There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58487 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
Power, Theo had simply explained.
Harry liked that answer quite a bit, so they went for another round. Hips grinding upwards and hips grinding down. Kiss-swollen lips met in a clash of tongues, teeth and blood. There was nothing really civilized about it, but there was nothing lacking from it either.
This was their reality-this was their eternity.
Harry woke to the comfortable darkness of his wings wrapped around Theo, wrapped around him. It was the most pleasant feeling he'd ever experienced before. Something whispered to him that he might be able to enjoy it many times more in the future. He smiled and watched his wings flutter gently as he eyed them. He yawned widely, feeling his jaw pop.
He was sated and blissfully exhausted in the best possible way with a few sore spots in all the right places as proof for all that he'd endured and enjoyed. As strange as it had first seemed he could find nothing wrong with his current situation and present moment in life. He was alright. Theo was alright. They were both fine. They would be, anyway.
Some things would remain unsaid and others they would speak of. Harry flushed pleasurably as he remembered some of the things he might have screamed out during certain moments. It made him flush a deep, rich red to the very roots of his hair, but he didn't care. Theo had been his first.
And it had been bloody wonderful.
The Dragel in question was currently still fast asleep, his arms locked around Harry in their usual unbreakable death grip. It brought a fond smile to Harry's face and a wave of gratefulness. Theo cared. He really did. This was more than proof of that. "Mmm, Theo?" He leaned forward enough to nuzzle the mark on the tattooed bicep draped over his bare chest.
The arm shifted and removed itself at once, as requested. A murmured, muffled reply was spoken into the sheets.
Harry smiled. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the chocolate-curled hair. "Thank you."
One golden-hued eye popped open to survey him, sleepily and then Theo woke the rest of the way with a sigh. "Harry." He kissed the hand cupping his face. "Morning. How are you feeling?"
"Brilliant." Harry stretched, gingerly, with a slight wince. "Sore, but brilliant."
Theo's laughter was muffled in Harry's shoulder and he sat up, offering a one-armed embrace. Harry eased himself upwards and scooted back into it, leaning against the broad chest and relaxing as one clawed hand made a quick slice in his side and traced a few bloodied letters along the pale skin. "Watch the signs." He instructed. "Memorize them."
"Healing, softness, gentleness, vanity?" Harry read the runed shapes aloud.
"Healing for the injury itself, softness for the strength of the spell, gentleness for the draw of the blood and vanity so it is scarless." Theo explained.
"Nice." Harry marveled, feeling the distinct soreness melting away from him in a neat, even draw. That was definitely one spell he intended to master—regardless of whether his magic wanted to agree with him or not. "I've have to learn that one."
"I'm sure we can practice." Theo smirked. "Practice makes perfect, yes?"
Harry had to laugh. "Hey Theo?"
"How old are you?"
"We're in the same year."
"What happened?"
"My father's family didn't like him very much. They chose to poison me in order to teach my father a lesson. It resulted in a rather unusual result."
"Your inheritance came early?"
"And so did my mentor."
"What was it like?" Harry fiddled with the sheets pooled in his lap. He twisted his head to the side to see Theo's contemplative look. "What was it like to skip…this." He gestured towards the sheets and them.
Theo kissed the top of his head. "Painful." He said, softly. "Very, very painful."
"It didn't hurt that much."
Harry smiled. "You weren't doing it to hurt me."
"Perhaps. But I wasn't nice about it either."
"You have more patience." Harry slid his hand into one of Theo's free ones. "Your element—it's earth, isn't it?"
"Did the eyes give me away?" Theo's laugh made the room vibrate with a very visible ripple of golden-white energy.
Harry gave a gasp of surprise. The vibrations spiked and petered out in sync with the sound. "Wicked."
"Indeed. Do be careful of it though, anger management is practically a perquisite."
"Is it alright to be scared?"
"Always. It means that the heart inside of us beats and the soul still lives."
"I'm scared then." Harry admitted, his voice quiet and soft as if Theo might somehow not hear him.
"I won't leave you."
"I know, but sometimes I think I won't be able to do it."
"You will."
"I don't think I'd be able to rest if I couldn't."
"Then you're welcome to haunt me all you like."
The bed shook.
The ground rumbled.
Harry swallowed hard.
For a moment, he could've sworn he'd imagined it.
After all, there'd been that faint rumble from earlier, but he'd brushed it aside, after all, it couldn't have been anything and Theo hadn't said a word, so surely…
But then he turned to look at Theo who stared at him with an expression of immense pride painted across his narrow features. The Slytherin crushed Harry into a hug and then proceeded to quite thoroughly and deeply kiss him in the middle of the bedroom.
"T-theo!" Harry didn't fight it—why would he want to?—but he did want to know what had brought it on. "What happened? Did I-?" He hesitated. It had felt a little strange, but also, very, very right. He'd felt magic—magic had come back to him.
"Very proud of you, my treasure." Theo murmured, tugging Harry close to bury his face in that mop of tangled raven hair. "We are completely bonded now—and you have all access to my element, should you ever need it."
"Element?" Harry tried. He winked one eyelid shut as Theo gently kissed it. A goofy smile spread across his face.
"I believe I agree with your sentiment from before."
Harry smirked. "Wicked." He fisted his hands in Theo's hair and drew him down for a hungry kiss. "Now hurry up and reward me."
Silence lingered between them.
"Your mentor…when did they come?"
"Eleventh birthday." Theo shifted, restlessly beneath the sheets.
Harry curled up closer to him, resting his head on the smooth chest and listening to the faint heartbeat. "When you got your Hogwarts letter?"
"Something like that. My mentor arrived the same day it did. She sent it back with a request to try again in two years. It all went to the dogs after that."
"What was he like?"
"She." Theo corrected, slipping his hands into the silky black hair. "Her name is Ilsa. Ilsa Gorgens. You'll like her. She walked into the room and hexed both my parents, then everyone in the house. She moved me to a guest room downstairs and kept the windows open. She told me I was a Dragel and gave me a book to read."
"Our book?" Harry verified.
"Yes, our book. She then told me that to purge the poison, she'd like to bring my natural form out earlier than usual. Said it would hurt, but that I'd live. I didn't want to die." Harry purred comfortingly. The grip around his shoulders tightened. "It took two weeks. She pulled it out of me bit by bit. I thought I would go mad from the pain alone. The magic made it worse. There was so much blood, I should have died many times over, but somehow, I didn't." He sighed. "We found out the hard way what element I held. The transformation completed itself and I brought the entire manor down around our ears."
"She'd expected something like that. She built it all back with a wave of her hand." His voice trembled. "A wave of her hand, Harry and the entire manor just flew together as if I'd never blown it apart."
Harry danced his fingers soothingly up and down Theo's side, unconsciously pressing himself even closer to offer what little comfort he could. It was important to hear this story—he'd need to know it to fully draw on Theo's elemental gift. He'd loved the feeling of having magic back inside him. Theo's magic was strong, well-tested and ran just as deep as the Slytherin himself. It explained some of his mate's patience—if the earth was calm, then it was calm—there would be only something of tremendous significance to ever anger it. He liked what that said about Theo. Merlin knew he could use a steady, calming influence of any sort—one that wasn't trying to manipulate him anyway. "Then what?"
"Then she sat me on the edge of my bloodied bed, took my chin in her hands and looked me straight in the eye. Listen close and listen well, child, she said. You are no longer a human wizard." Theo laughed, shortly. "I didn't believe her. She repeated it until I couldn't deny it, because I didn't know how to refute it any more. Then she pressed her hands into those red sheets and painted my face. Then she kissed my forehead and ripped down every single shield I'd ever had."
"What then?"
"We ran away for two years." He sighed, softly. "She took me with her to Nevarah. I was raised there as if I were her own, instructed in the ways of the Dragel and had my magic bound until I would be of age."
"To a child!" Harry hissed, sitting up.
"It should not have been called out so early." Theo soothed, shifting to sit up and draw Harry back to his arms, seeking the comfort that the smaller man offered so easily. "It was better. It helped. I learned about my element, I learned about our culture." He smiled. "I learned how to hide."
In that moment, Harry knew. Just as how everything had clicked into place, just like the way that fitting into Theo's arms felt like perfection, he knew. "They never died. None of them!"
"No. But we tired of being hunted. So we hid."
"They hid? All this time?"
"We hid." Theo corrected. "We—you are one of us, Harry. Sometimes it is best to run so you can live to fight another day."
"So we live to fight?"
"No, if we fight, we would do more than tear this world apart." Theo murmured. "We would kill more than we would help. So we hide and bite our tongues to keep silent when the scales do not tip in our favor."
Harry gave a shuddering breath. "Two years?"
"Two years." Theo confirmed. "Then I entered Hogwarts as a first year and that was that. Consequently, Ilsa did not approve of my father and his alliances, so she arranged it so I would always have a way out and neutrality, should I need it."
"So you are the Nott heir?"
"I am. Will you keep your own name? It suits you."
"What advantage does taking yours give?"
"How Slytherin." Theo congratulated. "The earth element runs deep in our lines. It lives every ninth generation. Taking on our name grants you the bloodline of the first earth elemental clan leader for the dragons and Dragels."
"How do I use it?"
"The same way you use anything else—with great care and much practice." Theo yawned. "My focus memory is sitting on the bed with her hands on my face, cold, sticky and her eyes—so bright, gold and full of life." He shuddered. "Eyes that haunt you. Do not take my name, perhaps there is a line of power in your own bloodline. Use the words to call on my reserves instead. The words to unlock-" his soft lips pressed to Harry's ear. "Orbis terran kal."
"The earth runs deep." Harry translated, automatically. He blinked. He'd understood it, even though the words were spoken in Dragel. He smirked. It was nice to have his barriers down and out of the way. This is what had been missing. Now everything was different—in a good way. He kissed Theo's chin in thanks. The password would unlock all of Theo's power, channeled through him, should he ever have need of it. It spoke volumes of the brunet's trust in him now. He would do his best to never disappoint. He thought of this Ilsa Gorgens and let his musings take him for a moment. He could remember seeing his mother in the mirror of Erised, her face, though happy, the eyes haunted him. He would forever remember her that way.
"Yes, Harry?"
"Why didn't my mentor come?"
"…don't know, love." Theo drew him near and held him tight. "I'm sure there's an explanation, we just don't know it yet."
"Really. Don't you even think of blaming yourself for one moment."
"Yes, alpha." Harry teased.
Theo pounced on him and tickled.
Laughter rang out through the bedroom, followed by Harry's gasping, giggling cries.
"I suppose it isn't morning anymore." Harry paused in his meticulous nibbles along Theo's left arm. The older Dragel was swimming in a pleasurable haze, having finally allowed Harry to take and taste on his own. The blood sharing had definitely progressed into more pleasurable activities and when they'd surface, a content Theo had permitted Harry to have his way with one arm.
"Definitely not." Theo yawned. "Something the matter?"
"Mm…no." Harry snuggled into the arm and focused on the little irritating bubble. "I have an itch." He said, at last. The realization had just settled in. He'd been thinking of the wonderful and quite thorough ravishing he'd been subject to just an hour before. It had left him feeling happy and full.
Now there was a distinct emptiness.
Something was missing.
Harry frowned.
He should know what it is…
The thought nagged and twisted and bothered him and he finally gave a huffy sigh.
Theo hummed softly. "Figure it out?" He prompted.
Harry grunted.
"Ah. I see. So soon?"
Harry tried to shrug, but couldn't. It was hard to do that lying down. He rolled his eyes and sat up. The faint emptiness registered enough to be annoying as he slid from Theo's embrace to step off the bed and stand on his own two feet. The moment it clicked into place, he turned to face his alpha. He knew this call and it had come sooner than he'd liked. Theo merely nodded, seeming to read what was on his face. "A beta." Harry rubbed his face, annoyed. "I'd hoped for more time."
"Time is rarely what we ever wish for." Theo rose from the bed and pressed a kiss to his brow. "I daresay if we do not show our faces to our hosts, they may blast the door in." He chuckled. "I can feel Terius' worrying from all the way over here."
Dragel Spell = Orbis terran kal : Theo's personal password phrase to unleash the full extent of his earth element. Means Deep Earth/Earth runs deep. Part Latin, Part Imagination. XD
Temptrificus Portgas is a general transportation spell-(dragel magic).
A/N: Q: Yes, Severus is the alpha in their circle and Terius is the protector(Pareya), Draco is Sub and their circle is currently temporarily closed. Other roles, such as Gheyo, Royal Second, Healer, Advisor, Carrier, etc, those remain unfulfilled should the circle expand in the future. Rheyo is only used when a higher alpha enters the circle and the hierarchy changes. Meanwhile, members will take on whichever role is required of them, in this case, Terius is playing both Beta and Pareya to Sev and Draco.
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