Shades of Grey | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 104035 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor do I make any money off this dance in the realm of strangeness and smut |
Chapter 20
Beta'd by the amazing Tenchi. You're the best, woman, and thank you!
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Waking from a nightmare, Severus sat up on the edge of his bed, rubbing his eyes. With what he did on a regular basis, nightmares came with the territory and had for years, so this was nothing new. It didn't mean it wasn't disturbing though. Shaking his head, feeling his heart still hammering in his chest, he sighed. Summoning an elf, he instructed the creature to fix him a cup of the sleepy tea he had concocted then slipped into his robe and headed to the private parlor on this floor. There was always a small fire burning in the fireplace and it had a soothing atmosphere, something he generally needed after those kinds of dreams. So, he planned to sit there for a while, drinking the tea, until he thought he could go back to sleep.
Stepping in, he was surprised to find Lupin there, seated in one of the comfortable chairs in front of the fire, sipping some tea. Nodding to the man when he saw him look in his direction, he took a seat and the cup an elf provided. Sipping the soothing mixture, he relaxed slightly. “Not sleeping well?” He asked, looking at the werewolf.
“As would be expected after all that went on today,” Remus told him with a sigh. He was still slightly off-balance by all that had taken place, though happy with most of it. Looking at Severus, he said, softly, “I wanted to thank you for looking after and taking good care of Harry. Sirius does as well, but you know him. He's just not going to say anything.”
Nodding, Severus told him plainly, “Nothing to thanks us for. We had our own agenda, though it did change. I made a promise I fully plan to keep. This is part of it.”
Taking that in, Remus nodded, understanding. Though, from the sounds of it, everything went above and beyond just keeping a promise. There was one thing that wasn't covered though. Harry had said he wasn't sure what caused it and he was curious. Softly, keeping his tone gentle, he asked, “Why did both of you change your minds? I mean, everyone admitted the real reason you took him. I know it doesn't matter now, but I'm curious.”
Giving an amused snort, Severus said, tone dry, “The major thing was Harry lost his temper with us. You know what people are like when they do that. Things come out of their mouth they don't intend to ever say aloud. That's what happened. Between learning what we did about his home life and other issues, that part—well, it was the turning point. We modified our stance on many things and decided to go from there. Since then, it's changed more to the point you see it now.”
Grinning a little, knowing what Harry's temper was like, Remus couldn't help but chuckle. “Well, it worked out for the best, that's for sure.” Stopping, he looked down then said quietly, “Thank you for taking him to see James and Lily. Sirius and I wanted to, but, well—Albus was insistent that we didn't and others didn't seem to think of it. It's wrong, I know, but with the situation we're both in, we couldn't risk it, especially Sirius.”
“Understood,” Severus told him with a nod, looking dour and adding one more thing to the list of strikes against that old goat. Frankly, it didn't surprise him in the least, but it didn't make it any easier to take either.
Sitting his cup aside, Remus leaned forward and clasped his hands between his spread knees. Shaking his head, he said, softly, “Some of this is hard to fathom. We all thought—well, I'm sure you know. Albus has always been such a beacon to so many. He still is, even with what the Ministry is pulling. This—I'm not sure how to handle it or what to do next time I have to face the man.”
“You'll do what I've had to; swallow it while around him and remember what you're doing is for the best,” Severus schooled. “In this case, it's protecting the one being that is innocent in the mess from being used by him in the worst way imaginable. That's what keeps you going.”
“I'm not sure I can do that, honestly,” Remus admitted. “I'll try. If not, I'll just avoid him all I can. Sirius—well, he's better at it. No doubt there. As its Harry, he'll manage. He'll want revenge though, when it's over.”
“He'll get it. After a fashion,” Severus told him, sipping his tea. “Lucius and I fully plan to make certain everyone knows just what Albus planned for Harry. As we are out and protecting him, it will have some pull so we plan to use it for that purpose.”
“Good,” Remus said, nodding. Staying quiet for a minute, he said, “Harry says he's happy here. From the way he talked, he's had plenty of chances to leave, but didn't. I think, somewhere, I’m a little upset he didn't try to let us know, but I understand why. He says you've both taken good care of him.”
Looking down, Severus wasn't sure what to say about that. Thinking it over, he finally told the man, “I think his word means a great deal to him. Though so many aren't that way, Harry is. He's given it to us and kept it, even if he wanted to contact both of you to let you know he was safe.”
“It is,” Remus conceded, rubbing his eyes. “I'm glad he didn't with what I know now. We, both Sirius and I, would have done something very foolish and put him right back in the hands of the person that plans to make sure he dies for the 'greater good'.” Looking at the other man, he inquired, “Why didn't you say something to us, Severus? I think I understand part of it, but as time went along, you could have.”
“And I would have no more than gotten it out of my mouth then I would have been hexed within an inch of my life by Black,” Sirius smirked, looking at him. “With as emotionally charged as the situation was, I didn't see a way to do that without invoking a God-like wrath down upon myself. We were, I admit, trying to formulate something to work with you both when Lucius came up with this plan today. We just couldn't think of anything that would allow me to make you both listen before spells were thrown.”
Thinking that over, Remus then sighed and gave a reluctant nod. “I understand and you're right. Especially with Sirius. I'm a little angry at being allowed to worry for so long, but it's taken a backseat to the relief of knowing he's safe and well cared for.” Looking down, plucking at his worn robes more as something to do with his hands than anything else, he said, softly, “Harry says you've both bought him everything he could ever want or need. His new wand, Kaliya, clothes, all of it. That—it goes beyond what you have to do, Severus.”
“Most were things that were needed,” Severus explained. “Others—he and Lucius are going to be here without leaving for a long time. Some of what was procured was for that. The rest—I believe, on both our ends, it was a way to make amends for much that was done. He's not Draco in that he wanted anything expensive or fancy, just small things that were easy to get, like books, puzzles and other items. Though, at the time, I don't think we saw it that way, looking back, it probably was part of the motivation.”
Taking that in, Remus thought it over then smiled a little. Chuckling, he said, “I do have to agree with Sirius; a big dog or cat would be far less unnerving than a cobra as a pet!”
Snorting, amused as well, Severus agreed, “Well, yes. However, it's not a purchase any of us regret. It just takes time to get used to Kaliya. I admit that his venom is something I wanted as it can be used for many things. He is, though, a good companion for Harry as they can communicate. It's assisted all of us in many ways. Not to mention it gives Harry a being to talk to about things he's not comfortable doing with Lucius or myself. I think, looking back, that's been a bigger assist in some areas than we thought at the time. You'll get used to him, like we did.”
“Probably, but as I said, don't expect us to be close! I'm not a fan of snakes,” Remus chuckled, grinning. “Especially large venomous ones, no matter how mild-mannered they are.” Stopping, he looked down again, expression growing serious, then he told Severus quietly, “Just take care of him, alright? No one seems to have done that. He's happier than I've ever seen him, even when he was at school. He deserves that after all he's been through.”
“We will,” the Potions Master imparted. “He will be well cared for and have as good of a life as we can provide under the circumstances. Our histories, between all of us, aren't good, we know that. We're working on it, however. As odd as it sounds, Lucius and Harry get along well. Lucius has a way about him when it comes to dealing with Harry that I don't. That helps. You'll see as time goes on.”
Saying nothing, Remus nodded. Yawning, he said, standing, “I'm going back to bed. We still have a lot to work on tomorrow and I don't want to be tired.” Smiling at the other man, he nodded, “Good night, Severus.”
Nodding to Lupin, Severus sipped his tea, feeling more relaxed himself. This was working out well, thankfully.
As a father, Lucius had a routine. At least once a night, from the time Draco was born, he got up to check on his son. Though it was odd, with his son being a teenager, he did the same thing. Draco wasn't around right now, but that same old habit extended to Harry. For a while, at first, it was to ensure no foolishness had taken place. After that, it was just a habit he followed. Over the last two weeks or so, it had been more because he was worried about the young man and his mood. No, he hadn't thought Harry would do something reckless or harm himself, just more out of concern for him. Tonight was the same way, though he knew there was nothing wrong.
Tying up his robe after rising, he walked down the hall a little then poked his head into the young man's room to check on him. That's when he about had a bloody coronary!
Still sleepy like he always was when he performed this particular routine, he was startled by the massive black animal curled up in bed with Harry, the young man's head resting on him, peering in his direction, eyes almost glowing in the dark. Now wide awake, heart hammering in his chest, he gave a huff then pinched the bridge of his nose before hissing, “Black! Are you trying to kill me?”
Shifting back, chuckling, Sirius grinned at him, “No. Didn't expect you to check on him in the middle of the night, Malfoy.” Grabbing his wand, he cast a spell on his sleeping godson so the talking wouldn't wake him. Reaching down, he petted the snake that was curled up by Harry.
Glowering at Sirius, Lucius shook his head. “Why are you sleeping here as a dog anyway?”
Running his fingers through Harry's tousled hair, Sirius shrugged, “I didn't think he would be comfortable with me curled up to him at night like this and I wanted to stay close. So, I went about it that way. Though he doesn't remember, I used to do it when he was small; curl up in his crib with him as Padfoot and he'd sleep with his head resting on me.” Grinning a little at the memory, he said, “Lily used to threaten to hex the fur off my arse every time she caught me doing it, but never did.”
Sighing, Lucius understood and nodded. Pulling a chair over, he seated himself then reached over and stroked Kaliya's head. “Yes, well, I can understand that impulse, though the personality of the dog is probably more amiable than yours!”
“Yeah, James mentioned that more than once,” Sirius grinned, scratching his chin. “Said I should probably make the transformation permanent at times.” Shaking his head, he looked down at the snake then said, “And don't tell me the bloody dog scares you more than coming in to find Harry sleeping with a damned cobra!”
“Well, yes, that did give a few starts at first,” Lucius conceded with a smirk. “And took getting used to. However, I have and it's normal. A big hairy monster peering at me in the dark isn't!”
Grinning at him again, Sirius said nothing.
Huffing, Lucius just shook his head. He could understand why Black was here so he wasn't going to say much. “As you can see, he's fine, well cared for and is not being used. I hope that puts your mind at ease,” he finally said quietly, knowing that was probably part of the reason for him being in the room.
“He is,” Sirius nodded, continuing to stroke his godson's head. “I might even forgive you and not turn your hair pink before I leave for making me worry about him for so long.” Stopping, he looked down at Harry then added, softly, “Though I understand why you both did that by now.”
Fighting the urge to roll his eyes, Lucius huffed again, shaking his head.
Face taking on a serious cast, the animagus looked at Lucius and said, “You were checking on him.”
“Well, yes,” Lucius admitted. “It's an old habit with Draco. Since Harry has been around, it's carried over to him as well.”
Nodding, Sirius continued to look at him. Finally, he said, quietly, “Tell me something, Malfoy; why now? You and Snape said you thought of us to help you, but hadn't come up with a plan until today. Why did it come now? It has to be more than it just hit you.”
Looking at the young man that was sleeping peacefully, a small smile on his face, Lucius shook his head then sighed yet again, “Because he was depressed over the whole debacle with the memory. We assumed he would bounce back, but he didn't. In fact, we were starting to worry about him. I was thinking about that today when the plan hit. Yes, it is something we need and were trying to figure it out, but I assumed it would also assist in this matter as well.”
Looking at Lucius, Sirius thought that over then said, “You care about him.”
“Yes,” Lucius said simply. “It's taken—well, time and being slapped in the face by reality for it to happen, but it has. Once we were all on the same page, we've worked towards getting along. It's still progressing, but its happening.”
“Harry likes you both,” Sirius stated bluntly. “He told me when we were alone he likes being around you two.”
Harry, like he and Severus, wasn't one to say things like that aloud, so it was the first time Lucius had heard it and it pleased him. Nodding, he shrugged, not sure what to say about that.
Staring at Lucius, Sirius said, “He said a lot of things to us in explaining what went on from his end, but the biggest we heard was you're taking good care of him.” Grinning a little, he said, “And there is some spoiling going on.”
“He deserves a little,” Lucius admitted, looking at the other man. “I don't call it that. Most of what we're providing him is basic necessities no one has bothered with or things that needed to be replaced.”
“I suppose for Harry, that seems like being spoiled,” Sirius admitted, looking down at his sleeping godson. Looking at the snake that appeared to be staring at him, he reached out and stroked the creature's head, grinning a little at what even he could tell was a contented hiss. “He adores Kaliya. Says it's like having another friend around.” Shaking his head, Sirius told him, “I don't think I ever would have thought to get him a snake even knowing he could talk to them. I mean, well, I'm not sure what I mean. You did good with that and he adores him.”
Nodding, Lucius said nothing, wondering where this was going.
Sighing, Sirius said, “I guess what I'm trying to say is thanks for taking care of him. You didn't have to, but you have.” Stopping, he looked at Lucius.
“No thanks needed,” Lucius told him simply. “It's a war and he should have no part of it. I divorced my wife then sent her and my son away so they weren’t drawn in. I would be the world’s biggest hypocrite and no better than either side in this debacle if I didn’t do the same thing for Harry. No, that I won't allow to happen. It took time to realize that, but I have.”
“I wondered why you and Cissy divorced,” Sirius said quietly.
“It's the only way I knew how to protect them. If I had gone with them, the Dark Lord would have turned over every rock there was to find us then we all would have paid. No, they need to be safe,” Lucius told him firmly, shaking his head.
“In their place you took on caring for someone that has an even bigger target on him though.”
“I don't think I thought about it exactly that way,” Lucius admitted. Pinching his nose, he then rubbed it before sighing, “Honestly? Severus and I were worried, at least partially, that if Dumbledore manipulated Harry too much he very well could have been driven down the same path the Dark Lord took. We both know it doesn’t take too much of this kind of foolishness to set someone on that path.” Taking his hand away, he looked at the young man sleeping then said, quietly, “With what I've seen since those talks, though, I don't think that would ever happen.”
“No, it wouldn't.” Sirius told him firmly, hugging on his godson the best he could with the position Harry was in. “If it came down to it, Harry would walk to his own death if he thought it would spare others. That's not a choice he should ever have to make.”
“And he won't,” Lucius told him firmly. “He's out of this mess, completely.”
Nodding, Sirius looked down at his godson then asked, changing topics, “Snape's going back to teach this year?”
“For a time, yes,” Lucius told him, nodding. “When he does, it's my thought that I may need your assistance more often. We won't be able to go anywhere, obviously, and will need some help at times. Same with other issues.”
“Whatever you need, all you have to do is say something.” Sirius told him honestly.
“Good, we can start with that now,” Lucius smirked, leaning back, looking at Black, arms folded over his chest.
“How so?” Sirius asked, puzzled, looking at him.
“Tell me what we can get him for his birthday!” Lucius grumped, looking at the young man. Shaking his head, he explained, “Both of us are at a loss as to what he would like. The only thing he's mentioned is some sweets of the Muggle variety. He says he has everything else he wants. Now, well, neither of us know what to get him!”
Looking down at his godson, Sirius sighed, “We don't either usually. What we tend to get him is things he could use or hasn't encountered. He knows so little of our world that things we take for granted and are always around, he's not encountered. Like I said earlier, I was going to give him the mirrors. Maybe something like that you can find. Harry—he just doesn't care much about material things.” Shaking his head, he sighed, “The truth? What I can think of that he might like the best? For all of us to play a game of Quidditch with him or something like that. It's something he would enjoy more than anything else.” Shrugging, he looked at Lucius then said, “Sorry, I'm not much help there. I don't think Remus would do much better with the topic either.”
Sighing and slumping a little, Lucius nodded, “Alright. At least that is a direction to look. I'm sure we can find something he would be able to keep or use.” Shaking his head, he stood, “I'm going back to bed. Next time, though, put a sign on the door that says big furry monster sleeping in here so I don't have a heart attack!”
Grinning at him, Sirius just chuckled.
Smirking, Lucius nodded then left, shutting the door softly behind him.
Still grinning, Sirius shifted back to Padfoot and curled up to his godson, eyes sliding shut.
Lying there, Kaliya watched the interaction between the two men. He was pleased by the whole turn of events that day, actually. For the last couple weeks, since viewing that awful memory, Harry hadn't been himself. He had sunk deeply into himself, depressed, not wanting to talk much. Though the two of them still did, it wasn't like it had been before and the snake didn't know what to do. Nor could he go to Severus or Lucius, both of whom appeared as worried as he was. That was frustrating for him. For the first time in his whole life, he had wished that he could speak to humans in their language to impart to the two that he was worried about Harry.
Slithering closer, seeing the animagus open his eyes and look at him then realize there was no danger and shut them again, Kaliya curled up close to Harry, happy. These two new men brought Harry out of his depression. For that, he would be forever grateful and they would always be in his good graces. They also seemed to love his young man a great deal. More points in their favor. However, Kaliya thought over the issue about talking to Severus and Lucius. The two were good men, the same kind he remembered from his temple that cared for him and his brethren. No, he wanted to be able to speak with them but knew no way for them to learn the serpent tongue. That was something you had to come about a different way. There had to be a way, though, as it had been done before. He knew that he just couldn't remember what it was. Maybe when things calmed down after the two visitors left, he could get Harry to look up some things for him and see if he couldn't figure it out. After all, one never knew when such communication would be needed in the future!
Looking at his young man, he hissed, “Never fear, Harry, the ones close to you will always be safe around me. You and I will also figure out your problems with the help of the others. I think, mayhap, there may be a way. I'm just going to need your help.” Hissing softly, what he did to help Harry calm down to sleep most nights, Kaliya lay there thinking over the problem.
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