There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
"Enough, Sev." Terius yawned. "It's catching. We've got about five minutes, give or take." He turned weary eyes to Theo. "You cannot let him continue in this vein much longer."
"I know." Theo bent to pick up Harry, hefting him easily in his arms. "I will take care of-"
"I—we—understand." Terius murmured. "Do what you must, before this situation goes out of hand. It will do him more harm than good if you-"
"Thank you." Theo interrupted. "Goodnight, Teacher, Professor."
Harry woke in a tangle of despair and muted emotions. He felt the artificial fog lifting somewhat as the rest of him processed that he was curled up to Theo and currently warm and comfortable. He wriggled around for a moment, waiting for the rest of himself to catch up to speed. The previous night's events came back to him in neat snatches, here and there.
He tried to sit up, only to find himself trapped—as usual—by Theo's heavy arms. He scowled. How dare he-! It was starting to frustrate him, the little things like this. The night's events remained perfectly ingrained in his head and all he could think and see was a mixture of confusion and helplessness. Snape had drugged him with a weird calming draught. Terius hadn't answered all his questions and even Theo hadn't been able to answer some of them!
Harry huffed, working on concentrating on moving Theo's arm. The concentration paid off when he managed to slip out from the steady weight and out from under the covers and off the bed. A self-satisfied air came to him and he stepped out to find the bathroom. He fumed through the routine of taking care of business and washing his face and hands with soothing, cool water.
None of them had any right to drug him, to order him around and to treat him like a little kid. They didn't understand! None of them! They didn't know what it was like to be without any kind of magic. They didn't have any clue how he felt. They didn't even try to understand what it was like to be in his shoes and dealing with scales, claws and then there was the whole thing of being extinct—yet other Dragels were all but falling out of the woodwork—and then he'd gotten himself tangled up with Theo.
Yes, Theo. Harry thought, darkly.
It'd been nice at first, after all, he'd just craved having the closeness, the gentle affection and the company. It'd been hard to get along since Hermione, Ron and the others had slipped into their own little world. It was hard since Sirius was gone and of course, Remus was always off on Order business, it wasn't like he could write him the kind of letters that Sirius had allowed. Then of course, there was Dumbledore—the old wizard seemed hellbent on manipulating his life for the rest of whatever few years he had.
Harry snorted.
The years would be few.
Voldemort hadn't done anything yet for this year. That meant that something big was sure to happen fairly soon. Harry could practically taste the bitterness that would come from a fight he couldn't yet win. That stupid prophecy echoed in his head, one line haunting him a little more than the others. Sometimes it seemed as if dying might just solve all his problems—but with his luck, Harry could only think that the afterlife might be worse—especially if death could no longer present itself as an option.
He shut off the taps and swabbed his face dry with clean, fluffy towel.
The reflection staring back at him seemed to hold every ounce of distress he felt.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! He chanted in his head. Why had he thought that anything could be different? He was still just as much of a freak as he'd always been and only now, was it causing him a bigger headache than usual.
Harry yanked open the bathroom door and stalked forward into a very bare, very warm and very solid chest.
The scent told him it was Theo, but the figure standing before him shimmered brilliantly in every inch of Dragel glory.
His breath caught in his throat as Theo reached for him, clawed hands wrapping firmly around his wrists and pulling him forward.
"Hey!" Harry protested, straining against the pull. "W-wha—let me go!"
"I will not. You are doing it again." Theo's voice took on a deep, musical quality, sharp in its deliberate tones. "I wasn't going to push you, but this is it. I can't overlook this. After everything that is in front of you, still you cannot accept what you are?"
"I-I'm not-!"
"I want an answer, Harry!"
"I don't have one!" Harry jerked against the strong grip once more. "And I don't have to answer to you! Let go of me! What part of that is so hard to understand?"
"The part where you are left to your own devices and that morbid train of thought that threatens to ruin everything that we've made so far."
"There isn't any 'we'!" Harry snapped. "This was all a mistake. This entire-!"
Theo hissed. His lips curled back and twin, wicked points gleamed. "A mistake?" He whispered.
His dark voice curled through the air and Harry felt it wrapping around him like chains of displeasure, anchoring him to the floor where he didn't dare move. He'd never seen Theo like this. Never. He hadn't known that Theo could look like this, more reptilian than human, covered in those dark, chocolate-colored scales, with flickers of gold, his sleep pants riding low on his hips, his eyes full-on-gold, bearing the trademark slit-eyed pupils. Harry swallowed. "Yes." He shot back, fiercely. "A mistake! That's what all of this has-"
Theo released one hand and jerked him forward, down and along the hallway to where the bedroom was.
Harry stumbled after him, a sudden new fear sprouting inside of him. He'd crossed an invisible line—a line he hadn't even thought would be there.
Theo simply dragged him through the doorway and then turned around to lock and bolt the door, before he pushed Harry up against it. "You may not have known what you were doing, a week ago." He whispered, leaning in to speak directly into Harry's ear. "You may not have had a clue what you were doing, but if your Dragel side had not accepted—had not cried for this—it would not have happened. This." His formerly free hand wrapped around Harry's throat and his claws lengthened even further, one, long, clawed finger scraping along the tattooed claiming mark. "This is proof." He hissed. "This is proof that you are alive—this is proof of who—what you are. You cannot deny this."
"Yes, I can!" Harry forced the words out, even as the hand 'round his throat squeezed gently. "This is all just a-"
"Enough." The kiss that followed was harsh and punishing, demanding everything and taking what it desired.
Harry felt his body grow rigid as his arms were twisted up above his head and Theo's patience broke. He couldn't move, he couldn't protest and just the thought of resisting, hurt deeply.
When he couldn't breathe, Theo finally drew back, allowing him the few precious breaths. The dark, golden eyes smoldered with an unearthly flame that only added to the ethereal figure intent on claiming him.
And he would be claimed.
Another bruising kiss seemed to suck the very life from him and Harry whimpered.
There would be no way to escape this final fate.
Fear was a mundane reaction, he discovered.
Harry found himself falling into a realm where it seemed like time itself, had stopped. He didn't know anything, but that which was in front of him, he didn't care of anything, but that which was happening to him. He was free and bound in the same instant. The body pressed tight against him, preventing all movement, anchoring him this moment, yet the sensations rippling over him coaxed forth, a freedom he'd never known.
Every harsh kiss was punctuated by softer, gentle brushes of the lips on his eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead and a few times, a hot, wet tongue laved over that cursed scar.
When the hand holding his wrists tightened, Harry didn't fight the kiss that claimed him next. He parted his lips of his accord and titled his head with what limited movement he could, allowing Theo the access he demanded and trying to give freely, what was taken.
Shame and guilt welled up, from somewhere deep inside and Harry found himself wishing the nightmare would end. He'd have to let this happen. Then he could get his revenge later. Yes, that was a good plan.
At that point, he heard a growl—an animalistic snarl—and suddenly he was yanked from the hard wooden door and thrown towards the bed at the center of the room.
Pain rippled down his spine and shoulders and the sound of ripping fabric alerted him to the fact that his pyjama jacket was no more—and that his wings had finally come out without his express consent. He felt the rest of his body shifting and morphing to take on the Dragel characteristics that were his own. The fall had knocked the wind from him, but Harry didn't have a moment to recover.
Theo's eyes glowed as he approached, the tangible power in the air, all but crackling with each ominous step. The room grew dark inside, as if all light slipped away from within and swirled up and into the darkened figure approaching him.
Harry felt his heart skip one beat, two beats and then, he was pinned to the softness of the bed and his lips were claimed once more even as he whined low in his throat.
Snatches of sensation trickled over him.
When Theo pinned his arms above his head again. When Theo settled his weight just right on his lower half, grinding their groins together. When claws scraped along his chest, cutting close to one pebbled nipple and traveling further up to rake trails of thin fire along his throat. When his pyjama bottoms were removed. When his pants shortly followed. When Theo's hot tongue connected with one, stiff nipple. When the coldness of the room only enhanced the blazing fire of Theo's body.
Any protests he might have made—thought to make—or wished to make, were swallowed in hungry, possessive kisses.
Stealing his breath one moment and his sanity the next, Harry felt himself slipping away.
There was no mistake that tonight would be fulfilled in every possible way.
The gentleness was gone, but the expertise remained.
Theo's hands played over his body with a familiarity Harry couldn't fathom. His body betrayed him in more ways than one He shuddered when he felt those wickedly talented fangs sinking into his skin—deliberate, painful bites that were pressed over his body as if in punishment. A bite, a suck, a lick. Then a kiss. He felt every instant when those fangs slid beneath his skin, biting hard enough to pain and bleed, followed by soft sucking to take a mouthful of blood and then, a lick to close the wounds and a kiss to soothe away any lingering pain.
Within minutes, his body was on fire in more ways than one. Painfully aroused from the well-placed marks and quivering with the healing sting from every bite. Flames ate him alive, consuming him from head to toe. His cries were tearless and soundless as Theo painstakingly tended to him with vicious accuracy.
It sang through every fiber of his being, the very blood in his veins crying out for more, even as his mind protested.
This was not how it was supposed to be.
It isn't! He thought, fiercely. But this was always how it ends up in my li-!
Then he heard it.
An angry roar from above him, so dark, so terrifying and so furious that he shrank back into the soft sheets and covers and wished desperately to be anywhere else, even as his body cried for something he knew not what to give. It screamed at him on a level he could barely comprehend. He only knew that he had done something wrong and it was never to be done again.
The roar seemed to deafen him.
A numbness stole over his body. A chill followed at once.
Something in the back of his mind, stirred. It pushed away at the feeble thought constructs in his consciousness and burrowed deep within the shadows of his mind, searching, seeking for something.
A breath of fresh air came with the settling of his thoughts and Harry felt the hot, burning hands trailing and stroking over his body. He arched upwards into the firm strokes as those wicked, wicked hands slipped down below his waist to that place where he desperately hoped that they would not go. Humiliation crawled over him as those hands slipped between his legs and fondled what was there. Cupping his balls, squeezing that warmed length, the hands tended to him with erotic thoroughness. Firm, sure tugs brought him to completion in short order.
Harry gave a silent scream as his body seized and spasmed, arching off the bed as his wrists were now released from the tight grip. He couldn't move of his own accord, it was as if his body reacted purely on instinct. He was no longer in control. He didn't think he should be. He didn't feel that he had to be.
Those deep, golden eyes burned into him, the searing gaze seemingly to coax the fire running through his body to burn brighter and hotter with every passing second. When one slender, fingered hand was presented to his mouth, Harry sucked them in and coated them as generously as he could, suckling every soft fingertip and joint.
The mental fog was clearing—slowly.
In the back of his mind, that something pushed a little harder, tearing down at the carefully built walls to coax forth a hidden secret behind.
When the first finger entered him, Harry didn't know it.
His cock twitched in interest, his body singing and humming with the promise of more pleasure to come.
His mind trapped him in the haze of confusion and desperation, urging him to dive deeper into the tangled mess he desperately wanted to avoid, forcing him to acknowledge the torrid mass of chaos.
A slight, stinging burn, registered when Harry was conscious of the fingers twisting and stroking inside of him. Harry squirmed, instinctively, at the sudden, intimate intrusion of those talented fingers. They lazily explored within him and suddenly, brushed against on hyper-sensitive bundle of nerves.
It brought the first, audible gasp to his parted lips.
Theo swallowed the sound, hungrily, nipping along his jaw.
A thin strip of fire sprouted along the left side of his stomach and the scent of blood in the air, darkened.
Harry felt Theo's fingers trace through the wound and then lightly dance across his stomach, accompanied by a burning tingle reminiscent of Madam Pomfrey's healing magic. A cool tingle flickered inside him.
A lubricant spell, possibly.
One powerful wave of magic washed over him as Theo entered him in one full stroke, pausing just for a fraction of a second.
That was all he needed.
Harry cried out as the the last bit of wall crumbled away.
The barriers ripped apart and the crying, aching spirit burst forth.
Harry felt it as hot tears streaming down his face and a fierce, wild power that sang through his veins.
Cleansing, purifying and healing as they spilled forth, freely, the tears gave him the final release.
He willed his arms to move, desperately.
They did, strengthened by this new, strange energy.
He reached upwards for that beautiful, terrifying figure and slid his arms around the warm, scaled shoulders, feathering by the strong, fluttering wings, pulling Theo closer to him. His eyelids fluttered shut as Theo kissed and licked away every tear, even as they continued to birth and fall. He felt those fangs graze along his collarbone once more and he stilled, obediently, head tipping to the side to grant access to what his dominant sought.
When those fangs slid into the sensitive skin of his claiming mark, Harry screamed through his second climax.
A soothing rumble calmed him and Harry was lost in a sea of pleasure as another wave of magic rippled through the room. He felt the tattoo burn as it had when Theo had first healed it, this time, the burn was ten times worse and the bite the deepest one yet.
Harry squeezed his eyes shut as he felt something presented to his lips. He opened his mouth and gave a lick to the smooth skin offered. A purr of happiness slipped out as he bit into the proffered limb and felt the magic swirling around them, rearrange and bind them both.
The word echoed in his mind.
"Mine!" Theo growled, meaningfully. "You are mine. Mine to take, to claim in any way whenever and however I please. Mine to hurt, to heal, to keep, to punish, to protect and to destroy. Know this, mate. You will never fight me on this—because you belong to me. I am just as much yours as you are mine. Always!"
"Mine." Harry whispered in answer. "Yours." The hot tears continued to come and Harry gave himself over to Theo's care as the magnificent, sweat-slicked body shuddered and climaxed within him. Another burst of warmth and pure, raw power rippled through him and Harry knew that no matter what came or happened next, Theo would forever remain in his very soul, as his first. His one and only. His.
Warmth. Safety. Acceptance. Freedom.
To be so thoroughly claimed, left no inkling of any doubt in his mind.
This was what he had wanted.
This was what had been missing.
This was what he'd craved.
The heartcry that ripped from his throat echoed throughout the room, shaking the very walls of the dungeons.
Harry blacked out.
The rest of the weekend was a bit of a blur—a rather erotic blur—but quite frankly, a blur just the same. Theo gentled after that first, harsh lesson and they made love so many times that Harry lost count. The things he learned and the things he craved were precious, dark secrets he tucked away for later. There was something deliciously satisfying about every tender caress and every painful twinge that Theo drew from him with painstaking accuracy.
It was just what he wanted, just when he needed it.
Theo healed him several times over. Harry vowed to learn the blood spell himself as he lost to the sensations of pleasure and pure, unadulterated lust. His Dragel self was more aware and outspoken than he had ever expected.
Power, Theo had simply explained.
Harry liked that answer quite a bit, so they went for another round. Hips grinding upwards and hips grinding down. Kiss-swollen lips meeting in a clash of tongues, teeth and blood. There was nothing really civilized about it, but there was nothing lacking from it either.
A/N: Harry's got his head together now. Wonderful! This scene was important for two reasons-Harry needing to accept his real Dragel self (He is obviously not human anymore and this conflict has been causing him half of the trouble right now)
Q: I need to use Cho later in the future, so I bumped her down a year, seeing as this is AU. Guess I forgot to mention that--thanks for pointing it out. :) It hasn't been mentioned yet who attacked Draco. Ron, the Twins and Hermione are not looking for Harry for a few reasons---Ron is preoccupied with Lavender and Hermione, The twins are busy with arranging for Harry to come visit them and see Charlie at The Burrow and Hermione herself, is having some issues with hearing voices and thinking she's going crazy.
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