The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A not so warm welcome
There was a sudden noise from Hermione's living room and she looked at Severus, who had visibly tensed. Kreacher had arrived with Narcissa. They were sat on Hermione's bed with Draco lying in between them clinging on to Hermione.
Draco had completely broken down when they'd reached Hogwarts and Severus had entered his mind to try and fathom the extent of Draco's upset. Draco was an accomplished Occlumens, not to the standard of Severus of course, but he didn't even have one ward up. Severus knew the signs. Draco was mentally broken and it was deep seated. Recent events were just the finishing touches.
Scanning Draco's memories, Severus looked for the source of his godson's issues. He ticked back through the years and there it was; the moment he changed. A punch in the face. Severus made a mental note never to cross his witch.
And then there was just much confusion. Confusion at his public demeanour clashing with his internal struggles. His insecurities and his fear. Thoughts of failure and rejection. Dreams of violence and death and then there was his latest dream.
Draco stood in a room surrounded by six candles. Two were flickering and threatening to go out. Two were constant and steady and he kept picking them up to try and see how to protect the failing two. But every time he went near the flickering flames they almost extinguished. And then there was another flame, low but bright. It would flare up and die back but never go out.
The bright blue flame was interesting. It was small but intense and gave off sparks. As Draco approached it he could feel its warmth. He seemed at peace near this flame. But then his attention would turn again to the flickering flames and every time he went near them they would flicker violently. It was then that he watched in horror as the flickering of one became more rapid and as he reached for it the flame died, causing Draco to extinguish all the flames and plunged the room into darkness.
Severus wondered if this was just a coincidence or if it was connected to Luna's dream. Somehow, having lived a life controlled by prophecies and fate, he was beginning to feel that Miss Lovegood really did have a point.
They had managed to get Draco to take a calming draught after they took him to Hermione's bedroom but he had refused to take a sleeping or dreamless sleep potion. Severus could understand why he refused dreamless sleep. The potion was highly addictive and he knew all too well how easy it was to become dependant on them.
Severus had considered setting up wards to alert them if Draco began to have nightmares once they had gone to bed but upon observing the way Leo had ingratiated himself with the blonde wizard, he felt that his godson would be well looked after. And if Draco needed them, Severus' head would be sat on at some juncture by the animal.
"I want to talk to her before I let her see Draco," Severus whispered to Hermione before gently pressing his lips to her. He closed his eyes trying to tap into their mental connection to soothe his mind.
Severus had no intention of being nice to Narcissa but knew he needed to be in control of his anger. He knew what he was capable of when he was angry and every time he looked at Draco his anger rose.
Seeing Draco looking so pale with red, raw eyes and swollen lips from crying was too much for his godfather. Especially as the main cause of his upset were his parents. Severus knew too well how that felt and he would damned if he would let the closest he'd ever had to a son suffer any longer.
Hermione stood in the middle of Severus' mind holding his hand. She said nothing as he showed her his innermost thoughts. All she did was stroke the back of his hand with her thumb. But that was all he needed. The connection broke as Severus moved from the bed to exit the room but he heard Hermione think to him, It will be fine Sev. Make sure she comes in here knowing exactly what she's done
Severus looked at her ruefully and replied, She won't know what's hit her.
As he reached the door he looked back at the scene on Hermione's bed. Draco now lay on his back with his head on Hermione's lap, whilst she cooed reassuring words to him and stroked his hair. Leo was sat on his chest purring away contentedly. He saw Draco begin to visibly relax...the combined effects of the calming draught, Hermione and Leo were giving him at least some peace.
As Severus stepped into Hermione's living room he closed the door and took a deep breath before warding it and casting a silencing spell. He turned to look at the blonde witch, in the expensive designer robes, standing in front of him.
If he was honest he still found her attractive. Even though it had been nearly 20 years since they were lovers, she was hard to forget. But she'd changed. She'd been a snob at school but being married to Lucius had only multiplied her sense of self worth to an excruciatingly nauseous level. He may have found her attractive still but he certainly wasn't attracted to her anymore. She'd never taken the Dark Mark so was perceived to be the more tolerant of the couple but the truth was she was far worse than Lucius had ever been.
Severus had been her bit of northern rough; her half-blood; her respite from a marriage she never wanted. He knew he was no more than toy. She told him they had no future not because she couldn't love him but because he was a half-blood. Just as Severus started to feel he had a place in this world, she stamped on him. But despite everything that had transpired during and following their affair, Severus and Narcissa had become friends over the years. And yet as he looked at her now he felt the venom toward her rising.
"The décor of these rooms is a little feminine for you isn't it, Severus? I presume they're not yours. After all your rooms have always been so much more masculine," she purred.
Severus sneered and in an irritated drawl greeted her. "Good evening Narcissa. I trust you are well?"
Narcissa was a little surprised by his tone. "Oh so formal, darling," she said silkily and then her voice developed into her usual haughty sneer. "Dispense with the pleasantries. What's Lucius done now? Run off with that mudblood whore Granger has he?"
Severus' blood boiled into a silent rage. He'd vowed never to cast an Unforgivable again but she was ripe for a Cruciatus after that. And yet his impassive mask slipped effortlessly over his face as he suppressed his anger...for now.
"I'm afraid yours and the press' assumption of Lucius' relationship with Miss Granger are completely unfounded. Although if you know of his whereabouts that knowledge would be gratefully received," Severus drawled in a measured but menacing tone.
Narcissa recognised the tone well from the Inner Circle meetings she had been forced to attend at Lucius' side and it unnerved her. This wasn't how he spoke to her. They were friends for Merlin's sake.
Severus was about to say something but stopped. He shook his head and then asked, "Did Kreacher say why I wanted to see you?"
"He said something was the matter with Draco," she said sounding bored.
"And yet the first words out of your mouth were to comment on the décor of the room," Severus snorted incredulously. "What's happened to you Narcissa?"
Narcissa looked at him nervously. 'What's happened to you...?' was always his opening line whenever she'd witnessed him interrogate or mentally torture someone. And he was slowly circling her; hands behind his back.
She wished now she had taken up Severus' offer years ago to teach her Occlumency rather than letting her sister do it. Any faith she had in her sister's abilities was leaking like a colander.
Severus never usually raised his voice in these situations. His tone dripped rather than spat venom. But it was at these moments he was at his most dangerous. He rounded on her and began gently. "Your son is going through a great deal of emotional turmoil, Narcissa. His behaviour over the last few months has become more erratic culminating this very evening with him melting down because he believes his father is actually missing. Hermione and I managed to calm him down but who knows for how long."
"So the papers just got the wrong Malfoy? Who does she think she is trying to stick her claws into a pureblood heir?" Narcissa spat defiantly and walked towards the bedroom door.
Suddenly the backs of her legs were hit by a chair, which was spun round and drawn towards Severus, with just a flick of his wrist. She tried to move but couldn't as invisible bonds secured her firmly in place at the wrist and ankle. "Release me," she snarled obstinately but he could see fear in her eyes.
"Now that's better isn't it?" Severus drawled menacingly. "Before you go anywhere near my godson, you and I are going to have a little talk. And just so you know, Hermione prefers half-bloods...not that blood status means shit these days or at least it won't if I have my way."
"I pity whoever she's ensnared then. Or is it you? You've always had a thing for a muggle-born bitch haven't you Severus?" Narcissa spat back at him but the smirk on her face was wiped off when Severus fired a Langlock at her. Unable to speak her eyes were now full of terror as Severus walked towards her. Grabbing her hair he jerked her head back so he could look in her eyes.
Severus' eyes were completely expressionless. They were cold and lifeless and it was like looking into a black pool of perpetual emptiness. Narcissa had witnessed his ruthlessness and cruelty on countless occasions and this stare accompanied it. But what she didn't realise was that unless it was a death eater he was mentally torturing, he was screaming on the inside because he hated himself for what he was doing. If she'd known that she'd have every reason to be scared because tonight he wasn't screaming.
"Now you listen to me," he said whispering menacingly in her ear as he pulled her head back again, "your pity is neither required nor desired and if you ever insult Hermione, or for that matter Lily again, I will cut out that vicious tongue of yours and shove it down your throat. Do I make myself clear?"
She nodded. Narcissa's eyes were wide with fear and disbelief but suddenly her tongue fell heavily in her mouth as he released the Langlock. The binding spell remained.
"Now, if we can be civil for a moment, I must explain about Hermione and myself. This is not some passing fling. We are very much in love and it also transpires we are soul mates," Severus said warmly. He was almost smiling.
Narcissa snorted. "What is it with you wizards claiming to have found your soul mate? It's ridiculous..."
"I do not claim anything," Severus snarled. "We are soul-bonded and I will not tolerate any disrespect toward her. And for your information, if it wasn't for Hermione, I dread to think what might have happened to Draco."
"What do you mean?" Narcissa sneered.
"Of course how insensitive of me not to fill you in on the particulars," Severus sneered. "Actually before I do...couldn't you have found it within yourself to contact him at least once?"
Narcissa hung her head. "I thought if he needed me he would..."
"Contact you? And risk feeling even worse about himself?" Severus asked sardonically.
"What do you...?"
"What do I mean? Well let me see," he said as he began prowling around her again.
"He was and still is having nightmares in that house. That house that Voldemort defiled. That house your animal of a sister and her pets used as their personal torture chamber. That house was Draco's home; where he felt safe; where his parents were.
“Now it's not so bad when Lucius is there but he's not there all the time. Draco doesn't feel safe in his own home. I know what it's like to feel that your home isn't safe."
Narcissa jumped as Severus suddenly leaned over so that his mouth was just by her ear and said with quiet menace. "It eats at you. Every noise unsettles you. You see things out of the corner of your eye. You don't want to go to sleep in case you don't wake up. You try and stay awake but eventually sleep takes you and then you are plagued by nightmares"
Severus suddenly moved away from her.
"And what are his nightmares about I hear you not asking? No matter. I am quite prepared to step in and elucidate. After all stepping in seems to be a speciality of mine when it comes to your son"
He was stood right behind her now.
"Failure. Abandonment. Loss. Now why on earth would he feel like that?" he asked as he walked round in front of her.
Severus stood there arching an eyebrow and inclining his head as he waited for an answer which never came. Narcissa was looking at the floor visibly shaking. Severus couldn't tell if it was in anger or fear but he was obviously getting to her and that was what he wanted to do.
"No? You can't possibly imagine why? Well let me try again," he snarked and taking a deep breath continued. "Draco, your only son; the son you would have once protected with your life..."
"And I still would," Narcissa spat but Severus ignored her as he walked away from her before spinning round to face her again.
Severus' tone was forceful and full of spite.
"Your son believes that he is a useless, pathetic waste of space. He feels unloved, unworthy, and this one really breaks my heart Narcissa; he feels he has nothing to live for. He thinks he's let his family down. He thinks his mother didn't believe him capable of carrying out Voldemort's wishes and dragged his godfather in to save his arse.
“He feels isolated because he knows no one will ever truly trust his allegiances after he was made to take the Dark Mark. And what were his allegiances? Well the same as Lucius' main allegiance...his family.
"But you spouted vitriolic pureblood dogma at him. Lucius did too but he was in a similar position to Draco in many respects. Look at how Abraxas treated him," and then in a low seductive tone Severus whispered in her ear, "and we all know how Abraxas treated you don't we...darling?"
This made Narcissa cringe as she thought of how her father-in-law would kiss her neck and fondle her breasts in front of Lucius; how he would make her touch him. That was as far as it went but the fear it would go further made Narcissa's skin crawl.
"Do not speak of that Severus," she spat at him as tears stung her eyes. And then hanging her head and in a pleading tone added quietly, "please don't ever mention it again".
Severus studied her for a moment, a momentary flicker of compassion flitted across his eyes. It had always been painful to watch Abraxas humiliate Lucius like that. It was sickening watching him treat Narcissa like that. And then the compassion was gone. He pulled her head back so she would look at him again and continued.
"You see Draco loves you and wants to please you; wants to make you proud. So of course he would spout pureblood elitist bullshit. But he had his eyes opened by a certain muggle-born, whose chambers you currently sit in, and you and Lucius both realised it. All the conversations over dinner when Granger's achievements were dropped in.
“Oh he was never in love with her but she was a shining example of why you were wrong. But rather than talk to him and listen to him, you pushed his nose further into Voldemort's business. And why? Because Lucius had to try and win back favour or die. And when he cocked that up..."
"Lucius did what he had to do to keep us safe," Narcissa said frustratedly.
"Perhaps," Severus conceded, "but he wasn't in mourning when Voldemort disappeared and he was in no hurry to return to him. Voldemort knew this."
Narcissa snorted. "Neither were you."
"I was exactly where he expected me to be. Lucius wasn't," Severus bit back.
"But returning to your son, he doubted everything you believed in. But you see he didn't want to let you down and then he was given a task that he knew would either condemn him or his family. Can you imagine how he felt?"
Severus then pulled up and chair and sat in front of Narcissa. He leaned forward and put his hand on her knee and in a much silkier, sympathetic tone said, "Actually I think you did know how he felt and so you decided to protect him."
Narcissa smiled softly at Severus and nodded her head quickly. Sitting back Severus continued his voice dripping with venom once again.
"But rather than include him in your plans; tell him it would all be alright and we'd all work together, you snubbed his intellect and feelings and put my fucking soul on the line. Luckily for me, and for you, my soul was not further damaged but you didn't know that did you?
"No you see Narcissa your son believes that his mother had so little faith in him that she implemented a back up plan. His mind is so clouded now that he doesn't see that Dumbledore saw an opportunity for me to secure my position within the ranks. He just sees you coming to me to do what you knew he couldn't do"
"That's not true but he just a boy," Narcissa said tearfully. Severus released one of her hands so she could wipe her eyes.
Severus' voice was now warm and velvety again.
"It may not be true and I don't for one minute believe it is but I know what it's like to think your parents don't love you. You know I had a father who didn't love me but he was a drunk and an abuser. I used to erroneously blame his behaviour on the fact that he was a muggle.
“But when Draco Lucius Malfoy, one of the richest pureblood heirs, believes that his mother doesn't love him, after all the privilege he has been given and all the love I know you have for him, you have to ask yourself what the hell went wrong?
"I don't know," Narcissa almost whimpered.
"Well I know what sealed it for him," Severus said reverting back to the cold, venom filled tone from before. "It was when he woke up one morning to a piece of fucking parchment saying...and please allow me to summarise said note in the way Draco actually sees it.
Dear Useless Son,
I don't love your father, he doesn't love me so I'm off to fuck my younger wizard and live happily ever after whilst you just wait on your own in this house. I know you witnessed all manner of tortures and executions here but your father will be released soon and I know you can't talk to Severus either but you're old enough to stand on your own two feet aren't you? What issues could you possibly have that would make me want to stay? After all I am so disappointed in you, why would I want to stand by you now. I just don't care anymore."
"Severus don't be so cruel..." Narcissa choked as she felt her free wrist being tied to the chair again.
He stood up and railed at her "Me? You know I used to wish my own mother had been like you. Who the hell do you think you are to tell me not to be so cruel? Have you had your son crying in your arms recently? Because I have; Hermione has; his muggle boyfriend has..."
"You lie," Narcissa spat. "Draco would never dishonour the fam..."
"You talk about dishonour. Why? Because he's fallen in love and Adrian happens to be a muggle. I know it's never happened to you..."
"No I fell in love when I was 24. But he was five years younger than me; an arrogant bastard who got his kicks knowing he was fucking his best friend's wife," she screamed at him.
She suddenly gasped as he turned round slowly to face her.
"Severus, I'm sorry I..."
"I never got a kick out of fucking my best friend's wife," Severus said in a deep, slow and gravelly tone. "I...I cared for you. You, Lucius and Draco are, apart from Hermione now, the closest I have to family. What happened between us was a pleasant distraction by your own admittance but you left me. You had to provide the best life for your unborn child and as Lucius was his father, you did the right thing"
"I wanted him to be yours," Narcissa cried. "You'd just come into your inheritance we could have made it work"
"Yes my money would have made it all better wouldn't it?" Severus laughed scornfully.
"That's not what I meant. We could have been..."
"We'd have been dead," Severus growled at her. "Don't bring this up. If you'd left Lucius for me, friend or not, he would have sought permission for vengeance and the sadistic bastard would have given him it".
Severus tone was now insistent. "He would have killed us. And if Draco had been mine he would have let Lucius rip my throat out in front of you and made you bathe in my blood. You witnessed it happen enough."
"Stop it...stop it!” she sobbed. “Please Severus. I want to see my son," Narcissa pleaded through her tears. "This is all Lucius' fault," she whimpered.
"What is wrong with you woman?" Severus screamed at her. "Lucius is a self centred, arrogant prick...we all know that but how exactly is it all his fault? At least he's been here for him. At least he saw fit to allow Hermione to have a suite at the manor so she could spend time with Draco. And yes Lucius has grown fond of Hermione before you ask.
"Oh and by the way don't be surprised if Hermione calls him Drakey. He asked her to call him it. Why would that be I wonder?"
Severus let that sink in for a moment.
"But...but I'm the only one who can call him it. He told me only I could make him him feel better," she said as her voice cracked completely.
Severus taunted her. "Do you want to see how special you are now dear?"
"You bastard," she screamed.
"No I can assure you I had both a mother and a father," he said calmly before laying into her again "which is something that your precious son appears to be lacking at this moment in time."
Narcissa growled at him. "You don't understand..."
"No I don't," Severus said with an air of ambivalence. "But this is an occasion where understanding is both unnecessary and irrelevant. All I care about is my godson who currently feels he is now on his own because Lucius is missing."
"Why does he think Lucius is missing?" Narcissa asked with an air of concern.
She no longer wanted to be with Lucius but she had loved him...more than she felt he loved her but she could live with that. Yes they both had affairs but she was his wife and he her husband and they had their son to think of. She vowed never to endanger that until he defected.
And it wasn't that he'd defected that made her want to leave him. It was because she knew she could never compete with the reason for his defection.
Severus leaned against the back of the sofa with his arms folded, observing Narcissa keenly before informing her of the situation.
"We believed Lucius had been called away on business," Severus voice was firm but gentle. He noted no reaction from Narcissa.
"When Draco arrived home on Sunday evening Lucius had left a note...a family tradition evidently...stating he had urgent business in Paris. We were informed just before board on Monday that he had just been called away on urgent business in Paris. I contacted Draco to check Lucius was alright. It was then we discovered the discrepancy. The common link was Paris."
"That makes sense," Narcissa said thoughtfully.
"What makes you say that?" Severus asked watching every body and facial movement; studying her eyes.
"Nothing...carry on," she snarked.
Severus raised an eyebrow. She knew something but he continued by telling her that Lucius' contact had not seen him and that was when Draco broke down.
'Do you think Lucius could have come to harm, Severus?" Narcissa asked sounding concerned.
"We have received no gloating messages so chances are he is well. Whatever the reason for running off to France, his timing is impeccable," he laughed mirthlessly.
"It seems that for once he has not covered his tracks well," Narcissa said thoughtfully and then added, "Do you know why he defected?"
"Only the official reason," Severus drawled.
"The real reason is somewhat different," Narcissa said ruefully. "He met someone; someone he never expected to see at the final battle. He said he defected to prove he was capable of change."
"Who was it?" Severus asked, his curiosity now pricked.
"I cannot say because I don't know for certain but the look in his eyes...," she trailed off.
After a moment she said, "You know when Lucius is deadly serious his eyes turn..."
"Bright blue," Severus completed for her as he released her bonds surreptitiously.
"Well they were bright blue and so I knew he had to really cared about...," Narcissa suddenly looked at the floor and scrunched her eyes together to hold back the tears.
"I just knew I couldn't compete, Severus. I had to let him go even though he said it wouldn't work between them. I just thought what is the point? We were never a love match but I grew to love him. I just thought that with Draco being of age and now Lucius was changing for someone he obviously cared far more than me; more than any of his mistresses, that it was time to move on.
“I made the right decision to leave Lucius, perhaps as it turns out for the wrong wizard. But after what you've said, I regret leaving Draco. It's no excuse but after Voldemort was killed I think we were all so relieved to have come out of it alive, we all did stupid things. I obviously have."
Her last statement was whispered but Severus heard her and stared at her inquisitively. He was confused but although he knew she would say no more, he knew she was being genuine.
"I honestly thought Draco would be alright," she said quietly; almost to herself.
"But he's not. He's in pain Narcissa," Severus said and as he pinched the bridge of his nose he continued. "He needs you. He's masked his feelings for years and it's just all spilled over."
"Is he with Hermione now?" Narcissa asked.
"Yes and the cat! Do you know of Luna Lovegood?" Severus asked.
"Xenophilius Lovegood's daughter? Lucius had a thing for her mother," Narcissa snorted.
"When has Lucius not had a 'thing' for someone?" Severus smirked. "Anyway she's being toted as a potential seer by the Ministry and has dreamt that Draco needs you, Lucius, Hermione and myself, Adrian and some mystery girl to get him through this. Even if it is complete nonsense it is quite logical."
And then taking Narcissa's hand in his, Severus said, "Tell Draco what you told me; tell him you're sorry and most importantly tell him you love him and are proud of him. And if you ever abandon him again, so help me, I will hunt you down."
Narcissa simply nodded and said "I suspect you went easy on me didn't you?"
"Very," Severus responded dryly.
"You always could press the right buttons," she said quietly.
"So I seem to recall," he said arching an eyebrow almost playfully.
As Narcissa stood up she brushed Severus' hair away from his face. "You look well Severus. I never thought I would say this again but you look happy. And to think of all those witches I had lined up for you. All that work gone to waste," she smirked.
"Oh I don't know. Thickie's back on the market. He can be your new project now," Severus chuckled softly.
Severus walked to the bedroom door; his hand hesitated over the handle. Narcissa brushed down her robes and looked suitably nervous. Her conceited attitude had been knocked out of her as he had hoped. He opened the door and stepped aside as Narcissa entered Hermione's bedroom.
"Drakey, sweetheart are you alright?" Narcissa asked Draco soothingly.
He continued to play with Leo. She could sense Hermione's eyes boring into her. In a way she was pleased to see someone was protecting her son. Hermione had changed since the last time she saw her. She was certainly no schoolgirl. She looked at Severus and noted the smile as he looked at Hermione. The smile she returned led Narcissa to an astonishing conclusion in her eyes. They certainly were in love.
But she was broken from her thoughts as she heard Draco say, "I always wanted a cat but you wouldn't let me. You said the hairs would ruin your robes."
"I know darling. I'm so sorry. We can get one now though can't we?" Narcissa said trying to sound positive.
"What's the point? It'll either leave me or hate me in the end," Draco said with more steel in his voice Severus noted.
"Don't say that darling. That is such a silly thing to say," Narcissa said as she walked towards the bed.
"You don't hate me do you Leo?" Draco asked as he scratched behind his ear. Leo nuzzled into his hand. "I know you don't and you belong to two people who love you. What cat would want a coward as an owner? What's the point Leo? Hmmm?"
Severus suddenly heard Hermione in his head, "He's been talking to Leo like this all the time you were talking to Narcissa," and then she gently turned Draco's arm over and Severus and Narcissa both stared in horror at the deep cuts around and over his Dark Mark.
"Draco when did you do that?" Severus asked calmly.
"Does it matter?" Draco replied coldly.
"Yes it does," Narcissa said as she tried to get a closer look.
"Ady and I had a row on Sunday. You see I'm such a failure I can't even keep a muggle who knows nothing of my past," Draco said quietly.
"We all have rows Draco," Hermione said smiling at Severus. He rolled his eyes and smirked.
"When can I meet Adrian?" Narcissa asked but it became obvious that Draco would not answer her.
Severus narrowed his eyes, deep in thought. Suddenly he said "Draco, it's late. Hermione and I must retire for the night but why don't you stay here and talk to your mother?"
"No point," Draco replied flatly. Narcissa moved towards the bed and went to take Draco's hand but he moved it away.
"Oh and why is that?" Severus asked unimpressed by his response.
"What do you care?" Draco suddenly snapped at him.
"I care more than you will ever know" Severus bit back.
"Severus don't snap at him" Hermione thought as she saw the annoyance in Severus' eyes. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to compose himself.
"Draco, please talk to your mother," Severus almost pleaded with him. "I cannot condone what she has done but I believe she deserves the right to explain herself"
There was an uncomfortable silence and then Draco suddenly sat up. Moving to the edge of the bed, with his back to everyone he whispered, "I couldn't do it. It was wrong. I was weak. I couldn't refuse the Dark Mark and I couldn't refuse to kill Dumbledore"
"It's alright sweetheart," Narcissa said quietly sitting on the bottom of the bed.
"No it's not," Draco snapped at her.
"Yes it is Draco," Hermione said as she knelt up and stroked his arm. "You were asked to do something horrific but if you hadn't gone through the motions you would have all been killed"
"But I was still a coward," Draco said as he began to cry.
"Any man who pushes Severus away when he offers to help is no coward," Hermione giggled softly.
"It took great ingenuity to do what you did Draco," Severus added as he walked round to face his godson. "And the fact of the matter is you did not want to carry out the act and staying true to yourself, you didn't.
“Besides you weren't given a choice by either Voldemort or Dumbledore. You did not let anyone down. Who died because of you? No one. We protected you but not because we thought you incapable. We did it because we all love you."
"Draco darling, Severus is right," Narcissa cooed to her son as she gingerly stroked his hair.
"Don't try and play mother now," Draco suddenly snapped as he recoiled from her.
"Don't speak to your mother like that," Severus snapped. "She only tried to protect you as any mother would protect her child. She did not think you were weak."
"If anything had happened to you Draco...," Narcissa said as she moved to pull Draco into her. "I am so sorry. Please let me explain. I am so proud of you, darling"
"Then why did you leave me when I really needed you?" Draco cried desperately clinging to Narcissa.
Severus looked at Hermione and jerked his head towards the dividing wall into his bedroom. Hermione gently moved from the bed as Narcissa began the process of comforting her son.
Hermione gently kissed Draco's forehead and said, "Night sweetie. I think Leo wants to stay with you tonight but he needs feeding. So..."
"What is the name of your house elf Hermione?" Narcissa asked suddenly.
"Winky," Hermione said slightly shocked.
Narcissa looked at her and smiled softly. "Ask them to answer to me and I will ensure Leo is fed and tend to Draco."
Hermione looked bemused at Narcissa's civility and was pleased when Severus intervened.
"Thank you Narcissa and both Winky and Missy will be at your disposal. I did take the liberty of having one of the guest rooms made up for you but if you wish to remain here, the elves will see you have everything you require," Severus drawled courteously.
Severus put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and was about to lead her into his rooms when Draco suddenly turned to look at her. "Sweetie, come here," and held his hand out to her. Hermione took it and Draco pressed his lips gently upon it. "Thank you," he said simply.
And then Narcissa touched her arm. "Yes thank you Hermione. I believe we should get to know each better and I would like to thank you properly for everything you have done. Lunch next week?"
Hermione looked at Draco and said "I don't need thanking for being Prince Charming's friend," as she squeezed Draco's hand.
Narcissa smiled as she witnessed the warmth of their friendship.
"I would be delighted," Hermione said graciously.
"I have a few things to attend to but I will owl you to make arrangements," Narcissa said with a slight smile.
"I look forward to it," Hermione said quietly returning Narcissa's smile and hoping she didn't look too awkward.
"Will you join us for breakfast in the Great Hall?" Severus asked. "We only have the Heads of House in and I know Horace will be delighted to see you Narcissa."
"I think that would be a splendid idea, Severus," Narcissa said almost cheerfully.
He nodded in acknowledgement and said formally, "We will bid you goodnight then."
And taking Hermione's hand they walked through the wall into his rooms, leaving Narcissa and Draco to a night of rowing, crying, hot chocolate and cake.
Once on the other side of the wall Severus fell back on the bed. He ran his hand over his face and exhaled forcefully.
"Want to go to bed?" Hermione asked as she walked into the bathroom to wash her face. She needed to feel more human again.
"I do but I won't sleep. Do you want a drink first?" Severus asked in a strained voice as he sat up, raking his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah that would be nice," she called as she filled the sink with water. She was startled when Severus brushed her hair over to one side and placed a hand on her hip before burying his face in her neck.
"Thank you for being there for him tonight, sweetheart," he muttered against her as he breathed her in. He'd noticed in the last few days that her scent had changed slightly. He wondered if it was to do with their bonding but he didn't care really. He found it both comforting and seductive but right now all he needed was her comfort.
"He's a confused bunny isn't he?" Hermione said softly as she reached for a towel. "Mind you so am I. Who'd have thought I'd be having for lunch with Narcissa Malfoy?"
"Well one thing Narcissa does well is lunch," Severus chuckled as he turned Hermione round in his arms. "She's not an inherently bad person and she will put aside her views when kindness is shown to Draco. She has the Black spit and bluster but really all she cares about is Draco."
"So why did she leave then?" Hermione asked looking slightly bewildered.
"I'm still trying to work that out," Severus said as he kissed her forehead and suddenly called Missy and asked her to bring some chocolate biscuits and crisps...oh and sandwiches.
"Anything else you want Missy to get you?" Hermione said looking at her wizard incredulously.
"No. Why?" Severus said nonchalantly walking out into the bedroom and then into the living room.
"You comfort eat don't you?" Hermione asked calmly from the doorway.
"Don't be absurd," Severus snapped.
"Oh so you've had two dinners tonight and now you're eating again because you're hungry are you?" Hermione asked mockingly.
Severus huffed. "Well yes I am...I'm...alright I do eat more when I'm upset these days. But in my defence I used to drink and worse so..."
"Worse?" Hermione suspected she knew what he meant but wasn't sure she wanted to hear it. Yet she'd asked and she should be prepared.
"I...after Lily died...I knew how to get hold I need to spell it out?" Severus asked raking his fingers through his hair again. "I've been clean for years," he said turning away from her to hide his embarrassment.
Hermione walked over and stood in front of him; wrapping her arms around his waist. He reciprocated tentatively.
"I understand and it's alright. I'm not judging you." She pushed up on her toes and pressed a chaste but lingering kiss to his lips.
Severus moved his hand up her back slowly, all the time looking into her eyes before he gently returned the kiss. Hermione's hand found it's way to his chest and she caressed the exposed skin softly. The kiss deepened slowly as their tongues languidly caressed each others.
Severus became aware that Hermione was unconsciously undoing his shirt. He smirked as he moved both hands down to her rounded arse. Squeezing firmly he suddenly picked her up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his middle.
The next thing Hermione was aware of was the coldness of the stone wall against her back as Severus pulled off her top. She knew he was supporting her weight with his knee and lowered her legs from his waist to just under his backside so she could grind herself against his leg. Her bra was gone. Severus moved his knee up the wall slightly to secure her more safely before taking both her breasts in his hands and lavishing them with attention. His tongue made short but satisfying work of hardening and teasing her nipples and Hermione's moans as he sucked each nipple hard into his mouth, before releasing it with an audible pop, made Severus hungry for more.
He captured her mouth again and picking her up walked towards the sofa. As his knees hit the arm of the sofa, Severus stumbled forward slightly and it took all his strength not to deposit Hermione unceremoniously on her back. They both giggled as he laid her down and immediately positioned himself between her thighs. He quickly pulled off her boots and in an instant she lay there in just her knickers...and red lace knickers at that. Severus gave them an approving look.
He was about to ask of the importance of these knickers to her before he ripped them off but she beat him to it.
"Yes I do quite like these".
Severus grinned and muttered against her abdomen that he quite liked them too and now wished he'd kept her bra on so he could have appreciated the overall effect.
Growling deeply Severus decided for a hands free approach to removing this barrier to her delicious, wet core. And as Missy suddenly appeared to the sight of Severus pulling Hermione's knickers down with his teeth, Hermione suddenly got a fit of the giggles. The poor elf had gone to say something and almost dropped the tray she was holding. Flustered and shaking she put the tray on the table and muttering an embarrassed goodbye disappeared. Hopefully not to punish herself, Hermione thought.
Severus chuckled too as his hair flopped forward onto Hermione's stomach. She pushed her fingers through it and pulled slightly so he would come up to her. Kissing him hungrily she began to work the buttons on his trousers but he batted her hand away, knowing that if she released him he'd be inside her immediately. But he wanted to enjoy her more first before he'd let that happen.
As he kissed her neck he mumbled something about finishing what he had started. Moving down her body with hot, wet kisses he finally reached her knickers again and this time just pulled them off. He was impatient now and her arousal was drawing him in.
Hermione's body jerked up and she grabbed the back of the sofa as she felt Severus' lips on her sex before he licked and suckled her slick folds. Her fingers found his hair again and she began clawing at his scalp as he put his arm under her to give him a better angle. Suddenly he moved off her and she wanted to scream at him for the interruption until she felt herself being pulled forward until her bum was resting on the arm of the sofa. Severus knelt down between her thighs and looked smug as he realised he'd found the perfect position to lavish his attention on her.
As Severus teased her climax from her, she moaned and whimpered softly as she writhed under his ministrations. Sliding his fingers into her he almost immediately curled onto her sweet spot. Screaming his name amongst a litany of commands, she bucked and twisted so hard as she came that Severus had to stop her from falling off the sofa.
She seemed completely undone and he quickly went to remove his shirt but stopped suddenly when he noticed that Hermione now had a predatory look in her eye. She had certainly become a lot bolder recently but this was...he didn't have time to analyse it as she swung herself off the sofa and pushed him backwards onto the floor. For some reason this made Severus even harder.
Hermione straddled him and recommenced undoing his trousers. Severus was transfixed by the lustful look in her eyes and the time between him pushing his trousers and boxers down to her being fully seated on him seemed almost instantaneous. He couldn't remember ever being ridden like this. Another layer of her inhibition seemed to have been lost. And she loved having this much control over him. Not because she wanted to control him but because he was relaxed enough to let her be in control.
She loved how responsive he was being. She dragged her nails over his chest and he pushed up harder and deeper into her. She tightened her walls around him and he rewarded her with the sexiest groans she'd ever heard from him. She looked down at him and knew that for once his mind was quiet. And Hermione was proud of herself because although neither had intended to end up against the wall, on the sofa or on the floor, she'd sensed that he needed to take his mind off this evening's events and knew she'd succeeded.
Suddenly though, selfishly she felt for a fleeting moment, her body spasmed and all she could remember was screaming something incoherent as she collapsed on top of him consumed by her orgasm. She had lost all conscious thought when Severus flipped them over whilst still inside her and conjured a soft, sheepskin rug to lay her on at the same time. He still managed to impress himself sometimes.
He knelt up and finally removing his shirt he pulled her towards him, hooked her knees over his arms and grabbed hold of her hips. With powerful, relentless thrusts he soon had her back on the brink of another orgasm. He kept her there for as long as he could but it became all too apparent, as she grasped handfuls of rug, bucking and grinding herself against him, that neither could hold off much longer.
"Look at me," he breathed roughly as he picked up the pace. Hermione had trouble focusing but when she bit her lip and her whole body arched up as she screamed out his name again, that was it. He dropped her legs and collapsed on top of her as he became a shuddering, sticky mess deep inside her. He normally tried to not put his full weight on her but this time he failed. She really didn't least she didn't until it became uncomfortable.
He rolled off her and breathlessly kissed her forehead as he wrapped her in his arms. Severus could feel Hermione's giggling start against his chest. He pulled away slightly to look at her and arching an eyebrow asked, "what?"
She looked up at him with a lascivious grin and moved up to kiss him. But just before their lips touched she said, "You know, I don't think it's such a bad thing you comfort eating". And that was all it took for Severus to laugh until he almost cried.
But after dressing and collapsing on the sofa with his witch curled up next to him, Severus' blissful state of oblivion was gone and again his mind was reeling.
"A knut for them," Hermione teased as she took a small sip of brandy. She hated firewhisky but luckily Severus had extensive collections of both.
"Narcissa said something strange...well several strange things actually," he said staring at his glass of amber liquid, which literally seemed aflame as it reflected the actual fire. It was mid September and although the days were still quite warm, the nights were beginning to cool so a fire was becoming more of a necessity in his chambers. Although Severus doubted he'd ever suffer a cold night again with Hermione at his side.
"What did you do to her? She looked pretty harassed when she came in to see Draco," Hermione asked.
Severus continued to stare at his glass. "I made her feel...uncomfortable," he said ruefully.
"Oh," was the only response he received for a moment. Then Hermione asked, "So what did she say?"
Severus downed the rest of his drink and Hermione was pleased he didn't immediately refill his glass.
"When I said we were soul mates, she said 'What is it with you wizards claiming to have found your soul mate?' and then when I explained to her about Lucy's disappearance and said that Paris seemed to be the common denominator, she said that made sense."
"Well we sort of know he's in Paris...or at least we hope he is," Hermione said pensively.
"Indeed. But then she mentioned Lucius' defection and the real reason behind it. She said he'd met somebody during the final battle and he had to prove he could change. I've known Narcissa for years and she doesn't give up easily. So for her to feel that she couldn't compete must mean whoever he met was..."
"His soul mate?" Hermione ventured.
Severus sighed. "That is the conclusion I am reluctantly coming to," he said and twisted his mouth as he contemplated the situation further. "Do you really think it's possible that he has a soul mate?"
"It's possible," Hermione said thoughtfully. "Did you think you had one?"
"No I suppose I didn't. We all knew about Molly and Arthur but we all took the piss because we thought it was all some made up romantic twaddle," Severus said lightheartedly. "But this is Lucius we're talking about," he smirked.
Hermione was not impressed by Severus' dismissive attitude. "So Lucius can't be happy then?"
"Of course he can," Severus said feeling slightly admonished. "I hope he will be one day but Narcissa told me Lucius said it would never work out between himself and this mystery person."
"Why does he always make things so hard for himself?" Hermione said suddenly throwing her head back against the sofa. "Oh, Lucius is such a frustrating man!"
This amused Severus no end. "Only just noticed?" he chuckled.
"It's the Paris thing I don't get. Does he have an apartment there?" Hermione asked frustratedly.
"No. He's got an apartment in St Tropez and an estate in Provence. Which is why I don't understand what Narcissa said about Paris making sense," Severus said uneasily.
"Where's your estate in France?" Hermione asked trying to steer Severus away from the subject of Lucius because his brooding face was about to appear. And if that happened she knew he'd lay awake with his thoughts.
"The Loire Valley. It's got quite extensive muggle and elf vineyards. I was thinking of going out there soon but I also want to visit my estate in Tuscany. However we won't have much time until next year"
"We used to go to France all the time on holiday. We went to the Loire Valley once. Mum and Dad bought so much wine. But I love Paris. In a way I prefer it to London. To be honest I just love France," Hermione said with a mixture of fondness and regret as she thought of her parents. Suddenly tiredness hit her and she yawned.
"That's settled it then," Severus said as he got up and held his hand out to her. "Coming to bed?"
"What's settled?" Hermione asked looking confused as she took his hand.
"Well you yawned, it's late. Must be time for bed," Severus smirked knowing perfectly well that's not he meant.
Hermione was right. Sleep didn't come easily to Severus. He lay awake; his thoughts flitting between his godson and his best friend. Something felt very wrong. Nothing quite made sense. Was Lucius actually in trouble or was he just being Lucius? And if he was just being Lucius, what the hell was he playing at and how long would it be before Severus had to bail him out? And if he had a soul mate, and Severus had to admit Lucius had never been happy in the love department, who were they and why wouldn't it work out?
As for Draco he needed Lucius back and Severus decided it was time he spoke to Miss Lovegood personally.
Hermione on the other hand had fallen asleep easily in Severus' arms. Severus envied her as he gently nuzzled Hermione's hair and pulled her body close. As if her presence wasn't enough to soothe him, everything about her was calming. He loved watching her sleep. Eventually he began to tune into her breathing and finally drifted off. But it was an interrupted sleep frequented by both old and new nightmares.
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