There Are Some Things Books Can't Do | By : I'veGotNothing Category: Harry Potter > General > General Views: 17743 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of Jk Rowlings works and/or characters, and I do not make any money from this story, its just for fun |
Author’s Note: I am so so so so so sorry everyone!! I was working two jobs until just a little while ago I was able to phase one out, but most of my days off haven’t been days off! I hope you all aren’t too upset!
Harry stood on the Quidditch pitch, Ginny at his side as they surveyed their new Quidditch team. He was fairly pleased with their picks, but he could tell from Ginny’s stance next to him that she was not as happy with their choices as he was, although it wasn’t like they had a whole lot of options.
He wasn’t familiar with any of the players they had chosen, but Ginny had already known their names. No one that had played on the house team before was back, so they had to break in a whole new team.
They had already run through some basic flying drills, quaffle handling and gave the beaters some standard practice. Really he couldn’t be more pleased with how their first practice was going, even though he wanted to finish up to surprise Ginny for a nice Saturday night date in Hogsmeade. He raised his hand to get his classmates attention, but before he could speak, Ginny started, her voice ringing clear across the pitch.
“Alright everyone that was an okay start, but we’re going to jog ten laps around the pitch, then move on to the weights I had put in our changing room.” She tied her hair back into a ponytail as she spoke.
There was mutterings and complaints from the team. One of the beaters, a fourth year named Natalie raised her eyebrows. “I’m sorry, we’re doing what?”
Ginny flipped her ponytail over her shoulder as she gathered everyone’s brooms. “It’s called exercise Natalie, it’ll give us an edge over the other teams. I’m also bringing in a nutritionist to our next practice on Monday to help everyone be on a personalized diet to achieve optimal weight and health. Now let’s go!”
Ginny started jogging energetically, her teammates much less enthused behind her. Harry rushed passed them, listening to their complaints as he hurried to catch up with Ginny.
She flashed him a grin when he caught up. “Isn’t this great Harry?”
“Uhh sure Gin…Why are we doing this exactly?” Harry tried to match her nice even stride, but his slightly labored breathing gave some hint to how difficult of a time he was having.
“We don’t just want good players, we want healthy players!” Harry could tell that she was partially evading the question as she lengthened her stride up to yell over her shoulder, “If I lap any of you that’s going to be 25 pushups per lap! Pick up the pace!”
Harry huffed out air, really struggling to keep up with her. “Seriously … why … are … we … doing … this ..?” he spoke on every step, feeling the burning in his lungs.
“You chose a team that wasn’t up to scratch Harry, and now we’re conditioning them. This will help make them the best, not just okay.” She was still breathing as if she wasn’t running, and she hadn’t even broken a sweat.
Harry couldn’t take it any longer and slowed to a stop, and bent slightly over, trying to breath. The new Keeper, a tall fifth year named Maverick passed him effortlessly, singing to himself as he ran.
By the time Harry had finished running his laps, the rest of the team was hanging out by the locker room waiting for him to catch up. This surprised him, and mentally he made himself a note to work on that in his spare time. He really thought growing up running away from Dudley had given him speed…and then running away from bad guys should have kept him in shape. Clearly he had allowed himself to grow soft. Ginny had lapped Harry four times. But there was no way he was going to do one hundred pushups. None whatsoever.
“Alright Corey I lapped you twice, that’s 50 pushups, Sadie I passed you once, that’s 25, Nathan, I passed you once, that’s 25 as well. Great job Maverick and Natalie, you two kept up so no pushups for you.” Ginny turned to Harry with a smirk on her face. “and to my co-captain Harry Potter. 100 pushups. Best do them now before we hit the weights. Do you need a cushioning charm?” she asked chuckling.
“You were serious?” he couldn’t stop the question from bursting from his lips, not realizing that the other slow runners were already starting their pushups. Sure they were grumbling, but they were doing them.
“Well yeah, you’re part of this team Harry.” She smiled at him, finding it funny. Harry tightened his lips, trying to suppress his irritation.
He knelt down on the ground, feeling the grass under his palms as he began his “punishment”. He wouldn’t tell her off in front of the team, but she should have shared her plans with him before practice so he would have been prepared, and not humiliated.
To his embarrassment and slight anger, they counted for him, Corey, Sadie and Nathan joining in once they were finished with theirs, putting all the focus on his pushups.
When they chanted 100, he rose and was surprised that everyone was smiling at each other, having enjoyed the spectacle. He was still irritated, but the bonding of his team softened the blow a little. He raised his hands to get their attention. “Alright everyone, let’s call it a night, great practice today.”
Before anyone could leave Ginny spoke, “Not yet! The sun just went down, the locker rooms are cool enough to get the rest of our workout done. Give me just an hour of weights and then you all may go.”
There were some sighs, but they obediently shuffled into the changing room, Harry pulled Ginny aside before they went in. “Gin, weren’t the laps and pushups enough for one night? Besides I had something special planned for us tonight. We should end practice to go enjoy ourselves.”
Ginny laughed and kissed Harry’s cheek. “oh Harry, we can have sex later. If you’re worried about being too tired, don’t worry, I’ll do all the work. But we have to whip our team into shape. This will be good for us, you’ll see.” With that she practically skipped into the locker room, still impossibly full of energy.
Harry wanted to leave, but knew that he couldn’t. So he followed in behind her, hoping that they could still make his plans if he cooperated.
Ron used his wand to straighten his bowtie as he looked at himself in the mirror. He decided to wear traditional dress robes. Plain black, with sapphire blue vest and matching bowtie. It was actually a suggestion from Neville, who had mentioned one evening when they were in t-shirts and pajama bottoms that he looked good in that shade of blue. For some reason, Ron wanted to impress tonight. So, he had gone and bought the ensemble just the day before after deciding his old robes just wouldn’t cut it.
Ron kept scowling at himself in the mirror, checking out his new haircut and trying to make sure his face was clean. It was an important work party, he told himself, I have to look my best.
But Ron was also nervous that he had asked Neville. It had seemed like such an obvious solution. Hermione would’ve been bored, he wasn’t going to invite his sister, and well Harry was busy with his sister. And Ron certainly didn’t want to go alone. But lately, being with Neville wasn’t as easy and comfortable as it used to be. There were never awkward silences or anything, but lately Ron kept catching himself staring and Neville. At his slightly crooked smile, or how easily he hefted around huge bags of dragon dung fertilizer, or at the way he hummed to his plants.
He realized he was day dreaming again and snapped himself out of it before checking his watch. He had five minutes before they met in front of the floo. He checked his reflection one more time before leaving his room, and strode to the common room.
The moment he entered he saw Neville, dressed up in a stylish dark gray muggle tuxedo, leaning against a desk, jotting down quick notes. Ron’s heart sped up, which he chided himself for. It was Neville after all. Sure, the suit looked really good on him, and Neville cleaned up very nicely. But Neville was a guy… Ron shook his head to clear his thoughts and greeted his friend, who beamed so brightly Ron had to take a moment to catch his breath.
“So, are we ready to go?” Neville asked after a moment of Ron blinking rapidly and clearing his throat.
“Wha-? Oh yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”
Hermione and Draco were at a little restaurant in Hogsmeade, a new one that had sprung up over the summer. It was fancier than most of the locale, making Hermione slightly uncomfortable. Draco looked completely at home however as he sipped water from a crystal goblet. Admittedly Hermione was impressed by Malfoy so far. He was truly acting like this was a real date, giving her flowers, picking her up at her dorm room, assisting her with her coat and then escorted her on his arm to Hogsmeade, the long way so as to have a nice evening stroll.
Malfoy had done everything right, including engaging her in interesting topics, witty banter, making her laugh from his jokes and they hadn’t even ordered their food yet. In fact, it was probably the best date she had ever been on so far. So why did that make her nervous?
She was slightly lost in thought, fingers trailing around the rim of her goblet, when she looked up to find Draco staring at her, a soft smile on his lips. “What?”
His smile turned into a smirk. “You’re a little nervous, aren’t you?”
“No! why should I be?” Hermione sputtered out, only half-heartedly faking confidence.
Draco looked around to ensure no one was listening to their conversation and lowered his voice anyway, so low that Hermione had to lean in to hear him. “I know this isn’t an ideal situation for you. And I’m probably getting more out of this deal than you are, but I promise to not do anything to make you uncomfortable. Yeah, we’re technically dating now…and by Monday morning it’ll be all over the school, but that doesn’t mean we have to do anything you don’t want to.”
At some point he had reached across the table and had laid a hand on hers, giving her a reassuring squeeze. It was a simple gesture, but one that Hermione found endearing and completely thoughtful. And she wondered if Viktor would have done the same.
Ron leaned against the wall as he surveyed the room, a small smile on his face. Somehow Neville had managed to impress Gwenog, and they were conversing rapidly a few feet away. Well, Neville was listening more than he was speaking, but Gwenog’s signature scowl seemed to have been replaced by a genuine smile.
He pushed himself off of the wall, grabbing two fresh drinks from a passing server as he did, and cautiously approached his boss and friend. To his delight, Gwenog didn’t immediately charm her shoes to be taller than him for once. Ron passed the flute to Neville, smiling slightly and bowing his head in deference to his boss.
Gwenog’s eyes twinkled for a split second before resuming her usual haughty demeanor. Or perhaps he imagined the twinkle. It didn’t really matter, the smile remained on her face despite his presence.
“Mister Weasley, your choice of date this evening was quite the surprise, and delight. I do hope you’ll invite him to more of our ministry functions. But for now, I must annoy some stuffy bureaucrats. Have a lovely evening Mr. Longbottom.” She was slinking off, gold and green dress shimmering in the light, before Ron could hope to respond. That was still better than he could have expected. He may have been able to keep his job, but that didn’t mean she liked him.
Ron couldn’t help but grin at Neville, who seemed to be trying to contain his laughter. “That was brilliant. Whatever you said to her, it was bloody brilliant mate. I owe you one.”
“Really Ron, you just have to talk to her about her interests. It was nothing.” Despite his words, Neville was pleased. He liked doing something so simple to make Ron happy.
The pair stood in comfortable silence, sipping from their flutes, alternately enjoying, ignoring and rolling their eyes as people milled around them, giving thanks and praises for their part in the war. It was easy enough to distract those few witches and wizards though, in the presence of so many hopeful pro Quidditch players. Even Viktor Krum was in attendance tonight, but they steered clear after a quick hello. Who wanted to hang out with their teacher at a party?
The throng of people suddenly became quite dense, shoving them practically into each other, clearly it was time for the dinner. Ron was doing his best to not trip over anyone else, or himself when he felt a firm, guiding hand on his lower back, gently steering him away from the crowd, but still going the correct way. He glanced over at Neville who gave him a reassuring smile. Ron relaxed and allowed himself to be guided by his friend.
Neville lead him through the crowd, no sign of his boyhood clumsiness evident in his confident stride. He smiled up at Ron, giving a quick wink, and was rewarded with a scarlet blush. Once they were through the crush of people, and only had to find their table, Neville could have removed his hand, but instead left it. He held his breath waiting for Ron to push him away, but instead the wizard relaxed further. Neville wanted to move his hand to Ron’s hip, but was worried that he would definitely push him away. He decided not to push it.
They were seated with others in Ron’s office, laughing and enjoying their meals. Neville kept up with the conversation easily, impressing Ron and delighting his coworkers. By the time music started up to signal the end of dinner and the start of schmoozing and dancing, every person at the table had pretty much fallen in love with Ron’s date. Neville had certainly learned how to charm. At least that was what Ron was thinking, whenever he couldn’t stop staring at the handsome wizard.
Ron was jerked from his almost daydreams by Neville speaking. “Do you have to do any more work tonight?”
“Hmm? Oh- not at all. Now it’s the recruiters and the hopefuls turn. I am officially off the clock.” Ron breathed out in relief. Neville had been a good sport when they first arrived at the party, when Ron was assigned various tasks and had to drag Neville along. Although he did get to meet several famous players, Neville had been left to his devices for a bit.
“Then would you like to dance?” Neville had stood, and was offering his hand to Ron.
Ron was taken aback, his first instinct was a firm no. Why would he dance with a guy? But Ron didn’t feel like fake flirting with a new girl tonight… he wanted to be with someone who he was comfortable with, and that would definitely be Neville. Fuck it, he could always blame the alcohol if things were weird, right?
Neville could kind of see these thoughts flash through Ron, but didn’t waver his stance, holding his breath until Ron placed his hand in his, and allowed himself to be led to the dance floor. Success!
Ron was a little tense, but the moment he saw other people with friends and loved ones, even Gwenog was cozying up to a beautiful witch on the floor he relaxed. No one would care. He could just enjoy the moment.
Hermione couldn’t stop laughing. They were in Honeydukes and Malfoy was taste testing new truffles. Apparently Honeydukes and Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes were pairing together to create delicious truffles that turned you into different animals, not just covered in canary feathers like the Canary Creams. There was a designated taste test area, with rope around, indicating that some of the animals were quite big indeed. Malfoy had already been turned into a camel, an emu and a Shetland pony. With each animal he had tried to give his signature Malfoy smirk, and the translation of those smirks were what was setting Hermione off.
Actually the transfigurations were quite good, but seeing an emu try to smolder at her…well, she didn’t know she needed to see that very thing until tonight. Malfoy noticed a line eagerly waiting to test the products, so he pulled himself away from the treats and allowed someone else to go. He was slightly relieved anyway, the next one had been labeled ferret, he’d been there done that.
Malfoy wasn’t at all surprised when Hermione purchased herself a box of the truffles, claiming they were for the boys the next time they were all outside together. He also wasn’t surprised when she wouldn’t let him pay, saying that he paid for dinner. Not that he was surprised by that, that was just the type of woman she was.
Box wrapped securely in brown paper and tucked away in her bag, Draco threaded her arm through his, tucking her securely into his side, causing her to blush very prettily indeed, making him sigh a little to himself. If only she knew that all of this was real. He had to wrestle with himself for a few days, but he had to face it. He had the biggest crush on Hermione Granger. And he was going to enjoy “dating” her. He just wished that he could date her for real. Without Krum.
Malfoy checked his pocket watch as they walked, and sighed internally. Krum would be back from the party by now, and would be waiting for Hermione. It was time to go back.
Wordlessly he steered her towards Aberforth’s pub, but she halted, pulling him to a slightly clumsy stop with her. “Hermione? Krum will be waiting for you.”
She bit her lip as she looked at him. “I know. But we can still go the long way back.”
“Aren’t you in a hurry? We both know what he wants to do with you tonight.”
“He can wait Draco. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. I’m not ready for the evening to end.” She was sincere. All Viktor wanted to do lately was have sex. He barely made time to talk to her anymore, their meetings were always in his bedchambers, and the sex was… predictable. He had not been open to any of her suggestions, saying that they both were satisfied as is, so why change it. She had not wanted to disagree; the sex was fine. Besides most girls she listened to said masturbation felt better anyway, and now that she figured that out, it was a good release.
He paused for a moment, brushing the hair out of her eyes. “Then how do you feel about going the long way home, and a forbidden excursion in the library? I found the perfect reading nook.”
Hermione smiled and started to walk, pulling Draco after her. “I’m pretty sure I’ve discovered all the reading nooks in that library. However, I would love to see which one you find superior.”
“I’m sorry Harry, but I don’t totally understand why you’re mad at me.” Ginny was sitting cross legged on his bed, her wand twirling slowly between her fingers. “You thought I overworked our team? The team where no one has really played Quidditch?”
Harry sighed, and spoke calmly, but with frustration. “Do I think you worked them too hard on our very first practice? Yes. But that’s not the reason I’m mad Gin.”
Ginny interrupted, “Is it because I embarrassed you? Because you could have kept up with me, I know you could have. Being on the run doesn’t make you slow.”
“I didn’t like being embarrassed, but that’s not it either. Would you please just listen?” Harry huffed out, throwing himself down on to Ron’s bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was easier to talk if he didn’t have to look at her. “I’m upset because we are partners. We’re a team, and we need to be on the same page. Instead of that happening tonight, you steamrolled me.”
“Harry by technicality it would have been my team anyway if you weren’t invited back to complete your education. I’m just following the training program that I have been crafting for several years. Why is that a bad thing?” she kept staring at him, trying to figure it out, and it maddened her that he wouldn’t look at her.
He cursed softly. “Well if you want to be the sole captain, I’m all for it, you’ve earned it, no one can deny that. I’m not talking about Quidditch though Gin!” his voice came out sharper than he intended, and while she didn’t flinch used to her mother’s shrill screams of anger, he himself winced and quickly apologized for the sharpness of his tone.
“Sorry, that came out way harsher than I meant it… Ginny…” he sat up, resigned to looking at her, hoping she could see his sincerity. “I meant us. As a couple. No matter what we are doing, I want us to be equals. You want to follow your plans? Great, do that. Just keep me in the loop. If I would have known, I wouldn’t have scheduled a romantic date for you tonight. I would have chosen another day.”
“Wait, the special thing was a date?” Ginny’s eyes were wide as a flush crept up her neck in embarrassment.
“No Ginny, it was a threesome with a veela.” Harry rolled his eyes at her, unable to control his own sass. “Look, we spend so much time in here, and you know I adore it, but I don’t love you for your body and what you do with it. I fell in love with you. And sometimes I want to just be with you.”
Ginny rose and pulled Harry into a standing position before hugging him fiercely. “I love you, you know that? And I am sorry. I can work on us being a team.”
Harry kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry too. I can learn to understand what being a captain means to you. And yes, I know that you love me as much as I love you.”
Ginny reached up, kissing his lips softly. “Are we too late to do what you had planned.”
“Oh most definitely.”
“Well…then how about we raid the kitchen and go for a middle of the night picnic in the Astronomy tower?”
Harry smiled. “Nothing’s perfect, but you’re pretty damn close.”
Ginny shoved him playfully. “Yeah I bet you say that to all the ladies” she giggled as she ran out the door.
Harry caught her in the hallway easily, proving his speed. “Only the pretty ones.”
Ginny snorted as she cast Disillusionment charms on them, allowing the couple to freely stroll hand in hand to the dungeon without getting caught.
Hermione knew this reading nook. But she hadn’t been to it since her third year. It simply didn’t have the space for all of her studies. There was no desk, only a cushioned window seat. It was surrounded by bookshelves (as made sense, being a library) but these weren’t magical books. These were fiction books, some muggle some from the wizarding world, so this section wasn’t used as much as it would be in a muggle library.
Before she could tell him his space wasn’t the best, Draco spoke. “This is not the perfect studying space. It’s the perfect reading space. The only spot in this library where you could be in any library in the world, albeit magical or not. Here, you can travel into any book and lose all sense of time.”
Hermione raised her lumos lit wand higher, surveying the space once more through new eyes. Without the sun or a proper lantern, reading here would be difficult, but she remembered how she felt with the first book she borrowed from this library. She had come here and read the whole thing, barely moving once.
Malfoy smiled at her, knowing she had to considering it. He was rewarding by her plopping down onto the seat and smiling at him. “Alright Draco, I’ll admit, this would be the absolute best nook for reading, and reading only.”
Draco squished in beside her, there was room for two, but just barely. “I told you.”
Hermione nudged her shoulder into his lightly, grinning. “No need to be so smug about it.”
“Smug is my middle name. That and Wickedly Handsome.” Quipped back Draco. And he nudged her back. Which caused her to nudge him again. He retaliated. Soon they were jostling each other playfully, trying to unseat the other.
Hermione was victorious when she shoved him hard enough to cause him to stand. “Ha!” she allowed her little exclamation, before realizing that he was towering over her. Their wands had extinguished, and were at their feet, but she could see him perfectly. The moon illuminated his face as she looked up at him, his hair practically glowing under the light. His face was hard to read, and just as she was about to ask if he was alright, he leaned down, cupped her face and kissed her.
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