The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Impending Storms
Severus was vaguely aware that it was morning. He remembered waking up at some point with Hermione snuggled up behind him. Tentatively he turned over, still not fully awake and was surprised when his arm, which he'd intended to use to pull Hermione into him, landed with a thud on the mattress. He tried to focus and was now aware that he had a blinding headache. He rolled onto his back and groaned. He could hear the shower running faintly and realised he'd have to go to the bathroom to get a headache potion. Except when he managed to haul himself up to sit on the edge of the bed, he noticed a vial was already waiting for him. He chuckled to himself. How the hell does she know me so well already?
He removed the stopper and downed the potion quickly. His whole body felt exhausted. He'd hardly slept and he stretched, trying to invigorate his muscles before making his way to the bathroom.
He was about to open the door when he heard her. He'd never heard her sing in the shower before and if his initial reaction was to laugh, his second was to realise how adorable she sounded. Any ideas she had of performing at The Royal Opera House should be put on hold, he conceded, but if she was happy enough to sing in his...their shower, then who was he to argue. Besides he had an idea how he could shut her up.
Severus watched Hermione for a moment as she continued to soak her hair. He loved how the water pulled down on her curls causing rivulets of water to cascade down her back and over her rather lovely buttocks. He loved the shape of her breasts as she put her arms up and ran her fingers through her hair. He could tell she had her eyes closed and saw the perfect opportunity to move the shampoo that she had just positioned so carefully in front of her. He swiped it away and slipped into the shower behind her. Years as a spy would never go to waste.
He stood behind her, hands behind his back, concealing the shampoo. He couldn't help but chuckle silently as she stopped singing when she realised the bottle she thought was in front of her had vanished. He also found it hard not to laugh when she started muttering to herself.
"Where's it gone? I'm sure I put he's still asleep. Anyway I'd have heard..."
"Lost something have we?" Severus purred silkily just by her ear.
She jumped and let out a shriek before putting her hand on her chest in shock. But after hearing his voice and now that his body was lightly pressed against her back, she realised it wasn't just her hair and skin that was getting wet.
"Well I thought Myrtle might have decided to haunt your bathroom to spite me but it would appear there is another naughty presence here," Hermione said, trying to sound un-phased. She turned round to face Severus and gave him a deliciously seductive look as she walked her fingers up his chest.
Severus growled as he followed the path of a water droplet which ran from her collarbone down over her breast and formed a bead on her pert nipple. He wanted to lick it off but biting his lip he composed himself and said, "That is most unfortunate. And how will you deal with this naughty presence?”
"I believe it needs to be taken in hand," Hermione said seductively.
"Well...," Severus' voice was broken from its usual smooth timbre as Hermione's hand gently cupped his balls, "just in hand?"
"Hand...mouth...does it matter?" Hermione purred. "Can I have my shampoo back?"
"I propose a trade," Severus managed to choke out as Hermione stroked his hardening length.
"And what would that be?" she whispered as she licked his chest.
"You give me a blow job and I'll wash your hair. After all," he gasped as she squeezed him slightly, "you didn't wake me so it will save time."
"How persuasive you are," Hermione smirked and then bit her lip as she knelt down in front of him. Severus produced the shampoo bottle and squeezed some into his hand.
"Come here then," Severus growled, as he put his shampoo slicked hands through hair and Hermione took him in her mouth.
Ten minutes later as Hermione was combing conditioner through her hair, Severus was washing his own whilst trying to steady himself following his orgasm.
"You alright sweetheart?" she smirked. Severus just nodded and winked at her cheekily.
Hermione loved the little things he did that only she got to see. And as she stepped back into the shower with her back to him so she could rinse her hair, he wrapped his arms around her and whispered, "I promise to return the favour later."
"I'll hold you to that," Hermione giggled and put her head back so he could kiss her thoroughly.
"Are you still going to Diagon Alley today?" Severus asked as they walked to Hermione's rooms to meet Draco and Narcissa. They were taking advantage of the fact they could still walk through the halls holding hands. They had agreed that during term time they'd try and avoid overt displays of affection. Even Severus had to admit that would be easier said than done.
"Yes, but I doubt Draco's coming now. I just hope they haven't killed each other and left a bloody mess in my rooms."
Severus laughed and put his arm around her. "I doubt it. Leo didn't visit during the night so I suspect they're still alive. However, I suspect the situation is still delicate."
"I hope he's given her hell," Hermione giggled.
Severus smirked, "As do I!"
"Good morning, Narcissa," Severus said indifferently.
"Where's Draco?" Hermione asked urgently as Narcissa took a sip of coffee.
"It seems he prefers the company of your cat to his own mother's," she said resentfully.
Severus snorted. "And you expected a warm welcome did you?"
"I said my piece, Severus. What more can I do?" Narcissa asked ruefully.
"Say it again," Severus replied exasperated. "Listen to him perhaps?"
"I'll just go and see him then," Hermione said as she felt an uncomfortable tension rising between Narcissa and Severus, stopping when Narcissa continued in an almost friendly tone.
"Draco mentioned going shopping with you Madam Malkin's?"
"Yes," Hermione answered, sounding slightly more terse than intended.
"If you don't see anything to your liking I can give you the name of the couturier I use whenever I wear Muggle designers," Narcissa offered nonchalantly.
Severus smirked at Hermione doing a goldfish impression before saying, "Thank you, Narcissa."
"I will be staying at the The Manor with my son should you need me," Narcissa said with a smile, but Hermione got the distinct impression she was politely being put in her place. But as far as Hermione was concerned she wasn't going anywhere until Draco told her to.
Hermione gave a weak smile and walked into her bedroom. She didn't bother knocking. She'd accidentally seen Draco naked a few times now and felt immune to the sight. She found him sitting upright on the middle of her bed, fully dressed with Leo on his lap, both of who were reading her apprenticeship research notes.
"Can you get rid of my Dark Mark?" Draco asked bemusedly.
"I don't know," Hermione said quietly, "I believe we can reduce it and other scars caused by Dark Magic. I need to look at the runic and Arithmantic calculations before I go any further."
Draco gave her an inquisitive look. "Of course. So you'd need the Arithmantic values and then match those to potions ingredients and..."
"The chances of success are increased tenfold," Hermione replied in an almost smug tone.
"Now I know why he loves you. I bet his idea of talking dirty is listing potions ingredients," Draco said, giggling.
"How did you know? Erumpent Horn gets me every time," Hermione sarcastically quipped. She giggled as Draco gave her a playful sneer.
"Could I help you with the Arithmancy?" Draco asked, half expecting her to say no.
"I'd love you to," she replied enthusiastically. "I'll need to check with Sev if that's allowed, but if it is I'd love your help," she said, smiling. She then sat on the bed and asked more seriously, "How are you feeling this morning?"
"A bit better. Mother seems to think waving Galleons in front of me buys forgiveness but I suppose she came back at least. Still worried about Father. I miss him 'Mione," Draco told her, hanging his head.
"I know but hey...your mother's here now and I'm sure Lucius will turn up soon," Hermione offered, trying to sound positive.
"Come here," Draco said, spreading his arms and inviting her in for a cuddle. They often cuddled but once he'd pulled her in close, Hermione realised something was amiss. He kissed the top of her head and then pulled away, placing his finger under her chin, lifting it so she was looking at him. Tentatively stroking her cheek he said, "I don't know what I would do without you. I hope he knows how lucky he is?"
Hermione was flustered. He'd done this before but she wasn't with Severus then. And it had always been light-hearted. But this time worried her. She saw Lucius in his eyes. She saw an intent which she knew was caused by his fragile state but she could not encourage.
Sev, help! she desperately thought, hoping he would arrive quickly.
"I tell him every day," Hermione said jokingly, hoping that would not spurn him and yet make him realise that what he may have been contemplating was not a good idea.
But she breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Severus' deep silky voice say, "Not that I need to be reminded. Now Mr Malfoy, please unhand my witch and escort your mother to breakfast."
Severus was leaning up against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. Draco looked embarrassed and gently but reluctantly, unattached himself from Hermione. As he approached Severus he said sheepishly, "Thanks for last night."
"Think nothing of it," Severus said simply and placed his hand on Draco's shoulder before holding his hand out to Hermione.
As she took it he pulled her into him, slammed the bedroom door and pushed her up against it. His mouth attacked hers feverishly before desperately nipping his way down her neck until he reached the junction of her neck and her shoulder. He suckled the spot, grazing her delicious skin with his teeth; biting gently at her flesh. He put his forearm between her legs and lifted her up the door until her eyes were level with his. He teased her earlobe between his lips; the feel of his breath in her ear made her shiver and her soft whimpers became moans as he skilfully assaulted more of her pleasure points. Their eyes met before Severus claimed her mouth again and hungrily caressed her tongue with his own.
She wanted him. He'd lit the fire in her core and she needed him to put it out. Her eyelids were heavy as she waited for his next move. But it never came.
He pressed his forehead against hers but averting his eyes he whispered, "I didn't like the way he was looking at you."
Hermione's eyes flew open and she cupped his cheek in her hand. "Neither did I," she said softly; reassuringly.
He leaned into her touch and placed a soft kiss against her palm. "Good," he said, inwardly kicking himself for his jealousy.
Hermione sighed deeply and said breathlessly, "Look at me."
His eyes met hers and he felt the rush of her in his mind. Since their connection had formed they'd only entered each other's mind a handful of times aside from their lovemaking, and yet it had become their sincerest form of communication. There were no doors or walls, there was no ability to act or say something just to placate the other. It was honest and intimate. It felt like she was running her fingers over his mind just as she would if running her fingers through his hair.
In his mind Hermione took his hand and led him to one of the many seats in amongst the bookshelves. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap.
You know I'm yours. Draco's upset still and even if he'd caught me off guard and you weren't around, I would have stopped it and I would have told you. But thank you for defending my honour. I love my knight in black armour.
And he loves you, Severus said before kissing her boneless both in his mind and physically.
Severus was seated in his office, looking through a pile of parchment when there was a knock on the door. He'd been dreading this knock since Minerva had informed him that Pansy Parkinson wanted to see him. Why she couldn't just send him an owl he'd never know. Severus had never had any time for the girl. She may be a Slytherin but when Draco split up with her he'd breathed a rather large sigh of relief.
"Headmaster, Miss Parkinson is here to see you," Minerva said as Pansy Parkinson gingerly entered his office.
"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," Severus drawled and Minerva nodded courteously before taking her leave. As she reached the door she raised her eyebrows as if to say "have fun."
"Miss Parkinson, I believe you requested an audience," Severus stated and indicated she could sit down.
"First of all, sir, may I say that it's fabulous to have you back where you belong," Pansy said sycophantically.
"Please come to the point...and quickly," Severus drawled.
"Well sir," Pansy said quietly, "I wanted to discuss my position as Senior Head Girl"
Severus rolled his eyes. "Continue."
"Yes you see sir, I want to know why Granger turned it down," she asked.
"Firstly, in this office you will refer to her as Miss Granger and secondly, as of tomorrow you will address her as Professor Granger. Does that answer your question?" Severus asked.
Pansy blushed. "Oh right. Thank you sir"
Severus considered Pansy carefully. "Now Miss Parkinson, as you are someone who I have always considered to be a model Slytherin, I find your eagerness to see me over something so trivial quite disturbing. Why else are you here?"
"It's rather personal sir. I need your help, Headmaster," Pansy said urgently.
Severus narrowed his eyes "Oh?" He dreaded what she was going to say; klaxons were going off in his head.
"You see sir, I miss Draco terribly and you're his godfather, so I wondered if you could make sure we spend more time together. I know we could put all the problems we had behind us if..."
Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. "Miss Parkinson, stop please. Assuming, for one ludicrous moment, this is a genuine reason for your presence, I refuse to get involved and therefore I apologise for your wasted journey. However I will also expect an apology from you for wasting my time. Now I ask again. Why are you here?"
"Sir please don't be angry with me. But I'm also scared,' Pansy said, hanging her head.
"Scared?" Severus asked sardonically. Something was very wrong. He tried to enter her mind surreptitiously but she was Occluding him. When the hell did she learn to do that? Severus thought to himself.
"Yes sir," Pansy said, averting her eyes. "I'm scared because Death Eaters are still out there and following the break out from Azkaban reported in the Prophet this morning, people like me whose parents resisted pressure to join the ranks, are now targets. I need to know what kind of wards are in place so I feel safe coming back here."
Severus arched an eyebrow and said smoothly. "You're asking me what wards are in place?"
"Yes sir," Pansy stated confidently.
"All you need know is the wards are strong," Severus answered, masking his suspicions. He was never aware of the Parkinson's ever being considered targets. Not that vigilance wasn't to be encouraged but why was she, and not her parents, so concerned? And the fact that she wanted to know what wards are in place rather than what wards will be in place, really concerned him.
Sweetheart, is Draco with you? Severus thought to Hermione.
Miss Parkinson is acting suspiciously. Draco knows her intimately and I would appreciate his opinion. She's either Imperiused or we're dealing with Polyjuice. Come with him but wait outside; apprise him of the situation on the way. Then debrief him and let me know his conclusion.
I'm on it, Hermione thought back.
"Have your family been contacted?" Severus asked Pansy with false concern.
"No sir, but I fear it's only a matter of time," she responded, bowing her head once again.
"I see," Severus said thoughtfully. "You have my assurances. The wards remain strong and have recently been strengthened."
"Strengthened how?" Pansy inquired, sitting forward with great interest.
Severus snorted. Pansy was far too interested in this. "Come now Miss Parkinson, you cannot expect me divulge such information."
"No of course sir but I'd...," Pansy suddenly jumped at the sudden knock at the door.
"Come in," Severus said feigning annoyance, knowing perfectly well it was Draco.
"Sorry to disturb you Uncle...," Draco said.
"Draco you might find owling first is advantageous," Severus scowled.
"Again apologies. Sorry to interrupt, Parkinson. How are you?" Draco asked.
"Very well, Malfoy," Pansy said effusively.
Severus' eyes darted to Draco. She never called him Malfoy. All she ever said in the Slytherin common room was Draco this and Draco that.
Draco smirked. "Good. So I hear you're to be my partner in crime this year."
"Yes. I'm looking forward to it," Pansy said sweetly.
"So am I. I always enjoyed how you woke me up last year," Draco purred.
Pansy blushed. "'You weren't the only one."
"Do you two mind?" Severus snapped. "What do you want Draco?"
"Just because you're not getting any!" Draco teased.
"It must be so lonely being Headmaster," Pansy said solicitously.
Severus suddenly felt very ill. Fuck she's flirting with me, he thought to Hermione.
Or he! she chimed back and giggled as Severus growled in her head.
Ignoring Pansy, Severus listened to Draco as he discussed helping Hermione in her research, whilst continuing to speak to Hermione in her mind.
Imposter? Hermione asked.
Believe so. Draco's been quite stunning in his duplicity. Has he really offered to help you? Severus thought to her.
Yes, he has but as for duplicity he's learnt from the best, Hermione giggled.
Flattery will get you everywhere, he purred in her head.
Severus said to Draco. "I'll consider it Draco. I will have to look into the logistics. But I'm sure Miss Granger will be grateful for the assistance."
Draco chuckled. "Hermione won't be teaching me, will she?"
Hermione, have you seen a copy of the Prophet today? I can't remember seeing it in my rooms and there isn't one here, Severus asked.
No, and I didn't see Minerva or Filius with one either. Slugs was too busy drooling over Narcissa, Hermione replied.
"No, Professor Slughorn," Severus responded to Draco.
Speak to the house-elves. I've been told the Prophet reported a mass breakout from Azkaban this morning, Severus thought.
Severus sensed Hermione's shock. Precisely. If that had been reported and someone had seen it, it would be widely debated.
Severus then said to Draco, "Come and see me next week. I'll check my schedule and get back to you."
"Of course. You should get yourself a pretty secretary, Uncle," Draco replied, smirking.
"Indeed," Severus huffed, wanting nothing more to clip Draco around the back of the head. And with that Draco left and immediately cast Muffliato.
"So?" Hermione asked him urgently.
"It's not her," Draco said confidently. "I implied we had sex last year; which we didn't. They acted like it were true. And they called me Malfoy."
"Polyjuice or Imperius?"
"Polyjuice," Draco replied as he put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm going to see Mother now. I doubt I'll be coming shopping."
Hermione nodded but added, "Ginny called. She can't make it until this afternoon."
"Oh well in that case," Draco smiled.
Not her. Polyjuiced. No post or daily prophets today, Hermione thought to Severus.
Floo to Thickie's office. Ask him about a breakout at Azkaban and explain the imposter situation. Get him to Floo to my office with Auror backup. When you come back stay away from here but don't go shopping until we know more. By my calculations transformation will occur in 30 minutes.
Unless it's one of your longer lasting potions, Hermione responded. Severus could sense her chewing her lip.
Severus sighed in her head. In which case Pius really has a massive security problem.
Whilst Severus kept 'Miss Parkinson' talking, Hermione arrived at the office of the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. The department seemed to be in utter chaos.
"Excuse me," Hermione said to Pius' secretary. "Headmaster Snape has asked me to call on Mr. Thicknesse urgently."
"And you are?" the girl said haughtily before realising she was face to face with one of the Golden Trio.
But before she could say something cringe-worthily sycophantic, Pius came out of his office.
"Hermione, my dear. To what do I owe the pleasure? Tea?" he asked as he invited her into his office and shut the door.
"Sorry no time," Hermione said and explained the situation unfolding in the Headmaster's office. As soon as she mentioned the breakout Pius froze.
Without a word he ran out of his office and collected two senior Aurors. Upon returning Pius asked, "I don't suppose Severus has extended the Headmaster's Apparition privilege to you has he?"
"He has," Hermione said, "but he doesn't want me anywhere near his office."
"Understandable," Pius said putting a comforting hand on her arm. "You Apparate with Savage to outside his office door; we'll Floo into his office. Hopefully I'll see you later."
"Be careful, Pius," Hermione said sincerely.
Pius smiled. "Always, my dear."
Severus and 'Pansy' looked up as the fireplace glowed green. "Pius, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Severus drawled.
"I come with grave news and to provide counsel. There was a mass breakout at Azkaban last night. Kingsley was Imperiused and ordered the Dementors away. It isn't public knowledge but...oh I do apologise Miss...?"
"Have you not seen the Prophet this morning?" Severus asked incredulously. "Miss Parkinson informed me this news made the front page. She's been sensible enough to check the protection status of the castle."
'Pansy' went to stand up but Pius hastily added, "No need to get up Miss Parkinson," and put his hand on her shoulder, pushing her gently back onto the chair.
"I really have to go," Pansy insisted.
"But we haven't concluded our discussion," Severus said, almost sounding disappointed. He could see 'Pansy' eyeing the Auror by the fireplace.
"Oh well," Pius continued. "Unfortunately the Floo network has been shut to all but officers of my department. Standard Ministry procedure I'm afraid when I go out on business. You'll have to Apparate from the school gates," he added ruefully.
"Oh to be so important," Severus muttered and smirked at the glint in Pius' eyes. Standard Ministry procedure was that he had to travel with two Aurors when on business. Severus surmised the other was outside the door. The Floo network at Hogwarts wasn't closed because only Severus or Minerva could close it.
Severus studied 'Pansy' for a moment. "Miss Parkinson, given this new threat it would be remiss of me not to escort you to the school gates personally. I need to inform the other professors of this worrying development, so may I offer you some refreshment in the meantime?"
"Really I don't mind walking down myself," 'Pansy' protested.
"Miss Parkinson I insist," Severus said forcefully. "Winky," he called as he scribbled a note on a piece of parchment.
"Yes Master," Winky answered nervously.
"Can you bring enough coffee for...or would you like tea or perhaps something else Miss Parkinson?"
"Tea, please," she said, lowering her head.
"Coffee for three and a tea," Severus said politely, "and Winky, give this note to your mistress before you fetch the refreshments."
"Yes Master," Winky said before disappearing with a pop.
Just then an unknown owl suddenly arrived in the Headmaster's office carrying a letter. Obsidian, who'd been observing events from his vantage point on top of a bookcase, immediately swooped down and attacked before it reached Severus. The other bird lay dead on the floor and Obs screeched in pain.
Severus instinctively cast a detection spell over the dead bird and then Obsidian. The other owl had been cursed and Obs had taken the brunt of it. Having identified the curse, Severus quickly performed its counter spell. Kneeling down to pick up his familiar, he suddenly felt a wave of nausea hit him as he realised the curse was meant for him. But then as the panic subsided he actually wondered if the sender had been quite clever.
Pius gathered the dead bird up as evidence as Obsidian was rewarded with two of his favourite treats. A sore but proud Obs flew back to his favourite spot to spy on the world once more.
'Pansy' was beginning to frantically look around now.
"Is something wrong Miss Parkinson?" Pius asked snidely as Winky arrived with the tea and coffee.
"No I'm fine sir," 'Pansy' said nervously.
"I'll pour, shall I?" Pius smirked as he looked at the cups.
"What does your love letter say Headmaster?" he asked as Severus read the parchment.
"Oh, it just says 'Traitor'," Severus said dispassionately.
"How unimaginative!" Pius drawled and asked, "Miss Parkinson, do you take milk? Sugar?"
"Just milk please," 'she' replied furtively.
After handing the cup to 'Miss Parkinson', Pius poured coffee for his Auror, Severus, and himself. Severus watched as 'Pansy' drank her tea and grinned imperceptibly.
As Pius asked 'Pansy' if she was looking forward to being Head Girl and what she wanted to do after she left Hogwarts, Severus looked up at the portrait of Albus Dumbledore and cocked an eyebrow at him.
Albus Dumbledore just winked in response.
"Now Miss Parkinson. How long until your Polyjuice runs out and how reckless of you not to bring a top up with you? Almost as reckless as accepting that cup of tea," Severus snarled.
"Sorry sir, I don't know what you mean?" 'Pansy' said, shifting awkwardly in her seat.
Severus arched an eyebrow and stared at the female sitting in front of him. No visible emotion showed on his face before he drawled in a dark and menacing tone. It was time to see if the Veritaserum that he'd asked Hermione to add to the teacup had worked.
"There are only two people I am aware of who can withstand 5 drops of Veritaserum for more than 5 minutes. One of them is myself; the other is you...Augustus."
Before Augustus Rookwood could reach for his wand he watched it fly into the hands of Pius Thicknesse and felt the restriction of the full body bind that Severus had just cast.
"Augustus Rookwood, you are currently charged with twenty crimes against our society as well as fifteen against the Muggle world. I strongly suspect we will be adding considerably more before this day is out," Pius said disdainfully before calling for back up to take Rookwood in for questioning.
"It's nice to see you again, Brother," Rookwood spat at Severus. The impact of his words were lessened by the fact that Rookwood still looked and sounded like Pansy Parkinson.
"I haven't been your Brother for years," Severus replied indignantly.
"No, you were never one of us. None of us would have sunk so low and loved a Mudblood as an equal. They were only good for one thing...fucking and dying. Oh, but then I suppose that's what you fucked her and made sure she ended up dead," Rookwood added brutally.
Pius became tense as he saw Severus' wand arm twitch. "And that is supposed to upset me is it?" he smirked with remarkable control.
"Arrogant bastard," Rookwood spat.
"Now, now Augustus, be nice. Your escort has arrived. We have prepared a suite for you and would be delighted if you would stay with us for the next few days," Pius told him sarcastically.
Severus chuckled as the Aurors took hold of Rookwood just as the Polyjuice began to wear off. The body bind was recast to accommodate his body and as he was led away, he snarled, "You will live to regret your betrayal!"
"Of course we will," Severus sneered at him before turning to Pius and quietly adding, "Ask him about touch specific curses. I think that's what they're using on the owls. The recipient is safe but attempt to intercept and whoever could be in for a nasty surprise."
"Interesting point my friend. We could use your depth of knowledge when training our new Aurors," Pius said sincerely.
"Happy to advise but I belong here," Severus said earnestly.
Pius sat down and sighed. "Who do you think is behind all of this?"
Severus leaned up against his desk and folded his arms, contemplating the situation. "Yaxley. He was an infiltrator and the Ministry would never have fallen without him. Was Kingsley definitely Imperiused?"
"Yes, we had him under observation in case it was Polyjuice," Pius said.
Severus huffed, "And was he given anything to drink in that time by an Auror? Do you know for certain that all your Aurors are who they say they are?"
"Well..." Pius went to reply but Severus' mind was racing.
"Where is Kingsley now?" Severus asked.
"At home under guard?" Pius said, "but..."
"Change his guard now and do not allow any Aurors to give him anything. They have access to Polyjuice for fuck's sake, Pius," Severus said urgently. "I'm not saying he wasn't under Imperio but we need to know. We need to know where they are sourcing the Polyjuice from. You need to make sure your supplies are as you expect them to be."
Pius ran his hand through his hair. "Something about this feels inelegant and clumsy. I don't know if it's a single plan or if there are a number of separate perpetrators. The timing of events suggests the former. You're right, it has to be Yaxley. Goyle could be assisting. He is still at large after all."
"Yes but he only ever used to sit there with his mouth shut. He wasn't blessed with intelligence. Although thinking back he was not adverse to making the bullets and getting Crabbe to fire them," Severus drawled.
Pius looked bemused.
"Sorry it's a Muggle phrase," Severus chuckled.
"None of the Death Eater horde would have the brains to throw this together either, Pius said. "It has to be inner circle but compared to us Yaxley was a thug. Voldemort only surrounded himself with elegance...we all added elegance and finesse to his plans. Yaxley was only tolerated because as you say he was a brilliant infiltrator."
"Bella wasn't elegant and neither was Wormtail," Severus snorted.
"True," Pius considered, "but Bella and Wormtail were both there because they genuinely loved him. And he needed Wormtail to..."
"Can we not talk about that bastard?" Severus snapped.
"Sorry my friend. I did not think," Pius said apologetically. "How the hell did you put up with him at your house over that summer?"
"Meditation, brewing and firewhisky," Severus huffed sardonically. "Anyway who escaped?"
"The Carrows, Dolohov, Rowle and MacNair," Pius sighed deeply.
"How fucking fabulous! Four sadistic bastards and a thug," Severus said throwing his head back and dragging his hand over his face.
"I'll just call the office and get the ball rolling," Pius continued as he walked towards the fire. He gave instructions to follow Severus' advice before stating he would be back after lunch.
"This conversation has become far too serious," Pius smirked as he stood up from the fireplace. "Fancy a pint?"
Severus was unnerved by Pius' sudden laid back attitude and unbalanced him enough to allow Hermione's 'be nice' campaign to take over. "Why don't you stay for lunch as you seem in no hurry to go and interrogate your guest? And speaking of guests I believe Narcissa may still be here."
"Well I have interrogators and with the Veritaserum already administered he'll be singing like a canary," Pius chuckled. "And besides I can't run an investigation on an empty stomach and..."
"Narcissa might be here?" Severus ventured. "I'll just see what Hermione is doing...hang on"
Sweetheart, Pius is staying for lunch. Are Narcissa and Draco still here?
Yes, and Ginny's here now. Shall we have lunch in my rooms?
Good idea. I'll leave it in your capable hands I always do. She heard his deep chuckle ringing in her head.
He felt her raising her eyebrows. Severus Snape behave yourself!
"I do hope you weren't talking dirty to your witch," Pius said, feigning disgust. "Because by the look on your face you were."
"Well, you know how it is?" Severus said almost smugly.
"It was a long time ago but yes I know how it is. Gods when we were first married I thought it was going to drop off," Pius chuckled.
"I know the feeling," Severus replied, squirming slightly.
"You still have a thing for Narcissa, don't you?" he asked trying to keep a straight face as Pius blushed.
Pius could feel his cheeks burning. "I cannot deny that I've always had the greatest respect for Narcissa and she was very good to me last year. Do you think she would object if I took her out for dinner...just to say thank you?"
"No! And I doubt she would object to you trying to bed her either," Severus snarked.
As Pius and Severus stepped into Hermione's rooms, she suddenly launched herself into Severus' arms.
"Are you OK?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Oh gods woman!" Severus almost yelped as she caught him off guard. But as he composed himself he said, "I'm fine, love," and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair.
"I was so worried," she murmured into his neck; tightening her hold on him.
Severus allowed a small smile to cross his lips. "Everything was under control."
"I know but I just kept thinking about...I hoped we were past all of this shit," Hermione told him, her voice tinged with fear.
"We all hoped but in reality we knew this was a possibility," Severus said, setting her down but keeping her pulled into him and resting his cheek on the top of her head.
"So who was it?" Draco asked.
"Augustus Rookwood," Pius stated and then asked, "Severus, do you have that envelope?"
Severus took it out of his pocket and handed it over. He smirked as Pius went over to Narcissa and Draco to discuss what she and Draco should do if they discovered similar envelopes when they returned to the Manor.
"What was that envelope all about?" Hermione asked, feeling slightly uneasy.
Severus sighed deeply knowing it was pointless hiding this from her. "It's just a note," he said as he handed it to her.
"Oh Gods, Sev," Hermione gasped as she read it.
Severus took the parchment back from her. "They cursed the owl that carried it. Obs took it out and bore the brunt of the curse. He's fine now...just a bit sore."
"I will take him a big treat later," Hermione stated, giving Severus a watery smile and nuzzling up against his chest. Severus could feel her worry and entangling his fingers through her hair, pulled her in closer to him.
"Well this is very depressing isn't it," Pius said wearily. "Are you coming out for a drink tomorrow night Severus?"
But as he looked over at Severus gently rocking Hermione in his arms, Severus shook his head. Pius could see Hermione was visibly shaken and said, "Actually after last week it might not be such a good idea. I feared Lucius and I were in danger of losing our manhood."
Hermione giggled softly. "You're still not forgiven Mister".
"Were you a bad boy then Pius?" Narcissa purred.
Pius swallowed hard. The calm and composed exterior of the man lay in tatters at his feet. "W-well not really," he blustered.
"Severus tells me you are back on the market, Pius," Narcissa said putting her arm through his. "I'm sure I can find you a suitable witch," she said squeezing his upper arm.
"W-well any assistance w-would be appreciated," he replied, stumbling over his words again.
Narcissa smiled seductively. "Yes, I'm sure I can give you a hand!"
Draco paled as he witnessed the scene unfolding before him. He thought he might have been imagining it but the smirk on his godfather's face indicated otherwise.
"Is she flirting with him?" Draco hissed to Ginny through gritted teeth.
"Could be," she teased.
"Well it's wrong. He's mentally undressing her," Draco spat back as Ginny handed him a drink.
"I think your mother is doing the same and who can blame her?" GInny whispered, giving him a knowing look, and then addressing everyone said "Oh look, lunch is ready," hoping to break the tension that Pius and Narcissa were now oblivious to.
"I'm not hungry," Draco huffed.
"You will sit down and eat something Draco," Severus said authoritatively before thinking to Hermione, perhaps inviting Pius to stay for lunch wasn't one of my better ideas!
Pius had to forgo dessert but provided a detail of Aurors to protect Hogwarts and Malfoy Manor. There were also Aurors made available to accompany Hermione, Ginny, and Draco to Diagon Alley. Narcissa returned to her old home to indeed find letters addressed to Lucius and Draco in suspicious looking envelopes. Lucius' was the same as Severus' but Draco's, quite interestingly, was slightly different.
Pius himself had gone to the manor to investigate the letters. Lucius' was fairly innocuous as it read, 'Watch your back.'
But Draco's was more disturbing as it read, 'Is your father still missing? Pray he comes back in one piece.'
According to the house elves, Draco's letter arrived separately from Lucius' and several hours later. Whoever sent it knew Lucius was missing but the only people who knew were Severus and Hermione, Harry and Ginny, and of course Draco and Narcissa. Pius Floo-called Severus to update him on the situation and to let him know what they had found out from Rookwood.
Hermione returned to the castle at five o'clock, thoroughly depressed at not having found anything to buy. But she wasn't just depressed; she was scared. As she walked up towards Severus' office all she wanted was to find comfort from her wizard. She wanted him to take her in his arms and hold her. She knew he couldn't change the events of the day but she knew he could make her feel better. She just needed her man. And as she opened his office door she was instantly greeted with, "Has Ginny been to the Burrow today?"
"This morning. Why?" Hermione asked, completely taken aback by Severus' urgent questioning of her.
She walked over and stood behind his desk longing for his touch but noticed how tense and agitated he was. Severus launched into explaining about Draco's note and Hermione knew where this was leading.
"She could have mentioned it I suppose but I'm not sure who was there. But that would imply..."
"There could be more than one person sending out the letters, or it is the same person and they received information about Lucius being missing later on," Severus interrupted. "Did any of you mention it when you were out today?"
Hermione was annoyed that he had implied she could be the source of the leak. "No...Draco was moaning about Pius trying to steal his mother away, he and Ginny were arguing over what colour she should wear and I..."
"Where's Harry?" Severus asked.
Hermione huffed. "Godric's Hollow up to his neck in dust. Ginny said he left about eight this morning and when she called him from here, to say we were leaving, he said he hadn't seen anyone all day and had started on his parents' bedr..." her voice trailed off.
"I am aware they slept together. They were married," Severus snapped.
"Alright no need to get arsy," Hermione spat back.
Ignoring this Severus continued. "Where's Ginny now?
"At the Burrow but..."
"Call Ginny and tell her to expect Pius. She's not done anything wrong but it would be good to know who told what to whom," Severus said urgently.
"Hang on who says she said anything?" Hermione snapped at him.
"She may not have done but that is for Pius to find out. And if she had told someone she hasn't done anything wrong. It would be understandable if she told any of her family about last night. But if this was subsequently mentioned in public or to a colleague or a friend, we need to know. It might help Pius identify the sender of Draco's letter," Severus said insistently. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. We need to know how many people we are dealing with here and who is co-ordinating all of this if anyone."
Hermione looked shell-shocked but called Ginny as requested. As she pulled out of the call, she began to cry silently. When she was out with Ginny and Draco she kept having flashbacks to when she'd found Severus barely alive. The thought of Death Eaters still out there actively threatening him made her feel sick. They'd been trailed by Aurors for their safety; there were Aurors in the castle; her friends were being threatened. All of that fear should be behind her but it was coming back; the panic was rising in her throat.
And yet she was supposed to be the strong one. She was the glue; she always had been. She had shown Severus earlier she was worried but that was nothing compared to how she felt now. Now that she'd had time to think about today's events it shook her to the core. She couldn't let Severus see the exposed the cracks she had so desperately tried to paper over since the end of the war. She had been there for her friends and more especially Draco. Now she was there for Severus and she couldn't let him see her cry over this. She had to be strong for him but she couldn't be brave right now.
All she'd wanted was a hug. She felt weak and vulnerable and that was when she decided that was the last thing Severus needed her to be at the moment. Her all consuming thought was, I can't let him see me like this.
"Did you buy anything then?" she vaguely heard him ask her.
"No," she said in a small, withdrawn voice.
This made Severus look at her as she still knelt by the fire. "Are you alright Hermione?"
"Yes. Fine. I'm going to go and do some research. I'll see you later," she said, still not looking at him; biting her lip to stop herself from crying.
"OK. What time do you want to eat?" he asked. He'd been waiting from her to return before instructing the house elves.
"Don't worry about me," she said standing up still with her back to him. "I'll grab a sandwich," and Flooed to her rooms without saying another word to him.
"'Mione?" she heard him call after her, his voice full of concern and bewilderment. 'Mione what's wrong? she heard him ask in her head. She didn't answer him. Hermione are you alright?
She didn't want to lie and say nothing was wrong and neither could she tell him the truth until she could say it without the tears that were streaming down her face. She had to go out. She had to be alone. She arrived in her rooms and immediately Flooed away.
Severus stepped out into Hermione's rooms shortly after he'd called Pius only to be greeted by Leo, who padded out of Hermione's bedroom and jumped into his arms. Stroking Leo behind the ear he looked all over for her but noticed that her research papers were still on her bed. So much for studying!
Leo jumped down and went through to his...their...bedroom and saw the note on his pillow.
Gone to Snape Manor. Need to be on my own.
Don't wait up.
Hermione x
He looked up and saw her orb for the first time in five days. It was subdued.
His initial reaction was to go after her, pick her up, bring her back and then scream at her for worrying and not talking to him. But he knew all about the need to seek solitude sometimes. As hard as it was for him to accept, he had to leave her be for now. He did however request an Auror detail to be sent to the Manor just in case.
"What have I done wrong, Albus?" Severus asked as he sat down at his desk and buried his face in his hands.
"Nothing my dear boy. Well perhaps you should have said hello to her before you bombarded her with questions. But she was upset before she arrived. I believe Hermione is feeling overwhelmed by the current situation," Dumbledore replied gently.
Severus' body slumped down in his chair. "I know. I didn't think. This has shaken me too. I can't go through this again," he whispered.
"I know that look, Severus," Dumbledore said, interrupting his impending destructive melancholy. "Do not be too hard on yourself. You can't have a rose without thorns, son. You just need to reassure her. Sometimes a cuddle when we feel least deserving of one is the one that is most appreciated. A sentiment I know you can relate to."
"But how can she feel undeserving?" Severus asked, feeling as if his stomach was contorting.
"She saved you, she protects you and loves you. She is your lioness, Severus. She wants to be your everything and today she realised she can't be," Albus replied, cursing once again his inability to place a hand of comfort around Severus' shoulders.
Severus looked up at him, his eyes glistening and swallowed hard before croaking out "But she is everything, Albus"
"Tell her then", Dumbledore said insistently. "Reassure her and Severus, you both have to accept that you can't protect each other the way you want to. And yet you have both proven that love offers the greatest capacity for protection. You must learn to support each other and just carry on loving each other.
"Go to her but take some time for yourself first. You don't need to work late tonight. In other words bugger off...we're all having a poker night in here," he said, indicating his fellow portrait inhabitants.
"You're kicking me out of my own office?" Severus asked incredulously.
"You can stay if you want to," Dumbledore chuckled affectionately.
Severus sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright I'll go."
"Oh, and give her a cuddle from me," Albus added as Severus stood up.
"I have a few of my own to give her first," Severus snarked as he slammed the door of his office. He did love abusing doors.
Just as the door slammed a rich, silky voiced female asked "So is my grandson coming over Albus?"
"Ah Lady Eleanor, what an expected surprise and I believe the answer is yes," Dumbledore said, taking her hand and kissing it as she stepped into his portrait.
"Good, because I've just had a lovely teary chat with my future...with Hermione. They are as bad as each other aren't they? I hope neither of them mess this up," Lady Eleanor Prince sneered.
Albus chuckled lightly; his eyes sparkling at the prospect of what he was about to say, "My dear lady, I am more than confident that by the end of this year there will be a wedding to arrange."
Severus took Dumbledore's advice. Taking advantage of the fact Hermione wasn't there he sank into her bath and let the hot, steaming, herb infused water attempt to soothe his mind. But his mind was having none of it. His thoughts drifted back over the events of the day...all the way back to his blow job in the shower, which now seemed ages ago. That blow job had been the last normal thing to happen that day and was now fuelling the erection he was languidly stroking.
All he could think about was the heat of Hermione's mouth, the softness of her lips, her teasingly talented tongue, her gentle but firm hands. He pushed his against against the edge of the bath and arched his back, thrusting up into his hand as he thought of her eyes. They were full of hunger and lust; they were beautiful. He remembered the feel of the water and how her hair felt as he soaped it. He remembered how her eyes were fixed on his. He could sense the smile in them. He could hear and feel her sexy, appreciative humming as she pleasured him.
He remembered how he felt bereft when she pulled back and his cock left her mouth, only for her swirl her tongue over his balls before engulfing them. He remembered begging to be taken by her mouth again and when she obliged she unleashed her tongue and relentlessly fucked him with her mouth. It was mind blowing and as he released onto her waiting tongue, he had to use the cold tiled wall as support until he felt more steady on his feet. He remembered that lascivious look of satisfaction on her face as she smiled up at him with cum on her lips before he pulled her up and kissed her and...
Panting heavily he looked down at the sticky mess on his stomach. He put his head back again as the sense of bliss enfolded him in the warm water. His only regret was that she wasn't with him. He knew it was time to go and get her.
Taking Leo with him, Severus arrived in their bedroom at Snape Manor. He threw the overnight bag onto one of the chairs and put Leo on the bed before running down stairs. He knew where she would be. And sure enough as he walked towards the library there was a glow coming from under the doors.
He resisted the urge to throw the doors open but instead opened them slowly to reveal Hermione curled up in one of the large leather chairs reading a book. She looked up at him and smiled bashfully as he leaned against the doors watching her for a moment.
Without saying a word he walked over and knelt in front of her before taking the book and placing it on the table. He noticed how red and puffy her eyes were from crying and gently pulled her into him. He just wrapped her in his arms and carefully stroked her hair.
"What are you doing here?" Hermione whispered
"Well it's my house, you're here and I wanted to talk to you," Severus said casually.
She pulled back and glared at him defiantly. "I said I needed to be on my own!"
"If you think you're storming off again, Hermione, you are very much mistaken," he purred but there was a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"I left a note," she said indignantly.
He looked at her and sardonically remarked, "Oh of course. That makes it alright then. Now have you eaten?"
"Mrs Hopkins ordered me a pizza," Hermione answered, looking a little embarrassed. She did love her Muggle food.
"You didn't happen to save me any did you?" Severus asked almost teasingly.
"Sorry," she blushed, "I wasn't expecting you. Do you like pizza then?"
Severus smirked. "I have been known to order one or two. If I'd known you were having pizza I'd have been here sooner."
Hermione chuckled. "So what kept you?"
"Oh, I had a bath," he said innocently.
"So you haven't eaten then?" she asked relaxing into his embrace again.
"I've been too worried about you," Severus sighed into her neck.
Hermione pulled back again. "You must eat Sev."
"Well I'll eat something when you tell me what's wrong. Sound fair?" he asked with an air of authority.
Hermione felt embarrassed. "Can we talk about it in the morning?"
"No. Now," Severus insisted.
She moved his hair away from his eyes. "Do you want to go to bed?"
"Stop trying to distract me, you minx. It's only 9 o'clock and we need to talk," he said, exasperated at her reluctance to discuss the situation.
"Oh alright! If I get you something to eat we'll talk, but I want to talk in bed," she adamantly stated.
"Those are your terms, are they?" Severus chuckled.
"Yes" Hermione said emphatically.
Severus noted the sparkle was back in her eyes and brushed an errant curl behind her ear as he pretended to inwardly debate her proposition.
"Then I accept your terms," he said graciously and sealed the deal with a chaste kiss.
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