Damaged Bridges | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 47471 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, all rights belong to Rowling and Warner Bros, nor do I make any money from the production of this work. |
Blue Monday
Harry felt even better the following morning when he woke; glancing at the clock, he realised that was because they had slept in quite late, as exhausted as they had been last night. It was nearly eleven, an unthinkable hour to wake up at Hogwarts, even over the Christmas Holidays.
But they were at home... Home! There it was again, that feeling he’d had last night. This morning Number Twelve felt more like home than ever, and with Hermione by his side, more like home than he had ever thought possible since Sirius had died.
Hermione was still asleep, still nestled beside him, her arm still across his chest, and her messy tresses still spilling over the shoulder her head was resting on. He inhaled deeply and let out a contented sigh, then kissed her bushy head. She shifted slightly, stirring, a smile creeping to her lips.
“Mmm... still sleepy,” she murmured.
“Too sleepy for kisses?”
Hermione’s eyelashes fluttered open. “Never too sleepy for kisses!”
“You were last night!”
Hermione poked him in the ribs. “You were too sleepy last night! Not that I blame you - I know how much doing in a horcrux takes out of you.”
“Fair point,” said Harry, grinning. “Well I’m ready to make up for it now...”
Hermione beamed at Harry, feeling happier and freer somehow than she had any right to feel. Nothing really had changed (other than killing another horcrux, which was always a relief).
Things were growing progressively darker in the wider world. Hogwarts had been taken over by Death Eaters. Warrants for her and Harry’s and Dumbledore’s arrests had no doubt already been issued; and the Minister was quickly dropping any pretense of moderation and neutrality and would probably be openly declaring the Ministry’s alignment with Voldemort any day now.
But Hermione had Harry; whatever residual ill-feelings she’d had from her encounter with McLaggen were long gone, and she knew that she and Harry could face anything as long as they were together.
And they had Dora and some of their friends to keep them company as well. Number Twelve - which had felt gloomy and dismal in the best of times - had never felt so homey. Hermione had never noticed the luxurious feel of the silk sheets before, and she wanted to feel it directly against her skin.
She quickly tugged off her nightie and chucked it to the end of the bed startling both Harry and Crookshanks, who quickly leapt off the bed and darted through a magically appearing cat-flap in the door leading to the adjoining room.
“This is the first time we’ve actually slept together in Grimmauld Place, you know,” she purred as she undid the buttons of Harry’s pyjama top, and gazed into Harry’s surprised looking green orbs. “I think we can do a bit better than just kisses to mark the occasion, don’t you?”
“Er... Yeah! That’s another fair point,” Harry agreed, grinning as she was now straddling his waist, trailing her fingers across his bare chest and kissing his neck. “Much better than sharing the room with Ron,” he quipped.
Hermione quivered, tingles of arousal shooting through her, heart racing, as Harry responded, kissing whatever part of her head he could reach while she continued nuzzling his neck, and his hands slid along her bare skin to her waist. Hermione’s lips finally met his heatedly, her breasts squashed against his chest.
Reaching back with one hand, she helped Harry wriggle out of his pyjama bottoms, freeing his morning stiffness from its prison. Panting now as the passion took her, Hermione lowered herself until she felt Harry’s crown pressing against her humid entrance. She felt it slip inside her, filling her.
She ground her vulva against the base of Harry’s shaft, squirming, another heady rush sweeping through her. Then Hermione began to ride Harry in earnest, moans of pleasure escaping her lips. The bed began to rock, the satiny sheets falling away from her backside.
The ardour built to a feverish pitch. Another wave flooded Hermione’s senses, and she felt Harry bursting, his essence jetting into her depths in rapid pulses as they both peaked. Lost in a tidal surge of bliss, merged as one, the stars came out again and the room trembled in a rainbow coloured flash of lightning.
Hermione slumped against Harry, both of them gasping, eddies of giddiness still swirling around them.
“Erm...” said Harry, when he began to come out of his daze, “Did we just do it again?”
Hermione giggled at his choice of words.
“I mean...”
“Yes Harry, I know what you mean. And yes, I think we just had another accidental release of magic...”
A knock on the door interrupted Hermione; her eyes widened.
“Oi, you two okay in there? ... Sounded like a bloody earthquake!”
“Oh, that’s alright Dora,” Hermione heard Luna’s voice say on the other side of the door, “They’re just having sex. It’s accidental sex magic...”
“Wait,” said Dora’s voice, “how would you kn...? Never mind. I don’t think I wanna know.”
Harry groaned and covered his red face with both hands; Hermione collapsed on him giggling, her own face burning.
Showered and dressed, Harry and Hermione, unable to quite meet anyone’s eyes, their faces still pink, ate a late breakfast provided for by Dobby and Kreacher. Full of eggs and bacon and buttery crumpets, and orange juice and tea, the first thing Harry did was retrieve his mirror from one of his pockets.
“I really ought to give Ron a call back,” he said when Hermione peered at him questioningly. “Let him know that we’re alright and see how he’s doing.”
“Oh, of course,” said Hermione, remembering the message that Ron had left yesterday evening.
“Oi, Ron... you there?” said Harry, tapping his mirror. “Ron,” he called out again.
“Hmm... maybe he’s having lunch,” Harry muttered. “One more time then... Hey, Ron... Okay, well I guess I’ll just leave a message...”
Harry was interrupted by a scrabbling sound coming through his mirror and then Ron’s strangely flushed face appearing against the backdrop of his room.
“Er... Hi Harry!” Ron grinned. “Sorry about that. I was just... erm...”
Harry heard a giggle in the background and then Mrs Weasley’s sharp voice, which sounded like it was coming through Ron’s door, calling out, “What are you two up to in there? Why is your door closed?”
“Nothing Mum!” Ron shouted back, looking guilty, his ears reddening. “I’m just talking to Harry on the mirror he gave me - Lavender just happens to be with me.”
“Alright then! ... But I want that door open when you and Lavender are hanging out.”
“Sure thing Mum! No problem!”
Harry heard footsteps fading and Ron muttering under his breath, “Blimey, a bloke can’t get any privacy around here.” Harry grinned.
“So what were you getting up to?” he asked innocently, getting a swat on the shoulder from Hermione for his trouble.
“Oh... er,” Ron grinned sheepishly, “you know, just a bit of snogging. Hopefully me and Lavender will get a bit of privacy soon though. We’re headed to Bill and Fleur’s new place tomorrow.”
“Huh! How come?” Harry asked, feeling a bit puzzled.
“Just in case Death Eaters come looking for me here and the Protection Charms fail. Mum and Dad both reckon I’ll be safer there ‘cause nobody else really knows about it. Lavender’s mum and dad are cool with it because they want Lavender to be safe, just in case they run into any trouble too.”
“Ah! That makes sense then,” said Harry, nodding.
“So what about you and Hermione then? The Prophet had a brief mention that you’d been spotted at the Ministry last night, but the Ministry hasn’t issued a statement yet. What’s that all about?”
“Erm...” Harry shot Hermione a quick glance, but then reckoned they had a reasonable explanation. “Dumbledore sort of turned himself in to the Ministry - just for an interview really - to answer any questions and to try and dissuade them from arresting him. Hermione and Dora and I - we were there in disguise - polyjuiced - to back Dumbledore up just in case things went south - then the polyjuice wore off.”
“Blimey!” Ron’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, “You’re really doing it then - being part of the Order I mean! It’s probably for the best that I didn’t join you lot then - at least as far as Mum is concerned! I’d never hear the end of it if I’d gone on a secret mission like that. She’d probably murder me if I got killed.”
Harry grinned. “Oh come on! Your mum’s not that bad!”
“Have you met my mum?” Ron chortled. “Anyway, I’m glad you and Hermione are safe...”
“I am too!” Lavender’s beaming face appeared in the mirror behind Ron’s. “Tell Parvati for me that I’m glad she’s safe as well, and that I miss her.”
“I’m here,” said Parvati, leaning over Harry’s shoulder so that Lavender could see her. “You two - look after each other alright.”
“Yeah, same to you too,” said Ron, “and if Ginny’s there...”
“I am,” Ginny yelled. “Thanks Ron! Hope you and Lav get some alone time...”
“Speaking of which, I’d better get going,” said Ron, rolling his eyes, “before Mum storms back up here again and has a blue fit! ...”
Dora sighed when she pushed back her breakfast plate, barely touched. They had only been holed up in Number Twelve a few days now and the inhabitants were already growing restless - mostly Harry. She had tried to reassure Harry that the moment Dumbledore had a lead on the whereabouts of Hufflepuff’s Cup, they would be called upon to follow up and help locate it.
In the meantime, Harry and Hermione and the rest were doing their best to keep busy the only way they knew how, fortifying one of the cellars for the purpose of continuing their training, and studying the books in the extensive collection in Number Twelve’s library.
Dora decided to leave the others to it, feeling a bit queasy, and she was experiencing another one of the strange mood swings. She’d been quite cheerful the night before and during breakfast the feeling had evaporated, leaving a gaping void in her heart. Her usually bright hair was listless and a muted shade of pink.
Hermione gave her a questioning look.
“You alright, Dora?” Parvati asked, looking concerned. “You seemed okay when we went to bed last night.”
“Oh, er... yeah! I’m fine, love! ... Just feelin’ a little green around the gills. I think I’ll just go lie down for a bit.”
Dora headed back up to the room she was sharing with Parvati, hoping the nausea and depression would eventually fade. But her stomach began to lurch and the next thing she knew, Dora was making a mad dash to the bathroom. She reached it in the nick of time; Dora hunched over the loo and heaved several times.
Gasping, as the nausea faded, Dora clambered to her feet and flushed the toilet. She washed her face and looked in the mirror as she toweled it off. An odd thought in the back of her mind made its way to her frontal lobes.
“No, it couldn’t be,” Dora muttered to herself, “...it couldn’t be.”
She was almost afraid to, but she knew she had to. Dora took out her wand and performed a basic Diagnostic Charm on herself. A slip of parchment conjured from thin air fluttered to the floor, and as she bent down to pick it up, Hermione and Parvati burst through the open doorway, both looking alarmed.
“We heard you throwing up,” said Hermione. “Are you alright?”
Dora’s eyes boggled when she peered at the slip of parchment. No wonder she’d missed her period.
“I’m pregnant!” she moaned and the slip vanished back into thin air.
For a moment there was silence as everyone peered at each other, stunned by the news; Dora flushed with embarrassment.
“Wait... how...?” Parvati began, looking very puzzled, “I mean I know how, but who... I thought you liked girls?”
“Remus,” Dora groaned.
“Professor Lupin?” Parvati gasped. “You mean you and Professor Lupin...?” Parvati trailed off, reddening. “I’m sorry,” she squeaked. “It’s really none of my business.”
“It’s alright, Parvati,” Dora sighed. “No worries - I’m an open book. It’s true, I do prefer girls for the most part - but there’s a few guys I’ve liked too. And I kind of had it bad for Remus... he’s just a real sweet’eart.”
“But when...?”
“When he came to visit Hogwarts last month,” Hermione said quietly, “five or six weeks ago...”
“That’s about right,” said Dora glumly. “I was so thrilled to see ‘im, I forgot to use a Contraception Charm.”
“But... that’s alright, isn’t it?” asked Parvati. “I mean - you love him.”
“Yeah, I do,” said Dora, struggling to hold back the tears. “But I was managing to deal with the fact that we’d only ever be friends until right now. We agreed it would just be a one-off, ‘cause Remus... well, he doesn’t think he’s good relationship material - because of being a werewolf, see.”
“Oh!” Parvati bit her lip, on the verge of tears herself.
“I’m sorry, Dora,” Hermione murmured, wrapping her arms around Dora in a hug. “Whatever happens, you’ll always have Harry and me. You’re more than a friend - you’re family...”
The next thing she knew, Dora was crying in earnest and she felt Parvati’s arms around her as well.
“Er... erm... What’s going on?” she heard Harry’s voice asking from the doorway...
Remus drained the last of his ale from the tankard and wiped the foam from his moustache with a napkin, wondering when the others were going to arrive. They were already twenty minutes late.
The young woman behind the bar washing mugs and glasses dried her hands when she saw the middle aged wizard in tatty clothes had finished his ale.
“Would you like another, love?” she asked.
Remus considered his options. He could wait - they would probably arrive eventually - or he could leave and risk missing some information which was potentially vital to the Order.
“Yes please,” said Remus with a sigh after a moment had passed.
“Alright then.” The young barkeeper gave Remus a canny look as she lifted the tankard from the polished mahogany bar-top. “How about something to eat then, love?” she called back while she filled his tankard from the barrel at the rear of the bar.
Remus had to admit he was getting hungry; he hadn’t eaten since breakfast and this pub seemed as good a place as any to have some dinner. He checked his money pouch to see if he had enough and was pleased to see that he did.
“Yes please,” he said with a smile as she set the freshly filled tankard in front of him. “Some fish and chips would be very nice.”
“Well aren’t you the polite one? Wish I had more customers like you,” The young blonde barkeeper beamed at him. “Usually it’s ‘Oi, wench - gimme some grub,’ and, ‘fancy a real bloke?’ in here. I’ll just let the cook know an’ be right back then.”
As he watched the pretty barkeeper make her way to the kitchen, Remus couldn’t help feeling a pang. The young woman couldn’t be any older than Dora, and yet for all of her toughness, Dora seemed even younger somehow. Her joyful exuberance, her love of muggle pop culture, her fresh faced features; Dora was still a teenager in his eyes. Remus caught his own reflection in the mirror behind the bar, taking note of his crow’s feet and prematurely greying hair; he felt old.
As much as he missed Dora, Remus was sure she was better off without him.
Fifteen minutes later and Remus was sitting in front of a piping hot pile of fish and chips. He sprinkled some salt and drizzled some malt vinegar over the lot. He had just eaten his first chip when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and glanced at the unfamiliar face with a scraggly beard and unkempt hair.
“You Remus Lupin, mate?”
“That would be me,” Remus replied with a wry smile, raising his eyebrows.
For all his rough demeanor, the man had the decency to look abashed.
“Yeah, alright! Sorry ‘bout bein’ so late. Why don’tcha bring that over t’the booth so’s we can all have a nice chat, all quiet like with the others?”
“Very well, then.” Remus clambered off his barstool and followed the man to a booth in a more dimly lit corner of the tavern.
Remus grimaced and shot the attractive barkeeper an apologetic look when one of the other men called out, “Oi, lass - ‘ow about some lagers all the way around?”
Remus quickly wolfed down a piece of battered fish and a handful of chips while they waited for the barkeeper to bring four frothy lagers and set them on the table. One of the other werewolves ogled her behind as she strolled back to the bar.
“That’s a pretty bird, she is. Wouldn’t mind givin’ that one a good rogering!”
“Keep it in yer pants Gary!” growled the werewolf who had invited Remus to the booth. “We’re s’posed t’be keepin’ a low profile. The last thing we need is for you t’be causin’ trouble ”
“Ah, piss off mate! Don’t be such a wet blanket! Just ‘avin’ a bit o’ fun.”
“Go bugger yourself Gary!” said the werewolf who hadn’t spoken yet. “We’re here to see who’s in or out, not to have fun.” The werewolf turned and nodded at Remus. “Don’t mind him! He’s barely outta his nappies - can’t go five minutes without sportin’ a stiffy... Anyway, I’m Ben, the bloke ‘oo brung you over is Max...”
“Right, now that we’ve got introductions outta the way,” Max began, “you all know the reason we’re here. Greyback’s recruiting again, and our packs are the last few holdouts. So we’re feelin’ things out to see where our packs currently stand. If anyone’s out, it doesn’t go beyond any of us and our pack leaders so there ain’t gonna be no reprisals.”
“Well, our lot is definitely out,” said Ben. “We’re nearly all muggles ‘oo got bit - only a couple’a wizards in our lot. We’d be sittin’ ducks either way in our human form - so we’re just gonna sit this one out - find ourselves a nice quiet place to lay low and nick a few sheep every now and then.”
“We’re about half and half,” said Max, “Not sure what’s gonna happen if most of the wizards in our bunch throw in with the Dark Lord. I’m a wizard, but I’m not sure I wanna get in the middle’a things either. I’m thinkin’ the muggle werewolves’ll need a couple wizards to help them stay safe, so I’ll probably just stick with ‘em... what about you, Remus?”
“Personally, I share your reservations, Max, and yours, Ben,” Remus replied, sighing. “But most of us are wizards and pack leader Maugrim has already indicated that we’re going to be joining up with Greyback to help get the Dark Lord’s ‘Snatcher’ units up and running - I’m considering doing a bunk myself, but it’s a big risk for me. ... Maugrim is not known for letting anyone just leave the pack.”
“Well, if ye do, you could always throw in with us mate,” said Ben. “We could always use another wizard or two t’help keep us safe.”
“I’ll definitely consider it,” said Remus, “Though if I’m being hunted, it may not make you any safer.”
“Our leader ain’t so possessive,” said Max, “so if our pack splits up, maybe the rest of us should join your lot, Ben.”
“Sounds good to me.” Ben nodded. “Our pack leader is open to anyone ‘oo just wants to stay out of things.”
“Right then,” said Max, turning to Gary, “So what about you and your pack then?”
“Mostly wizards,” Gary said with a shrug. “For meself, I’m planning on joining the Dark Lord, and our pack leader’s leanin’ the same way. .... And why not? What ‘ave the Ministry ever done for us? They just keep pushin’ us down - makin’ it impossible to get a job or find a decent place t’live! ... At least the Dark Lord’ll give us back a way t’make a living, give us a bit of a chance for a bit o’ self-respect.”
“Well,” said Lupin slowly, “I certainly understand your sentiments Gary. I don’t think any one of us here would advocate siding with the Ministry. But here’s the thing, the Dark Lord has his own agenda, and it only involves werewolves insofar as he can use us. The Dark Lord has no more respect for us than he does for muggles and muggleborn wizards - or else why not make Greyback a full Death Eater...?”
“You mean ‘e ain’t a Death Eater?” Gary looked honestly surprised. “But ‘e’s been goin’ around tellin’ everyone ‘e is.”
“I have it on very good authority,” said Lupin. “Severus Snape was at one time a colleague of mine...”
“Blimey mate!” Ben’s eyebrows shot up. “That’s one scary bloke! Even I wouldn’t wanna cross him - he’s one of the Dark Lord’s favourites isn’e, since he got the boot from Hogwarts? Heard he was a vampire and he certainly looks the part.”
“Don’t believe everything you hear.” Lupin’s moustache twitched and his eyes crinkled with mirth. “In any case, before anyone makes a final decision, consider this, the Dark Lord and the Ministry are now aligned - so that should give us all pause as to what he really has planned for us...”
“You’re jokin’!” said Gary. “That can’t be right!”
“Isn’t it?” Lupin retrieved a rumpled copy of the Daily Prophet from within his cloak. “Dolores Umbridge is the one who pushed through the anti-werewolf legislation a few years ago. She’s the one who cost me my job at Hogwarts... and now she’s Minister...”
“Well there you go mate...”
“Not so fast, Gary. Who’s she been going after since she became Minister? The Dark Lord? No! Minister Umbridge has her sights fixed on Dumbledore, and look at this - today’s paper - now she is taking credit for the Dark Lord’s takeover of Hogwarts - if that isn’t a sign of alignment, I don’t know what is.”
Remus opened the newspaper and laid it on the table for all to see. Gary took one look at the headline and snatched it up.
Minister Confirms Takeover of Hogwarts Was Ministry Operation
Minister Dolores Umbridge, confirms that the takeover of Hogwarts at the weekend was in fact a Ministry operation, taken when Dumbledore escaped from custody after his interview Friday night with Ministry officials, which further implicated him in the disappearance of former Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour.
It has also been confirmed, that several of You-Know-Who’s top lieutenants took part in the operation, including Severus Snape, who we now know was surreptitiously sacked by Dumbledore, rather than being taken ill, as had previously been reported.
According to Minister Umbridge, this secret sacking of Severus Snape is in keeping with new information uncovered by a joint investigation conducted by the DMLE and the Unspeakable Office, revealing that it was Dumbledore himself who was plotting against the Ministry, in his bid to violently subjugate Pureblood wizards with an army of Muggleborns.
Minister Umbridge confirms that You-Know-Who’s vilification by Dumbledore was nothing more than a smokescreen to hide his own conspiracy. This sheds an entirely new light on the last war, from which it can now be understood that You-Know-Who had taken up arms in a legitimate grievance against an increasingly corrupt Ministry ensnared in Dumbledore’s web of intrigue and deceit.
Following the Ministry operation, Severus Snape has since been appointed to the position of Headmaster, a role for which he is eminently suited.
In a closely related story, it has also been confirmed that Harry Potter and his muggleborn fiancee, Hermione Granger, were indeed seen fleeing the Ministry last Friday evening, after helping Dumbledore escape Ministry confines, and arrest warrants have been issued for all...
“Bloody hell!” Gary gasped. “You weren’t jokin’ at all! Blimey! This throws a spanner in things, don’ it?” Gary looked up at Remus, his face pale. “Oi, mind if I keep this? ... I don’t think our pack leader’s seen this. He’ll probably wanna rethink things - the only reason we was thinkin’ o’ joinin’ the Dark Lord was to get ourselves a fair shake, but if he’s in with that bitch Umbridge... Blimey! ... Well, that says it all, don’ it?”
“It does indeed,” Remus agreed, letting out a sigh. “Sadly, I don’t think Maugrim sees it that way. Like Greyback, I think he is more keen on tasting human flesh, and most of the others in my pack feel the same as he...”
Remus paused when he saw that everyone around the table looked extremely uncomfortable - even rather ill - at that. It was clear that they, like Remus, were more inclined to maintain control over their wolfish urges rather than to embrace them.
“...which is why I cannot remain in my pack of course,” he concluded.
“Well my offer still stands mate,” said Ben hoarsely. “You wan’ outta your pack, and we could use another wizard in ours.”
Max looked pensive, then slowly nodded. “I think I’ll be able to convince at least some o’ the wizards in our bunch to stick with the muggle werewolves now. If you’ll have us, we’ll join up with your lot too, Ben.”
Ben looked pleased - eager even. “I don’ see any problem with that. So what about your lot, Gary - you’re mostly wizards. Care to join us?”
“Can’t promise anything,” Gary muttered, still scowling at the moving image of Umbridge on the front page. “But most of us are more about gettin’ a fair shake than gettin’ a free pass to eat people - so there’s a good chance most of us’ll join you. ... Not sure we’ll be totally comfortable with just sittin’ on the sidelines though while Umbridge and Voldy hammer Britain - we’re more about fightin’ for what’s owed us!”
Remus smiled; that was exactly the attitude needed if he hoped to get some werewolves to ally with the Order. He raised his eyebrows at Ben and Max who were both looking a bit hesitant.
“Well, I rather think Gary’s got a point,” Remus opined. “But it’s probably best to just pull as many of us together as possible and find a safe place while we work out the best way forward to begin with. ... Obviously the muggle werewolves won’t be able to join the fight in the same way that wizards can - but that doesn’t mean they’re totally defenceless if we can get our hands on some muggle weapons...”
There was a look of surprise around the table. The others hadn’t even considered that...
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