Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
I'm sorry for the late update but my life was so stressful lately. This is the only chapter I have back from my beta and I have no clue when she will have time for editing the next. This story will not be abandoned and I already have written many more chapters and still have hundreds of more stuff for it in my mind. So even if I can't update every week, you don't have to worry. Maybe my beta will be able to edit more in future when her life also has become a bit calmer. Then you will get faster updates. So for now please be patient with us.
Characters: Roland, Janto, Hermione, Tara
Pairings: Roland/Hermione. Janto/Hermione
Warnings: het, fingering, oral
Chapter 23 - Janto
“Choose the next one, Tara,” Darius ordered, and Tara eagerly turned around. It seemed she enjoyed it now. “Not Hannes. You should keep him until last.” Tara looked a bit disappointed, but nodded.
“The blond one, then.” She sounded bored, but the boy, (and yes, he looked like a boy,) tried to ignore it. He did his best and managed adequately in Hermione's eyes, but she remembered him to be one of the more forceful ones in the hall when they accidentally met them. He had been very rude to Draco and Neville. The next two Hermione couldn't judge because she was otherwise occupied.
While Tara tried to guide the third one in their coupling, Roland seemed to become restless. The hand that wasn't between Hermione's legs, playing lazily with her, wandered under her shirt and to her left breast. Immediately, Hermione could feel the attention of the majority of the men shift from Tara to her. Did they smell her arousal or were they really observing because they saw Roland's hand move under her shirt?
“Where are Fenrir, Yorik and Severus?” Hermione asked nervously.
“Scared?” Roland asked and paused in his ministrations.
Hermione bit her bottom lip. She always felt much safer with them around.
“They are in the warrior wing. Someone has to watch out, right? I won't hurt you.”
“You hurt Morgan.”
He groaned. “You can't compare my behavior towards a dominant with my skills towards a sub. Besides, your self-chosen sire is watching every move of mine, pup. I'm quite sure he will challenge me if he thinks I am hurting you.”
Hermione looked over to Darius and saw him glaring at Roland. When he felt her eyes on his, his expression changed and he smiled encouragingly to her and nodded. So he wanted her to do it.
“Okay,” Hermione whispered.
Roland started his caressing again and after some time, Hermione was lost in the pleasure he caused with his hands. His fingers were still deep inside her when he moved his free hand between them and opened his trousers. His cock sprang free and against Hermione's lower back. The attempt to scoot forward was prevented by Roland. He let one of his arms stay hooked around her waist and the still wet hand moved behind her to draw teasing circles around her pucker. She stiffened immediately but that didn't make him stop. “Relax, pup.”
“No, please not there.” After the first few thrusts Hermione liked anal sex, but the first part of it was always painful or uncomfortable. She didn't want to have the normally rough Roland have her that way.
“Just my fingers, pup, not my cock. I promise.” He breathed the words in her ear, and she relaxed just enough so that he easily could push a finger into her. She felt him smirk against her neck and cursed herself for being so easy manipulated. Roland had an awesome voice like Severus, and she believed him to even be able to make her come just by breathing naughty words in her ear.
When he finally was able to work two fingers in her bum, he lifted her up and sat her down on his stiff member. Hermione moaned aloud and saw some men around her cross their legs and moan as well. An anxious squeak came from opposite of Hermione, and Roland chuckled deeply behind her. “You need to be careful, pup, or you will ruin the attempt of Noah over there to level up.”
It seemed her voice had an effect on them as well, Hermione realized with satisfaction.
Hermione looked over to Tara and saw Noah shutting his eyes tight while he grabbed the base of his shaft forcefully. Tara looked amused over to Hermione. They both shared a triumphant grin of having the upper hand before at least Hermione was taught differently when Roland pulled her even deeper onto his cock and started to rock her. Oh, his cock felt good! It was so long and thick. He pulled her tight against his chest with his arm around her waist.
Hermione couldn't do anything else then except get lost in her pleasure and let her head sink backwards against his shoulder. In favor of Tara she tried to stifle her moans, but it was hard. Roland was absolutely worthy of being an alpha. He was amazing. His hands were playing her like an instrument he had played for years. Maybe Tara and she really had a lot in common or Roland was a seer or... All thoughts were out of her head and she couldn't control her moans anymore when Roland pushed her forward on his legs and rocked not only his cock into her but also his fingers in her rear in the same rhythm. She bucked wildly when she came and screamed and most likely ruined the performance of whatever poor bloke was pleasuring Tara at the moment.
“Oh, Merlin,” she muttered while she panted heavily. She still lay totally exhausted over his legs and he was drawing calming circles over her back. Hermione hadn't even noticed when he had come but she felt the liquid slowly run out of her now where his flaccid cock had found his way out.
“All right?” he asked, leaning over her back close to her ear.
“Don't know.” It was true; Hermione felt as if she couldn't move, and her heart still beat like hell.
He chuckled. “I will hand you over to my beta now.”
Hermione stiffened, but before she could protest, he explained it. “Just to rest, pup. I fear I will be needed over there now.” He had pulled her up and gestured over to the bed. A young man with long brown hair sat on the edge of Tara's bed with his head in his hands. Hermione feared she had made him come because of her noises and felt guilty. “My fault?” she mumbled.
Again Roland chuckled. “No, you chose the right time for your little show. The last had just finished a moment before you started to moan and scream like hell.”
Hermione swatted at his arm, but that made him just chuckle harder.
“Still, you made some upper levels embarrass themselves and I'm sure they will have to stand some mocking in the next days. It’s their own fault, of course and not yours. You were wonderful, by the way.” He had whispered those words in her ear, and she melted again in his arms. He couldn't stop chuckling and tried to control himself by kissing her cheek. “Ready for my beta now?”
Hermione realized the sticky feeling and made her discomfort known.
“No problem, pup,” Janto said and pulled a wand out. It was a seldom view here, and Hermione looked fascinated when he waved it and she was clean. Her longing expression hadn't gone unnoticed.
“Don't get any ideas. You don't even want to know how hard your alpha would punish you for trying to get hold of one of the few wands in the clan,” Roland said warningly.
Hermione groaned, annoyed. It had been so long since she last had had a wand in hand, and with Severus, she hadn't even dared think about taking his wand.
She was pulled out of her musings when Janto pulled her on his lap. She was now exposed to everyone because Roland had pulled the blanket away. Her clothes lay out of reach, but Janto pulled the blanket over again and covered her. “My, you are still easy to embarrass, pup.”
She glared at him, but he was amused by it. “Can I dress again?”
“You already feel like dressing? A moment ago you were not even able to move.”
She sighed in a resigned manner and leaned against him. It wouldn’t hurt to rest for a moment; at least she was covered. Janto shifted her around on his lap until he found a comfortable position because he was rock hard, caused by the vocal show the pup had given a minute ago. He didn't touch Hermione because Roland had promised her that she would only be with him to rest and unlike Yorik, Janto obeyed his alpha without protest. Not that he wouldn't have loved to touch her.
Hermione sat sideways on Janto's lap, but still was able to see Tara. The long haired man was now being reprimanded by Roland, looming over him like a vulture. If Roland thought he could motivate the boy like that, Hermione thought him stupid.
“Get a grip, Markus.” He swatted the other werewolf's head. “Get yourself ready and then do your duty or I will send you back to mummy and daddy and tell them that their son isn't man enough to become a warrior.”
“What has sex to do with being a warrior?” Hermione muttered and all eyes were on her again, including the distressed werewolf's ones.
“Everything, pup,” Darius explained. “Sex is essential in a clan. A sexually unsatisfied werewolf is a dangerous and unpredictable werewolf. As it is a main rule of our clan to pleasure the partner during sex, each man who wants to become a warrior or rank up in social level at all has to be able to perform.”
“But maybe he could perform if you all wouldn't just loom over him and pressure him. Public sex isn't everybody's thing, you know?”
“Public sex is the only sex they will get for some years, pup, as it would be too dangerous to let them couple with any submissive in private, no matter what kind of submissive.”
Hermione remembered the Splinters who had raped Tara. “Why exactly is it dangerous?”
“Because at such a young age, only a few can really control their wolf. While coupling, they are under great stress and excitement. The risk that they will lose control and hurt their partner is too high. We don't accept things like risks that in our clan,” Darius explained calmly.
“Oh.” What more could she say? She looked pitifully at the boy. “Maybe some more private arrangements, then? I mean, maybe he will still be a good warrior even though he can't... ehm perform in front of so many people.”
“That is the way it works. He can still choose another way to serve the clan. If he wants to be taken into the group of warriors, he has to be able to obey any command and to perform in public. We wouldn't trust him to keep our weaker clan members safe if he can't control himself in front of only his own clan.”
“But your social leveling and the warrior ranks are different, aren't they? I don't understand why they have to do this here to level up socially. I mean, you say he can choose another profession in the clan, but wouldn't he need to level up socially for that as well?”
“Both rankings are tightly wrapped together, pup, but maybe you will let me explain this to you another time. I think Markus don't want you to fight his battles, right?” Darius tone was threatening, and Roland grinned, amused, as the boy flinched and quickly grabbed between his legs to fist his cock.
Tara rolled her eyes in Hermione's direction and then swatted Markus’ hands away. “Let me do this or you will damage yourself.”
Markus tried to slow his breathing and pushed the sweaty hair out of his face. He nervously looked over to Hermione.
“Maybe it helps when you don't watch him so openly, pup. He has no problem performing in front of us, but in front of you and Tara he has issues,” Janto said, amused.
Hermione looked up, surprised. She hadn't even thought about it. She had been sure he was intimated by all the men. Nervously, Hermione shifted a bit to face away from Tara and her companion and was met with Janto's erection. The man hissed, and she apologized to him softly and patted his rock hard member. Okay, so that was not one of her best ideas, but she had just had mind blowing sex just a few minutes ago with someone she had never thought she would let touch her. That was excuse enough, and maybe even more of an excuse for her not stopping when he tried to shift away from her hand. Yes, maybe she would guide the attention back from Tara and Markus to give them more privacy.
Janto was one of the few that used aftershave, and Hermione enjoyed it. She leaned closer to his throat while she still let her fingers dance over his still covered shaft. “You smell good,” she said and started to open his jeans.
“Pup,” Janto protested and looked over to his alpha. Roland grinned at him and gestured his beta to let the pup have her way. Janto didn't wish to let her catch his sensitive skin in his zipper, so he grabbed her hand. When she looked questioningly and a bit hurt up at him, he explained, “I'm one of those old fashioned wizard;, no underwear. Please let me get your toy out.” He chuckled, amused when she blushed.
Janto was uncut and his cock was short but very thick and it looked delicious. Hermione licked her lips and thought about what to do. Eventually, she grabbed the blanket around her and slipped from his lap. With the blanket hiding her bare parts, she leaned down and kissed the head of his penis. Then she let her tongue trail up and down over his shaft and smirked when he moaned.
“Damn, pup,” Janto said and grabbed her by her shoulders.
She was so surprised that she couldn't do anything before he had arranged her like he wanted her. Janto had shifted sideways so his left leg was slightly bent and press against the back of the couch and his other leg was dangling to the floor. Now she had perfect access to his heavy sack and his thick member, but he also had brought himself in position to reach over her back and fondle her pucker.
Hermione growled, protesting when he prodded her rear entrance. Janto reacted by shifting a bit more and pressing his middle and his ring finger into her pussy while not giving up prodding her pucker with his index finger. “Don't bite me, pup,” Janto instructed, teasingly.
Hermione could feel the eyes of the warriors on her, and she had the feeling they could see straight through the blanket. Only the delicious cock in front of her made her ignore the blood that rushed to her face from the thought. Janto really had a cute cock, not that she would tell him that. She would like to play with it for a good long time. His balls were also very thick and close to his body. Hermione couldn't resist playing with them as well. She let them roll in her hand and licked over them. Then she sucked one after another in her mouth. God that felt good! And obviously not only for her.
Janto was a vocal guy and didn't seem to be embarrassed by so many people around him. His free hand was gently caressing her cheek. To be honest, Hermione had expected him to grab her by her hair and pull her closer to him, Fenrir and Yorik would have done, and anyone else she had already had sex with as well, even Toric, but Janto caressed her check almost lovingly.
Hermione was lost in pleasuring Janto. She didn't even feel embarrassed about the sloppy sounds she was making while she tried to take him as deep into her mouth as possible. Even though he was smaller than all the others, she had seen he was still hard to fully fit into her mouth. His fingers had a very slow pace and he had worked his index finger into her arse and let it remain there, motionless. The pace was so lazy that she had the feeling he was just doing it to calm her down. She wriggled to get more friction but he only went slower the more she wriggled. So he was doing it on purpose!
Eventually, she became too frustrated and stopped toying around with him. She looked accusingly up at him.
“What? Equal rights for everyone. You play with me, I play with you,” he said, smirking.
Oh no, she wouldn't let him take the upper hand. She crawled up to his chest and over his leg. He got the clue, placed his other leg on the floor again and pulled her up to straddle him. Janto was big and bulgy, and Hermione still had to look up to look at him properly. To kiss him, she needed to push herself up a bit. The air over her bum made her aware that she had forgotten to take the blanket with her. Before she could grab for it, Janto had indeed taken over and kissed her senseless. Any protest of her was gone when she felt his sweet mouth on her. Everything about this guy was sweet and cute. God, what wrong with her? This was Roland's beta!
While he distracted her by kissing, Janto grabbed her cheeks to have her fully within his control and then guided her down on his erection. It always was a bit hard to make the subs relax for his thick cock to go in on the first thrust, but he was experienced and so he gently pushed himself into her inch by inch. Her vaginal walls were making sucking motions; he was in heaven. God, Tara never made those movements. Suddenly, Hermione whimpered in distress, and he stilled and lifted her a bit to reduce the pressure. Meanwhile, he let his tongue dance a tango in her mouth and she quickly forgot her distress. He let her sink down further. When he was fully seated, he let her rest for a while and used that pause for him to get used to being inside that tight, hot pussy.
“Want to ride or want me to do the work?” Janto asked her, panting slowly.
“You,” Hermione answered, trying to control her internal muscles to not clamp around him so much. She had been a little bit worried that she wouldn't be satisfied because she loved it so much when she was deep penetrated, but God, his thickness was making up for it a thousand times. She felt that slight pressure she always felt shortly before she came explosively. “Merlin, I'm already so close. I fear...”
“Shh,” Janto said and moved her to lie on her back on the couch. “Don't worry. Just enjoy.”
Only the small movement he had made to lie her down brought her over the edge, and she bucked uncontrollably. “Oh, Merlin, Merlin, Merlin.”
“No still, I’m still Janto,” he tried to joke while he buried his face in her wild mop of curls, but she could hear how much he was trying to control himself. She felt his hand close to her center and when her mind was clear again, she knew he was clamping down on the base of his shaft to stop himself from ejaculating.
“Sorry,” she said miserably.
“Don't be. Ready for round two?” He was more under control again, and she could feel him smirk against her ear.
“Absolutely,” Hermione whispered and encircled his broad shoulders with her arms to pull him closer. “Another kiss?”
“Who could deny you anything, pup?”
She felt heavily manipulated by him but she enjoyed every minute. He was definitely on her list of random mates now, very, very high on the list. She didn't fully understand this regular and random mate system, and she didn't care. Fenrir said she would feel when someone stepped up to the position of her regular mates like Severus, Yorik and Fenrir. At least she would know because Fenrir would fuck the person into submission the next full moon, or even in his human form. That was the only indicator she really understood. She would just let Fenrir decide and he knew it by smell.
The second round lasted a bit longer for Hermione but not much. She blushed when she finished again without him and obviously too early.
“He is still not finished, so you need to hold your distracting act a bit more up, pup,” Janto said teasingly, and she looked shocked that he had seen though her so easily. “You won't let me try the back door?”
“No, most definitely not,” Hermione said, shocked, and tried to push him away.
He laughed heartily and grabbed her hands to hold them over her head. “Little spitfire. It was worth a try.”
He jerked his hips forward and all of the fight was out of Hermione, and she moaned helplessly again. God he was brilliant. Her legs were lifted over his shoulders, and he pounded into her without mercy. She felt wave after wave of pleasure and it seemed like an eternity until the waves became one big wave and crashed her into an orgasm that almost took her breath completely. Little stars were dancing in front of her face when Janto released his seed within her. Fingernail prints were all over Janto's shoulders but more important was the mark she had set on him by scent. Anyone in the room could smell it by now, and only the pup herself seemed to be unaware of it.
“You played her dead,” Roland mocked his beta and batted him on his head playfully. “Look, she will die with that silly grin on her face, and I have to rescue your sorry arse from Fenrir.”
Janto cleaned himself and Hermione and stuffed himself back into his jeans.
“Pup, pup, pup, you will be the death of your alpha. I hope he will let my beta survive,” Roland said mysteriously, and helped her to sit up.
She was still too dazed to make any sense out of his words, so she just looked questioningly at him.
“You seem to have a nag for too low leveled wolves,” he said, shaking his head.
Darius chuckled. He will not be low level for long after this makes the round,” Darius said, amused. It surprised him that Roland took it so calmly that she had chosen his beta and not him as her regular mate. This all became more interesting with each passing day. This pup was really something special.
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