Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Unbeta’d. All spelling and grammatical errors are mine.
CH 23 Mr Ervast
Severus, disgruntled at been woken before he was ready, threw a robe over his naked body and left his rooms. The elf had come to him panicking, saying the miss was stuck and he needed to come and help her.
“Now what have you done?” He gruffed, walking into her sitting room and looking round. “Where are you?”
“In the blasted bedroom. I’m stuck.”
He entered the bedroom, wondering what she was talking about. Stuck in what?”
“Up here. Just get me down will you.”
Severus looked up to the ceiling and his eyebrows practically joined her up there. Then he snorted, then he chuckled, then he all out laughed, having to sit on the bed as his sides ached.
“It’s not funny Severus, get me off the ceiling, I need to go pee.”
This served to make him laugh harder, and it was a full five minutes before he was able to stand on the bed and pull her down.
As soon as he let her go, she tried to climb off the bed and began to drift upwards again.
“Severus, do something.” She wailed, bursting for the loo and unable to go anywhere but up.
He grabbed her ankle and pulled her down again, tears streaming down his cheeks.
As soon as he let go, she drifted up again.
“I feel like a balloon, what am I gonna do? I can’t bob about like this all day. And If I don’t go for a pee soon, well …”
“He pulled her down again, managing to calm himself slightly and floated her into the bathroom. Unfortunately, he could not leave her to use the toilet alone since she just kept floating upward again.
“You’ll have to hold me down, but don’t look.” She told him. “And don’t listen either.”
“Lou, I can close my eyes, I can even insert a finger in one ear, but if I attempt to plug both ears I shall have to let go of you, just do what you have to and I shall endeavour to ignore you to the best of my ability. Now hurry up.”
“I can’t, I’m too far away from the loo.”
For the next few minutes, they shuffled about so Lou could relieve herself while Severus stood with his back turned, one hand firmly on her shoulder as she tried to pee as quietly as possible. Her cheeks burned and she couldn’t believe what was happening to her.
“Will you stop sniggering, it’s not helping.” She grumbled.
“I am not snickering.” He told her through his snickers. “Now shut up, it just makes it harder to control myself.”
Lou shot him a daggers look to his back but said nothing more. She didn’t find it at all funny. Well she did a bit but that wasn’t the point.
“I can tell you’re laughing, I can see you shoulders moving.” She told him, her lips starting to twitch.
“Give over.” She snorted. Soon she was giggling and it was only when she tried to stand she realised that she wasn’t inclined to float anymore. “I think you can let go now, I can’t get off the toilet.”
Severus doubled over, almost staggering from the bathroom and collapsing onto her bed as Lou laughed and tried to take a wash at the same time.
“Your terrible you.” She told him as she came out of the bathroom. “It wasn’t funny.”
“No? Is that why you are also laughing?”
“No, I’m laughing because you made me laugh. Go on, I want to get dressed.”
He left her rooms in a much better mood than he’d entered, to use his own bathroom and get dressed. It was had been an absurd situation, but hilarious all the same.
They were both in good humour when they entered the kitchen, but the humour left quickly when they found the Griffindor four seated at the table.
Severus acted normal, he simply glared and sat down to read his Daily Prophet.
Lou collected what she needed from the pantry and started cooking breakfast for Severus and herself.
Ron’s nostrils immediately started twitching as Lou whisked the eggs for omelettes, adding ham, chopped tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese.
Harry too watched covertly. They’d been waiting for Molly to come down and cook for them, but what Lou was making smelled delicious and their stomachs complained loudly.
When Lou place an enormous fluffy omelette in front of Severus, then poured another into the frying pan, they all sat up expectantly, eagerly awaiting their breakfast.
But Lou brought her plate to the table, sat down next to Severus and started eating.
“Aren’t you making any for us?” Ron asked, outraged.
“Mr Weasley, can you think of one good reason why Miss Black should take the trouble to cook your breakfast? You are seventeen I believe, can you not prepare your own? Miss Black has better things to do with her time than wait on someone who has not had a single good word to say about her since you arrived.”
Ron’s ears burned brightly andthe other three sat equally shame faced as they stared at the table.
“He’s right Ron.” Hermione told him. “We’ve been horrible to Lou and she hasn’t done anything wrong. I’ll make the breakfast, and Lou, I for one apologise for the way I have behaved toward you. It was wrong of me.”
Lou stared at her omelette, she was pale and felt very uncomfortable. She said one word. “Why?”
“Pardon?” Hermione asked surprised. “Why what?”
“Why are you sorry? Why did you say all those things? Why don’t you like me? I haven’t done anything to any of you. I didn’t ask to come here any more than I asked to be who I am. Professor Snape and Mr Lupin said you were okay, that you’d want to be friends. Instead you’ve decided that I’m a fraud, that I’m after Harry’s money, that I’m some opportunist who’s devious enough to carry out some ridiculous plan with the Headmaster to diddle Harry out of his inheritance. You said I’m creepy because all I wanted to do was talk to you. Well I’m none of those things you hear. I don’t need my dad’s money. In fact I would have preferred to have my dad, I don’t even know what he looked like. And thank you Harry for offering to at least show me one of your photo’s, it was a really kind thing to do, considering you knew how desperate I was just to see what he looked like.. Oh, and before I forget, no Ron Weasley, Professor Snape is not screwing me. Just thought you might like to know.” She finally choked out before storming from the room in tears.
Severus choked on his food at her last statement and started to cough furiously. Once he managed to lose the obstruction, he stood, scowled at the four shocked faces and left the room to find Lou.
As usual, he found her on the third stair.
“Well done.”
Lou looked up.
“You have managed to do something I have spent the last six years trying to do.”
“Wha ..what’s that?”
“Shut them up, that is quite an achievement. You are to be congratulated.”
“I shouldn’t have said those things, well not that bit about you and me …you know. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. You have cleared the air as far as I am concerned and they needed putting in their place. You have succeeded in doing so. Now it is up to them. You forgot to take this by the way.” He passed her the morning phial and she smiled a bit as she took it from him.
“Thanks, I thought my leg was aching a bit more than usual. You know, it doesn’t matter what they do or say now, I can’t ever be friends with them, they said some horrible things about me, about both of us. I wont dwell on it, but I wont forget either. I want to learn to live, like you and Mr Lupin said I should, I don’t need them to do that.” She drank the phial and passed it back. “What time are we going?”
“The Headmaster should be arriving soon, then we shall go.”
Lou accio’d her cloak from upstairs, grinning at him as she did. “I like this charm.” She said. “Can I get yours too?”
He allowed her to accio his cloak and they sat in the drawing room to wait for Albus.
In fact the Headmaster arrived only minutes after they sat down, but he asked them to wait as he had something he needed to take care of before they left.
Neither of them heard the dressing down he gave to the Griffindors. the silencing charm he put into effect the moment he entered the kitchen took care of that.
For twenty minutes, Albus scolded them, told them how disappointed he was with them as well as being utterly disgusted. He discovered that Ron, although he’d always envied Harry’s total lack of concern when it came to money, felt that his friend really was been tricked out of his fortune.
In fact the red head had truly believed everything he’d said about Lou. He no longer believed those things.
Albus gave them the smallest insight of the life Lou led before coming to number twelve. He did not give details, but they were all aware she’d been abused in some way, that there own lives were privileged compared to hers. Even Harry had had it easy compared to Lou.
Albus offered no explanation as to the delay when he finally entered the drawing room to ask if Severus and Lou were ready to leave.
Severus had a reasonably good idea what went on in the kitchen, but he offered no insight to Lou.
Later, when he was alone with the Headmaster, he would inform him of what occurred at breakfast.
“Why are we all in a phone box? Who are you ringing?” Lou asked as Albus dialled 62442.
When a voice from nowhere asked them to give their names and state the nature of their business, Lou jumped. Then she looked on curiously as three silver badges dropped into the tray where change usually appeared. They all put one on and Lou noticed the ground outside moving up to meet them.
“Seve …Severus?” She said, reaching around the Headmaster for him.
“He took her hand. “It’s alright. Think of it as you would a muggle elevator.”
It took only a minute and the phone box stopped. Stepping out, Lou refused to let go of Severus’ hand as she looked round.
They were standing on a dark wooden floor in a large hall with what looked to Lou like lots of golden fireplaces along two opposing walls. The ceiling was a vivid blue and there was a set of golden gates at the far end.
In the centre of the hall, there was a fountain, that too was gold, with statues of a witch and wizard, an elf, and two creatures she’d never seen before.
She took all this in quickly as she was led to a small desk next to the golden gates.
A man called Eric Munch took their wands and weighed them, then he wrote something down and passed them back again, but not before laughing when Lou told him the core of her wand was a black unicorn tail hair.
“You asked me, what’s so funny?” She demanded, a pout on her face.
Mr Munch started to argue that there was no such thing as a black unicorn, but Albus Dumbledore gave him a look that clearly stated the man was making a fool of himself and he said no more.
They were admitted through the gates and into a smaller hall. This one contained a series of lifts.
Entering the third lift, Albus pressed a button and Lou peeped round to see where they were headed.
“Level Five: International Magical Office of Law. That sounds a bit too official, I don’t like it here.” She stated, gripping tighter to the Potion Masters hand and causing him to wince.
“So I noticed. Lou you are about to break my fingers, do you mind?”
“Sorry.” She relaxed her grip but didn’t let go. This was the kind of place where kids were taken and left to be processed and she had no intention of ever being processed again.
She was then led down a long corridor and into a small waiting room with a middle aged witch sitting at a desk.
“Professor Dumbledore, what a pleasure to meet you sir. Mr Weasley is expecting you. Please take a seat and I shall tell him you are here.
Barely had they placed their backsides on the chairs when she returned and asked them to step inside the office.
“Albus, Severus, so glad you made it. Ah, Lou. I took your advice with those batteries you know, buried them nice and deep.”
Arthur received his promotion to Head of International Magical Law the previous year and was extremely good at his job. He missed the muggle artefacts he used to be able to get his hands on, but this new job was much more challenging, it paid more, and he was more than capable of picking up the reigns from Barty Crouch.
“I have all the paperwork ready for you to sign Lou, I am just waiting for Mr Ervast to arrive. He his head of Magical liaisons in Finland, very nice man, difficult to understand though.
The woman from the desk poked her head round the door to say that Mr Rudolf Ervast had arrived.
He was shown in and introductions were made. Unfortunately, Arthur, Severus and Albus could not understand a single word he said.
Lou couldn’t understand why, to her he was speaking plain English.
At the mans perplexed expression, Lou stepped forward, offering her hand and said; “Hyvaa huomenta. Hauska tavata.“ In what she believed was English. (Good morning. Nice to meet you.)
Mr Ervast was delighted that she spoke Finnish and began chatting to her quite avidly, telling her what a dreadful time he’d had during his apparition to England. No on appeared to understand him when he arrived at customs and it had taken over three hours to find an interpreter before they would let him through.
Eventually, Lou was translating between Arthur and Mr Ervast, though it seemed odd to her because to her, she was just repeating the same words from English to English.
An hour later and all the forms were signed, Mr Ervast and Arthur had scanned Lou’s own documents and stamped the seal of recognition onto each one and Mr Ervast was ready to leave.
He turned to Lou first and gave her a deep bow. “It was a pleasure meeting you Miss Nilsen-Black.” He told her in his native tongue.
“Kiitos, samoin” (‘Likewise‘.) She told him.
He left a very contented man and Lou had everything she needed that stated she was indeed the legal daughter of Sirius Black and Orvokki Nilsen, that she held the rights to all properties and holdings belonging to the Black and Nilsen families, and that she was both an English and Finish national, so could chose to reside in either country should she so decide.
“Wow. I can live here or Finland, isn’t that cool?”
“Is that what you want, to live in Finland?” Severus asked her.
“Well no, I don’t think so, I don’t know anybody there do I. I only know you and Albus and Mr Lupin and Mr Weasley and …well you know what I mean. No, I want to stay here. I might be nice to go there one day though, to see where my mum lived. Didn’t Mr Ervast say it was near a place called Helsinki?”
“Sipoo I believe he said, and several more estates around the country. They are written down here. Lumjoki, Nakkila and Ranua. All very sizable estates at that.” Arthur told her, passing her the parchment Mr Ervast left for her. You are indeed a very lucky young Lady, and I mean that literally, since you now hold the title of ‘Lady’ from the Nilsen side.”
Lou grinned. ‘Surely he’s taking the mickey.’ She thought. “Yeah, right Mr Weasley.”
“See for yourself.” He told her with a big smile, pointing at a paragraph on her parchment.
“Oh bugg …blimey, Severus look, I’m a Lady.” Her face was white with disbelief. “Can you believe it? Me a Lady? Oh wow.”
“Indeed, Lady Louhi Melaina Nilsen-Black. Welcome to the wizarding world.” Albus greeted her.
“Oh, it’s too much, can I still be just Lou? I mean it’s nice an all that, but I’d hate to be called that all the time.”
“If that is your wish my Lady.” Severus told her with an extravagant bow. “We are here to serve.” He mocked.
“Shut up you.”
After saying goodbye to Arthur, they left the ministry and headed to Diagon Alley and Gringott’s.
Severus wondered how she would react to the trolley ride when they went down to the vaults. Many didn’t like them , but knowing Lou as he did, he thought she would probably want to stay riding them all day. One corner of his mouth twitched at the idea. Personally, he enjoyed the ride through the vaults as well, not that he would ever admit it. Since there were several vaults to look at, it looked to be a promising morning.
Lou limped along happily between the two wizards, pausing occasionally when something in a shop window caught her eye.
Severus threatened to put the proximity chain on her if she didn’t stop window shopping and she kept up with them after that.
When they drew level with the Owl Emporium however, she had to stop. Just inside the doorway was the most beautiful bird Lou had ever seen. A large owl, it’s feathers a sleek, glossy black. It watched her approach and hooted softly to her, drawing her attention and locking eyes with her. Lou was captivated by it, enthralled as she moved closer and closer.
Just as she reached the door, she had a sudden image of Severus, his eyes glittering angrily as he stalked towards her, the proximity chain in his hand.
She gasped and looked round, there he was, exactly as she’d just seen him.
“No don’t, please. I saw you coming.” She told him. “I saw you.”
“Well you would, considering you are looking at me, now I have warned you what I would do if you strayed again, hold out your ank …”
“No, I mean I saw you before I turned round. When I was looking at the owl, I saw you in my head.”
“Which owl were you looking at?”
“That one, the black one on the doorway. We were looking at each other and I suddenly saw you. It was really weird but I did.”
Severus turned to see a large black owl, it was watching Lou intently.
Albus approached and Severus told him what just occurred.
“You think I’m potty don’t you? But I did see, I did. I just don’t know how.”
Albus stepped into the shop as Severus explained. “I think you have met your familiar, that is how you were able to see me.”
“I don’t understand.”
“The owl you were captivated by, it drew you to him. He gave you the image of me approaching, his mind and yours are linked, he is destined to be your familiar. Albus will secure him for you, when we leave Gringott’s, he will be your first purchase.”
“I have to buy him? Severus, what am I gonna do with an owl? I mean he’s gorgeous and all that, but I don’t know the first thing about keeping a pet.”
“I shall explain once he is back at Headquarters with us.” He slipped the chain back into his pocket.
Albus emerged from the shop, a twinkle in his eye as the bird was moved from display. “He will be waiting for you Lou, his name is Validus.”
“Validus, that means strong. That’s a lovely name, can I really buy him? He’ll be mine to keep?”
“He is yours Lou, a very unusual owl, and to find you so quickly. The shop owner tells me the bird only went on display today, it is not often that a familiar finds it’s master so easily.” It would seem you were destined to be together.”
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