No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Pittwitch. My beta, my saviour. Thank you.
Chapter 21 Speculations
“Sky.” Severus spoke softly, not wanting to startle her.
Her head whipped round to face him and her eyes were misted. “Severus.” She said. “This is her, the elf. Her name’s Kali.”
The Potions Master moved to sit next to Sky. When he was seated, he looked at the elf.
“Kali? I know for a fact that the name you gave when you brought the Headmaster’s message was not Kali.”
“No Sir. I is saying Effy. for the Miss’ sake.”
“So it was Effy. But why did you give a different name?”
“To see if the Miss is remembering. I has to know.”
He looked at Sky.
“Effy? Kali? Kali doesn’t ring any bells but Effy does. I just don’t know why. Please Effy, tell me.”
The little elf wrung her hands together as she looked at Sky. The elf’s big brown eyes were glassy with unshed tears.
“My name is Kali, Miss, but when you is a baby you not able to say my name. Kali was yous elf nanny. But you is not able to say that either so you calls me Effy instead of elf nanny.”
“You were my nanny? You knew me when I was a baby?”
“Oh yes Miss, from the day you is borned. Kali is loving you so much. Was heartbroken when you goes.”
Severus’ mouth was open in amazement. “You were her nanny? So what happened. Why was she taken and why did you not follow her? If you were her nanny you must be bound to her. You should have been able to find her.”
“Dark magic, sir, very dark magic. The bond was broken when she is taken. How I’s not knowing. Kali is being spelled to sleep. Only sees red light and boom. The Miss is no more. So Kali is coming to the Shannon to be killed, my punishment for not protecting the Miss. But Shannon she is saying, I is not to blame. So I stays here. But I not forgetting. I is never forgetting. The Shannon is telling me that you is living in the wall. The Founders’ wall but I is not allowed to come to you. I‘s must wait.”
“So you knew my parents. Where are they? Why didn’t they come for me? Where are they now?”
Severus put a hand on Sky’s arm. “Slow down a little Sky. She can only answer one question at a time.
Then he turned to the elf. “Kali. The Headmaster is expecting us to show our faces in the Great Hall for lunch. Would you mind returning after? Then we can discuss this properly.”
“No Severus.” Sky pleaded. “I want to know now. Please.”
“Sky, this is a big shock to youa And I have a feeling that what we are about to find out will be an even bigger shock. As curious as I am, it is best you allow what Kali has told us to sink in and then we can get some more answers.”
“Kali will ask the Shannon how the bond is been broken. Maybe she is knowing.” The elf winked out with a pop before Sky could argue further.
“It’s not fair.” Sky raged, rising to her feet and pacing the room. “You had no right to send her away. She could have told me so much.”
Severus stood and went to her, taking hold of her shoulders and holding her in front of him, his eyes connecting with hers.
“I have not sent her away, and you shall get your answers. But as I have already stated, you need time to let this sink in. I do not know what the elf will tell us but whatever it is, it is going to cause you a great deal of emotional pain. You need to prepare yourself for that.”
“Severus, most of my life has been pain, it’s nothing new. I want to know.”
“It is new. Yes, you have suffered greatly. I know that. But this is a different kind of pain, Sky, a pain much closer to home. This is about you, your past, the why and wherefores of your very existence. And this time you will not be alone. I intend to take this journey with you, all the way.”
He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. He knew she was struggling with her emotions, trying to hold them in, not allowing herself to let go. It was probably for the best. He had a feeling there would be a great many tears this afternoon. Severus led her to the sofa and gently eased her into it.
“Wait here, I shall only be a moment.”
He hurried to the bathroom and rifled through the cabinet for a bottle of calming potion, grabbed it and hurried back into the bedroom.
“Here. Drink this. it will help you.”
Sky snatched the potion from him and drank without even looking to see what it was. But it had the desired effect and within seconds she was calm and had a slightly distant look in her eyes. The potion was one of his own brews and rather strong. Normally, he would dilute it but she had a lot ahead of her today. He also thought she would find it difficult entering the Great Hall. The drugged appearance would not last long but it would give him time to get her settled in the hall for lunch before it started to wear off some. Severus placed the empty bottle on the mantle and turned to her with his hand out.
“Come on. Let’s go eat.”
She took his hand and allowed him to lead her through the dungeon corridors and into the main hall. There were a great many eyes directed their way by students also making their way to lunch, but none dared say anything in front of the Potions Master.
As soon as they thought he was out of earshot, the whispers began. The fact that Professor Snape was leading a beautiful young woman by the hand was enough to make some of the girls almost swoon. The fact he was looking at her with what appeared to be something akin to tenderness shocked them. Add to that the fact that Sky looked as though she were under the imperus, and the speculation went haywire.
But Severus continued as if the students did not exist as he led her to the doors that led into the Great Hall. He removed her hand from his and tucked it into his arm. Then they walked between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables to the dais where the teachers’ table was situated.
He led her to their seats and sat her between the Headmaster and himself. Immediately, Minerva leaned forward from the other side of Albus.
“Sky. It’s so nice to have you back with us.”
Sky didn’t answer. She just sat staring blankly in front of her. Severus answered for her.
“She has had a big shock Minerva and I had to give her a strong calming potion. Give her a few minutes and she will begin to come around.”
“Is this something to do with what we discussed earlier, Severus? Has she discovered the name of the person who sent that letter?”
“No Albus, not the letter. The elf. I shall explain it to you later. Perhaps if you were to join us after lunch. We have a house elf that will hopefully be providing us with some answers.”
“Maybe I should come too.” Minerva piped up. She was dying to know what was going on. “A female presence may be a comfort to the poor girl.”
“Thank you Minerva but it will not be necessary. We have everything under control.”
Professor MacGonagall frowned at Severus. She hated being left out of the loop but the Potions Master made it clear that her presence would not be welcomed.
The students’ chatter was centred mostly on Sky and the Potions Master. Among the various speculations were that Professor Snape drugged the young woman and was keeping her in his dungeon rooms for his own pleasure. The glazed eyes and blank expression on her face added to the fact he was holding her hand and keeping her close to him confirmed their suspicions.
Sky’s head slowly began to clear. The sea of faces in front of her gradually came into focus. Severus noticed and gave her hand a squeeze under the table.
“You have decided to join us then.” he whispered in her ear.
She gave a small shiver when his warm breath travelled down her neck and turned to him. “Hmm? Severus. What happened?”
“I gave you a calming draught. A rather strong one I‘m afraid. You were out of the loop for a while but I thought it would help you.”
That was when she realised where she was and stiffened slightly as she realised where she was. “Severus I … I can’t … do this.”
“Yes, you can. You have nothing to be afraid of and I am here with you. All you need to do is eat your lunch. Everything will be fine.”
“But they all know.”
“They know nothing, Sky. It was almost three years ago. Those that do remember will not even recognise you now. They are all wondering who you are. The rumour amongst them at the moment is that I have you drugged and am keeping you incarcerated as my own personal concubine. I quite like the idea actually.” He told her with a slight smirk.
“Your what? What’s a concubine?”
He leaned in to whisper in her ear again. “My personal whore.”
Her eyes widened as her mouth fell open and her face turned beet red. “But I’m not. Why would they think that? Severus, they can’t think that.”
“Would you prefer they know the truth? That you are the one who is insatiable.”
“I am not. I don’t want to talk about this any more.”
When the students saw the Potions Master smile at something the new woman said they were shocked. None of them had ever seen him smile before, and many of the older female students got an instant crush on the Professor when they saw it.
Sky kept her head down, too embarrassed to look at anyone now.
Severus was pleased with her reaction. At least it distracted her from the fear of being in the Great Hall. Though when he noticed the dreamy eyed looks he was now receiving from the sixth and seventh year female students he scowled and glared at the them all. Sky jumped when she heard the ting-ting of a glass at the side of her. The hall fell silent and the Headmaster stood.
“Boys and girls. I shall not keep you from you lunch. I know you are all hungry. But I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new guest. She will be residing with us for the foreseeable future and I hope you will all treat her with respect. Please welcome Sky.”
Sky’s face took on a look of panic when she realised what the Headmaster was doing and she grabbed Severus’ hand tightly. He thought his fingers were going to break and he winced.
“Sky calm down. It is normal practice to introduce anyone new to the school. Just stand and take a bow, then you can forget about it.”
“No. I’m not. I don’t want to.”
She kept her face fixed firmly on her plate as Severus tried to urge her to stand. The students and staff were clapping and looking at her, waiting for her to rise. In the end, Severus had to stand and place a hand under her arm, practically dragging her into a standing position. There were a lot of cheers and quite a few wolf whistles from the male students when Sky was finally on her feet. Severus did not like anyone whistling at his woman and his eyes scanned the room, locating the offending students and scowling at them blackly. The whistling soon stopped but to Sky, it felt as if the cheering and clapping was going on forever. She felt very uncomfortable. Her stone began to glow, a soft pale yellow light emanating from it. But as the cheers and clapping went on the stone glowed brighter and brighter, spreading out and covering her until it appeared that she was the one glowing so brightly that no one could look at her. The clapping and cheering faded and turned to gasps as the glow became brighter.
Severus relaxed his grip and lowered her to her seat, before reseating himself. The bright yellow light quickly faded and disappeared back into the stone as Severus held her hand under the table, his thumb rubbing small circles across the back of it as he watched her.
“Sky. What just happened?”
“Don’t know. Was scared. Not like.” She choked out.
Severus narrowed his eyes at the Headmaster who was now seated and staring at Sky with the same curiosity as everyone else in the hall.
“Albus, I do not think that was a very good idea. She was not ready for it.”
“Yes, so I see. I am sorry Sky. I did not mean to embarrass you. We have always welcomed new staff and guests this way. I should perhaps have made an exception in your case. I promise you they will soon forget about this. You will be a novelty for a day or two and then they will find something or someone else to occupy their thoughts.”
His eyes twinkled merrily then. “Though I must admit, you have certainly given us all quite a show with that glow of yours. How did you do that?”
Severus answered for her. “It was an involuntary reaction, Albus. She had no control over it. The stone reacts to her moods and is extremely protective of her. Perhaps we could eat now and turn the attention away from her.”
“Yes of course. Once again Sky, I offer my apologies.”
The Headmaster waved his hand and food appeared on the tables. The chatter resumed and Severus encouraged her to eat. Sky wasn’t sure she wanted to eat any more but when her stomach let out a loud grumble she picked up her knife and fork and began to eat, concentrating solely on her food while she tried not to think about what just happened.
Severus watched her from under his lashes for a while. “Are you alright?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I just wasn’t expecting it. I don’t like it when everyone is looking at me.”
“So I noticed. That was quite a show you put on.”
She smiled a little. “I suppose it was. I didn’t do it on purpose though.”
“I know that. Still, you certainly brightened the place up for a while. Our charms Professor looks positively envious.”
“Who? Why?”
“Professor Flitwick, our charms teacher. Even he could not put on a display like that when he decorates the trees at Christmas time. I dare say he will want to speak with you at some time as regards your own charms knowledge.”
Sky looked down the table to see who Severus was referring to and saw a tiny man sitting on a pile of cushions atop his chair.
“Is he safe sitting like that?”
Severus struggled to hold back a smile. “He has never toppled off to my knowledge. Though I cannot say it has never happened.”
Sky suddenly had a vision in her mind of the charms Professor falling off his pile of cushions and started to giggle. The sound of her laughter brought quite a few looks her way but only Severus knew why she was laughing. She had thrown him the vision as it came to her and it took all of his willpower not to laugh along with her. It would not do for anyone to see him looking cheerful, that was reserved for Sky in the privacy of their rooms. And, he was thinking of rooms.
“Have you finished.” Severus asked when Sky put down her knife and fork and rubbed her stomach.
“Yeah I’m full to bursting. What about you?”
“I have eaten sufficiently. Are you ready to return and meet your past?”
Sky’s eyes darkened. She couldn’t believe she forgot about meeting the elf after lunch.
“I don’t know Severus. But there’s only one way to find out.”
He stood and pulled out her chair so she could stand. Taking her arm, he turned to the Headmaster.
“Albus. We are returning to our rooms, when you are ready.”
“I’m ready now, Severus.”
Sky looked at the Headmaster puzzled and turned her attention to Severus.
“I invited the Headmaster to meet the elf along with us. I thought perhaps he would be able to help piece things together if it becomes complicated.”
She nodded. Sky would have preferred not to have the Headmaster there but if Severus thought it was best she wasn’t going to argue about it. When Sky realised they were going to walk the length of the hall, she halted.
“Hold up your head, Sky.”
She looked at Severus. “But they’re all looking.”
“Of course, you are a beautiful young woman, and you are on the arm of the feared Potions Master of Hogwarts. What do you expect?”
“So it’s not just me who experienced your … meaner side?”
“It is not. Though you have experienced me on a much more personal level then any person I have known, or ever will.”
Sky was about to make a comment when she realised they were out of the Great Hall and almost at the entrance to the dungeon corridor.
“It was not the ordeal you expected?”
“What?” She asked, looking at him.
“Leaving the hall. Walking past the stares.”
“No it wasn’t. To be honest I’m surprised to find us here.”
“I know.” he told her smugly and earning himself a small poke in the ribs.
“Don’t do that again.” He tried to scowl at her but in fact the poke had tickled and caused him to smile involuntarily.
Sky noticed and decided to save this bit of information for another time. She stood back with Albus as Severus lowered the wards on their rooms and unlocked the door. Sky could have quite easily have just opened the door without doing anything but she knew it rankled him so she waited.
She was becoming nervous now, wondering what Effy was going to reveal. The calming potion was still in effect but not enough to keep her totally at ease. They entered the study and Sky plonked herself on the sofa. Albus took the chair opposite Sky while Severus went to his liquor cabinet and removed a bottle of brandy and three glasses. He figured they would need a stiff drink, regardless of the time of day. The elf appeared with a pop and stood in front of Sky, staring at her with eyes full of wonder.
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