroom. Severus
waved his wand and the door to the dungeons opened and his students swarmed in.
Draco went to his seat and waited for Pansy and Blaise to sit down on either
side of him.
“Hey, sweety, have you talked to your uncle? Was he
any help?” Pansy asked when she sat next to Draco and rubbed his arm. He had
told her this morning what had happened and assured her that it wasn’t her
fault and that he wasn’t mad at her.
“He wants to look up some things, but I think he has an idea.”
Harry Potter walked in with Granger and they took their seats across. Golden
Boy looked up and glanced at Draco who in return stared down at his desk. Pansy
glared daggers at Potter, who bit his lower-lip and turned his eyes quickly
down. Hermione and Pansy’s eyes met and the Slytherin girl saw that she felt
sorry. Apparently she hadn’t expected things to end like this either.
“The nerve Potter has, staring at you like that.” Pansy finally said to Draco
when she turned away from Hermione.
“Yeah, how dare he?” Blaise asked and nudged Draco, who didn’t respond. The
door was closed magically by Snape and Potions class began.
“I expect a two foot long essay about Potions that can cause addiction, on my
desk on Wednesday.” Snape said at the end of the class as his pupils began to
pack up their things. Everyone stood up and went to the door.
“Ms Granger?” Snape called, making the girl tense up. She, like Harry, turned
around and looked at their Potions Master.
“Yes, Professor?”
Draco took his chance and made his way to the exit. His left hand brushed along
Harry’s and he left the room quickly. He wasn’t in the mood to face the Boy-Who-Had-Broken-His-Heart
any longer. Plus he had Ancient Runes now.
Snape had seen what Draco’s slight touch had caused and knew that he’d been
right. Emerald green eyes had turned black, almost
burning with lust the moment Draco had touched him. They had turned back to
their normal colour seconds later, but the longing remained. The boy became
restless and looked after Draco.
“Ms Granger, in my office. We have things to discuss.”
Hermione knew what the discussion would be about and hoped Snape wouldn’t yell
too much, or blame her entirely. She looked up at Harry and saw his uneasiness
– maybe he felt awkward because he didn’t know how to deal with Snape after
he’d helped him over the last days so much.
“Go! You’ll be late for your next class!” She said and walked into Snape’s office.
Harry dashed out of the classroom and out of the dungeons. His mental strength
had surrendered and he needed Draco – NOW! Rational thinking was abandoned and
replaced with almost animalistic desires.
The dark-haired boy didn’t know why, but all of a sudden he wanted nothing more
but to be close to his Dragon. His Dragon? Harry
stopped and looked around, hoping he hadn’t spoken aloud. No, he wasn’t his
Dragon, nor anything else to him. Just
simply Draco Malfoy, who had had sex with him.
A shudder ran down the Gryffindor’s spine and he
pressed his hand against his head. Pictures of that night flooded his mind and his
body responded accordingly. His breathing got faster, his knees got weak and the
erection he now sported was inevitable. He remembered details for the first
time and the flashbacks made him feel weak. His knees gave way under his weight
and he sank down to the floor.
The memories changed and he saw a classroom full of pupils. He noticed the
charts hanging from the walls, full of foreign signs. ‘It must be the Ancient
Runes classroom.’ He thought.
Fingers touched his shoulder lightly, but they weren’t Draco’s. Harry growled
dangerously and yanked his hands from his head. In one swift motion he jumped
up and turned around to glare and roar at the person who’d interrupted his
A small group of second years stared at him with fear and tear filled eyes and
tried to hide behind each other. The fear stricken faces made him pause and he growled
an annoyed “What do you want?” instead of hurting the children.
A brave boy tried to explain.
“We just… if… if you’re alright?”
“Yeah.” Harry snarled loudly, making the children jump in unison. He
turned around and stormed off.
Those kids had messed it up. He’d felt Draco. He’d felt him close.
The Gryffindor hurried through the castle to the classroom he’d seen. He mentally
thanked Hermione that she’d dragged him to that class one time, trying to get him
interested in Ancient Runes. It hadn’t worked back then, but now he was grateful
for the attempt.
Harry stopped in front of the classroom door and touched the wood lightly. Old,
worn-out wood was all that separated him from Draco, from satisfaction, from
completeness. He looked around at his surroundings and decided on a secluded
niche that covered him in darkness.
Golden Boy just needed to wait, until class was over. 25 minutes – he could
manage that.
“Ms Granger, I’m not used to people who flout my orders. I stated clearly and
without ambiguity, I think, that you should keep Mr Potter away from Mr Malfoy.
But not only did you ignore me, you did the very opposite and sent him straight
into Mr Malfoy’s bed.”
Hermione lowered her head and stared at her feet. She sat in front of the desk
and hadn’t dared to say a thing since entering the office. They, Hermione and
Snape, had sat in silence for quite a while until the Potions Master had stated
his disapproval clearly.
“I’m sor…I’m sorry, Professor. But, if…”
“No ‘buts’.” Snape bellowed “You need to consider the consequences of your
actions, Ms Granger. What would you have done if Mr Potter had reacted like he
did with Ms Parkinson?”
The girl bit her lower lip and looked up with uneasy eyes.
“I didn’t think of that.” She said in defeat. “I’m sorry, Professor Snape.”
Severus sighed. Without Granger’s initiative, the drug would still work and he
wouldn’t know that Harry was a Temirith. But she’d flouted his orders after all
and that was something he hated.
“Ms Granger, the whole story with Mr Potter puts you in a completely different
light for me. I always expected you to put success above everything else, but I
changed my mind…50 points taken from Gryffindor for not listening to my
orders.” Hermione had expected that much and stared at her shoes again. “55 points for Gryffindor for sparing me a lot of work.”
The girl’s head snapped up and huge doubtful eyes greeted Snape.
“And now get out of my office before I change my mind.”
The Potions Master didn’t even look up from his paperwork when the Gryffindor
stood up and opened the door.
“Thank you, Professor.” He heard and the little know-it-all was gone.
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story turns out shite.
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