There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
"Do you always buy everything in pairs?" Harry teased.
"Only when it comes to you." His mate chuckled. "When our circle agrees on a crest, you can alter it later, if you wish."
"It's fine. I like it just the way it is."
The next kiss was decidedly anything but chaste.
"A knife?"
"A good knife makes up for many indiscretions."
"Are you trying to tell me something?"
"It's the final gift, you prat." Theo nudged him with one shoulder. "I thought you'd like it. Besides, Severus is good at knife-throwing, it's a skill you can pick up, if you want to. I do not think he'd refuse you, especially if it keeps Draco occupied."
"It's getting worse?"
"He was a Malfoy. They are known for horrible mood swings." Theo suppressed a chuckle. A pregnant Malfoy was giving both Severus and Terius quite a run in the past few days with everything from his mood swings to his food cravings and the sudden, unpredictable lashes of power, as Draco had spent more time sleeping than practicing with his respective element.
"Here." Harry shoved the box in his hands and took a step backwards.
The brunet looked from the small wrapped package to Harry's pensive expression. He unwrapped the box with care and popped open the lid on a small, gilded box. A small, smooth stone of clear amber fell out into his palm. A single streak of black slashed through it, lending a look of something to a cat-eyed gem. Theo held it carefully between two fingers, checking it in the light. Harry took the empty box and wrappings from his hand. Theo reached into his shirt and drew out the necklace with the single silver-peach scale, he murmured something and pressed the stone to the black cord. It twisted and moulded itself at once, to give a small hole near the top, allowing it to hang as a pendant with the scale resting atop it.
"Your first stone?" Theo asked. He remembered asking Terius to 'port them out into a place where they wouldn't be disturbed and the older Dragel had taken them to a mountain top and left them there for a few hours. In trying to calm down and grasp the elemental energy, Harry had inadvertently created a canyon instead. Theo had worked with him to close the rift in the ground
Harry shrugged. "Reminds me of your eyes."
When Professor McGonagall came to escort him to Dumbledore's office, Harry right before lunch, Harry had figured the time for their confrontation—oops!—conversation, would have come sooner than later, so he was willing to deal with it for now. He was slightly surprised that the elderly wizard had been so accommodating and accepting of his Dragel status and probably wasn't aware that he'd chosen Theo.
Well, on closer thought, Harry reasoned, he probably knew it all and just hadn't thought to mention it to Harry. He held a healthy respect for the elderly wizard, but not much more after recent events. There were too many things that pulled at him in the wrong direction and as far as Harry was concerned, the greater good could just go screw itself.
Professor McGonagall gave the password to the gargoyle and he quietly rode up the spiral staircase with her. They entered the Headmaster's cluttered office and Harry took his usual seat.
"Hello Professor Dumbledore." He greeted, politely.
The elderly wizard eyed him with that frustrating twinkle in his eyes. "Harry." He said, warmly. "It's good to see you. I'm sorry to interrupt your lunch." He snapped his fingers and a house elf appeared, bearing two full lunch trays. "I just wanted to have a little chat. I'm told that you've been feeling under the weather lately, but Professors Snape and Terius seem to think that you are-"
Harry reached into his shirt and drew out the pendant bearing a glittering chocolate-brown and gold scale. "If this concerns my Dragel talents, I need to have someone present." He said, smoothly.
"Present? Whatever for?" The surprise seemed genuine as the Headmaster poured himself a cup of tea from the steaming tea service before him. "Tea?" He looked from Minerva to Harry. The old witch gave a stiff nod and took a seat opposite of Harry.
"I'd feel more comfortable." Harry said, simply. "Do you mind?"
"O-of course not. Shall I send for-"
"I'd prefer my mate or Professors Terius or Snape." Harry picked up his fork and poked at the entrée on his lunch tray. Somehow it didn't look very appetizing at all. "Probably Professor Terius." He amended, thinking of the ever present bag of jerky the Dragel seemed to walk around with. He could do with a few slices of that."
Professor McGonagall straightened up at once. "Professor Terius?" She blinked. "Mate?" Her confused eyes turned to Dumbledore who smiled, calmly.
"Now, Minerva, there's no reason to get excited." He said, cheerfully. "Harry actually has come into quite a good turn, recently and-"
A flicker of greyed magic rippled through the room.
It set Harry's teeth on edge and made his hackles rise to the unspoken challenge. "Professor Dumbledore?"
The sparkle was gone and a look of worry creased the elderly wizard's face. "Minerva-"
"I felt it too, Albus." The old witch was on her feet in an instant. "Be prepared!"
"It's passing through." The Headmaster murmured, squeezing his eyes shut, one wrinkled hand tightening on his wand. Harry hadn't even seen him draw it. He wondered what he'd missed as the old wizard spoke. "It is passing us by…I do not understand…" He frowned. "Harry, I think that-"
"That I need to be going now." Harry spoke, deliberately weighting his words with the musical curve as Terius had taught him. If he couldn't leave—because it certainly didn't feel safe outside the office doors—then he'd call whoever he could to him. Something was wrong and he wanted to know what it was and why-!
Dumbledore blinked at him in confusion. "Harry…" The tinge of wild magic—musical magic—had thrown him for a loop. He would know what it was, but not what was happening on account of it.
Harry wasn't inclined to enlighten him. "Sir?" He said, innocently. It was best to pretend innocence at a time like this. A time when his Dragel senses were screaming at him to find his mate and get out of there to somewhere safe.
Wherever that somewhere was.
"Perhaps you could-" Dumbledore's words were cut off by a flash of blue light in one empty corner of the cluttered office before a shimmering blue circle of energy burned into the ground. A moment later, a tall, slender figure rose from the ground.
"Temptrificus Portgas." Terius murmured the words softly as he stepped off the blue disc and the light disappeared, the floor returning to normal. "Albus. Minerva." He blinked, looking from the old wizard to the old witch. "Harry." The understanding dawned at once. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. What's going on?"
"Never mind that right now." Terius turned towards the Headmaster. "Severus sent me to tell you that he's been summoned. He delayed as long as he could, but said that there was something a bit off about it. Is there anything you need to do? Is there anything I can do? I must stay with Draco, but perhaps if I may be…."
Dumbledore's confused expression melted away at once, the blue eyes growing hard. "Just now?" He demanded. "Severus was summoned just now? With that wave?"
"Yes." Terius frowned. "I don't know about the wave, but yes now. He's told me he's never summoned in the day. Why now? Why in the middle of the day? The weekend begins just tomorrow, he's never been called out on Friday and—I thought you said everything was fine."
"Everything is fine." The Headmaster said, stiffly. "I do not know why Voldemort choses to do some things and not others." He ignored the glare the older Dragel threw at him. "That grey magic, the wave, it's a surveying spell." He frowned. "He's used it before. To scout an area before an attack." He frowned.
"Albus, if that's what—the children!" Minerva drew herself up. "For the sake of the children, Albus."
The Headmaster frowned.
Sudden heavy thumps announced a newcomer and Hagrid stumbled into the office, panting and oblivious to the occupants, save for the white-haired wizard. "Something's fallen in the forest." He gasped out. "Something's fallen!"
"Fallen? In the forest?" Dumbledore swept around the corner of his desk and guided the half-giant to a chair. "Sit, Hagrid." He urged. "Now slow down, tell me from the beginning. When? How? Just now?"
"Yes! I heard that screaming sound again." He cocked his head to the side. "You know, that one you told me to tell you about if I ever heard it again." He gave a decisive nod. "I heard it again." He announced. "And I came to tell ya of it. I heard it loud and twice and then there was this awful crashing and breaking and burning." He wrinkled his nose. "Smelled quite horrible too. But the scream was something awful and then there was nothing, but I saw the whole forest shudder." And here, the half-giant shuddered as well. "It isn't safe. Something's off. Something's wrong. Got to…Headmaster, you can't-!"
Another powerful ripple of magic sang through the castle. A groaning shudder came from Hogwarts herself, as she weathered the unwanted intrusion.
The Portraits began to clamor.
A dizzy house elf popped in, shrieking of terror and doom.
Hagrid shuddered and shook his head from side to side.
Terius' wings had burst forth and he immediately snatched Harry close to him, shielding them both with his soft grey-red wings. Harry didn't fight him. It felt safe within those confines.
"For the sake of the children, Albus." Minerva's voice was cold as ice. "I would say a temporary evacuation is in order." Her voice warbled slightly at the last word, but her head was held high and her hands clasped primly before her.
The Headmaster bowed his head.
An eerie chill stole down Harry's spine. Somehow, he knew just how bad this was. It didn't escape his notice, either, that this was something Voldemort had never done before.
He didn't give warnings. He simply was the warning.
Something was horribly wrong here.
This couldn't be happening.
They'd send him back to the Dursley's if this was the kind of evacuation he thought it was.
He couldn't let this happen!
There was no way he was going back there, no way!
His hands slowly curled into fists and he barely registered Terius' gentle hands on his shoulder, the warmth suddenly seemed cold.
He couldn't let this happen—there had to be something he could do.
Surely Theo could do something.
Surely there was another option.
The evacuation began to happen in short order.
Terius was efficient and level-headed in the face of a possible disaster. He kept Harry all but plastered to his side with one strong arm as he shouted out quick directions and suggests in the midst of Dumbledore's arguments to Minerva's suggestions. The students would be sent home—those who could go on such a short notice—the others would be sent to a large ballroom, courtesy to the Ministry of Magic, where it would become a temporary rest stop until other relatives and arrangements could be met and made.
No one mentioned the Dursleys and Harry didn't bring it up.
For now, it seemed as if everyone was too busy to notice that little detail and so help him, he wasn't about to bring it to their notice. Another faint shudder traveled over him and Harry gritted his teeth, hating how the very action made him feel weak.
"It isn't weakness." Terius squeezed his shoulder, offering some semblance of comfort with the gesture. "It's a reaction to the fact that you only have one mate and only access to one power. You've never faced The Greys, have you?"
Harry shook his head, uncertainly.
"Grey magic. The finest line between dark and light." The older Dragel murmured. "I should hope you never have to." He frowned. "Stay close."
Things became a little more complicated when Theo and Draco burst into the office, followed by Professor Flitwick.
"Filus, how is it?"
"The dark mark." The short charms professor said, grimly. "It hovers over her." He made a motion beside him.
The castle seemed to shudder in on itself.
The Headmaster grew pale.
"Where's Severus?" Draco's trembling voice cut through the sudden, awkward silence in the office. He instantly crossed the room, grabbing Harry out of Terius' embrace and shoving him towards Theo before pressing himself into the previously occupied arms. "Terius, where's Severus? What's going on?"
"Hush." Terius murmured, planting a soft kiss to the side of Draco's forehead. "There may be a possible attack and-"
"He called him, didn't he?" The tremor was more pronounced. "Didn't he, Terius?" Wild eyes turned to glare at Dumbledore. "This is all your fault!" He shrieked. A sudden, sharp gust of wind slashed through the office, throwing things to the floor and rattling the portraits on the walls.
"Draco!" Terius' voice was sharp and commanding. "Calm yourself, love." He murmured, softly, into one ear. "Yes, Severus was summoned. He had to go."
"He doesn't have to do anything that he-!" Draco raged.
Terius calmly slipped a hand over his mouth and tilted the angry face up to look at him. "I tried to stop him, Draco. I did. He did not listen. You know there was nothing else I could do."
The anger seemed to fade somewhat and Draco looked away.
Terius removed the hand with a careful nod across the room.
The icy blond glowered at the Headmaster, still. "He'd best return in one piece and alive!" He spat, angrily. "If you'd never made him into a spy, this wouldn't have happened!"
Harry willingly let himself be wrapped in Theo's safe, comforting arms, instinctively seeking out the natural calming presence that his mate would have on his elemental gift. He didn't want to know if the actual rumbles in the ground were his own doing or Hogwarts herself, being a little more strained than usual. He didn't like any of this.
"Are you okay?" Theo ran his hands up and down Harry's shoulders in quick, careful strokes. "I've heard bits and pieces. Severus told us to evacuated the dungeons. The Slytherins are gathering in the Great Hall, the Ravenclaws too, at Filus' say so."
Harry nodded, simply. "An attack?"
"Not yet, thankfully." Theo drew him close, resting his chin on Harry's head. "I can't take you to the Manor." He murmured. "It isn't safe there."
Harry stiffened in his arms.
"I will not be going there anyway, so it does not matter." Theo frowned. "Can you stay with someone from here? A Neutral or a Light family that won't draw too much attention?" He rubbed Harry's rigid shoulders. "I am sorry I cannot accompany you." He pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead, the gesture of affection hidden from the eyes of the others in the room thanks to their little meeting in the corner.
"Where are you going?" Harry asked, dully.
"There's been some trouble with the estates." Theo explained. "The Nott inheritances and a few others, I should've straightened it out last weekend, but ah, I had better things to do."
Harry pulled away and blinked at him.
"You." Theo said, simply, attempting to draw him back.
"I'll be with the goblins." Theo sighed.
"Why can't I-?
"I don't think Dumbledore would agree to let you come with me, never mind that with the goblins, you'd probably be safest at present." He frowned. "Also, the Nott family isn't necessarily neutral or light." He sighed. "I, as the current head and heir am neutral—but there are many things in the past that do require an answer. I'll be answering for them today—and possibly all weekend, or longer." He sighed, raking a hand through his hair and allowing Harry to pull away fully. "Harry, I'm sorry. Even if you could come, it wouldn't be best."
"Why not?" Emerald eyes flashed dangerously.
"Because your magic is too new and it's only elemental—it isn't your own natural Dragel gifts. You should have a Dragel inheritance just like regular magic, but at present, you only hold the spillover of my element. What I will be doing will most certainly taint it. You are not ready for that."
"You can't just decide that-"
"No, Harry." Theo frowned, slightly. "You could stay with the Zabinis." He thought for a moment. "They are neutral and if there are no objections, I would rather you were there. Terius will likely send Draco there as well. You will have company."
A breathless Ron burst into the office, a tear-streaked Lavender Brown accompanying him.
"Harry?" Ron craned his neck trying to see through the growing crowd in the room. "Harry, mate, are you here? Professor Dumbledore-"
Harry took the opportunity to free himself from Theo's grasp and escape the unpleasant conversation before it could go any worse. He didn't like this. He didn't want it.
He couldn't believe Theo would leave him like this.
Especially in the present time like now.
He realized, belatedly, that Hermione was nowhere in sight. He frowned. "Ron?"
"Harry!" Ron nearly tackled him, settling for a tight grip to the forearm instead. "We couldn't find you." He hesitated. "Hermione's gone, I don't know what happened to her and I thought she might've been with you and-"
Ron's babbling continued. Theo growled from somewhere in the background. Harry was frozen, having heard only two words. 'Hermione's gone'. He'd noticed something was off about the curly-haired witch, but hadn't thought anything of it. He'd had more…important things…to deal with himself and he'd figured it was simply the fact that she hadn't brought up her relationship with Ron yet.
A relationship that seemed slightly odd in the face of Lavender Brown who was now clinging to Ron like a limpet, her eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. Harry was further saved from speculation and thought when the Twins were the next to join the growing circus in the Headmaster's office. He listened as it somehow was all sorted out and then the Twins volunteered The Burrow as a temporary stay for Harry until the threat was neutralized.
Harry could've hugged them to death.
He settled for throwing them his most grateful smile.
They beamed together as one bright beacon, before continuing to ply their case before the Headmaster.
A case they inevitably won.
Harry stepped towards the floo only to be jerked back by Theo's strong—and angry—hands. He fixed a glower on his face, intending to direct it to his alpha when he was half-slammed into a bookcase and pressed up hard against it. He twisted his head to the side as Theo bent down to nuzzle his neck, pressing his warm body even closer.
Before he could protest, Harry caught sight of Draco just a few feet away, being subject to the same treatment by Terius. He realized, belatedly, that the repeated nuzzlings and soft whufflings was merely the dominant's method of scenting them both.
Draco's inherently bored expression gave truth to that, along with the fact that he made no move to fight off Terius, in spite of what had to be a rather uncomfortable position. Instead, the blond allowed himself to be properly and easily manipulated.
Harry took a hint from that and managed to hold his tongue and glare, though he did squirm as Theo rubbed insistently against him. The Slytherin finished with a tight hug and a deep breath blown out over Harry's head. It made his hair stand on end, with a faint tingle left behind. Theo then proceeded to quite thoroughly and deeply snog him before breaking away and striding to the fireplace.
"Gringotts!" He intoned and disappeared in the green flames.
Harry was left standing in the office, one hand reaching halfway up to his lips, his emerald eyes staring incredulously at the fireplace where his mate had just disappeared.
"Are you alright, Harry?" Terius asked, he hugged Draco tight and repeated the same motion of blowing softly over the blond's head. Draco seemed content to linger in his arms and the older Dragel did not extract himself just yet.
He didn't trust himself to answer.
"Theo will be fine. He'll come back and if you need him, call for him."
Harry's head snapped up, the unspoken question written plainly on his face.
"You will know how." Terius smiled. "Draco, time to go." He gently disengaged himself from the now pouting blond. "I shall be with you as soon as I possibly can, stay with Blaise and be careful!" Instead of pushing Draco to the fireplace however, Terius spun a ball of blue energy on his fingertips and held it over Draco's head. "Temptrificus Portgas!" He intoned. "Zabini Manor, Oresgaurde."
"Harry." The Headmaster spoke from his corner, having been quiet during the Dragel interactions. "You'd best hurry before the Weasley's begin to worry." His twinkling blue eyes narrowed, faintly. "You did not mention that young Mr. Nott was one of your mates."
Harry swallowed. "I didn't have the time, sir." He managed, snatching up a handful of floo powder. "Thank you for letting me stay with them." He ducked into the fireplace and shouted out "The Burrow!"
The floo ride was just as horrible as he remembered it being, in fact, if he had to compare it, Harry would insist that they grew progressively worse each time he dared to brave it.
He coughed and sputtered with a mouthful of ashy residue as he tumbled out of the floo and into a pair of strong, comforting arms. He rubbed at his face with one sleeved arm and then half-choked when he caught sight of a vaguely familiar face. A thick red ponytail and rich blue eyes that danced merrily announced Charlie as the dragon tamer held him a little longer than was polite with a wide grin on his face.
"Harry." Charlie finally released him when Harry scrambled to get free. He made no comment on the rosy blush that decorated Harry's pale face and instead clapped him heartily on the shoulder. "Still doesn't agree with you?"
Harry nodded fervently. "I didn't know you were coming this week."
"You were keeping tabs?" Blue eyes grew wider.
"Er, the twins said they'd-"
"Ah. I had a bit of a scuffle with fangs and claws." Charlie scratched his right shoulder and then turned to show Harry a long, jagged, shiny burn that ran the length from his wrist to his shoulder. "They figured they'd send me off early and save on the sick leave." He shrugged. "Mum pitched a fit clear through the roof." He grinned. "But it's fine now. I just have to keep rubbing some scar and bruise salve on it and it'll be gone in a bit."
Fine indeed. Harry thought absently, resisting, just barely the urge to reach out and run his hands along that smooth, discolored stretch of skin.
A/N: Charlie makes his entrance! A short summary, if the scene clipping jumped around a bit, old moldy-shorts has decided to attack Hogwarts-with fair warning. Hence, a wave of Grey magic (Hogwarts tried to counter the dark magic with her own light one, resulting in The Greys) and the students have been evacuated. Harry has been sent to The Burrow and Theo is off taking care of business, Severus is spying, Draco's staying with Blaise, Terius is helping with the evac and Hermione is missing. I think that covers just about everyone. If I've missed something or somehow confused anyone, just holler and let me know. ^_^
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