Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
Thank you fro your reviews and rates. You made my day. Lately it's very stressful for me and I'm glad I can update today.
Characters: Yorik, Darius, Hermione, Draco, Neville, Calan, Toric, Radgar, Noah, Lars
Pairings: Toric/Radgar/Hermione Draco/Calan Neville/Noah/Lars
Warnings: threesome
Chapter 21 - Radgar
Hermione smiled from ear to ear and a big weight was lifted from her chest.
Darius chuckled again. “Come on, your beta will be worried by now.”
Hermione stood and kissed Darius on his cheek. “Thank you, Darius.”
“No, thank you, pup.”
When Hermione stepped into the lounge again, Yorik was sniffing her all over. She rolled her eyes and let him finish his sniffing because she knew he needed it to calm down. “Satisfied?”
Yorik grunted. “What have you done in there that’s taken you so long?”
“There are more things to do than have sex, Yorik,” Hermione said and pushed him away a bit.
Yorik looked at Darius who stood grinning in the door frame to the long hall.
Hermione looked around and tried to keep Darius’ words in mind. They were her harem boys, and she would decide which one she would choose to try out and reward. Yes, that was a much better way to see it, and she didn't hide behind Yorik anymore.
“Let’s go in the spa. It's so boring. It's stupid that they don't let us outside. I would so like to show you the yard and the forest,” Draco said.
“Severus says it's because of the Splinters they had cast out. They say it is too dangerous right now,” Neville answered while they headed to the spa.
Draco waved his hand. “Stupid excuses. They just don't want Hermione out of the house. The forest is full of scouts. There would be no real danger.”
“I really would like to leave the house at least for an hour,” Hermione said dreamily.
“Then ask Fenrir about it, Hermione. He will allow it if you are good at convincing him.”
“You’re stupid, Draco,” Hermione retorted, bumping Draco's shoulder.
In that moment they stepped into the spa. Three pools were occupied. Tara was in the adult pool with Roland and some other dominants of her pack. She was too occupied to see them, and they quickly tried to get as far away from the adult pool as possible, so as to not give them any ideas. In another pool, a couple was relaxing. They were from Ages’ clan and Hermione had seen them a few times, and even had spoken to Lara a bit. She was nice and waved to her when she passed their pool.
The other occupied pool was full of warriors. “Want to play a bit?” Draco asked his friends. Hermione had become much calmer and easy going lately and Neville also liked to have sex since his first changing. The chances were good that they felt like joining the warriors as well. Draco was correct; they both nodded eagerly. He grinned happily. Life had become so much more fun since Hermione and Neville joined the clan.
“Hey, boys,” Draco said while he pulled his shirt over his head. “Want some company?”
“Always,” Calan replied, grinning. “We are lucky that three of our subs feel up for some fun, aren't we, guys?” he asked his fellows, who straightened to make room for the subs climbing into the pool.
Draco went over to Calan and kissed him eagerly. “Whoa, let me breathe, baby.”
Neville went over to one of the two guys Hermione had only seen two times in the warrior lounge. She could remember that they were Noah and Lars. They were still very young. Noah had dark hair and almost no facial hair, and Lars had curly straw-blond hair.
Hermione smiled shyly at Radgar, who sat beside Toric. She didn’t dare approach them. She always tried to see them as her harems boys now, but sometimes she was still much intimated by them and a bit scared.
Toric happily pulled her into his arms. “Hey, pup, I missed you. Three days of night shift and now you reward me with you presence.”
Hermione giggled and kissed Toric.
“What do you think about me introducing you to Radgar? You were quite interested in him when you saw him for the first time, weren't you?” He chuckled when she blushed and looked shyly sideways to the grinning Radgar.
“Yes, I have that feeling as well, pup,” Radgar answered as he scooted closer. “Do I get a kiss as well?” He smiled a winning smile at Hermione, and she melted away. He kissed wonderfully and demandingly, but still just as sweet. When his hand sneaked over her spine down to her bum, the fire in her chest and sex started to burn and her surroundings started to fade. She was used to that feeling now and enjoyed it. Only Radgar and Toric counted now. She was straddling Toric when Radgar started to circle her. He was sucking on her neck while his hands wandered over her hips and down her thighs.
Toric, meanwhile, was fondling her breasts, and she leaned, moaning, backwards against Radgar's broad chest. His erection was poking her in her lower back, and she was quickly pulled out of the fog in her mind because it felt unnaturally large. Her mind took over and she tried to reach behind her to feel his member. Too bad Radgar anticipated her move and grabbed her hand before she reached her goal. “Relax, pup.”
“Relax. You will enjoy it, pup,” Toric said and distracted Hermione by twisting her nipples.
Radgar's hand sneaked around her and started to fondle her between her legs, and then he pushed two fingers into her sex. All doubt was gone and the lovely fog was back in her head. She moaned shamelessly and relaxed completely between the two warriors.
Radgar pulled Hermione tight against him and lifted her off Toric, who quickly jumped out of the pool to get some lube. Radgar distracted Hermione by nibbling and biting her neck and continuing to pump his fingers into her. When Toric came back, they turned Hermione around, and the pup was putty in their hands.
Hermione snuggled against Radgar's broad chest. He was all muscles, and he smelled so manly and powerful. Her lower lips rubbed against his big erection, but every time Radgar and Toric realized that her human mind took over, they increased their efforts in pleasuring her.
Toric's fingers were opening her rear entrance for his member and soon he was balls deep into her. Hermione was rubbing herself shamelessly over Radgar and made whimpering sounds until the black man took her hips and positioned her over his cock. When she pushed down, she stopped, instantly shocked. Toric immediately reached around her and played with her clit while Radgar prevented her from lifting off of his monster cock. Hermione was surprised. That cock could give Ages’ cock a run for its money.
Her breath came in short gasps as she tried to relax.
“Calm down, pup. Radgar won't move before you are ready for him to go deeper.”
“It's too big.”
“You had the Head Alpha’s dick in your pussy, pup. Radgar's should be no problem with a bit of relaxing and time.” Toric spoke encouragingly in her ear, and Radgar softly stroked her sides with his thumbs while he held her in place.
Slowly, Radgar pushed upwards and watched Hermione closely. Every time she screwed her face up, he stopped and gave her time to adjust. Toric didn't move either and just played with her clit and nipples. When she was finally seated completely, she laid down on Radgar's chest, exhausted.
“You could have warned me.”
Radgar chuckled. “And rob me of the chance to show you that it can work and be pleasurable? No way. You would have never let me try it, if you had known from the beginning, pup.”
Toric started to slowly pump into her rear and when she started to relax more and moan softly, Radgar started to move as well. First, it took a few thrusts to get Hermione to lube up completely but then he could move easily, and Hermione started to enjoy it. She lifted her head from his chest and moaned shamelessly.
“Oh god, please, go deeper, Radgar. Please.”
Radgar chuckled and obeyed.
Toric, meanwhile, leaned over and whispered in Hermione's ear. “Do you still remember I'm here as well, or did you forget about me?”
Hermione moaned and turned her head to capture Toric's lips in a kiss. “You are fantastic!”
Toric chuckled and increased his pace.
Hermione melted between the two men, who began pumping faster and harder at her request. She ran her fingers over Radgar’s muscled chest. Her fingernails danced lightly over his nipples and the dominant moaned appreciatively as he thrust even harder inside of her. The thickness and length of his cock was stretching Hermione to the limit. Coupled with Toric in her backside, she felt as if she’d nearly split in two. Hermione gasped as Radgar’s rugged thickness dragged repeatedly over her g-spot.
The dominants shared glances between each other to play with each part of the pup alternately to bring her more pleasure. They wanted nothing more than to make this a memorable experience for the revered pup.
Radgar observed Toric gritting his teeth with the effort to hold off blowing inside of the gorgeous pup. With a slight nod he attacked Hermione’s mouth with renewed fervor and possessed her completely from the front.
Hermione gasped his name into his mouth and felt herself beginning to tighten around the exquisite feeling of double penetration inside of her most intimate place.
Toric reached around and grabbed her breasts for leverage as he pummeled in and out of her arse. He’d never been in a woman as tight and beautiful as the pup and wanted nothing more than to prove his ability to last so she would come back to him again. He kissed feverishly over her back, lathing her skin with his tongue as he felt his cock now moving in tandem with Radgar’s, separated only by the thin membrane of flesh within the pup.
Hermione felt as if the world was crashing down around her. Two smoking hot dominants fucking her into a state of nirvana, the breathless sounds and moans of the others in the pool were absorbed into her psyche as she tightened almost painfully and let herself free fall into the blinding orgasm that took over her mind, body, and spirit.
Toric grunted and slammed balls deep into her tight arse, coming hard and long inside of the orgasming pup. He was nearly blinded with pleasure and panted harshly against her skin as his cock grew soft and he slipped out of her with a sigh.
To his surprise, Radgar continued to thrust wildly into the still-spasming Hermione. His face was contorted into controlled ecstasy and Toric could tell he was holding back at great cost to himself.
She had no idea the others were also rutting and getting off on the first class show she was providing for them. It truly was a privilege to be able to watch a pup have hot, unfettered sex with multiple dominants.
Radgar’s nose was overwhelmed by the scent invading his nostrils as the pup continued to jerk and gasp over his member. He couldn’t ever remember being as hard and ready to burst as he was now. Radgar wanted to make it last but the smell of the pup instinctively made him realize she was at her limit of pleasure with him. With a few final deep, body-shaking pumps inside of her, the dark dominant growled his completion as hot jets of his seed filled the sweet pup and coated her inside walls and cervix with his intense arousal.
Hermione was jerked from coming down from the second orgasm into a quick, intense third that almost made her black out from the strain of so much pleasure in such a short period of time. Her mind retained the look of rapture and then concern on Radgar’s eyes as her own lids slid shut.
“In a dominant mood today, Draco?” Calan asked after the blond sub attacked his mouth with his own.
Draco grinned. “I’m still owed a good one with you. You swore to make up for the bad stuff in the adult pool.”
“Yes, I did,” Calan said, smiling. He had been so relieved when Draco had behaved almost normally around him after the incident in the adult pool. After a few days, Draco had even been as friendly to him as before. Calan had gotten a thrashing from Severus for his stupidity, but he felt he had deserved much worse, so in hindsight, had gotten off lightly for his mistake.
With one swift move, Calan trapped Draco between himself and the pool wall. “Still, we will take things at my pace.” He leaned over and lightly bit Draco's shoulder.
Submissive mode kicked in immediately, and Draco made the correct noises to get Calan all horny. The dominant's hands found Draco's erection and teased it with slow and feather light touches.
Draco whined. “Calan, please.”
The dominant chuckled and then lifted Draco out of the water without warning.
Before Draco even could steady himself, Calan had engulfed his member completely and Draco squeaked. He had the feeling Calan was trying to suck his seed directly out of his testicles by the force of his sucks. Draco wriggled and whined as he felt his legs almost get numb from the tension they were enduring due to all the sucking. His toes where wriggling and he was sure he would get a cramp. He couldn't breathe when Calan pushed him backwards to thrust one finger into him. Then the world was filled with stars and Draco had the feeling his heart had stopped beating as he came forcefully into Calan’s mouth. He groaned and closed his eyes when the dominant swallowed without hesitation. That was so fucking sexy.
Calan chuckled and lifted the almost unconscious boy into the water again. He let Draco rest with his chest on the rim of the pool and slowly started to penetrate him with his member. Draco whined a bit, as he wasn't stretched yet, but the slow pace made sure the natural lube of the sub kicked in right away, and when Calan was in to the hilt, he pressed his chest close to Draco's back.
Hugging the blond sub tightly, Calan licked his neck and his ear. “I'm really sorry for what happened in the adult pool, sweetie. You know that, don't you?”
“Yes,” Draco said tiredly, but felt himself already getting horny again.
“And do you really forgive me?”
Draco made a meowing sound and pushed backward on Calan's member.
“Was that a yes?”
“Yes! Now move already Calan, Goddamnit!” Draco whined impatiently. He was fully hard again and the thick member in his rectum felt like heaven.
Calan chuckled and obeyed. First he fucked Draco very slowly while he nibbled and licked over Draco's neck and shoulder. Draco's earlobe got special treatment.
“Oh Merlin, please, Calan, I'm burning up from the inside. Please move faster,” Draco pleaded, almost sobbing.
“All you needed to do was to ask, my darling.” With that, Calan moved faster and hit Draco's prostate with each thrust. He groaned and made sure the angle was just right as he pumped in and out of Draco’s fine arse. Calan loved fucking the super-sub. He had such a lithe, tight body and his arsehole felt like heaven on earth around his cock. Calan glanced furtively over at Hermione getting tag-teamed by Radgar and Toric. The pair was really giving it to her good. Their erotic sounds and whispers of encouragement to the pup made him even harder. He renewed his pace and concentrated on pleasuring the fine specimen under his dick.
Draco panted heavily and shoved himself breathlessly onto Calan’s cock. His inner mind was focused on the one point of light that exploded every time the tip of that rock hard member pressed against it. Draco reached down to take care of his own raging erection but his hand was slapped away under water by Calan’s impatient one.
Calan growled sharply into Draco’s ear. “That’s mine right now, sub. Don’t you dare touch it.”
Draco whimpered and acceded to the dominant’s wishes but he was still rock hard and aching to be stroked.
As if reading his mind, Calan wrapped one arm under Draco’s shoulder and brought the other around his body to grip the raging erection poking against the wall of the pool. He pulled it away from the rough surface and began to stroke in time with his thrusting, pulling and twisting on the upstroke.
Draco whined and threw his head back to rest on Calan’s shoulder.
The truly focused dominant snarled and nipped at Draco’s neck and shoulder as he thrust faster and harder into Draco’s wonderful arse. He knew it wouldn’t be long. Calan could never hold his wad for long when he was inside such a tight hole.
Draco’s balls drew up and fire spread through his body like lightening. His chest constricted, his breathing coming in sharp pants as Calan’s skillful fingers brought him to the edge.
Calan barked against the sub’s dampened skin, loving how flushed and hot the boy was under his slightly rough lovemaking.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Draco. You know that? Ahhhh, fuck!”
Calan bit down hard on Draco’s shoulder and shoved his dick as far into the sub as the boy’s body would allow. With an inarticulate cry, Draco spurted into the water over the dominant’s hand while his backside was filled with the hot come of his lover. The two remained hunched together, dominant over sub as they came down from their mutual high and kissed languidly to the sounds of the pup’s completion next to them.
“Hey, sub.” Noah grinned when Neville came over to them.
Neville stopped immediately.
Lars smacked Noah on the back of his head. “Are you stupid?”
He turned to Neville and smiled kindly at him. Slowly, he stood up from the underwater step he had been sitting on and approached the frightened sub cautiously. “Hey, Neville. Nice to see you again. I really hoped we would meet another time, and hopefully not when you were occupied with the Head Alpha or Alpha Fenrir.” He held his hand out to Neville. “Come on. Sit with us.”
Neville breathed deeply. He knew Noah and Lars. They had been very kind the two times he had met them, but he had never had any kind of sexual interaction with them; yet. Despite his slight fear, his member was already swelling just from looking at the two young wolves. Cautiously, he outstretched his hand in Lars' direction.
Lars smiled as if he had been rewarded greatly, and even Noah smiled shyly at Neville while Lars sat him down between them.
“Sorry, Neville. It's a bit difficult to tell the difference between you subs. I'm still new to it. Only first rank until now,” Noah said as he looked a bit crestfallen.
Ages had explained the ranking to Hermione and Neville, but both hadn't listened very well because it was so damn complicated at the time when everything was still so very new. What they knew was that the social rank was more important than the warrior rank to the clan, and whenever someone was speaking about the rank of someone in the clan, he was speaking about the social rank. Otherwise, it would be made clear that they were speaking about warrior ranks. Noah was talking about his social rank.
The two rankings were very tightly linked. A wolf needed to have a certain social rank to be able to level up within the warrior ranks. The social ranks were given out by the Eldest, and the warrior ranks by the Head Alpha. Social ranks were rewarded by doing things for the clan or things that benefited the clan. Becoming a Beta, or even Alpha, could rank a person up several ranks. The highest rank was the seventh, which only the Eldest could have. Then came the sixth rank, which was for the Head Alpha only. Then the rest followed all the way on down to the first rank. All Alphas were automatically ranked five, and the Betas were ranked four. Other members of the pack could level up to rank four as well, but not any higher without becoming an Alpha.
The higher the social rank, the higher became a wolf’s responsibility for the clan. A wolf is allowed to intervene in the decisions of the clan when awarded a higher social rank as well. Warrior ranks were only important to the warriors and the Head Alpha. The warrior rank decided a wolf’s position in a war or hunt, or in challenges between friendly clans. Secretly, it was more important to the warriors then the social rank, but they would never dare to speak it out loud. The warriors hated that they had to rank up socially in order to get higher warrior ranks as well. Some of the warriors didn't even want to have to communicate with anyone outside the warrior wing, and so they only had fights and power struggles within their own minds and rank. This ranking system kept their behavior in check and their impulses at bay.
Noah was of the lowest rank of the clan. In actuality, the children and the mated subs were under his rank. The super subs and Hermione were totally out of the ranking until they were accepted into the group by the Eldest in a formal manner. Until assigned a rank by the Eldest, they were rank-less.
“You don't have to be scared. I'm no stupid Splinter anymore. I can control myself, you know?” Noah asked.
Neville nodded. He knew that, and being in the pool with many others made him feel safe as well.
“Let’s have some fun, Neville. You came to us for this, didn't you?” Lars said seductively while he circled Neville and hugged him from behind. Slowly, he moved Neville in front of the sitting Noah while he pressed himself tightly to Neville's back.
“Yes, let’s have some fun,” Noah said in a heavy voice, spreading his legs to give Neville room to move in. Then he trapped Neville's legs with his.
Neville stiffened, but Lars started to lick the sensitive junction between Neville's shoulder and his neck, and Neville melted into the caress. Lars' curly blond locks fell into his face when he tilted his head to give the dominant better access.
Noah, meanwhile, started to play with Neville's nipples. “You are so beautiful.”
Neville blushed. “No, I'm n—”
Lars sucked hard on his shoulder and all protest was forgotten.
Noah's hand closed around Neville's member and his mind fogged up.
Neville whimpered when the pleasure became more and more intense. “I... I...”
“Just come, sweetie,” Lars whispered into his ear, and Neville came, bucking harshly against the legs that trapped him. Only Lars' tight grip on his upper body held him up.
When the last spasm had left him, Noah released his legs and Lars pushed Neville gently onto his buddy.
Neville's spent cock met Noah's and he squeaked. He couldn't move because Noah had encircled his waist, but at least Lars was adjusting his member to lie more comfortably, lining up with Noah's hard one.
When Neville stopped protesting, Noah let go of his waist and quickly drew Neville's knees up.
Sitting on Noah like a frog was embarrassing but Lars’ finger was dancing over Neville's entrance and distracted him from the strange positioning. Both being such low rank individuals, Neville wondered how they had become so experienced. Severus once had implied there was some action going on between dominants, especially in the warrior wing. It seemed to make sense now that he was at the mercy of these two seemingly skilled, but young dominants.
Soon after Lars had shoved a finger into him, Neville started to rock against Noah's erection, his own member hard as stone again. The two dominants didn't seem to be angered by how he was taking some initiative to move as many other dominants would have been, so Neville shamelessly carried on. He only stopped when Lars positioned his member at his entrance and moved in. Lars was much smaller than any other member Neville ever had had inside of him, except maybe Draco's. He thought that maybe Lars was still growing, or maybe he was just unnaturally small for a dominant.
For Neville, it didn't matter; it made it even easier for him to relax. Lars licked and sucked at his neck, moving in and out of his anus quite easily. It still felt good and Neville loved how the gentle rocking helped push him against Noah’s erection. The dominant’s cock was larger than Lars’, and felt delicious against Neville’s super-sensitive skin. Neville almost felt as if he were fucking someone else from the wonderful friction against the dominant and the warm water swirling around them.
Noah was panting, playing lightly with Neville’s nipples as he leaned in and planted a mind blowing kiss on the super-sub. Neville whined while Noah kissed a trail of hot, open-mouthed fire over his jaw and down his neck.
Suddenly they were rocking each other to completion. Neville cried out and shot his load onto Noah’s belly, the water swirling and carrying it away. Noah captured his mouth and guided Neville’s hand to his cock, helping him twist, stroke and squeeze it to shuddering completion. His only sound was to moan deeply into Neville’s mouth when his hips suddenly bucked upwards, spilling over their conjoined hands and into the bath as well.
As Neville's muscles clamped down over Lars' member, he brought the handsome blond to his completion, the lad’s fingernails digging a bit painfully into Neville’s hips.
Exhausted, Neville rested on Noah's chest while Lars lay almost motionless on his back until Calan came over to rescue Neville from being crushed.
Calan chuckled as he plucked the exhausted sub from the tangle of bodies, holding him fondly as the super sub clung to his strong form for comfort. Shaking his head, Calan looked around the pool and his wolf was filled with a deep sense of satisfaction and belonging. From the smell and looks on everyone’s faces, he knew they were also at one with the moment.
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