Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
There weren't as many reviews on the last chapter as you normally left but I hope it was just because you were too lazy or too busy to review and that you still liked it.
Characters: Tara, Hermione, Roland, Thalien, Janto
Pairings: Roland/Hermione; Thalien/Tara
Warnings: het, public sex
Chapter 22 - Thalien
Exhausted, Neville rested on Noah's chest while Lars lay almost motionless on his back until Calan came over to rescue Neville from being crushed.
Calan chuckled as he plucked the exhausted sub from the tangle of bodies, holding him fondly as the super sub clung to his strong form for comfort. Shaking his head, Calan looked around the pool and his wolf was filled with a deep sense of satisfaction and belonging. From the smell and looks on everyone’s faces, he knew they were also at one with the moment.
“Hey, Tara,” Hermione said and sat down beside the girl in the lounge.
“Hi, pup,” Tara replied in a friendly manner.
A groan escaped Hermione. “Can you please call me Hermione?”
Tara shrugged. “Its sounds more natural to call you pup, but if you insist. So where are the boys?”
“In the toy room.” Hermione shuddered. Yorik had taken her there one time to just give her a tour and since then she had kept distance between herself and that room. Every time someone tried to convince her to go in there with him, she convinced them of something much more pleasurable, at least for her. The room was stuffed with all kinds of toys, many S&M toys, paddles, restraints and more.
Neville wasn't as lucky as Hermione. He didn't have her rank and her ability to manipulate the dominants and so he had been dragged there several times to watch when Draco was used. Hermione feared that today Neville wouldn't be just a watcher as Fenrir and Severus were in there with him and Draco.
Fenrir had taken more and more part in the training of Neville, as they called it. Hermione found it absolutely stupid that they had to use this excuse for having their wicked way with him. They had survived their first changing, and so they shouldn't still call it training or survival training. Anytime she stated that theory she was spanked, so she stopped offering her opinion about this topic. At least Neville didn't seem to care anymore. He was much more open and had slowly turned into a twin of Draco. Sometimes, Hermione had the feeling Draco was in Neville's body.
Nevertheless, Neville was shy when it came to public sex or any new things, and he even fought them tooth and nail when they tried to get him close to the adult pool again. Until now, they hadn't found a way to convince him.
“The head Alpha said you have questions about the heat?” Tara offered as a topic for their conversation when she saw Hermione obviously worrying about Neville in the toy room.
“Oh, yes, ehm... last time it was a bit embarrassing. Will it be like that every time?”
Hermione sighed. “No, I mean, does it feels that intense every time?”
“It will even get more intense from next time on. Last time you were very sore, as much as I heard, and your body was still changing. Next time, your hormones will be already in balance and your body ready for taking. The Eldest spoke with me about our differences, so I can explain it to you and help you, but we aren't so different. We can't get pregnant, but our body still is constructed like the body of a normal sub which can get pregnant during a full moon. At least we don't bleed like them. God you should see—”
“I can imagine, Tara,” Hermione said quickly. “And I had my menstruation before I was turned, you know?”
“Oh, sorry, I sometimes forget. You know that I'm a born werewolf and of course a born super-sub. I got my first discharge when I turned sixteen. It was agony to be in heat and nobody was willing to help me. They are not allowed to touch us before we turn seventeen.”
“How old are you now?”
“Twenty and you?”
Tara laughed. “Can you imagine how jealous the other clans are? Most of them have no super-sub or an old super-sub. There are only two more clans I know who have super-subs under thirty.”
“And how many pups do you know?”
“Only you. Pups are incredibly rare. I think the Toren Clan has an Eldest who once was a pup, but I'm not certain. You should ask the Head Alpha.”
“How long does the heat last, and what do you do about the discharge?”
“Mostly the heat starts two or three days before full moon and last for four days after it. At least that is how it is with me. Normally, we subs don't talk about things like that or about anything. We are very jealous and don't like to socialize with other subs.”
Hermione definitely had underestimated Tara. She was good to talk with and not stupid like she had imagined. “But Draco isn't and you aren't, right?”
“Of course I am, and Draco is even worse. You should see him when other subs are over here or Fenrir brings new ones for their first changing. He is a real bitch then.”
Hermione's jaw dropped open. She just couldn't imagine Draco acting like that. He was so sweet with Neville. “But he likes Neville.”
“Yes, that's really weird but maybe he just likes him too much to behave jealously. We almost never talk and don't even like it when we have to perform. He likes it when he can hurt me.”
“What? No, Tara, that can't be.” Hermione was shocked.
“It's normal. I don't blame him for it, but I still don't like it. That my body says yes and amen to everything they want from me doesn't mean that I enjoy it all.”
“Then you must tell them so, Tara. You are no fucking toy.”
Tara looked away. “You don't understand it.”
“Of course I do. We are the same. Stop bowing your head to everything they say. They can't force you. Fenrir told me so. You always have a choice.”
“You should know how it feels, Hermione. The burning, the need to pleasure them; even if my body is in pain, my soul can hum in satisfaction because I make them happy.”
“But you are not happy and that is the most important. You are a human being and they have to take damn care that you enjoy yourself when they enjoy you. Open your mouth, Tara.”
Tara looked puzzled at Hermione but she seemed to think about it. That was a start.
“I will have a stern word with Draco about this all.”
“Hermione, no, please. He will go to the head beta or worse, the head alpha. Please don't talk with him.”
“I will talk with him and make sure he won't make trouble. You can trust me, Tara.” Hermione took Tara's hand in hers. “Things will change now, I promise.”
Loud noises made them both look over to the door. Almost the whole warrior group came into the lounge and the children were ushered outside by their mothers. “What's going on?” Hermione asked, worried.
“Initiating of the Splinters. Don't worry, they won't touch you. It is my part to make them able to level up.”
“Level up?” Hermione asked, but didn't get an answer because Tara was smiling shyly at someone behind Hermione.
When Hermione turned around, she saw that the men all remained at the other side of the lounge, but they were too many, and it looked really weird how they seemed to huddle together so as to not overstep an invisible border. Only one man was coming over to them; Roland.
“Hey, pup,” he said and sat down beside Hermione.
She glared at him.
“Still mad at me?” he asked, amused.
“You raped Morgan!”
“I dominated him, pup. That's different.”
“It's not.”
He rolled his eyes and laid his arm around her shoulders.
Hermione stiffened. Fenrir had commanded her to behave when Roland was around and to not push him away when he communicated normally with her. Laying his arm around her was still counted as normal communication under werewolf behavior standards. They were much more touchy then humans. Hermione didn't dare push the alpha away.
“Calm down, pup. How about we make a little deal?” When Hermione looked questioningly at him, he said, “You give me a chance to play around with you and stop being mad at me, and I never touch your Morgan again.”
That was an interesting offer. Sex with Roland wouldn't be so bad, and if she would get him off of Morgan by doing this, it would be a great deal better for Morgan. Roland was well built, and Hermione couldn't stop herself from feeling attracted by his dominance. Sex had become a very important part of her life now and there had even been a few times were she had made the move to seduce a dominant to have sex, even though she had the suspicion that they had made her horny on purpose, so she had needed to ask someone to find release; one of their so-called ‘trainings.’
“So, do we have a deal?” Roland asked, smirking.
“Deal, but you will hold your prom—” She was unable to speak further because she shrieked, surprised when he lifted her onto his lap and the men finally all moved over to them.
When Roland felt her stiffen in fear, he held her tight and whispered soothing words in her ear. “Shh, it's all right. They won't touch you. If you don't want, we will not perform for them. I will cover you and nobody will see what we are doing. We have to be patient, nevertheless, because I have to oversee the initiation. I won't let them damage my sub.”
Hermione relaxed, reprimanding herself for it mentally. Her body and mind just so easily trusted those dominants. She tried to force the image of Roland raping Morgan to the front of her mind but wasn't successful. She just felt so safe in his strong arm and his words lured her into a state of safety even more.
Roland grabbed for one of the blankets that lay around on the couch and covered his and Hermione's lower body with it. “First we just enjoy the show, pup. They will even try to perform better now that you are around. That will make Tara even more happy, and we want her happy, right?”
“Of course we want that. You should take better care of her. She doesn't always like the rough way you let them handle her. You—” Another surprised squeak escaped her when he quickly removed her shorts and knickers.
Roland chuckled. The pup was so amusing. Still, he preferred to not have her rebellious mouth around him all the time. Tara was much easier to handle. He had to watch out for her now, as the pup was trying to get her to revolt, but he knew that Tara enjoyed being a sub. A little bit of back talk from her would be a nice addition. It wouldn't hurt for her to give her more forceful partners some thoughts of herself. That would spare him from having to soothe her afterward or restrain himself because she was sore. Yes, the pup was a promising addition to the clan.
After Roland had removed her underwear he rested his hands on her thighs, and from time to time drew small circles with them. Others than that, Hermione could concentrate on the initiation completely. Roland's beta, Janto, sat down beside them and lifted Tara on his lap.
“Ready to train the Splinters, darling?” Janto asked.
Tara nodded but didn't look very happy. Hermione felt sorry for her, but Janto's next words made her relax against Roland's chest.
“Calm down, sweetie. We are here to watch that they behave, and later I will make up for their lack of performance. I will bow to every wish you have this evening.”
Tara's smile was genuine, and the smirk back from Janto was so sweet. The beta slowly undressed Tara while Hermione heard another familiar voice speak seriously with the men. It was Darius. “Undress!”
Seven young warriors started to insecurely undress in front of their mocking comrades. They even got a few slaps on their bums by some older guys. Hermione would have felt pity for the Splinters if she hadn't been a victim of their uncontrolled manners sometimes and hadn't seen them advance on the other subs so bluntly, even though they were pushed away by them. No, she wouldn't feel sorry for them. They deserved this treatment. It wasn't different the type of behavior they had displayed to the subs.
When Hermione looked away from the undressing men, her eyes met Darius', who winked at her. She blushed being seen by him on Roland's lap, but it seemed her friend didn't see anything wrong in it.
“They talk about you and him, you know?” Roland whispered in her ear and then let his tongue flicker in her ear.
She leaned sideways to escape the tickling but her lower region spurt fluid like hell as a result of this small teasing of him. “What? Why?”
“First, we thought you chose him as one of your mates, but he doesn't smell like you and he behaves as if he is your sire.”
“My what?” Hermione asked, and craned her neck to look at Roland.
“Your sire. Fenrir is unsure what to do.”
“What do you mean, what to do? Will he hurt Darius?”
Roland chuckled. “Not very certain about your alpha, are you, pup?”
“Of course I am but he is... difficult sometimes.”
Roland laughed loud and the eyes that hadn't been on them before turned to eye them keenly.
Darius cleared his throat. “Alpha Roland?”
“What, are you uncomfortable with me talking about you with the pup?” Roland laughed, smirking at the nervous man. Darius was a well-known and feared veteran. He was one of the highest in command in the warrior wing, but as an alpha, Roland had power over him, no matter that their ranks as warriors was equal in status.
“No, but should we go on?”
Roland rolled his eyes and gestured for him to go on.
“You all know the rules but I will repeat them again. The first rule is to pleasure the sub and get her to orgasm. Anyone who isn't able to do so won't rank up socially and will stay at level one. That, of course, means you will get stuck in basic training for at least three more months, so I would try to do my best if I were you. Your performance today will be only one part in the process of leveling up. You still have to fulfill your task of pleasuring a male sub, and your talk with the Eldest will have to be successful as well. If you don't perform well today, you can still make up for it in one of the two other tasks, but I would advise you to do your best the first time around. The next two tasks will be much more challenging.”
He stepped closer to the naked men and eyed them silently. They shifted nervously from one foot to another under his glare.
“Any men should be able to pleasure a sub or he doesn't deserve to call himself a man.” Hermione was a bit amused when two of the men went soft from Darius’ speech, and one had never gotten hard at all. “Your pleasure is only a part of the whole. The sub deserves payment for her offer to pleasure you. The payment is to take care of her so that she enjoys the intercourse.” Darius stepped away from the men, and Hermione saw them relax visibly.
“Whom do you want first, Tara?” Darius asked while holding his hand out for her.
Tara took his hand and lifted herself off Janto's lap. One of the older men transfigured the couch opposite of Hermione into a small bed. Tara didn't need to think long and smiled at the black haired man with a Mohawk. “Thalien.”
Thalien grinned proudly and got some encouraging pats on his shoulder as he went over to Tara, who now was sitting on the bed.
Hermione looked around for familiar faces, but none of her mates were there, not even Toric. She knew some of the others, but only with Calan and Radgar had she been intimidated. Both men grinned at her when she met their eyes.
Moans from opposite her made Hermione look over at Tara. Thalien seemed to have some skills and made Tara lay down while teasing her breast.
“Have they ever?” Hermione whispered at Roland.
“Him for sure, or Tara wouldn’t have chosen him so quickly. I can't tie her to her room. She likes to play with fire, and the Splinters are fire. You already should know that they try their luck with the subs often, but mostly are rejected.”
Hermione nodded, but she also knew that Draco had found a liking in some as well. One of them was the red haired guy which had been soft the whole time.
Thalien obviously had skills and so Tara quickly was brought over the edge and Thalien followed after five more thrusts. He gave her a kiss as a thank you, and she smiled warmly at him. The way back into the group of men was not easy for Thalien because he most certainly would have bruises from all the friendly but sometimes forceful pats he got on his shoulder. They cheered and hooted as if they were already embracing him into their group, but Darius had explained that they weren't.
Hermione felt like a voyeur. It embarrassed her that she enjoyed it, but Roland started to distract her by letting his hand wander between her legs.
“Choose the next one, Tara,” Darius ordered, and Tara eagerly turned around. It seemed she enjoyed it now. “Not Hannes. You should keep him until last.” Tara looked a bit disappointed, but nodded.
“The blond one, then.” She sounded bored, but the boy, (and yes, he looked like a boy,) tried to ignore it. He did his best and managed adequately in Hermione's eyes, but she remembered him to be one of the more forceful ones in the hall when they accidentally met them. He had been very rude to Draco and Neville. The next two Hermione couldn't judge because she was otherwise occupied.
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