The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Removing the thorns
Hermione ran to the opposite side of the house and down the stairs to what would have been the servant's quarters at some point, yet had been taken over by Mrs Hopkins and her family. She felt guilty for disturbing her twice in one night but found herself once again requiring her assistance.
"Miss Granger, is all well?" the older woman asked, surprised to see her with puffy eyes and out of breath.
"Severus is here," Hermione rasped out.
"His Lordship is here? I was not aware he would be visiting," Mrs Hopkins said, slightly flustered.
Hermione snorted. "You and me both, but he's here and I need to get him something to eat. Do you have any ice cream?"
"We always have his Lordship's favourite in. But surely he will want more than just ice cream unless..."
Hermione blushed at the older woman's inference.
"Could I have the number of the place you ordered my pizza from?" she asked bashfully
"I'll order it. His usual I presume?
"He has a usual?"
Mrs Hopkins just smiled and bowing her head courteously said, "Leave it to me. I'll have an elf bring it all up to lady."
Severus was sitting on the bed with his knees drawn up to his chin. Seeing Hermione's eyes so raw from crying felt like a punch to the stomach. You are such a twat! Couldn't you have just said hello? he thought to himself. He suddenly realised he was welling up and quickly wiped any potentially errant tears away just before Hermione came into the bedroom. Closing the door quietly, she stood for a moment, observing him. He looked so fragile sitting like that and she wondered what he was thinking.
Still standing by the door she whispered, "Severus..."
"Don't say another word until you've come over here," he said from behind the sanctuary of his hair. His voice did not betray any emotion which worried Hermione more than anything.
Tentatively she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. She felt him look at her before moving to sit behind her; his legs either side of her body. He swept her hair away from her neck before wrapping his arms around her and jumped a little as Hermione gently ran her finger over the scar just above his right knee. Her hands were cold which he found disquieting as they were normally warm.
Hermione went to speak but Severus put his chin on her shoulder and said, "Before we go any further, I just want to apologise for being a complete and utter arse earlier. I'm so sorry darling. I told you I'm shit at all this but I fear that excuse is beginning to run very thin."
"Don't be're not shit at this," she whispered, shaking her head slightly.
"Given the current situation, I'd beg to differ," he chuckled mirthlessly.
Hermione sighed. "It's not your fault I came back in a bad mood."
"No, but it's my fault I exacerbated the problem. It's not often that I'm struck by a sense of humility, but I am so sorry that I made you feel worse. I didn't mean to. I just...I just didn't think. I should have been more attentive to you before I bombarded you with questions. It could have waited a few minutes," he said contritely. He pressed a lingering kiss against her neck and whispered, "Can we go back a few hours and start again please?"
Hermione hung her head and leaned forward enough so that Severus would release her. She stood and turned round to face him. It was the first time she'd seen his eyes since she came into the room. He moved to the edge of the bed and as he slowly looked up at her she inhaled sharply when she saw his obsidian eyes on the verge of tears.
She felt him take her hands in his and he said nervously, "Hi, how was your afternoon?"
Hermione didn't know whether to laugh or cry so did she both. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt herself being pulled across his lap. She couldn't remember him holding her so tightly. Hermione began sobbing into his chest as he punctuated his whispered words of comfort and apology with reassuring kisses into her hair and temple. She soon felt his body relax, along with her slightly wet hairline where a few of his tears had inadvertently escaped. His embrace seemed to become tighter somehow and she wondered if he felt as safe in her arms as she did in his.
Giggling through her tears, she gently kissed his neck before replying. "My afternoon was pretty shit!"
"Oh! Want to talk about it?" he asked, his eyes sparkling as he tried to not laugh before claiming her lips in a soft act of lingering reassurance.
Just then Missy arrived with pizza and ice cream. She was still not used to seeing her master in such intimate entanglements and flinched until she realised that there was no impropriety in this situation. In fact, she was hit by concern for the couple. "Missy does not wish to speak out of turn, but are Master and Mistress sad? Missy is sad if you is."
Severus' lips gently left Hermione's and running his fingers through the back of her hair, he looked deep into her soft, warm eyes. He looked past the fact that they were red raw from her tears because even now they were beautiful to him, and told the house-elf, "We're fine".
Missy breathed a sigh of relief but Hermione knew that he had spoken those words for her. A soft smile graced her lips in acknowledgement and Hermione breathed her own sigh of relief as she saw something that no one else ever got to see. It was the smile in his eyes. He gave her a squeeze as Hermione buried herself into his chest once more before sliding off his lap to retrieve the pizza box and put a stasis charm over the ice cream. Severus noted with a mixture of amusement and pride that once again she hadn't used her wand.
"I believe this is your usual," Hermione smiled bashfully as she handed him the pizza box.
"Let's find out, shall we?" Severus smirked as he scooted back on the bed to lean against the headboard. He motioned for her to sit next to him and put his arm around her before whispering in her ear, "I love you, you know."
"I know. I love you too," she answered, snuggling into him.
"Good," he replied, sounding almost cheery.
"Do you want some?" he asked, offering her the box.
"Yes please," she said eagerly. "I'm still really hungry actually."
Severus smirked as he watched her taking a piece of pizza and hastily take a bite.
"So may I enquire as to what upset you earlier?" he asked silkily.
Hermione looked uncomfortable. "It's really difficult to put into words."
"Well we've got all night. I'm not going anywhere...especially when you've got tomato sauce on your chin. You look delicious!" he teased.
"Oh gods," she said in a panic. She was about to summon a napkin but Severus reached over and wiped it off with his thumb.
The mood in the room was definitely far lighter now but both could sense this was likely to be temporary. Behind the teasing the tears were lining up, ready to take centre stage again and as Hermione finished her latest bite of pizza she knew it wouldn't be long before they would yet again perform.
"It sounds strange but when we arrived at Diagon Alley today it was almost like it was the very first time I went there with Mum and Dad," she said with a watery smile. "It was full of students buying their school supplies, friends meeting, and going off to Fortescue's or to Quality Quidditch Supplies to drool over some new broom model, and it all seemed sonormal. And then I kept hearing your name everywhere like I heard Dumbledore's except..."
"I can only imagine the comments were less than complimentary and I expect the scene brought back how much you miss your parents," Severus offered, sighing lightly as he turned his head towards her.
She took another bite of pizza and was having a battle with a bit of melted cheese. "You know I miss them. But we really are going to have to do an interview with the press, Sev. I nearly hexed several ignorant parents and older students. My wand arm was twitching so much Draco threatened to take my wand," she giggled lightly.
"So were you just upset because my name was being brought into disrepute?" Severus asked, desperate to get to the bottom of her woes.
"No. It didn't help though. Everyone was oblivious to what was going on. We had a bloody Auror escort and those kids didn't have a care in the world. It's because of us, Harry, The Order and all those who died, that all these kids have to worry about what is the correct size cauldron to get. It's like they're all saying 'Voldemort's dead let's all have a party', whilst we're still fighting against the remainder of his pathetic followers."
As Hermione continued speaking she was becoming more distressed; something which Severus was trying to prevent from happening by gently stroking and comforting her, but he was currently losing the battle.
"I walked down that street knowing that a fucking Death Eater had walked straight into your office, and if anything had happened to you I wouldn't have known; I couldn't have stopped it. And all I could see was you surrounded in blood and this time...this time I couldn't save you and I'm so scared that I can't protect you. Today's just made me feel so useless and pathetic and..."
Severus put a stasis charm on the pizza. "Come here."
He pulled her onto his lap; rocking her in his arms and in an insistent, verging on annoyed tone he hissed, "Don't you ever let me hear you say that you are useless and pathetic again because you're not. Don't you realise how..."
"Don't try and placate me, Sev."
Severus put his head back in frustration. "What do you want me to do? Let you convince yourself that you're somehow not good enough; not strong enough? Do you want me to sit here and listen to you putting yourself down when it's totally unjustified?"
Hermione shook her head and said plaintively, "I wish it was unjustified. I'm supposed to be your everything. This Founder's bond..."
"Fuck that bond..." Severus said angrily. "Whatever use it believes we have, it has no right to make you feel like this so don't mention that again. The only bond you should be thinking about is our soul bond."
"But just when I thought I could put the last few years of hell behind me and think about my future...our future...I realised this isn't over and I'm tired Sev. I'm so tired of trying to be what everyone expects me to be," she sobbed. "I don't want to let you down."
Severus held her close, kissing her hair as he ran through the words he wanted to say to her in his head. But for now he was just going to let her cry herself out.
"Get this into your head now," he said softly as her tears subsided. "You will never let me down. I don't want you to ever say that again." Pulling back, he looked into her eyes. "Do you understand me?"
Hermione nodded slightly but Severus was insistent. "I mean it 'Mione," and punctuating his next sentence with heated kisses he told her, "Don't you dare think that."
Hermione sank into his chest once again and Severus continued. "Sweetheart, what do you think everyone expects of you anyway?"
She sniffed and rubbed her eyes; her voice was still croaky from crying. "I'm the strong one. The logical one. I'm the one with all the answers; I'm the one who comes up with the plans; I'm the one who makes sure everyone is OK."
Severus sighed and fisted his hand through the back of her hair. "First of all, everyone can go fuck themselves. And please tell me I don't make you feel that way."
Hermione shook her head "No. But I want to be all that for you"
"Why?" he asked, anxiously hoping he had never given her the impression that was what he wanted.
Hermione wiped her tears away with the heel of her palm. "Because you've been so through much and I just want to protect you from..."
"I don't need or want your protection Hermione. I don't want you to have all the answers. I don't want you to come up with the plans. I just want...all I need is you. And all I need to know is that you love me because as that maddening old bastard said to me earlier, our love offers the biggest protection we have. We don't know what will happen in the future but I know I can't and don't want to do it without you.
"I hate to say this Hermione, but you don't have a monopoly on caring or worrying. Do you think I don't want to protect you? Do you think you're the only one who feels so woefully inadequate? Did you think I sat there drinking coffee and doing the bloody crossword when you were out? No, I sat there tearing my fucking hair out; praying you were safe; hoping those bloody Aurors are competent..." His voice trailed off as he hastily wiped his eyes with the heel of his palm and tried to compose himself.
Hermione just sat there, looking at him, unsure of what to say.
"I'm sorry sweetheart," Severus continued. "If anything ever happened to're all I've ever wanted and if I lost you now..."
"You won't. And you're right. I just forget that you feel the same way," she said, her eyes apologetically scanning his.
"Of course I feel the same. We just have to accept that we can't be each other's body guards...although I do rather enjoy guarding your body. Especially when I have to cover yours with mine," Severus smirked as he pulled Hermione into him playfully and nuzzled her neck.
"But," he continued softly, "I'm not one of your projects and neither do I wish to be. I just want to be yours."
"You are mine," Hermione replied as the tears started to flow again.
"I can't let you feel like this," Severus whispered, preoccupied with his own thoughts.
Hermione sniffed and said quietly, "It's just I thought it would get better after the war. I thought we fought to make this a better world. Now I just feel now like I didn't make a difference."
"Oh for Merlin's sake, 'Mione! How can you say you've not made a difference? Compared to the war this is nothing..."
She shook her head. "But it feels worse because if I lost you..."
"Which you won't," he said, fisting his hand through her hair again. "This world owes you, Hermione. You owe it nothing. Neither of us do. Whatever we give to this world now is above and beyond what we need to." Severus paused, exhaling sharply. "Nothing is worth making you feel like this. Look, I am happy to resign if it makes you feel better. I could quite easily walk away from this world and give up my wand for you," he continued earnestly.
"I'd never ask you to do that," Hermione gasped in shock.
"Maybe not, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't do it for you," he said, raising an eyebrow and Hermione knew he was serious.
"Promise me you won't, though."
Severus snorted. "Well it's not something I would do without consulting you first, is it?"
"No, I know but..."
"Our future together is more important than all of this. I will take you away from it if you ask it of me," he said insistently.
"But you wouldn't...would you?" Hermione asked incredulously.
"Wouldn't I?"
His response astounded her. "Sev you can't!"
Hermione was feeling quite disturbed by Severus' defiant attitude "Because what you did..."
"So?" he said obdurately. "I'm currently being repaid by Voldemort's fucking bottom feeders threatening me and making my partner feel like shit. Actually, tell me why I shouldn't resign?"
"Because you're too important to this world," she firmly stated.
"Not really," he shrugged.
Hermione huffed in exasperation. "And you have such a brilliant vision for this world."
"As do others," he said dismissively.
She was desperate for a reason he would accept. "I don't want you to," she truculently offered.
"In that case I won't," he said calmly. "But say the word and I will do it. By the time the board reads the letter we can be out of the country and never have to look back," Severus said nonchalantly.
"Severus, you must never mention this again," Hermione demanded, thrusting a finger hard against his chest.
"I won't unless you ask," he sincerely promised.
"I would never ask."
"Fair enough," he smirked.
And then Hermione noticed something strange in his eyes. "Look Hermione, if you haven't realised it by now then I have really fucked this up, but even though we've not physically been together very long you are and you have been for a long time my life and I would move heaven and earth for you..." he paused for a moment, wondering if what he was about to do was the right thing. It felt like it was but he was being over impulsive. She knew it was coming...his slip up on Monday had seen to bugger it!
"I...oh shit...," he said, swallowing hard as he tried to find the right words. "Move in with me...officially. You, me and the cat," he asked quickly; suddenly unable to look at her for fear of rejection.
Hermione gasped. "I thought you were waiting until..."
Severus looked at her sheepishly. "I know. I had intended to wait until Saturday but before you make up your mind..."
"I've already made up my mind," she interrupted.
"Yes, well," he said, suddenly using his hair to shield his eyes from her. "You might change it. I've never lived with anyone before. All my life I've lived in environments where the concept of a 'normal' household is alien to me. You will undoubtedly need the patience of a saint to put up with me but I'm willing to try if you can see past all my obvious flaws."
Hermione smiled softly and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Yes. Yes I will move in with you," she replied, kissing him fervently before suddenly pulling away. "Please tell me you didn't think I'd say no?"
"Idiot!" she snapped, slapping his arm. "Well just so you know I was brought up in a boringly normal household so I'm more than happy to help you adjust. And really it's no different from what we're doing now. Except my stuff will be mixed up with yours and I suppose we'll need to move some of your ju...stuff out and..."
"Were you about to call my stuff junk?" Severus said, shocked.
"Well come on love, there isn't a clear surface in the living room and you've got chests full of stuff. We just need to have a good sort out," Hermione sweetly told him.
"This sounds like it could be painful," Severus huffed.
"Only if you resist me," she teased as she gave him a quick peck on the lips.
He smirked. "Ah well, it'll be painless then because I can never resist you..."
"And trying to creep round me, Severus Snape, won't make me any easier on you," Hermione snarked as he pulled her in for a kiss.
"You can't blame me for trying," he purred.
"But if we're going to live together we need to talk about practical things," Hermione said, recalling the conversation she had with her Mum about making sure you had everything out in the open in a relationship.
"I presume you mean the business and financial rubbish," Severus said dismissively.
"Well yes. I don't want to know everything and don't worry, I won't be asking for money. I have my own you know," she proudly stated.
Severus felt strangely put out by her last comment. He knew she was just clarifying that she wasn't gold digging but the fact she felt she had to say it irked him slightly. "Well, we'll discuss it all later," he said. "Now isn't the time but I won't keep anything from you. Actually, can I ask you something?"
He removed the stasis charm on the pizza box and offered her another piece.
"I thought about it round at Harry's last night, actually. I may have mentioned before that I don't know much about my estates and logically if I haven't bothered with them before now I don't need them. That said, I'd like to keep the estates in Tuscany and France. The rest I will sell. I'm keeping the flat in London but Spinners End is going on the market next week."
"Somehow I don't think you'll be sad to see it go," she said squeezing his hand.
"No," and that was all Severus said on the matter before he continued. "But I was thinking...perhaps we could get a place together? Somewhere out of the way where we can get away from it all; somewhere we won't be disturbed," and dropping his voice so that it dripped over her seductively he added, "it will be our little secret."
Hermione beamed at him. "What, like a cottage somewhere?" she asked excitedly. If Severus could have asked for a perfect response this was it.
He pulled her to him and said, "Whatever you want. Wherever you want."
"How about the Cornish coast?"
"If that's where you want to look get in touch with some estate agents," Severus replied, smiling as Hermione threw her arms around his neck.
"Oh Merlin," Hermione gasped as she realised this was it...she was moving in with Severus.
"And as you'll also be moving in here I wondered if you wanted to be in charge of renovations?" he asked as she straddled his lap and fed him a bit of pizza.
"Oh gods, I wouldn't know where to start, Sev. I suppose I could ask Narcissa for help. Lucius says she knows everything about that kind of thing," she chuckled.
"You can ask but don't let her take over. This is our place not hers." For the first time Hermione felt truly comfortable with the word 'our'.
"Actually I did have an explore earlier after I spoke to Eleanor," Hermione admitted bashfully.
"I thought you might," Severus smirked.
"What, that I would go for an explore or speak to your grandmother?" she asked, cuddling into him.
Severus sighed lightly. "Well, both. Did Grandmother tell you I am a useless twat?"
"No, strangely enough," she giggled as he glared at her. "She said I had to stop thinking I could protect you and just be there for you and that because we really love each other and are soul bonded we can protect each other better than most." She looked at him ruefully, knowing that she'd just said the same thing to him.
"She's quite wise then," Severus said, playfully tickling Hermione's side and making her giggle.
"I know," she sighed as she pressed her forehead to his.
"So," he went on as he kissed her nose, "how was your exploration?"
"Well," she began, suddenly sounding like she had a project brewing. "Did you know that all the children's bedrooms are at the opposite end of the house to our bedroom?"
"I believe that is fairly standard in this kind of house," Severus replied, wondering where the conversation was going.
"Maybe, but I prefer it up at the other end of the house. In fact there are two rooms which really are run down but could be converted into our room and we could have a dressing room as well as a bathroom..."
"Let's go and have a look then," Severus said much to Hermione's surprise.
"What, now? What about the ice cream?"
"Yes, now, and the ice cream can wait until I get you naked," he said coolly as he grabbed hold of her hand and started to move off the bed. "This is important. Do you want the last bit of pizza?"
"No thanks, but you really must love me to ask," she giggled as she bent down to stroke Leo, who was rubbing himself up against her leg.
"Well I admit I don't ask everyone if they want the last piece usually, so yes I must do!" he teased and then added under his breath, "that, and the fact I've just asked you to move in with me."
"So what do you think?" Hermione asked as they stood in the middle of one of the rooms she'd told Severus about. "We could put two doors in that wall into the dressing room and bathroom and..." she grabbed his hand and pulled him out into the corridor and into the next room, "obviously seal up this door and partition the room and..." grabbing his wrist again and going back into the other room, "the fireplace needs renovating but it'll look amazing and I prefer the view out of this window and you can still see the lake and the bathroom will be bigger than the one we've got and..."
She paused, noticing that Severus was just smiling at her.
"You just look so happy," he replied. "And after earlier, it's a pleasure to see."
"Well I am happy," she said, walking over to him seductively.
He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. "If you want this to be our bedroom then do it. And it makes more sense in the long term, I suppose."
"What do you mean?" she asked, teasing the back of his shirt out of his trousers.
"Well, you mentioned it."
"Oh! The nursery and children's rooms being up here," she said coyly.
He nodded. "I might have the title but I won't have our children brought up purely by house-elves and nannies."
"Since when have you thought so much about our children?" Hermione asked as she stroked his back.
"Since the first time we shared a bed. But that's beside the point and don't worry, I don't want us having a baby before we're married," he assured, gently capturing her lips.
"And when will that be?" she asked cheekily.
"Sometime after I ask you and you stupidly say yes," he smirked.
"Oh shut up," she said, smacking his arse playfully.
"Do that again...I quite enjoyed it!" he teased and then purred in her ear "Of course having a baby might be off the agenda for a while, but as a perfectionist I insist we practice making a baby thoroughly."
"Repeatedly," Hermione murmured, biting her lip.
Severus ran his fingers through her hair and gently pulled her head back, whispering against her lips as his brushed hers. "Frequently."
"Relentlessly," she moaned into his mouth as his other hand glided down her spine and pulled her in closer.
"Incessantly," he muttered, his lips crashing against hers.
Breaking away for air, Hermione moaned softly and breathlessly asked, "Shall we?"
"I thought you'd never ask," he growled as he grabbed her hand and practically dragged her up the corridor towards the bedroom.
"My Lord, so sorry to interrupt," Mrs. Hopkins said just as Severus was about to shut the door, "but Mr. Pius Thicknesse is here to see you. I've shown him to the drawing room."
"For fuck's..." Severus huffed angrily as Hermione bashed her head up against his chest. "Thank you, Mrs. Hopkins," he said tightly, regaining his usual courteous tone. "Ensure he has a drink. I will be down momentarily."
"Very good, my Lord," Mrs. Hopkins replied as she turned to walk back downstairs.
"Go on," Hermione urged, kissing him gently on the lips.
Severus ran his finger along the underside of her jaw. "Come down?" he asked.
"OK I'll be down soon. But you might want to think about something else," she added, lightly running her hand over his clothed erection.
He chuckled. "Where's Minerva when you need her?"
"This better be good...I was about to have dessert," Severus snarked as he walked into the drawing room.
"Oh, sorry!" Pius smirked from one of the large leather chairs.
"You have an update?" Severus asked as Hermione came in and sat on the large green leather sofa.
"Good evening, my dear. I apologise for disturbing dessert," he said knowingly.
"I'll get you back one day Pius," Hermione giggled.
Pius just laughed and began to answer Severus' question.
"We've found Miss Parkinson. Seemingly she's taken up with young Theodore Nott and was visiting his family home when the Aurors turned up. Theo's been taken in for questioning but as his father's on the run and his mother is abroad, we need you to witness the administration of the Veritaserum in the morning."
"Why?" Hermione asked.
"When he decided to return to Hogwarts, even though he's of age he comes under my duty of care. As Headmaster I am his legal guardian in the absence of his parents and he cannot have Veritaserum unless I'm there to witness its administration."
Pius nodded and continued. "Theodore said he saw his father two weeks ago and Pansy and her parents confirmed that her hair brush went missing at that time. We need to make sure Theo isn't colluding. I don't think he is...he doesn't seem bright enough."
"That sounds like Theo," Hermione snickered.
"Anything else?" Severus asked impatiently.
"The source of the Polyjuice has been found. Thankfully our stocks were complete but Rookwood has been singing us some pretty tunes. You will know Miss Alena Mortimer?"
Hermione piped up. "Isn't she in Ravenclaw? She's a few years younger than me and if she's who I think she is, she fancied you," she said teasing Severus.
"What?" Severus exclaimed.
"Ask Luna on Saturday night. Seemingly she was most peeved when you took on Defence Against the Dark Arts," Hermione giggled.
Severus had been opening his mouth to speak but kept stopping himself. Pius smirked at his friend's bemusement and coughed to bring Severus back round to the conversation.
"Yes," Severus continued, "she's repeating her fifth year this term. A very adequate potioneer; I predict she's one of the few who will achieve an O in her OWLs."
"Well, it would appear you're not the only older wizard she has a thing for! She has been playing with her brother-in-law," Pius chuckled. "As you're probably aware she is underage and..."
"No!" Severus exclaimed in disgust.
"I'm afraid so. He has admitted to having sex with her and asking her to brew the Polyjuice as well as the base potion for the touch specific curses," Pius said, acknowledging Severus' earlier theory.
Severus was furious at this revelation."None of the bases are difficult to brew but some of the ingredients are age restricted. You can add supplying ingredients to a minor to the charge sheet."
"A trifling offence compared to the underage sex," Pius said, sighing deeply.
Hermione was very quiet. "Will she be charged with anything?"
"No. It will be deemed that she was coerced. She won't be allowed to take her Potions OWL though," Pius told her and Severus nodded in confirmation.
Hermione thought about this. "Sev, she's going to be in a state over this. We'll have to watch her carefully at the beginning of term."
"I will inform Minerva and Poppy but perhaps I could ask you to look out for her?" Severus asked.
"That's what I was getting at!"
Severus just smiled. "Where have you been all my life?"
"Waving a hand under your nose, trying to get you to notice me," Hermione shot back.
"It worked then...eventually," he smirked before continuing. "Any more news on the breakout?"
"Only what we know already. Kingsley's guard was changed with no transformation so it was Imperio. All of his office have been taken in for questioning," Pius paused, taking a sip of his drink. "And as for Draco's letter, Miss Weasley had told her parents and older brother William about the events of last evening. Arthur was on leave today, however, and Molly and himself spent the day de-gnoming the garden and saw no one else..."
"What, again? They're always doing that!" Hermione laughed.
"William met Ronald for lunch in Wimbourne," Pius went on, trying to sound impartial.
"What about Fleur?" Hermione asked.
"She's visiting her sister...Gabrielle is it? And won't be back until tomorrow."
Hermione chuckled lightly. "Yes. I like Gabrielle. She had a massive crush on Draco during the Triwizard tournament. I remember Fleur having to drag her away from Draco. I also seem to remember that Lucius wasn't impressed!"
"Have Bill and Ronald been questioned yet?" Severus asked, almost spitting Ron's name.
"No. I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions here," Pius said earnestly. "We don't know it was mentioned. But if it was, realistically we cannot deny that Ronald attracts both overt and covert press attention. It's possible the conversation was overheard but we'll get to the bottom of that. Of course, Ronald has motive..."
"I don't think so," Hermione cut in. "I know he's vindictive and he's said things in the press but this is too..."
"...much like hard work?" Severus finished.
Hermione glared at him but conceded. "Yes, it's too much work for him."
Pius stood up. "We will speak to them. Ronald has a match tonight which Bill is attending. And now I've taken up enough of your time. And I don't want to keep you from dessert!"
"You're too kind," Severus drawled.
The tall wizard leaned down and kissed the back of Hermione's hand. "Hopefully I will see you soon, but happy birthday for Saturday if I don't see you before," and he and Severus left the room.
"I'll see you at 8.30," Pius said.
"Throw the book at Rookwood. I know Hermione was technically 16 when I started having feelings for her but legally she was underage and I'd never have touched her," Severus told him.
"I know, but then you actually have morals," Pius assured, putting his hand on Severus' shoulder.
Hermione woke up feeling luxuriously relaxed. Her body felt completely sated following their night of slow, deep lovemaking. She could almost feel him still inside her as she rolled over to snuggle up to Severus, but suddenly realised that he wasn't in bed. In fact, something told her he was gone completely. She looked at the clock. 8.25am. He was already in London. She was about to feel annoyed that he'd left without saying goodbye or leaving a note when Missy appeared.
'Oh Mistress. Missy is sorry. Master asked me to leave you this before Mistress wakes up. Master will be angry with Missy."
"Well I won't tell him if you don't," Hermione smiled softly.
"Mistress is nice to Missy."
"As is Severus."
"Yes, Master is nice but he can be scary."
"Yes, I suppose he can be," Hermione smirked. "So what were you supposed to leave?"
"This," Missy said, and handed Hermione a beautiful white rose and a note. "Missy was to put on Master's pillow before Mistress awakened."
"Oh, thank you, Missy. Did you pick this?" Hermione asked.
"No, Master did. He was most particular about it," Missy said quietly.
Hermione breathed in the delicate fragrance of the rose and carefully opened the note. It seemed strange that for years Severus' handwriting had brought so much fear and trepidation when she saw it on her essays, and yet now it only brought giddy anticipation.
What he'd written both amused and moved her.
An old coot, who currently resides in my office channelling his inner pain in the arse, told me you can't have a rose without thorns. Maybe you can't normally but I will remove as many as I can to keep you safe.
She brought the rose to her lips and relished the feel of the soft petals against them. She couldn't help but think back to midnight when they finally managed to eat the ice cream...if eating it was the appropriate word.
Severus had removed the stasis charm and sat cross legged in the middle of the bed with the pot of ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other. Hermione went to pick up the other spoon but suddenly it disappeared.
"You won't be needing that," Severus had smirked.
Hermione arched an eyebrow and murmured "Oh?"
"No, and you won't get any if you don't come here," he said mellifluously as he ate a spoonful teasingly.
They managed to eat most of it sensibly until it started to melt and Severus was distraught when he accidentally...honest...dropped some on Hermione's thigh. And being a gentleman he couldn't possibly leave her with something so cold and wet on her skin, so he dutifully licked it off. Several minutes later the cold, wet feeling had turned into a very warm and wet feeling.
But what could have turned into a rampant sex session somehow became the most gentle, emotion filled lovemaking they'd ever had. After all the tickling, rolling off the bed and hysterical laughter had subsided, Hermione suddenly found herself in one of her favourite positions...underneath Severus. But this seemed different.
He gently placed his hand at the back of her head and kissed her deeply and languidly as he explored her mouth. She was gasping for air as he pulled away slightly and slowly sank deep inside her. Still cradling her head he put his other arm under the small of her back and pulled her up to meet his slow thrusts. She was mesmerised by his eyes which never left hers. Even when she arched up into him and pushed her head back into the pillow she knew he was watching her eyes.
She felt her orgasm building as he slowly rocked deep inside her. Her moaning was far softer than usual but he was virtually silent. He could sense her body was responding and kissed her with more passion and desire than she'd ever felt from him; which until that moment she didn't think was possible.
As she crashed over the edge she clung onto his shoulders, digging her fingers into him; burying her face against his neck as she cried out his name. But what happened next took her completely by surprise. As Severus rode out her orgasm he pulled her as close to him as was physically possible and whispered in her ear, "You do love me, don't you?"
"Of course I do," she panted lightly as another orgasm began to build.
"Then promise me you'll never shut me out again...please," he said, burying his face in her hair.
"I didn't mean to..."
"Shhh, I know, but just talk to me no matter how bad you feel; no matter what you need to say," he said, his voice cracking as he seemed to move even deeper inside her. "Tell me to shut up but don't shut me out," he continued as his lips crashed against hers.
"I promise," she breathed against his mouth as she wrapped her arms around him as tightly as she could.
He pulled back, still inside her and brushed her hair away from her face. He kissed her gently and sheepishly said, "sorry I just had to say it...not the best time I know but..."
He never got to finish that sentence as Hermione pushed her fingers through his hair and pulled his lips to hers. It was the last intelligible word that was heard from the couple for the next two hours. And when they both finally climaxed together, there was such an explosion of magic and emotion that Hermione had to fix the room again before she fell asleep in the arms of her very drained but happy wizard.
Hermione decided to spend the morning at the manor in the library...her library as it now turned out. She knew she would have to talk to Severus more about the logistics of moving in, but for now she was happy with the knowledge that they were officially taking this next step in their relationship.
At noon, Hermione scooped up Leo and the overnight bag and Flooed to their rooms. She threw the bag onto the sofa and walked into the bedroom to discover a large gift box on the bed. It could have been for Severus, she thought, until she saw yet another card with his handwriting.
It simply read:
For the inevitable
Her curiosity got the better of her and she untied the gold bow carefully. She noted the colour of the not silver...and smirked. She wondered if she should have waited until Severus was with her but if he'd wanted to be there he would have given it to her himself, she reasoned.
She took the lid off the box and there was another note sitting atop a pile of beautifully folded black fabric.
I fear one of my greatest secrets is about to be revealed.
She lifted the sea of black up out of the box and suddenly realised what it was. He'd bought her first teaching robes and she couldn't resist trying them on.
She stood in front of the mirror and smiled smugly to herself. Hopefully by the end of the day she would be Professor Granger, and now that she had the robes she could hardly contain her excitement. But his note puzzled her until she moved walked into the living room to get something out of the overnight bag. The robes were billowing. She quickly did a detection spell but the robes weren't charmed as far as she could tell. She looked at the makers label and then found Severus' teaching robes in the wardrobe. They were made by the same company. Whatever was going on, the buzz she got walking around the room, was amazing. She could only imagine the look on the students' faces when the two of them walked down the corridor together.
Sev are you busy? She asked him.
It took a minute for him to respond. Yes, but you can come up.
A moment later she stepped out of the fire.
"Blimey, did you miss me that much?" Severus smirked.
Hermione went and showed him how much she missed him by giving him a soft, lingering kiss, whilst ignoring the various sounds of encouragement and disapproval from the various awake portraits. "I may have woken up to an empty bed but the rose and note were beautiful," she said, playing with his hair.
"Don't ever say I never give you flowers."
"But that's not all you gave me," she said, leaning up against his desk coquettishly.
"Look at me like that and it certainly won't be all I give you," Severus sighed.
"Behave! Mind you I wouldn't mind a repeat of earlier this morning," she purred.
Severus growled as he pulled her into him and kissed her on the nose. "You and me both but your other present?"
"Thank you. It means so much," she replied, wrapping her arms around him. "But how do they billow like that?"
"The fabric is elf-made and is more durable than ordinary fabric which is handy should you have a Mr. Longbottom in your class. But it is also lighter so it catches the air as you move. They take into account your height and stride and cut the fabric to get maximum effect. Did we do a detection charm?"
"Well...yeah," she said coyly.
"So my secret is out. Tell no one or else I'll bend you over my desk and..."
Hermione suddenly called out "Everyone, I know what makes..."
Severus quietened her with a searing kiss and whispered "You are such a minx."
"But you love me," she said teasingly
"More than you know," he said quietly. "But me here at two o'clock with Mr. Potter and Mr. Longbottom. I need to discuss a few things with you before the board meeting."
"Yes boss," she joked.
Severus glared at her. "Don't call me that."
"But you are my boss," she said innocently.
"Only at work...the rest of the time...," he trailed off as she kissed him.
"You're still good at getting your own way," she whispered against his lips.
Severus smirked. "Alas, not as good as you though!"
Harry and Neville were waiting for Hermione by the gargoyle outside Severus' office.
"Hello boys," she said cheerfully as she saw them waiting nervously. She touched the gargoyle and it began to move.
"Get you, Miss 'I don't need a password'," Harry teased.
Hermione knocked on the door. "You mean you actually knock?" Neville said, digging Harry in the ribs.
"It just gives him time to get rid of his other girlfriends," Hermione chuckled.
"Before you kill them," Harry joked.
"Naturally," she smirked.
"Ah Mr. Potter, Mr. Longbottom...Miss Granger," Severus said as they entered his office and indicated for them to sit down.
"Headmaster," they replied in unison.
"Let us not waste any time," Severus stated. "You are aware that the board should formally accept you onto the staff this afternoon. I can assure you of the school's and my personal backing but the board does suffer from a certain idiotic element who may seek to object. And with the likelihood of Lord Malfoy attending on the slim side, you will have to be prepared to fight your corner.
"Neville, speak to the board the way you spoke to me on Monday and you will be fine. And if the worst comes to the worst you can always threaten them with your weapon of choice," Severus continued, gesturing towards the Sword of Gryffindor which now sat on a bookshelf.
"Harry, I suggest you just smile and point to your scar, but Hermione, you know what they may object to. Just remind them who the true Gryffindor Princess is and don't be afraid to show off. You will be here regardless...the bond will see to it...but from a selfish point it will make our lives easier if you are a professor at the end of the day.
"Show off?" Harry asked.
"Yes," Hermione said, embarrassed as she wandlessly and non-verbally summoned a piece of parchment and Severus' quill and had it write 'Look no hands'.
"Fuck me!" Neville exclaimed and then quickly added, "oh, apologies, Headmaster"
"No need to apologise...whenever she displays her true abilities, especially in relation to the restoration of the castle, I'm often saying that in my head," Severus said, smirking.
"Just in your head?" Harry teased.
Severus narrowed his eyes before allowing a slight smile to grace his lips as he indicated to Harry that Hermione was blushing.
"How can you repair the castle?" Neville asked.
"This bond seems to have unleashed my true magical abilities," Hermione said thoughtfully.
"And of course as you get older all of your magical abilities increase anyway," Severus continued. "Although witches always have an increase in elemental magic when..." he trailed off.
"When what?" Neville seemed quite fascinated by this.
"When they become a mother," Severus finished to his desk and Hermione felt his embarrassment, knowing what Harry and Neville were now probably thinking.
Harry corpsed. "Oh God, will Ginny turn out like her mother?"
"Undoubtedly," Severus laughed.
"Indeed," Severus stated calmly. "However, my plight may well be worse," he smirked as Hermione threw his quill back at him.
"Anyway, are you ready to face the annoyance that is the school board?" Severus asked as he stood up.
They all nodded.
"Then shall we?"
The Great Hall had been rearranged to accommodate the full school board. Those who sat on it consisted of benefactors, ministry officials, selected members of the Wizengamot, Parent Governors, the Heads of House, the Headmaster, and the Head of Board of Governors.
All were seated, awaiting their arrival with the notable exceptions of Kingsley Shacklebolt and Lord Malfoy. As they entered the room fell silent, and it seemed everyone was watching Severus and Hermione even though she walked in with Harry whilst Neville talked to Severus. And although three chairs had been placed next to Severus' at the head table, Hermione deliberately sat furthest away from him.
As Severus looked at Lucius' chair he felt his absence keenly especially following yesterday's notes. He realised he should have personally checked on Draco this morning, but Pius said he'd received a lunch invitation from Narcissa and would let him know if there was a problem. He chuckled to himself at Pius and Narcissa's sudden friendship.
In Lucius' absence Severus addressed the board. Hermione could sense his tension but to the casual observer he seemed his usual temple of calm and sarcasm. He quickly guided the meeting through the mundane elements of the agenda and after half an hour he finally said, "Finally we must discuss the issue of staffing."
He could feel an element of tension spread across the room but continued. "As you are aware, the war led to a number of resignations and facilitated a desire for retirement by a number of our staff. We also lost many of those who we could have called upon to teach certain subjects". His mind automatically went to Remus and Moody.
"In the board's infinite wisdom it has already approved the appointments of Mr. Harry Potter as Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor and Miss Hermione Granger to succeed Professor Slughorn as Potions Professor. However, circumstances change and both Professors Slughorn and Sprout have expressed their eagerness to reduce their teaching hours to concentrate on their pastoral positions. To this end, Professor Sprout has requested Mr Neville Longbottom as her apprentice and to take on some of her teaching duties and although Miss Granger will be apprenticing under myself, Professor Slughorn would appreciate her taking on some of his teaching duties. Mr. Potter will take on full teaching duties but will be under my supervision until Christmas.
"The staff and myself are in agreement that Mr. Potter, Miss Granger and Mr. Longbottom be appointed to the staff with immediate effect as assistant professors leading to full professorships at the start of the next school year.
"I hope that is self explanatory. Any questions?" Severus drawled.
"I have a few questions," a small voice said from the back. It was the mother of Millicent Bulstrode.
Hermione heard Severus say, Oh fuck off, you stupid woman, in her head.
Severus acknowledged Mrs. Bulstrode and asked "And they are?"
"Well," she said standing. "Mr. Potter, what makes you think you're qualified to teach your subject?"
"Because I've done it before. We formed a club in the fifth year and I taught Hermione and Neville. Let me demonstrate. Hermione?"
Hermione looked at him as he drew his wand and before the word Stupefy left his lips, Hermione had batted the spell away with her hand and thrown Harry against the wall. She put her hand to her mouth and looked on wide eyed with everyone else in the room, except for Severus who was trying not to laugh, before running over to help him up.
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
"Remind me never to piss you off," Harry groaned as he stood up and then said, " As you can see Mrs. Bulstrode, Hermione can more than adequately defend herself." He rubbed the back of his head. "She couldn't before I taught her!"
And then Neville piped up. "And he taught us to conjure a Patronus...Hermione's and Harry's are corporeal as well"
"Yes," Harry took over. "Mine is a stag, Hermione's is an otter."
"Fox," Severus muttered.
"Sorry, Headmaster," Harry asked puzzled.
"It's changed."
Harry dropped his voice. "What about yours?"
Severus nodded.
Harry smirked and whispered, "Nice one!"
"And," Harry continued, "I have a duelling champion in Professor Flitwick and one of the best fighters our world has ever seen in the headmaster should I require any assistance."
Professor Flitwick was thrilled to be acknowledged in this way and Severus just mumbled, "You're too kind. Potter".
"And you, Mr. Longbottom. Why should you join the staff?" Mrs. Bulstrode asked.
After a slow, stuttering start, Neville suddenly found his voice again and by the end of his impassioned speech, no one was in any doubt why he should be made a professor.
Then the question both Severus and Hermione had been dreading reared its ugly head. "So, Miss Granger? You may have chosen a career in potions but is that because of your relationship with-"
Before she could finish the question the doors of the Great Hall opened and all heads turned towards the gate crasher. "My sincerest apologies for my lateness, ladies and gentlemen...what have I missed?"
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