Yuletide Blessing in Disguise | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 123887 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 10 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any related properties--all rights belong to Rowling. Nor do I make any money from the production of this work. |
Sweet Revenge
Ron stared at Ginny, gaping at her, mashed potato still covering most of his face, which was growing redder by the second judging by the colour of his ears. For a moment he felt torn between being cross at Harry, angry at Ginny, and confusion. Then Ginny’s point finally seemed to reach its target somewhere in Ron’s frontal lobes.
“Bloody hell!” Ron groaned, sounding horrified. “I’m sorry Ginny! You didn’t really think I wanted to, er... you know, with you, did you?”
“Of course not, dimwit!” Ginny rolled her eyes and huffed. “Though I wasn’t entirely sure for a moment. ... I think you were just thinking about harems and orgies, saw a redhead, and forgot that I’m your sister!”
Fred and George howled with laughter again.
“Good one, Ron!” Fred sniggered, slapping him on the back. “Maybe we should tell Mum to start planning the wedding.”
Ginny rolled her eyes again but otherwise ignored Fred as she continued. “... And I think you forgot that all the other girls supposedly in the ‘harem’ are sitting at this table.”
“Oh! Er...”
Ron gulped and peered shiftily at Lavender and Parvati who were still glowering at him, and shot sidelong glances at Hermione, Luna, and Fleur who all looked more amused than anything.
In truth, Ron hadn’t forgotten that at all, but it didn’t seem like a very good idea to admit that he had been hoping that he could convince Harry to let him join in the fun with all of them and Fleur. Neville raised his eyebrows at Ron, giving him an “I-know-exactly-what-you’re-thinking” sort of look.
“Erm, sorry...” Ron mumbled as he picked up a napkin and started wiping the rest of the mashed potato from his face. “Ginny’s right! I wasn’t thinking... I’m an idiot!”
Hoping that would settle the matter, Ron was a bit alarmed when Ginny groaned and looked aggravated again. He heard giggling behind him and gulped, hastily trying to get the last bits of mashed potato off, wondering if a load of girls had come to laugh at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a few other Gryffindor girls in Ginny’s year; one of them was Romilda something or other - he’d never really paid attention.
The gaggle of giggling girls whispered and pushed Romilda-Something-or-Other forward. She grinned awkwardly and cleared her throat.
“Erm... er, Hi Harry,” said Romilda-Something-or-Other brightly, batting her eyelashes in what she clearly hoped was a sexy manner, “We were just wondering if... er... if we could join your harem...”
The rest of Saturday after Rita Skeeter’s article could have been worse, Hermione supposed. Yes, whispers, giggles, and some nasty comments followed them around the castle. But besides Romilda Vane and her friends, a few other girls from other Houses had either approached Harry or had struck seductive poses whenever they spotted him passing by in the corridors.
Several girls had even shyly approached Hermione - including Susan Bones surprisingly enough.
The most startling encounter was when a stunningly pretty, dark-haired, older Slytherin girl - perhaps in sixth or seventh year - had sat down in an armchair next to Hermione’s in the library. The dark-haired girl had glanced around to make sure no other Slytherins were nearby and said in a hushed, sultry tone, “You and Potter can imperius me anytime, Granger!”
Then the Slytherin girl rose to her feet and Hermione gaped at her, speechless, as she slinkily sauntered away wiggling her bum. Dora, who was sitting nearby reading a comic, chortled and shook her head, admiring the view.
“What was that all about?” asked Harry when he popped out from behind a tall bookshelf and sat next to Hermione, narrowing his eyes at the Slytherin girl who was now at the library entrance. “She wasn’t giving you a hard time was she?”
Hermione shook her bushy head, still shocked. “No! She wanted to join the harem!”
“Blimey! ... A Slytherin? Really?”
And it was much like that the whole weekend. Hermione really wasn’t sure what to think. She was happy now with knowing that Harry seemed thoroughly perturbed about the whole affair, and that at least she had a good excuse to spend Saturday and Sunday night in Harry’s quarters. She could fall back on her interpretation of Madam Pomfrey’s instructions if anyone pressed her on the issue.
Hermione and Harry never went beyond cuddling and bit of handsy snogging though, Madam Pomfrey’s unspoken interpretation of “exerting themselves” weighing heavily on Hermione’s mind.
Hermione had peered at the vial of potion which Madam Pomfrey had given her both nights while Harry was cleaning his teeth and changing into his pyjamas in the bathroom, wondering if she actually felt ready to take things to the next level yet, then quickly hiding the vial in her book-bag when Harry returned.
The idea of going further with Harry was very tempting, but it had barely been a week since they had even “fiddled” with each other for the first time and showered together for the first time, after all. And now Hermione was feeling extremely self-conscious after Rita Skeeter’s article - especially given the whispers of “slut” and “whore” which had reached her ears.
So she tried her best to put it all out of her mind and just enjoy the cuddling and the kissing and sleeping in the same bed with Harry. Fortunately, both nights Harry had seemed just as pleased to keep things simple as Hermione was, despite his all too obvious arousal. Late Sunday night, after Harry had fallen asleep, she remained awake for a while anxiously thinking about Monday morning.
Hermione had a choice of waking up early enough for them both to take separate showers and leaving Harry to either relieve himself or take a cold shower, or taking a shower with him again and fixing his “problem” for him with a quick wank. She eventually fell asleep still feeling unsettled.
Harry yawned, pleased to find Hermione still nestled beside him when he awoke, wishing she could stay every night. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was early enough for a quick shower and still give Hermione time for her own.
He was more than happy to take care of himself and let Hermione move things along at her own pace, and truth be told he was very unnerved by all this harem stuff. Harry had struggled mightily not to hex to oblivion Zacharias Smith and some of the others who had muttered horrible things about Hermione “under their breath” but loud enough to be heard.
Showered and dressed, Harry returned to his bedroom to find Hermione awake and looking very relieved.
“Thank you, Harry,” she said, giving him a peck on the cheek as she made her way to the bathroom...
Even though Lavender and Parvati had still sat with Harry and Hermione at mealtimes over the weekend, seeking safety in numbers, they all turned pink when they arrived at the entrance of McGonagall’s classroom Monday morning.
They stood there for a moment awkwardly peering at each other; Harry reckoned everyone was having the exact same problem. Should they enter the classroom first and Lavender and Parvati wait a few minutes before entering - or should Lavender and Parvati go first?
“Oh, this is stupid! Let’s just go in together,” said Parvati, breaking the silence. “So what if everyone thinks we’re having orgies? They’re just jealous! Bugger them!”
Hermione let out a sigh of relief and beamed at Parvati.
“I agree completely!” said Hermione, head held high. “I didn’t want to be presumptuous though.”
Lavender and Harry gave each other a look, both of them still uncertain as they followed Parvati and Hermione into the classroom.
“So, er... How is Viktor taking things?” Harry asked Lavender as they all took seats. He was pleased to see Lavender looking relieved.
“Oh, he didn’t care at all, thank goodness!” she said. “He said he never believed a word and had a good laugh about it, actually.”
Feeling better on that score, Harry grinned when he caught Ron’s eye as Ron entered with Neville. Ron’s ears turned bright-red and he quickly averted his gaze. Harry sighed. Ron had been avoiding all of them all weekend. Harry knew that Ron was just feeling thoroughly embarrassed for being a bit of an idiot though and hoped he’d get over it soon.
Seamus and Dean entered next, both grinning at Harry and shooting him thumbs-up as they had every time they had seen him over the weekend. Parvati and Hermione both rolled their eyes and Lavender stuck her tongue out at them.
As Monday wore on, Seamus and Dean eventually got bored with teasing Harry, and Neville kept Ron company who was still too embarrassed to look at anyone. But for Harry and Hermione, their trepidation only grew as Double Potions with Snape and the Slytherins that afternoon drew nearer.
And knowing how Harry and Hermione were often received by Snape and the Slytherins, Lavender and Parvati’s anxiety increased; they had a bad feeling that they wouldn’t be able to fade into the background as they usually did. Parvati just hoped the plan she’d made with Hermione would at least shut the Slytherins up.
Of course they found a gang of Slytherins standing in a huddle outside the classroom door, though Daphne Greengrass and Pansy were separated from the pack, looking rather disgusted.
“Look, here they come!” Millicent shouted, waving around her copy of Witch Weekly.
The other Slytherin girls who weren’t Daphne or Pansy turned around and giggled. Draco smirked, looking insufferably smug as Crabbe and Goyle sniggered sycophantically beside him.
“Well, if it isn’t the Parselmouth, Harem Lord Potter himself,” Draco drawled. “How’d you like my interview, Potter? Been putting that Cunning Tongue of yours to use on Brown and Patil have you.”
Lavender turned as red as a fire-engine. Hermione gave Parvati an almost imperceptible nod; Harry frowned, wondering what that was all about.
“You’re all just jealous!” Parvati scoffed. “Too bad none of the girls would go to the Yule Ball with you Malfoy - getting lonely are you? ... And you’re probably diddling yourself while fantasising about being in Harry’s Harem, aren’t you Bulstrode?”
“Er...” Harry wasn’t sure he liked where this was heading.
“And I’ll have you know, Harry’s tongue is heavenly!” Parvati added brightly.
To Harry’s great shock, Parvati suddenly turned around and pulled him into an embrace, kissing him heatedly. Eyes wide with panic, he was surprised to see Hermione beaming at the pair of them.
“Oh yes,” Hermione told the Slytherins cheerfully, “I’m more than happy to share Harry. The orgies are wonderful!”
Parvati let go of Harry, giving him a wink before turning and giving Hermione a big kiss on the lips as well. Now that he knew what was going on, Harry couldn’t help grinning at Malfoy’s shocked expression.
“Yeah, they’re great, Malfoy! Bet you wish you had a harem!”
“You... What...?” Malfoy sputtered, “But... Delacour too?”
Harry raised his eyebrows. “You were there - you saw Fleur snog me and Hermione after the Second Task! The picture’s in Bulstrode’s magazine if you’re looking for something to wank to.”
Malfoy turned on Millicent Bulstrode furiously.
“I thought you said it was all fake!” he snarled. “You told me you and Skeeter cooked the whole thing up!”
“She told me it was fake!” said Bulstrode, who looked just as appalled as Malfoy. “Skeeter asked me if I wanted to help her get back at Granger and Potter!”
“Does that look fake to you?” Malfoy snapped, pointing at Parvati who was still snogging Hermione.
“Er... no!” Bulstrode squeaked helplessly. Daphne and Pansy seemed to have caught on though; they were both giggling madly.
Harry heard a, “Bloody hell!” behind him and turned to see Ron and Neville both staring slack-jawed at Parvati and Hermione.
“It’s all for show,” Harry hissed under his breath, jerking his head in the direction of the Slytherins.
Ron and Neville both chortled with laughter when they saw the outraged expressions on the Slytherins’ faces and Malfoy and Bulstrode arguing. Then Ron raised his eyebrows and cocked his head, peering at Hermione and Parvati.
“Still... looks like you might get lucky after all, Harry,” he said quietly, smirking.
Parvati and Hermione fell apart in the nick of time. Snape strode up the dungeon corridor, his robes billowing, and scowled at Harry, Hermione, Lavender, and Parvati who were all the picture of innocence.
“Enough dilly-dallying,” Snape snapped. “Ten points from Gryffindor for dawdling.”
As everyone entered the classroom, Bulstrode angrily flung the Witch Weekly magazine at Hermione who deftly caught it. Hermione set the magazine on the table and giggled as everyone in class took their seats. Apparently, Snape heard, because he spun around furiously.
“That’s another ten points from Gryffindor for disrupting the class, Granger...”
Then Snape’s gaze fell upon the magazine beside her. His lips curled into a venomous sneer; he stalked across the classroom and snatched it off the table.
Severus Snape had been seething since the Second Task on Friday, and all the attention that Potter and his little harem had been receiving over the weekend had infuriated him even more. It was James Potter all over again - girls hanging all over him, swooning, throwing themselves at his feet. Potter could have had the lot, but he just had to go and steal Lily!
Skeeter and veracity had a dubious relationship at best, Snape had thought, but there was often a kernel of truth behind her exaggerations. She had been right about Potter and Granger’s little trysts after all, and Snape didn’t doubt for a moment that Potter had drawn to himself a stable of young witches attracted to his wholly undeserved fame.
That Granger was part of it all was a bit surprising at first, but Snape should have seen it coming; it was always the buttoned-up types who were insatiable when they finally cut loose. Snape hadn’t used or even thought the word “Mudblood” in his head for years - not since Lily had died - but for Granger the word couldn’t be more apt.
Of course a Filthy Mudblood would fall for Potter - of course a Filthy Mudblood would whore herself out for Potter’s fame and fortune - of course a Filthy Mudblood would revel in debauchery and licentiousness.
No doubt Potter and Granger’s little sex-cult were already exploring the boundaries of sex-magic; the very thought made Snape want to vomit.
Dark magic was clean and pure - unfixed and eternal - it was mutable, indestructible, and unencumbered by petty, wanton desires which clouded the mind. Sex-magic was sordid and sloppy - it was chaotic, fleeting and obscene - it was wallowing in Filth and Mud.
And when he spotted Potter and Granger’s Witch Weekly magazine lying on the table, he knew they were just gloating and rubbing it all in his face. Snape swooped down on the degenerate pair and snatched the magazine from the table.
“That’s another twenty points you’ve cost Gryffindor, Granger,” he said icily, hiding his malevolent glee at having another excuse to punish Potter through his slutty Mudblood.
“Let’s see,” he sneered, his dark eyes glittering, “What sort of outside reading material do we have here? ... Ah, yes, of course...” he said loudly for the benefit of the class, “No doubt Potter and Granger are eager to flaunt their tawdry affairs.”
“Harry Potter’s Secret Harem!” Snape read off the page, his lips curling into an unpleasant leer as he glanced at Lavender and Parvati as well. “My, my! ... Who knew, Potter? Quite the Lothario aren’t you?”
Snape was slightly taken aback when Potter gave a little nonchalant shrug instead of burning in shame. It was supposed to be a “Secret Harem” wasn’t it? Hidden to keep Potter’s wholesome reputation intact?
“Well, well, well, quite the little deviant, I see, Potter!” Snape carried on vindictively. “‘Inappropriate liaisons with underage girls...’ - It’s a surprise you aren’t in Azkaban already! ... What’s this - the Imperius Curse? Perhaps I should be calling the Aurors - though I suppose that falls under the purview of the headmaster.
“Oho - I see that you have been causing Miss Bulstrode to fear for her safety. As her Head of House that is something I can do something about. Let’s make that another thirty points from Granger - I expect her to know better than a hormone addled teenage boy...”
Snape paused and peered at the class and the pair of perverts to see what sort of effect he was having. The Slytherin students were oddly silent, looking sullen and sulky, not laughing uproariously as he had expected. Granger seemed strangely unimpressed, almost bored, and Potter... Potter was staring at him blankly, looking more bewildered than anything.
“Er... isn’t this supposed to be a Potions Lesson sir?” Potter asked innocently. “It’s just... I thought we were supposed to be learning something important.”
Weasley and Finnegan both sniggered loudly. Snape glared at them viciously.
“That’s ten points apiece, Weasley, Finnegan, for your cheek!”
Glowering at Potter, “Since you’re so eager to learn, Potter, I think your little harem can do without you for now - that table in front of my desk. Move. Now,” he barked.
“Yes sir,” said Potter politely. “Of course, sir!”
Harry struggled to keep a straight face and not burst into laughter as he hauled his bag and his cauldron full of potions ingredients to the front of the class. Seeing Snape’s face turn more and more purple - a shade which Uncle Vernon would be proud of - was worth every point lost.
“The potions recipe is on the blackboard” Snape snarled at the class. “Get to work!”
Snape sat behind his desk, staring at Harry, his features a picture of barely contained rage. Harry ignored him and began mashing up his scarab beetles for the potion.
Not more than fifteen minutes had passed before Snape was up again, hovering behind Harry, no doubt hoping to make him angry and distract him as usual. Snape leaned over, so close to Harry’s ear that Harry could feel his hot breath on the back of his neck.
“I suppose you think you’re clever,” Snape hissed quietly. “You and that over-inflated head of yours! You may have Dumbledore fooled, but I can see right through you! Your celebrity status means less than nothing to me. ... As far as I’m concerned, you’re just a nasty little hooligan who should be expelled, and if I ever catch you sneaking into my storeroom to steal Boomslang Skin again, I shall make certain that you are!”
“Er... That wasn’t me,” said Harry blandly. “That was the fake Moody - for his polyjuice potion, remember?”
Harry could almost hear Snape grinding his teeth. Then the hot breath on the back of Harry’s neck was gone and Snape was sitting at his desk, glaring at him once more...
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