The Domino Effect | By : jameschick Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28991 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Part 22
Life is full of problems. And here's the remedy. Denial works for me (denial works for me). There's a freight train coming, Loaded with anxiety. You're tied to the tracks - don't worry (denial works for me)- Tism
"No! We're not talking about this, Herm. I don't care what you say, I'm not reliving that," the irate red-head snarled.
Hermione sighed. "But Harry..."
"Has gone completely mental!" Ron cut in. "I mean, fucking around with Malfoy is one thing, having a relationship with the sod I could even handle, but this.... perverted shite they were playing at? 'Mione, he crawled. Harry - our Harry - crawled on his hands and knees and then... Damn it, 'Mione, what the hell is wrong with him?"
"I don't know, Ron. Maybe we should talk to him about this."
"And say what?" Ron practically shouted. "Hey, mate, we followed you around the castle and watched you suck off Malfoy the other night. Oh and by the way, what's this about you quitting Quidditch? Is that what we should say to him?"
Hermione huffed in annoyance. "No, that's not what I think we should say to him. Honestly, Ron. I was thinking we could simply sit down and discuss it like rational adults, but then I remembered who I was talking to!"
"What, so now I'm not rational? Well screw you! I just watched my best friend crawl to my worst enemy, what do you expect me to feel about that? He's Harry Potter for fuck's sake, he can stand up to You-Know-Who, but Malfoy says shite and he comes sliding?"
"I don't understand it either, but perhaps if I could find a book on these types of relationships..." Hermione said.
Ron snorted. "Yeah, you do that. Go find a book to solve all of Harry's problems. I'm going upstairs to bed. Maybe when I wake up this will all have been a nightmare." That said, Ron stomped off to his dorm and left a very annoyed and hurt Hermione standing in the common room.
"Stay with me tonight?" Harry asked Draco as they left the old classroom.
"Down in the chamber?" Draco asked.
Harry grinned. "Well, I'd take you back to the tower, but I think Ron would try to kill you. Or me. Possibly both," he answered with a laugh.
"Do you think he'll say anything to you, about tonight?"
"No, if anyone says something, it'll be Hermione." Harry shook his head. "I hope they learned a lesson from this. They're my friends and I don't want to hurt them or anything, but I need space and privacy sometimes, and they don't seem to understand that. I mean, I never dreamed of following Ron around when he was sneaking off with Hermione when they first got together."
"Well, maybe this will have done the trick. But if it didn't, I'm not adverse to the idea of doing it again," Draco replied cheekily.
Harry pinned Draco to the wall and rubbed against him. "Did you get off on that? Having power over me, knowing you could make me do anything and I would obey? Did you like knowing that my friends were watching as I crawled for you, as I sucked you and begged you to touch me? Did you enjoy being my Master, Draco? Did it get you all hot and bothered?" Harry purred in his lover's ear.
Draco groaned and practically melted against the wall. "Yes," he replied. "Oh, fuck yes."
Harry nipped at Draco's ear. "Me too," he whispered and then claimed Draco's lips in a fiery kiss.
It was late and under normal circumstances she would be sleeping, but then again under normal circumstances she would be a he. Greg Goyle sighed in frustration and threw a roll of parchment against the wall. Runes was never an easy subject and it was worse now that he had to study on his own. At least before, he had Draco to help him when he got lost - which admittedly was quite often.
He was grateful to the Headmaster for letting him stay in school and even for keeping him out of classes so the other Slytherins wouldn't see what had happened to him; their pack mentality would have demanded they turn on him, seeing him as weak. It was a bitter potion to swallow, going from being the biggest, strongest guy in the school to a weak, fragile girl in a matter of seconds. He was still getting used to the idea.
He missed his friends - not necessarily the things they did but just having someone to talk to. He wondered if this was what it was like to be Potter; he remembered when everyone thought he was the Heir of Slytherin back in second year, and when Weasley turned against him in fourth because of the Tri-Wizard tourney. If Potter had felt even half as alone as Greg now did, then he had his sympathy. Especially since Potter didn't deserve what happened to him.
Giving up on the work for the night, Greg packed up his ink, quill, and books and got ready for bed. He was just about to blow out the candle on his bed-side table when a tapping sounded at the window. Turning, he sighed sadly as he recognised his father's owl. He let the bird in, retrieved the lr anr and watched as it flew away. He opened the note and read:
Vincent wrote to tell me that you have been turned into a girl.
Is this true? Is there a countercharm? I will need to renegotiate your
marriage contract if none exists.
As you well know, Vincent is not betrothed. If your condition is not
put right, I will arrange for the two of you to be married.
Get back to me with an answer.
Greg read the note twice and then crumpled it into a ball and threw it across the room. There was no way he was marrying Vincent Crabbe, even if he was stuck in this female body for the rest of his life.
Tears came to his eyes unbidden and he curled up on his bed and let them fall. If only he'd let the Hat put him in Hufflepuff, none of this would have happened.
"This place needs a bed, Harry. Can't you transfigure one or something?" Draco asked as they cuddled up on the sofa together.
"Probably, I just never thought of it. Besides, I kinda like sleeping wrapped around you," Harry replied.
Draco smiled. "I do too, but a bed would be easier on my back. Plus, there would be more room for other activities."
Harry sprang to his feet. "Well, why didn't you just say so?"
Draco laughed as he watched Harry take out his wand and aim it at the cabinet in the corner. In a matter of seconds it became a decadent queen-sized four poster with black, satin sheets and big fluffy pillows. "Very nice, Harry. Should we test it out?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Harry replied as he pulled Draco up from the sofa and toward the bed.
They fell together among the pillows and Harry lay back, content to let Draco do as he pleased for now. He still couldn't get over the feeling of elation as he remembered the words of love the other boy had spoken earlier that night. Harry had never expected anyone to ever actually love him. Not for just him, anyway. The-Boy-Who-Lived was loved by many, worshipped and adored for all the wrong reasons. Even his friends had misconceptions about him, though they knew him better than most, but Ron, having grown up with tales of how Harry Potter had defeated the Dark Lord, expected him to be a hero, and Hermione was almost as, se, seeing as she had read all about him. And Merlin knew, if it was in a book, then it had to be true as far as she was concerned. But Draco didn't love The-Boy-Who-Lived, the hero, the saviour of the wizarding world. He wasn't sure that Draco even liked that person. No, Draco loved Harry. Just Harry. It was that realization that prompted Harry's next words.
"Draco, I want you to take me."
Standing alone in the common room Hermione looked up to where Ron had disappeared and forced herself not to cry. She knew Ron was hurt and confused and he was taking it out on her simply because she was there. It still hurt, but she knew he didn't mean it. "Tomorrow, Ronald Weasley, you will apologise to me for this," Hermione said softly but with determination, "or I will take a page out of Malfoy's book and make you crawl for my forgiveness!"
Knowing that tomorrow was going to be a trying day all around, Hermione headed up the stairs to the girls dorm. Tomorrow she would head to the library and see if they had anything that would help her understand what she had seen between Harry and Draco earlier that night, but right now, she was going to get some much-needed sleep.
Draco froze. He couldn't possibly have heard what he thought he had. "Harry?"
Harry knew what Draco was asking, and he knew it would be up to him to convince him that this was what he really wanted. "Yes, Draco. I meant it, I do mean it. I want you to take me, to make love to me. I'm ready."
Bing ing away his shock, Draco let a genuine smile cross his face. Harry might not have said the words in any real sense, but actions had always spoken louder as far as he was concerned. If Harry was asking this of him, it had to mean his feelings were not one-sided. But still, he had to be sure. "Are you sure this is what you want, Harry? I told you before that I'm willing to wait."
"Well, I'm not," Harry said as he pushed himself up on his forearms and kissed Dracotly.tly. "I want this, with you. I want to feel you inside me, Draco. Please, don't make me beg."
Draco groaned and lowered Harry back to the bed. "Never," he whispered against the other boy's soft lips. "You need never beg for anything with me, Harry. All I have, all I am, I give to you freely."
Harry felt his heart fill to bursting at the boy's soft spoken plea. He could hardly believe this was the same Draco he had known since he was eleven years old. Then again, he wondered if he had ever truly known Draco before the attack. Perhaps this was the boy he had always been and the other was a façade, a mask he wore to keep himself from being hurt. It seemed likely, given the way he was with Harry now.
"And I give myself to you as well," Harry whispered as their mouths separated for a fleeting moment before his lips were claimed in passion once again.
For Draco it was like every Christmas and birthday he'd ever had all rolled into one, the culmination of his heart's desire since he was just a child. He had always wanted Harry Potter, even before they'd met, and now, here he was in the flesh, offering himself to him. Body, mind and soul. It was intoxicating.
"I love you, Harry," Draco said as he looked deep into his lover's eyes. "I love you, and I will never hurt you."
"I know," Harry answered him confidently. "Make love to me, Draco. I can't wait anyger.ger."
Draco brushed the hair from Harry's forehead and tenderly kissed his scar. Harry flinched ever so slightly and Draco shook his head slightly. "It's part of who you are, Harry. I love all of you, including the hero. Even if that part of you was a royal pain in my arse."
Harry chuckled weakly and Draco kissed him again. "Relax, love, I just want to make you feel good."
Harry nodded and slowly began to relax once more as Draco's lips and tongue paimagemage to his neck and chest and his fingers slowly undressed him. As much as he enjoyed being the dominant one during sex, he had missed this; this feeling of utter abandon, of having someone touching and caressing him. It was the closest he ever came to feeling loved and it was all the better with Draco because he was loved. Draco loved him, and Harry loved Draco as well. He just wasn't ready to admit it yet. If he said it, then it was real, and if it was real then he would lose him. Harry always lost the people he loved the most.
Having gotten them both undressed, Draco took a moment to appreciate the sight of his lover laying back on the luxurious silk sheets, his tanned, muscular body spread out and waiting. Harry had never looked more beautiful to him then he did now. "Gorgeous," Draco breathed and Harry blushed.
"I'm not," Harry replied softly. "I'm nothing compared to you, Draco. You're so beautiful that I can never compare."
Draco shook his head slightly and smiled down at his love. "I'm not wasting breath arguing with you right now, Harry. I think you are completely stunning, and I have never wanted you more than I do at this moment." Before Harry could respond, Draco kissed him again and again until the majority of this brain functions shut down.
Breaking away from Harry's mouth, Draco slid down to tease and lick Harry's nipp He He pinched, sucked, and nibbled on them until they were hard little buds and Harry was writhing in ecstasy. He moved lower then, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses down a hard, rippled abdomen, stopping to suck the indent of Harry's navel before taking him in his mouth. At Harry's pleasured moan, he reached out for his wand and cast the lubricus charm on his fingers.
Making sure Harry was aware of his intent, he slowly trailed one slippery digit back behind his balls and circled his opening. He made no move to penetrate until he was sure Harry was okay with his touch, then slipped his finger in to the first knuckle. Pulling off Harry's cock for a moment, he asked," Is this okay?"
Harry moaned and opened his eyes slightly to look down his body to where Draco lay between his open legs. "Yeah, s'good. Just go slow, s'been a while." Draco nodded his assent and went back to pleasuring Harry slowly.
By the time Draco had worked three fingers into Harry's tight hole, Harry was a writhing mess of unsatisfied lust. It took all the self control Draco had to keep from simply taking him hard and fast. "Ready, love?" Draco asked as he pulled his fingers free and positioned himself between Harry's legs.
"Yes, oh gods yes. Please Draco," Harry whined and lifted his knees higher.
Draco pushed in slowly, relishing the tight squeeze of Harry's body around his prick. He'd never felt anything so good in his life. "You're mine, now, Harry. All mine and I'm never letting you go."
"Yours," Harry breathed and pulled Draco down to kiss him. "Always yours," he finished after pulling out of the kiss and flexing his anal muscles around Draco's cock. "Move. Please."
Draco growled at the increased tightness and did as requested. With long, sure strokes, he moved inside his lover's body, hitting that sweet spot over and over as Harry cried out again and again for harder, faster, more.
When he could hold off no longer, Draco fisted Harry's eren ann and stroked him in time to his thrusts. Within moments, climax was upon them and as Harry sprayed across their stomachs, Draco thought he heard the words 'I love you' pass his lover's lips.
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